The BSA A7-A10 Forum
Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Wanted & For Sale => Topic started by: rolfdh9 on 26.10. 2023 16:46
I hope someone can help.
I need a Plus 60 A10 piston.
I would prefer 8.5:1 compression ratio but really anything will do.
I have a 1953 BB32 Gold Star engine. It is impossible to get a piston. The bore is 71mm and the barrel is on standard size but needs a rebore. A +60 A10 piston will be about 71.5mm the same as a +20 BB32 piston.
The distance of the top land above the gudgeon pin of the A10 piston is only 1mm more that of a BB32 piston. Apparently according the Auto Cycle this substitution has been done before.
Pairs of pistons cost about £260. I have seen some old original pistons but they are never +60 or they are very well worn.
So please has anyone got a +60 A10 piston they are willing to sell?
have you tried Mikes Classic Spares in Australia? He has a Std. BB32 piston for sale.
Maybe he can help with an oversize one.
i found these
edit.. sorry you're not looking for a pair..
here's one:
Hi Rolf,
I'm pretty sure I have one, but it is a 10:1
If I get a chance tomorrow I will dig it out and check the size etc.
I had it on our autojumble table and John Harding (piston man) said what it was
that was several years ago so working from memory
Hi Rolf,
Attached are photos of the piston I have, it has never been used but has a little oxidation that will clean off easily
I hope the dimensions are readable for you
I do not know why the photo's come out upside down *????*
I have a +0.060 9:1 AE piston (11412) spare if you are still looking. Been sat in my spares box for many years but should clean up OK. Where are you?
many years ago i fitted an A10 piston into a B31 but it needed a spacer under the barrel as the piston hit the head, made it out of a bit of sheet alloy i had and it ran just fine, it was a 9:1 and we went to a rally in Holland on it, ran just fine. i will look and see if i have any A10 pistons in the odds and sods box.
Thank you everyone for you help.
The problem has been solved.
Today I went to the auto jumble at Shepton Mallet in Somerset looking for a piston.
I looked around all of the halls several times. I went back into the main hall for the forth time when I spied a piston which looked interesting. No rings or pin but in good condition. The stall holder said it was BSA A10 +60 oversize. I could not believe it! I bought it straight away and then the stall holder told me that he was John Davies and he had seen my forum posting and brought the piston along incase I turned up at the show. Incredible! I always thought I was mad to keep on wandering around but it paid off.
Thank you John, thank you very much indeed.
I had a stall at shepton as well, was in the bottom hall
I am a Shepton regular as well, I picked up a pre ordered K2F from Paul of APL magnetos. Wish I had known you guys were there so I could have put names to faces. There was a chap outside who campaigns an A10 in a classic scrambler series (have a llook at the amazing Triumph of BNH racing). Anyway the A10 guy has had trouble with barrels breaking at the flange, 3 last year, I told him about my through bolted motor but forgot to say about knocking in a wedge of wood between the rocker box and frame which I read about on the forum!
About Rolf's piston, I have a '53 BB32 with a scruffy standard piston and also I have a new replacement from an earlier model, part number 65-794. This earlier piston looks the same but with a longer skirt, which can be shortened easily, and also flywheel scalops will need to be added which could be done with hand tools at a pinch.
Hope this helps
Thank you John, thank you very much indeed.
Glad I could help and good to chat to you yesterday.