The BSA A7-A10 Forum
Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Introductions, Stories, Meetings & Pictures => Topic started by: LJ. on 13.08. 2018 19:03
An interesting Subject line that could go on for ages because there is always something to tell. So tell us.... What have you done with your bike today? It can be a small job or large, we are just interested to know!
I'll start....
Been touching up the paintwork on my Nutley Blue A10... it looks ten times better!
Nuffink today.
Nout. Cleaned my guitars instead.
Waxed and polished the commando. *smile*
Unlocked the shed, wriggled my bike out, put another 2 psi in my front tyre, wriggled it back in and locked the shed again :!.
nowt much, went in garage gave her a pat as I went to a shelf and picked stuff up ,locked garage went out in van with stuff.
Replaced the hoses on the 1952 Land Rover following a coolant leak whilst out this morning.
Popped in for a hello in the garage, quick check of plugs (they same as ever). Check was due to inadvertantly putting in some 2stroke mix on Sat prior to a trip into Wales.
Checked the Rocker banjo orifices (orifi?). They are 1.14mm, so that is not causing the smoke. Hey, that is smaller than 3/64" ???Took off the tank and rocker covers, carb etc in preparation to study further. Looking at making/buying a leak-down tester. Got to go get my compression tester which is away from home. Also repaired the tailstock of the lathe. Not riding the BSA obviously.
Goosed by your inquiry, I decided to get busy wth tightening-down the top end to stem the oil leaks. So far, today, just tightened the base nuts, and most of them were dead loose. Rocker box off next/tomorrow. Deadline for getting done is Sunday, for the Norton Owners' Club Vintage Motorcycle Show.
Richard L.
Rocker boxers seem to be the go? had to take mine off the A10 yesterday to replace the gaskets, flattened it of with thick glass and wet and dry, it was a bit out so hope will fix the leak. *smile*
Checked everything over after re-assembly following a re-bore. Got rid of that nasty piston slap!
i have not been to the pub, I put up with piston slap for a year on one pot after they got too excited at the engineers , the piston got hammered and what an annoying sound it is TING TING TING TING TING TING , but I felt better when I heard a modern trident ticking over at Newark one day . sorry back on topic been in garage and guess what ? she got another pat *smile*
Getting the trailer and M23 ready for departure to 'The Island' on Sunday.
Absolutely nothing! Owing to being in that awful limbo that is conveyancing.
Workshed all packed up.
House is supposed to be sold but exchange keeps slipping. That would be not so bad BUT currently the completion date is firm!
Character building stuff but I really don't need it.
There must be so many better property transaction processes than the one we suffer in England.
Tried my hand at powder coating today, and yep the outcome is all in the preparation. So I am pretty pleased especially where some of my efforts are an improvement on the professional job done on another plunger A10 I have.
so I'll chalk that up as another good day n be grateful for it.
Gave the A7 a pat and a few words of adoration, then filled the A10 with petrol for tonight's VMCC run >:D
Same as I do every week day morning. Opened up my garage, stepped past my Loop frame (‘Jug’) that is currently parked on the lift table (for no reason other than space), pulled out my Sportster (‘Hardley’) from where it was leaning up against the wall in there, locked up again, freed the clutch (no kicker, pop into gear and push the bike about a bit with the clutch pulled in), fire up, crunch into gear and go. 6 miles across country later shut her down, park and lock up at the main line railways station.
When I get back there tonight c. 19:00 it will be pretty much a reverse procedure.
Walked past with smile on face knowing all is good with super rocket on the way past 1950 ES2 Norton on the way to start changing swing arm bushes on Mk 1 Rocket 3.
Life is good 😀
LJ is a slave driver. (Edited. Had that wrong for a minute and falsely acused Orabanda.)
Rocker box off and head retorqued, all while still in slacks worn home from work. Amazing how well the engine was running with so many moderately tight, or just loose, fasteners. So, only four days left to put her back together and adjust the valves.
Richard L.
Last night actually.... took off covers just to show a retired visitor my bikes. It always gives me pleasure when they admire them.
Out to a meeting last night on the MSS Velo. Started first kick both times despite an audience.
Last night actually.... took off covers just to show a retired visitor my bikes. It always gives me pleasure when they admire them.
I always tell anyone who stops to notice, "I appeciate the appreciation."
Richard L.
I had installed the DRV2 in the tool box.
I had some charging hiccups, so removed it from bike.
I drilled the smallest hole I could and used a tight fitting grommet because we have wasp problems. I would really prefer they never start coming out of the tool box while I am riding, too close to the bean bag for comfort.
Now I am having problems getting the wire leads back into the hole. *sad2*
Because of the pressure to do something, anything, I cleaned up rocker box and head mating surfaces. My God man, isn't that enough?!
Richard L.
Going off topic a bit... Dragged the Norton out of the corner where it has been sitting for more than 2 years. Did the usual checks - oil, tyres, made sure there was some petrol in the tank and it started first kick. What's not to like?
Just got back home from a couple of weeks visiting my mate in Townsville & was given this set of gauges... out in the shed today & figuring how the speedo would look on the plunger project.
I'm working on the Tank of the Flash, new taps so needed adaptors which arrived today, the last few days I've been cleaning the tank internally, noticed that it had been lined at some time (probably circa 2000, dent removed, chromed and painted by The Original Tank Doctor, made a damn nice job of it ckromes is still brilliant despite a good bit of winter running around 2000 -2005,)
Anyway some of the lining was loose so I sucked it out with a vacuum and treated the inside with rust neutraliser, pretty good stuff just poured it in and swished it around every hour or so.
So today had a look in the holes for the adapters, noticed partly blocked with liner, gave it a little prize with a small screwdriver and the whole lot came of and is now loose in the tank, a good thing if I can get it out, looking out some long stuff with a hook on the end.
Going into Wooler this afternoon so will get some more of the rust stuff.
Wish me luck.
PS Original tank Doctor made such a good job that a mate of mine decided to send his tank to him, he had a hell of a job getting it back, eventually drove down (Brum I think) to get it, think the bloke had some problems and folded, no connection as far as I know with the present Tank Doctor
(if he is still trading)
I had to remove a previous Caswell's lining in my tank. Not because the lining had failed, but because the frame juncture at the seat had worn a hole in the tank. Caswell's direction was to use paint stripper after protecting the exterior with a water soluble film. Used a lot of stripper and a lot of the liner came out, but plenty was left behind. Did similar to you, making my hook from a long strap of steel bent to access as far as I could. I sharpened the hook end on the grinder to get under flaking liner. Finally got as far as I thought I could. After fiber-glassing the rub spot, applied the new Caswell's, improved the rubber between frame and tank, and everything is great, so far
Richard L.
Edit: Oops. Guilty of off topic from "today". Welcome to moving to better topic.
G'day all.
What a hot topic. There's the same topic on the CB1100 forum.
Last week I picked up an 81 CB900F very rough non goer as spares for my 83 1100F. Well I couldn't help myself and just had to get it going. After a few nights of checking all the ignition components and cleaning the carbs she sill wouldn't go. Replaced the starter solenoid and got a few bangs. Reversed the coils (PO wasn't an electricians butt hole) and got it running very poorly. 3 pipes hot 1 pipe warm. Took 2 days to find a dying spark plug was the culprit.
So tonight I did the valve shims, all 16 of the buggers. Got 15 of them spot on but out of the 20 or so spare shims I was short 1 size. Bugga. All a bit academic as I know the lump has to come out for new cam chains and god knows what else.
I was hoping to get it running and hidden before the wife comes home on Monday *evil*
Looked at the BSA's and blew them a kiss.
Is this the chap ? -
Polished it up for a Vintage bike Show on Sunday
Is this the chap ?
Could Be Roy
Well got it all out without too much hassle
pic of the stuff and tools used to remove it( had not been swished about much twas all at the tap end, got to put some fuel in now and make sure the stuff wasn't really needed.
Remove stainless steel fuel pipes been on for 4 year but have suddenly started leaking lots *problem*. Remove one fuel tap plunger and drop in boiling water as this was seeping. Take tank off to investigate strange vibrating noise, found head steady loose and top tube foam has rolled around the tube. Put tank back on and plunger back in. Had enough so go to pub. Come back tomorrow to see if any of this fixes the petrol all over the place problems *smile*
Took the rockerbox off from the SA (fetching rockerboxes seems to be popular nowadays *smile*) to replace the aluminium pushrods by decent steel ones with hardened cap. Those aluminium pushrods chewed away faster than I could adjust them... *angry* *pull hair out* Absolute rubbish!
After adjusting the gaps took her for a really long ride. Didn't miss a beat!!
This evening I fitted lash caps to the inlet valves and readjusted valve clearances.
wowser tmow I go to the pub but today I turned up some nylon to enable me to fit yokes in the featherybed. this is because 1,- I don't have the bearings, and 2 I might be fitting discy japppy forks. this will stop the front end clunking about while I study back wheel alignment and engine mount bracket places for the BSA pre unit.
wowser tmow I go to the pub but today I turned up some nylon to enable me to fit yokes in the featherybed. this is because 1,- I don't have the bearings, and 2 I might be fitting discy japppy forks. this will stop the front end clunking about while I study back wheel alignment and engine mount bracket places for the BSA pre unit.
Ooh! Gotta report before midnight. Installed rocker box. Intake pushrods causing more truoble than usual, but OK, now.
Richard L.
wowser tmow I go to the pub but today I turned up some nylon to enable me to fit yokes in the featherybed. this is because 1,- I don't have the bearings, and 2 I might be fitting discy japppy forks. this will stop the front end clunking about while I study back wheel alignment and engine mount bracket places for the BSA pre unit.
Double 'Huh' first, then counter 'Huh' and 'Double huh....I think berger is experimenting... to see how not going to the pub will help graft bits together without the middle bits... *conf2* *beer* *beer* ..
I went to the pub and ended up being the oldest swinger in the night club. body has been punished but it was all good at the time *countdown*, yes dutch you are on it nylon collars where the bearings fit in the headstock to stop things wobbling about when pushing rolling chassis about. I am very slowly getting round to lining bits up to fit a BSA pre unit in featherybed that maybe has seen several engines in its life and some engine mount brackets have been chopped off, not too drastic though they were kind enough to cut them with some left to weld on to in the future *smile*
I rode to the house of one of my sons and read stories to my granddaughter. Later I washed the bike in preparation for a VMCC club ride tomorrow morning.
Nothing on the bike but I have just had a delivery of a double glazed window for the garage. That should stop windows dripping with condensation over the winter and keep the damp away from the bikes. *work*
I changed the grips to some new vibration absorbing type I read about on a modern bike forum.
They are horrible, the old puffy ones ( Amal style, Softon OKG from Japan) are going back on immediately.
My hands are still tingling after a ten Mile ride!
That was not a problem before.
Attended Bristol bike show today (yesterday, it's after midnight) on my A10. Great show hooked up with some mates. Had a major issue when it came to leave. Couldn't get the bike into neutral. The kickstart would not push down even with the clutch engaged (disengaged?). Was able to move bike so knew clutch was fine. Have had problems with the kickstart quad jamming and usually frees up by putting in gear and rocking bike. Not today! Being convinced that i am stuck in third i think why not give it a go and see if i can make it home through the busy city traffic. A nice gentleman on a t......h gave me a push to jumpstart, popped my lid on my head, put my gloves in my pocket and wished me good luck. Off i set through the crowds revving like mad and slipping the clutch. Managed to find top gear (my brain had melted at this point) Pulling away from the lights and roundabouts was fun(?). Was only when i got onto a clear, fast road that my idiocy became clear. Guess who forgot which way the gears go? TWAT (seems to be the word of the day). All the time i had been failing to find neutral i had been in top stamping downwards (looking for 5th?). Stopping and starting became a lot easier when i worked out that i could find lower gears just by lifting the lever up a notch! Serves me right for considering taking an alternative vehicle (bmw). Will be checking primary chain tension on the morrow. Needed a few beers to help me learn to continue living with an idiot (T..T).
Good one Glen.
Modern grips are for modern bikes that don't vibe let alone shake!
Went for 200 mile ride for lunch at Bermagui Pub. Guess what I forgot to do before leaving home??? PUT IN MY TEETH!!!!! Good job fish was on the menu!
You'll have to change your handle to GUMMY BEAR. ;)
Put in a couple of hundred miles in the Northern fastness but then got a puncture. Didn't quite have all I needed to fix it. Had to call out the recovery Van of Shame. Must review toolkit!
Filling in for yesterday: adjusted valves, fitted valve covers, emptied sump. changed oil and filter, dressed wires and hoses, trimmed one plug wire to correct length after discovering the plug cap was falling apart, replaced plugs, cut new rocker banjo gaskets from gasket stock, replaced tach cover screws and lock wire.
Today: wahsed and polsihed, rode 20 miles to local vintage bike show.
This moment. siitting inside the Triumph dealer where the show is happening and waiting for the judging results. Prediction: 2nd place BSA of nine, assuming one of the original or survivor A65's will win out over my bike, which some might think of as tarted-up.
LJ, are you sorry you asked?
I'm going to post some pics in a few minutes.
Richard L
Update: did not place in show. Three places taken by A65s because they are so rare and hard to keep going. No, not bitter at all. I voted for the B50
Richard L.
Just starting my second project of the year. I thought I might build the engine first so had a good look at the crankcases, nothing to see really.... until I saw some PO had sawn the end off Popeye's pipe! I wasn't aware that there is a shortage of 5.5mm ball bearings! Why else would anybody do this? I spent half an hour on the lathe making a new end and brazed it on with 5.5mm ball installed. Will be sourcing a crank tomorrow, and helping a mate with squeaky fork springs so will spend the afternoon removing mice or slapping grease all over the place. Will report which was required tomorrow evening.
hi guys, beezermac can you explain( PO had sawn the end off Popeye's pipe!) cheers
hi guys, beezermac can you explain( PO had sawn the end off Popeye's pipe!) cheers
I’ll have a guess.....the sump pick up pipe?
hi guys, beezermac can you explain( PO had sawn the end off Popeye's pipe!) cheers
I’ll have a guess.....the sump pick up pipe?
Correct! The bottom 4mm had been neatly sawn off so the ball bearing was missing but the horizontal bar which stops the ball bearing getting sucked up the pipe was still in place. I've no idea why anybody would do that. It was a good job I spotted it before assembling a bottom end without the anti-drain valve in place. For those who aren't aware, the purpose of this is to prevent the return side of the pump draining into the sump whilst standing. If the return side of the pump dries out completely there is the danger that it won't suck when the bike is started, a common problem on new rebuilds if you don't prime the pump properly.
Nice to see this topic so busy, not sorry I asked at all. I find it a real source of encouragement to get on and do things, and you guys seem to be doing that just nicely.
What have I been up to? Well.... Nothing much with my A10s as they are in good fettle but will check over the Blue A10 later this week before Missus and I go away in campervan with bike on trailer, want to go to the Brighton Ace Cafe run next month, will be posting pictures of that on the day.
Meanwhile in shed.... M21 gets a paintwork touch up, been doing that for the last couple of weeks. I'm using a Landrover brushing cellulose paint and it's fantastic stuff to work with, nice and thick, easy flowing. Will be done in a day or two and ready for the Wimbotsham classic bike show
Anyone with one of these bikes will know of the quick detach rear wheel which is kinda 'frighteningly so'! Just one long spindle bolt and one nut is all that holds the wheel on. :o
Anyone with one of these bikes will know of the quick detach rear wheel which is kinda 'frighteningly so'! Just one long spindle bolt and one nut is all that holds the wheel on. :o
Same as my Plungie then?
Mounted speedo and cable today.
First time since I have owned it that the bike is in one complete piece.
Yesterday I took part in a VMCC ride of 60 miles around Banbury, Oxfordshire. Some great machines took part. Sorry I have no photo's.
Rode out on my Loop frame Eldorado – ‘Jug’ to The Trip Out up in the wilds of Suffolk for the weekend. Camped out on the Saturday night amongst the psychedelic weirdness of it all. Bike ran very nicely, it is more a state of mind when out and about on that one. Single sided TLS on the front is awful though, I put new shoes in but next up will be rearranging the lever angles and making up a stouter cable.
The pal I went with did comment that I don’t seem to use my A10 much. I guess I just don’t ride that much generally, and I have a few other rides available.
'Loop frame Eldorado'
Moto Guzzi. Have I got that right?
Took the plunger for a drive and visited my parents on the way. When leaving their driveway I managed to stall the bike and fall off it. No damage apart from a scratched front mudguard and a bruised ego... *bash*
Took the plunger for a drive and visited my parents on the way. When leaving their driveway I managed to stall the bike and fall off it. No damage apart from a scratched front mudguard and a bruised ego... *bash*
Too many sherry's?
Took the plunger for a drive and visited my parents on the way. When leaving their driveway I managed to stall the bike and fall off it. No damage apart from a scratched front mudguard and a bruised ego... *bash*
Too many sherry's?
If it where that I would have at least had something to blame but myself...
Took the plunger for a drive and visited my parents on the way. When leaving their driveway I managed to stall the bike and fall off it. No damage apart from a scratched front mudguard and a bruised ego... *bash*
Too many sherry's?
If it where that I would have at least had something to blame but myself...
Imagine what they are saying about you now. 'Still messing about with motorcycles at his age! Do you know, he fell off it at the end of the drive? Really?'
'Loop frame Eldorado'
Moto Guzzi. Have I got that right?
Yes, it's a late '72 850 5 speed. Still the V twin that you will be familiar with seeing - the Loop frame pre-dates the Tonti frame that followed; that one named for its designer. I think there was some overlap on use of the frames around 1973/74.
Ordered a set of headers & mufflers for the plunger from Freked..
Fingers crossed they show up in a week or 2.. *smile*
......I think there was some overlap on use of the frames around 1973/74....
Yep youbetcha- but yours probably has a genny/Alternator up top, whereas others like my T have a crank-end alternator The 'T's ' like mine were only made a couple of years '73-5/'74-5/6(?) and most parts are same as T3/LM's,, but some are same as late 750Sport(which had 3 versions) or *pull hair out* maybe S3...I only recently found a actual 850T parts list and printed that quick-as before it went AWOL too...does yours have a right hand gear shifter/left brake - proper stuff *smile*?
Ordered a set of headers & mufflers for the plunger from Freked..
Fingers crossed they show up in a week or 2.. *smile*
I've been happy with the set I bought from them, but that was six years ago so I hope they are still good quality. I did buy another silencer from them a few years ago because I decided that the baffles were rattling.
Spent an hour looking for my piston ring compressors. No Luck - might have to do it the old way.
...does yours have a right hand gear shifter/left brake - proper stuff *smile*?
I think mine is maybe Kansas police though it has been in the UK a long time now. The last owner had it 14 years and I bought it last Autumn. It is fitted with what I think are probably after market foot boards - but possibly to a police specification. They are quite expansive - as in I can wander about on them and stretch my legs whilst in motion. Nearly.
From what I can see, with this set up you can run the shift/brake on either side via some cross shafts under the gearbox. Mine is actually set up for left foot shift on a rocker pedal ... that is awkward enough that for now I have bolted a block of wood on the heel part to make it more ergonomic. Interestingly, perhaps, the shift pattern is reversed - one up and then four down.
A mate nearby had promised me 2 valve caps. So I started my bike (later I imply which), but still looked in the oil tank and saw that was too little in there. So properly refilled. Then driven to him all was good and works fine *smile*. When I got there, he stood in his yard, hearing me from afar. As I parked the motorcycle on the sidestand, the breather hose spilled about a pint of oil on his yard, which was very very embarrassing!
He made big eyes *eek* and immediately ran for a bowl and a rag.
Explanation: I misinterpreted the wet sumping and filled in too much oil!
Qoute from anonymous:
(Can't help it, but some how I have got the feeling that a lot of Ariel owners fancy a BMW.
It allways makes me wonder what it is why people are attracted to this lifeless Teutonic vehicle instead of a genuine oil incontinent beast from Albion ) *smile*
Today I adjusted my tappets again, checked and topped-up the gearbox, inflated the tyres and went for a happy spin on country roads.
I had to have words with a woman driver. When she stopped I pulled up next to her open window and said; "How come I can do hand signals but you cannot use your indicators?" She looked rather surprised! I didn't wait to hear her response but just roared off feeling very superior. If she was anything like my missus she would have been furious about being criticised!
Oh, and I forgot but a couple of days ago I fitted a new clock to the handlebars.
I misinterpreted the wet sumping and filled in too much oil!
Yup, done that! *smile*
Took crankshaft to local engineers to have 10 thou taken off big ends, and timing side journal made round. Reassembled the gearbox which I took out of my RGS lookalikeabit (because it now has an RRT2), so STD gearbox now on shelf ready to fit in next project. ...Oh and yesterday fixed my mate's squeaky forks which turned out to be tight springs so fixed with handful of grease - no squeaky mice found! Had a cup of tea with my mate who has a Tribsa who has just fitted one of my mags and he visited to report how the new mag is performing, modesty prevents me passing said information any further!.... Oh and fitted an Optimate charger lead to my Gold Star...Busy,busy!!
Unbolted the seat from my V50 last night. It's been gaffer taped up for a few years now and the base is getting to look quite rusty.
Pulled all of the cover off and then managed to part the foam from the base without too much collateral damage. Base is less frail than I feared. It will get a buzz over and some Smoothrite sprayed over it. I have a burn in the foam to fill in. Then a new cover; thought I had one kicking around but not sure where now. Otherwise they are available on ebay at no great cost.
While on a ride I got stung on the chest by a bee. I brushed a tickle away and felt the sting! I was taking part in an organised ride so could not stop. The pain kept coming back. When I got home and looked in a mirror I could see the stinger, along with its poison sack still embedded in my tender young flesh! Bloody thing must have been pumping poison into me all the time! Such fun.
While on a ride I got stung on the chest by a bee. I brushed a tickle away and felt the sting! I was taking part in an organised ride so could not stop. The pain kept coming back. When I got home and looked in a mirror I could see the stinger, along with its poison sack still embedded in my tender young flesh! Bloody thing must have been pumping poison into me all the time! Such fun.
The new speculation will be, "How many stings does it take to take GB out of an organized ride?" GB es muy macho. Was this a topless ride?
Richard L.
While on a ride I got stung on the chest by a bee............ Bloody thing must have been pumping poison into me all the time! Such fun.
That's enough to give anyone the HeBee GeeBees..... *whistle*
And to think GB got such a buzz outa that ride too. (well I'll bee)
The new speculation will be, "How many stings does it take to take GB out of an organized ride?" GB es muy macho. Was this a topless ride?
The weather is still quite warm here so I had my jacket unzipped at the top.
Rode the Norton on the Tuesday night VMCC run, last to leave in the dark, started first kick, switch on lights… no lights. Play with switches, wires anything…. No lights. Get picked up and use van to bring it home in disgrace. Just looked at it checked dynamo (had problem before), looked OK, check battery fully charged, took out fuse not blown DAMIK. Put fuse back in and Leant on horn button load beep, and everything worked again. Now I have rechecked it three times and it all works and I can not break it. I think this bike hates me.
it may happen again, I had a fuse holder that I let drive me round the bend for a week. then ripped the darn thing out put another one in and no more problems.
Yesterday when I started the bike it did not want to rev.
I had fouled the left plug.
The bike has 40 or fifty miles now so I pulled off the rocker box and retorqued the head.
Got 1/4 to 3/8 turn out of each, but the two forwardmost took 3/4 turn each.
I am hoping that's why the left is a bit oily, and it's not a guide. I reamed them by hand, and I could have super sized one. We will see.
Set the valve clearance, and hope to be able to ride it later.
finished making up new fuel lines, put some fuel in the tank and proceeded to give the engine a fire up.
Have had multiple problems with the carb all cured, my brother and nephew have been really impressed how easy this Flash is to start, just a third of kickstart travel and off she goes, not today tho, not a cheep, good spark, so what have I done, I changed the throttle cable, slide goes up and down with the twistgrip, fuel works fine in the lawnmower, got to be something simple.
Maybe your brother and nephew have to be there for it to start? Having a hard time understanding which work was done between impressing the relatives and not starting.
Richard L.
Got M21 paint touching up done... Went for a ride yesterday bike all over the place, thought I had somehow tightened up the steering damper or got some paint in there which had dried out. Turns out on checking things...and lining up rear wheel which was just a quarter of an inch out, there was a bolt that was just a tad too long touching tyre. All fixed now!
Had a blocking rear wheel a few days ago on ride in the mountains. Now I was inspecting the oil in the sump for traces of metal... couldn't find anything suspicious. I suppose when it's getting colder, I will take off the head and the barrels to have a look at the pistons and rings.
Had to make new screw for anti wet sump valve out of 3/8 whitworth bar, previous had been bodged when removed. Collected crankshaft from grinding shop, cleaned crankcases, fitted drive side bearing and timing side bush but still have to ream it out.... tomorrow's job, along with fitting sludge trap.
Having a hard time understanding which work was done between impressing the relatives and not starting.
Me too, nothing wrong with the throttle cable.
A rather far fetched theory, I treated the tank with rust remover, was impressed with it. swished petrol around the tank to flush out any residue, took three goes before the petrol came out clean, now I wonder could the treatment have left a chemical that has reacted with the petrol reducing it's potency, I rather doubt it but have swished some more petrol around the tank in case it did.
took carb to bits to check noting amiss , damn thing started to leak at jet cover nut again, think I have it sussed maybe you got to leave the jet block locating screw very loose before you tighten up the jet cover nut ---- maybe.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow …...
You recently mentioned collapsed and torn (?) petrol taps. Now we learn about rust remover. Maybe rust dust (or other crud) has blocked the pilot circuit.
Richard L.
Hoping the new horn and oil filter will turn up for 'Hardley' the Sportster today. Horn was somehow damaged in the attempted theft the other week, and it seems I am used to using it quite a lot. Bike must be due an oil change by now.
What other bike make can you think of where you are offered the option of a chrome plated oil filter?
Maybe rust dust (or other crud) has blocked the pilot circuit.
flow from the taps is good Richard, but very slow to get the tickler to flood the carb, there is I think something going on there, it's a plastic float but not the fully round one, it has a flat section on top, the tickler when pressed down does push the float down but not by very much (couple of mil?) enough to let the float needle drop but not by a lot.
Certainly the feeling I got when it would not fire was it was getting no fuel
Got the float chamber working last night but still have a slight weep at the jet cover nut, it's as if it is still grounding before it's up tight yet an extra fibre washer doesn't cure it.
more investigation needed, with some fine measuring involved
Hoping the new horn and oil filter will turn up for 'Hardley' the Sportster today. Horn was somehow damaged in the attempted theft the other week, and it seems I am used to using it quite a lot. Bike must be due an oil change by now.
What other bike make can you think of where you are offered the option of a chrome plated oil filter?
I believe RichardL has a chromed one. And his oil filter.
Every time I go to use one of my bikes I have a fuel tap problem. I have tried all sorts in the past - even re-corking old style taps.
Had the problem again on my 52 Matchless G80 rigid so I fitted some brass taper barrel petcocks from Feked. At least if they start to leak I can lap them in again.
There's always this.
Thanks to an increasing paranoia of possible theft of speedo I have made one of these this afternoon...
Hi All.
Thought I would give the Notrun Commando a start today as it hasn't run for almost a week to pump the oil back into the tank. Well it started first push of the button but was running rough and wouldn't tick over, So I increased the throttle stops on the carbs which then ticked over but still missing on one pot. I recently tightened the rocker cover nuts and had to take out one of the h/t leads off the coil to get the ring spanner on to the nut to tighten it and forgot to put it back in the coil. *doh*. Spent another 15 minuets adjusting the carbs.
Thanks to an increasing paranoia of possible theft of speedo I have made one of these this afternoon...
How does it stop someone with a socket.?
Richard L.
Started both A’s. Not sure I have totally got away with the wet sumping episode on the A10, she spat black smoke on startup (not seen that before), was fine on fast idle but with a rev she defiantly smokes a bit now from both sides. Oh well its about time she had some TLC so a winter strip it will be to see what she needs.
Sort of nearly forgiven the Norton so checked and topped up the chain case.
G'day Angus.
Black smoke is fuel. Could the carb be flooding?
Thanks to an increasing paranoia of possible theft of speedo I have made one of these this afternoon...
How does it stop someone with a socket.?
Richard L.
It doesn't really Richard, but its less likely that someone will have a 11mm socket in the pocket than a pair of pliers. Just helps to make things a little more awkward. :-\ :-\
Skimmed the timing side bush and assembled the bottom end. Found some barrels and brazed a repair on a missing bottom fin. Quite pleased with myself!
I am on Vacation all week so I have time to do important work.
Front brake squealed so bad it was embarrassing to ride in town. Tore that down, greased the brake shoe stand offs and we will see if that helps.
Since day one the gear box has been perfect except for shifting up to first- that could be how they all are I just dont know (is this normal or do I have a problem?) I went for a 20 mile ride, and by the end, the clutch was dragging. So it did not do this until pretty warm.
Gears were all a bit crunchy and had to use the throttle a lot more for shifting purposes, Tore the primary off, cleaned the ATF out and replaced with 10w-40. Switched out a plain plate that might have been warped, adjusted the chain and am putting it back together.
Oh, and got the much longer fork top nuts installed. Feel much better knowing there is more than one pinch bolt and 2 threads holding it together.
Since I had the gearbox overhauled the changing is smooth as a horses fart. Make sure your clutch is not dragging.
Chamfering the leading edges of the brake shoes should help stop brake squeal. The gearchanges should be be smooth and easy. It does sound as though your clutch is dragging rather badly.
Thanks to an increasing paranoia of possible theft of speedo I have made one of these this afternoon...
How does it stop someone with a socket.?
Richard L.
It doesn't really Richard, but its less likely that someone will have a 11mm socket in the pocket than a pair of pliers. Just helps to make things a little more awkward. :-\ :-\
Yes, you're right. Thieves look for the easy take. An unlocked car door, an open window on your house, a purse held loosely by the strap, etc. So simple, I didn't catch the point.
Richard L.
I went for a 20 mile ride, and by the end, the clutch was dragging. So it did not do this until pretty warm.
If it is of any consolation to you, I have exactly the same problem. I have spent literally hours and hours tearing the clutch down and adjusting it. I have stripped and reassembled the clutch five times now. I still have the problem, and I have absolutely no idea what to do next. I am seriously contemplating buying a new clutch.
Have had a day in the garage with the a10. Have hopefully found out what the tapping noise was. (after a 20 mile shake down the sound of a little man with a hammer tapping in timing case has been making me nervous). Bravely exposed timing side to disconnect dynamo drive to eliminate that. took off inner primary to have a look and found the camshaft woodruff key out and about! Have been having fun getting it all back together and now she won't start (timing out i reckon) . More fun tomorrow, back on my knees, bloodied but no broken (yet).
G'day Jamie.
Ah another common problem. The key is/should be a snug fit in the pinion keyway. When putting the cam pinion on care must be taken to ensure the key isn't pushed out of it's home in the shaft. 1: it can fall out. 2: it may dislodge and damage the bush.
Now the bad news. If it slipped on the shaft far enough a valve may have kissed/or worse a piston. A compression check will soon tell you.
Doubt if any of this has altered the ignition timing.
Good luck.
New Pipes for the plunger turned up this morning from Freked...
Great quality & cant complain about the service, 5 days from order to delivery to my door in Australia..
I'll be installing them tomorrow.. *woo*
found the camshaft woodruff key out a
how did that get out and about, I know my camshaft has the usual chip out of it (cackhanded owner - ME) where the key goes but didn't think the key could exit via that, if it can maybe a thin large washer before the nut
Hi Musky, thanks for comments. Had to remove mag adv ret unit to re-site the cam pinion. Was pleased that key was nicely held on inner timing cover, looks poss for it to wander into places i would wish to avoid! Yes Bill mine is loose in the camshaft and it took many attempts to refit pinion, managed it bit by bit whilst holding/pushing key with skinny screwdriver. The good news is she started this morn, unable to test ride as weather is foul here. Need to sort tools and garage as big mess out there. Just want her to hold together for the DGR!
Also will be out there with my little camera down plughole to check piston kissing? Poor fitting and not checking on recent rebuild cause for it's out and aboutness.
Just want her to hold together for the DGR!
Aah! Good!
Also will be out there with my little camera down plughole to check piston kissing?
A particular kind of voyeurism that takes a certain type to appreciate. *smile*
Richard L.
Went out on my 'daily rider' (scruffy Super Rocket) to a bike gathering near Crewe. Got soaking wet, had a horrible beefburger for lunch. Got home, had a hot shower, now sneezing like an elephant and got serious case of 'the trots'!
Went out on my 'daily rider' (scruffy Super Rocket) to a bike gathering near Crewe. Got soaking wet, had a horrible beefburger for lunch. Got home, had a hot shower, now sneezing like an elephant and got serious case of 'the trots'!
After this morning's weather forecast I'm surprised you went out on a bike.
I was also out on the A10 today, dry to start with at 9.15 am but chucking it down by 12.15. Bike had a nasty clutch slip first thing by feel of the kick start, this has been happening for a while now and is one of those jobs that need sorting sooner or later. Nice run, did cover the magneto when parked as the rain was kinda expected. I must admit though, I was riding gingerly in the wet conditions especially after the long dry weather.
Went out on my 'daily rider' (scruffy Super Rocket) to a bike gathering near Crewe. Got soaking wet, had a horrible beefburger for lunch. Got home, had a hot shower, now sneezing like an elephant and got serious case of 'the trots'!
After this morning's weather forecast I'm surprised you went out on a bike.
Was dragged out by the Chairman of our branch determined to 'network' with other clubs. Didn't want to let him down. He's ex-management but forgotten he's retired sometimes!
I went for a 20 mile ride, and by the end, the clutch was dragging. So it did not do this until pretty warm.
If it is of any consolation to you, I have exactly the same problem. I have spent literally hours and hours tearing the clutch down and adjusting it. I have stripped and reassembled the clutch five times now. I still have the problem, and I have absolutely no idea what to do next. I am seriously contemplating buying a new clutch.
Except I did a GS550 clutch conversion.... *doubt*
I also completely rebuilt the box...maybe I am wrong and its not drag. Maybe we are chasing rainbows and its something else *????*
I will keep working on this and keep you up to date.
Rode it. Not charging by end of ride. A new story will unfold (no guarantee it will be interesting).
Fitted the new exhaust.. *woo*
Fitted the new exhaust.. *woo*
I'm really pleased to see that Feked still have decent exhausts.
They look slightly different bends to the ones I used first and the current crappy ones....but look ok- how much for the headers + shipping?
Looks like you have the wheels set up for the they say 'it's like riding on rails'..... *smile*
G'day Woz.
Lookin' good mate. Is that a Goldie front hub?
Yes duTch, they still have trams down there.
Fitted the new exhaust.. *woo*
I'm really pleased to see that Feked still have decent exhausts.
Same as yours GB.. I had to cut 2" off the length of the headers coz they were hitting the baffles inside the mufs.. holding the mufflers back from the mounting pin.. all good now..
onto the wheels... 8" 1/2 brake Musky... do Goldies have those? *whistle*
....Yes duTch, they still have trams down there....
Yep I found that out when I was coming into town on Coburg Rd. fro the Hume in the 4x on a rainy night, and had to pull up at the lights ....I like the trams and Melbs public tranny when I don't have my own transport
My Plungo isn't stock, but had to cut 4" off the bottom end and 30mm off the top to make it fit even close, but still need to cut and shut at the top to make it work better (the bottom radius is too big, and top radius too small)...yeah one day
Fitted the new exhaust.. *woo*
I'm really pleased to see that Feked still have decent exhausts.
Same as yours GB.. I had to cut 2" off the length of the headers coz they were hitting the baffles inside the mufs.. holding the mufflers back from the mounting pin.. all good now..
onto the wheels... 8" 1/2 brake Musky... do Goldies have those? *whistle*
Yes, my Feked supplied downpipes are very long. Didn't cause a problem fitting the silencers so I left them long. They go about six inches into the silencer. People have noted that the exhaust tone of my bike is rather lovely, so I think the longer downpipes are skipping some of the baffles.
Took the A10 for a little pootle. 50 in 2nd, 70 in third did not wined it on much more in 4th. Did it four times on a 30 mile run, took her home and then checked for smoke NONE *smile* (Ok a little but nothing like the other day). Plugs a little blacker then I would like but they always have been.
Took the A10 for a little pootle. 50 in 2nd, 70 in third did not wined it on much more in 4th. Did it four times on a 30 mile run, took her home and then checked for smoke NONE *smile* (Ok a little but nothing like the other day). Plugs a little blacker then I would like but they always have been.
Have you tried cutting the engine while riding fast and then checking the plugs? The pootling as you leave the fast roads and head home tends to soot the plugs.
Not Goldie, Musky, standard A10 before 1953.
Thanks Trev, lumps on inside fooled me. Cheers
Have been out for a 40 mile blast after timing side re-assemble after finding wandering woodruff key. little man with hammer may have gone but now have other issues (timing, plugs, fuel to name but a few). Took some photos of piston crowns, Any comments appreciated,. Is the small brown band at the top of bore, larger at bottom the norm. Am aware that one crown is showing quite a bit of carbon, am assuming burnt oil from guide or ring. will now attempt to post pictures and expect things to start crashing (website, laptop).
Have you tried cutting the engine while riding fast and then checking the plugs? The pootling as you leave the fast roads and head home tends to soot the plugs.
Have done plug chops in the past on both on the A7 and A10 and the best I have got is a hint of chocolate colour on the electrode. Both run fine as does the A10 now so not that concerned. I did try going one hotter plug to BP5HS on the Norton that gave a better plug colour but had no noticeable effect on running so I have not changed the A10’s until last night. Not ridden yet so will update when I do.
Fitted timing gear, oil pump and inner timing cover to latest project. Got frame out of loft!
Started the A7 wiring from scratch, beginning with the lever-mounted horn and cut-out buttons, then the rear light/brake light/earth in sleeving and run to the rear light.
Still waiting for the supplies of bullet etc to turn up.. *sad2*
I have not been to the pub, so today I ground down the outer race of an old gearbox bearing to make life easier fitting it ready to get the sprockets and things lined up in the featherybed frame. put the forks in and started sorting loads more bits until the workmen next door wanted to look at betsy beezer and talk about the norbsa project. this is going to be a long job , infact maybe that long I might have a modern phone to take some piccies. I know you lot like piccies *smile*
Had a senior moment today.
I have not used my SR much over the past couple of years partly due to other bike projects and partly due to the alarming shuddering from the Triumph TLS front brake. I finally got round to investigating it today - I had convinced myself that the drum needed skimming so I have booked the wheel in for tomorrow to have it done.
So it was up on the bench, ratchet strap the back end down to lift the front wheel up and out with the wheel.
While the front was in the air I thought I would check the steering head bearings and discovered a helluva lot of play. I remembered that I replaced the fork stanchions about four years ago and it looks like the head bearings have settled in and all the grease had squeezed out and made them really loose - doooooh *problem* *problem*
The drum does not look in the best of shape so I will get it done tomorrow anyway but if it was just a little out then that would be magnified by the sloppy steering head bearings.
Looking forward to riding it a bit more now after replacing a set of moody mag pick ups and brushes and sorting out a sticky clutch so it goes well - now I should be able to stop as well!
There is every chance my A10 won’t get ridden again this year. Just due to other stuff really. I do have some slight clutch slip occurring when pushing on, there is some oil seeping at the top end – I’m thinking rocker box gaskets. Just another one to go up on the table over winter I guess. Might be time to consider swapping out that old six spring for something better.
And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Sometimes when I use that old six-spring
I think about you, wonder what went wrong
put tank back on, made a better bracket for the DVR2, padded out the battery compartment so the bettery doesn't jiggle about, found (after much searching in the "others" nuts and bolt case the two nuts that hold the seat on ,think they are UNF or is it BSF , a cycle thread goes on about three turns ?.
Also discovered that what I thought was a leak around the sump plate is in fatc oil that has travelled from around the oil lines junction ( the R and F fixings) and seems to originate there - starnge
Built a 12v dynamo for the latest project. Just taken most of the cycle parts to the powder coating shop. The frame and swinging arm had already been done when I bought the bike. I'm going to use stainless guards and I'll paint the tool box, oil tank and petrol tank myself. Working on the cylinder head today.
found (after much searching in the "others" nuts and bolt case the two nuts that hold the seat on ,think they are UNF or is it BSF , a cycle thread goes on about three turns ?.
Could be metric... on my SA the saddle has a label with "Wassel" on a union jack background but the bolt holes are definitely M8 ;)
Could be metric
Cheers Morris - the seat is not BSA, I had it recovered by Leighton about 2000 and it came back with a note to say it was after market, the studs I put in myself, free from work?? with nuts , what has happened is I took the seat off and stored the nuts somehere ??, probably had a clean up and cucked them in the "other" nuts and bolts box as there were only two nuts in there that fitted the seat I guess that's them.
Don't like not having a spare tho
I found a box of magneto bits , a back plate with points and 2 spare mag pick ups ,one had the carbon pickup stuck solid so spent an hour cleaning the backplate and grinding the points flat and shinny they attacked the pickup after 20 mins i had the offending carbon out and the pickup usable again put them safely away with my other maggy bits ,just hope I remember where *doh*, then checked the clutch bits on my Honda awaiting a cover gasket for it from Silvers then maybe will be able to sell it on.
Put bike on trailer ready for a couple of weeks away in campervan. Going to south coast between Brighton and Eastbourne. Will do the Brighton Ace Cafe run and Brighton Burn up this weekend. Should be good.... watch this space!
I'm putting up plasterboard on the ceiling of downstairs bog.
Had the front drum on the SR skimmed - only needed about 10 thou off to true it. The guy that did it mentioned that the rim was running a bit eccentricaly but I said that I was a bit eccentric too so it should not matter ;)
The wheel is back in now so I will give it a blast tomorrow and see if the brake still shudders. I may need to take the tyre off and adjust the spokes to true up the rim.
Hoped to try out the 1907 Vince-Ely but ended up driving a friend to the local abbatoir. Well he hasn't been well and a bit depressed and it's cheaper than a flight to Zurich...
Found the cylinder head for my latest project. Thought it'd be a case of 'tidy up and fit' but no.... *sad2*.... big chunk of fin missing, valve guides totally shot; in fact the exhaust guides had got bits missing which seemed to have escaped without doing any damage - doesn't seem possible. Maybe the PO had fixed the valves without changing the guides? Anyway, fitted new guides and brazed a new fin on the head. Will grind the valves in tomorrow. Club night tonight so getting the Goldie out.
Hoped to try out the 1907 Vince-Ely but ended up driving a friend to the local abbatoir. Well he hasn't been well and a bit depressed and it's cheaper than a flight to Zurich...
Totally lost me on this... *conf*
Instead of working (for money) I got lost in this forum... *whistle*
G'day all.
God I luv my BSA's. Been working on an 81 CB900F every night for a fortnight. Everything I look bat is either worn out, broken or bodged (some people should not have access to tools). Started as a quick start up and tune. Cleaned carbs, new coils & leads, spare pipes off 1100, starter solenoid, adjust shims and got her fired. Horrible top end noise turned out broken top cam chain tensioner. Cams out to change it and measured the chain. Bugga std is 175mm wear limit is 177mm this one is 185mm *eek*. So I dare say the main chain will be the same. Motor will have to come out and split so now looking at $1K at least on top of the $1K i've already spent.
Should I keep going or just park it, the A7 needs a rebuild? I know what will be the answer!
*problem* *rant* *sad* *pull hair out* *bash*
LJ I think he took his mate shaun the sheep to see the butcher, not the vicar!!! *sad*
He had a goat which will shortly be curried. Maybe tomorrow I'll get the test ride in.
Took bike for a blast to Wales. On way back had a pushrod jump out of the rocker cup, Chipping it! Noisy engine and a severe loss of power. Shame as i had been having fun up until then. Managed to lift rocker box, which had been severely glued down to reduce oil loss, reset pushrods, clean plug and off we go. Obviously it was alot more stressful than that short sentence. Think i was giving it a bit too much tap when it had got cold and the tappets must have been loose although i didn't adjust them and they got me home all be it at a less frantic pace.
Happy days. Will have to decide if i am going to lift the top off again to see if i can find the bits of rocker cup before the DGR. Will be picking all your brains for replacement rocker parts soon.
*smile* :! ;) *smiley4*
*warn*I would need to know where the bit or bits are, if you get stuck I've got maybe 3 or 4 chinky curry tubs full of rocker shafts washers spindles etc soaking in oil resting, I like that word , resting.
Berger... would they be Goat curry tubs?
After refitting the newly skimmed front wheel I went on a club run. Front brake now working perfectly with no judder.
Met at Biggles Bar at Lydd Airport for breakfast and then set off on a 60 mile run around the Kent countryside and the bike performed faultlessly.
Then with about 10 miles to go the back end tried to overtake me - a flat on the back - bugger!
So I ended up with a DNF (Did Not Finish for those who are not trials fans).
After a ride back home with the bike in the back of a mates van I found the offending nail which had probably been there for ages and had just found its way into the tube.
I have an Avon Speedmaster on the back and a ribbed Speedmaster on the front which I have never really been keen on so I think I will change the tyres while the back wheel is out.
I had a look at some previous posts on tyres and it seems that the Avon AM26 is quite popular so I will probably go for 90/90 on the front and 100/90 on the rear with some thick MX tubes. I have Akront flanged WM2 rims front and rear if that makes any different to the tyre fit.
I think I will also carry one of the pressurised inflators with the sealant inside just to get me home if it happens in the future - any recommendations?
My SR can be seen in the second picture
Dropped in on the Norton Owners Reivers Rally. They were clearly having fun!
Well. Long day in the garage today. Removed rocker cover and cylinder head to wash through and try to find the bits of rocker cup that chipped off on thurs. All back together now ready for a test ride tom. Never did find much, a few tiny crumbs, flushed through around cam followers with clean oil and numerous turnover kicks, couldn't face lifting the barrels! Anyone got any idea why pushrods should jump out of rockers? Assume tappet clearance too large and engine revving too hard when cold?
*conf* *sad2* *eek* *smile*
sticking valve *conf*
Rode it. Not charging by end of ride. A new story will unfold (no guarantee it will be interesting).
Replaced battery. It seems the Duracell 6V gel cells I get have about 18-24 month life expectancy. So about $1.50 - $2.00 per month for battery.
Richard L.
Progress on latest project.... Cylinder head painted, new guides installed, seats reground ( 1 x exhaust took over an hour!), valves fitted. Going on a run tomorrow so may not make any progress until next week. Got a family holiday starting soon so project will get sided for a couple of weeks.
Fitted the cylinder head today.
Pulled the plungers old regulator apart & installed a DVR2 into the old cover.. *wink2*
Woohoo! I did some work on my sickle today:
I've decided to take number-two son for a ride on my bike to encourage him to complete his bike test. I've dragged out my old dual seat and cleaned up and painted the fixing brackets. My wife made a cover for the seat, about a million years ago. As it's not been used much since then it's still reasonably good. I don't have any pillion footrests so I rode to my fairly local BSA shop, (C&D Autos) and bought a new pair for <£20, which I reckon is very good value. Now, the problems: The frame holes are mahusive so that sidecars can be fitted, either side, (or both at once if you like!). The BSA parts list shows item 67-4183, Pillion Footrest Adapter, (solo). I've tried making something up out of scrap bits-n-bobs but that was not very satisfactory. I've just made a drawing of what I want and asked CPC Engineering if they are able to make a couple of the adapters. I'll let you know what happens.
Replaced missing engine mount nuts and bolts from last weekend's run. Checked oil levels, tyre pressures. Gave the ol' girl a good old clean (oil spray covers everything). Slight concern re the chain sounding a bit notchy when I turn the rear wheel - may need adjusting. All ready for a Sunday afternoon blast around one of our gorgeous national parks up in Yorkshire/Derbyshire. Will let you know what breaks/falls off this time.
N/B - How easy is it to replace the gearbox sprocket and should I up the ratio a bit to improve top end?
Hi Wortluck.
Quite a big job to change the gearbox sprocket. Much easier to change the Cush drive sprocket and this will not alter the speedo reading.
Cheers Ellis
Cush drive option seems favourable - how many teeth would you add to improve top end without losing too much bottom end? Re the gearbox sprocket, what has to come off??
Hi Wortuck
Foot pegs/outer chain case/Cush drive/ clutch assy/inner chain case/drive chain. Probably forgot something but I'm sure somebody will chip in. As regards sprocket size I wouldn't go more than two teeth larger. Good luck and I'm sure you will like the better cruising speed.
G'day GB.
I made a set of bushes out of car shackle bush's (the hard nylon type).
Well, yesterday's gone, but way back then I had a nice ride of about 30 miles and got enthusiastically lost. Good thing the sun showed up or my going west when I meant east would have had me in the next county pretty quick.
Today, I started restoring a rusty old swingarm seat pan. I'm going to start a separate topic for that, but it is a complete coincidence that GB is also on a seat restoration project.
Richard L
The gasket kit for the CB900 arrived so now I'm copying them onto oil jointing. Bugga I need to make a few wad punches 11, 15 & 17mm so it's off to the fountain on the mountain to use his
fridge lathe.
Snagged side stand and messed up spring getting bike off trailer... what a tangle! All sorted now... A10 rides tomorrow! (To the tune of the magnification seven)
Today I have been painting and fitting my old dual seat. I've adjusted the tappets again! Cleaned the headlamp reflector following a bulb apparently exploding and covering the reflector and glass in white powder! Adjusted the secondary chain. Removed and refitted the carburettor, leaving out the thick heat insulator because the old one was manky and I didn't have a new one. So, quite a productive day.
How many miles do you guys actually ride? I've covered about 6k miles in four years of weekend riding which I regard as conservative. *????*
How many miles do you guys actually ride? I've covered about 6k miles in four years of weekend riding which I regard as conservative. *????*
I'm not sure as the mileometer is not accurate. I rebuilt the bike six years ago and my set of Avon tyres are coming up for a change. If I had to guess, I'd think about 10k miles in six years.
Pulled the Super Rocket out from the naughty corner in the garage after letting me down last Friday with a flat rear tyre. Took the rear wheel out and removed the tyre and tube just in time for the delivery of a pair of AM26s.
Trouble is they sent a 110x18 rear instead of a 100x19. Replacement on the way so I live in hope the right one comes tomorrow.
Back out to the garage now to take the front wheel out and remove the tyre and tube. The machine shop who skimmed the front drum last week commented that the wheel was running a bit eccentric so I will take that to the wheel builder and get it trued up before I refit the tyre. Just hope it does not pull the newly skimmed brake drum out of true.
I forgot to mention something else from yesterday. While I was operating the hydraulic arm, (it's the same as a trolley jack) to lift the bike hoist something broke and the jack arm went all wobbly. The little piece of channel that hinges onto the pump piston, (equivalent to a Big End) had broken away from the main hinged part. I stripped it down removed the old welding *work* and did a presentable job of MIG'ing it back on. I really need one of those welding masks that go dark automatically; it's always a bit hit-and-miss until the weld fires with the el-cheapo one I have.
I really need one of those welding masks that go dark automatically;
you could always shut one eye *smiley4*
that just came to mind when reading your post, it was a tale one of my mates told me many years ago.
He was in need of a widdle while out walking his dog so dodges behind a bit of hedge, relieved himself and step back out onto the road fastening his flies , a young female voice called out "Dave was that you watering that hedge", he replied "yes if you'd been any quicker you would have had to close your eyes or go blind", "oh " she said "I might have risked one eye" *smile*
Fitted new battery to A10 see;topicseen#msg108365 (;topicseen#msg108365)
lovely evening ,just finished work home for tea ,whilst Sue's doing that bike out check tyre pressure, drain chaincase and refil refit sump plug and top oil in tank and I'm off for a little "ME and BSA time " see yer
I'm riding today, currently parked up in Lewes, East Sussex UK. Nice ride, a feel of Autumn in the air when passing shady areas. Missus on pillion, clutch slippage a bit but have special spanner for that or bus time table for her hahaha.
Sorry yesterday again, got in late and playing catchup today.
Did 100 miles on the A10 with new battery and plugs. Right hand NGK plug gave up after 35 miles, I took the dam spares out of the toolbox when I changed the plugs *problem*. Rode 2 miles on one and a bit and bought a random short reach plug. Ran faultlessly for the rest of the day. On route had a really good lunch at a pub by a river.
I didn't do much, rolled her out of the way to get at a borrowed blasting cabinet which needed the Perspex fixing in the steel frame lid . *bright idea* so drilled some holes with clearance to fit short 3/16 whit set screws into the Perspex-- jobs a good en { better than the bodge gaffer tape } I love it when a plan goes right for a change so sometime next week weather permiting I will have a play with the rrt2 gearbox casings and see how things turn out. because its Friday WENT TO CHIPPY *smile*
I had to work most of the day but when I got home I fitted head light ears and light to the CB900. All electricks work. Put the kick lever back on the A7. Tomorrow I'll put a new set of stanchions on the CB1100.
Put heavier fork oil in the Star Twin. Next job fit the sidecar (46T) sprocket and trials tyres ready for next weekend's Beamish Trophy Trial.
Take a look. Watch the helmet cam footage as the intrepid rider attempts to mow down marshall John Shaw.
More seat pan work.
Have had a fun (?) day on my knees praying to the god of BSA and trying to set mag timing. I know you professional engineers out there can do this in 10 mins but i can't! Please don't ask why i even started (Occasional spit out of carb or cutting out) i think i was just bored with playing with the carb bits! Of course i regret it now as starting is a bit harder now and still sounds a bit rough and no idle. Am too annoyed to test ride tonight so will disturb the neighbours sun morn. Hey ho, you live and learn. Note the use of "you" and not "I".
*work* *countdown* *pull hair out* *bash* *lol*
Don't give up BigJim. In the end you'll get it right and you'll be sooo bloody proud of yourself...
As for the bike/s, checked the El Plungo's *smile* tappet clearance, points gap and changed the oil. Then went for a lovely long evening ride. Between light and dark, no wind, no traffic and temperature around 18-20 °C. What else could one desire more...?
I'm with morris, don't give up. I've cocked up a few things (see my post on tappet clearances) but you learn from your mistakes. It was a great relief to have adjusted my totally out tappets to find it start second kick and sound great. Timing is a bugger and I did mine with a mate who has an electronic device that buzzes when the points are just opening. All he did was get a rod and mark the spot when the piston was (whatever it was - 5/32"???) BTDC on the compression stroke. Turned the mag 'til the buzzer was on/off then belted the whole lot up - took about 20 mins with the two of us (I held the mag while he belted up the ATD). I reckon if you keep trying, you'll find a way of sorting things out using your own methods and will eventually be able to do most things as a matter of course.
Have had a fun (?) day on my knees praying to the god of BSA
I know a bike hoist can be expensive but getting the machine up in the air makes the effort/expense worth it. Somewhere in the forum archives you will find a write up by a chap who made his own folding bike platform from wood.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.
*countdown* *good3*
I pulled the carb that I rebuilt off the plunger, which was leaking juice & discovered I some how left a fiber washer out *dunno*, refitted & now just waiting for a new kick start crank arm to arrive so I can FIRE her up for the first time in over 30+ years.. *woo*
Took A10 out for test run. Is there any improvement? Still a long list of issues! Will fiddle another time, just need her fit for the DGR. Am away to that there London this afternoon for a day a
t the oval tomorrow. No knee work for 48hrs!
*respect* *pull hair out* *good3*
Still a long list of issues!
Got through most of mine, a slight weep from somewhere that shows up around the oil lines junction, thought it was inner timing case cover so have that off and will refit with a bit of care but note with the cover off there is still a track of oil coming from above the oil lines unions so have magneto off and gasket was not stuck on the bottom run, so will fix that also, if those two thing don't fix it then it will be to live with.
Tough going at the mo, shook off the manful as a true man would but stuck with Sinusitis, not nice, pain killers help but it's ben with me for a fortnight now so think antibiotics on the horizon, think as we get older we get like our bikes, got to have bit of something leaking somewhere *smile*
Took the A10 out for a club run today (the Spring Rally) 260Ks, bike run well as always *smiley4* but peed off slight oil weep from rocker box after just fitting new gaskets *problem* guess I will have to get the top of the head planed off to fix it but that can wait till the head has to come off.
The replacement correct sized AM26 arrived. I put the front wheel in a jig to measure the eccentricity and it was only 1/16" out so I have decided to live with it and now both tyres are on and the wheels balanced.
I decided to investigate why the rear mudguard was not sitting centrally at the rear so I put a pair of axle stands under each footrest so I could flip the centre stand up out of the way. Clamped a pair of straight battens to the back wheel and lined the back wheel up to the front wheel and set the rear chain slack to 1 1/4".
This improved the rear mudguard alignment but it was still out a bit. Removed the rear carrier mounts I had made five years ago and found the rear guard aligned fine. I have shortened and redrilled one of the rack mounts and the paint is probably dry enough to refit so back out to the workshop.
Took the A10 to a bike meet at (, nice turn out. However, the A10 does not appear to like NGK spark plugs. Both the A7 and Norton run fine on them and so when changing plugs I put some in as I had purchased couple of spare sets. It keeps fouling the right-hand plug and then starts missing on that side, the left side is the best colour it has ever been. It was fine before on champion L82C’s, just a little rich on both sides. The only other change is the battery is now in a Lucas rubber box which is a little closer to the air filter but that should not affect just the right side. So I changed back to old plugs and we shall see.
Putting the final pieces on the goldie to convert to electric start, had to change from belt back to chain primary. As I tighten the crank nut the engine locks up, feels like p o has left out the centre bearing spacer and thats why the crank nut wasn't tight. Seems like an engine strips on the cards. Bl**dy bodgers.
Just so you know we're (BSA owners) that have trouble with "pattern"or Made in China parts. Pulled the forks off the CB1100 to put new tubes,seals and bush's in. Found the damper tube wouldn't fit through the captured washer hole. 18.3mm instead of 20mm. No way of removing it (inserted during manufacture) and it spins so no way of drilling it out. Putting old bits back together and in. *rant*
riding the Cafe to work this week to restore sanity.
well today I finished off the repairs to the blasting cabinet, switched on compressor and had a play with a gearbox end cover, oooooooo matron I do like this game *smile* pub tomorrow *beer*
What have I done with my bike today? ... ridden it! Left the house on Friday and rode to Dunstable with three other mates all on A10's, 170 miles. went to the Ace cafe on Saturday then rode out to Henly on Thames, then back to Dunstable, 120 miles. Then yesterday rode to the Brooklands museum and back to Dunstable, 100 miles, then back home today. 560 miles in total, my mate had a puncture and hat was the only problem we had, fixed in 40 minutes at the side of the road. Wahay! great weekend. Must confess that I ate and drank a bit too!
That's what it's all about mate, riding!
Put the second trials tyre on the Star Twin and then found the lights wouldn't work. Battery is dead as a doornail, won't take charge. Panic call to RGM, next day delivery for a new battery.
Went to Nailsea bike show. A10 ran well enough to take for a bit of a ride out on way back. Lots of nice bikes and interesting people at the small show. Engine was as usual very noisy upon my return. Will not be posting that as i expect that i would receive clear and strict instruction to take the thing to bits (again). Sage and wise advice that may be but the weather is dry and warmish at mo and intend to chance it till end of sept. Big ride out tomorrow with the theft awareness crew, riding in hundreds to give signal that we don't like it and it should stop! Mrs has been following me on the beemer as back up. Reassuring to know i'll get home but killing any chance of a flirt or letch. Ah well, roll on the DGR!
*shh* *countdown* *good3*
Feel a bit c**p today so cleaned bike and came back inside. Chain adjust, engine and primary oil change, crack in front mudguard and polishing up will have to wait for now. *sad2*
Just before leaving to visit the Cannonball group on Thursday, discovered a crack in my kickstarter. Once again, the barn find provides the spare, but the screw for the foot peg holding spring was broken off. Today, went after that screw with drills and easy-outs. After breaking one easy-out, just used drills up to 3/16", then threaded what was left there with a makeshift tap made from an old cover screw. Doubt the tix will last through the next removal of the screw, but OK for now.
Another thing: put a bit of old inner tube between the front brake lever clamp and the handlebar to keep the former from slipping aroud the latter.
Richard L.
Not Today but last week while working on the Plunger..
I discovered the carb was leaking... and the kick start I had chromed was the wrong one..
Purchased a new Kick start... fitted same & while testing the Kick start quadrent she FIRED into life for the 1st time in over 30 years.. *eek* *pull hair out*
I quickly shut her down as petrol still leaking from carb..
At least I now know the engine rebuild works... *woo*
Yesterday and today as did not want to post part way through. A10
Yesterday took of carb and original air filter as run richer then normal (always been rich) especially the right-hand side. Dropped the needle one groove, needle had five grooves, its now in the middle one. Took filter apart, the element was filthy, tried to find a new one. Rang draganfly very helpful the new complete replica filter's elements are not the same and do not fit the original filter. Used petrol and carb cleaner to clean old filter as best I could. Put it all back together, god those filters are a bas***d to get on *work* *fight*. Refitted old cooler plugs.
Went for a test ride and left side best it has ever been right still slightly rich, but liveable with *smile*. Gave it a good clean top to bottom, think she deserved it as had a hard year (see ( and she has been good even been out in the rain twice.
Better day today, took paracetamol and headed for garage. Changed oil, cleaned sump filter (bit of sealant and some usual swarf on magnetic plug). Always remove feed and return pipes and kick over to get last bits of old oil out. I use a syringe and a bit of pipe to scavenge as much old oil from the tank as possible. Nicely filled with fresh 20/50. Have 100/90 A26 on order for the rear to see if I can improve the handling over the existing Mitas. Also have new tappet adjusters on way (interestingly, my Haynes says 8 and 10 but bike suits 10 and 14 better).
Quick question - we all know that the rear chain tightens up off its stand with rider, so how do you check the chain is roughly where it should be when on its stand. Currently, I check the middle of the lower run of the chain on its stand. If I can see a complete link below the bottom of the chainguard, I adjust it until about half a link shows below the bottom of the chainguard. Does this make sense to anyone?
You just told the exact story (well, about) that I will be telling in a couple of days about lowering the needle and testing with the filter off.
Richard L.
Quick question - we all know that the rear chain tightens up off its stand with rider, so how do you check the chain is roughly where it should be when on its stand. Currently, I check the middle of the lower run of the chain on its stand. If I can see a complete link below the bottom of the chainguard, I adjust it until about half a link shows below the bottom of the chainguard. Does this make sense to anyone?
Sounds a bit risky and could jeopardise the gearbox bearing if it is a bit tight. I just did mine and the BSA service sheet says 1 1/2" total top to bottom movement at the tightest point on the stand. I used a tape measure sat on the ground to get it right.
Sounds about right Jim. I use measurements as a guide rather than a rule - a bit like how I view many road 'rules'. *smile*
I matched my handlebar position to a picture Bill posted, and went for about 30 miles.
My hands were not numb, but my lower back is a little tight and my left knee is a bit sore.
I had changed from 110 octane down to 100 octane so I checked the plugs and I am a little lean- but my last little bit was 5 miles at 60 MPH or so, and thats new since the rebuild. I am going to go to a 30 pilot jet anyway, I have that screwed out only 1/4 turn.
When the gearbox is warm, it is super easy to find neutral, 1st and second are harder to find.
Front brakes still squeals, hoping it will quiet with some miles.
I am having a complete blast with this bike.
Rode down to the Beamish Trophy Trial, competed, rode home. 400+ miles including some very challenging off-road sections. Poor old bike, yet another merciless caning.
I am having a complete blast with this bike.
Moved the A7 plunger onto the bench. She's been sitting for a month or two without the sump plug in due to excessive wet sumping. Sump plug in, fuel & oil in tanks. Started 2nd kick. Getting ready for the DGR. Got a wake to go to on the Saturday (and it's my b/day) so I'll be a bit under the weather.
Then I got the old frame out and measured the rear footpeg mount for possible re-production.
Picked up my new leather bike jacket today ( summer jacket ), its very nice but will have to wait 6 months for the sun to come back before I can wear it. :(
yep ,this Summer certainly changed things didn't it, for the first time in ages I longed for a lighter jacket ,I was sweltering even late evening rides out but boy it was a nice change , so will follow your lead and buy a summer one .
Picked up the head from the Repairers - new guides and valves. Got the rings from SRM last week. Will put it all together next week.
Swapped car for A10 to drive back to work after lunch. Everything great. Had to leave work early and in a rush to beat a rain storm. I was hittin' it pretty hard when, about half mile from home, the shift lever goes limp and I can only get first and second. Seemed obvious it was a broken stop plate return spring (yes, I had to look up the right name). Got home, pulled the cover and, no surprise, I guessed it right. (It wasn't really subtle.) I have three extra covers in mixed levels of bad condition around and none of them with a spring. So, it's into my spare gearbox I'll go to be sure I'm together in time for DGR.
"What's DGR?" So glad you asked. Go to ( right now and sign up for your local ride.Then, search teams for "forum" and join our team. Do this right now. Do not delay. The ride in your neighborhood (and all neighborhoods) is on 9/30. I guarantee you will have a good time or I will buy you two pints at Quigley's when you come to visit. Hell, I'll buy it anyway, because you WILL have a good time.
Richard L.
Having fixed my sons car and taking it for a retest I'm on the next task: I'm making a sandpit-come-ship for my granddaughter whose birthday is on Saturday.
Oh dear Betsy Beezer, I don't know if you are going to be ready for the DGR!
But was is DGR, you ask? This is where you can read all about the Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride:
Please note, if dappering-up concerns you, you really do not need to worry about what you wear on the ride; your normal riding kit is fine.
After checking and adjusting valve clearances yesterday , quick road test to check all ok, now spend rest of day putting swing arm and rebuilt wheels back in Rocket3.
Rained off work today so hoping to find time to check over A10 which had to work hard last Sun. Need to be fit for the DGR, links above, looking forward to that. Great charity and a laugh a minute, just hope it is dry. Come on anyone who is considering it, you'll be glad you did.
*bright idea* ::hh:: *good3*
Rained off work today so hoping to find time to check over A10 which had to work hard last Sun. Need to be fit for the DGR, links above, looking forward to that. Great charity and a laugh a minute, just hope it is dry. Come on anyone who is considering it, you'll be glad you did.
*bright idea* ::hh:: *good3*
DGR, you say. Do you mean this? *smile*
I do GB. No pressure on anyone not going but they really might consider attending, they won't regret it. *good3* *whistle*
I found today that the sea air really is NOT good for a classic motorcycle. Orangy corrosion colour on the chromework. Bike is now back on trailer this morning ready for journey home.... Tomorrow I'll be gently washing off sea salt before it gets too bad.
I found today that the sea air really is NOT good for a classic motorcycle. Orangy corrosion colour on the chromework. Bike is now back on trailer this morning ready for journey home.... Tomorrow I'll be gently washing off sea salt before it gets too bad.
You have to make sure the bike looks it's best for the DGR ride on Sunday!
I fitted the pillion footrest adapters today. They look mighty fine! I tidied my shed and fitted an LED twin lamp, like this in the roof. The shed is now much better to work in. I intend to take the head off the bike tomorrow.
Got up at 2 AM, and tore into the primary and gearbox completely apart.
The bike still shifts terribly when things warm up.
The mail says my colortune is in town, and once the package from amal arrives I will be able to sort that out.
Wife and I both have off of work today, so I am sure she will keep me busy with not very important stuff. *sad2*
Wife and I both have off of work today, so I am sure she will keep me busy with not very important stuff. *sad2*
Before I retired I thought I'd have endless days of me-time; dinghy sailing, reading, programming, listening to music, hobbying and of course BSA'ing. My wife and I are pretty handy DIY'ers so we've been able to make the most of the house we moved into four years ago. Of course, doing stuff yourself takes less money but takes more time.
Know what you mean, Greybeard. I retired some years ago, but the list of jobs that need doing just get longer. And getting older means things take twice as long to do. And then there's those I just can't do anymore. Will need to live to 150 to get my jobs done - and that's presuming the list doesn't grow. Which of course it will.
The problem with DIY is that you are doing things for the first time which is why it takes so much longer than getting in a professional who has done it thousands of times before to do it. But still we persist...
Whipped a fork leg off the Star Twin to replace a leaky oil seal. Went to my oil seal stash and found none of them were for BSA forks. Damn. That's the bike off the road for a few days now whilst the new seals arrive. Note plural seals. Never buy just one of a spare, especially when your stash is exhausted.
I tidied my shed and fitted an LED twin lamp, like this in the roof. The shed is now much better to work in.
The lamp looks good. As you get older you need more light! I bought an LED strip about a year ago and still haven't gotten around to fitting it. Maybe now is the time with grey winter days approaching......
Just about to head off to the shed to put the A10 clutch cover back on - again. I am really not sure what I did wrong but the SRM clutch slipped worse than before I tightened up the springs :-(
Just about to go for a ride on Wednesday morning and the petrol tap plunger cork leaked. Decided to try the steam method to revive them but both were well past there best.
So ordered some new corks and fitted them today and now all ok, replaced all the washers/seals associated with the Taps so should get a ride out tomorrow.
Building plunger No 3 And am ever grateful to the Forum and the person who posted the concept of inserting Washers between spring coils to extend the centre stand return spring. I must be getting old as I even measured the distance required and then made sure I had extended the spring sufficiently. it slipped on like a welding glove. *conf*
Good one Gavin *wink2*
I tried that ONCE *ex* must have had too much grease around. Nearly lost a tooth from an errant washer at high speed *eek* *sick*
I've been doing battle with a 1980 Yamaha Passola SA50. Hadn't run for 20 years. Practically NO info on the net. Someone worse than me did some creative electrical work, no spark. Put back to std, made an air filter, clean carb and plug and a gut full of "Start ya bastard". She ran, a few tweaks and pumping out all the old oil in the crank case and muffler as smoke. Cleared in a few minutes. Running like a Singer (sowing machine). Job done put all the plastics on.
Morning before work I'll give her a start up. 50 kicks later I give up and go to work. Vacuum operated choke diaphragm leak. Bugga, "hens teeth". Fixed with super glue. Started cold 2nd kick. Job done.
Now the bathroom tap.
**NB; This relates to **Plunger Models**
.... the concept of inserting Washers between spring coils to extend the centre stand return spring.....
....didn't have any luck with the washers or coins but accidentally discovered an even easier way by using a piece of thin flat bar (like a metal ruler) just wide enough to slide through the eye of the spring and slip the end of the flat under the spring -holder lug thingy, then slide the spring off the flat onto the lug...helps if the stand is in the loosest position (up or down, can never remember, but not hard to work out)
I'm fairly sure I posted about it at the time....
**edit quick search- Found a reference here;
Re: Old Motorcycle Mechanics tips
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2017, 21:56:39 »
i ve cut down on the meccano these days as the old girl is a historic tart and mot exempt.
one i never had success with was the 2p pieces inbetween the centre stand spring coils to expand it.
remember that one? i should have asked for my 2/6 back but was young and nieve.
I tried it too and no success, but in retrospect, I think I put all the washers in the same side- big mistake...I think the washers need to alternate for'n aft...or even every 90*
However- I've also realised that on my plunger, with the stand retracted the spring can be removed/added easily with a bit of thin flat bar
...and an earlier effort here;
Re: new member has a spring Question
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2012, 10:44:40 »
**NB; This relates to **Plunger Models**
Is this about getting the spring/centrestand on the frame. After battling with the spring with pliers, an old sage showed me how. Attach spring to centrestand and frame lug. Position centrestand so that the spindle will go in the hole nearest the spring then force the other end into position before bashing the spindle through with a soft faced hammer. Harder to do by yourself but only a few minutes with two. *smile*
Today, I mostly did non-bike related things but I did photograph the contents of the bike's tool box. I emailed SRM about my badly worn cam follower, attaching pictures.
Oh, I also measured the distance between the tyre pump retaining pins to see if I could obtain a pump for the bike.
wortluck or fasten some strong wire to spring a good length and pull while someone slips it on frame lug , admitted two person job . on my own I do as you have
Loaded on the trailer ready to head for the South Lakes Mountain Weekend and the renowned Hardnott Pass!
...Hardnott Pass!
Oh yes! I've driven it. What an amazing piece of road!
When I drove that road someone was driving a Winnebago through!
... Reply #239 ......Is this about getting the spring/centrestand on the frame. .......
Edited my 'Reply #238' to add;
" **NB; This relates to **Plunger Models** "
Meant to do it straight away but dozed off *sleepy* *sleepy*
Wow that looks like FFFFFUUUUUNNNNN. Have a safe one Sav.
I did the South Lakes Mountain weekend on the Super Rocket four years ago and it absolutely tipped down going over Hardnott. It was more like a river than a road!
A driver in front of me who should never have been anywhere near that pass stalled in front of me going up the last steepest bit. I stopped on the Rocket and put my feet down and tried to hold it on the front brake. The result was I started sliding back down the hill with the front wheel locked, could not pull away as the back wheel slid without my weight on the bike, fortunate in some ways as you can imagine the mess the idiot on front made of a hill start.
So with the pillock coming backwards towards me I gave it a fist full of throttle and bounced on the back of the seat and managed to get traction and went past her on the INSIDE!
Had to empty the water out of ny gloves when I got to Eskdale station!
Assunming she gets up it, the old M23 should be just as interesting going down the other side with the rather smaller brakes than the rocket!!
I love a challenge! *eek*
Mines a lot more mundane than Sav's , i just adjusted the rear chain oiled the cables and drained the sump ready for the DGR , WHATS THAT i HEAR A LOT OF YOU SHOUT , *dunno* oh just about the helping raise some cash to help find a cure for Prostate cancer and to reduce male suicide rates is all , whilst riding with a group of similar minded good people ( including 10 others from this forum from all over the world ) and being out on our bikes AND there is still time to join a ride near you , I'll raise a glass to us all on my return home on Sunday about 2pm .
DGR...whilst riding with a group of similar minded good people ( including 10 others from this forum from all over the world ) and being out on our bikes AND there is still time to join a ride near you , I'll raise a glass to us all on my return home on Sunday about 2pm .
We now have a total of 14!
i've been asleep again
Finally got the new oil seal on the Star Twin. New ones arrived and still didn't fit... Realised that the after market oil seal holders I fitted some year ago had non-standard oil seals. Dug out an old original holder from the box of bits and used that with the new seal.
Rode the Hardknott Pass one December night, full moon and -3 degrees. Only other traffic was a big traillie (Tenere?) going the other way. Magic!
I have not been to the pub, so today I jumped on the kicker about 7 times getting kickbacks and short of breath- *red* in between kickbacks I was getting nothing *help* { stop smoking you looooon} I must get used to this mikuni carby thingy that works superb once she's running *smile*. I got her to bite and off we went for a good thrash around the Derbyshire roads. I came across one of those thingy's at the side of the road that tell you what speed you are doing. Well!! kid and new toy to me, so I kept going back and checking my speedo and the result was its 6miles an hour high at 30mph 40 mph and naughty me 50mph unless of coarse thingy is wrong *doubt*.So I got about 3 hours very good riding in and lots of *wink2* when in a traffic line , its a shame winter is coming over here because she was on fire and going round bends like she was on rails. never mind it won't be long before the girlfriend is wanting betsy in the kitchen for winter *yeah* *yeah* *yeah* *dribble*
Right... Spent most of the day cleaning up bike ready for Sunday DGR. Had both plug leads, points cover off and earth screw. Some damp had got in when washing bike down last week, magneto's, they don't like damp do they? Ohhh Nooo! Had the hair drier aimed into and onto slip ring, made a huge difference to starting later when all put back together.
Just need to get some petrol, going to treat it with the higher octane as there will be a lot of bikes there and don't want any poor starting issues. (Such faith in my bike eh?)
G'day fellas.
Got the old A7 out of the naughty corner. Drained the sump and put it back in tank. Filled her up with 98 plus go fast and smell nice additives. Gave the battery a quick charge. Put some wind in the tyres. Rubbed the dust off with an oily rag and she fired up on the 2nd kick. A quick ride around the block a few times. All good, ready for Sunday.
I washed and polished the bike then took some photos.
Finally got the new oil seal on the Star Twin. New ones arrived and still didn't fit... Realised that the after market oil seal holders I fitted some year ago had non-standard oil seals. Dug out an old original holder from the box of bits and used that with the new seal.
Rode the Hardknott Pass one December night, full moon and -3 degrees. Only other traffic was a big traillie (Tenere?) going the other way. Magic!
There has to be a woman and a cast iron promise involved there somewhere!
Been over and back again a few times on the A10 (daytime!) a real challenge with 12" over springers and a rigid back end. *smile*
Issue 400 of Back Street Heroes has a picture of one adventure up there on the front cover.
Giving the A10 a quick look over ready for the DGR, drain the sump check the tyres, wont polish it that will only make it rain all good *smile*
Replaced tappet adjusters with ones with Allen key head and checked clearances (10 & 14). Readjusted front mudguard so it sits centrally - what a game. Checked all oil levels, spark plug and points' gaps. Gave her a good old clean and will go out for a run in a bit.
By the way, on tightening the bracket on the fork leg, I sheared off a stud (still a bit protruding). Any ideas re a quick fix or is it all about grinding, drilling, etc. Didn't want to ruin the power coating too much if I can help it.
Adjusted primary chain, had got tight? Took out for quick round the block as had been parked up for 2 weeks. Adjusted back brake and idle (not sure if those words are oxymorons). Went round block again. Parked her up in the garage ready for an early start for the DGR tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a good turn out, fine weather and no upset re A10 refusing to start when crowd has gathered or cutting out unexpectedly!
*beer* *yeah* *good3*
G'day fellas.
7:30 am just got home after a night on the "terps" at an old mates wake.
Good job I got the A7 ready yesterday.
Four more cups of coffee and I'm off. The Kiwi's would be starting about now.
Have fun.
22:40 Just going to bed.
Today I filled the petrol tank in readiness for early ride to start point of DGR. Have a great ride you DGRers!
Starting to really cool down here.
I did not want to, but I am getting the bike ready for winter.
Changed oil and filter, changed gearbox and primary oil.
Washed the bike really well, drained the carb and got both tires off the ground.
Just need to remove battery, fill fuel tank, and cover it up. *sad2*
Oh yeah, and get snow blower ready to go. *angry*
G'day Lee.
Crikey your early, just started to warm up here. Disconnect the battery.
Test ride on Super Rocket after fine tuning the TLS front brake.
Got it!
Now it works well; re-machined new oversized shoes to match the drum, shortened the cable and re-adjusted the linkage.
Early preparation for a 2 day run in November; Gypsy Tour down denmark & Albany way.
See you there Gavin!
Been out to have a sort through someones bike junk, came back with an old k2f brass points plate. I had put out a 'Wanted' on the ( for any old unused vintage/classic motorcycle parts.... well you never know!
G'day LJ.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
mmmmm just got on the freecycle page and my computer said it detected a virus, so got off it *conf2* *computer*
orabanda - I note you say you machined your brake linings - for a tls. Can I ask how? When machining linings to fit a drum I mount the backplate in the lathe and fit the shoes, wired together to prevent the tool digging in and ripping things apart. Then clock things in and start turning. But my tls has floating shoes, meaning there is no register to locate them. Had thought of making up a mandrel or possibly machining them on a pantograph, but that all seems like too much bother.
Tried to sneak past the a10 to get another steed out of the stable. The look of disgust i got was most painful. Have made a promise to make it my next ride out choice, hopefully this weekend. The weather was so good today i had to take a break from work and head into Wales for lunch. Realised during ride that an A10 that runs and stops well(sigh) is the bike for me. I love that easy torque, small number of gears, sound of thunder, smell of petrol and oil and general interest of complete strangers. Looks like i'll be spending money and time on another rebuild this winter.
*bright idea* *bash* *countdown* *beer* *bash*
Set off on the A10 to town and the choke cable nipple pulled through the slide. Sigh. Went back and fired up the A7, got to town OK. Then had to go to a meeting 40 miles away. Greasy roads, drizzle so didn't take the A7 which is still on trials tyres so took the Enfield Bullet instead. At one point the sun came out briefly. It was good to be out on a bike. *smile*
Since my last engine work I'd only done the DGR ride. Today I had the opportunity to take the bike for a longer ride to see if the excessive wear on one of the cam followers would be repeated. The day was sunny but cold so I donned my thermals, (Australians will have to Google that term), my jumper and full biking gear. I rode out to Stow-On-The-Wold. I went along the lovely Foss Way, a Roman road. The bike, as usual ran beautifully, the sun shone. In my mind, all was right with the world.....
I stopped for lunch. When I had taken my helmet off I restarted the engine...oh dear, a loud tappety racket! I therefore will be stripping the engine again to fully check all of the parts that SRM advised me to check when I spoke to them about their cam follower that went bad.
Another lovely ride home; this motorbike runs so sweetly!
PS. Sitting in a warm cafe while wearing thermal underwear is not a good idea.
G'day GB.
I'm sending someone round to take all your tools. Buy a lotto ticket and with the winnings get SRM to build you a motor.
Talk about bad luck.
I haven't needed a rubber for many years. After our third child was born I had the tubes sealed.
Ha, still got none proven!
Greybeard - if I recall correctly you only changed the failed follower. Bad move. If one of a set is duff there's no way I'd chance the others. Should have replaced the whole set with the known good set you have. As I recall the duff followers were from SRM - if so I wouldn't take Muskrat's advice and get them to build you a whole motor!
Hi GB and A'll,
The times I have seen follower / cam wear
Were all down to lack of oil feeding to the cam trough
(Not taking into account shit quality followers that I have yet to come across thankfully)
The usual reason for lack of oil to the trough is a worn main bush,
it could be a too high setting on the prv,
Leakage past the prv threads
Or leakage between the main bush and crankccase
Or blocked oilway somewhere??
I think I remember that your bike has a new ish oil pump??
So a shit / porus pump body is unlikely
(This was the cause of one blow up I know of)
I haven't needed a rubber for many years. After our third child was born I had the tubes sealed.
Sealing the tubes not a problem. Sealing the wallet is now the issue.
Richard L.
The usual reason for lack of oil to the trough is a worn main bush,
it could be a too high setting on the prv,
Leakage past the prv threads
Or leakage between the main bush and crankccase
Or blocked oilway somewhere??
Wouldn't all these oil starvation possibilities show up first in a spun rod bearing? That's where I would think the most critical demand lies. Your correction, if I'm wrong, is quite welcome.
Richard L.
well Richard mine ran on a bit of mist for many miles when pillock here put the pipes on the wrong way *bash* . it ruined the cam and followers but nowhere near like greybeards rogue follower, my self and an engineer measured the crank journals and decided on new shells ,its been fine ever since, the only reason it wasn't a disaster is because I had filled the tank above the return hole and it was grabbing some oil but not enough to feed the cam and rockers. I took the prv off kicked it up and nearly cried when just spits of oil came out then realised what I had done *problem* *bash* *roll* all fixed and empty pockets *whistle*
Jeez Berger, should have gone to the pub after putting the pipes on *eek* :o *beer*
When I get a minute I'll post SRM's reply after I contacted them about the worn follower. I will not post it in this thread though.
Hi Richard and All,
That's a good question!
and my opinion on how the crank survives a little longer!
When the crank is spinning centrifugal or centripital force sucks oil to the big ends as long as there's a supply to the bush even though a proportion of the feed is leaking away
I have experience from where I worked where 300hp motors/ pumps that had plain white metal bearings survived for years by being lubed by oil being picked up by a loose metal ring sitting on the rotating shafts and the bottom of the metal ring dipping into the oil reservoir
There was enough oil picked by the rotating ring to feed the bearing, no oil pressure being involved
Many early engines relied on oil mist for lubrication
Many early engines relied on oil mist for lubrication
good point greybeard but not at 5000rpm like mine did until she said she was cooked- poor thing even got me back home at 30 to 40mph, mind you she once got me home with a snapped crank --good old BSA *good3*
Many early engines relied on oil mist for lubrication
I'm pretty sure that modern four-stroke mowers just have a finger on the Conrod that flicks oil around. Lawnmowerman?
Weekend riding up to the tip of Norfick from central Essex. Off road on the Peddars Way going up Saturday, back via the lanes yesterday. A gorgeous weekend weather wise. Clutch on my Camel became almost unusably Boolean – bike will be going up for sale in a few weeks. Phil on his XT250 had a bad gas episode (ooh err), then binned it out on the trail. He got to ride home yesterday with no front brake. Pigsy’s Serow threw an electrical melt down so needed a bump start (no kicker) after each stop. All that and very nearly too much beer on the Saturday night. Cracking.
correct greybeard but they are governed so they don't rev too high, disengage the guvna let them loose and they blow up *bash* *problem*
Rode to Loch Lomond on the A10 to do a bit of island hopping. Had to leave the bike in the car park as I forgot the flotation bags.
With snow forecast for next weekend that might be it for this year.
Spot on GB.
Many early engines relied on oil mist for lubrication
I'm pretty sure that modern four-stroke mowers just have a finger on the Conrod that flicks oil around. Lawnmowerman?
Not sure about that GB as I tend to just use and abuse them and never have to take them apart which is fortunate as I need all my workshop time to keep the bikes on the road. Two of the mowers are Hondas and one is a Briggs & Stratton so they never go wrong.
I do have a Stihl leafblower which is a four stroke but runs on a two stroke 50:1 mix *dunno*
" Forum rules expressly forbid detrimental comments concerning the reliability of any brand of Lawnmower Engine."
How lucky can an old established partnership be!!!! Learnt a few new words from folks trying to start their engines, thanks to that logic defying diaphragm carb design.
Did not actually work on bike, its put up for the year.
But I did decide to modernize my carburetor tuning process before I melt down a motor.
I ordered a wideband O2 sensor and a controller.
After I do some welding on an old exhaust pipe (put a bung in for the sensor), I should be able to hook this up and read air / fuel ratio in real time while under load (at Amal tuning steps). Than I can change jets as I see fit without trying to read a spark plug run with modern fuel.
Plus I dont need the dyno guy, I really dont care about getting peak H.P., I just want it to run great with no worries.
Its going to be a temporary set-up, so this modern junk is not wrecking the look of the bike.
Winter is long here, this gives me something to do while getting ready for next season. There are only so many gaskets a guy can cut on a snowy day.
Bought a new table lamp and started work on my Ben Buckle Bandit - cutting ribs. Made me realise just how bad my eyes are for close up work now.
Bought a new table lamp and started work on my Ben Buckle Bandit - cutting ribs. Made me realise just how bad my eyes are for close up work now.
Yes, I'm finding the same problem. I've bought one of these: Good lighting needed also.
Thanks GB might give that a go. All set for brain surgery once armed with that. (It's not rocket science).
I put three bright LEDs above my work bench (250 volt, the kind you see buried in ceilings) as extra light when required, wonder how much of the stuff LEDs are made of exists, wonderful things I replaced our living room lights (6 X 40 w) with 4w LED bulbs, the kind that look like they have an orange filament, so same light - 1/10th the energy used
It's pretty amazing that (as I understand it) someone discovered that if he applied reverse voltage to a certain silicon diode it glowed: "Hm," says he, "I wonder if that could be a useful observation". LED's have come a long way since then; just a few years ago, LED's were tiny components that just glowed red, blue or green.
I put three bright LEDs above my work bench (250 volt, the kind you see buried in ceilings) as extra light when required, wonder how much of the stuff LEDs are made of exists, wonderful things I replaced our living room lights (6 X 40 w) with 4w LED bulbs, the kind that look like they have an orange filament, so same light - 1/10th the energy used
I just leave the curtains open and use the street light outside my window.
I just leave the curtains open and use the street light outside my window.
Ha do you have a wee bit of Scots blood Roy, I have but we have no street lights
I just leave the curtains open and use the street light outside my window.
Have we jumped into the Halloween thread?
Have we jumped into the Halloween thread?
OK - now at last I can say something on the subject
I've been spending quite some time getting the Flash fit to sell (in condition that I would wish it to be if I was the buyer), not a lot wrong with it, a carb leak, front mudguard needed repainting (clumsy me and a big spanner), oil leak from behind the maggie and timing case,and new petrol taps,
All done and it is sitting in the shed with oil drip free newspaper under it for a couple of weeks.
So this afternoon I took it out for a run, will check the newspaper again tomorrow morning, bike went sweet on a shortish run, weaved about a bit but windy and think the damper a tad slack.
a short run as I have dropped the carb needle a notch due to plugs being black (was in the middle groove), a feature of modern fuel I think, plugs still black will try tomorrow with new plugs
Got a pickie of the bike?
Good Morning GB.
Are you going to post your bike pickie with us? You know we all like pictures.
Got a pickie of the bike?
yep, checked this morning, no oil leaks, just the mixture to check, needs a good longer run (damn snow forecast for the weekend), anyone found they need to drop the needle a groove or are the blackish plugs just the way it is these days (fuel)
Then put it up for sale, any ideas where is best.
Going to ask 6k and see what happens
Sweet looking sickle! *smile*. I hope you get what you are asking for it.
seeing the prices in Old Bike Mart I'd say have a go Bill ,it's a very nice lucking bike ,good luck!
G'day Bill.
Certainly is a beautiful bike mate. Well done. That's about the money you would get down here.
I do envy people that can restore a bike that well. Mine never get that finished. Too busy riding them.
Throwing my Swagman panniers over Hardley later on and heading for Chinnor. Party there tonight and then onwards to the Guzzi Club Clocks rally at Upton on Severn for skittles on Saturday night. Return home to the Essex badlands on Sunday.
Weather does not look set so fair for this one.
Wifie is away for a couple of days so yesterday I escaped to my shed and stripped off the top end of my bike to check cam followers and the camshaft. I'm writing it up and will make a separate post.
I've been busy at home lately changing all the upstairs doors in our house. I reckon hanging doors is very tricky. I've now found that the best approach is to route*, out the existing hinge rebates and glue new wood into the cut-outs. This allows you to place the screws were they need to go, not where the old screw holes want you to go! The other issue is to make sure the door doesn't bind against the frame or on the other hand, gap too much. I guess if you are doing stuff like this often you get good at it, but for the DIYer, doors can be right buggers! *work*
*Bought a router from Aldi. Very useful tool!
NB. This one has a real dangerous design flaw though. When you lay it on its side to change blades you have to press in the shaft locking button. Unfortunately, as you press on the button, it's easy to operate the power button which is now on the bottom of the device. I have to remember to unplug the router before changing blades. If you see me with a finger missing, you'll know what happened. *sick*
got the same model GB, bought it to go with the same make router table so it's permanent ( I have another router but it's a fair bit of work to fasten then unfasten it to the table, and Aldi stuff don't break the bank).
with hindsight for the router table I think you need to have a lot of work to do, I generally just use the router
got the same model GB, bought it to go with the same make router table so it's permanent ( I have another router but it's a fair bit of work to fasten then unfasten it to the table, and Aldi stuff don't break the bank).
with hindsight for the router table I think you need to have a lot of work to do, I generally just use the router
I bought that table also. Routers are new to me. Flippin scary jobs! They'd take a chunk out of you quicker than you could say OUCH!
Aldi currently has a Table Saw, I'd really to get one but A) I don't have room to store it, and B) I've just spent £300 on a new Android tablet as my Christmas present and Er-indoors was none too happy about that!
I've been busy at home lately changing all the upstairs doors in our house. I reckon hanging doors is very tricky. I've now found that the best approach is to route*, out the existing hinge rebates and glue new wood into the cut-outs. This allows you to place the screws were they need to go, not where the old screw holes want you to go!
I used to do this for a living.
Next time you fit new hinges just sharpen a piece of wood and hammer it into the old screw hole.
If small screws just use a match stick. Drill a small pilot hole for the new screw to follow.
I always used hammer and chisel, never a router.
Used to take twenty mins. to fit a new door with mortise lock and handles.
I've been busy at home lately changing all the upstairs doors in our house. I reckon hanging doors is very tricky. I've now found that the best approach is to route*, out the existing hinge rebates and glue new wood into the cut-outs. This allows you to place the screws were they need to go, not where the old screw holes want you to go!
I used to do this for a living.
Next time you fit new hinges just sharpen a piece of wood and hammer it into the old screw hole.
If small screws just use a match stick. Drill a small pilot hole for the new screw to follow.
I've used that technique to deal with oversize holes. I'm using new hinges and the old screw holes are slightly off, forcing the door to bind against the frame. Even if I did plug the hole the new screws would tend to wander into the old hole.
I always used hammer and chisel, never a router.
Used to take twenty mins. to fit a new door with mortise lock and handles.
As I said, "If you are doing stuff like this often you get good at it"
My tagline is 'Jack of all trades master of none'.
got my 58 6t from under the covers been stood 2yrs charged battery fresh petrol started second kick Found the problem lol
Problem 1 : Neglect.
Doors... *eek* Doors.. *eek* dont talk to me about bloody Doors *razz*
During our recent renovations I replaced 17 of the buggers..
Doors... *eek* Doors.. *eek* dont talk to me about bloody Doors *razz*
During our recent renovations I replaced 17 of the buggers..
You must have got pretty good at by the end!
G'day fellas.
Got the box back in the cafe. New layshaft bush's. Took for a quiet ride (yer right) round the block. All good except I had a bunch of dero's looking for the wine when I got back *ex* Aussie members will know the "tale".
New front end on the rHonda so now looking at the weather to decide which one comes to work tomorrow for test ride. Wet = rHonda, dry = Cafe
Started putting together spare plunger box. Lots of chocolate.
Cold and at times wet riding over the weekend. Wore all my clothes in the tent on Saturday night. Quite a nice sunny ride home yesterday.
Doors... *eek* Doors.. *eek* dont talk to me about bloody Doors
Oh now "Riders of the storm"
And if you really had 17 old unwanted doors you could "Light my fire"
Sorry couldn't resist
this has got to be THE END ;)
Feeling a little sad one Sunday, I thought I'd go for a look around the local garden centre which specialises in hyacinths. Whilst there, I met a woman who said she was from Los Angeles called Maggie M'Gill. I asked if she was lost, to which replied, 'Hello, I love you'! Astonished, I said I loved her too, madly, and that she really 'lit my fire'. She then touched me and we went for a drive down Moonlight Drive which isn't far from Love Street. 'Ah, Summer's almost gone', I said, to which she replied, 'I just take it as it comes'. I said, 'I bet you five to one that when the music's over we'll break on through and find our crystal ship. She said, 'You're plain nuts, I was only buying a pot plant for my mother - people are strange, I'm off through the back door man'. Now I've got the roadhouse blues, she only loved me two times, I've never been down so long. The End.
Way too much time on my hands, eh?
Feeling a little sad one Sunday, I thought I'd go for a look around the local garden centre which specialises in hyacinths. Whilst there, I met a woman who said she was from Los Angeles called Maggie M'Gill. I asked if she was lost, to which replied, 'Hello, I love you'! Astonished, I said I loved her too, madly, and that she really 'lit my fire'. She then touched me and we went for a drive down Moonlight Drive which isn't far from Love Street. 'Ah, Summer's almost gone', I said, to which she replied, 'I just take it as it comes'. I said, 'I bet you five to one that when the music's over we'll break on through and find our crystal ship. She said, 'You're plain nuts, I was only buying a pot plant for my mother - people are strange, I'm off through the back door man'. Now I've got the roadhouse blues, she only loved me two times, I've never been down so long. The End.
Way too much time on my hands, eh?
-1 round our way this morning and a light frost. So we have a dreft of salt laid across what was a bone dry road surface. It's now slick and corrosive. I'm just not going to be going out on it this year. It's all too much. And I suppose I get to pay for that 'service'. Grrrrr.
We've had frost the last two mornings so I imagine the roads will soon be seasoned with salt. Yum yum!
yes salt has a bog downside, so does driving (Monday morning) on roads with no salt or grit on them whatsoever, car was twitching it's backside at unexpected times, most of the roads were fine but odd bits were lethal, including the A1.
Came upon two cars in hedges, and one was in the process of being recovered (hazard lights flashing but hidden around a corner - wooops)
Folks just expect the same levels of grip regardless of conditions now. It’s all part of the great dumbing down prepping us up for when we get to step into self drive pods.
I fitted a Lucas H4 headlamp glass and reflector with one of Paul Goff's LED headlamp bulbs (Special offer 4). A bit tight to fit as the bulb has a heat sink on the back so the wiring to the switch and ammeter needs easing across to each side. I tried the lamp out of the headlamp to see how hot the heat sink gets and it was only warm to the touch so should not cause a problem in contact with any wiring.
I also fitted a Britax Twistdip dipper switch on the left bar. For those who have never heard of one, it is a dipswitch similar to a throttle - twist it forward to dip and backwards for main. They are pretty rare now but I picked one up at Kempton earlier this year.
I find that nowadays, if you do not dip your headlamp instantly you end up with a flash of HID headlamps from modern cars which temporarily blinds you and the time taken to find the dipswitch can make all the difference.
I reckon the light output from a bike is sometimes not enough to trigger the auto-dip system on modern cars and this causes enough of a delay to blind you while the drivers wake up and realise that they have to manually dip the headlamps.
I have not tried the headlamp yet but it looks promising on the workshop wall. The other LED headlamp bulbs I have tried give a really poor main beam with a black hole right in front of you right where you need light - on this type the LEDs are placed exactly where the filaments on a halogen bulb are placed so the beam pattern should be a lot better.
I fitted the ancient Avon badger nose handlebar fairing to the Star Twin this morning. Got a fair old trip coming up on Saturday and the forecast is particularly dreadful. Still, the torrential rain should wash the salt off the roads.
And here's the badger-nose fairing. Did a fair job of keeping the rain off. Note the fine display of bike at the VMCC gathering.
And here's the badger-nose fairing. Did a fair job of keeping the rain off. Note the fine display of bike at the VMCC gathering.
Looks good, very period.
I fitted a Pantera fairing to a Honda CX500 I had - loved it, absolute luxury. Here's a photo of it, late 80s.
My bike had one of those, (Black Sheep) fairings when I bought it. I must have chucked it. Looks pretty good actually.
Never had fairings on any of my bikes - just didn't like them. When I was dispatch riding, I did fit a screen through winter, especially as it was down to -12 without the wind chill - did make a huge difference. I did have handlebar muffs too, but they kept pushing the clutch and brake levers in - not good. The answer, put on some motocross plastic protectors then put the muffs over them. *bright idea*
These days, I just absorb all the battering, wind, rain, flies (wasps inside the helmet) - bloody 'ard I am! *whistle* ;D *countdown*
Took my OIF Thunderbolt out on it's first ride since restoration. I have never seen so many old boys stop and smile as I rode past. That put a smile on my face. Would post photos but I can't, but I can email them to anyone that can. Thanks.
G'day fellas.
Started pulling the lump out of the rHonda CB1100F. She's been breathing a bit heavy and depositing oil on the rear tyre. I only noticed it when she stepped out around a left hander doing over the ton *eek*
Compression reads over 200Lb/sq" in 1,3 and 4, only 120 in 2. Already on 2mm over Wiseco's. I can get 2.25mm over but their cast not forged. I should know tomorrow night if I can use them ($1000) or have to sleeve the barrels. *sick*
Last week put new bearings and stub axle in the Cafe's rear wheel and greased the s/a bushes.
Sat in all morning waiting for the postman to come with some new parts but he never came so another day wasted . Hope he comes in the morning.
*rant* *pull hair out* Looks like the mice have been at it. #2 piston and top rings on 1 & 4 broken. *work*
G'day Musky. Always nice to find a simple answer. Looks like pre ignition has eaten away the top land. Too much advance, low octane fuel, but I reckon it was a bit of a flyer in your skilled hands.
G'day Swarfy.
11:1 compression and 102 octane fuel so it's the timing. Very hard to see the timing marks on these things. New sleeves and pistons won't give me much change out of a couple a grand. Looks like a lean Xmas again.
Well. Took A10 out for a race to cafe for coffee. Intention being to use up fuel,remind myself of all the current issues and set my mind to a winter lay up (have a replacement vehicle with 2 wheels). I know it needs lots of love (money) and work so expect some inept and innocent questions in the near future. Also dislike salt and icy roads on a bike that has a rusty frame and little braking. Started out on a 25 mile round trip and ended up getting in 90. Long ride for a coffee, ended up in another country. Who could have predicted that the bike would go so well? Starting easily and even idling at the lights well enough for me to get off and check the oil return. Had a couple of scary surprise junctions which got the heart rate up and right hand and left foot working hard but managed to avoid collision. Serves me right for giving it plenty of gas! Also means that winter lay up will have to wait, i need more of that BSA experience.
*countdown* *bright idea* *good3* *beer*
that nice moist winter air makes em purrrrrrrrr *good3*
Putting the bottom end together for a friend; 1955 Shooting Star.
Just completed modifying the anti-wet sumping valve to improve the performance.
In my opinion the existing spring is too light, and exerts insufficient pressure.
This is confirmed by BSA's change to the A65, where they used a much heavier spring for the same role.
I replace the existing spring with the A65 spring. I also make a modified retaining screw. The overall length is increased to approx twice the original (0.285"). This is to increase the thread contact in the casing in order to stop oil leaking past.
A 3/8"BSW tap has to be used to increase the thread depth (a couple of threads).
I use Loctite 569 (hydraulic sealant) on the thread as well. Finally the spring side of the screw is countersunk 0.120" to centrally locate the spring, and ensure that the ball moves completely below the oil supply hole to the bushing, when coil bound.
The ball needs to be lightly tapped to re-seat (no more than a tap!).
The ball seat pressure is significantly increased, and there is 0.3" movement of the ball away from the seat.
110 miles on the clock on the Super Rocket in quite chilly conditions today, 40 miles from Deal to Joes Café in Tenterden for cholesterol surprise, 40 miles with the Kent section of the BSA Owners' Club to Shipwright Arms in the middle of nowhere near Faversham for a pint and 30 miles home down the back lanes.
Excellent ride on a fine chilly autumn day.
I did NOT go to the pub, instead I took the old van 27 years old [relays mended YESSS *good3*] on a steady 55-60mph run down one of our motorways to look at some forks and wheels for the featherybed BSA project. looked at some upside downy's---- NAAH didn't look right so came back home with some GSX 400 with doubly disc that sit right and look rate good and at a decent price ;D. SO IIIFF I can cut down on the pub hours I might get a rolling chassis together and move on to the engine mountings *whistle*
Go t' pub Berger ol' son. *beer*
that nice moist winter air makes em purrrrrrrrr *
Had no idea that the moist cold air could improve running on A10! Am i being a bit simple? (probably). Is the engine running in part on steam? Whatever, the gods of BSA have been smiling on me so not bothered. Hurrah for when the thing starts, runs well, idles and gets me home and all i have to do is sit on her(?) and smile. Happy days indeed.
Note: Is it good form to genderise/anthropise(?) my bike. I've had it/her/thebike for nearly as long as the mrs.
Ps. this forum provides great therapy, thanks to all concerned esp admin and Berger's pub landlord!
*computer* *beer* *good3*
its the oxygen content so I was told, like errr H20 maannn one hydrogen 2 oxys and when its damp there's more oxy's *fight* *bash* *whistle* *dunno* *sarcastic* *grins* PUB tomorrow yay *beer* *beer* *dribble* edit yeah I was told right all those years ago, just goooglied it cold air is denser which means the number of oxy molecules entering is greater than in hot thinner air. BIG JIM you only turn your bike into steam power after the crap petrol has sucked the moisture into the tank like mine did a few years ago before I started using a rocket fuel mix called tetraboost.- disclaimer - that product has nothing to do with me but it even stopped my carb jets varnishing up---------- CHEERS!
its the oxygen content so I was told, like errr H20 maannn one hydrogen 2 oxys and when its damp there's more oxy's *fight* *bash* *whistle* *dunno* *sarcastic* *grins* PUB tomorrow yay *beer* *beer* *dribble* edit yeah I was told right all those years ago, just goooglied it cold air is denser which means the number of oxy molecules entering is greater than in hot thinner air. BIG JIM you only turn your bike into steam power after the crap petrol has sucked the moisture into the tank like mine did a few years ago before I started using a rocket fuel mix called tetraboost.- disclaimer - that product has nothing to do with me but it even stopped my carb jets varnishing up---------- CHEERS!
Was probably `Carbon Tetrachloride` now banned but was used for cleaning ink printers and pipe thread, cheers
'Carbon tet' as I used to know it is almost inert and was used in fire extinguishers (and cleaning BSA's many years ago when I worked at Pfizers) so not a fuel booster!
More likely tetraethyl lead booster.
The nice smooth and powerful running is all to do with the volumetric efficiency. The most effective and economic result of the chemical reaction that gives the power takes place where the combustion partners are in the ideal ratio by weight. So, when the density of the air is greatest, the weight of air drawn into the cylinder is correspondingly greatest. Then the mixture approaches the ideal stoichiometric ratio, a mixture strength where every hydrocarbon molecule can find a corresponding oxygen molecule partner. More hydrocarbons left unreacted...too rich mixture, wasting fuel. Too much air... weak mixture, poor power, possible overheating, engine damage. The ratio for gasoline varies for true complete efficient combustion, depending on fuel blend, but is around 14.7/1 air/fuel.
This ideal scenario is best experienced on a warm, but humid, generally Summertime late evening run. Your motor runs smoothly, the World is in Harmony, your worries seem far away. Oh, forget all that theory, any clanker runs better after a couple of beers.
Ain't that so berger?
When I rode my Gutzzi every day several miles to work rain hail or shine *conf*, I noticed it ran better when cold and/or wet.... my Ma married a guy who had lots of stories about Model 'T's' and one was using a OHV head on a Side-valve engine for 8 valve head..... *dunno*... and another yarn was they used to tie a water bottle to the windscreen with a drip feed to the carby....'Water- Injection' reckoned that worked a treat, but I never really knew if I should believe him anyway....
Bought an SP370 the other week. Managed to get an MOT on it last Saturday and so with lovely weather over the Essex badlands yesterday I took it out on a shake down run to the Essex branch Moto Guzzi Club monthly meet up. Kind of went kind of OK. Concerns;
. Clutch do stick after she's been standing. Took off across the yard and into the fence on first gear selection. Oops.
. Not convinced the electrics are right, and it's 6V as standard. Blew a filament in the new headlamp bulb I'd fitted to get the ticket last week.
. It's a bit soft and gutless after the Morini Camel (500) it is supposed to be replacing.
. Awful lot of transmission slack with a chain that seems to be adjusted about right.
. Easy starter on the kicker though
Early days I suppose.
Other point of interest - ended up in Finchingfield and saw a guy there firing up his Gold Star on electric start. Seemed to work OK.
Changed the mag on the Star Twin this morning. Timing spot on first attempt! Realised it really does need a good clean, it's disgustingly filthy.
Sav yes carbon tet is what my dad used for cleaning processes , soldering etc. tetraboost is xylene[ mixed isomers] , 1,2-dibromomethane-1,2 dichloroethane- tetraethyle lead.----- swarfy yes even warm and moist makes the old girls perform better *eek*
*shh* *beer*
When I rode my Gutzzi every day several miles to work rain hail or shine *conf*, I noticed it ran better when cold and/or wet.... my Ma married a guy who had lots of stories about Model 'T's' and one was using a OHV head on a Side-valve engine for 8 valve head..... *dunno*... and another yarn was they used to tie a water bottle to the windscreen with a drip feed to the carby....'Water- Injection' reckoned that worked a treat, but I never really knew if I should believe him anyway....
All of the well-worn petrol vehicles I've owned, including my current Fiat Panda, go better when there is moisture in the air.
I've also read, somewhere, that old time agricultural engines that ran on paraffin/kerosine had water injectors to aid the burn.
Yes - moister air being denser gives the same effect as a lift in compression
Several aircraft used water/methanol injection for extra boost - Griffon engines on Shackletons and Pegasus engines on Harriers. Increases the charge density.
Done the overdue decoke of my Ariel Square Four MKII.
Today I had time to remove the cylinder head, a simple straightforward job. Had no problems and could even leave the carburetor on the intake manifold, one source of failure less.
The charcoal on the pistons and in the combustion chambers were relatively easy to remove. The pistons are still STD and the bores are in spec.
After cleaning I found - as already suspected - that one of the outer bolts was pulled out of the thread. Have now installed a Helicoil insert.
And thanks to Simes "rule of nine" ( adjusting valve clearances is more simple and more exact.
After reassembly, a test for proper function, check of oil supply to the head and leak detection (You see I found one!).
Cheerio Rudy
Took the other bike on a Santa ride out for the childrens hospice. Great day, most enjoyable riding through town with at least 700 Santa. Moving to see some of the children with their families when we got there.
G'day fellas.
Rode the A7 plunger up to Nerriga for my old clubs 40th anniversary (I joined Sydney Tourers 38 years ago). About 120 miles sitting on 65mph, didn't miss a beat. Had my hand hovering on the clutch lever all the way as well, as I know the timing side bush is knackered (about 8 thou clearance) and using 40/70 oil to fill the gap *eek* *bash*
Used my V50 (The Black Pearl) for local transport Saturday night and Sunday morning (someone should make a film of that). Spent later yesterday in the garage fabricating bits to try and make a Morini road tank fit on an SP370.
Jeez Musky, 40/70 is thick stuff. When you get to 12 thou on the TSB, I could send over some of the 80/90 gearbox oil I've got (picked up 25 litres for £10!!)
Decided that the gearbox sprocket having done 35,000 miles was due for replacement. Completely forgot that on a plunger you need to take the engine out to get at the sprocket, so didn't bother moving the bike to the workshop complete with hydraulic bike bench etc. There's something to be said for Velocettes after all!
Hi All
Decided that the gearbox sprocket having done 35,000 miles was due for replacement
Its a good job that they last as long as that *eek*
At least its not quite as bad as as having to split the crankcases on a Tiger Cub to change the sprocket ???
Ok so the A lump is a lot heavier *roll*
I know there are several other "design f**k ups on other British bikes that make servicing a PITA
Hi All
Decided that the gearbox sprocket having done 35,000 miles was due for replacement
Its a good job that they last as long as that *eek*
At least its not quite as bad as as having to split the crankcases on a Tiger Cub to change the sprocket ???
Ok so the A lump is a lot heavier *roll*
I know there are several other "design f**k ups on other British bikes that make servicing a PITA
It's a wonder the Japanese didn't come up with a viable alternative.
Holy Mary, split crankcases, engine removal. *eek* :o I had to pick my face up off the floor when I discovered removal of inner primary was necessary to replace Flash sprocket - seems easy compared to others.
Hate to say it, but the Japanese got it so right. On my 70s/80s machines, it was quick removal of a cover (no oil to drain), release locking tab, undo big nut and replace sprocket - took a leisurely half hour. *good3*
Reckon BSA had a special 'F**k up the design department' just to make ownership interesting. *clap*
This is precisely why I carved a hole in the inner casting and fitted a unit series cover plate with six small screws.... pics somewhere....
Please be nice
I wanted to fit the missing piece of the fully enclosed chain case (front bit over the gearbox cog) and a new pair of exhaust pipes to the A10. Apart from dumping her oil once (due to wet sumping I think) she has been well behaved for over two years no nasty noises and runs really sweet.
Did this with my eldest son, as he enjoys riding and I think should know a bit about tinkering to.
Over two years ago the clutch was playing up and I found the crank shaft end nut was loose (you know the 65Flbs one). There was a slight clunk when the crank was moved, no other problem, no broken shims in the sump and I did not have the means to measure it. So Loctited and done up and ridden.
Anyway now to the part where need you to be nice.
Now I have a dial gauge and as I was there I measured it, it is between .1 and .09mm which at worst is 3.94 thou. I feel like I will leave it as really don’t want to split an engine that appears to be running so well.
G'day Angus.
Don't loose any sleep over it. I've seen/heard happy running motors with a lot more than that. Check it again in 1K miles.
G'day Angus.
Don't loose any sleep over it. I've seen/heard happy running motors with a lot more than that. Check it again in 1K miles.
Thank you Muskrat, I will sleep now I was a bit concerned. Now I just need to find the clutch adaptor extractor and I can actually finish the job. *smile*
not so much today but last saturday i took the super rocket on the local bsa club's 'rods of bullen' run. what a great run. the a10 ran like a clock and the renewed swing arm (bronze) bushes and the adjusted steering head bearings made the handling fun. throttle wide open at some stages.
the a10 has been a bit unhappy recently with various minor gripes so they finally look resolved in time for summer.
the club run featured a bbq and a beer and took up much of the sunny day. a good day out.
two bikes didn't quite make it home (one leaving an oily film over my visor - i was wondering why it was getting hard to see). but then that's just a part of it all, right?
....welll, not much *roll* looked at the frame, the chrome parts and rims rusting away, the engine rebuild (only needing a timing side bearing) stagnation, wondering what, when, if, before closing the door to the shed and postponing it again. Maybe someday... But as a minmum, at least have pretty good control over all parts, and many good parts there are.
Will make some post about it all later on.
The world of bikes, much like anything else, is one of many quandaries. For me, being out on the road is primary, fixing and rebuilding definitely secondary. I would rather have more bikes and more time to ride than to see glorious riding days missed for a sweaty, oily slog in the garage. Of course, I do repair things where I can, and do enjoy it, but not at the expense of being out and about. Maybe when I'm older and unwiser, this'll change.
Since owning this bike, my first British (and just brilliant), I've rebuilt the frame; taken the clutch apart; learnt how to set timing and check points gaps correctly; replaced dynamo chain and adjusted correctly; sorted wheel alignment properly; changed tyres; done a fork strip down with replacement seals; fixed the electrics; replace wheel bearings; set tappets - these but to mention a few. Full engine rebuild - maybe when my riding days are shorter and I have a Berger amount of beer in the fridge!!!
Merry Christmas and may Spring be here quickly!!
Ivé made a bit of progress with unfinished business over the last couple of weeks; got the bottom end together on a mate's A7SS; waiting for SRM valve guides to finish the head.
Also, finished off barrel & head for another friend's G80; he is coming to visit on 29th and we will build the engine (& get his XL250 Motosport sorted).
Finally, just completed overhauling my brother's AG175 donk, so think I will have Christmas Day off!
Also, had to take a pic of the very firm advice another friend had displayed on his counter regarding the perils of drinking tea!
Like the drinking tea bit. *smile* Curiously, it doesn't take much of anything I do for the missus to 'angry up the blood'. *shh* *countdown* *countdown* *sick* *beer*
G'day Fellas.
Down the shed working on the CB1100F motor. Put a helicoil in a cam cap bolt hole.
What else would I do when SWMBO is cooking, making it too hot up there. And the beer fridge is in the shed! *roll*
Just showed the tea drinking bit to the war office "straight dead pan face" *eek* *beer*
Not been riding at all.
Last time out on my V50 I found I had a fuel leak at the RH tap. It seems that the pipes have become very soft, and as I've been running without fuel line clamps this last 20 years or more they've become a bit drippy. All a bit odd as this is a fairly recent replacement cross over that you would think should be ethanol proof, and usually my lines go hard over time and not soft. Fitted some clamps yesterday so hopefully that is now solved.
Had leaky/weepy rocker box on the A10 this last year. I guess it is the head steady finally taking it's toll after 3500 miles of usage. So about to head out to the garage and track down some gaskets and the comb from amongst the detritus.
On another note, and following on from an earlier dialogue between GB and myself on this thread; I sourced an open valve OS60 4 stroke a couple of months ago and then got a Ben Buckle Falcon for Xmas. Boy that kit looks way beyond anything I've assembled previously.
On another note, and following on from an earlier dialogue between GB and myself on this thread; I sourced an open valve OS60 4 stroke a couple of months ago and then got a Ben Buckle Falcon for Xmas. Boy that kit looks way beyond anything I've assembled previously.
Wow, how exciting. We'd better start a model aircraft forum! My BB Falcon was part completed by a workmate who gave it to me. When I retired, I intended to get to work finishing it. So far nothing has happened. I have some links to building tips which I'll PM to you. These days many modelers are using electric motors but I've been waiting most of my life for a Radio Controlled model aeroplane with an internal combustion engine and I ain't gonna be distracted by no new fangled electricary!
Yes, we don't want to stay off track for too long on this one or excommunication will surely follow.
That Falcon is a big bird. On talk of electrickery, I am currently constructing a smaller Ben Buckle kit at the moment - the Bandit, and that will be running on electric power. Working on the theory that it is really a free flight model that I will be adding light radio assist to, I'm hoping I should be able to fly it OK and in pretty much any park on a still day. The Falcon will require a little more care I think.
PM sent
Couldn't find my comb - Grrrrrr. Ordered another one from a well known on line auction site. Cheap enough I suppose.
Got to hire a van and transport a pal's dead Griso over to Baldrick's workshop (UK Guzzi guru and a very rude man). Also replace the same pal's V50 clutch, and also sort the same pal's Serow wring glitch before I get back to popping the top on the Beezer I'd guess.
Still need to test ride my Camel clutch before I list it over n the Morini riders forum.
I knocked up a bracket to fit the saddle bag I picked up cheap at a swap meet last month..
It should easily hold a slab of beer & still have room for a couple of Kebabs.. *wink2*
I have not been to the pub since the 31st *smile* WOZZA I think with a slab of beer you might be wise to make one for the other side and have two slabs to balance things up, we don't want plod thinking you've consumed a gallon with a touch of off balance *beer*
Blimey Berger, on the wagon or wot? *beer* *fight*
Tomorrow if I can sort out the wiring on my pals Veefer that I'm currently reclutching then I might get to popping the rocker box on my old gal for a reseal. It's been nigh on 10 years and 3k (not 30k - sorry) miles since, and I've even had to buy a new comb for the occasion.
Well, you do have to look your best.
Well people have been saying I needed to smarten up my act.
As noted it's been a while, so it was interesting to reflect upon the design again. I've pulled the main studs - of course, but also one for one of the inspection covers. Turned out I did need to order gaskets so I've only done half the job and rehearsed the refit process in the hope that next week I can manage it without losing too much gasket goo.
SRM have a new one piece type that I've ordered and am going to try.
Still trying to pull the rotor off of the V50 as well, so not too successful a weekend all in.
....Still trying to pull the rotor off of the V50 as well, so not too successful a weekend all in....
CB- If that's the Alternator rotor and anything the same as my Model 'T', maybe you know about using a short piece of rod to pop it ?
Playing with the Cafe I removed the plugs and put the compression tester in the right side and got 150 Lb/sq". went to put in the left and it went in without screwing *ex*. Looked at the plug and it had the helicoil still on it *sad2*.
*problem* *work*
Spose lucky it screwed out and not in.
How do you lock a Helicoil in place? Locktight?
G'day GB.
Yes, red loctite. Trouble is heat will soften it's grip. This head with the helicoils has done hundreds of heat cycles and the other head thousands. This is the 1st time I've had one let go. I know timeserts would be better but nobody around these parts has a kit to borrow. I'll throw another one in with a different locking compound. *doubt*
Went for ride across Dartmoor this morning with my wife on pillion.
Went for ride across Dartmoor this morning with my wife on pillion.
Great picture. Our roads are salty; I imagine the West Country doesn't freeze up as much as the Midlands.
West Yorks is b****y cold and set to get colder (max 4C; min -1C) but will probably be colder than that. Will have to be particularly brave to ride out.
Many years ago I remember going to a rally on Snowdon in -10C (not counting wind chill!). Had to clear six inches of snow to pitch the tent. Only way to kill the cold was to kill the senses with plenty of strong ale! *countdown* *beer* *pull hair out*
Temp was 10°C with no chance of rain, invigorating ride which blew the cobwebs away, bike enjoyed it and purrrred along.
Rebuilt my pre monobloc carb (after cleaning muck out and checking jets and needle) with new washers after a soak in oil, put carb back on with new gaskets. Put on new airbox rubber and refit airbox. Cleaned slipring and checked brushes in mag, cleaned points and checked gap ok . Removed spark plugs cleaned and gapped and refit them. Refit HT leads and caps to plugs and mag. Drained old petrol and refit tank with 2 gallon of fresh petrol. Removed sump plate and drained oil which had drained into sump it( aprox half pint ) then refit it ,check oil level in tank ok. Replaced old hard fuel pipe with new clear braided pipe. Now comes the worrying bit will she start as last time running she stopped with a bang and set on fire with carb leaking onto mag. Petrol on tickley bit on carb, choke on ,free clutch and kick.....nowt.....kick again....splutter ...kick again and we have life, no sign of any leaks no misfires just running too fast once choke off but a fiddle with carb and shes running lovely again to my relief. After running a while turned off and left while had a cuppa tea then petrol on again and started first kick now so other than that have not done much really *smiley4*
Well done Dave *yeah*
Had my new all in one rocker box gaskets (I ordered 2) arrive from SRM yesterday. Holding them up to the the currently removed box they look like a pretty good fit. That should be going on on Saturday.
Question; For the primary on my Hardley ('89 1200 Sportster) one side of the gasket had some kind of smooth hump of coating all the way around. Like maybe a set bead of jointing compound. Given how much gloop I'm going to be likely to be pulling out with my comb why aren't they producing gaskets like that for the A7/10 top now?
Given how much gloop I'm going to be likely to be pulling out with my comb why aren't they producing gaskets like that for the A7/10 top now?
probably to do with costs of small production runs
Just finished building an A7SS; its 11 pm here - off to bed!
Just finished building an A7SS; its 11 pm here - off to bed!
I'm very envious of your workshop.
Me too GB. My sister lives in Oz and her husband built a 'shed' in their back yard. Turns out the 'shed' was more of a barn and was built on a site about the size of an acre. *eek* Of course, on our crowded island, having that much space would set you back a hell of a lot more than most of us mortals could afford. Some advantages of living in Oz, I guess! *fight* *beer* *sarcastic*
G'day fellas.
After a recent discussion here on valve stem seals and having difficulty in getting the Cafe to idle correctly with the twin PWK carbs. I whipped the inlet tappet cover off and gave the valves a squirt of carb clean whilst it was running. Yep sucking air down both, left a tad more than the right. New guides machined to take seals going in as soon as I finish the CB1100F motor.
Did four dry runs sticking the rocker box on top - all good. All Hylomared up and missed with one of them. Ain't that the way? Anyway, all buttoned up again now, and unlikely to reappear this side of Easter now. I did take my V50 out on Sunday but the roads were all a bit salty.
G'day fellas.
Had a slight weep from the timing cover on the plunger. Made a new gasket and whipped the cover off. Bugga, caught the dynamo belt just in time. Split in two plases showing the steel threads. No spares.
Any Aussies know where to get a 10AT5/420 down here? No luck with a quick net search.
edit: found at but $30 each *ex* Triple the price of the US ones.
Stick a chain on Musky *smile*
What's the V50 like?
Sorry to hijack, but cyclobutch mentioned he has a V50.
I've been offered a V650 Lario pretty cheap. It's generally in very good nick but has a noisy gearbox which'll need to be fixed.
Just wanted to get Cylobutch's opinion on the smaller Guzzis, -it seems they have a reputation for valve problems? -Do you love yours?
..Any Aussies know where to get a 10AT5/420 down here? .
I thought you were getting them from Pies ok...?
I bought mine from a Statewide bearings but they had to get them in as a 'special delivery' + $16 ( forget how much for the belts but have the docket somewhere)- So got two- they are the Optibelt ones with poly urethane strand, been on for about 7k miles at moderate speed, and if I recall, Richard L had excess and was offering some.... postage though *eek*
........, -it seems they have a reputation for valve problems? -..
I heard that a long time ago too, but surely
that'd be sorted by now... at least the hows and why's...*dunno*
Thanks duTch. My memory is like a sieve. Better start writing things down (ten years ago). *problem*
Hi All.
In the last few weeks I have been gathering parts to install LED indicators because I'm a bit sick of sticking the leg out at roundabouts to the confusion/bemusement of other road users.
I bought the smallest LEDs and made the smallest brackets possible mounted to the rear number plate and front fork clamp.
Decided to use two switches as I quite liked the set up on a BMW I owned many decades ago but made more work when I made the loom.
Quite chuffed with the result and feel much safer with the crazy traffic around here now - no quiet country lanes!
Cheers, Hadrian.
In the last few weeks I have been gathering parts to install LED indicators...
More details, (pictures, circuit diagram, brackets, lamps etc) may be useful for other people thinking about doing the same.
What's the V50 like?
Sorry to hijack, but cyclobutch mentioned he has a V50.
I've been offered a V650 Lario pretty cheap. It's generally in very good nick but has a noisy gearbox which'll need to be fixed.
Just wanted to get Cylobutch's opinion on the smaller Guzzis, -it seems they have a reputation for valve problems? -Do you love yours?
If the Lario has 4V heads then yes - they have huge problems. They will break and drop without proper modifications. This is a well known and documented issue. I think there is a fix that involves Suzuki valve springs; maybe off a GN250 type of thing.
The V50 had two piece swaged valves that will drop over longer distances. I swapped mine out with one piece items at just shy of 50k miles. Beyond which they are excellent little machines and give good service. Noisy gearbox is unusual.
For the lowdown on anything, and first class service, talk to Nigel at;
I have him rebuild my gearboxes and drive boxes whenever they need doing.
Thx for input mate. I'm in Oz so perhaps Nigel not so relevant to me.
Interesting project. Apparently a previous owner ran it low or dry on gearbox oil though.
Thx for input mate. I'm in Oz so perhaps Nigel not so relevant to me.
Sorry should have picked up on that. Just to complete this conversation; Pete Roper is defo your man out there. Name checked here;
Sorry should have picked up on that. Just to complete this conversation; Pete Roper is defo your man out there. Name checked here;
That's a site I've also come across in the past (fairly recent in fact) and found helpful- even though not my direct model, but I thought it was just a guy in the U-S of A and learn
Here is some pictures.
The front mounts need leveling in respect to each other.
Switches are a bit daggy but were cheap and light up when in operation which I thought would be a safe option.
However the front indicators can be clearly seen when flashing so I will replace them with something more subtle.
Just realised that I can also use them as hazard lights - *eek*would have come in handy many times in the past
G'day Hadrian.
Do the indicators comply with the ADR's? *contract* minimum 300mm apart. LOL.
Hmmm! *whistle*
I’m in full on Project Management on my stuff at the moment.
Now waiting for the rebuilt gearbox and re UJ’d shaft for my pals V50 to come back.
On the SP I’ve just paid for the generator rewind to 12V and lined up an upholsterer for the seat I’ve had to shorten to take the ‘long range’ tank.
G'day Fellas.
Nothing on the bikes but I just finished making the trophy's for my clubs show in May. About 15 hours work all up with sanding and coating the timbers and polishing the bits. Guess which one is for the "Ladies Bike" *whistle* *dribble*
........Guess which one is for the "Ladies Bike" *whistle* *dribble*
All of them ? *conf2*
The one above the conrod. Not sure what they are but they come as a pair?
*yeah* *wink2* *beer*
Love eggs?
BJ wins the Cupie doll. Yes I need a new camera. Their concentric bowls with a dome nut where the banjo bolt goes *grins* to look like nipples on tits. I always get "Oh Musky you are naughty" from the f/m members!
A piston from a mates T120 blow up for Best Competition Bike. A7 con rod for Best in show. Early A7 kickstart spring and fuel tap for Oldest Bike. Small sprockets and chain for Best Junior (kids) Bike. Two more bowls for Unrestored and Chook Chaser (dirt bike). The 1/2 pistons (three Wiseco 1123 and one std Honda CB1100) fot Best British, American, European, Asian, Sidecar/Trike and Modern (post 89) with a couple of spares.
1st Sunday of May, Berry Bowling Club.
Went for a short ride this morning (solo) to give the A10 an airing and keep the oil circulating. In the last couple of days there's been snow all around Plymouth but not in Plymouth itself. I stopped to take this photo a couple of miles from home and you can see some light snow on Dartmoor in the distance.
Finished work on my pals V50 - service and with new tyres. Goes better than my, admittedly much higher mileage, example. Continued work on uglifying the SP prepping it for more serious off road use. New mudguards on, replacement alloy side panel completed and fitted on one side. Just scratching my head on fitment of the newly wound 12V generator.
So my riding was limited to a couple of test laps of the block on my pals bike.
A10 languishes now since the rocker box resealing of the other week. I've not even started it since that was done. And it won't be going out on any salt. It could do with a wash and a dry and a light oiling over all of the bright work mind.
Finally, but finally got the Star Twin back in one piece this morning. Had the bright idea to fit a new gearbox sprocket before Christmas but didn't realise just what that involved. Or had just forgotten. So it has a new chain and sprockets, new fork seals and a recon magneto not to mention the usual winter servicing jobs. Should be ok for the summer now. Of course the winter job was to fit new piston rings but that can wait until next winter. Next job is to polish up the A10 for its appearance at the Scottish Bike Show next month.
Had a look at the Flash, fuel pipe connector to tap still leaking, it's a conical taper thing so pipe tape or some fine grinding paste and mate them together - I'll dwell on it for a while
Took the carb of yet again after the new gaskets appear not to have cured my problem , after a nice ride out last Thursday of 70miles and a stop for cup of tea she would not fire up and started leaking again then set on fire again which was quickly put out so needed to be recovered to home Grrrrrr .......No the bike is not for sale but may need some Help on another page Ha Ha. Cheers Dave.
G'day Fellas.
The new dynamo belts (three spares) arrived for the A7 plunger. Thanks for reminding me of Pies duTch. Only took about half an hour to fit. Been two months since I rode her so a quick test ride to the Club for a (OK more than a!) beer. Everything worked and was a pleasure to ride. I luv the old girl.
Brilliant Feb day, got bike out, drained off the sump (rare wet sumping issue), pumped up the tyres checked the oils and plugs, took tape off the filler cap (to cover hole, keep petrol fresh??), primed her up, started first kick and sounds fantastic. Nice day tomorrow, ride planned, can't wait!!!! *smile* *smile* *smile*
Been spraying the Morini 'long range' tank that I'm fitting to my SP off roader project.
I removed the too short studs from my engine cases (studs for the barrels), and ordered the new, stainless ones. Also determined that my A10 engine came from a RR, not a GF.
Thanks for the tip, The number on the case is followed by "HHC".
Took the A10 out for a run with the club today, over to Nannup 140Ks most enjoyable *grins* *loveit*
I’ve ridden out just twice so far this year. Third Sunday in Jan and then again for Feb – on my V50 and over to the Guzzi Club Essex branch meet ups was all. I think round my way the roads are carrying maybe four layers of salt since any rain last fell, surely an all new record.
So this last weekend when it was bright and sunny and lovely would I have rather been out on the road than slaving in my garage? No I would have preferred to be bringing my vegetable plot up to snuff for the new growing season.
On biking activity I have been building up my SP off roader with all new clothes, re-clutched and serviced my pals V50, vanned his Griso out for a proper mechanic to fix. Next up I am servicing his XT225 Serow this coming weekend, and pulling my T3 down for gearbox and clutch attention.
*angry* My 32 year old central heating boiler has just been condemned - just as well warmer weather is on its way and I can forget about it on the bike. Cost ca. £1400 for system boiler, system flush, installation - does that sound ok? Anyone near Wakefield who can do it cheaper (mates rates?) *whistle* *whistle* *roll*.
Warmest Feb and Winter days on record - anyone for global warming?
Cleaned the pip off the points on the A7, then fitted a new lifting handle (much fettling required!) then swapped the main jet for a smaller one. Adjusted the rear brake light switch and refitted the newly charged Cyclon battery. She's ready to roll.
i did not go to the pub *eek* so i shedied and got moving on the featherybed project, the threads on the back damper stubs on the box swing arm were so mistreated and corroded they started life as 7/16 bsf but now as if by magic they are 3/8ths bsf. i can't find a 30mm id 52 od taper bearing for the suzi forks to fit on the bottom of the stem so it looks like maybe a 28mm id and take 2mm off the bottom of the stem-- enough meat to do this if needed, a trip to bearing supplies imminent . the top race is 25mm id by 52od and that's not a problem. also started the first faze of putting the rrt2 thingy together to get it put aside for later. ey by gum it's amazing what you can get done when not sat in pubs for 10 hours *eek* *eek* *eek* *beer* *beer* *beer* *good3*
Apparently, you cannot get the primary side front footrest holder on when the primary inner case is on *sad2*. I tried and tried but it would not fit though the gaps even with all the bolts holding the inner primary case removed *fight*. Was about to take of the clutch but had one more go, moved the gearbox forward and big screw driver to lever it in place thank god for that *smile*. Had to take the rear enclosed chain case top and bottom off three time in the process but all bolted up now. AND that bolt the secures the rear of the primary case to the frame with the footrest holder in is even more of a pain *rant*.
Did pretty much what I said.
Saturday I rode out on my Guzzi Loop Frame – ‘Jug’ to deliver a whole bunch of bits for powder coating. Sorted most of the SP electrics and serviced the Serow. That has to have the smallest oil filter I’ve ever seen. It also has a separate gauze at the drain plug.
Sunday stripping out ‘Blue’ the T3 I found pretty heavy going. Working on my own it was physically about all I could manage when separating the top off the bike. Anyway, the gearbox is now boxed up and ready to catch the post to Nigel is Stafford. I’ll be expecting to reverse the procedure in a couple of weeks. The dry clutch was satisfyingly lubricated so the strip down was a good call.
Stopped the RGS replica from pinging by raising the needle, and fitting a richer slide.
Started preparing GF for next week-end's Bunbury Two Day. 176 bikes entered, see you there Gavin, and Peter!
And fitted top end to the Red Hunter.
Looks good Richard, see you at the 2 day I'm on the first and second check point. *good3*
I have not been to the pub *smile* the gods have been kind, went to local bearing shop for a 30mm id 52 od taper bearing for the project feathery bed. they don't do them but they do 28mm id, BUT!!!! he put me on to a firm that do!! *respect* so now I am a happy bunny top and bottom head stock races ordered and no having to turn the stem down *good3* so it will be pub friday *beer*
Managed to remove a well rusted on dynamo drive sprocket from a barn find A10. Tried a bit of heat and a slim legged puller. It was a real defiant one, no luck here, in the end took off the inner timing cover, stuck on, (so needed slide hammer and puller on the sprocket) then removed the idler gear from the spindle with nice 3 jaw puller, and took out the key leaving just the sprocket on the taper. Pushed it off the spindle in the big vice with a cylindrical spacer plus a bit of heat to help. Nice to save the part, rather than take the easy way with the angle grinder.
Additional. No threads were damaged, no knuckles skinned, sprocket runs true, so all good for once.
*problem* *fight* *angry* *sad* New bright shiny exhaust pipes for the A10 arrived, unpacked and trial fitted. They don’t fit damik. Same problem as I have found in other threads on new exhausts the bracket it about 5mm to short. Maybe would fit with a spacer but then the mounting stud is to short. Contacted seller and they have promised to sort, sounds hopeful but I wanted her finished and off the ramp so the next one can go on and get its winter TLC.
Re exhaust front pipes. When I put the left front pipe on (came new with the bike), I had to put a dent in the top just before it meets the silencer and right under the left hand footpeg. The reason, the front pipe wouldn't line up with the silencer because it was fouling the nut on the engine stud that also retains the footpeg. Putting the 'dent' in it allowed the front pipe to be pushed underneath the nut and therefore line up with the silencer?? I sure this shouldn't be the case or some l/h front pipes come with a recess. The nut on the stud is the correct 'slimline' item - any thoughts??
Disassembled the sidecar ready for restoration hung the wiring loom fitted the cables fuel tank tomorrow cylinder and head......
Put the newly powder coated bits on the SP project. Which meant I could refit the battery in its new carrier. Completed the thin fuel tap to fat carb inlet plumbing. Bike started up first kick. Lost the rev counter bulb (part of the 6v – 12v hop up) on the ride round the block. Stuck 10 l in the new long range tank and the plumbing looks like it will hold up under pressure.
Not been too well this year so today was first ride on a bike since before Xmas. 85 miles completed on the A10SR after oils and filter change yesterday, never missed a beat pleased to say.
Nice run in good company with the 'Coffin Dodgers' group to Oasis Café on Romney Marsh for lunch.
Back home and trying to warm up now!
Gearbox build on the B
New head gasket on the A
Finally got the A10 back together and started her damik *fight* see post on;topicseen#msg116049 (;topicseen#msg116049)
Main has blown outside the house again. Third time in two years, second time in two months. Left a goodly layer of unpleasant detritus over things. Had to pull the four bikes from the bike port whilst a team worked their way over the drive way with jet washers. Then pushed them all back in (I counted them all out and I counted them all back);
A10, SP special, Loop, Camel.
And the exertion made me feel mighty old. Fortunately the waves of ill fortune only just lapped to the front door of the garage.
today I looked in betsy beezers oil tank to see if she had done the dreaded weeing in the crank case , she's been stood since November and just had a couple of kick overs once a month. so pleased that the oil level was the same so I jumped on the kicker and jumped on the kicker and swore a lot and jumped even more. kept getting spit backs and playing with the manual lever lost the kick backs but no joy. the thing is I fitted a mikuni carb with just a choke lever and haven't mastered it yet, at one point I thought about putting the amal back on and giving it some tickling stick :-\ , but I remembered what dad used to do with the old moggy thou in cold damp weather- even though it wasn't cold and damp *bright idea* and warm the plugs up. yes she burst into life *clap* and I had a little ride up the road, when I returned I had a cuppa and things and then jumped on the kicker again and she fired up...I must master this bloomin carb which apart from first cold start is very good.
G'day fellas.
After a recent layshaft blind bush replacement and layshaft swap the kick and gear levers were a little stiff. I noticed that the tightening sequence of the outer cover made a difference. Looking at the dowels in the outer cover they looked a lot 2nd hand, after 60+ years of on and off. Got some new ones today (plus a few spares) and all is well again.
Still have problems with the after market kick lever. The cotter pin needs tightening after only a few kicks. Eventually the pin pushes straight through. The problem stems from the large hole is a little big and the pin hole is too high. I've run out of hardened shim to place on the shaft flat. It helps for a while. One day I'll get a new kicker. It gets a hard life pushing over 10.5:1 compression.
I’d arranged to ride my pals Serow (XT225) to his gaff from mine last night after which he was giving me a lift home.
First up the battery was too enfeebled for the starter to light up the engine. Second up I was too enfeebled to bump start the little thing. Jump leads and the currently removed T3 battery did the trick. That and a whole lot of cussing.
Next, he has some pretty extreme knobblies fitted on the bike and the handling was beyond nasty. Each roundabout had me longingly looking for the exit. Outside of that it’s a spunky little bike – quickly gaining speed and very slick through the 6 speed box. Happy enough to hand it over though.
This weekend I now have all the required parts on the plot to bolt my T3 back together. That’s an all new clutch, lighter LM flywheel, and a much worked on gearbox – dogs on three of the gears needed welding and machining; mysteriously missing roller from the main bearing. Reckon it’s going to be a long day in the garage on Saturday. If I can get ahead of the curve I might just get the newly finished SP special out for a quick go on the dirt Sunday afternoon.
Still have problems with the after market kick lever. The cotter pin needs tightening after only a few kicks. Eventually the pin pushes straight through. The problem stems from the large hole is a little big and the pin hole is too high. I've run out of hardened shim to place on the shaft flat. It helps for a while. One day I'll get a new kicker. It gets a hard life pushing over 10.5:1 compression.
De Groot has oversize pins;
Installed one on the SA about 4 years ago. Still holding well.
Regarding the bikes, finally got round installing an oil filter on the SA.
It consists of a kit for a Citroen 2CV with a screw on Champion oil filter.
Got it nicely tucked away in the toolbox with still room left for some (small) tools.
Got one ready for the Plunger also, but there some nice weather coming up so that 'll have to wait
G'day morris.
I have o/s pins. Still needs a shim. *rant*
G'day morris.
I have o/s pins. Still needs a shim. *rant*
Already thought you had. Other measures needed then.
Busy with winter fettle, Its guinnessoclock and i can't remember where i put the thing that goes in the other thing! Luckily i found another can and removed myself from the area.
*beer* *bright idea* *beer* *beer* *bash* *good3*
G'day BJ.
You probably put it on the can, it fell in and then you crushed the can!
Been there done that.
Jim..That is unashamed LUXURY. I can see how you are spending your recent good fortune. Also note the most prominent workshop tool, in the foreground, the Brummie Screwdriver.
Today I cleaned up some A7 rods, Autojumble purchase, only to find on removing the cap and old shells that I had one with the locating tab groove a bit bruised. Bugger, that's twice now.
Took the Firestorm for a spin yesterday and discovered no rear brake - not that one uses it much anyway, so today pulled the master cylinder (got to hoist the bike and remove s/a bolt to get to it) and sorted it out. Touched up the paint on the headstock of my project after bruising it whilst creating a steering lock stop. Then went to do some painting on the boat only to discover the yard had run out of the colour I needed. I suppose two steps forward and one back is progress ......
Took day off work and have been busy in garage. Can you guess what it is and what it used to be? Musky's slot in full view (ooh er,GB).
*whistle* *beer* *lol*
G'day BJ.
It used to be a clutch locking plate but what is it now?
What have you got that's slotted? Will post a pick in 1 min
And the answere is;
G'day BJ.
Ah a tank brace. Very inventive. *wink2*
G'day fellas.
Pulled the bottom end of a 1976 HD FXD 1200 shovelhead apart. Found the remnants of a piston that blew some time in it's past. So it's a full rebuild as big end and main roller bearings as well as the cam and pinion shaft bush's are toast. HD parts are cheap compared to our A's.
Spent all day cleaning my GL1800 Goldwing ready for its MOT yesterday and it passed as usual. *smile*
Fitted newly acquired rear crash bars - looking for fronts now.
Finally got the engine back together with a good return to the tank, now I just need to work out how the rear brake goes back together. Same components as as came off that worked OK but I can not get it to adjust right with the cross over leaver in the right place and the peddle against the footrest the adjustment is right off and it is rubbing slightly, but I think it will tighten up a bit more when off the ramp and with me on it. About to try attempt number three on this bit.
Just completed fitting of a Craven top box but now find that it is now too awkward to use the lifting handle to put bike on the center stand so I am now in the process of making a fold down handle that will bolt to the front lifting handle bolt hope it works, I have one fitted to my A65 which has panniers and top box and it works perfectly.
Angus. With the brake pedal set to a comfortable height, move the small cross shaft lever round on the splines to point to the centre or front edge of the oiltank filter nut. If your hub lever hangs down, the cross shaft lever can go on almost parallel to the frame tube. Position the hub lever to point slightly backwards as well, so that when the brake comes on they both approach the magic 90 degree cable/lever angle, but do not reach 90. This will give you the most leverage, and should give enough adjustment so the brake does not bind at all, but is capable of locking the wheel.
Just completed fitting of a Craven top box but now find that it is now too awkward to use the lifting handle to put bike on the center stand so I am now in the process of making a fold down handle that will bolt to the front lifting handle bolt hope it works, I have one fitted to my A65 which has panniers and top box and it works perfectly.
I've heard of people using a pillion footrest fitted upside-down as a folding lift handle
Beautiful day though a chilly -4. Rode the 1913 Douglas into town to get the dog food I forgot to buy yesterday. Happy dogs, happy me.
...1913 Douglas...
And here it is. 2 gears, no clutch. Every stop is an engine stop, every start is a push start. Oiling is by a spring-loaded plunger on the tank. Why take it out today? Well, it's amazingly quiet and wifey was still asleep and would have been woken up if I had taken her rather rorty A10 instead. It's her Douglas too.
Completed the new lifting handle photo attached it works but is not so easy as the A65. I think it has got something to do with center stand itself, couple of years ago I noticed that while on the stand both wheels were touching the ground so took the stand off and built up the feet keeping the same profile and now the rear wheel is a good inch clear of the ground maybe I have built it up too much read somewhere that the rear wheel should only be maybe half that distance.
bikerbob - you've got to have a rasonable clearance between the rear wheel and ground when on its stand. The main problem in my view is the fact the lifting handle in on one side, making an already awkward job even harder. Yet if it was behind, then reaching the stand to hold it with a foot whilst lifting would be difficult. Can't win. Time for air or hydraulic lifters.
Been chasing an oil leak on the rHonda. For weeks now I've been swapping oil coolers and hoses changing o rings and adding gaskets. Turned out to be the hard plastic oil pressure line had a kink and the tiniest crack dripping onto the cooler and frame. Fixed with new line and went for a blast.
And here it is. 2 gears, no clutch. Every stop is an engine stop, every start is a push start. Oiling is by a spring-loaded plunger on the tank. Why take it out today? Well, it's amazingly quiet and wifey was still asleep and would have been woken up if I had taken her rather rorty A10 instead. It's her Douglas too.
I love that machine!
My first powered two-wheeler, before I was old enough to ride on the road, was an old James Autocycle. Although it was probably made in the 1940's it felt very much like an early motorcycle. Here is a picture of a very smart one, not mine.
And here it is. 2 gears, no clutch. Every stop is an engine stop, every start is a push start. Oiling is by a spring-loaded plunger on the tank. Why take it out today? Well, it's amazingly quiet and wifey was still asleep and would have been woken up if I had taken her rather rorty A10 instead. It's her Douglas too.
...Black Sheep, that is indeed a beautiful classic, love the `bicycle`front brake, couldn't see anything to stop the rear wheel, cheers
Completed the new lifting handle .........and built up the feet keeping the same profile and now the rear wheel is a good inch clear of the ground maybe I have built it up too much ....................
B-Bob, with the new handle there, you're lifting more bike weight than you were RD mooted, further back is less ergonomic so a bit of a potential no winner.....maybe the original lack of height was due to worn stops, (to me the stand angle does look a bit much)
I had a similar situation with my Gutzzi, but different geometry so easier fix, but still a work in progress (only taken 25years so far).... my suggestion as I've said before is a small timber wedge about 8" x 3" x 2" to slide under the wheel to roll up on (front or rear and) and lower the stand as it comes back- makes it very easy and could probably easily fit in a bracket or nice leather pouch on the side where the 'new' handle is.....
With the Gutzzi, I sometimes still need extra height so just use packers under each leg and do one side at a time rocking and packing it until I have enough height- but no good out and about.... *doubt*
And here it is. 2 gears, no clutch. Every stop is an engine stop, every start is a push start. Oiling is by a spring-loaded plunger on the tank. Why take it out today? Well, it's amazingly quiet and wifey was still asleep and would have been woken up if I had taken her rather rorty A10 instead. It's her Douglas too.
I love that machine!
My first powered two-wheeler, before I was old enough to ride on the road, was an old James Autocycle. Although it was probably made in the 1940's it felt very much like an early motorcycle. Here is a picture of a very smart one, not mine.
GB I had one exactly the same when I was a nipper back in the late sixtys. Flogged it mercesly.
My first powered two-wheeler, before I was old enough to ride on the road, was an old James Autocycle. Although it was probably made in the 1940's it felt very much like an early motorcycle. Here is a picture of a very smart one, not mine.
GB I had one exactly the same when I was a nipper back in the late sixtys. Flogged it mercesly.
*smile* There was a circular cinder service road around the back of the housing estate where I lived. I must have driven the neighbours mad riding like a loony around that track. I still have some of that cinder tattooed into the skin on my kneecap!
Thanks for those comments dutch I do think that on the swinging arm models it is critical that you get the height and angle of the stand correct, as I said earlier I did build up the feet of the stand and it only took about 5mm to raise the back wheel from touching the ground to having a good inch clearance but at the time I did not take any notice of the angle will look at that when I get some time. The A65 has a similar handle and it is no problem putting on the stand but it is the opposite of the A7 which when on the stand the rear wheel is clear and the front touching the ground whereas the A65 when on the stand it is the front wheel that is well clear of the ground and the rear touching. I did have an A10 some years ago and it was no problem getting on the stand but this A7 is just not easy, I will look up some old photos of the A10 and try and compare for angle.
Had another look at the stand and am of the opinion that maybe part of the problem is when you put the stand down and hold it with your foot and pull back the feet tend to dig in instead of rolling back so I think a reshape of the feet or angle is called for.
Tidied and rearranged stuff in my shed. I'm trying to get some enthusiasm to work on the Beezer.
I've had a piece of bright sheet metal that I think is Stainless Steel for some years. I think I picked it up somewhere, like in the road, or something, I can't remember. It's about a millimetre thick. I previously had it fixed to my workbench at our last house. I remember the trouble I had then making a hole through it, (see picture). My current bench is narrower so I decided to cut this material. My Jig-saw with a metal cutting blade barely marked it. I had to use an aluminium oxide cutting disc in my angle grinder. Next job was making holes through it for my vice. I remembered someone here recommending using a masonry bit to drill tough materials. I buggered up a series of drill bits making pilot holes and enlarging them to 1/2" so the vice bolts could pass through. Anyway, the job is done now. I just wondered if you could tell me what it is that I have been working on.
Decided that I'll have to do something about the WD B40. It needed a drive side main bearing so elder son took it away to fix it. Many months later it came back in a number of boxes. In his attempt to shift a stuck engine bolt, he had drilled it off centre and then snapped the drill bit. So I have a sadly abandoned frame and swinging arm with a stuck engine lurking in the corner surrounded by boxes of bits. It should only have been a weekend's work. Oh, it is now a rusty mess. Total rebuild required.
And here it is. 2 gears, no clutch. Every stop is an engine stop, every start is a push start. Oiling is by a spring-loaded plunger on the tank. Why take it out today? Well, it's amazingly quiet and wifey was still asleep and would have been woken up if I had taken her rather rorty A10 instead. It's her Douglas too.
I keep coming back to look at your veteran Douglas. It's stunning!
Late father in law was the second owner. It's fun to ride, sits at about 35mph on the level. I use it locally and on VMCC runs, often 100+ miles in a day. Here it is in Northumberland.
Tidied and rearranged stuff in my shed. I'm trying to get some enthusiasm to work on the Beezer.
I've had a piece of bright sheet metal that I think is Stainless Steel for some years. I think I picked it up somewhere, like in the road, or something, I can't remember. It's about a millimetre thick. I previously had it fixed to my workbench at our last house. I remember the trouble I had then making a hole through it, (see picture). My current bench is narrower so I decided to cut this material. My Jig-saw with a metal cutting blade barely marked it. I had to use an aluminium oxide cutting disc in my angle grinder. Next job was making holes through it for my vice. I remembered someone here recommending using a masonry bit to drill tough materials. I buggered up a series of drill bits making pilot holes and enlarging them to 1/2" so the vice bolts could pass through. Anyway, the job is done now. I just wondered if you could tell me what it is that I have been working on.
See if it is magnetic - stainless steel isn't. Yes it can be a bugger to drill. I remember having to cut a hole in a kitchen sink for a mixer tap - had to use a pillar drill and trashed four circular cutters.
I have not been to the pub *eek* some stainless steels are magnetic , really old stainless kitchen sinks are not magnetic but new crap stainless sinks are, if I get this correct its ferritic stainless that is magnetic . the same applies to bolts washers , nuts etc . all I know is if you don't use plenty of coolant it work hardens *pull hair out* ruins drills *problem* and is a pain in the backside, as I have known all too well over the years *bash*
It's not magnetic.
Ah, work hardens, eh? That might explain how a sharpened masonry bit appeared to cut well at first but then struggled.
greybeard the other day I picked up a piece of dirty 12mm threaded bar locked two nuts together and proceeded to drill through the nuts and bar .coming to an abrupt halt I looked in the hole and it was glowing, ruined the drill got a new one and tried again, no go! two ruined drills, it was stainless bar, tried to get the nuts off and could just make them squeak half a thread then locked solid, similar to chromed bolts picking up on the threads, not good and no good as a splinter in your finger *eek*
I've learned that cutting oil/compound is essential for drilling stainless, but still haven't figured the best stuff
Tidied and rearranged stuff in my shed. I'm trying to get some enthusiasm to work on the Beezer.
I've had a piece of bright sheet metal that I think is Stainless Steel for some years. I think I picked it up somewhere, like in the road, or something, I can't remember. It's about a millimetre thick. I previously had it fixed to my workbench at our last house. I remember the trouble I had then making a hole through it, (see picture). My current bench is narrower so I decided to cut this material. My Jig-saw with a metal cutting blade barely marked it. I had to use an aluminium oxide cutting disc in my angle grinder. Next job was making holes through it for my vice. I remembered someone here recommending using a masonry bit to drill tough materials. I buggered up a series of drill bits making pilot holes and enlarging them to 1/2" so the vice bolts could pass through. Anyway, the job is done now. I just wondered if you could tell me what it is that I have been working on.
hi Lawnmower Man, we normally use a ‘chassis punch’ for installing those deck faucets, 35mm
See if it is magnetic - stainless steel isn't. Yes it can be a bugger to drill. I remember having to cut a hole in a kitchen sink for a mixer tap - had to use a pillar drill and trashed four circular cutters.
G'day GB.
Some stainless is a little magnetic. I use masonry drills sharpened like a normal drill. Needs a special grinding wheel to sharpen it (green silicon carbide). Stainless needs to be cut/drilled with a lot of continuous pressure at a good speed and coolant/oil. HSS drills will do it but again continuous pressure at a slower speed. Never let a tool just rub. it will loose it's edge quickly.
Been pulling down a 1976 HD FX motor. Oh the horrors. Some people shouldn't have tools *ex* *work*
I worked with Stainless steel all my working life fabricating welding etc. Stainless steel comes in a variety of grades the most common is 304 which has 18%chromium and 8 % nickel when you buy stainless bolts for your bikes it will be 304 it has a good corrosion resistence. The higher grade 316 is 16%chromium 10%nickel and 2%molydenum this is used for marine work and in the food industry and is highly corrosion resistant paricularly sea salts. You cannot tell the difference in the grades just by looking they look the same. As for drilling you need a good quality tungsten carbide drill which is sharp and use a cutting fluid and not a high speed drill as you will just burn out the drill and once the stainless gets hot i.e. blue heat then your drill will be useless.
Tidied and rearranged stuff in my shed. I'm trying to get some enthusiasm to work on the Beezer.
I've had a piece of bright sheet metal that I think is Stainless Steel for some years. I think I picked it up somewhere, like in the road, or something, I can't remember. It's about a millimetre thick. I previously had it fixed to my workbench at our last house. I remember the trouble I had then making a hole through it, (see picture). My current bench is narrower so I decided to cut this material. My Jig-saw with a metal cutting blade barely marked it. I had to use an aluminium oxide cutting disc in my angle grinder. Next job was making holes through it for my vice. I remembered someone here recommending using a masonry bit to drill tough materials. I buggered up a series of drill bits making pilot holes and enlarging them to 1/2" so the vice bolts could pass through. Anyway, the job is done now. I just wondered if you could tell me what it is that I have been working on.
See if it is magnetic - stainless steel isn't. Yes it can be a bugger to drill. I remember having to cut a hole in a kitchen sink for a mixer tap - had to use a pillar drill and trashed four circular cutters.
From memory of working with stainless decades ago........“austenitic” types of stainless aren’t magnetic, the other types ARE magnetic.
Austenitic stainless (eg. 304, 316, 321 grades etc) are non magnetic but there is stainless that is magnetic (often cutlery is non austenitic and so magnetic). The inclusion of nickel in stainless makes it non magnetic but not all stainless contains nickel.
Some stainless work hardens and so is a bugger to machine (if 5he tool slips etc) others don’t work harden
I’m sure a metallurgist will pop up and enlighten us!
Didn’t work on the bike today but did tart up the nz bsa web site ( a bit more.....thats vaguely a10 related
Took my old girl for a run around the block yesterday. First time I've fired her up in a couple of months and also since I resealed the rocker box a while back. No wet sumping to deal with and though it took a few kicks she was keen enough. Ran nicely too.
Clutch felt heavy after the other stuff I have been running recently, and I was reminded that there was just a little slip under load last time out. Still running the much derided 6 spring so it could be I should be looking for an alternative rather than pulling the springs down any more.
Anyway once I was back I gave her a wash and brush up and then a wipe over with an oily rag. Picked up a little corrosion in the 10 years since I've had this one back on the road - chrome tubes on the forks being probably the worst.
Took the finally reassembled A10 for a test run around the block. Runs really nicely (well she should I have not touched any of that), clutch slips a bit so some adjustment required there and I still have not got the rear brake right *pull hair out* *angry*. The foot rest needs to go lower as it is a combination of all three, the brake arm lever on the splined cross over shaft, the foot peddle, also on a spline on the other end of the cross shaft and the footrest in the splined adaptor that acts as a stop for the foot peddle. Current all angles are correct as the break begins to bite, but the foot peddle travels to far to to get to this point. I will give it one more go.
Angus, it could be the cable. If new, the wrong one or the right one but with an error in the comparative lengths of inner and outer. Old cable? Check for stretch in the outer as this lost movement must be compressed before any force can come on the hub brake lever.
G'day Fellas.
Sunday I took the rHonda on her first ride after rebuild. Going perfect. Thought I'd check under the motor. What better way to inspect it than sliding down the road next to her at 60mph *ex*
Lucky we were on the soft green bit between the bitumen and treeline before parting company. It was on a narrow country road over Saddleback Mountain. Parts never see the sun and are a bit mossy. Down hill right hand bend going twice the recommended speed hit the moss, kiss my ass good by.
F/all damage to the bike, I'm a bit banged up in both hips but was able to ride the 80 miles home. Using crutches to get around now.
Oh man Musky! I'm really sorry to hear this. Do take good care of yourself and have all the fixable bits on you tended to.
(Now, the humor.) it's unbelievable that the very first time you exceed the speed limit you get into a crash. So, did you find any leaks? You say the bike had little damage. I also assume it gathered no moss while rolling.
Hope you report better, soon.
Richard L.
Muskrat, I bet that hurt. Up my way, the Bulahdelah mountain was bypassed some 10 years ago- a winding road in the forest, and I thought what a great blast it would be now the traffic has gone. However, it had been unused for about 6 months and the road was now covered in green slime and leaves. With a long sigh I toodled along enjoying the scenery instead with one foot down. No crutches needed.
Yesterday pulled down the GF top end, with determination to check Everything. I think I found 99% of the reason for the smoke fairly quickly. The LHS Small end bush was reamed off-square. There was a 9 thou difference from Left to Right on the piston top at TDC. ie it tilts to the right. I could put a feeler gauge down the left side at 17 thou, Couldn't get the 1&1/2 one in on the right side of the piston. Last thing I expected!! The piston rings were probably acting like an oil pump. Explains why it always took 30 seconds for the smoke to start. Bores look OK and are parallel - 18.50 mm between cylinders top and bottom.
The RHS piston is square within 1 thou. It doesn't smoke.
Now whether to try bush replacement & reaming in-situ or pull the whole thing down yet again.??? My favourite shop won't do it and wants the rods. I've read the blogs so am wary of in-situ. I know you have done it Musky.!
Given the horrors I have found sofar, it might pay me to do the whole job. The rod looks & measures straight as far as I can tell, but??
G'day Col.
Yes the only way to be 100% is to take the rod out. Doing it in-situ may end up off square too.
G'day Ricnard.
You mean it was unbelievable, THAT was the First time *????* Happy I didn't find any leaks. The local farmer can now sow seeds in the furrows the alternator cover dug. Lucky it didn't roll, didn't even break a blinker or mirror.
A pair of crutches Monday, single crutch today, try to walk unaided tomorrow. I still managed to put the timing side back together on the plunger yesterday.
its good your ok musky, that will teach you to ride those other things and it could've ended up being an oil slick and a very fed up muskrat.
I dug out all the grass and mud from the nooks & crannies of the rHonda. Now I'm giving her the 1st service after rebuild. Check the shims (no changes necessary), change oil and filter (changed it to a spin on), check all bolts. Tomorrow I'll fit the fairing back on. Lucky she didn't have her good dress on when she went playing in the mud. I still can't believe she got a lot less (read none) damage than me *ex*
... I'm a bit banged up in both hips but was able to ride the 80 miles home. Using crutches to get around now.
Steady on fella, we need you here! Stop messing about with those moderns!
G'Day Musky. Today I shall raise a glass to your health and offer a toast to your continued well being. You are indeed a lucky man.
All the best.
with you on that greybeard a bandido helped to erase my mate from the planet- I have no one to play with now *cry* *sad* and he was my personal satnav ,,rip ruff ---- I get lost all too easily
Muskrat, I bet that hurt. Up my way, the Bulahdelah mountain was bypassed some 10 years ago- a winding road in the forest, and I thought what a great blast it would be now the traffic has gone. However, it had been unused for about 6 months and the road was now covered in green slime and leaves. With a long sigh I toodled along enjoying the scenery instead with one foot down. No crutches needed.
Yesterday pulled down the GF top end, with determination to check Everything. I think I found 99% of the reason for the smoke fairly quickly. The LHS Small end bush was reamed off-square. There was a 9 thou difference from Left to Right on the piston top at TDC. ie it tilts to the right. I could put a feeler gauge down the left side at 17 thou, Couldn't get the 1&1/2 one in on the right side of the piston. Last thing I expected!! The piston rings were probably acting like an oil pump. Explains why it always took 30 seconds for the smoke to start. Bores look OK and are parallel - 18.50 mm between cylinders top and bottom.
The RHS piston is square within 1 thou. It doesn't smoke.
Now whether to try bush replacement & reaming in-situ or pull the whole thing down yet again.??? My favourite shop won't do it and wants the rods. I've read the blogs so am wary of in-situ. I know you have done it Musky.!
Given the horrors I have found sofar, it might pay me to do the whole job. The rod looks & measures straight as far as I can tell, but??
G,day col,
I would definitely check that the offending rod is not bent, a common occurrence with alloy rods.
Berger ,don't think of it as you getting lost ,more as you found somewhere you didn't know existed until you got there ,if you follow my drift errrrmmmm *dunno* *doh*
Musky, as GB said leave the modern things be ,you'd have expected the bezzer to leak ( a little ) so wouldn't have had to look and so you wouldn't have damaged the road !! seriously glad you are ok,some of us here still remember the incident with a pickup ,on a bridge some yrs ago so you've got 7 left ,use 'em well mate . *beer*
The dbd bit back, adjusting the primary chain on the side stand and tightening the gearbox bottom bolt, the bike toppled completely on top of me . Pinned both arms under the frame so couldn't move. My shouts (screams) for help was heard by a chap in nearby field who thought it was a cow in trouble !! No serious damage either to the bike or me, just a few bruises and a few square inches of skin removed, but certainly a wake up call now I'm getting decrepid to make sure someone's in earshot
Took the A10 out for the first time this year. Took 2 kicks to start - shock, horror. A welcome reminder just how pleasant and competent a bike it is. Must remember to fix the abberent trip mileage which hasn't worked properly since I had the speedo overhauled. No wonder I thought it was drinking petrol.
Thanks Ironhead,
Yes I will dismantle and rebuild from scratch.
... No serious damage either to the bike or me, just a few bruises and a few square inches of skin removed, but certainly a wake up call now I'm getting decrepid to make sure someone's in earshot
That could have been serious. I hope the engine wasn't hot!
No GB, luckily the engine was cold. It would have very serious if the exhaust pipe was hot as the bike fell to the offside with me completely under it. Good job it had something soft to land on (me).
Today I am working on the top-end of my troublesome 'sickle.
Played rear mudguards today. Dirt Cheapo fleabay purchase with big ugly dab of bondo (which probably put a lot of people off ) required investigation.
No surprises, nicely powder coated with rust underneath, bondo softened with a heat gun, off it came in chunks. Lace curtains underneath, as expected. Couldn't be arsed to fire up the plasma cutter, so Angle Grinder with a nice thin disc to cut back to sound metal, and a quick spray with rattle can paint to prevent further rot while I plan the best way to proceed.
No sweat, easy peasey.
I finished the 1st service on the rHonda and re-fitted the fairing. Had to "adjust" the mounting points that got twisted in the get off. Got it all good then found a pulled wire connection so had to take it all off again. That kept me amused in the shed till 10pm. This morning I'll give her a tub then take her for a spin.
Yes dear I'll take it easy *????*
Took the old A7 long stroke out for a run with the IHC club for old and small bikes to Capel. Didn’t put the wet gear on and it rained all the way, you just can’t trust that weather man! *shh*
The oldest bike on the run a 1914 BSA. A good ride even if I did get wet, and the old girl preformed perfectly, as I new it would, *good3* went close to hitting a roo made me sit up and take notice! *dribble* but a good ride. *beer*
G'day fellas.
My Club had a short ride to a local Retirement Home today.
I was going to take the Cafe so tinkered with her most of yesterday. This morning I got ready then found due to my injured hips I couldn't get my feet on the pegs!
The old A7 plunger to the rescue again. Drop fuel in and go.
Had about 25 bikes for the old blokes to look over. The most common remark was "I had one of those". I could have listened to those old stories all day. It wasn't just the blokes with the stories either. A few of the ladies had some good ones too. The staff there were great (one nurse is a club member) but I think they were checking us to see if they had enough rooms as some of us looked like we should be residents.
Made a reluctant start on the newly acquired money pit, namely a late version A7 Longstroke basket case engine. It arrived in large pieces. First look is that the major castings are undamaged, the crank has steel rods with detachable end caps, lots of slop on the big ends. Push Rods, Cam and Followers plus Tappet Retaining Plate and Pistons missing, otherwise as you would expect from a motor dismantled in 1972 and left in the shed until the owner moved on.
Rare? Certainly. Desirable? Not really from a spares and use point of view, but as it represents a step in the evolution of the BSA Vertical Twin, worth saving as an eventual runner or cleaned up as a static display in the short or probably long term until the missing bits come along.
Now over to the Longstroke Section. First consideration is the Cylinder Barrel.
Made a gearbox roller detent for a 55 A10, and fitted new SS studs for fastening the carby to a Matchless G80 head. Like every other thread in this head, helicoiling was required.
20 years ago my elder son rode away on the WD B40 to investigate the possible worn main bearing. Eventually it was returned in several boxes. He couldn't shift the front engine bolt so tried drilling it out on one side - off centre - and then tried the other side - even more off centre and then snapped the drill bit. Then brought it home.
It only took 2 mornings to get the remains of the bolt out - a combination of care, precision, massive heat and brutality. It may need more than a wipe with an oily rag to get it back together though. And then check out the main bearing. Ho hum.
How nice to see the offending item in all its defeated glory. I like the escalation in violence used to achieve the result.
Well done, Sir.
No work on any bike today, it's a cold day up here bright enough so would have been a good shed day, but Washing machine stopped turning, it lights up, pumps in and out but no drum rotation, so you tube searched, two suggestions, broken belt or motor brushes, turned out it the brushes (one shiny one dull), You tube is an asset for this kind of thing, I found a video that covered the whole job.
Took me back to my short lived electrical engineering apprenticeship,.
Was a nice little job as my man flu symptoms still exist but I now have me mojo back at least and was looking for something to do but not out in that freezing wind.
Next job replace the lights in the fake flame electric fire
No work on any bike today, it's a cold day up here bright enough so would have been a good shed day, but Washing machine stopped turning, it lights up, pumps in and out but no drum rotation, so you tube searched, two suggestions, broken belt or motor brushes, turned out it the brushes (one shiny one dull), You tube is an asset for this kind of thing, I found a video that covered the whole job.
Took me back to my short lived electrical engineering apprenticeship,.
Was a nice little job as my man flu symptoms still exist but I now have me mojo back at least and was looking for something to do but not out in that freezing wind.
Next job replace the lights in the fake flame electric fire
You just described my life, Manflu an all!
BSA bill lucky it wasn't an induction motor, someone asked me to change the brushes on their washer *conf2* non brush motor *eek* *help* so I ran away, nearly got rid of my person flu now *smiley4*
Had two days riding a mix of (legal) off road routes and minor roads from mid—Essex to Thetford and then back again. Overnight at a b&b in a pub at the top of the ride. Four of us on the trip – modern Kawa 250 (though horribly scruffy already), XT225 grey import Serow, XT250 and my SP370. Apart from having to deal with a blown fuse at the start of the ride on the Serow they all ran OK. The rest of the chaps ended up on their ears on various occasions whilst I managed to remain sunny side up throughout – I obviously wasn’t trying hard enough. So a weekend with the blokes … bikes and beer. Not much not to like there.
someone asked me to change the brushes on their washer *conf2* non brush moto
Hee Hee, always something to trip you up these days.
Getting older you gain experience right enough but I find in this much changing world I have not the confidence I had 60 years ago, I recall in my apprentice days fixing a neighbours washing machine by resizing brushes from another machine, had no idea what was up with the thing until I looked at it, craft or just luck - god knows
yes bill in the good old days I borrowed massive carbons that were for massive motors at work and cut them down to mend my now extinct old washer [ still got plenty] but now the washer brushers have the wire embeded in them so its a no go. and when I take the back or top off one and see an induction motor I just put it back on say to them you need a geezer who knows about this computer controlled monstrosity ---- not me!
I have been in the shed, measuring valve springs but now my legs are aching so I'm heading indoors for a cup of tea.
Bit of a problem today was shifting the bikes around I have 2 an A65 and an A7 dropped the A65 back onto the drive then moved the A7 and somehow I lost the balance and the A7 started lean over it got to the stage where I could not pull it back up so let it slowly go down on the gearbox side. Had to leave it for about 20 minutes while I shifted things around in the garage namely the bike lift and other bits and pieces to get into a position to lift it back up. I managed to get the bike back up and onto the side stand put the bike lift back in place then drove the bike onto the lift and looked for any damage. Luckily there was only a slight scratch on the edga of the Avon handlebar fairing witch I have now sorted, but then I noticed oil dripping out of the rear section of the fully enclosed rear chain case, while on it's side oil must have leaked out of the rear of the primary case and run into the chain case. I will leave it for a couple of days to let all the oil drip out then check the primary oil level. Must take more care when moving the bikes.
Must take more care when moving the bikes.
Indeed. I'm glad you were not trapped by the bike!
Not glad you dropped the bike Bob, but glad it not just me - where do muscles go once you stop working
Luckily when it happened the bike was falling away from me and as you know there comes a point when you cannot pull it back so let it go down slowly, my main concern was would I be able to lift it back up as I will be 77 next month and was cosidering leaving it and giving one of my sons a ring asking one of them to call in from work. but that would mean her indoors would find out and she is already hinting that I am to old and should consider selling the bikes we could have some great holidays with the proceeds. Maybe that is why I put the effort in and got the bike back up without her finding out.
I've been away from home this week so no work done on the Beeza. I have a new set of Stellited cam followers so tomorrow and Tuesday I can work on getting the engine back together before my wife and I are off for a couple of days for a wedding. Soon the whole family are going to spend a weekend together to celebrate wife's 70th birthday. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to get to ride much this summer!
Nowt today, started it up yesterday, I need a good run to check plug colour as I've dropped the needle a groove cos plugs quite sooty, could just be modern fuel (anyone found that.)
But today I had a garden rubbish burn (SHHHHHH), got rid of most of the manflu (with complications) symptoms but I totally whacked now, (hormone pills don't help I've been told).
in the words of a great man
"When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am."
However I have a bottle of stuff that will help- and then I may become comfortably numb *smile*
"When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am."
However I have a bottle of stuff that will help- and then I may become comfortably numb *smile*
I love a Pink Floyd reference.
when I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,- *loveit* it must have been a BSA
Quick blast up the Wye valley to help bed in rings. Retorque head and spend an hour or two fitting the rocker cover. Also annealed a couple of copper washers on rockerbox and hoping they can retain a bit more oil. Am ignoring the crack i found in the head as there is nothing i can do about it so...? Off to Monmouth tom to remind myself why i love this bike! No Floyd reference, can't think of anything relevant, look mum there's an aeroplane up in the sky. Love Floyd.
*pull hair out* *beer* *countdown*
Although under cover, it can get a bit dusty and mucky under the bike port so I bought an additional canvas cover to go over the A10 to try and preserve some of its fading beauty.
With all this gorgeous weather in the UK - well down in East Anglia at least, I popped out on my Loop frame - Jug, a couple of times. But only to the local shops ... and inappropriately attired.
Got all the last of the mud off my SP and found the front wheel bearings a little notchy. Replacements on order.
Started prepping the Camel for sale.
I am reassembling the engine of my bike. See topic 'Rattle'.
Hi All,
I was at Stafford Show at the weekend and bought this Guzzi single
A little work today has it running *smile*
It needs some new tyres re registering before it takes to the road
Is that the actual machine?
Yep, the Italians do it all differently! External flywheel, brake pedal behind the footpeg!
I just finished polishing the Cafe. Ready for Sundays Berry Bike Show. Might show the A7 an oily rag as well.
I managed time yesterday to take the bike for a run. Flippin gorgious it was too. *smile*
Slight tappet rattle when hot; hoping that is just things settling in. I'll adjust the tappets again. *work*
Did the SP wheel bearings. They’re a 6201 so had an ID too small for my more usual drifts. One side had a rubber seal and the other was shielded, both with open backs. All a bit odd I thought – and why use a shielded ball race for a wheel bearing?
Had a happy weekend at the Bum in the Mud rally on Mersea Island – a local gig for me. Much fun was had, though someone turned their trike over on the causeway on the Sunday morning and the road was blocked for an hour or two whilst the air ambulance worked it’s magic. Didn’t sound like they were hurt too bad for all the drama that must have entailed. I gather some of those trikes can be quite tricksy to drive.
Next up – I have a day at home next week (apart from the BH Monday), so will be attempting a multi bike MOT session; T3, Camel, XLH1200, Rexxer. Most of the rest of the collective are exempt on the 40 year rule now.
did an Oil change today, and chainlube (I have an enclosed chainguard, but missing the front part, so now really marking its territory;o) and checked for loose parts and then a short trip to be sure everything is working ok, as I'm going on a weekend trip to Northern Germany (west of Hamburg) together with some other members of the Danish BSA club)... hoping the weather will turn out good...
After the weekend I will be retorquing the top, and then play with the rocker box and tappets (hate that part ;o) but need to get all ready and good for the BSA IR in August...
Hope to meet some of you there - will be using the T-shirt *smile*
Hi GB,
I copied those pics from the auction catalog. Lot 467
I think I stole it , all the others I have seen for sale were 10k upwards *smile*
Got the crankshaft out a few days ago. Did a Static Balance measurement today. Seems to be about 56% Balance Factor.
Getting it ready to get a Dynamic balance done next week, then re-assembly. Miked Journals, rods etc. All good. Buggerall wear.
Hope to meet some of you there - will be using the T-shirt *smile*
That is exactly why I suggested the idea of a branded forum garment.
I'm planning to be there for a couple of days. I'm close enough to travel from home. I will also wear a forum tee-shirt. See ya!
I have not been to the pub, but I am tomorrow *grins* *beer* so today I decided to do a little maintenance on betsy beezer, some of you may remember me moaning about the first start up of the year and having nearly kicked the bucket [again] kicking and kicking I decided to warm the plugs and she started. I was saying I wasn't used to the choke on the mikuni and once up and running she was ok to restart . well today having checked the points gap with a 12 thou feeler the points had opened up to whatever they wanted to be *eek* the moving contact had come loose in the arm so basically letting it dance about wherever it wanted to up to a gap of 30thou, I sorted that out *bash* *good3* and she started 3rd kick. I will see if this was my cold starting problem in the coming weeks and months because summer in the uk is cancelled until september *evil*
Had a chilly run down to Paignton for BMAD event on Friday returning today. Went down on A roads but came back on motorway. Arrived in quite a state as A10 had started to play up usually at busy roundabouts *eek* *angry*. Fiddled with plugs and leads fri eve but am fairly sure it's a carby event. Blast back on motorway was much smoother with bike running well on full choke. Was intending to ride back with some friends, meeting up at 9 a.m. Unfortunately due to a drinking event on Sat night was not fit to ride until 2.30 pm ::hh:: *countdown* *sick*. I blame Berger's influence on this forum, i will also not be partaking of alcoholic beverages for a very very long time!
Five of us from the Cheshire Branch of the BSAOC went to watch the Classic Scramble near Stoke on Trent. Had a great day out and pleased to report that my A10 (Golden Flash - the red one with the single saddle I built last year) won an award for 'Best Vintage Bike' !!!
Rode 61 miles one way to the event in the attached flyer. The event took place at the most local real vintage motorcycle shop. Morrie's Place. The finale of the get-together was s ride up into the southern Wisconsin countryside. Very nice, but, without my prior knowing, added about 70 miles to my round trip, So, ended up with about a 200 mile ride today. That's a really long ride for me.
Ri hard L.
G'day fellas.
Yesterday we had our Berry Classic Bike Show hosted by my local club Shoalhaven Classic Motorcycle Club Inc. The weather was very iffy with a few good showers through the day explaining the low numbers entered (98). The last downpour was as I was loading the BSA's onto the trailer. I got soaked as my Dryizabone was 100 yards away! A good turnout nonetheless. Should be able to donate about $2000 to our chosen charity Yumaro.
I was hoping the Cafe would pick up the Classic Modified trophy as there was only her and a slightly modified but very shinny Matchy. The Cafe came 2nd! My camera spat the dummy so for pics you can go here
Fantastic that your club will be able to donate a respectable sum to that very worthy charity.
Richard L.
I was hoping the Cafe would pick up the Classic Modified trophy as there was only her and a slightly modified but very shinny Matchy.
I heard they wanted but then someone said “Let’s not because if he wins he’s gonna want to let us hear how she sounds at 7000 rpm...” *whistle*
But i did leave a nice black line in the car park riding her back to the ute *bash*
Should be able to donate about $2000 to our chosen charity Yumaro.
Some great machinery.
There is a Triumph with what looks to me like a strange looking cylinder head; the exhaust ports are facing straight forward. Is the head from a generator engine?
G'day GB.
Looks like this
Well I dreamt of mine last night – another fuel tap leak. It all got very complicated and involved a lot of detritus from the tank blocking up the filters. There were even one or two of you folks (but who?) turned up to help me. I’m not sure you were too impressed.
But what would some psychobabble dream analyst make of that one?
Started my 51 plunger tonight; first kick - last run was 7th December last year.
Finally finished the B.
Rebuilt Gbox, fitted Bob Newby belt drive/ clutch.
Applied fettling befitting a bike that’s been laid up for 2+ yrs.
Started 4th kick 😃
Running very well
It's been a while, nearly 4 years, but today I cleaned up my replica RGS ready to get her going again. A few (repro) rubber parts have perished and failed while in store, cable ties and fork gaiters, and the oil is ALL in the sump. After cleaning she doesn't look too bad! Ready for more attention.
I think I have been inspired by dropping in (by car!) on the Cheshire BSAOC pub Concours last Saturday in Lower Peover. A good turn out of, it seemed to me, mainly A10s.
hi guys, came across this one recently, cant see the point really, cheers
G'day kiwi.
I've seen a few front mounted carbs on race bikes. Mostly two strokes, four strokes take a lot more work.
Usually mounted carbs get fed warm air that has passed over/around a hot motor. Carbs at the front get nice cold air. Much better for performance. Downside is they also get fed crap from the front wheel!
The Matchy that beat my cafe for a trophy on Sunday had a different approach.
It’s MOT week for me this week. As the 40 year exemption rule rolls on this becomes less and less arduous. So I just have four lined up for tomorrow – ’81 T3 (Blue), ’07 ZRX1200 (Zed), ’81 Morini 500 (Camel) and ’89 XLH1200 (Hardley). I guess it’s not long for the T3 and Camel now, though the Camel will be listed as soon as it has a ticket.
These bikes have all been on SORN over winter. Moving things around out there I found the front disc dragging badly on Brown (H1 500 Kawa), and lifting the covers on Hardley there seemed to be a lot of fur on the engine cases, must have skimped on the wash before that one went away.
CB, I can only dream of having a stable of two-wheelers to choose from *dribble*
CB, I can only dream of having a stable of two-wheelers to choose from *dribble*
It's a double edged sword. I know from other, err - enthusiasts, that there is an equation for the right number of motorcycles that you should own and that is n + 1. But for me it is not. Not when most of them are older clunkers that need fairly regular attention, and you are still having to hold down work 5 days a week.
That H1 didn't turn a wheel last year. My Nimbus has been parked up for over a year waiting attention to the charging circuit/dynamo/VR. I reclutched the T3 over winter, along with my pal's V50. My 'hot' Bantam build has stood for over 6 months. My A10, god bless her runs great, even after standing for months - but doesn't get ridden. My vegetable plot is a weed strewn wasteland.
My obsession chasing down n +1 currently stands at 14, and something has to give. This year 'll be selling off the Camel, a Honda Helix scooter, and the Sunbeam - if I can ever get the wretched thing running again.
Poor me.
if you have the pleasure of thermostat controlled storage you can never have too many toys, a friend of mine has 3 garages full of toys but they are in the gods of condensation heat and freeze. the problem is things rust, oxidize sweat and perish , when he wants to ride one its a case of a full day preparation or more depending on how long they have been stood. to my way of thinking they are going to the dogs instead of being things of pleasure, it is like having too many lead acid battery's if you don't tickle them every now and then they will be of no use when needed.
Was out on the Enfield last night. Realised that my rebel outlaw biker image is gone when I got a big wave from a little girl clutching her teddy bear.
I thought I'd already posted this.
Yesterday I adjusted the tappets. If you were following my long-winded series of posts about my cam followers wearing you can imagine I'm a bit paranoid about tappet clearance. I had set the gaps to 8 thou. When I rechecked yesterday, after only 20 miles, all the gaps were tight; about 5 thou. Why?
I adjusted the gaps to 8 thou again. I'm off to the Cheshire BSAOC weekend on Friday. I'll probably total 200 miles over the weekend. I'll know after that if the problem is solved.
Despite using new fibre washers the rocker banjo's were seeping oil after the first short test ride. Experimentally, I've removed the fibre washers and put a chunky O ring under each of the banjo's. The O ring does not squish out. The banjo's are against the rocker box. I chose O rings that were slightly larger diameter than the rocker spindles and had about a 3mm Cross section. Following a short ride, no oil had escaped. I'll let you know how this experiment goes.
Hi GB,
Its fairly normal for the tappet clearance to close up a little over the settling in mileage
I believe its due to the valves settling into the seats or stretching a touch
8 &10 is the normal setting for a 356 cam
I set the clearances a little loose on a new build to compensate somewhat for the settling in
So 4 MOTs and 4 passes - £118.60 all up. Issues?
Battery on the Camel was completely dead so the battery had to go on charge and that got slipped down the running order to last place.
No pilot light on the T3. Pulled the lamp to find no bulb (?). Pulled the lamp on the Loop frame to find I'd directly soldered the bulb itself onto the wires on that one (no bulb holder). Pulled the lamp on the V50 and robbed that (MOT due in the autumn so I will be scratching my head again then). Sounded like the left exhaust port was chuffing by the time I got down there (and it's only a half mile). This is the first ride out since the clutch and gearbox job so I guess it needs reseating and pulling down better at the port.
Pulling the covers off the Sportster revealed an acreage of furry alloy - it's not a bike that gets much attention it must be admitted. So that got a wipe over with an oily rag before it went down.
ZRX has been stored with a full tank and fuel stab and fired up on the button. Good old Japanese reliability. All a bit faster than I've been riding this last 3 months. Feels like a killer.
The Camel has the butchest of the horns on these bikes and by this afternoon I'd got enough charge into the battery to even sound that. Usual issues with the left side kicker both to go down and come back. This was the first time out since I'd had yet another go at shimming the clutch. As expected it now has a beautiful action but absolutely no chance of getting neutral once at a standstill.
Advisory on the Harley for a thin rear tyre, and rear wheel bearings on the T3.
Which one would I like to be riding down to the ports this evening with my passport in my pocket - well the T3 of course.
Hi GB,
Its fairly normal for the tappet clearance to close up a little over the settling in mileage
I believe its due to the valves settling into the seats or stretching a touch
Ah, that's ok then
8 &10 is the normal setting for a 356 cam
John, I set the tappets as if my engine is a Road Rocket, as per the Haycraft BSA Twins book. Did I do wrong?
Cyclobutch. Where you going?
Today I have washed Betsie Beezer, fitted the carrier and panniers and changed the dual-seat for the single saddle. I have packed the pannier bags with camping stuff. I just have to strap my clothing bag, tent, foam bedroll plus air bedroll to the carrier, (yup, I need as much comfort at night as I can get) and Bungie it all on and tomorrow morning I'll be off to Cheshireland. It's likely to be frosty Saturday night into Sunday so I have various thermal under-layers and even a fleecy onesie.
G'day GB.
The thought of the sight of you in a fleecy onesie makes me want to poke out my minds eye.
Bikes looking great. Have a great weekend.
The thought of the sight of you in a fleecy onesie makes me want to poke out my minds eye.
"The lady Musky doth protest too much, methinks". I may post a picture!
Yes the bike looks lovely... *wink2* well done you...
BTW... some bugger has pinched one of your pavers.. *eek*
I am going to the pub in 12hours *beer* WOZZA I was thinking the same about the bricks, maybe it has a oil *eek*/ water drain there *conf2*
hi guys, GB. hope all go,s well, dont forget to pack the bike stand, ha,ha
Cyclobutch. Where you going?
Sorry, I'm not. I was just dreaming.
Yes the bike looks lovely... *wink2* well done you...
BTW... some bugger has pinched one of your pavers.. *eek*
*smile* That is supposed to aid drainage when I wash the bike. It doesn't. I will have to excavate sometime and make a soakaway.
hi guys, GB. hope all go,s well, dont forget to pack the bike stand, ha,ha
*smile* As I said, I don't trust the side stand. I left the old girl out under the carport last night to make things easier today. The loaded bike was too heavy to lift onto the centre stand.
G'day GB.
Tip: put on c/stand b4 loading. Get wife to push you off on your way. Don't stop *eek*
Get wife to push you off...
I can't get her to pull me off, so no chance!
oooooer matron , greybeard what ya like!! *dribble*
Understand GB. I also get a loud mouth after I’ve had a couple...
But shouldn’t you better wait until you’ve arrived *????*
Interesting 80 mile ride to the BSAOC camp. I often set my Satanav to Short route, avoiding motorways. Well, there were a few heavy rain showers and even a hail storm. I found myself riding on narrow, often flooded lanes, trying not to fall off, as the loaded bike was slipping on the detritus that had been washed off the trees. The bike that was gleaming when I set off from home now looks like I've been green-laning, which in fact I have.
Anyway, the engine sounds the same as before the ride, so I think the cam follower issue is solved. YIP! *smile*
The Cotton Arms at Wrenbury has free WiFi, so I'm able to send all my virtual mates this massage.
There are several A7A10 forum members here including Paul something, Andrew (Priory Magnetos) Guttman and Simon Griffin? Today I will wear my forum branded Teeshirt with pride.
When I opened my tent this morning I fell in love once again with my good and trusted BSA servant Emily, (reg EML) coated in crud and patiently waiting to take me wherever I want her to go.
Update at 13:00 Saturday: Sitting in the pub supping a Doom Bar beer. I just completed the treasure hunt ride that this camp always have, rather than the normal drop-off type of trip. Our team of two came back first, so we've probably got all the answers wrong! There is always a tie-break question; this year the question was: How much would it cost to buy enough crumbly Cheshire cheese to weigh the same as a mature African elephant?
the engine sounds the same as before the ride, so I think the cam follower issue is solved. YIP!
Good good *smiley4*
Oil change yesterday on the A7 ready to ride to the Brimbo classic bike meet tomorrow near Diss in Norfolk. Dont expect to see anyone from on here but I will be wearing the sweat shirt.
G'day fellas.
I'm suspecting nothing done on the bikes today other than taking the wife/mother for a ride. It's Mothersday down here. A double weekend for my Deb. Was her b/day yesterday.
A tent with a view
There's something in the way of a very handsome hedge! *beer*
I hope everyone enjoyed the Cheshire BSAOC camping weekend.
I had planned to visit on Saturday, having got one bike running after a few years lay up. As it turned out it was as well I didn't, because I woke on Sunday remembering I'd not put any oil in the gearbox after some work on the kickstart quadrant.
All sorted now and the search for insurance can proceed...
.....As it turned out it was as well I didn't, because I woke on Sunday remembering I'd not put any oil in the gearbox after some work on the kickstart quadrant........
*bash* *bash* *bash*
kinda just a bit sorry 'bout that.... *eek* *bash* *beer*....not
I have returned home today, (from BSAOC Cheshire weekend camp). My wooffey dog was very pleased to see me. I had a great weekend. The BSA engine sounded like a normal hot British twin when I took my helmet off; a bit tappety. The weather since Friday has been splendid. My 80 mile ride home in warm sunshine was excellent. *smile*
Glad to hear you had a good ride and weekend GB, you deserved it after all that trouble you had *beer*
I have some pictures from my weekend. I'll upload them to Dropbox later.
Hey nice one GB. There's a proper honesty to a bike covered in the detritus of the road.
Hey nice one GB. There's a proper honesty to a bike covered in the detritus of the road.
I can honestly say I fell in love once again when I unzipped the tent and saw my precious!
It was great to see you there! *smile*
Simon, would you be willing to make your progress slideshow available to the forum?
Apologies to the Mods I wasn't sure if I should have posted here or in Engine section.. *????*
Since the rebuild of my '51 plunger and 1st start up it has become really hard to kick over...
so much so that I can hardly manage to get it to turn over with all my weight (92Kg )
Yesterday and again today I decided to strip the motor down to see whats going on in there..
Head & barrels off... Valves, springs, bore, rings & pistons are all good..
Next the check the Cam & followers are moving freely & like new ...
Remove the oil pump which rotates freely..
Remove all the primary to the crank & there lays a problem... I can not rotate the stripped crank by hand ..
Next check endfloat.. nope the crank is rock solid sideways...
Soooo... it looks like it's a motor out of the frame again, & split the cases to find the cause. My thoughts are It's got to be either over shimmed or a conrod bearing has spun.. *pull hair out*
Any other thoughts of whats going on appreciated? *????*
What a bugger!
Wozza.. Looks to be a very good and competent recent build. The fault lies with the crank by your findings. Most likely suspect is the timing bush, set up with too little running clearance, and its partial then eventual seizure giving you the kick over problem. The next consideration too little endfloat, binding the crank on the back of the bush, then finally a big end problem, but this will give you a clue comparing rock on the rods at this stage. All conjecture up to now, so alas, a complete strip is your next move. Ideal time to check that sludge trap......
G'day Woz.
What was done to the bottom end in the rebuild? If it was over shimmed it would have been stiff to turn right from the start.
G'day Woz.
What was done to the bottom end in the rebuild? If it was over shimmed it would have been stiff to turn right from the start.
Hi Musky... The 1992 receipt when it was built shows the bottom end had a crank grind, new bearing shells, crank bolts, cam / cam followers & main bearing...
The motor had not been started & left out of the frame for 30 odd years..
The old parts were also supplied as spares when I bought it..
I previously stripped it to the cases, check all parts were there as documented..
When I lifted the barrels I could see the new cam & rod bolts & main only did a top end strip, I replaced all gaskets including the cork ones, & piston rings..
NOW I wish I dug a little deeper & split the cases.. *problem*
had this on my last rebuild, can't be certain but I reckon it was not line bored square, I took it back to the firm that did it with another new bush and it came back fine, no apology but also no charge so you know none of us are infallible
Mine seized solid on the timing side bush at just 250 miles after rebuild. Took it to Roger at Cake Street at that point. He reckoned there had not been enough clearance allowed for on the bush.
I was never convinced it wasn't the sprung anti-sump valve I'd fitted on the oil feed side (required on an all new built engine???).
Mine seized solid on the timing side bush at just 250 miles after rebuild.
Ditto... When sized correctly it looked like it had not been reamed... *razz*
she's ALL FIXED now.. sludge trap tomorrow & polish a couple of nicks out of the rods..
Then re-assembly later this week..
Struck lucky at a li'l old autojumble at Kettleburgh, in Suffolk. I go to these most times in the year and the same guys have the same stuff time after time. So a lot of it never gets sold because it is too pricey and some fellas in this game are not the ones you feel would be inclined to negotiate a price. Any fitness for purpose you could imagine is guaranteed by an iron bar and a big dog, and its cash only if you get my drift.
Anyway, picked up a nicely corroded Plunger Chaincase, Sump Plate and the very rare undamaged Plunger drive side Crankcase, which with a little line boring will match the rest of my exploded motor. Guess I got carried away when I found a couple of more sensible chaps, so much so that to quote Elwood Blues..."They were practically giving them away".
Well pleased, great value, and to be honest the bad boys weren't that frightening, once I complemented them on their body art.
Dam I missed the Kettle, I always go but its not particlarlyly well advertised even locally. You are right Swarfcut the same vendors year in year out with the same rusty stuff, but occasionally a real gem.
Angus, you know then how hard a place it is to find, and the formidable character of some of the sellers. Spent some time today cleaning up yesterday's impulse purchases, you're right, gems indeed. Funny how the things you need are never there, then one day you manage to buy the last Ming Vase. Next time you are spoilt for choice, and you find a whole box full. Sod's Law?
Absolutely nothing!
Ah me too, however, been to town and ordered timber for a replacement shed, got the old one pulled down and busy with the founds for replacing it. *work*
Will have to shift bikes around and organise the garage and other sheds to get the timber inside (UK weather ?), this could mean a test ride on the flash as it will need to change residence from fixing shed to storage shed, grass needs cutting also.
Got a bit of a back at the minute so jobs might have to be in order of least bending *sad*
join the club Bill been suffering for 3 bloody weeks!
In another post you will see that I have a charging surge so decided today to check out some things that members have suggested mainly the earths and the ammeter earths checked out ok good continuity but when I checked the ammeter I found that one of the terminals had a bit of play which meant with the lights on if you moved the terminal the lights went on and off. So ordered a new ammeter, also to get at the ammeter I had to remove the Avon handlebar fairing and noticed a minor crack running from one of the mounting holes so fixed that but am waiting for some paint that I have ordered to finish the job. Have also decided while I am doing these things and the weather is naff to fix the side stand which has got too much play on it took it off and found that the mounting hole has elongated slightly allowing the bike to lean over to far so have ordered a drill to enlarge the hole only needs to increase by 1mm and then will make a new pin in the lathe to suit also will put some weld on the stop to stop it hitting the exhaust. hope to get all done by the weekend as the weather is set to get better on Saturday.
What have you done with your bike/s today?
When I was in the shed yesterday getting some tools I patted the saddle of my Precious and muttered sweet nothings.
PS; I'm talking about my motorbike by the way!
Last night I fixed some cosmetics on my pal’s bike that he threw down the trail in Wales on Saturday. New number plate and a repair panel for the front headlight cowl. Burnt myself on the sharp end of the heat gun I was using to shape that panel. Bike is a Serow XT225.
Last night I fixed some cosmetics on my pal’s bike .............
Nice of you to do your lipstick on someone else's- didn't yours have a mirror ? *smile*
Finally got round swapping the SA’s TEC voltage regulator for a DVR2. Now there’s a difference!
Usually after an hour of driving I was lucky to still find 12v left from a full charge, even seen it drop to 11v sometimes in heavy traffic with little chance to get the revs up.
Took her out for a spin this evening. Left off with 12.3v and returned with 12.8v *woo*
Got a Yuasa AGM battery for which the manual says that 12.8v equals 100% charge so here’s a happy bunny!
It also cured the erratic moving ammeter needle. It’s now going up smoothly when accelerating and flattens out nicely once the battery tops up.
After the DISASTER of the timing side bush re-ream, yesterday I finally got back out in the shed to rebuild her.. It's raining today & dont expect I'll get much done today.. *dunno*
Had some Skanky cheap used exhaust pipes come yesterday, offered as Plunger. My rule of thumb is that on a plunger pipe, the brackets "plunge" down and the pipes are straight. The brackets on these bend up, and the left pipe has a little kink at the silencer end, so I reckon they are S/A. Anyway the chrome is reasonable, so worth a modest punt and they can always be moved on, or chopped and changed to fit my eventual Longstroke build. As with a lot of the descriptions on ebay, the vagaries, poor photography etc put a lot of folks off, and this was a prime example.
Just looking at Woz's super time lapse pictures, all rather good. Looks to be early cases. Woz, what is the date of production? For future reference it looks to have no crank it a smooth or scrolled drive sleeve? There was debate on this a few months ago. Also by my reckoning there will be no oil supply from the PRV to the cam trough, so have you any thoughts on camshaft wear compared to later engines?
Additional, How much is "very tight" by your reckoning and what head gasket type did you use? Just for comparison, if you are unlucky and it weeps.
G'day Swarfy... it's a '51 model ... Crank oil seal on Primary side only...
Buggered if I know if there's a line from the PRV ? but plenty of oil was siting in the cam trough when pulled apart.... *dunno*
VERY TIGHT means after it ran for a short while it tightened up so much that it was a real effort to kick over... standing on the kicker with all my weight it would just move slowly.. *eek*
After the bush was reamed out correctly the crank can be turned by hand... *loveit*
Today I got the rocker cover on & tappets adjusted... spark plugs in & she now kicks over nicely.. I hope to get it finished for the 2nd time some time next week.
Last night I fixed some cosmetics on my pal’s bike .............
Nice of you to do your lipstick on someone else's- didn't yours have a mirror ? *smile*
Well, it was a bit of a lipstick on a pig type scenario.
Woz A bit late now because it is back together, but the cases look to be Z series. This made me look closely at the drive sleeve, which to my mind looked too far in to the centre of the engine. The face that locates the drive sprocket is normally flush with the crankcase face.
My experience is that it ends up just a little bit over the crank splines, yours looks to be level. Also when fitted, the seal face is flush with the crankcase face, as it locates against the bearing outer race. I was surprised you said it has an oilseal, maybe a trick of the light, but it just did not look right. The hole in the crankcase just looks too small to take a seal, yet there is what looks like a locating shoulder, or is the drive sleeve in too far? To me it looks like a non seal crankcase. Wrong drive sleeve? Sleeve alignment shims needed? Difficult to tell from afar, but with your experience up to now of specialists I hope you have the right bits.
We are assuming your problem was the timing bush, not some error elsewhere.
On early engines the PRV valve vents into the oil pump cavity via a drilling below the central feed from the timing bush. Later cases with a feed to the camshaft have this drilling above the central feed.
The "very tight" was a reference to the torque setting you used for the head bolts, to paraphrase the term for tightness used in the BSA Service Sheet.
Swarfy mate.. *red* Now this is one of those moments that I mentioned before about being up a certain creek in a barbwire canoe without my paddle.. *red*
I had to go out & check the motor engine # last night... ZA10....
Your right NO SEAL on the primary side.. here's a better picture. *bash*
Head bolts torques @ 30lbs..
Wozza..Phew, looks to be just fine from this camera angle. Did you notice the rim of the sleeve? Smooth or Scroll? Engine number clear enough to date, so another reference for what's out there.
Looking good, and if the head gasket leaks the Forum has a Torque figure for future reference.
Thanks for checking.
Additional. Don't forget to wire lock the tensioner nuts.
Wozza..Phew, looks to be just fine from this camera angle. Did you notice the rim of the sleeve? Smooth or Scroll? Engine number clear enough to date, so another reference for what's out there.
Looking good, and if the head gasket leaks the Forum has a Torque figure for future reference.
Thanks for checking.
Additional. Don't forget to wire lock the tensioner nuts.
Smooth & yes the nuts have been tie wired.. *wink2*
Not a lot bikewise, wood for the new shed came on Thursday in the rain so the old back did not get much reprieve helping the guy unload, the back is markedly better strangely it is better when I'm using it, seem to stiffen when I'm at rest.
So today I got another side of the shed foundation done, cheated a bit by using postcrete, it comes ready mixed you just put it down then wet it - job done.
pic of the shed foundation and of what's left of the old shed
...the old back did not get much reprieve helping the guy unload, the back is markedly better strangely it is better when I'm using it, seem to stiffen when I'm at rest.
So today I got another side of the shed foundation done, cheated a bit by using postcrete, it comes ready mixed you just put it down then wet it - job done.
Doctors advised me that I should not rest a back strain.
Postcrete is very good stuff.
Finished reassembly after replacing rear brake shoes and three wheel bearings. Also, re-manufactured the bracket holding my oil filter after discovering the old one hanging on by a thread. Goes to show, you don't need big bending to fracture a heavy strap of steel, a small continuous resonant movement will do it. Reminded myself that I'm still a crappy welder.
The weather here has FINALLY gotten rideable, if only for a couple of days before the next rain.
Richard L.
30 minutes, not "a couple of days" before the next rain. Checked the radar and it seemed no problem. Got a half block down the street on my brake shake-down ride and scared myself a bit when there was much less rear brake than expected. Turned back for home and the rain started before I got her into the garage.
Would anyone like to trade, say, Perth or Melbourne for Chicago?
Richard L.
How about Sydney Richard? Just heard on the news there hasn’t been any decent rainfall in the whole of NSW for about a year.
Water’s on ration but they didn’t say anything about beer...
Not a lot bikewise, wood for the new shed came on Thursday in the rain so the old back did not get much reprieve helping the guy unload, the back is markedly better strangely it is better when I'm using it, seem to stiffen when I'm at rest.
So today I got another side of the shed foundation done, cheated a bit by using postcrete, it comes ready mixed you just put it down then wet it - job done.
pic of the shed foundation and of what's left of the old shed
Mine too... *wink2* *whistle*
How about Sydney Richard? Just heard on the news there hasn’t been any decent rainfall in the whole of NSW for about a year.
Water’s on ration but they didn’t say anything about beer...
Right after posting I thought about Sydney. I spent six weeks there in1976 working for Warner Bros. I may even still have friends there (from that period) by the name of Oxley. Yes, I'd love to be in Sydney.
Richard L.
I went to a modern bike meet on the other side of Nairobi. My A10 coughed and spat all the way there in the rain then and wouldn't start surrounded by super new bikes...without over complicating the problem..I changed the new plugs back to the old ones I had in the tool box and then had really great run home. There appear to be good plugs about and bad ones...
When I set off for a long ride recently the engine of my bike kept stopping. I was able to get it running again for a short distance before it would cut out again. I had used my new pressure washer while cleaning the bike. Must have been damp on the points because I removed the mag end cap and used my handkerchief to dry it. Engine ran great after that!
Hints and Tips BSA Service Sheet 714 February 1956
In wet weather, a product of the London Rubber Company, stretched over the Magneto End Cap will prevent water ingress into the Magneto Points Housing.
A product of the London Rubber Company, stretched over the Magneto End Cap, will prevent water ingress into the Magneto Points Housing.
The ones I need would be too large! *eek*
I went to the Chemist and asked for some size 12 condoms. Sales-person said, "I'm sorry, we don't stock any that large; try Boots".
For anyone who needs to know; Boots are a large UK pharmacy chain.
that sort of brith control killed the British bike industry
Well, you offer practical help and it gets taken exactly the way you hoped it would. Without wishing to comment on the antics of our world leaders, I reckon a bit of a laugh is welcome.
The London Rubber Company, back in the day, made the Durex brand of condom in the UK. In OZ, I understand Durex was a brand of adhesive tape, like the US Scotch Tape. So a bit of confusion for some, pain for others.
Another Boots joke. Went to the Chemists for a bedpan. Sorry, can't help, have you tried Boots?
Yes, but it ran out of the lace holes.
Bragger GB has also just found the cause of the clank on the suspension. We started with a simple request about a brake rod and we have sunk to this level. Easy, wasn't it.
From Wiktionary:
(Britain) A brand of condom.
(Australia) A brand of adhesive tape; sometimes used as the generic term for adhesive tape.
I can imagine some bedroom confusion between a Brit and an Ozzie
We sure do need to stay cheerful!
Talk about sinking to the level of the humour: My two local granddaughters, 7 & 3 just love bottom and fart jokes.
BTW: I've started to lash my todger to my leg so it doesn't get in the spokes. I cannot change gear if I get a hard-on.
G'day Richard.
Send that rain down here please mate. I'd love to get wet on a ride at the mo.
My local club had a monthly general meeting yesterday. There was a secret ballot vote as to whether I should be expelled due to complaints of my perceived dangerous and risky riding. A few female members don't like to be overtaken. I survived the vote 47 to 12. I can now keep riding, and hope the 12 find another club.
that sort of brith control killed the British bike industry
What, by spawning more ingenious, organized and determined Japanese? That's no disrepect to my Brit friends here on thr forum, but, I believe, describes the fall of BSA. I know it's a lot more complicated than that, so think of me as simplistic.
Richard L.
The weather got beautiful today and I stumbled on an event very close to me that I didn't know about. Yesterday, a heavy vintage plane flew over my house and I asked neighbors (through a bulletin board) if they knew what was going on. "Cavacade of Planes, Bollingbrook,IL." "Thank you, very, much. I'm going." Perfect distance for a short ride to a spot where people appreciated vintage machinery. There was a wide variety of private and military planes, but to make it short before I run out of battery. I bought a ride in a Ford Trimptor. Qualifies as bucket-list stuff and will be posting pics and video.
Richard L.
I bought a ride in a Ford Trimotor. Qualifies as bucket-list stuff and will be posting pics and video.
Wow, you're quick, Neil. I've since corrected some typos, which I will blame on arthritic thumbs.
I bought a ride in a Ford Trimotor. Qualifies as bucket-list stuff and will be posting pics and video.
That's the exact one, and the picture of the inside was basically taken from the seat I was sitting in. I'm going to say the price of the ride at $77 because I thought it was very fair, actually a good deal. Even better, the pilot had to go-around on first landing attempt due to traffic on the runway, adding about 10 minutes to my painful (in a good way) smile.
Richard L.
P.S. You could also buy a ride on a B-25 for $475, but that ride was to occur at a diffrent event (runway in Bollingbrook too short). Given that cost, I believe that experience will not be part of what fills my bucket to be kicked.
Richard L.
My local club had a monthly general meeting yesterday. There was a secret ballot vote as to whether I should be expelled due to complaints of my perceived dangerous and risky riding. A few female members don't like to be overtaken. I survived the vote 47 to 12. I can now keep riding, and hope the 12 find another club.
Some people...
I took the plunger out for a long ride this morning. After about 20 min. had to turn left at a red light. The light was on red, and while I waited, a police van pulled up to my right and a stupid little diligent copper made sign that I was not wearing (the compulsory) gloves... *rant* I mean, could you believe that? Apart from the gloves, I was wearing all legally required protective gear but I just couldn't get myself pulling on my gloves as the temperature was already well above the 30°C mark when I left off...
Worst thing is that I drove behind him just before that, were I noticed the idiot himself driving through a 30km/h zone at 50... *angry* *angry*
Though Illinois is one of the few states with no helmet law (though I always wear one) I think helmet laws are important. In a sense, they protect society from the cost of hospital and care for those unable to afford it on their own. Gloves, on the other hand (so to speak) should not be the government's business. Do they really need to worry about the cost of the skin scraped off your hands when bones are being reset in surgery. This literally applies to me, as my wrist was broken and tendon cut back in '79, requiring surgery. I don't even recall if I was wearing gloves, but they weren't going to prevent my injuries.
Richard L.
here in the UK it's too damn cold not to wear gloves most of the time
I invariably wear my comfortable leather gloves, (donated to me by a very decent chap who is a member of this forum) with silk undergloves, (they aid glove removal and refitting when hands are damp).
Gotta ask, could you, for example, wear latex rubber gloves?
Richard L.
Gotta ask, could you, for example, wear latex rubber gloves?
Richard L.
Good question. The law says that a motorcyclist has to wear a long sleeved coat, long trousers, high shank boots and gloves, but it don’t say what they have to be made of apart from the helmet which should have a CE approval mark. I imagine that latex gloves and one of those plastic emergency raincoats would do then *eek*
You have to get yourself an all Spandex riding outfit.
Richard L.
Post deleted as it appears to have upset the subsequent pedantic post
But for the exclamation point after "Back on topic!" I would have left this alone.
So, Sav, what you've done with your bikes today is "won't be riding..." *whistle* ;) *smile*
Richard L.
What I have done with my bike today is... ridden it.
Over the weekend I have clocked up seventy or eighty miles just pottering around the Lake District, and it was all very lovely. But on reflection, I do think that rather than just riding aimlessly, there is something very special about using my bike for the purpose it was designed and built. I mean, as cheap reliable transport for an ordinary working man to get to his work and back, perhaps picking up a bit of shopping, perhaps dropping a kid off at school. It never ceases to amaze me how many motorcyclists (riders of both classic and modern) will happily whizz around for miles and miles at the weekend, but then go home, put the bike away, and get in the car to go to the shops or to work. Come to think of it, there are a lot of push-bike riders who are exactly the same. These 'weekend warriors' seem to have forgotten why our wonderful machines were invented in the first place!
For me, using my BSA as a means of daily transport, in exactly the same way my Grandfather used his, creates a link with the past and the heritage of the marque which I would struggle to experience if I just wheeled it out on special occasions for a leisurely ride in the sunshine.
Anyway... Those are the thoughts with which I have been sharing my helmet today!
What I have done with my bike today is... ridden it.
Over the weekend I have clocked up seventy or eighty miles just pottering around the Lake District, and it was all very lovely. But on reflection, I do think that rather than just riding aimlessly, there is something very special about using my bike for the purpose it was designed and built. I mean, as cheap reliable transport for an ordinary working man to get to his work and back, perhaps picking up a bit of shopping, perhaps dropping a kid off at school. It never ceases to amaze me how many motorcyclists (riders of both classic and modern) will happily whizz around for miles and miles at the weekend, but then go home, put the bike away, and get in the car to go to the shops or to work. Come to think of it, there are a lot of push-bike riders who are exactly the same. These 'weekend warriors' seem to have forgotten why our wonderful machines were invented in the first place!
For me, using my BSA as a means of daily transport, in exactly the same way my Grandfather used his, creates a link with the past and the heritage of the marque which I would struggle to experience if I just wheeled it out on special occasions for a leisurely ride in the sunshine.
Anyway... Those are the thoughts with which I have been sharing my helmet today!
Pretty much the same for me. Apart from popping out for a few local trail riding trips this year I don't ordinarily just pop out 'just for a ride'. I have to be going somewhere or I'm just plain not going. That somewhere could be a bike rally or club meeting or some such mind you - but still with a purpose.
I wouldn't use my A10 for the daily commute because I wouldn't be leaving it in the same place each day and possibly attracting the attentions of some 'orrible oiks.
Another few hours building the vee twin. I’ve never spent so long putting anything together and I have to say it’s now becoming a PITA. A day or two a week for at least three months now – lining up the engine and making plates, making inlet & exhaust manifolds, sorting the magneto, making throttle, choke and decompressor cables, sorting the front suspension (Suzuki front end on S/A A10). Just found the GT750 forks came with GS750 calipers. The latter fit on the rear of the forks, the GT on the front, so now I must fit the right caliper on the left and vice-versa - shades of Johnny Cash’s ‘The one on the right is on the left’. Great song that.
Got the oil tank and pipes to fit, find a kickstart lever at less than feked’s £13 postage, rebuild the front wheel and it’ll nearly be ready for the big test to see if it runs. Given the engine size and CR I might dig out the engine roller starter for that, though that needs attention as well. Where does the time go?
Rode the MSS to the Velo Owners agm. Left a bit early as was contemplating killing myself with a sharp object during interminable treasurer's report. Went on to VMCC section BBQ - rain finally stopped so all well.
Waiting for some carb bits to arrive to get the A7 back on the road.
Was always astonished how trials riders don't wear gloves. Being averse to pain, I always wore thin leather gloves.
Been very remiss this year and have to report no activity on the A10 til last weekend *conf2*, finally got to the end of SWMBO'ed list of things to do , Honda sold the week before so I could actually get to the bike .I replaced sump plug filled the oil tank , tickled the carb and second kick the beauty was away . stopped her to tighten the choke lever on the handle bar and next kick she was away again purring and roaring like a good 'un . Must be (touching wood ) the most reliable A10 I've ever owned , .Going for a run weather permitting Wednesday night and am really looking forward to it.
Each to their own really. I wear an open face lid with shades and a scarf to filter out the larger bits of crap thrown up by the road. My favourite is horse shit chucked up in the wet by the lorry in front of me - tasty. Don't always want to wear a helmet, but Plod compels me to by threatening to lighten my wallet. Wear thin leather gloves mainly to stop my hands getting covered in oil. Old Doc Martins, jeans and a large leather jacket (with inner pocket to store the container of petrol additive) completes the set up. For me, driving around aimlessly for 200m listening to the old girl chugging and, occasionally, roaring away is bliss. If I didn't have kids to transport, shopping to get, etc, etc, I'd use the bike more. Trouble is, there isn't enough time in the day or energy in the body to do everything you want to do sometimes. Oh, and when it stops bloody raining, I'll be aimlessly riding again. *smile*
Glad to hear from a fellow aimless rider.
Richard L.
Never get the chance for aimless riding but I do use the bikes at every possible occasion. Had a clash of dates this week. VMCC chip shop run or a quite different meeting and talk. The latter won. A few puzzled looks from club members going on the run as I was heading out in the opposite direction.
I actually think it's quite important to use the bikes as regular everyday transport and let as many non-bikers see that they are a) practical and b) ridden by relatively normal (I do use the term loosely) people.
I did ride the A7 to a job interview and got the job purely on the grounds that the interviewer once had a BSA. My qualifications and suitability were never discussed. Phew!
Sold a bike yesterday. Winning bid on that auction site was £281, from which you can tell it was quality.
This weekend I'll be doing some work on a pals V50 (Guzzi not Volvo) and putting it through an MOT. Then off to the (inaugural) Essex branch (MGCGB) summer camp at Steeple for Saturday night. I'll be on my T3 - 'Blue'.
I don't think non-motorcyclists notice what bike you ride. If they register anything at all it is just somewhere on a scale of irritation. If I don't have somewhere to go then I don't go out at all.
I reckon some car drivers see a bicycle in front of them and have to overtake regardless of the motor bike's speed. I've had a car suddenly appear really close beside me! My 6v horn is pretty useless at venting my anger!
Too right GB, I find a suitable rap on the window followed by a broken wing mirror at the next set of lights to be a perfect addition to the 6v horn in getting drivers' attention. *angry* *angry*
Too right GB, I find a suitable rap on the window followed by a broken wing mirror at the next set of lights to be a perfect addition to the 6v horn in getting drivers' attention. *angry* *angry*
Although that might feel great, it could backfire badly.
The bike or the consequences GB?? *conf2*
The bike or the consequences GB?? *conf2*
Road rage might get one a punch up the bracket! Or even knocked off the bike.
Heh, they'd have to catch me first *smile*
I actually think it's quite important to use the bikes as regular everyday transport and let as many non-bikers see...
I know you have several bikes to my one running A10. I don't like the idea of wearing down my bike for the daily drudge. Having it running makes it easier to ride than having it in a state of repair. If one of yours breaks down, you grab another. To put this in perspective, when was the last time you had to order A10 parts from the US?. I end buying something from the UK almost every time significant repair is needed.
Richard L.
All my life I have used classic bikes as everyday transport, mostly a Norton 99 and then a BSA Star Twin. Using them daily (normally a 60 mile or more round trip) means that they get properly warmed up every trip and any bugs are ironed out very early on. Latterly I added a B31 to the not exactly huge fleet just because I liked the relaxing sound of a single. My wife used her A10 daily until her kickstart leg was smashed by a prat driving a Volvo then had to opt for a Moto Guzzi T3 for the daily commute. Only once in my working life was I late for work due to a bike problem. The first day of a new job of course. I no longer have the daily commute and I now have more bikes in the shed than I can justify.
It was always considered unusual to rely on an old bike for everything but it certainly worked for me. And still does.
I want to use my bike every day, but don't have the opportunities at present. For me, use it 'til it breaks or wears out then replace/fix it. I keep the bike in the best condition I can, but occasionally need to 'modify' or replace with something a bit non-standard. Case in point is when I lost about six engine mounting stud nuts plus a stud itself. As an emergency, and so I could keep riding, a length of metric, threaded bar and nylocs have done the job. I know that one forum member berated me for not using the right parts, but I want to ride not sit waiting for the post to arrive just so I can say the bike is 100% original when I go out. This summer, I'm putting an AM26 on the back so I can lean a bit into corners without worrying about whether it's going to hang on, especially in the wet. When I'm old and unable to ride and the bike's in the living room and I'm admiring it with a whisky and reflecting on times gone by, then I'll be looking at all the bangs and scrapes remembering the adventures we've had.
G'day wortluck *yeah*
I'm sure a lot of us here do the same, especially me or those living far from the UK.
I haven't touched a BSA for a while. Been doing battle with a mates 1999 HD TC88 converting cam chain tensioners from spring to hydraulic. Took it for test ride and 50Km in she dropped one cylinder. Rode home on one (725cc single LOL) cylinder. One of the adjustable push rods UN-adjusted it's self. Going on 2nd test ride today.
Shed is coming along between showers, almost finished the frame, roof trusses next although a bit of misalignment on the door section to sort out, might put a tempory floor in as I'm getting fed up stumbling amongst the scree and stuff, leg fatigue and balance not as good as it use to be, Oh the joys of three score years and ten.
Shed is coming along between showers, almost finished the frame, roof trusses next although a bit of misalignment on the door section to sort out, might put a tempory floor in as I'm getting fed up stumbling amongst the scree and stuff, leg fatigue and balance not as good as it use to be, Oh the joys of three score years and ten.
Is that what they call a frame-up?
Heading north for the MGCGB Pennine rally tomorrow on a slightly misfiring T3. Hoping it is a self healing issue. I can't see many good routes heading up that way for a man in a hurry so I guess it will involve a lot of the A1 ... once I'm clear of the interminable and tedious road works of the A14 around Huntingdon.
Is that what they call a frame-up?
Admin should put you on a verbal warning for that one GB.
............. on a slightly misfiring T3. Hoping it is a self healing issue........... .............
If you running stock points setup, take a spare condenser (or two)
............. on a slightly misfiring T3. Hoping it is a self healing issue........... .............
If you running stock points setup, take a spare condenser (or two)
Sadly I'm not. It's running an old Newtronics box. I intend to upgrade to points before too long, after which I will have less to worry about.
Hoping it is a self healing issue.
We've all had what we hoped were self-healing issues. *shh*
Meanwhile... Just back from riding the A10 to the Highland Show to meet up with other sheepophiles. Rather nice cutting gently through all the stationary traffic. And having a bit of a blast up the A70 (known as the Land Whang - makes you wonder).
.....It's running an old Newtronics box. I intend to upgrade to points before too long.......
I replaced my points with a Dynatek III because I could never get the points to open even (sound familiar)- due to being at 90˚/270˚ to each other, so uneven loading on the points cam
Rode on Dartmoor in Devon this evening...
Rode on Dartmoor in Devon this evening...
Nice bike! Nice scenery! What is that pipe running along the drive side of the engine?
Rode on Dartmoor in Devon this evening...
Nice bike! Nice scenery! What is that pipe running along the drive side of the engine?
My guess is it's a slick path for wire from dynamo to regulator.
Richard L.
Well I didn’t ride my bike today but I was driving through the new forest when about 8 beezas passed in the opposite direction, including a couple of a10s (at least).
I would have followed 5hem to the pub if I could.
Must have been a local branch of a bsa club?
Well I didn’t ride my bike today but I was driving through the new forest when about 8 beezas passed in the opposite direction, including a couple of a10s (at least).
I would have followed 5hem to the pub if I could.
Must have been a local branch of a bsa club?
There is nothing shown on the BSAOC national events calendar. Could just be the local branch out for a jolly, as you say.
FINALLY, after probably eight months of procrastinating, took my A7 crankcase half to the welder to have one of the sump plate bolt landings (bumps, bosses, I don't know what to call it) built up with aluminum. With that done I'll be in a better mood to proceed with the build.
Richard L
Had my hooligan head on today ( tough time recently, funeral on Monday, brother in a mess) and made time to get the A10 out. Throttle has been sticking open recently but that just adds to the fun. Flying down some familiar country lanes with fistfulls of revs was just what the doctor ordered! Really needed to get out and about and focus on the road ahead. Considering how poor the braking is it was reassuring to feel how hot the plates had got upon my return. Definately some friction there so maybe they are working!
Love this forum by the way, am ghosting of late but like to check in and keep an eye on the banter. Keeps a smile on my face when times are hard. Mind you some of the filth that GB comes out with would make Berger's barmaid blush!
*pull hair out* *bash* *beer* *beer* *respect* *clap*
G'day Jim.
Riding a bike frees your mind of troubles. Stuck WOT requires most of your attention.
Quite common on my racer on methanol to freeze wide open. Bit of a worry at 125 MPH. :o
Had my hooligan head on today ( tough time recently, funeral on Monday, brother in a mess) and made time to get the A10 out.
Thoughts and hope's for peace and better times ahead out to you.
Richard L.
Bess. That rather nice picture and the mention of Dartmoor made me think this was the bike with electrical problems, from a couple of weeks ago. No, its not. That is Dartmoor Star, and we still don't know if its fixed.
How lucky you, Roger and the Star are to have that bit of wilderness on your doorstep. Where was the picture taken?
Jimbo.. The best therapy in the world, well done fella. (Don't disconnect that kill button!)
GB.. I am entertained by your humour, some consider it filth, but it always makes me laugh, same as Musky's road sign.
G'day fellas.
The wife's been away for two weeks and another three to go (bliss most of you say) visiting mum & grand kids. I haven't seen them for 18 months (another bliss moment) so thought I'd better do the right thing. Rode the rHonda 1100 as it's not been out since the rebuild. Cold and moist ride up took 5 hours due to wet corners but I had a ball coming home on nearly dry roads in 4 hours with two petrol stops and a stop to thaw hands out.
Oh the wife and kids were happy to see me (alive) and reffed a soccer/rugby match between the cousins.
Hi all. Went for a 190m ride around Lincolnshire yesterday in the heat. Thought it would be a bit flat and boring, boy was I wrong. Lovely twisty roads in places that stretch into the distance, very few cars, not a single Police ambush van (saw one cop car all day and that was in Gainsborough). Absolutely lovely! Sore neck when I got home though. Bike never missed a beat (replaced plugs to see if it cured a bit of a pop and bang on acceleration - it did). Sunglasses were the only casualty of the day - got an emergency pair to see me home. Days don't get much better than this on a bike - just biking bliss. *smile* *smile* *smile* *smile* *loveit* *loveit* *loveit*
By the way, how many miles should I expect to get out of plugs??
Hey Musko, is that road all sealed? Reason for ask is because on my return trip from Mullbin back in '99, I left 'come-in-Can-berra' and did a bee-line for orange to see a buddy, and the road I took was gravel all the way between highways...there was a real old stone-built pub with short doors half way along....been trying to figure where that pub is.....any idea? I've a feeling it's a bit west of where you went though *conf2*
Today I rode from South West Wales to home, a distance of 150 miles. The weather was good. The roads were good. The bike was good. I am happy! *smile*
G'dat duTch.
That was probably Tuena. The road was sealed a few years back. I nearly bought that pub in 05 (before sealing) for $160K. It's closed now, investors bought it and took the license for a trendy wine bar in the big smoke.
All tar the way I went. The only straight bits were this side of Goulburn. Only saw one plod who gave me a wink (flash of lights to slow me down) the whole way and only 3 or 4 sets of traffic lights, no stop signs and bugger all traffic.
That was probably Tuena. The road was sealed a few years back. I nearly bought that pub in 05 (before sealing) for $160K. It's closed now, investors bought it and took the license for a trendy wine bar in the big smoke. ....
Ta for that, I'll chase out up- too bad it closed due to that- those pricks are killing civilization
That was probably Tuena. T.....
Just punched 'Tuena' into GoogleEarth and it took me straight there- fairly much as I remember it.... only problem is I didn't see th' 'orse ...... *smile*
Removed the sidecar, got the bike onto the lift and gave it a good polish.
I am now waiting for my Thorspark to arrive, I hope I don't cock it up. *eek*
Decided to rebuild the dynamo having purchased new armature and field coil after the previous armature burnt out. Everything went great until I started the bike up only to find that it was not charging, then realised in my haste I had not checked the rotation so stripped it off again checked the rotation and found it was rotating the wrong way reversed the brushes checked and found it was now rotating the right way fitted to the bike and now charging OK. Must in future take more time and be in less of a hurry and use ones remaing brain cells a bit more as that is what they are for.
130 miles to 'Andrews field', on the A10 after her troubles. She rattled a bit when first put back together but it was the dyno chain thank god. I checked the timing side main while there and it moves 2.76 thou (.07 mill) so according to other posts good for a while yet. She ran fine although when hot a little hesitation/splutter at 40 in top when trying to accelerating, I can live with that *smile*
Just got home after a 700 mile round trip from Macclesfield, Cheshire. On Wednesday 26th June six of us (4 x A10, 1x A65 and 1 x Tribsa) rode from Macclesfield to Hull, got the overnight ferry, then rode from Europoort to Coevorden in Holland. We had a day off on Friday, then on Saturday we did a 75 mile circular tour over the border into Germany. On Sunday we rode to Assen (70 mile round trip) to watch the MotoGP. Another day off on Monday, then Tuesday back to the ferry, and Wednesday the 130 mile trip back from Hull to sunny Cheshire. We had no breakdowns. One of our group will be writing an article for The Star BSAOC magazine which should find its way into the September edition.
Just got home after a 700 mile round trip...
Bloody good show lads!! *smile*
Big Jim's back on the road! Managed to sort the carb problem by changing the magneto. As the wise one's say says " a carb problem is usually a magneto problem and vise versa". Was having a worsening misfire after a recent refusal to start. Luckily i have a spare magneto from many years ago and bit the bullet and put it on. After many attempts to set the timing she now runs much better and really enjoyed a quick 20 mile blast on some favourite local roads. Will be off on some longer jaunts to really test her out over the weekend, hopefully. The Hampshire ride is looking more likely GB. Am fairly confidant the fault on the original mag is a slipping cam ring, this forum gave me the idea whilst reading through some old posts. Hoorah. Was in RD's camp for a while and thinking of putting the beast to one side and trying not to think about it. Plenty still to do but i will sleep better tonight.
*countdown* *bash**good3* *beer*
The Hampshire ride is looking more likely GB.
Beezermacc and his mates - now that's the way to do it!! *smile*
BigJim...Back on the road, but left with a suspect maggy and an extra carb! Looks to have been a bit on the expensive side for such a simple and confusing fault, but you cracked it in the end.
Had a bit of side play on the rear wheel of my 58 A10 SA crossover brake, pulled it off for a bo-peep, RH bearing a bit loose in the hub, bearing OK. a bit of loctite fixed that. all good now. *smile*
Am still on the road and managed 150 miler today, i know that's not a lot but have more planned for tomorrow, bike ran really well apart from one cut out on idle at a roundabout but that was less than a half mile from home when properly hot. I dropped the needle a notch from 20 miler yesterday as i am not used to seeing non sooty spark plugs and there was a bit of blueing on the bendy bit. will post current colouring of plugs, if able, in the appropriate section. Am bit grumpy to report that one plug shows a bit of oil burn. Probably due to running too hot with dodgy magneto timing. So one of the valve guides may be toasted or ring upset. However am glad to say she starts and runs well and got her up to 78 on one of the faster bits which was great fun and just what the doctor ordered.
*beer* *good3*
Got the forks with new seals back on my A7SS on Saturday and serviced it.
Rode it for the first time in about four years on a VMCC ride yesterday, started second kick after the service and first kick for the run, a lot easier with my increasingly painful hip.
Only problem a sticky throttle cable which will be replaced today.
... a lot easier with my increasingly painful hip.
I have cranky ankles and also my right knee but so far, my hips are OK.
Rode the A10 to a barn warming party. Good company, good food and sheep. What more could a man ask for?
.... Only problem a sticky throttle cable which will be replaced today....
Maybe some cable lube will help?
......good food and sheep. What more could a man ask for?
Velcro ?
good food and sheep. What more could a man ask for?
Good sheep make for good food perhaps
Good company, good food and sheep. What more could a man ask for?
A pair of wellies?
Ugg boots?
Ugg boots?
Ugg boot, too short
Started fitting my Thorspark ignition.
Got the coil mounted in the toolbox.
I wash my motorbike under the carport beside the house. The surface is those ornamental blocks, a bit smaller than a brick, laid on sand then earth. The water drains away very slowly, so we have a puddle across the surface for a couple of hours. Today I removed a 2 foot square of blocks, dug out soil to a depth of 2 foot and filled it with tamped down gravel. I've replaced all but two of the blocks at the lowest point, bringing the gravel up flush. My hope is that the gravel filled sump will hold enough water for me to wash the bike without flooding then it can slowly drain later.
Ride on Dartmoor. Sharpitor on the horizon.
"Rode the A10 to a barn warming party."
What, did you set fire to it?
A couple of weeks ago I ran out of fuel just as I approached our house so I trundled the bike up the drive and parked it in the garage. I took the petrol cap off the tank and had a look inside with a torch.... yep... absolutely bone dry! Today, in preparation for tomorrow's ride out I thought I ought to put some petrol in the bike so I nicked a gallon out of one of my other bikes and poured it into the tank. The fuel pi55ed out through the petrol taps as quickly as I poured it in! Obviously, if the tank is bone dry, the corks dry out and the taps leak. Wise after the event! Lesson learnt!
..........Fitted new corks to taps, rode to petrol station, filled up with fuel.
OH yes they definitely do
Finished fitting a pair of ABS panniers, took 2 days because of a ruptured ligament in my left shoulder - got there in the end though - but had to keep calling on my wife to help.
Cost £52.40, including buying bracket & clips to fit mudguard stays, aluminium & steel flat bars, stainless nuts, bolts & washers to make up the fittings plus 1m x 25mm wide heat shrink to cover the flat bars.
Looked into a set of Craven/Dragonfly panniers and for small Dolomites it would have cost £491.76 and that would have meant replacing my existing ss carrier rack with one of their W racks to fit them.
Neat, Roger
Fitted the AM26 on the rear today, got the rotation right as well!! A good clean and polish and all looks good for the next ride out. Keen to find out how the tyre performs - doesn't look out of place either. Any good tips on how to get the valve back through the rim, managed it in the end by guiding it through (carefully) with a small screwdriver - not too many scratches on the rim either.
GB - never comfortable with washing the bike, always clean with rag and WD40 for the sticky bits. In any event, the oil, bugsplat and road grime never moves with water alone. Use a bit of polish on the tank sometimes and Autosol for the timing and primary covers. Cleaning like this always gives me a chance to check all the nuts and bolts are there and tight!
Back in the days I would often paint my A10 with Gunk and then hose it down. Came out the end lovely and clean and I don't remember ever having a problem restarting afterwards, which I always did to completely dry the electrictrickery bits. Not only that it smelled good for a few days afterwards, a mixture of hot Gunk and hot oil *good3*.
I only clean my current A10 with WD40 sprayed on muslin and then I polish it with Mer. I don't have to ride in the rain these days (and I try to avoid getting caught out in it) so it doesn't get dirty enough to warrant a hose down *smile*.
I read this thread but can never respond because the system would melt down
I would often paint my A10 with Gunk and then hose it down.
Wonderful stuff back then, working on a farm we found sheep dip did as good and smelt exactly the same so go figure, as they say, sadly today's Gunk is not the same stuff, (probably down to some of the ingredients in it back in the day)
today I decided to blow the dust and other problems away by taking betsy beezer for a thrash about. its been that long since we have been out together my helmet and gloves were coated in thick dust *whistle*. it must be 3 months since she was started and she hadn't wet her sump *good3*, the oil tank level being the same as when she was parked up after a sunny march ride out. I turned the petrol on and gave her one kick with the maggy still earthed- she has a key ignition that turns her on and off. I put the choke lever down on the mikuni jumped on the kickstart once more [key turned to unearth] and she was up and running- -- choke off and we were off. I only did about 50 miles but it put that ;D back on my face once more. listening to those reverse cones at 4000 revs and at tickover is better than s+x, ps somebody mentioned their oil getting hot not long ago, when I got back I couldn't hold my hand on the oil tank . the only problem I got was no back brake as such , I swapped the shoes for some old originals so it looks like the modern ones will be going back in . thankyou for listening. *grins*
Fellow forum members will have noticed that my avatar is a BSA with a Rotax engine so I am suspecting this post will get chucked off due to the engine being non-A10, but the frame is A10, problem for Admin - sorry! Anyway, after lying unused for about seven years I fitted a new carb and it started first kick, sounds awesome! It looks really scruffy and i'm planning to do some mods so I'm not going to spend a lot of time smartening it up until the mods are tried and tested..... but this bike WILL be back on the road this year, promise!
G'day beezermacc.
Lucky I'm blind in one eye, so can only see the frame!
Is it a Btax or a Rosa?
Stop-light had stopped. I found a broken wire inside the rear number plate holder box.
The clutch has been slipping a bit lately. I felt/hoped the problem might be a stiff cable so yesterday I fitted a new cable, also throttle and front brake cables, all bought from Draganfly.
After mucho fiddling:
First, waiting for oil to run through the cables. Note to self, buy one of those cable oiler devices.
The pattern handlebar brake lever was locating the drum nipple on the cable on one side only. The folded metal of the lever was too wide. I used a G-clamp to squash the lever a little flatter, so both sides of the cable drum are now in contact with the lever.
The throttle inner cable was a little too long. The mid cable adjuster was not able to take the slack out of the cable, so the throttle slide would not fully lift. I modified a slotted cable collet to fit in the top of the carb. I also had to change the twist grip as the friction device in my old one was no good. Luckily I had a nearly new spare twist grip in my box of bits. I made sure that the throttle slide fully retracted into the carb body.
Clutch cable; the adjuster is a long way out of the gearbox abutment, (but still uses all the threads).
I then took Emily for a spin.
First thing I noticed, it might be my imagination, was that she was more sporty; got to 70mph, (112kph) in no time! I'm wondering if the previous set up was not fully lifting the throttle slide!
The clutch was easy to use, but on early gear-change with heavy acceleration, the clutch slipped. Bugger!
The Front brake, as always, was excellent.
So, when I got home I took the primary cover off and tightened the clutch spring adjusters by a quarter turn. We'll see if that is enough to stop the clutch slipping. I've never changed the clutch plates during the time I've had the bike; they may well be the originals: The bike was 18 years old when I got it and I've not put huge mileage on it since the restoration.
G'day beezermacc.
Lucky I'm blind in one eye, so can only see the frame!
Is it a Btax or a Rosa?
It's officially known as a BSA Rotax Gold Star for insurance purposes but known locally as 'That A10 Rotax Thingy"!
today I replaced the oldie brake shoes in the back sprocket/ drum with the modern lined ones. I haven't tried it yet!! but shock -horror found that the rivets in the crinkle hub had cracked every one of the eight welds that were put on across the drum and rivets to stop them coming out , it must be the way I ride her *roll* another thing I noticed is the play in the drive ring and the hub. if I put the brake on I can rock the wheel backwards and forwards. also side to side like when the swing arm bushes are shot, but its not the swing arm its the wear in the drive. has anyone else with crinkle hub noticed both these sorts of play on their bikes?
Bergs, very common across the crinkle hub series. I know from experience, thought the end of the world had come.
A new splined drive ring in the drum will remove some of the backlash, but the way you ride there is no cause for concern here because the driven faces will be under load for 99% of the time, and a small clunk on the over run will be lost on the wind. Mine clunks a bit, but the rubber ring keeps it reasonably quiet. However, excessive wear on the splines will allow the drum to rock laterally, as close fitting splines offer additional support to the back face of the drum, less support with loose splines. Check in the same way you check for wear in track rod ends on your old motor, by grabbing the drum, front and back, see how much it rocks.
More interesting is the wheel hub. It is a basic cylinder with the two crinkle pressings riveted or bolted to it. Flexing of the parts cracks and shears these fixings. If the sideways rock is not visible outside the hub, the bearings or bearing locations are at fault. A small movement at the hub feels bigger at the rim.
The options are a different wheel, or to repair yours by stripping down to the bare hub, vee out the centre crinkle join and weld the two crinkles and centre tube together. In manufacture the crinkles were pressed onto the tube, and over time this tight fit loosens allowing slight movement between the parts, fretting the holes, loosening and shearing the rivets.
The rivet or bolt holes can also be used to plug weld on to the centre tube. With a bit of force and luck it may be possible to hold the centre tube still and rotate the crinkles equally until the through holes are covered, allowing good plug welds onto the tube. Then put it in a lathe and turn a nice flat bottomed vee just down to the tube between the crinkles and weld the three parts into a good solid unit. This is easier than trying to replicate factory rivets, and a more effective repair. A whole lot stronger than original, and with the welds smoothed off, job's a good 'un.
hello swarfy ime very busy this weekend, docs and pub tmow *beer* and taking old car to a show on sunday with FOR SALE signs in abundance! *doubt* anyway I will study the sideways rock next week and find out what's going on! [there's a song in there somewhere] I can remember now this side rock was there when I first had the rivets welded up and when I put the wheel bearings in many years ago everything went ok. I will be on the case next week and carefully look for why this is happening. your idea with the v and weld is a good one *thanks* but a job for when brothers workshop is running *dunno*. I didn't think the welds that run from the hub and across the rivets for about 1 inch would crack open like they have. the rivets can't fall inside though because the weld stuck on them prevents this. amazing what you find when just swapping brake shoes *bash* ;)
Hola bergs- when I read this the other day, I didn't quite grasp the deal, but re-reading I think I'm with it...I had a buddy weld up the rivets waaaaay back before I had a welder and was as silly as now....and also did same on the hub I'm now using, I think bought from spacebay -neither as chronic as yours though.
Before welding the rivets, I suggest a good idea to ensure the two halves are aligned so the spoke holes are oriented accurately with regard to either side- probably more relevant if an undressed hub , but spokes will need re-tensioning after if dressed
A few weeks ago I had a sticky rear brake after having it off for some reason and thought it was same as your issue but due to the chainwheel sloppy on the spline and thought that was what you meant (unlike the worn rivet syndrome), but as it was fine before having it apart, I had another look and all I could do was re-chamfer the shoes and seems to have fixed it.....for now
This is obviously not the same issue but kinda related....... *conf2*
Well, Big Jim is still on the road.
It all began on Friday eve, after, work prepping for a Sat night away with friends. I worked out why the finding of gears had become tricksy, an overtight chain. Caused by some numpty (me) setting the tension whilst bike on centrestand rather than when off stand and loaded. This led to fun and games resetting the rear brake, trying various cables, arm positions and a spare arm from a C15 which gives alternative angle. Looking for that magical right angle and potential improvement. After 3 hrs and ready for bed i decide to position the bike to the rear of garage to allow loading of other bike (for wifey). Heave, lift, crunch! Tail light smashes into workbench. After a number of expletives, super glue is found and the painstaking process of jigsawing the pieces back together begins. An hour later and i am using a file to try to remove the treacherous substance from most finger tips. In a general malaise off to bed.
Sat, all change, weather stays pretty dry and off we go. Tried to meet other friends on route to Devon but messed up on sat nav and sailed on past motorway junction, Quick phonecall from motorway hard shoulder and soldier on regardless. Attend air ambulance fundraiser at a cafe in Crediton, meet friends, then overnight with beer,bbq and bonfire. Next day 7 bikes,mostly classic set, off for Seaton (40ish) miles away for another air ambulance fundraiser. Loads of lovely bikes to enjoy.
All in 192 miles in 2 days, bike ran really well and all is good in Big Jim's garden this week. *countdown* *good3*
I'm glad your BSAing Jim. Will you be able to get to Hampshire camp next weekend?
Not sure, may have to spend some time with brother. Will decide in week. Am keen, my skittles arm is on fire!
*beer* *good3*
Spent some time today cleaning and fettling the bike in readiness for next weekends BSAOC camp in Hampshire.
I have an excellent Halcyon handlebar mirror on the right. Today I ordered another one for the left side so I can keep an eye on traffic coming up from behind on slip-roads.
I finished up the fork rebuild, both seals were leaking since the first day it went down the road.
I had built and installed a set of fork dampers (Thank you John for the drawing), and find the forks too stiff now. I used Del-Ray 10 weight, I think I will drop to 5 and try that.
Not bad going from 20 weight and clanging the whole way down the road, to never clanging at all. I am just too big a sissy to have the forks that "uncushy."
The list of things that still need sorting is getting very small. I think I would like turn signals and a place for my backpack maybe.
... I think I would like turn signals...
I am against retro-fit indicators. When I ride with old bikes I constantly see indicators still going long after the junction. I once witnessed an accident caused by this. I use hand signals; requires a twist grip that doesn't snap shut when my hand is lifted.
Cleaned up the crankcase halves today. Reseated the anti wet-sumping / anti-drain ball. Waiting on new big-end shells and crankshaft shims to arrive. Measured the old single shim at 0.015", but there had been no end float.
Tested the Timing side bush for leakage, as I do not know whether the crankcase opening had any ovality when it was fitted years ago - there were some air bubbles, but since I was getting 60psi cold and 40psi hot and the new bush has only 80 miles on it, I'll be looking to seal it without the expense of machining the crankcase and fitting a new oversized T/S bush.
I am thinking I'll place a thin line along the gap ( probably only 1 or 2 thou and let it sink in and hopefully avoid filling the oil galleries with loctite. Which Loctite should I use?? - I have 641. I won't be racing the bike (and the crank has now been dynamically balanced)
At this rate I'll be lucky to ride the bloody thing before I drop off the perch.
Hi GB,
Over here nobody looks for hand signals. I fitted indicators and I also have forgotten to turn them off a few times. Maybe the lesser of two evils.?
Hi GB,
Over here nobody looks for hand signals. I fitted indicators and I also have forgotten to turn them off a few times. Maybe the lesser of two evils.?
I fitted an eagle eye LED to my handlebars as a warning light, it works very well as a reminder.
Over here nobody looks for hand signals.
Well, not many riders here use hand signals but they are still legal. The onus is on me as a vulnerable road user to make it clear what I'm going to do next and do it carefully.
Went for a short ride on the goldie, stopped to "tune up" the carb, the Pearson starter was dead (I can't use the kickstarter). Couldn't hear the solenoid clicking but battery was fine. Pushed home. After recovering, Found button wasn't earthing solenoid so started stripping bike to trace wire. Solenoid off, throttle off to get at tricon switch, seat off, tank off. No connection from switch to solenoid but its the same wire. Only then did I remember the switch I put in to stop the herberts knocking out my battery. I would say "its an age thing" but I remember doing the same thing (pushing home) when I forgot the switch on my C11 when I was 16.
I remember the switch I put in...
Yup, I tend to forget my seldom used hidden mag earthing switch as well.
I will never get to the pub again at this rate *work* colsbeeza are you saying loctight the bronze bush? I wouldn't that stuff travels in ways a magician wouldn't fathom out. my opinion through experience- even though it has its uses. NOW today I fought a battle with the back end of the morris HATE *pull hair out* , I haven't got a puller for the hubs and thought i'd get the axle out by dropping the spring hangers- shackles whatever. O NO even though a previous owner had relieved the inner wheel arch a tad it needs the springs dropped further than the damper arms allow. I shocked off one taper *eek* *lol* and got one end of axle to the floor *yeah*, me thinking I could get it at an angle and wiggle it out. NO you can't keith the other spring needs dropping so another day I look like thraping the other taper---[ already hit it a few times and its winning] if I can get a nice position to hit it because ive got to hold a great big lump hammer behind it [ may have to drop petrol tank which could be good to find out why petrol gauge isn't working] any way I thought I had problems *problem* OWAIN bin those pistons I will photo the ones I took out a couple of years ago and they drove me mad with clanging which I am pretty sure you will get with those when they are tidied up and the bores sorted *fight*. they've given rain showers for tomorrow so I might leave the THRASHING of the beast and go to the pub *beer* thankyou for listening.
Rode to nearby (about 10 miles) West Chicago to see the only operational example of the world's largest steam locomotive, The Big Boy. . "Humongous" doesn"t really capture it.
On the return trip, stopped at Fermi Lab for my semi-frequent brush with nuclear physics. Well, at least, looking at exhibits in the main building, then riding around the property where areas have names like "The Muon Experiment," "The Neutrino Experiment," etc.This is big science.
Richard L.
Have been following the restoration of 4014. Makes our big steam locos look like toys.
I put about 60 miles on the bike today.
The gearbox is getting better every ride because i am getting better with the gearbox.
I only shift into 1st from a standstill.
Down to second at below 15 mph.
Thinking about one more tooth on the engine sprocket.
Fork legs are no longer leaking, new seals and dampeners working fine.
Went to the Ford Flathead Festival today on my Longstroke, the A model tow truck was my pick of them all. Stopped at Old Mate's on the way home, he has a unique house!
I only shift into 1st from a standstill.
Other than for trials or hill-climbing, that's a given, isn't it?
Went to the Ford Flathead Festival today on my Longstroke, the A model tow truck was my pick of them all. Stopped at Old Mate's on the way home, he has a unique house!
What a great festival with amazing cars so far from their Detroit home. Your bike is beautiful and the log cabin backdrop is a bonus. I had a Model A project as a teen but let it get away DARN!
Richard L.
Richard L.
Decided to fix the 2 stripped captive nuts in the end of the fully enclosed chaincase on the A7. What I thought would be a simple job turned complicated, I have a clinch nut set with 4mm 5mm 6mm and 8mm clinch nuts they are fitted with a tool like a pop rivet gun. But the BSA captive nuts are special, the holes are oblong so had to file them round but then they were too big for the clinch nuts so had to make 2 what we used to call hank bushes years ago in the lathe they are essentially nuts with a collar on which you place in the hole and rivet over. But I had to remove the 2 long sections of the chaincase to fit them easy enough to get off but a right old fiddle to fit back again which I will do tomorrow after the touch up paint has dried.
Alright boyz!! I'm afraid the wife has had a bit of a meltdown so priorities mean that I may not get out that much this summer (also, weather is moderately crap). Bit of a gut-wrenching time as I go through lots of emotional/psychological stuff with her. We have professional help at hand, and she's going away for a bit to think things through. Bike, however, is looking good - prepped and ready to go at a moment's notice. Thought one ol' girl would present enough issues - but two?? *pull hair out* :o *cry* Seriously though, I may have to go off grid for a bit with bike related stuff as I take care of her. Sitrep soon!
I feel for you.
My wife is dead now, but when she was alive a lot of things had to go on hold, so I know exactly where you are coming from.
Good luck.
Been doing a bit of titivating on the most pristine of my classic and vintage bikes my 1961 BSA A7SS Shooting Star. Had to strip the liner in the petrol tank that was not proof against the ethanol cr@p in petrol we are forced to use and reseal it. That and refitting the fork seals it went out for its first serious run in five years.
Full of pride I rode 40 miles to the gathering at a café in Sheerness. Pulled into the car park pleased as punch that I had got there without incident on the bikes first long run.
Parked up, received the congratulations of my friends on the new addition to the group and had brekky.
We all came out to ready our bikes just in time to see a woman reverse at lightspeed and uncontrolled across the car park, straight into the line of bikes.
Guess whose pride and joy was right in the middle of the firing line.
Deep joy ensued!
I put about 60 miles on the bike today.
The gearbox is getting better every ride because i am getting better with the gearbox.
I only shift into 1st from a standstill.
Down to second at below 15 mph.
Thinking about one more tooth on the engine sprocket.
Fork legs are no longer leaking, new seals and dampeners working fine.
Do it!... I've ran with 23/24 tooth engine sprockets with 21 tooth gearbox for donkeys years. An A10 engine in fine fettle will cope easily and cruise at 65-70 at about 3,500 rpm.
Sneakily finally ditched the cheap Chinese horn on the Velocette and replaced it with an Altette. Of course it was all a bit more of a guddle than I imagined. Cutting a new bracket out of a bit of 1/8" stainless steel was fun but hopefully worth it.
Meanwhile back at stripping out the old kitchen... *work*
Jeez Sav.
Did she need an ambulance? She would need the morgue wagon if it was my bike.
Had a similar thing happen to my one week old CB750F in '81. The bike cost $2600, the repair bill was $1800! Again 10 years ago to my CB1100F only on the road a few days was reversed over.
i recon people should have a bike license for two years before being allowed to get a car license.
I know how you feel.
Been doing a bit of titivating on the most pristine of my classic and vintage bikes my 1961 BSA A7SS Shooting Star. Had to strip the liner in the petrol tank that was not proof against the ethanol cr@p in petrol we are forced to use and reseal it. That and refitting the fork seals it went out for its first serious run in five years.
Full of pride I rode 40 miles to the gathering at a café in Sheerness. Pulled into the car park pleased as punch that I had got there without incident on the bikes first long run.
Parked up, received the congratulations of my friends on the new addition to the group and had brekky.
We all came out to ready our bikes just in time to see a woman reverse at lightspeed and uncontrolled across the car park, straight into the line of bikes.
Guess whose pride and joy was right in the middle of the firing line.
Deep joy ensued!
I hope the woman came out unhurt...? >:D
Been doing a bit of titivating on the most pristine of my classic and vintage bikes my 1961 BSA A7SS Shooting Star. Had to strip the liner in the petrol tank that was not proof against the ethanol cr@p in petrol we are forced to use and reseal it. That and refitting the fork seals it went out for its first serious run in five years.
Full of pride I rode 40 miles to the gathering at a café in Sheerness. Pulled into the car park pleased as punch that I had got there without incident on the bikes first long run.
Parked up, received the congratulations of my friends on the new addition to the group and had brekky.
We all came out to ready our bikes just in time to see a woman reverse at lightspeed and uncontrolled across the car park, straight into the line of bikes.
Guess whose pride and joy was right in the middle of the firing line.
Deep joy ensued!
I hope the woman came out unhurt...? >:D
She did until the bikers caught up with her.
I may have to go off grid for a bit with bike related stuff as I take care of her. Sitrep soon!
All the best to both of you!
I may have to go off grid for a bit with bike related stuff as I take care of her. Sitrep soon!
All the best to both of you!
Ditto. Be well.
Guess whose pride and joy was right in the middle of the firing line.
I am horrified! *pull hair out* What is the state of your bike?
It's not too bad fortunately as her light console was smashed.
Headlamp rim mullered, Light paint scrapes to front mudguard and fork stanchions, bent clutch lever, bike was on side stand and that dug in the gravel and pulled the securing bolts out, they looked pretty old and threadworn so hoping no further damage. Tin-ware comes off today.
Getting messy now though as the chap who gave me his details was not the driver. I found out later from the many club witnesses who saw it that it was his girlfriend having a spin around the car park, so now worried about insurance and should I report it to the police even though it was in a car park?
Here's my take. If she is driving without insurance that is an offence. Private land and private car parks are considered "Public Places" by the forces of Law and Order under certain circumstances. The real clincher is that if you can get some form of restoration for your circumstances without resorting to police and insurance companies, so much the better. Once you involve authority it gets expensive and awkward. Any claim you make will follow you like a shadow for years, and in the end the cheapest option may be to just fix the bike yourself and put it down to experience. He is probably a man of straw, but the prospect of reporting him to the Police may open his wallet.
Meanwhile keep a note of the event, collate any photographic or witness evidence so that you are ready to proceed if a friendly word produces no result and you consider it is worth involving the powers that be.
Have a look at "Honest John", the Daily Telegraph Motoring Section. Lots of legal advice, and a free problem advice service.
How many other bikes has he/she got to fork out for ?
..The real clincher is that if you can get some form of restoration for your circumstances without resorting to police and insurance companies, so much the better. Once you involve authority it gets expensive and awkward. Any claim you make will follow you like a shadow for years, and in the end the cheapest option may be to just fix the bike yourself and put it down to experience..
I don't know how different insurance is in the UK, but I would be recommending reporting to your own insurance company and the police as soon as possible (if the line of reposnsibilty needs to be established). I had similar happen to my bike in the parking lot of a Harley Davidson dealer. Guy bumped my bike while backing out of his parking spot. I got his insurance info and reported that to my insurer who pursued his insurer. My insurer actively sought to get me paid based on estimates of tin-work repair and cost of parts that I would install. With apologies to Swarfy, I don't believe that a no-fault damage report will hurt your insureability or increase your rate anywhere near the cost or value of the repair. Maybe it's very different over there.
Richard L.
All sorted please to say, heard from her insurance accepting full liability early this morning taken so have just taken mudguard off the A7SS ready to go away.
Left Sat am to ride to rally in Calstock Cornwall. Crossed over Dartmoor in drizzle but no dampening of spirit. Great time with couple of nice super rockets on show, one of which one best Brit. Was gonna show my bitsa for fun but a mate i rang when i arrived said don't do it until i'd seen the two there. He was right! Beer and fireworks and an early night for me, leaving wifey in the beer tent under protection of others. Up and away for 9 and a lovely ride back over the moor for coffee and teacake at Two Bridges hotel. Boring, but efficient, blast back up motorway arriving home shattered but pleased. Am starting to find confidence on distance runs, maybe the Scottish 500 is a possibility.
*beer* *bright idea* *countdown* *good3*
Worked on the A7ss for two days, replaced the sidecar yesterday and rewired all of the gadgets today. *beer*
After ride out on SR Friday it developed rocker box leak , so spent this morning stripping cleaning and rebuilding top end, yet to road test to check all ok as had job to to on T150 as well
Not got out much on the bike due to domestic issues. :! However, went out to Holmfirth on Sat for a bit of a picnic with the family. Pulled in to a car park and two minutes later two old boys (brothers) thumped in on a large Matchless single (500cc?) - sounded proper. *smile* Got chatting and the fella said he'd ground in the valves and was testing it out. Was very impressed with a recent ride of his, got up at 5am, rode over to Cumbria, back across the Yorks Dales and back to Holmfirth. *eek* Got back at 10pm after covering 390m. *eek* I asked how his back stood up to that sort of riding as my back and bum start to fade after 200m. *sad2* He replied, "Aye lad, I reckon me back's med o' wud." *beer*
I only shift into 1st from a standstill.
Other than for trials or hill-climbing, that's a given, isn't it?
No, I dont have a round-about here on every intersection. Still have many 4 way stops that people never truly stop at, for some reason its called a California roll.
You come up to a four way in second, shift to first (hope it does not crunch too much) and creep along at 2-3 miles an hour. You might be number 4 in line, and nobody really stops moving the whole way through. I imagine if you made a habit of stopping some angry soccer mom in her giant SUV would run you right over and never even know it- busy as she is on her cell phone and such.
I think if I go to a 23 tooth engine sprocket I am going to have to avoid those entirely. Or maybe if I have to stop for real to change into first I can start waving my arms around like I am a lunatic and hope people take pity on me.
Lee, do you match the revs with a throttle tweak as you change down- kind of like double clutching but not necessarily using the clutch but can do as you go through neutral...? I've always done all that as a matter of course anyway, and if I don't it doesn't feel good *conf2*
I like the idea of the Cali-roll if safe to do so- coming to a dead stop for no reason is fairly pointless and just a potential revenue raiser
The law is everyone must stop. They just dont.
4 ways are terrible, you are supposed to yeild " right of way" to the person on your right hand side.
The way it really is, is nobody wants to wait for anyone. Unless a cop is right there, nobody stops for anybody.
If you show the slightest hesitation, someone else will boogie right through in front of you, than the horn blowing starts from the people behind the person that stopped.
The best is when 2 or more people decide to go at the same time, the most aggressive usually wins out. Very dangerous place for motorcycles.
I have tried blipping the throttle and slipping into first, the gearbox will have none of that nonsense.
In just the last few complete stops it has popped out of first gear twice on me, but only when everything is well up to temperature. I really think something is getting too tight when hot and causing me troubles.
so- coming to a dead stop for no reason is fairly pointless and just a potential revenue raiser
I agree, all stop signs should be made "give way signs". *angry* It seems to be the world over that if you stop at a stop sign you run the real risk of been shunted.
Collect the tinware from my damaged A7SS and start reassembling again.
A10 put to one side while I’ve rebuilt forks on Trident T150t, it’s nearly done now after top end rebuild as well, so hope to start running it in this weekend
Went for a 220m or 293m ride (depending on whether you believe the odometer or trip meter). Brilliant day (over 30C) and bike only spluttered once when it got very hot going through Lincoln.
Will need to do a fixed mile check on what is happening with the odometer as I'm convinced it is under reading whilst the trip meter keeps skipping over 10m every now and then (may have to go back to Russell).
Rear AM26 was a godsend, performed really, really well at 36 psi.
Just wish the winter months were less inclement as next summer is a long way off! *sad2*
For those that know, the home situation is now improving - thanks for your support!!! *smile*
At 36? Good grief. Having read recently that we should increase our pressures, I was sceptical. After all, the compound may have changed, but the tyre structrure is the same. So recently I tried around 28 / 30. Very hard ride, so I've dropped back to 22. Even less on the M21 rear, otherwise the spine takes a bashing.
Maybe he had a pillion
Nipped down to the chippy this evening. Road closed, surface dug up. Didn't stop me. All adds a bit of fun to the ride.
Nope, no pillion GB, ride was perfect. I have the suspension on the middle setting, so maybe RDfella uses a different overall setup. I only weigh 12.5 stone, so not squashing the tyres with my weight. May experiment with slightly lower pressures but can't really see how that'd improve things, especially round the corners - it was excellent!
36 seems a bit high. I run 25/28 or thereabouts solo, but I'm only a 10 1/2 stone weakling. The 1913 Douglas pressures are 35/40 but that's because it has beaded edge tyres which need higher pressures to stop them coming off the rims.
I have tried lower pressures on other tyres but get wallow on corners, which is a bit unnerving. I found having 36 in the AM26 allows the bike to naturally roll into corners, although it's entirely feasible that a lower pressure may do the same. At the end of the day, I guess its the feel of the bike to the rider, and their own, particular preferences. I may try lowering to 32/34 but doubt it'll make a huge amount of difference.
Taking the A10 on the IHC Spring Rally to day, should do about 300K looks like being perfect weather. Run my TT100 tyres at 26/28
G'day wortluck.
I run very similar pressure in the AM26's on the cafe. Suspension on the hard side and they perform brilliantly. Depends how hard you ride.
G'day Peter.
I just put a set of TT100's on the plungerwith 32/34 in them. Haven't tried them yet. Hope to scrub them in through the week for a good thrashing next w/end.
Just got home from Lithgow. 500 mile round trip, up via west home via coast. A nice ride just for a cuddle ;) (wifes been away for 2,1/2 weeks with another 1,1/2 weeks to go.
I think you've got it Musky, I do a mix of riding but generally like to stuff the ol' gal into corners and get it cranked over a bit! *eek* Right handers are better as left handers tend to scrape the centre stand a bit when I'm really enthusiastic. A bit of a problem when it kicks the bike back up on a blind-ish bend *eek* *eek* *eek* I reckon the bikes are at their best when you're generous with the throttle and are rattling up and down the 'box *smile* *smile*
Wish we could get a bit more of the Aussie weather here, Winter has its moments but not many of them are biking moments. Hope the cuddle went well, *smile* and well done for winning the Ashes (will probably be today) *sad2*
Right handers are better as left handers tend to scrape the centre stand a bit when I'm really enthusiastic. A bit of a problem when it kicks the bike back up on a blind-ish bend
Wish we could get a bit more of the Aussie weather here, Winter has its moments but not many of them are biking moments.
I fixed that problem by grinding off (took a few corners) the extension arm.
The last 100 miles on the way up were cold (4C) windy (40mph) rain and dark. Then add the roos and wombats. Not pleasant. Cuddle was worth it *whistle*
Made a tool for the cush drive nut out of an old 3/4" whit socket. I was suprised to fond that the slots on the nut were not equidistant. Thought it was my marking out but was found it was the nut . Supposedly was NOS so might have come from the reject bin.
Bsareg over the years I have had lots of dealings with the horrible NOS reject bin, from sprockets to cables and cush drive springs. its not a good bin to go delving in *roll* *problem*
Rode the Douglas to the VMCC Edinburgh Veteran and Vintage Gathering. Perfect weather, 100+ miles covered, only ran out of petrol as I turned in the gate at home. Spot the cunning roadside repair to the Sunbeam's gearchange gate.
Yesterday and today I have been fettling Emily, (the motorbike, not the Au pair girl!) in readiness for my trip to the Isle of Wight at the weekend. I will be riding the bike, 140 miles each way, plus the club ride-outs.
I've changed the oil and filter, third time since my engine troubles, just to be sure of clean oil. I've set the tyre pressures. Checked primary case oil level. Topped up the gearbox oil. Taken a little slack out of the taper head bearings. I've shortened the new chain I recently fitted by one link by using a half-link and adjusted the chain slack. I recently bought a pair of ex-military canvas pannier bags, so I've had to modify my carrier frame and added nylon straps to keep the bags against the frame. I'm currently packing a rucksack with my clothes for the weekend. The weather forecast looks good, so I'm taking my all-in-one weather suit ;). I know that if I take it I will not need it, and vice-versa. I'll be setting off tomorrow morning. After that, I probably will not be online until next week.
G'day GB.
Have an enjoyable and safe ride mate. I'm sure it will be trouble free.
G'day GB.
Have an enjoyable and safe ride mate. I'm sure it will be trouble free.
Why don't we have an emoticon with crossed fingers?
*thanks* *beer* *beer* *wave*
Picked up the A7SS from its second visit to the paint shop to touch up the frame scuffs after putting the repaired tin-ware back on.
Looks a treat once again.
Will put a sign on it in car parks - "Women drivers approach this bike at your peril!"
Absolutely nothing, But helped a mate how to sort his. *wink2*
G'day GB.
Have an enjoyable and safe ride mate. I'm sure it will be trouble free.
Why don't we have an emoticon with crossed fingers?
*thanks* *beer* *beer* *wave*
Been fitting new seat to the Beeza.
Not as straight forward as it should be.
Spent all day draining and replenishing all four oils after a quick 20m warm up. Checked plugs, a bit sooty, but ok - may try hotter plugs?? Gave the ol' gal a good old clean, pumped up the tyres a bit, checked the sump gauze (no bits of metal or other bits!!). I think the ignition and fuel are set up right as, when I gently pushed the kickstarter down to check compression, she fired up???? *eek*
All set up now for the next opportunity to go for a mega ride. *smile*
G'day fellas.
Well today I made the biggest phu(k up ever *ex* Yesterday went for a short 80 mile blast on the A7 plunger. 60-70mph the whole way to scrub in new Dunlop TT100's. Stopped at a mates place and smelt fuel so kept going to home. Fuel leaking from bottom of tank so quickly siphoned out the remaining fuel.
Today as I have the week off I pulled the tank and saw it was leaking from where the tap screws into the bottom. It had been repaired before. Out with the dremel and wire brush. Plugged the holes and hooked up the air compressor to find the exact spot. Well I forgot the reg wasn't working so it got full pressure. I heard a pop *eek*
The tank has spread cracking the paint and the sides of the tunnel are almost touching and badly creased. Bugga *ex* I don't think I'm capable to fix it so now the decision. A new Indian one but I can't see one the same (screw holes for the badge wrong) for $500+ or take it to a panel beaters and probably get charged $500+ and then re-paint it *ex*
I looked at my spare tank and it's been badly moth eaten. Double Bugga.
Hi Muscrat, Be wary of the Indian tanks, I bought one for the A10 and looked the bees knees and fitted well, didn't leak but the chrome is not good first time out in the wet and got home and rust spots around the round tank badges. Ordered one for a friend and came with nice dent in the side. Got in touch with them and they said if I send postage cost they would send me another tank and I could keep the dented one. Did that and got another once in good condition (for an Indian one). Used a tyre lever in the filler and gradually over a couple of weeks of occasional dressing got the dent out beautifully so my mate got two tanks one of which he sold and got his money back. Would suggest you look for a good original second hand one and maybe someone here on the forum might have one. Good luck. Gerry
Musky, if it held a good 6 Bar then the rest of the metal must be pretty good and worth saving, so as long as the bits you can see are OK, use your skills to chop out the bottom, and repair or fabricate the damaged part. Then get your friendly welder to do the hard part for you, this should cut your costs a fair bit.
A replacement tank, either Indian or a used original tank may bring more problems...they are both unknowns in the grand scheme of things.
G'day Gerry.
Yes I'm skeptical about the Indian tanks or anything else for that matter. I've had quite a few duds over the years.
G'day Swarfy.
I spent the afternoon up at a mates place. He has a porta power with a set of opening jaws. I was able to roughly open up the tunnel enough to fit over the backbone of the frame. I used a ratchet strap around the tank and bolts through the mounting lugs to bring it back in to within an 1/8". A washer each side will take care of that.
Tomorrow I'll pressure test again (this time with a reg set at 15Lb) to see if there's any new leaks for him to weld up. Then it's strip the liner, I think this one was KBS and re-line with Por15. Then it's back to re-painting.
Yes till now the tank has been pretty sound only leaking at welds
So there go's my week off work! Bugga. I'm still kicking myself for not using a reg.
well Musky that is not easy to read. i'd be kicking myself. we've all done dumb things tho you'll be able to look back on this and have a great story to tell. well done for fixing it. what else were you going to do with a week off anyway??? (no need to answer that)
Musky, you are better off with a hand pump to test for leaks, you don't need much pressure. Even 15 psi is pushing it.
I've just read about your tank problem Musky. You must have gone crazy when that happened. I hope you can get it sorted without too much grief. *work*
G'day GB.
Yes I walked away for an hour or two beers before I cut my wrists LOL.
G'day Trev.
Yes 1 bar is more than enough now that it has been weakened. I can blow 1/2 a bar with my lungs.
G'day fellas.
Well today I made the biggest phu(k up ever *ex* Yesterday went for a short 80 mile blast on the A7 plunger. 60-70mph the whole way to scrub in new Dunlop TT100's.
Hi Musky,Thought you were going to blame the TT100's for a minute. Good you could sort it *beer*
Haven't seen that done for a few years. Even with a hand pump, put a ratchet strap round the tank before any pressure test. Saves the interesting sight of your tank turning into a pair of water wings before your eyes. Bummer.
First run after the second iteration of rebuild on the A7SS, 80 miles was a nice little jaunt from Deal to Sellndge, then up to Reculver for lunch at the café by the towers and a pint at the Fitzwalter Arms in Goodnestone on the way back whilst I fixed their bar billiards table.
Making the most of it! hip replacement Monday after next will likely curtail riding for the foreseeable future.
Making the most of it! hip replacement Monday after next will likely curtail riding for the foreseeable future.
Good luck. Why don't you ask if grease nipples can be fitted while you are there?
Went out on a run with the Sunbeam Owners Fellowship Southern Autumnal Rally. Ok it's not a BSA but they are closely related. My one is the green S7 at the front with the white box.
I have not had time for a decent ride for ages so today myself and betsy beezer went for a thrash *smile* two kicks with no ignition on and then first kick fired up . all the oil had stayed in the tank and none of the clutch plates had stuck. we went for four and a half hours first a quick visit to brothers about 7 miles away then all over the Derbyshire hills and we really enjoyed ourselves. I had time to study bits like dynamo charge and was pleased to see at about 1800 to 2000 revs with lights on it was charging nicely - 30mph in 4th gear, this is with a v belt set up. when I got home girlfriend said she heard me opening betsy up on the roads that stand about a hundred feet above our house level. betsy on song *grins* only one missed gear *pull hair out* *bash* 2nd to 3rd when on full chat!! *eek*
When one of the chaps at the Isle of Wight left on his hot A65 I could hear his exhaust for a good ten minutes as he rode across the countryside.
Went for a 166m run around Lincolnshire, mostly down side roads - excellent!! *smile* Also, took the wife out for a 34 mile run to see if she's ok with being on a bike - first time she's been on a bike ever!! *eek* Both went very well! She even wanted to go a bit further (oooerr), which was interesting as she said the bike vibrated a lot!!!!! *smile* *smile* *whistle*
Smut aside, the bike coped with both very well. Only pumped the tyres up a bit and the middle suspension setting was fine. No clutch slip and plenty of acceleration - do things get any better?? *loveit* *loveit*
went to ross on wye autojumble yesterday from evesham on my A65, brilliant sunny weather, the most people and stalls i have have seen down there, got a couple of talking to someone about my craven panniers and top box telling me the history of them. lovely ride down through ledbury then going back i stopped for a sandwich, got talking to a couple about my bike and how well used it looked, ride carefully the said, its not you its the others you have to watch, how right she was as 15 minuits later a car shunted me from behind! loads of sheep on the road, every one stopped exept for her. oh no my panniers i thought,but they were ok. her bonnet must have just nudged my carrier luckily no damage to bike, could have been a lot worse if she had been going 5 miles an hour quicker. riding home came across another accident, person laid on floor with blood everywhere,thought that could have been me. brings it home to you, be carefull out there
finally fitted the new 389 to the super rocket. its been sitting on the shelf staring at me for a month, but i've been too busy fixing out leaking house and its been too rainy to ride much.
the SR starts ok but that's as far as i got. will no doubt need some fettling
Dave, lucky escape! I'm glad it was no worse.
One day, when the kids were young we were going on our holidays. I was towing a trailer-tent. I could see that there was a young woman tailgating us. When the traffic all stopped at lights I jumped out, ran back and asked her to please drop back a bit. A bit later, I had to brake hard for some reason. The car following us ran into the trailer! The young woman driver was aggressively defensive, no apologies! Our trailer tent was never quite the same. If I am being tailgated these days I just slow down and encourage them to overtake.
I drained the gearbox to check for glitter, due to the chat about EP oil destroying bushes. Happily there was no evidence of this.
The young woman driver was aggressively defensive, no apologies!
You should have left with her car keys. *smile*
I drained the gearbox to check for glitter, due to the chat about EP oil destroying bushes. Happily there was no evidence of this.
I think you are ok with brass or oilite bushes with EP oil GB. I do have a problem with EP attacking the bronze worm wheel on the rear drive of my Sunbeam but it tends to corrode it rather than cause glitter. There was an error in the manufacturers handbook which said EP was ok.
I use Castrol D140 to prevent it but there is still bronze colour in the old oil when it comes out but it appears that they all do it and is normal. It does look worse than it is though.
....there is still bronze colour in the old oil when it comes out but it appears that they all do it and is normal. It does look worse than it is though.
Isn't that just wear?
....there is still bronze colour in the old oil when it comes out but it appears that they all do it and is normal. It does look worse than it is though.
Isn't that just wear?
Yes it is wear but they are huge teeth on the worm wheel so will take ages to cause problems. The worm shaft is steel so that doesn't help matters but it is possible to re-shim the shaft to take up the wear and reduce backlash.
Met up with other slightly unhinged Velo owners in Moffat. Hissing it down throughout, superb scenery just the same. Had to feel a bit sorry for the poor cyclists. Don't think lycra is waterproof. Took the long way home, just for the fun of it.
Took the beastie out get a coffee and meet a buddy. Have changed gearbox oil and needed to check it still goes into gear (told mrs). Truth is i needed a blast and its running really well at mo. Am ignoring oil from breather, if you go fast enough it blows away and leaves less of a mess when parked up. Managed to dodge the showers and returned in the dark which is brave for me.
Really enjoyed letting loose after a couple of tense days at work. Am also pleased with the 22 tooth engine sprocket (previous 21). All the gears are now used as opposed to just a means to get to 4th.
*beer* *bright idea* *good3* *woo*
With a lot of input from my genius friend Robert (he's in the pics), my 1938 Square Four frame is now as straight (or even straighter?) as when it left Selly Oak.
The frame was seriously bent; rear wheel, front head stock, tank mounts all had visible twists.
It took all of Sunday in my shed working on it.
The only straight part was the rear upper tube, which became our reference.
My work table is 1” plate, perfectly flat (using Moore & Wright machinery level); weighs 500kg. We used lasers for levelling.
The gearbox sprocket and rear wheel sprocket were 5mm out of alignment; now perfect.
The rear wheel was also 5mm out of alignment (LH side of the bike has taken a big shunt).
The bottom rails and front engine mount were twisted & engine bolts wouldn’t go in without levering front downtube.
Seat mounting lugs were badly bent out of shape.
Bottom gearbox lug was twisted.
Tank mounts were twisted 3 – 4 degrees out of alignment.
Front end was bent to the right, and twisted.
Most of the straightening was done cold, but some lugs were heated to stress relieve, after making spacers & doing up tight.
Everything is now straight; seat mounts, sprocket alignment is perfect, steering angle is as per factory (62 degrees), tank mounts aligned, gearbox bolts screw in by hand, all engine studs slide in by hand.
Happy camper; thanks Robert!!!
In 2000, when I bought a Ariel Red Hunter the seller threw in some rusty frames that were found on the rubbish tip at the family’s farm in rural Western Australia
The serial number on this one proved it to be one of 970 Square Fours made in 1938 (factory records show it was supplied to a dealer in Aberdeen, Scotland). Wonder how it ended up in W.A?
With a lot of input from my genius friend Robert (he's in the pics), my 1938 Square Four frame is now as straight (or even straighter?) as when it left Selly Oak....
Fascinating! Good work Robert!
G'day fellas.
Well not quit as involved as Richard's work.
Over the last few evenings I applied paint to the plungers repaired fuel tank. Painted silver in place of chrome then masked up for the black sections. Last night blew some clear over the lot. Today cut it back with 1500 w&d then applied the pin stripe. Then another 6 coats of clear. Tomorrow I'll buff then put the badges and knee pads on.
Trying to have it ready for a run up to Crookwell on Saturday.
orabanda I think your frame came into contact with KiwiGF and his ten tin press *eek*, sorry couldn't resist it *sarcastic* *whistle*
Finally found out why rev counter on goldie wasn't working. P O had fitted an clock for clockwise drive instead of anti clock. Luckily, twenty years ago I converted a tacho for my big head Fury to clockwise, so, today converted that back and swapped clocks. I also learnt somthing else. I now need new glasses !
My work table is 1” plate, perfectly flat (using Moore & Wright machinery level); weighs 500kg. We used lasers for levelling.
Having visited Richards workshop a few weeks ago I'm not surprised at what he can do there, man, what I would do to have his workshop and expert's *loveit*
Richard, you forgot to say that the 1" steel plate bench weighs 1 1/2 tons *yeah* *beer*
Hi Pete,
The work table is "only" 500 kg.
You will have the pleasure of meeting Robert in December; he is riding with us on "Orabandon 2019".
He is also making a new end plate for the magdyno on the 4G. The originals are made of cast iron and tend to crack; I have sourced three; all cracked. Rob will cast out of manganese bronze (I have plenty of scrap hydraulic pump thrust plates available).
See attached pics of the best cover I have (has been re-welded). Along side it is the plastic model that Rob has drawn (3D AutoCad) and printed (3D printer). He is now making the mold and then will cast , machine, and yippee.......!!
Can I just say that the engineering expertise out there is jaw-dropping. *eek* In another life, I would have been an engineer. Just stunned at what people can fix, fabricate and improve. *wink2* *beer* *beer* Well done fellas, much respect *ex* *respect* *respect*
Hi Pete,
The work table is "only" 500 kg.
You will have the pleasure of meeting Robert in December; he is riding with us on "Orabandon 2019".
He is also making a new end plate for the magdyno on the 4G. The originals are made of cast iron and tend to crack; I have sourced three; all cracked. Rob will cast out of manganese bronze (I have plenty of scrap hydraulic pump thrust plates available).
See attached pics of the best cover I have (has been re-welded). Along side it is the plastic model that Rob has drawn (3D AutoCad) and printed (3D printer). He is now making the mold and then will cast , machine, and yippee.......!!
How do you get around the shrinkage and adding enough metal for machining ?
The casting will be smaller than the object used for the pattern.
Hi Pete,
The work table is "only" 500 kg.
You will have the pleasure of meeting Robert in December; he is riding with us on "Orabandon 2019".
He is also making a new end plate for the magdyno on the 4G. The originals are made of cast iron and tend to crack; I have sourced three; all cracked. Rob will cast out of manganese bronze (I have plenty of scrap hydraulic pump thrust plates available).
See attached pics of the best cover I have (has been re-welded). Along side it is the plastic model that Rob has drawn (3D AutoCad) and printed (3D printer). He is now making the mold and then will cast , machine, and yippee.......!!
Hi Richard, Well it looked like 1 1/2 tons to me! You never cease to amaze me with what you do. Looking forward to the "Orabandon 2019" trip *beer*
Hi Roy,
Robert made his first furnace when he was an apprentice, and has spent the last 40 years in his back shed casting everything from mundane to intricate.
His next step is to make the molds, but I think he printed the model to compare it to the original (check dimensions). He has made the face that has been cracking a little thicker BTW.
OK Richard.
I was a patternmaker and was just passing on my knowledge of foundry practices.
orabanda he sounds like my brother he does all things like that except the printer bit. well errr he will be again when he's built another workshop. he's already made a furnace and marked out his furnace building area. I'm only at the Harland & wolf stage *lol* *lol* *lol* but I can drink beer *beer*
When we were 15 Robert was fitting big bore (BSA) pistons into Lambretta scooters.
Years before that (late 60's) he converted his push bike to monoshock.
About the same time he caused a stir at school when he produced a cap gun which he had put a steel barrel and firing mechanism into, and converted to fire .22 shorts!
When we were 15 Robert was fitting big bore (BSA) pistons into Lambretta scooters.
Years before that (late 60's) he converted his push bike to monoshock.
About the same time he caused a stir at school when he produced a cap gun which he had put a steel barrel and firing mechanism into, and converted to fire .22 shorts!
Another Alan Millyard?
Put the bike away for winter. *sad*
Well, yesterday, actually. Don’t ask.
Started a project (vee twin in BSA A10 frame) over 20 yrs ago. Having almost finished the engine, it got put to one side for a couple of decades. Realised this year I’d better finish it off before my time was up, so dug it out and got stuck in. Engine finished, in frame etc etc a few months ago. Front end is Suzuki GT (twin disc on spoked wheel) but had some fun identifying the calipers. Turned out they were from later GS model. Had to swap them left to right and vice-versa.
Anyway, got seat on, then waited a month for brake hoses to arrive (wanted to be able to stop the bike before putting it on the rollers). So yesterday tried to start it for the first time. On the rollers it popped a couple of times, then the roller’s starter motor broke its mounting. Hardly surprising – I thought this engine might be a pig to start, but it’s even worse than I imagined. Tried the kickstart next. At first I thought it was jammed, as it was as solid as a footpeg. But no, it’s just the compression. Seems combination of short stroke (75mm) 8.7:1 compression and 998cc is maybe a step too far, but not much I can do about that now. Rollers are out of commission until I can source another starter motor, but in the meantime am reminded that the Vincent kickstart lever is about ten feet long, so am considering lengthening mine to get more leverage. Whether the box and quadrant / ratchet can take the strain is another matter.
When I designed the bike I purposely made the primary drive a lower ratio to ease the torque on the gearbox (38/64 instead of 27/54). I thought that would also assist kick-starting, but clearly not enough. Could probably fit an engine sprocket in there up to perhaps four or five teeth larger, but making another one is a hell of a lot of work and then there's the problem of the belt. Not only expensive (was around £50 twenty years ago) but there's not a great choice of lenghts - and the gearbox is bolted to the rear of the engine. Bit depressing really. *pull hair out*
You have whetted our appetite Fella - think we need some pics *work*
....the roller’s starter motor broke its mounting. Hardly surprising – I thought this engine might be a pig to start, but it’s even worse than I imagined.
I guess it will loosen up once it's run for a while.
Rode the A10 to a farming meeting in Glen Clova. Frost and thick fog most of the way there though much better on the way back.
190 mile round trip, a steady 65-70mph on the faster bits. On arrival, a few comments ranging from "my brother had an A7" to " you passed us on the way here".
Nice to cross the Forth and Tay bridges again.
Jim - there's pics somewhere - I believe it's under 'other bikes' or whatever the title is. Can never find things on this forum so don't ask me for a link! Other than fitting the calipers, seat and rear mudguard, nothing much changed since then. For obvious reasons I want to make sure it actually runs before finishing off - eg front mudguard, chain guard, exhausts, alter fuel tank to clear front carb, lights, horn, footrests etc.
Jim - there's pics somewhere - I believe it's under 'other bikes' or whatever the title is. Can never find things on this forum so don't ask me for a link! Other than fitting the calipers, seat and rear mudguard, nothing much changed since then. For obvious reasons I want to make sure it actually runs before finishing off - eg front mudguard, chain guard, exhausts, alter fuel tank to clear front carb, lights, horn, footrests etc.
Found it There are probably more older posts.
Looking good!
Pretty much decided to lengthen the kickstart lever. Anyone know the length of a vincent lever? I'd guess around 12 - 13 ins.
Hi RD,
Having very long lever on a Vincent I suppose helps, that said the Kickstarter is very low geared on them. This makes the bastards hard to start unless the cosmos is in perfect alignment especially with magneto ignition
The one I worked on recently would start relatively easily once warm but was an absolute fu##er when cold. Although it would fire up easily on a bump start down my sloped drive
The magneto has been properly sorted + it was NOS before hand
I have just acquired two electronic ignition kits for one, Pazon and Boyer but then I would need to replace the Miller gen and concert to 12v
Back to your project
Could you rig up a direct starter onto the crank end like you see the boys use on drag bikes?
Once you get the bike tuned and running properly then revert to kickstartong ?
A (moe) elderly friend who rebuilt an 80 ci HD A couple of years ago was having trouble with getting it running after rebuild
He rigged up a lawnmower flywheel onto the end of the crank, and mounted a starter motor to the bench so it would engage with it ( bike secured to the bench)
Once he got the carb and ignition sorted he then reverted to the kickstart !!
Thanks for the ideas, John.
Obviously I’m looking for the easiest way to start it, so I’m going to go longer kickstart route first. If that doesn’t work, I may try fitting a vee belt pulley behind the drive side crank nut and drive that from an electric motor.
Thanks again,
I lost 3rd & 4th gear on the plunger... after pulling the gear box to bits I discovered everything in order.. EXCEPT the obvious.. the cam selector plunger had somehow become stuck in it's housing.. *problem* A quick clean & reassemble & Hey Presto... all gears again.. *smile*
Had some foot pegs to straighten after a minor incident riding like a dick down a shingle road
G'day Kicky.
At least with our old real steel bikes things can be straightened. Imagine the cost of a whiz bang modern.
G'day fellas.
Yesterday (Saturday) I took the plunger down to a local (Bawley Point) car and bike show. Sorry no pics, I lost my box brownie! This was her 1st ride since tank repair and re-paint. Only got 1/2 way and she was going like a pig. Stopped at a mates place and pulled the carb (932 concentric). The filter on the inlet banjo was full of crap and pilot circuit blocked. All cleaned and she roared the rest of the way there and back. Mate on a 70's 650 Trihard couldn't keep up!
Discovered that if you don't do up the dynamo securing strap properly, after a few thousand miles the dynamo can slowly rotate with the engine vibration and the dynamo chain can slacken off sufficiently for it to jump off the sprockets.
This will only occur when you are a couple of hours from home and it's getting dark. *red*
Learnt this the hard way, so now mark the timing case and dynamo flange....if the marks move I know the chain is slacking off. Marks in line, chain more or less as it was set up, sleep easy.
Discovered that if you don't do up the dynamo securing strap properly, after a few thousand miles the dynamo can slowly rotate with the engine vibration and the dynamo chain can slacken off sufficiently for it to jump off the sprockets.
This will only occur when you are a couple of hours from home and it's getting dark. *red*
I hope the chain did no damage
A (moe) elderly friend who rebuilt an 80 ci HD A couple of years ago was having trouble with getting it running after rebuild
He rigged up a lawnmower flywheel onto the end of the crank, and mounted a starter motor to the bench so it would engage with it ( bike secured to the bench)
Once he got the carb and ignition sorted he then reverted to the kickstart !!
Remember 6 volt VW Beetles?
A friend engineered a reliable emergency starting system; he modified the the dynamo drive pulley (on the crankshaft) to accept a lawnmower pull cord; worked a treat!
My 1st car at 15 was a 1961 6v beetle. Fully rebuilt the motor (twin port heads, 1400cc big bore, mild cam and twin carbs *pull hair out*) before I got my drivers license.
This evening I painted a pair of HD barrels. Balanced the carbs on the rHonda and fettled the carb on the plunger.
Came down stairs this morning to the missus complaining of a strong smell of petrol in the utility room which backs onto the garage. Went out into the garage to find a small pool of petrol under the A65, I have just replaced the petrol pipes last week and it looks like I have disturbed a dowty washer which seals the petrol tap to the tank so drained the tank and removed the petrol tap and sure enough the dowty washer has failed. Searched all over the garage for a spare washer but can only find 3/8" BSP but need 1/4" BSP have now ordered some and have temporarily fitted the tap back with PTFE tape just to stop any petrol fumes. The boss is not at all pleased she thinks that the whole house is in danger of blowing up even though I told her that the amount of petrol that has leaked out would not fill an egg cup and there was no chance of an explosion as there is nothing there to ignite the fuel.
Vapour is highly dangerous, a light switch could ignite it. I hope you've ventilated the workshop.
Vapour is highly dangerous, a light switch could ignite it. I hope you've ventilated the workshop.
Too true - nothing more dangerous than an empty petrol tanker *warn*
Yep - petrol doesn't burn, but sure as hell the vapour does.
Nothing, but i have a new bike ( to me ) coming this weekend. Another bike to ad to the museum.
Spent the last week on an Enfield Himalayan in Nepal. Back near Delhi now. Flying back to Blighty on Thursday – might ride out to a Guzzi camp on the weekend on Blue; my T3.
Rebirthing two 1954 A7 SS; one for a mate & one for me.
Just painted forks; assembly coming up! Nice colour.
On Sunday the WA VMCC celebrated the 100 year anniversary of the last Western Australian TT, with a run to York and back.
Great weather & a good attendance; I did 153 miles on the CB450K5
I also discovered the magic number was 124.
If I am ever on life support, unplug me.
Then plug me back in; see if that works.
BSA's diverse 2 wheeled pedegree; see pics
Spent the last week on an Enfield Himalayan in Nepal. Back near Delhi now. Flying back to Blighty on Thursday – might ride out to a Guzzi camp on the weekend on Blue; my T3.
I know from FaceAche that you frequently seem to be off to exotic places. Did you win the lottery?
Yes I did open up the garage door and left it open for a few hours to clear away the fumes but they were not as serious as the wife tried to state it was only a very slight leak and she has an amazing sense of smell I could only just smell it. I do take all petrol leaks seriously and cure immediately.
Spent the last week on an Enfield Himalayan in Nepal. Back near Delhi now. Flying back to Blighty on Thursday – might ride out to a Guzzi camp on the weekend on Blue; my T3.
I know from FaceAche that you frequently seem to be off to exotic places. Did you win the lottery?
Sadly not. We have offices in Noida - nr Delhi. Company pays for me to fly to Delhi and the travelling absorbs no holiday. So if in the middle of a visit I take a week off I'm only paying the flight costs from Delhi to Kathmandu. Just playing the man at his own game really.
GB - I'll put some pics up on FB when I get home.
Some may remember my rant about my A10 a while back. I had recently totally rebuilt the bike and it was running fine – until the oil pump decided to stop pumping. I had the pump off and dismantled at least six times. Each time I primed the crank and made sure of a good flow from the c’case feed to the pump before re-installation. I did it that often that I was only putting two screws in the timing cover before trying it. Again and again.
I got so angry with it that it was 50/50 whether I’d part it out or just smash it up with a lump hammer and dump it.
Seemed a pity to smash up a fully restored bike and parting it out would be a hassle. How much would people pay for parts they couldn’t see running? And what about postage of items like engine, gearbox and frame? And so I quickly put it at the back of the shed and attempted to forget about it. I thank members for listening to my rant at the time – without someone to let off steam to I probably would have smashed it up (the oil problem was the last straw in a long list of aggravation I’d had with the bike).
After I’d calmed down a few months later, thought I’d start it up out of curiosity. Was pumping oil fine. After a few rides it still pumps fine. Don’t you just love BSA’s quirky oil system? Though why that is, I don’t know. After all, the system is almost identical to the singles, and apart from minimal wet-sumping, they never play up (I’ve owned BSA singles – B31, C10, M21 – for well over fifty years).
Having said all that, all is still not well. Leave it ten days or more and the contents of the oil tank is in the sump – with some on the floor just to irritate me further. When I want to go for a ride, I don’t want to spend ten minutes kneeling on the floor draining sumps, filtering oil and returning it to the tank, when I have other bikes I can just hop on and go. The consequence is the GF rarely gets used.
So today I thought I’d give it the once-over. Seemed to be a bit noisier last time I rode it, so I checked the tappets (all OK) and gave the bike a good clean. Didn’t start it though – couldn’t be bothered draining that oil. But I have decided to fit a valve in the oil feed pipe. I realise there’s a risk involved but, as far as I’m concerned, it’s the lesser of two evils.
RD..While you are in the mood, treat the bike to a sump plate with a drain plug. Makes the sump draining process quick and easy. I am glad you didn't give it a good smacking. Seems that now even non runners and machines with obscure faults are still worth almost as much as a complete runner.
Unfortunately the drain down of oil on standing is par for the course on most machines of this age only used occasionally. Regular daily use back in the day meant that this foible was there, but not often experienced by the average owner, as the bike was probably only left unused for a couple of days at most.
Hi RD,
Forget those auto valves, I have seen failures, and we do not want you to really scrap the A10 *eek*
One of these and wired to the mag cut out is much better,
I'm sure you could make one ??
A sobering story about "oil" (or lack of)
Attached is a recent photo of an A10 oil tank filter as removed from a bike that seized the plain crank bearing without warning
The filter is blocked with slimy goo but no trace of any more of it was found in the oil tank or engine both of which were otherwise clean inside ??
It looks to me like additives in the oil separated out ???
I do not know what brand of oil was in there ???
John - re that filter - could it be the bike had run on non-detergent for ages and then someone decided to use a modern high detergent, thus flushing out all the sludge which then ended up in the filter? Have seen engines destroyed by people doing this, which is why I keep banging on about using 'old fashioned' oils in old fashioned engines.
Swarfy - I fitted a sump drain plug to the GF when I rebuilt it. Still a pain, though less so than having to drop the plate and gauze I have to admit. I'd go really nuts with that.
Hi RD,
The engine had done less than 4000 miles since I rebuilt it back c2010
on strip down it was clean as a whistle inside
I was told firsthand recently about the pickup filter blocking on a Trihard making it wet sump, the goo described sounds very similar or the same as found in the A10???
The Trihard owner was using a classic straight 40, when he contacted the vendors tech help he was told the oil was not suitable for classic bikes? cars only *????*
Unfortunately I am unable find out what oil was put in the A10
I have not been to the pub [ poorly sick & rate fed up *cry* ] RD fella after all your troubles with the oil system and having rebuilt the engine yourself? without being cheeky I would have made sure the ball and spring in the crankcase was not going to give problems by way of letting that much oil pass in such a short time. when I did mine I put the ball bearing in without the spring and left oil in there over night to check for any seepage . the only thing I could suggest to stop this problem doing your head in and making you dislike the bike is one of the valves as mentioned that doesn't allow to start the bike when it is closed, or srm oil pump and hope santa is nice to you regarding this item *dribble*
Which brand of oil was the Trihard owner using please John?
Hi Metalflake,
I was told it came from the big chainstore that sells everything from bicycles to go faster stripes
Rolled out to a Guzzi camping weekend at a pub on the river bank pretty much opposite Tewksbury on the other side of the Severn. I was on Blue – my T3. Well it was a wet weekend and by Sunday morning we were pretty much on an island. Whilst the attractions of being trapped in a pub for the duration were manifold, I ultimately rode down the now substantially flooded road at a depth I don’t think I’ve ever taken a road bike through before. Bike pulled me through OK.
That now goes on SORN (Statutory Off Road Notice) until next spring. With winter now in the air my activities will be restricted to an occasional commute and possibly a few more off road oriented jaunts.
Rolled out to a Guzzi camping weekend at a pub on the river bank pretty much opposite Tewksbury on the other side of the Severn. I was on Blue – my T3. Well it was a wet weekend and by Sunday morning we were pretty much on an island. Whilst the attractions of being trapped in a pub for the duration were manifold, I ultimately rode down the now substantially flooded road at a depth I don’t think I’ve ever taken a road bike through before. Bike pulled me through OK.
Tewksbury is famous for flooding. It's where the Severn and Avon rivers join. The area around is flat, so has likely been a flood plain for millennia.
Further to my previous post about the petrol leak I ordered some 1/4 BSP dowty seals they arrived last Friday but what was delivered was not 1/4 BSP but the metric equivalent which has a slightly larger ID. and I believe to slack a fit over the petrol tap threads. Rather than go to the hassle of sending them back they only cost £3 so have ordered a new set from a different dealer they have arrived today and are a perfect fit. I will tell the first dealer of the mistake and see what the reply is.
Managed a speedy trip into Wales and return via the Wye valley. Great 80 mile round trip with 2 coffee stops and only one roadside stop to relieve bladder. River Wye looks ready to burst, wish we could send the rain to parts of the world in more need. Bike running well enough to ignore the various oil pressure leaks until darker colder times. Am following the oil everywhere post with great interest. Thing is i love riding the thing and my general incompetence usually means any tool work involves many more hours on my knees than yous lot!
Upon my over stimulated return to the roost i began to try to fit some panniers. This went unusually well and am nearly done. Started on them yesterday and hit the drilling of stainless bar wall. Was able to cut to length and file but could i drill a bolt hole, could i b......s. Am chasing a friend to use a bench/pillar drill for the task. Was pushing for 30 mins approx, just made a mess and gave up defeated. i know i'm a numpty but it seems odd to cut with hacksaw and file with relative ease then fail to drill. Does stainless work harden or am i just flogging a blunt drill bit? *beer* *bright idea*
work hardens jim cutting and filing is cool compared to a drill wizzing round you will need plenty coolant on your mates pillar drill. I tried to be clever and zap some holes through a bit of 3mm stainless plate without coolant and it took 5 seconds to fry the drill and harden the steel to the point I had to use several small drills just to get a hole through it and then start going up in sizes to get a 5/16th hole where I wanted it. lesson learned I always have cutting fluid next to the drill now
When drilling stainless, keep the revs down. Most electric hand drills are way to fast. A cordless drill is usually the best bet. And use only HSS drill bits - carbon steel ones have no chance. Plenty of lubricant as others have said, because if you try to push a blunt or unlubricated dril in stainless, it will work harden the material and then you'll need a carbide or diamond drill.
Jim, a cheap set of Cobalt Steel drills are worth a go. These need lubricant but keep their edge better than standard HSS. As RD and bergs mention, keeping cool and slow is the trick. As a matter of course I always start with the smallest drill in the set as a pilot, and work up in size, you've got a set, use all the sizes. I struggled for years drilling bigger holes in one, then was put right by someone who knew about materials and work hardening, a concept I never knew existed back then.
Carbon Steel are only good for wood, plastic and soft materials. I suppose they fill a market, but are practically useless for any serious work.
SORNed Blue my T3. Wiped it all down with an oily rag and pulled the battery for occasional bench charging over winter. Checked the ‘new’ 60s type American hard pannier cases for a fit – it won’t be easy. Job for another day, maybe.
Put Jug my Loop frame up on the table and swapped the dual seat back to the sprung single. Refitted the rear crash bars, and made some spacers up for those to make the whole fitting process easier for next time (?).
New 12v horn ordered from ebay had failed to arrive. Took the one off Blue and fitted it to the SP. Took the SP for MOT immediately after the rugby disaster. So Surley Steve the tester was not in the best frame of mind. Got an advisory on the warped front drum. I have another wheel to fit – cut the old cracked tyre off that and then found the rim tape rotted and in pieces. Ordered a new rim tape, tube and wheel bearings so this is now a job for another day. That is the last MOT and tax I’ll be buying for the SP (Suzuki SP370), as it was registered in 1979 and so will be exempt under the 40 year rule once I have swapped the V5 to Historic status.
Winter riding will likely be restricted to the SP and Jug, and only on salt free days – I have no need to ride if I don’t wish. My commute at this time of year shifts from m/cycling over to the main line train station to pedalling to the nearer single track branch line (a service which is much less reliable unfortunately). The A10 is all oiled up and under wraps and unlikely to come out again this side of March at the earliest.
Fitted a light unit to the sidecar that I made from an old BSA rear numberplate mount.
Managed to find time to fit a reconditioned dynamo today. Hooray for charging that works, it's been a long time. Big shout out at this stage to Beezermac. Not only did he respond to my cry for help. He made time to offer advice on the telephone. Thank you Andrew for that. Don't read the next bit Andrew. Having been supplied with 6v battery and regulator, i sadly did not have the small spade connectors needed to wire up the new battery. Being keen to get going i fitted dynamo with original 12v battery and dvr2 regulator *red*. This is contrary to good advice. The dynamo is charging well at mo so will see how it goes set up like this for a while.
On a lighter note the crack on the head is bleeding nicely and really needs sorting. Replacement head is at blasters and painters (thank you BlackSheep). Look forward to getting that fitted and reducing the oily mess! May well take it to classic bike show tomorrow anyway! *countdown* *bright idea* *pull hair out* *beer*
after a long sesh at the pubs yesterday I wasn't very good until 3pm so then I got stuck in and made a rubberised cork gasket for the primary. then after wondering around like a headless chicken put the gearbox and primary oil in, everything is now ready to rock and roll with the 4 spring and rrt2, can't wait to try out the back brake after having it a bit stressed for 40 odd years. the torque arm is now sat as it should be *yeah*. I made a better fitting side stand bolt in the lathe and am pleased with the result, checked the points etc and had a good look at the tyres - more expense,- in the next few days I might! give her some autosol ---- not a job I've ever been keen about. the plus side is having betsy in the kitchen with a nice cosy fire burning, spring is round the corner I hope *whistle*
G'day fellas.
Today I had my first ride since the fire. A short ride on the 51 A7 up to Bomaderry for a club meeting then down to Sussex Inlet for lunch.
TimK rode his A10 to the meeting on it's maiden voyage and joined the club. Really nice to meet a forum member in the flesh.
Rebuilt the primary side on my swinging arm A7 have fitted a modified sliding plate of my own design to take an oil seal instead of the reverse scroll arrangement refilled the piimary with oil started it up and there is something catching inside the primary so left everything in disgust and came back into the house. Wife can read me like a book, so what is wrong now she asks and when I try tpo explain she listens and then comes out with her stock reply why do you have to keep messing about leave well alone. Will have a look later on in the week to see what the problem is, more messing about. I enjoy messing about what else is there to do when you are approaching 78.
the scraping noise I heard when I changed a box last year was the scroll part out of line up and down wise catching in the brass bit on the sliding plate, it did my head in until I slacked off the two bolts and the inner case dropped down a bit, don't know about yours if you have a different seal *conf2* try the two bolts and see if the inner moves a bit
Depressing day today.
Had my son around to start the project for me, as my hip ain’t great and this bike needs a mighty kick to get her over. After several attempts with only the occasional pop from the rear cylinder we discovered the carbs had flooded. I have 34mm Mikunis on this bike, which I bought because they were way more compact than Mk2 Amals and relatively cheap (£400 the pair with cable choke). All my bikes have Amal carbs (except the Weslake with a Dellorto) and they must be the most trouble-free and easy to tune carburettors ever made (I mean starting from scratch on an unknown engine as opposed to a ‘tune up’). If only you could say the same for Mikunis. But at the time I didn’t fancy splashing out too much before even knowing if the engine was a runner.
I was aware before I started that they are a nightmare to tune because of their crazy assortment of jets, but foolishly hoped I’d at least get somewhere close. Well, I haven’t even got that far because I’ve now discovered they won’t tolerate ANY downdraft / updraft angle without flooding. Great. My carbs are mounted athwartships, so even leaving the bike on its sidestand means the carbs flood. In contrast, the Dellorto on my Weslake is mounted at 45* downdraft with no issue.
Another hassle with Mikunis is getting to the float valve. On the project, that’s the best part of an hour per carb because removing the pin holding the valve flap requires the carb on the bench and a special tool to support the legs holding that pin. Try and drive it out without and you’ll likely break the pillars supporting it, and that means a new carb body. And getting a carb off on the project means dismantling the twistgrip and pulling cables out etc.
So am well peed off. Was intending putting the bike on the lift next week to start designing the exhaust, but now I’m going backwards. A brand new set of carburettors are about to go in the bin and I’ll need to fork out another £400 plus for some decent ones. No doubt that’ll mean making new throttle and choke cables - and the latter were a real pain. I’ve been pressing on with this bike for around a year now, realising the need to get it finished whilst still physically able to do so, but sometimes I feel like just giving up. I hate Mikunis!
RD, that is a bummer! *conf*
Strpped the primary down on the A7 to locate the noise, found out it was the back of tthe clutch catching slightly on the modified back plate so machined a few thou off in the lathe put all back together and now no noise. Hope the new modificationon the back plate with an oil seal will cure the slight oil leak out of the back of the primary,time will tell duing the spring and summer.
I've been building up a Matchless G5 and this should take priority with my time but I have been practising in making a back plate to put Boyer into a magneto - today I made it. Although I have dis-assembled a back plate from a T140 to put the pick up coils onto this plate I have yet to drill the holes.
Just today i spend some time with my clutch. But i was surpriced. Isn't it strange? The gap between.
Just today i spend some time with my clutch. But i was surpriced. Isn't it strange? The gap between.
That gap has worried me also. There is no room for another roller though.
All I did with my bike today was squeeze past it to get some tools to adjust the gears on my sons bicycle
There is no room for another roller though.
yep, I've seen that in other applications, rollers have to be free to roll without putting too much pressure on neighbouring rollers, does seem a tad too much but it works so....
Back on topic - no bike work today or much any day at the mo, hospital appointments, dog walking, shopping and fitting out the shed I built in the summer, making racks for storage boxes in this shed ( stuff and more stuff, where does it come from - remembering my youth - work clothes then a couple of shirts, a jumper, one pair of good trousers, one pair of shoes, BSA gold Flash and bike gear, a Timex watch and a fag lighter, money on payday Friday which gradually evaporated over the next 3 weeks leaving another week with nowt,( we were happy tho -- I think
Bloody hell Bill - you've done all that today and not taken a sh*te?
Been out on the SP. It is still very wet underfoot here in Essex.
Always good to try to get underneath the bike when going down. Helps prevent any serious damage.
*bright idea* *countdown* *bash* *good3*
yesterday and today I have worn out and made very poorly my finger *eek* I have done something I never normally do but since the bike is in the kitchen she has had a super autosol clean, the cases are nearly mirror finish like they were 40+ years ago when the previous owner sat polishing more than riding. the Spanish akront wheels are looking as good as chrome *smile* I wonder when I will be spending two days doing it all again *whistle*
yesterday and today I have worn out and made very poorly my finger *eek*...
Yikes! Are you still able to lift a beer glass? You might need to ask for a straw.
Fitted the barrels back on and annealed the head gasket ready to reassemble once I strip the head and check the valves for the reason I was lacking compression on the left side
Nothing to the BSAs but clocked up 100 miles on the Velo. I know, I know, I'm just off to be branded a heretic.
Stripped the head in search of lost compressions and found some very badly pitted exhaust valves
G'day Kickaha.
Time for a new set. Doubt if that one will clean up.
What fuel are you using?
Think Black Sheeps Velo is a girls bike? Reference to Rosie in Heartbeat.
*fight* *bright idea* *beer* *loveit* *loveit* *good3* *lol*
Can't disagree - here's my late Mother in Law.
G'day Kickaha.
Time for a new set. Doubt if that one will clean up.
What fuel are you using?
I've tried a few lately but mostly Caltex 95 or NPD 100 (convenience factor), head was rebuilt 4000km ago and valves refaced and seats cut so it hasn't taken long whatever caused it
SRM currently have no stock but there are other sources
Hi K,
I notice you have the "gold star" valve spring conversion
From memory the bottom spring collars need to be upside down from standard???
Had the valve clearances closed up causing burning?
Decided to swap the bikes around on my home made bike lift. Took the A7 off onto the drive as I do not have much spare room in the garage when using the lift, took quite a lot of kicking to get the A65 to start as had not been run since before christmas but eventually it started drove it onto the lift so now ready to do servicing for the spring season oil changes etc. the A7 is now ready all oils changed and new in line filter fitted.Will make a start on the A65 on saturday bit worn out with all that kicking.
Changed three of the four wheel bearings in the back of the SP last weekend (two in the hub, one is in the brake plate and the other in the sprocket carrier). Bit of a pig of job – real tight in there even with use of lots of heat. Couldn’t get the bearing spacer to move enough to get a drift onto the lower bearing inner. Once all was out I cut a slot in the spacer to make it easier for next time. Old bearings were with single metal shield? I always fit 2RS for wheel bearings.
Swapped the old chain out for a new O ring type whilst I was working back there. Wondering now if that is a tactical error on an off road bike? Still, should last the year I hope. The bike’s next outing will be two days in March in Welsh Wales somewhere.
Converted my 6v C11 to new type LED headlamp. I've alway had problems with the poor headlight at night as only equipped with the short dynamo. I saw this new type LED mentioned on a forum (can't remember which) available from Mr Goff at £45 ish or £16 from China. I wired in a 6v to 12v buck inverter into just the headlamp circuit to provide the voltage. Total draw is 2.4 amp and a brilliant spread of light od dip with a good beam on head. I've tried most of the other types and found them all useless but this one is very impressive.
G'day Fellas.
Dragged the XT500 out of the ruins (it will be coming to Lithgow as a garden ornament). Prepping the Cafe for a ride tomorrow as its been well over six months since I threw a leg over her.
Hi Muskie,
I could not bare to look at the wrecked XT it would only remind me of the hard time you and your wife endured
Kicking myself for passing up the tacho-drive type SR inner timing cover I saw at the Ballarat swap meet yesterday.
:( Had a few of those.
Hi All,
Since the new Year I have been beavering away making bits and doing some assembly, trial fitting and so on
on my 1925 Chater Lea, I bought the project almost 15 years ago but lots of other projects and major stumbling blocks since then have put the brakes on it *sad*
I wonder how long it has been since there was a wheel that could revolve in the frame *????*
rear wheel completed and fitted for the first time today *smile*
The mudguard are repro copied from an original but it needs a few tweaks and the brackets fitting before going for paint
I have quite a lot more of the parts repaired and restored not shown
Almost nothing exists in the way of spares for these bikes so trawling the world and contacting owners of the few survivors has helped a lot, without the internet I think it would have been impossible
Bits have come from Australia, Tasmania, Germany, Holland and UK, and duplicate parts I made have also been sent around the World to other CL owners
A couple of photos attached for entertainment
Good one John.
Although mainland Aussies don't think Tasmania is part of us, in reality it is LOL
Glad you put the 2nd pic in so it's the right way up!
Had the valve clearances closed up causing burning?
Clearances were all ok, checked them before anything else
Oil change and tyre pressures on the A10. Hoping that Spring might actually arrive.
Hi Muskie,
I laughed when I saw the second pic appear upside down, a vagarie of win 10?
The finding of a rear guard stays and toolboxes in Australia was a miracle
One night I came from the pub and opened ebay on the computer,
At the bottom of the screen items you might be interested in included the guard and stuff
I could not believe my eyes, no bids so I contacted the seller for more pics and dimensions, then did a deal on it
I was missing all the bits that were there *ex*
Decided to start making brackets to fit the recently-arrived stainless front mudguard for the project. Made a template for the rear end and fabricated some flat stainless to suit. Found (rather like many boat hulls) that one side has a different curvature to the other – ie turning the bracket around in the ‘guard meant it didn’t fit well at all – and the holes were no longer in line. Same with centre and front mountings. Guard looks fine as it is – just don’t measure it! But who am I to complain? Don’t have the tooling or materials to make one myself. Also there was the small matter of the rolled edge to overcome. As the guard is not much wider than the tyre a bit of chicanery was required to ensure the bolts to the stays don't foul the tyre.
Finally got them all home, they've been in storage for the last year. This was the outfit and my spares which alone filled a decent truck and took three men to shift. I'd already moved the solo's.
Now I just need to sort it all out! and get them back in use
Have definitely missed them
change of subject because we're all doomed, today I decided on fitting indicators to betsy the beeza, never really wanted to do this but I don't think they have hand signals in the highway code anymore, even if they do it is still dangerous waving your arms about with the present species behind the wheel swearing at the sat nav while texting the knock off in their modern day comfortable tanks. so I started to make the brackets for the rear ones and had a lovely time. even found time to cut mine and next doors grass, the sort you don't normally smoke. now the pubs are shut I have to do things. I cannot drink in the house or workshop it's never been my thing, it is pub or nothing *good3*
Hand signals are still in the UK Highway Code.
I think hand signals are more conspicuous than indicators..... if your arms are long enough.....but not at night!
And there is less chance of forgetting to cancel when your arm is stuck out into the breeze!
I frequently see add-on indicators on old bikes being ridden for miles with the winker still going. An accident waiting to happen!
To my way of thinking, clear hand signals can be safer, because, especially for right turns, you need to slow down and set the engine to an appropriate speed. Winkers may give you a false sense of safety.
.but not at night!
Oh yes I had a pair of those gloves with a large white bit on, Market opportunity here for gloves with built-in led indicators (haven't worked out the switch mechanism tho)
Spent time on the A10 replacing yet another petrol tap cork. They don’t seem to last very long at all. I have lots of plungers so I think I will look out for the rubber/nitrile O-ring things that can be used on these. Anybody know a source.
Also put the Tiger 100 back together new oil, new morgo oil pump and new timing case bush yippee she’s got good oil pressure. Now I just need to fix yet another leaky 276 carb, this one is new and worse than the Norton.
Indicators, my pet hate. The number of times I am following someone on a vmcc run and they leave them on for mile after mile after mile.
The old time motorcycle coppers seemed to be very neat in giving hand signals. They indicated from the elbow outwards, so I copied them for my test. Failed on hand signals......
Indicators, my pet hate. The number of times I am following someone on a vmcc run and they leave them on for mile after mile after mile.
I was a witness to an accident caused by a lad on a modern bike forgetting to cancel his indicators. I am now very aware of the problem.
I've sometimes rushed ahead to overtake a rider who has forgotten their winker. When I let them know, they sometimes look at me as if I should not have bothered. *conf*
Been keeping myself busy by plumbing in an oilfilter on the plunger.
.but not at night!
Oh yes I had a pair of those gloves with a large white bit on, Market opportunity here for gloves with built-in led indicators (haven't worked out the switch mechanism tho)
I remember back in the day I bought a pair of leather gauntlets with orange lights and batteries built in the back of the gloves. They were operated by touching a pair of studs on the thumb and forefinger together to light the lamps. Worked pretty well - would be even better with LED lamps.
Indicators, my pet hate. The number of times I am following someone on a vmcc run and they leave them on for mile after mile after mile.
I was a witness to an accident caused by a lad on a modern bike forgetting to cancel his indicators. I am now very aware of the problem.
I've sometimes rushed ahead to overtake a rider who has forgotten their winker. When I let them know, they sometimes look at me as if I should not have bothered. *conf*
Trouble is, most new drivers do not seem to understand hand signals and do not seem to appreciate that not all vehicles on the road nowadays have indicators fitted.
In the interests of safety I have decided to fit indicators of my Sunbeam which I use as well as hand signals. I do have a warning buzzer fitted which gradually gets louder the longer they are on but even so I have to admit that I have sometimes forgotten to cancel them.
This is a worry so I will be fitting one of these Quite a clever piece of kit which cancels the indicators after a turn. According to the blurb, they have a gyroscope inside which indicates lean.
The reviews are pretty good.
They also sell a gadget which senses deceleration and automatically flashes the rear brake light.
Not cheap but what price safety?
Rolled out on the local trails on the SP on Saturday with a couple of pals - suitably distanced of course. Still plenty of mud out there, but some drier faster stuff too. Need to be a little bit more circumspect out there - don't want to end up in A&E at the moment.
Been fitting some older US style hard cases to Blue my T3 - I was looking for a little more touring capacity. That's not likely to be used this year now with most rallies being called off of course.
Issues with the brake pedal not returning properly on Jug my Eldo Loop since a ride out in the floods a few weeks back. I'll be pulling the rear wheel on that to see what's happening in the drum.
A10 is under covers in the bike port. Parked up with no known issues after it's last ride which I suppose might have been Sept or Oct last year. I'm not one for really just going out for a ride (though that trail riding mentioned at top is nothing more than that I suppose) so maybe I should drain the fuel off for now.
Taking to trail riding does bring an interesting perspective to the ride though. The black top, however scenic and sinuous it might be - just becomes a means of joining the trails together.
Morris - Nice job on the oil filter.
I presume you've filtered the return line - I can't see where the pipes run.
Morris - Nice job on the oil filter.
I presume you've filtered the return line - I can't see where the pipes run.
Yep, on the return.
I couldn't make a decent picture to show, but the return line goes to the filter inlet, and the filter outlet connects to the tank just before the rocker box oil feed.
It involved a lot of head scratching and pipe bending to get it right though. Had to make a piece of pipe with 2x 45°, and 2x 90° bends above the gearbox to connect to the tank inlet.
Used copper-nickel 5/16 fuel pipe and solder on nipples which I got from a local classic car parts dealer
Made a rear luggage rack for a 1927 FN Sahara; hope to have it back from the powder coater's by the end of the week.
hi morris I am thinking of replacing the boiler oil filter on mine that has a fine nylon gauze inside it for the screw on type you have fitted to yours. the question is if you are feeding the rockers after the filter does it restrict the flow to the rockers cheers?
Took my life in my hands and ventured into town to post a letter. The place almost deserted, shops closed except the grocers which had a short orderly queue outside it. Took the 1913 Douglas for the ride and then put it in the shed for the forseeable future. Now back in quarantine.
Took the 1913 Douglas for the ride
well you can't catch much more than a cold off a bike
thinking of giving the Flash it's first outing of 2020 first warm day
Just fitted my refurbished speedo, new case with side trip and flush bezel, great job by Ashley Pople of Speedo Repairs. Mine originally had bottom trip and panel mounting bezel.
He discovered quite alot of oil within it, but other than a good clean was in perfect working order after 60yrs and 67k miles.
hi morris I am thinking of replacing the boiler oil filter on mine that has a fine nylon gauze inside it for the screw on type you have fitted to yours. the question is if you are feeding the rockers after the filter does it restrict the flow to the rockers cheers?
Rocker feed is after the filter. The flow doesn’t seem to be influenced. I do fill up the filter with oil before screwing it on to have immediate oil flow to the rockers.
I have connected the rocker feed pipe with a piece of clear plastic tube. The first 30 seconds or so there’s a lot of bubbles going up but after that the flow becomes steady
morris cheers for that, I have a clear tube on my present system where I teed it off to the rockers and back to the oil tank but the nylon filter in it is probably nowhere near as fine as the new car type filter. I am keeping the clear tube when I fit the new paper filter, nice to know the paper filters don't restrict the rocker feed before I go ahead and fit it *beer*
Mounted Craven Comet panniers, found a couple nearly unused panniers, bought carrier and fittings from Dragonfly/Craven - and went on the first BSA trip this year. Only a short one as it is still COLD, freezing at night, nice to get started...
Lovely sunshine over the last couple of days. In addition to pumping up the tyres, points and plug gap check, cleaning the maggie pick ups and slip ring, checking the HT leads, and giving it a damn good polish up, I will probably check the tappet gap (10 for inlet and 16 for exhaust = max power but noisy), get a couple of jerry cans full of BP Ultimate + octane booster and lead replacement, then wait for the current furore to die (no pun intended! *eek*) down and go for one hell of a blast! >:D
Checked tappets, spot on at .010 inlet and .016 exhaust.
This is the best bit though. Thought I'd drain tank and check tap gauzes were clean. Found out that the reason why I'd run out of petrol once and almost again was that I was using the reserve tap as the main tap. I did find it really odd that I only got 5 miles on reserve. Anyway, cleaned tank out (wasn't too bad) and put the taps on so the right hand one is now reserve (R for Reserve) and the left is finally the main tap. I did wonder if I'd mixed them up, but this confirmed it (you live, learn, and make really silly mistakes!!)
Ready for the road now. Was thinking that a 150 mile run on a 60 year old motorcycle would pass as a 'once a day' period of exercise. I won't, after all, be coming into contact with anyone as I only, generally stop for fuel at the self-service and keep my gloves on. *eek* *eek* *eek*
you might get a surprise on your run, the police are out with drones and stopping people, possible fine unless you can fib your way out and have a damn good excuse for being where you are when they stop you. just like the price of a bike or spares that your wife is now unhappy about. you better make it good ::hh::
Bought my bike out of winter hibernation and was ready for our first 2020 ride, and was stopped in my tracks when the son in law who was itching to ride his new Tenere told me he was not going out.
He said what if we had an accident, our overstretched NHS might well have to get involved, point taken, so my bikes back under its cover.
Billybream's point is very fair. *yeah* My wife works for the NHS and is saying that the hospitals are filling up quite rapidly now. No-one likes to think they will have an accident, but when you think of Police, ambulance and NHS time if you did, then it is a sobering thought. Added to this is the risk of breakdown, and bringing recovery resources into the picture. :!
Not so concerned about the Rozzers and fines, but am persuaded by the ambulance/NHS argument. Will continue to prep the bike ready for the day we are all released. *sad*
Take care folks. *smile*
Taking the opportunity to progress with the project. Fitting rear numberplate today, plus a second check on oil pump clearance.
In response to Berger and others, this whole virus thing is becoming a farce, though to be fair, government is in a difficult place no matter what they do. That said, allowing people out to ‘exercise’ whilst having a stay at home policy is plain barmy. So you can wander around town all day (if stopped, you’re only half way through your exercise or just going to the shop) but can’t take your car or bike for a drive / ride - when both ensure isolation. There’s many places we need to go anyway, such as the bank or to attend to livestock (eg those with horses).
This is a serious situation but contradictory advice and barmy instructions don't help. I’m looking after myself by keeping away from people wherever possible. Currently getting food from the shop is my greatest concern - a person’s breath is over 10% water vapour and viruses will be in that from infected persons, so just breathing in air from premises that have had multiple people in it is risky.
Not enough was done for prevention and now we’re paying the price. Crazy that people were allowed to fly into the UK from infected countries and then disappear into the population using public transport. That was still going on up to a few days ago – maybe still is for all I know. Very worrying times.
Taking the opportunity to progress with the project. Fitting rear numberplate today, plus a second check on oil pump clearance.
In response to Berger and others, this whole virus thing is becoming a farce, though to be fair, government is in a difficult place no matter what they do. That said, allowing people out to ‘exercise’ whilst having a stay at home policy is plain barmy. So you can wander around town all day (if stopped, you’re only half way through your exercise or just going to the shop) but can’t take your car or bike for a drive / ride - when both ensure isolation. There’s many places we need to go anyway, such as the bank or to attend to livestock (eg those with horses).
This is a serious situation but contradictory advice and barmy instructions don't help. I’m looking after myself by keeping away from people wherever possible. Currently getting food from the shop is my greatest concern - a person’s breath is over 10% water vapour and viruses will be in that from infected persons, so just breathing in air from premises that have had multiple people in it is risky.
Not enough was done for prevention and now we’re paying the price. Crazy that people were allowed to fly into the UK from infected countries and then disappear into the population using public transport. That was still going on up to a few days ago – maybe still is for all I know. Very worrying times.
I think this maybe needs moving into the COVID thread.
Getting back on track.
Fitted a solo seat while I refurbish the original dual seat
Cyclo....Just tried to access the new covid board, but for some reason the "Site not found" denied further progress.
This may be of interest, if you folks can skim through to the real business.
Its a sneaky and tenacious little bugger, with a relatively short incubation period in some cases. It's also a bit quick from onset of the specific symptoms to hospitalisation in susceptible individuals.
The published research above gives an insight into the reason for the specified periods of isolation, but as with any research, that was then and later events will yield more data and consequently change recommended behaviour.
Remember, staying in relative isolation and avoiding contact with "outsiders" keeps you safer. It also prevents you spreading your viral particles (if you are unlucky to have picked it up) into other groups outside your own immediate group, during your incubation period, when you have no symptoms but are in the phase where the virus is multiplying and you are capable of passing the infection on.
Living in an area with few reported cases is a relatively safe space but driving miles for a quiet walk is plain don't know who you're going to meet, and in the worst case scenario you will pick up a dose, maybe from miles away and then bring that back home. That changes the dynamic, as the infection is now introduced into a previously safer zone. Then, with no symptoms, in your own incubation period you are merrily spreading it amongst your own group. Then those infected folks make their own way into the wider environment, highly contagious but with no symptoms in their own incubation period.
So while the inconvenience and disruption is a pain, the Government rulings to stay home wherever possible make sense, providing everyone plays their part. Needless to say 100% isolation ain't gonna happen, but the published rules are understood and obeyed by the majority. There will always be chancers. The measures will not stop the spread, but without them the rate of spread would be far, far, higher. In that scenario healthcare resources can not possibly cope with demand.
That published research makes grim reading.
Apologies for posting here, but others may also not be able to access the new board at this time.
First, that was a sensible description of circumstances.
Regarding the "World Situations" board, you can find the link in the home menu as shown in the attached image. Worked for me a minute ago.
Richard L.
Thanks Richard. I'll have another go.
Here in the UK, the weather has suddenly improved, and brought lots of folks out last weekend. Many drove out to popular National Parks, and for the Corona it must have been like Christmas. Those folks all must have had the same idea "Nah, there won't be anyone there, they've been told to stay in"
The spike increase in recorded infections will start to kick in around about now by my reckoning.
I did wonder how much the fall in economic activity and reduction of vehicle traffic has done to improve our local weather pattern. The air just seems that little bit clearer, just like when I was a kid.
Cyclo....Just tried to access the new covid board, but for some reason the "Site not found" denied further progress.
Go to your profile, select "Group membership" select "Join group" and there you go.
You may need to enter your password
well today I remembered a bit of paraffin makes taking a couple of mm off the back indicator brackets on the pillar drill with a burr makes life easier, this was after I thought why is this ally so tough. after that I decided to clean all the files out I borrowed from work 30 years ago. I found Spanish , Swedish, English, and an Australian one I borrowed off a fitter 40 years ago *eek* think it is made by wiltshere ---- someone will know, the oil filter job is on hold I need silver solder flux for the made up one off brass bits to fasten them in the steel tube. also carried on faffing with the 29 year old van that sometimes doesn't start easily, ps has anyone got any sand brother is off work and is stuck for the workshop build *pull hair out*
Morris. Thanks, gained membership with no problem.
Admin..My earlier post with the research link can be moved over as being more appropriate on that board.
Looking back through the earlier posts there made me realise how little we knew then of what was to come.
Hey guys! I think I've prepped the bike as much as I can during the lockdown. Any suggestions as to what I can do next. For example, are there any lube points on the dynamo or maggie that I've missed (or anywhere else that doesn't require major dismantling). Just one question though, there's quite a lot of travel in the front brake and I'm nearly at the end of the lever threads for cable adjustment. The brake does tighten up quite a bit when out for a long ride, but just wondered if there was any other form of adjustment I could try. Not massively essential for now, but I'm looking for stuff to do until the present situation eases.
Dynamo...bearing at the cover end requires lubrication as appropriate.
Magneto. Standard K2F requires a few drops of light oil into the small hole in the camring, there is a wick in there to lubricate the contact breaker heel. The contact breaker pivot also likes a drop.
The operating lever on the front brake can often be turned over to give a bit more scope for adjustment. Other dodge is homespun sheet metal pads on the cam end of the shoe, to compensate for thinning and worn linings, but only do this if you can be sure your codge will stay in place.
Cheers Swarfy. Did know about the wick on the cam ring, but will give attention to the others. Thanks for the tip about the brake! *work*
Jeez, just wish I could get out - cabin fever already *sad* *sad* *sad* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Cant really do anything as I don't have the parts I need, put an order into SRM but who knows when they will turn up and even if they do there's no one I can get to do the machining for several weeks anyway
Hey guys! I think I've prepped the bike as much as I can during the lockdown. Any suggestions as to what I can do next. For example, are there any lube points on the dynamo or maggie that I've missed (or anywhere else that doesn't require major dismantling). Just one question though, there's quite a lot of travel in the front brake and I'm nearly at the end of the lever threads for cable adjustment. The brake does tighten up quite a bit when out for a long ride, but just wondered if there was any other form of adjustment I could try. Not massively essential for now, but I'm looking for stuff to do until the present situation eases.
You could let the air out of the tyres and pump them up with a bicycle pump. Repeating that five times should occupy most of your day. *smile*
Thanks GB, I'm already onto it *ex* *conf* *conf* *eek* *pull hair out* *beer* *angry*
nothing like a bit of fresh air in your tubes *whistle* *bash*
Well I've got more bikes needing attention than you could shake a stick at. Still working (from home) for a living, and the garden is demanding a lot of attention. Just hope that the delivery of my raspberry canes comes in without a hitch.
Hey guys! I think I've prepped the bike as much as I can during the lockdown. Any suggestions as to what I can do next. For example, are there any lube points on the dynamo or maggie that I've missed (or anywhere else that doesn't require major dismantling). Just one question though, there's quite a lot of travel in the front brake and I'm nearly at the end of the lever threads for cable adjustment. The brake does tighten up quite a bit when out for a long ride, but just wondered if there was any other form of adjustment I could try. Not massively essential for now, but I'm looking for stuff to do until the present situation eases.
You could let the air out of the tyres and pump them up with a bicycle pump. Repeating that five times should occupy most of your day. *smile*
But if you put in new air it will not be original any more and you will probably have to notify your insurers *smile*
But if you put in new air it will not be original any more and you will probably have to notify your insurers *smile*
Oh my goodness. It also might mean the bike is no longer exempt from the annual MOT test!
Bit off as this was last week and yesterday but hey ho.
Last week went to protyre in Bristol,just before lockdown, and had an Avon Roadrider fitted to the rear. The TT100 had squared off badly and had given me some skiddy slips on some roundabouts. Shame as up until squaring was really pleased with the grip. Had also been working hard at keeping it round with lots of meandering riding on acceleration, even on the motorway. The fitting event will live long in my memory, good job i had my toolkit, as always, on the bike. Not able to add to Musky's poll on tyres yet as not getting the miles in due to lockdown.
Yesterday i finally fitted some baffles into the Goldie silencers. They are the ones you bolt into the end. I needed to deliver some Paracetomol to an elderly client so had an opportunity to try the subdued beast out. The noise is still there but at about 50% reduced. Still plenty to be heard in traffic. I even did not miss my silicon ear plugs which are always normally worn. During the fitting i removed the downpipes and refitted with silicon to seal around the headers, hoping to cure the whine/whistle.
Upon start up was able to hear lots of tappet noise never before heard. The whine was also more apparent. Am confident that this is due to the reduction in exhaust db. So off i sets with tappets and whine aplenty on a slightly longer journey than necessary. Performance seems unaffected, though was unable to really hold any speed for a decent period. Lots less popping from exhausts on engine braking. On my return with the engine at temperature the whine had disappeared, hoorah! The rear tyre had not gone flat,double hoorah! All in all BJ was a happy bunny.
Am concerned the whine is some sort of damage to the rockers during my recent disasters with a replacement head. Thinking that they have been stressed by some seizing valves? Will see if the noise returns on cold start. Anyone got a rockerbox fully assembled and in excellent condition lying around? I know you may try to reassure me that it's an exhaust leak that seals with heat and i hope it is. It doesn't sound like it though, more whine than whistle with quiet exhaust. Seems at its worst on deceleration.
My wife works for the NHS so please don't lecture me about unnecessary risk, i did need to go out and was careful on the bike.
*good3* *bright idea* *beer* *wave*
My wife works for the NHS
give her my thanks *wink2*
(I won't get political, but it's difficult not to)
jim not today or tomorrow but I can put you a rocker box together with my stock of bits, if you find that is the problem in the future.
Cheers Berger, hold fire for now, much appreciated though.
A whine is most likely gears. Timing gears perhaps?
Gearbox (third gear)?
Jim. Rocker gear is more likely to be more of a regular clank. A whine is more the sound from something rotating, and from the front of the motor the dynamo is the number one suspect.
Have a go with the " long screwdriver in the ear trick" use as a stethoscope and listen to the noises you get from various parts of the engine. If you have never done this before, don't get paranoid. Timing gears and magnetos always sound as if they are on their last legs, and you will detect noise conducting through the crankcases, but with a bit of practice you get to know what's what and what's not. Quite fascinating to listen and pick out the regular taps and knocks as the moving bits work their magic, and yes, they do it all in the dark! How clever is that?
Can't be too much wrong, as you were able to go there and back without incident.
Noisier on the left hand side and seeming from the rockers. Whine goes up and down with the revs in neutral. Seems worse on the dropping revs.
Thanks for the thoughts, may try to video it for the sound effect. The 2 main problems with that are a complete inept with this computer electrickery and yous lot will hear the other dreadful clattering and demand removal of the poor machine from such a cruel and evil master. Good job there is no RSPCBSA!
Will do as Swarthy suggests and go round with the screwdriver and try to get an accurate origin of the noise.
Have not been able to fire it up today. Also, with this lockdown, all the neighbours are about and even with the baffle reduction the noise is quite shocking. I love it of course but the mrs and probably the neighbours do not! My usual tune up place is a car park about half a mile up the road.
The problem with that is that by the time i get there, with all my clobber on, i think "f..k it, the beast is running now so lets go for a ride before it stops"!
*bash* *beer* *computer* *pull hair out* *wave* *countdown*
hello jim are the rockers or mods maybe getting some of that stuff that lubricates things, I know very well from past experience they will work ok without some of that stuff that lubricates but you never know , I have heard them squeal on a mates trumpet. you will get through this jim, I have made a booboo of wiring up my indicators today, its electrickered me , I put indicator on and get a bleed to back light. my wiring skills are no where near my black&tan slurping skills. looking inside the headlamp shell is enough to make a parson swear, all bodged in a rush donky's ago. so I am going to try again and again, I have the brake light working when I press the peddle but the earth I put on years ago isn't connected, gremlins of my doing somewhere . o well tomorrows another day,i have a meter so I will not be completely stumped,,,,, I hope.
Re rocker lubrication, my original pipe fractured where the pipe splits due to vibration, covering my leg and the engine with much oil. *eek* The remedy, I cut the middle section out of the new rocker pipe (where it runs across the top of the engine) and connected the remaining metal pipe at both ends with narrow gauge fuel/oil pipe. That way, there's no vibration across the length of the pipe and the little that remains is dampened by the fuel/oil pipe itself. Has worked a dream for about 4000m so far. *good3*
BG, might your whine be from the dynamo?
well the indicator problem electrickery was mastered by the loon himself, yes me! *bash* I forgot I was using the head lamp securing bolts for the earth and have rubber pads between head lamp and bracket making it easy to move the head lamp position, so earth worked ok because metal was still in contact. when I took the bolts out and put the indicators in the same headlamp fixing holes of course I lost the earth. so things started going silly when I earthed the indicators. i was scratching my head for ages but when looking for continuity the penny dropped, so a little separate earth and a yippee jump around the kitchen and jobs a gooden, wanted to celebrate with plenty black&tans but no pubs open and don't enjoy drinking in house, so a nice cup of tea was had. then came the time to put the mirror back on , of course it was interfering with the indicator *problem* so off the lathering thing and a longer fixing made and bergers a happy bunny. i love sheddy and kitchen motorbike days , mmm what else now, i am sure there is plenty more things to mess with whilst in jail *beer* *wink2*
I really think you need to overcome your fear of drinking in the house Berger... just think of the harm all that tea is doing to you.
haha jools it isn't a fear, it is the fact that whenever I have had a beer in the house I don't enjoy it and leave it, I think it's more that when I am in there is other things to be done , and when I am out I am out out for the shift, there's no calling for " a couple" and goin home with me. it is a sesh or nothing. by the way in Derbyshire a cuppa tea sorts everything out *good3*
I've mastered the art of having a 'coldy' (usually Boddys or Tetleys - Old Pec if I'm feeling flush) whilst I'm doing things around the house. *beer* *beer* Unfortunately, my wife is always having a pop when finding me semi-conscious on the floor with the vacuuming half done...... or complaining about mopping up the blood when I've drilled through my hand :o :o *whistle* *whistle*
Made a start on the RGS restoration.... at long last! It's been in the shed for about 15 years!
Made a start on the RGS restoration.... at long last! It's been in the shed for about 15 years!
Jeez - the table the engine's on looks nicer than any stick of furniture in our house *eek*
Made a start on the RGS restoration.... at long last! It's been in the shed for about 15 years!
Jeez - the table the engine's on looks nicer than any stick of furniture in our house *eek*
It's actually the stool at 'the office' end of the workshop!
What!! Looks like I need to buy a larger dining room table *eek* :!
is that an 1860's valve first edition telly in the background *grins* and as columbo said ," just one more thing" does anybody do as I do and open up the oil inlet and outlet pipe adaptors on the crankcase to 1/4 inch. a bit more volume near the pump helps according to a uni educated manager at my old works when they increased the diameter of the inlet pipe on one of the pumps.
is that an 1860's valve first edition telly in the background *grins*
Also doubles up as a form of very early microwave. *dunno* Just thinking about it, that picture could be my entire kitchen. ;)
is that an 1860's valve first edition telly in the background *grins*
Also doubles up as a form of very early microwave. *dunno* Just thinking about it, that picture could be my entire kitchen. ;)
No, it's the oven I use for baking magneto coils.... and for warming up our local delicacies....Brassington's pies!
G'day Fellas.
I had to get out of the house so went for a ride. I couldn't decide which bike to take so I rode all four. Only about 50 miles each. With three different gear change/brake combinations makes the rides interesting. Buggered up a few times! Right foot one down three up, right foot one up three down, left foot one down four up. *pull hair out*.
The Cafe hadn't turned a wheel for well over 6 months so she got a service first. The plunger had the whole oil tank in the crankcase (as usual) so she got new fluids as well. Both needed a battery charge. Both fired up 2nd kick and ran perfect. Reminded me why I luv my A's.
The other two being young 32 and 37 year olds were right to go.
The only down side was all my usual pub stops were shut. Bloody Corona.
Jammy Musky, just itchin' to get out. *sad2* I have, however, had some mildish symptoms of the C-19, headache, throat, blocked nose, tight chest, etc, but feel better now. :!
Better enough to get into the garage and tackle the ATD refurb so I've got a spare if I shred the gear again. Wasn't looking forward to separating the collar as I didn't have a puller. So, I cleverly sussed out that if I couldn't pull the collar off, maybe I could push the tube out. Put ATD in vice so the outer edge of the gear rested on the vice jaws, heated collar up until I could see bubbles of oil? coming out from between the collar and tube, took an old 7/16 socket and gave the tube a couple of firm knocks and out it popped - much easier than pulling the collar off, methinks. Anyway after retrieving all the bits from the floor (with pliers, I might add - hot!), *eek*I took to having a look. It seems like quite a bit of slack in the things the springs attach to on the bobweights. Seems the holes have worn a bit oval. Also, the end of one of the rivets is missing? I've got a fibre gear, can anyone direct me to where I can get springs, rivets and the things the springs attach to (can't remember their name *doh*). *dunno* *roll*
Cheers All
the berg has been playing again, proper engineers skip this post *whistle* I decided to get the new oil filter to fit where the old one I borrowed from work years ago was fitted. resting on a rubber pad on top of maggy and bracketed to rocker box rear sleeved nut. the outlet to tank and rockers running under the carb manifold. well to do that with the new one was a bit awkward because outlet was! pointing the wrong way. the berg discovered 1/2 inch unf was as near as damn 1/4 bsp, so he went into action drilled and tapped the lid, ran a die down the wade brass fitting and tried it *good3* then I got the propane on warp 11 and managed to tin the steel tubes with soft solder, so I soldered a turned down brass fitting into the inlet tube and blocked off the outlet with a brass plug. I then offered it all up on the bike with the piping and decided it was too heavy, this was called mk1. then I found some hard plastic piping I scrounged when they changed all the lines in a pub *beer* so tomorrow is a search for plastic to metal goo and see if I can make this thing work *doubt*, before you say tap it bsp. brother has all the gear and we are on lock in, but a bit different to a pub lock in
the old faithful filter I borrowed, never did find out who the company was that made this, it says perfection parts limited on the lid
Wortluck asked “can anyone direct me to where I can get springs, rivets and the things the springs attach to[?]”
Priory Magnetos has got to be worth a call, email or PM. If Andrew hasn’t got the bits it’s likely he’ll know where to get them.
Swapped out some damaged spokes in the rear wheel of my tandem at the weekend was all. Suspect that doesn't count here though.
Ought to be draining the fuel off from the A10 really I suppose. It often sits for months before firing up lustily, but it could all be a bit longer this time I'm guessing.
Cheers for putting me on to Priory. The 'lever' things I mentioned are the spring toggles - does anyone still produce them as the holes on mine have worn oval. It seems that most parts are available except the toggles??
Swapped out some damaged spokes in the rear wheel of my tandem at the weekend was all. Suspect that doesn't count here though.
Ought to be draining the fuel off from the A10 really I suppose. It often sits for months before firing up lustily, but it could all be a bit longer this time I'm guessing.
I was thinking the same thing.
Engine and hubs had gone powdery on the ReBsa so blasted them with soda then washed off with water afterwards. Hope any residue isn't corrosive.
Pic of roller starter, just completed this afternoon. First attempt a few months back only drove one roller. Not enough grip on tyre, so connected the rollers with a chain. Tried vee twin project on it (plugs out for initial spin and check oil circulation). Plugs in and try to start – ripped the starter motor off the rig. So, hello mk2, where I made a base plate for starter to mount on instead of brackets. Tried again, but the starter was really labouring. I figured I needed a starter to roller redn of around 12:1, similar to cars but, whilst roughly calculating that, I’d completely forgotten a motorcycle engine turns c. 6x faster than the rear wheel (depending on sprockets fitted and gear chosen for starting). And so onto mk3, where you can see I’ve added a layshaft to further raise the reduction. Roller speed looks better now.
Have to wait now until I hear from my pal who has the vee twin’s exhaust for welding before I can try the rollers again as currently the bike’s on the lift patiently waiting for said exhaust. Would have welded it myself, but my tig welding on thin s/s tube leaves too much metal inside. If it was mild steel I’d gas weld it or, if twice as thick, I’d arc it, but I just don’t get on with tig and mig whereas my pal used to own a stainless fabrication business. This damned virus has stopped the world revolving. Sooner we all get back to work the better.
*pull hair out*
That starter looks to be an old Lucas one?
A more modern gear reduction starter from a Diesel engine vehicle would deliver more "grunt"
I have seen some starting rollers fitted with two motors as well
I have also seen some using a 9in. angle grinder as the power unit *eek*
This is a chap I have had correspondence about Chater Lea's with
Yes John, old Lucas as used on lots of british cars of the era. Had a couple kicking about. Was never keen on gear reduction starters. Had a pile of grief with them on diesel Volvos years ago - very good at shattering their gears to the extent I wouldn't use them. Maybe today's ones are more reliable. I agree diesel starters would have more grunt (ones on my boat achieve 12 - 15bhp) but most are pre-engage and have a nose to them, making it very difficult to drive anything other than a flywheel. Plus they're heavy and need a 30kg battery costing £150+ making carting that lot about unfunny. I do have a similar starter with traditional bendix (no nose) on a Perkins diesel, but they're rare as hen's teeth. Shudder to think what one would cost (no longer available new). Surprised a 9" angle grinder has the power - would only be around 1bhp whereas a car starter should be around 4 - 5. And of course it's non-portable, whereas the reason behind mine was to have a means of starting a dope engine at the end of a sprint to get back to the pits.
Interesting. My 'scheme' involves using one CX500 starter motor on each roller, direct drive.
Should be dead simple, but I haven't figured out the revs/ratios yet.
No doubt someone will point out the potential flaws!
Jools – can't see direct drive working. I started out by using car installations as a guide, where starter to engine ratio is around 12:1. As my rollers are 4” dia and a rear wheel is approx 25” OD (giving c. 6:1 redn) I figured I’d only need 2:1 or thereabouts between starter and rollers - forgetting, of course, that on a motorcycle the engine turns faster than the rear wheel, therefore making a nonsense of my guesswork calculations. Hence the later addition of a layshaft to introduce a further reduction of around 7:1. Roughly speaking, the roller / tyre reduction is cancelled out by the wheel / engine overdrive. In which case I’d suggest your bike starter / roller reduction should be similar to the starter / engine reduction found on a bike.
In conclusion, I appreciate my setup is a tad agricultural but hey, I wanted light, cheap and portable.
Felt well enough to venture to the garage today. *smile* Used bench grinder to grind down some rivets (M5x25mm) to fit the ATD I'm refurbing - successful. The shaft diameter is perfect but I had to grind down the thickness and diameter of the head. Only question is they are slightly longer than the originals so I'm debating how much to trim them down (4mm perhaps to 21mm). Feel good that I've been a bit useful today after 3 weeks of bed rest and feeling properly ill. Will probably be knackered by 7.00pm tonight. *sad2*
Decided to free the clutch on the A10 as it hasn't been out since October. Kicked it over and it started. Must still have been some pertol in the carb. Trying to tell me something I suspect. All that sunshine out there...
Hi All,
Today is the 18th birthday of my Super Rockets rebirth (1st road ride)
With the lock down in place here, there are travel restrictions and quite a prominent police presence enforcing it *sad2*
Anyway I had to mark the occasion so got the SR out checked the tyre pressures and fired it up
I rode around the local roads in circles in a bid to keep me inside the "zone" and passed away a very pleasant 1/2 hour *smile*
I took my daughter pillion on that first trip on her 12th Birthday, Its hard to believe She is 30 today *eek*
I had bought the project the week she was born, but it was quite a few years before I got into it seriously
Here's a light quiz.. I moved two of my bikes today that have been parked up for about a month or so.... attached are two photographs of the empty spaces where the bikes were parked.. Both bikes had the full measure of oil when parked.. can you name the bikes? prize includes a cup of tea/coffee, beer etc and depending on how far you've traveled a nights accommodation.
G'day Guy.
Top = BSA A10
Bottom = Trihard model H
G'day Fellas.
Thought I'd give the old girl (51 A7) a oil change, and thought after 39 years of me flogging her I'd finally put a gauze filter in the tank, never had one *eek* I didn't have to drain the oil tank as it was all in the sump *ex* Any how the sump plug felt a bit stiff in coming out bringing the helicoil with it *pull hair out* That cancels tomorrows ride. Bugga, I used to have a full kit of helicoils *pull hair out* Off to the parts shop again .
G'day Guy.
Top = BSA A10
Bottom = Trihard model H
I admire your confidence in the oil tight integrity of the A10.... but not correct..
Helicoils unwinding are a real pain. When istalling them I always add a drop of locktite. Don't put the bolt in too soon though, or it might end up fastened to the helicoil! *eek*
G'day RD.
Yes mate same here, the red permanent one. Probably done about 300 in and outs in it's life.
When installing them I always add a drop of Loctite.
A nice tip I had ever thought of that but will in future, hopefully, the PO of my RGF did not know about it either as a few of the holes in the barrel for the head studs have been helicoiled, not a problem they are holding fine but two are definitely not square, the head goes on with a bit of wiggling but did worry about it affecting torque settings.
When I get around to putting the cast head back on I was thinking of getting them repaired ( we have a couple of good shops near) I'm not sure how they will do it, presumable fill the holes up and then rethread them
It's just about OK going in forwards but I really struggle with backing my bigger bikes up the ramp and onto the lifting table and with the rear wheel aligning with the clamp. Always feels like I'm one move away from a wrecked back or a dropped bike. Just about managed it with Jug my Loop frame Guzzi on Saturday night - I want to pull and inspect the front TLS brake as it doesn't work worth a damn.
So I ordered the lightest, cheapest 240v hoist I could, which arrived today. The vice on my bench at the back of the garage just about lines up with the table so I reckon I can just clamp it in there when I need to do this. I'll be experimenting tonight.
Here's a light quiz.. I moved two of my bikes today that have been parked up for about a month or so.... attached are two photographs of the empty spaces where the bikes were parked.. Both bikes had the full measure of oil when parked.. can you name the bikes? prize includes a cup of tea/coffee, beer etc and depending on how far you've traveled a nights accommodation.
Top - any japanese bike
Bottom - any British bike
Top - any japanese bike
Bottom - any British bike
getting warm..
only the speedo cable crimp on my A sev drops oil guy, oh and the breather when I've given her a good what for ;D
I wondered why there was a good covering of oil after a proper 150m belt around - the breather, of course. Kept thinking it was a dodgy seal or something, but oil levels were fine!! Phew *eek*
Ordered some mild steel bar with a view to making some new spring levers for my ATD. If successful, I'll drill out the old posts on the bobweights and replace with similar rivets (M25) that I used to replace the fibre wheel. My aim is to make the rivets a 'shrink' or interference fit with the bobweight by heating the latter up cherry red and popping the rivets in - this should form new posts for the levers to slot on to. I've got new springs as well.
Thanks to Beezermacc for giving me some input into this. Of course, I may cock it up, and I'm not an engineer, but you've got to try. *good3*
If this proposal sounds ridiculous, please feel free to offer advice or shoot me down in flames. *conf2*
Still recovering, by the way, just coping with post viral fatigue and inflammation now. Co-codamol works well with anti-inflammatories, but I don't know if I'm in the right house most of the time. Should be ideal when I start using power tools again. :o :o
No beer for a whole month Berger!! *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Richard L.
wortluck only a month, I am on my 7th week without a slurp *eek*, wish I could stop the fags as easy *problem*
Berger, try changing to cigars. I used to virtually chain smoke cigarettes, then changed to cigars (the small ones) - which you don't inhale. After a while I found I was only smoking when I went out for a drink, and then even less until it became perhaps only a couple a week. I now smoke only one or two a year. I believe smoking is a habit more than an addiction.
Berger, try changing to cigars. I used to virtually chain smoke cigarettes, then changed to cigars (the small ones) - which you don't inhale. After a while I found I was only smoking when I went out for a drink, and then even less until it became perhaps only a couple a week. I now smoke only one or two a year. I believe smoking is a habit more than an addiction.
I enjoy an occasional pipe myself, especially when out in the garage working on the bikes. Since the lock down I've taken more to that to try and keep the drinking under control. Smoking myself thin.
Teaching Mary some John Lee Hooker licks...
(Ooooh bugger p'raps she wouldn't choose to be in this 'what have you done to your BIKE today' thread!)
H >:Dahaha,
Got myself off the fags 30 years' ago by substituting for a cup of tea. Within 1 week I felt 50% better. Berger, give yourself more time riding than smoking - quitting (smoking) is the best thing you could do healthwise!
Considering pushing the bike off its stand and firing her up over the weekend - all other post lockdown checks are complete and she's ready to go.
Feeling much better today guys, 4 straight nights of good sleep *woo* *woo* *sleepy* *sleepy* *sleepy*
wortluck , cup of tea, pint of black&tan breakfast dinner/tea, biscuit, stress attack *pull hair out* all go with fag *problem*
Project update: I'd tacked the stainless exhaust tubes together and got a pal who does stainless welding professionally to finish them off because I just can't get TIG neat. Anyhow, he finally dropped my pipes off a couple of days back, so was able to fit the exhaust. Got the bike off the ramp this afternoon and am now sorting footrests – ie where they’ll go given I don’t want my right knee stuck in the magneto. Then it’s rear brake sort out and when my son is around again (hopefully on Sun) we’ll start her up again and I’ll make a start on trying to tune those carbs. Not looking forward to that at all. Would have preferred Amals but the MK2 is too large. Dellortos are nice (and small) but they’ve got the same issue as Mikunis – a vast range of needles and jets (about 24 combinations if I recall) whereas a 106 jet and move the needle up / down a bit is about all you need for Amals. Will run on a temp tank as I have to remove the petrol tank to access the front carb. But I’m slowly getting there. BTW the blue thinghy in front of the rear cyl is a temporary oil pressure gauge.
I very much like that motor *dribble* *dribble* *dribble*
Helped a friend run up his restored CT1 (175cc).
We needed a temp fuel tank; Mario had a drink container in the shed, so..........problem solvered!
Addendum to my earlier post.
In the pic the exhaust looks a trifle angular, but in real life it blends in quite well.
Originally I intended running the rear pipe in a curve across the timing case, but that raised two problems. First, it would get in the way of where I intend fitting an alternator and secondly, where would I join in the front pipe? As it is, I had to run that between the downtubes so as to avoid the front wheel hitting it, meaning it had to cross a frame tube somewhere. Under the timing case area would be close to the oil filter and reduce ground clearance, so I sneaked it in at the frame’s forefoot. I found too that following the front cyl head fins with the rear pipe looked better than running a curve there. I appreciate the pipes are of unequal length but I won't be racing it. If I were I'd obviously need to redesign the system.
Got to the garage today to get on with the ATD. Started with the bobweights and found that the worn posts punched out from the bottom. Made new posts and heated bobweights but couldn't get the posts in - slightly too thick. Then realised that I could just turn the old posts round. Easier to get in because the worn part formed a decent 'taper' to get them back in. Then started on the riveting for the fibre wheel - turned out to be a right b*****d due to the all the holes being slightly out to receive the rivets (fibre wheel I reckon). Had to slightly enlarge all the holes by 0.5mm and taper the rivets to get them all through - all done now!!
Just need to make some new spring levers and I've got pretty much a new spare. Oh, just need some finishing on the rivets to make them flush.
Blimey RD, you are a clever bugger! *smile*
Last August I purchased a nice looking new front brake cable for the 1960 A10 as the one fitted was a bit of a home made job and a number of people have pointed it out as a bit of a bodge. So removal of cable that has been on the bike since I got it over 5 years ago took a bit of doing and it was very dirty. Put new one into handle bars and find the outer (and thus overall cable) is about 2 inches to long, it will not fit AND the boss that the adjuster screws into on the hub does not have a thread (the 1961 A7 does). Glad I did not cut the old cable off, it maybe a bodge but it has worked fine for 5 years. I checked the other spare cables purchased at the same time and they all seam fine. Then I checked the nice shiny new stainless brake arm on a spare brake hub and that does not fit. I think I will just stop buying new parts or maybe stop working on old bikes. It would not be so bad if I could take one for a ride *sad2*
Put new one into handle bars and find the outer (and thus overall cable) is about 2 inches to long, it will not fit
I don't quite get this. With this type of cable, the whole assembly needs to be able to get from A to B following a smooth route but the important thing is the travel of the inner cable. That can be increased by shortening the outer or reduced by adding spacers to the outer.
Neil - no, not that clever, just a reasonable machinist who enjoys a bit of designing (currently re-designing a distributor to replace the project's KVF as it's a bugger to start). There's guys on this forum with more skill / patience than I've got.
Hi Neil, Sorry my english is worse them most other contributors. The new front brake cable goes from the brake lever on the handlebars in towards the headstock behind the yokes then down the .fork leg to the adjuster point on the brake drum. As the cable is to long it ends up with (at best) a big loop outwards from the fork leg.
angus you need some of those wild handlebars that are really high for your new cable *lol*
Hi Neil, Sorry my english is worse them most other contributors. The new front brake cable goes from the brake lever on the handlebars in towards the headstock behind the yokes then down the .fork leg to the adjuster point on the brake drum. As the cable is to long it ends up with (at best) a big loop outwards from the fork leg.
Ah, OK, functional but ugly?
angus you need some of those wild handlebars that are really high for your new cable *lol*
Apehangers on a standard A10 - you'd be front page feature on Back Street Heroes Angus *good3* *wink2* *whistle* *eek*
I've often found adjusting the a10 (swing-arm) rear chain tension strangely annoying, especially having significant tight spots on the current sprockets/setup. I've tried various tricks - pull-downs (from swing-arm sides across the seat) and heavy people sitting on the bike while i crawl along the floor measuring. no fun.
so today i made another fairly unnecessary innovation to pull the swing arm up / compress the shocks while the bike is on the stand. see the pics - minimal work and fairly obvious construction with some felt, heat shrink and tape to protect the painted surfaces. on first use its really easy - fit and tighten in about 2 minutes making it easy to find and adjust for tight spots. the only thing I'd do differently is try 12mm threaded-rod/turnbuckle as the 10mm top 'hook' (for over the shock mount spacer) looks like it might open up eventually.
turns out i needed near 2" chain slack at the loose spots to get 3/4" slack at the tight spots, so maybe some new sprockets in the nearish future.
Yea, got to the garage today and finished off making the spring levers for my ATD - and they actually fit and work *woo* *woo* Drilled the spring hole by hand with a 1mm drill and rounded the ends of the lever to ensure free movement. The holes for the post and 'actuating' mechanism were done by placing the original on the new item and centre punching through - drilled with a 4.8mm drill. Seemed a little odd that the distances between the holes were about 1mm different between the levers, and I was worried they may not fit, but they slotted straight in.
The bar I used is about 1.5mm wider than the original items and a about 0.5mm thicker, but the tolerances are definitely not exact on these units. On one side, the post sits about 1mm from flush with the top of the lever, but the other side is fine. There is a very thin washer that sits at the base of both posts, but I can't really see a need to include them other than for allowing freer pivoting. Last thing will be to clean the whole unit, assemble with new springs, and pop the collar on (leaving a small gap and centre punching for extra security).
Well on the road to recovery, by the way, and feeling very pleased with myself. Will post some piccies if I can.
Cheers all - back on the bike from Wednesday to 'travel to a place for exercise' *whistle* *whistle* *whistle*
No A10 activity for me, it wants for nothing unless I look very hard ... like a better clutch or fork action.
Put a new fan belt and rear brake shoes in my old Guzzi loop frame. For the second time recently (can't remember which of the other bikes the other issue was with), I found that with the new shoes the brake plate wouldn't fit back into the drum. Ended up carefully taking show material off with a power file until it dropped in.
What's that all about?
Some piccies of the ATD and spring levers I made. Put the collet on today and its now sitting in a bath of oil.
G'day wortluck.
Top job mate.
Neat job. Without one on the bench in front of me, I'm trying to figure the point those bobweights swivel as it can't be either of the spring locating points or there'd be no tension to pull them back in.
Thanks RDfella, all completed using a dremel cutting disc, junior hacksaw, and good old engineers file, oh, and a bench grinder. Really enjoyable making them - maybe I'd have been an engineer in another life.
The bobweights do indeed swivel on the spring anchoring posts. As revs increase, centrifugal force pushes the bobweights out against the spring and the lever is forced against the top half of the mechanism (not shown) turning it clockwise to full advance. As revs drop, centrifugal force decreases, the springs pull the bobweights back in so the levers return the advance to normal tickover.
Clear as mud - I think that's right!
Think I've got it. I understand the bobweights move out, but a spring located on the hinge point would achieve nothing. Of course, if the end holes of your rather nice new plates are anchored by the top plate, then the springs will tension when the bobweights move out. The missing link!
Have been getting some miles in now that we have been released. Don't need to have a shopping list, rucksack and new receipt from food shop to justify getting the oil circulated and petrol freshened up. Have done 90 miles last 2 days and that means i can call the new rear tyre scrubbed in. For anyone who has been reading of my recent fun and games with my bike i can let you know here that it is back in favour, big time. The dynamo still whines on start up but that goes away after a while. The old original head is working well and not a drop of oil is getting out of the rocker. The breather still blows a fair bit out but i believe that is due to my riding style.
Today i attempted to cross the border into Wales in search of some of my favourite roads. I was quite rightly stopped and turned around by a couple of friendly motorcycle police. The lockdown there is still in full force, which i kinda new, and i was grateful to be spared a fine. This forced me to ride back in England where the roads are much more potholed and busier with traffic *pull hair out*. Still had great fun buzzing about on A and B roads with the engine running like a good 'un. The bike is deffo a keeper again, divorce proceedings have been put off for the foreseeable future. *woo* *wink2* *beer*
A couple of projects starting to take shape. I actually made the engine stands today, the bottom ends have been built up over the last couple of weeks.
not today but yesterday I had a good run out to get the feel of the rrt2, well things you should do and things you shouldn't springs to mind. having the same first gear as a std there is a largish step to second with a bit of a grumble getting it in *eek* but from 2nd to 3rd and 4th it is really good, BUT having taken my other recently built box out to fit this box I now have the 3rd gear wine back in my tabs that the other didn't have *roll* after stopping I had trouble starting again with fouling plugs so had the carb off [mikuni ] and dropped the needle one notch, not tried it yet raging toothache and whisky mouth wash was more important *good3* [ don't do pain well me ] any way don't get me started on clutches , the triumph one I fitted is either bedding in and acting up or I need to be doing some investigation as to why I need to adjust it on the cable *problem* but I will find out, as my mate says ---- what else would you be doing, thankyou for listening. over and out, whiskey needed again *bash*
liar liar bums on fire, it isn't same first gear as std it is 17 tooth and 26 tooths, as opposed to 16 and 27. still better than the beast of 19 to 24 for road use*eek*
Out for a short bimble (sorry exercise!) on my M23. First ride and first time out since before lockdown and first time I've kicked it with the new hip.
Had drained the sump before run and changed oil but it laid down a dense blue fug for the first half mile! could not see a thing behind me, good job I go straight out onto country lanes! Soon settled and I pottered around happily for a few miles, albeit carefully.
Seemed to be a few car drivers going like stink on the quieter roads.
I'm due out today or tomorrow. Steady short journeys at first to see how my strength holds up - probably not wise to do the 200m epics until I'm confident enough to see if I can complete the journey. *eek* *eek* The biggest challenge is getting out of the house and doing it. Once I'm on the bike, everything else melts away. *smile*
I did take my two lads on a tour of the Derbyshire Dales last week (95m) in the car. Was a bit tense to start with, but then settled a bit. Was shattered afterwards but, given this was the first big outing in months, not surprising. :!
When I was 18, I was indestructable, now I have more uncertainties. *sad2* Reminds me of a Beatles' song, "When I was young so much younger than today ......................"
Fire those bikes up lads - don't think about it, just do it!
I too went for a little pootle today on the model 7. Absolutely gorgeous day and went to a park with some lakes. A couple of other clubs members turned up so we sat in a circle with our flasks sandwiches and sticky buns and had a chat. Then home via a few more Suffolk villages (yes Sav there do appear to be car drivers going faster then I recall in the little country lanes. The Model 7 behaved impeccably, only 65 miles but hopefully the first of many
Varnishing on the boat today. Yesterday took the M21 (must dream up a name for that bike, M22? M41?) and the A10 for a spin. First runs this year. The A10 kicked back a few times before starting - has done that before, but not very often. The A/R is obviously sticking, but really can't be arzed to take it apart to see. Maybe it'd got stuck with lack of use?
Bit less glamorous and definitely slower for me than most of you lot today . . . but I've been out pretty much non-stop on my larger twins for a week and a bit now. So thought I'd have a tootle on my old LE Velo, which I put back into service after a 6 year lay-off for want of anything better to do at the start of the lockdown. Once the bat droppings and stray bits of birds' nests were off it, with the fuel side sorted afresh, sparks side tweaked a bit and an old 6v battery forced into play (reluctantly, but doesn't take much to get 'em going) away she went
On single-track-'n-a 'alf lanes like there are round here, 8bhp isn't too big a problem and 30mph is fine . . . it's when you hit the equivalent of a B road or better that you start getting in other people's way, with a practical cruising speed in the 40s mph - unless there's a hill that is!! Good fun though, even if they're an acquired taste.
Watch out for those bats Bill *eek* *eek* *pull hair out* *dunno* *dunno*
nice to see you people enjoying things *good3*, today I have had a mare of the night variety . I had to set the mikuni carb up a bit after having it in bits the other day. then I set the clutch up to be able to kick the beast up without it slipping, once kicked up it crunched into gear and wouldn't go into neutral so I had to tighten the cable a bit to sort that out. then I set off to a swig swig station I have used a lot about 4 miles from home. i was on reserve and nearly died again when i looked at the cones at the entrance and the empty shop. at this point i thought i better get back home , as i set off the beast started mis firing a lot and conked out on a up hill bit, i layed the beast over to get the bit of swig from right side to left side and blew in the tank just like i did in the wood bike days. this got me nearer home but i had to slacken the clutch cable to start the beast up. into first gear and the beast went keerlunkkk, so off i go again praying the beast will get me home. god didn't help and the beast konked out about a mile from home on the flat with a good stretch of downhill that me and the beast coasted along merrily. i had to park the beast about a third of a mile from home because i would have had ANOTHER heart attack pushing the beast after i realised the sound i was listening to coasting the beast was tyres with not much of that air stuff *eek*. by now the sweat was ---- well sweaty! i put the steering lock on the beast in a factory entrance and walked home, got in the van with some swig and a funnel and returned to the beast. i got the beast started and klunked into gear and got home. then i walked back to get the van. i sat in the van maybe having a jim day and thought sell the beast. then i calmed down and realised in july it will be 41 years of i love my bike--- i hate my bike. so the next step is take delivery of the new friction plates and start again. ps i will be giving this rrt2 thing about 200 miles once i have a clutch and if i don't get on with it after that it is coming out and my nice quiet lovely box i built last year ---without the whine---- is going back in. oh the joys of brit biking. thankyou for listening *wave* , are the pubs open yet *beer*
It was very warm today. Not a day to be pushing anything!
G'day Fellas.
Good to hear you lot are starting to get out and about.
Haven't touched any of my bikes for a month. Too busy going up to Lithgow working on the new (80yo) house in readiness to move in about 6 weeks. As well as too busy working on mates bikes in arvo's after work. 2010 GS500 full carbs and fuel tap rebuild, 2001 CBR600F4i front end refurb and new exhaust, 1985 DR250S full rebuild from bare frame up and tune ups on 1983 XS750, 1982 CB250 and 1981 LTD440.
Remind me not to make so many friends when I move!!
Still in lockdown here in the frozen North. The boy racers have still been out razzing through the twisties making a racket of an evening. Not a good advert for motorcycling. The death and injury toll near me clicks steadily up as each year passes...
Meanwhile, I have a tank bag (Lidl's finest) which carries all the supplementary items that aren't in the toolbox. Hat, snacks, water, tow rope, CO2 bottles, 1st aid kit, multi-tool, spare tube etc. I just plonk that on whichever bike I'm taking out. I have an intense disike of relying on recovery - as often as not I go places with no mobile signal so best be prepared.
Being a former cold war warrior, I try and keep every vehicle ready to go - full tanks, tyres checked, oil levels checked. The days of the wife being instantly ready to grab the kids and go-bags and getting off the base left their mark.
With the lock down there is not a lot open to get things done on the engine. Parts are taking extra long to arrive(Been waiting since March for some spokes). So I decided to start polishing a few things.
Wot BlackSheep...No frangers!!!!
Hey Miker,
Were you aware of Brian at Spoked Wheel Services?
He will make the spokes; top quality and quick supply.
His operation is now in Gidgiegannup, but he has drop-off and collection locations located in Perth.
ps great work with the polishing.
Hi Berger! You've had a bad day! In answer to your question, 'No, the pubs aren't open' Howver the supermarkets are and the back garden and a bunch of tinnies look very inviting. Regarding clutches, most of us in our club have converted to Bob Newby belt drives which seem to resolve most problems.
Thanks Orabanda. I did contact Brian but at the time he was not sure of what was happening because of the Covid 19. I am committed now to wait for my order from Draganfly.
beezermac a friend of mine drops by every now and then walking his dog, he has his back pack with whiskey and cans of Guinness with him. he gives me a can and I now have 5 in the fridge but no john smiths bitter to mix with them *bright idea* going to the shop for food today so I will get bitter and probably have a few on the back garden one day, it is a very long time since tasting the black& tans. as for the clutch-- the bob one is out of my price range but I am sure *grins* I will sort this out if I can stop a six spring slipping at over 5000revs and finding neutral easily. it is a case of a clutch I have never dealt with and I will try it with the new plates and not re-fit the outer cover until I am a happy bunny. the old plates did seem suspect as regards old and polished, they are cork inserts old old *eek* but I just thought I would use them. and we know what thought did *problem*
With the lock down there is not a lot open to get things done on the engine. Parts are taking extra long to arrive(Been waiting since March for some spokes). So I decided to start polishing a few things.
Bling-a-licious!! *smile*
WENT OUT ON THE BIKE TODAY *woo* *woo* *woo* *woo* *woo* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Took my stock 100m run round the Derbyshire Peaks - Woodhead Pass and Snake Pass - BRILLIANT. Felt really good too apart from a small amount of breathlessness to begin with. Bike ran really well, just an occasional pop when accelerating when it's really hot, and a bit tappety but I am running .010 inlet and .016 exhaust for max power - so a bit noisy!
Weather was about as good as it could be - spot on gorgeous. After almost seven weeks of being inside, this has done me the power of good. Funny how our heads work at times, feels more stressful going out the door than riding aimlessly for hours. My plan next is a real meandering run round the Lincolnshire Wolds - that'll put around 200m on the clock.
Incidentally, my odometer seems to not be working correctly - underreading. The trip seems fine and the speedo works if not a bit jumpy. Was refurbed by Russell a while back - any ideas what could be the problem?
^^^^^ *yeah* *yeah* *yeah* *yeah*
been dazed and confused so long its not true------ well I have found where my drip was coming from and it isn't the breather, it is coming from the gear box big bearing and oozing out from between the seal and the inner race. so much for my idea of leaving one side sealed *bash* I stopped this leak problem on the other gear box by wiping brown silica around the out board seal and circlip. I didn't do it on this one because I am a pillock *sick*. had a real fight getting the lapped in centre off the main shaft as well and I also found that the puller I tried in the threads when building it up wasn't deep enough to clear the main shaft--- good old lathe sorted that out *good3*. so I have the new plates and springs. the springs are a tad under 2inch and the ones I took out are about 1/7/8ths . now for the bit I know nothing about. the first pic is spring and cup on the left, and new spring & cup on the right. does this look as it should be on the right or left. the hub is stamped 42-3235 and the chain wheel 57-1549, does this hub look right with the spring tension bolts in. another one I have no idea on is which washer should be used left or right. and will it make any difference if I use the hub with rubbers in and does this use the same washer. they are both 5 plate hubs. and please tell me this clutch doesn't have the brass thrust washer or I will scream a lot *pull hair out*
Berger mate, all I can offer is that there are far brighter people on this forum who can answer THAT question for you!! As for me, I'll have a couple of Tetley's, retire early, and wait to see what tomorrow throws up.
Hope you get your issue sorted pal.
Hi Berger,
I can see in the picture of the cush drive hub that the spider is recessed a bit from the rear plate,
This can cause the chain wheel bearing assembly to bind up when the centre nut is tightened
Worn cush drive hubs also cause clutch slip, for some reason unknown to me
I would fit a solid hub
The washer with the step is I believe intended to keep the hub tightened against the adaptor
Not always necessary, but check that the hub comes out past the adaptor so what ever washer is used it clamps the hub solidly against the adaptor
Thrust washer clutch shaft adptors have a step on the large diameter face for the thrust washer
As you have a lipped inner hub no thrust washer needed
thanks john the little engineering knowledge I have came to use when a triton owner cracked a washer thinking the hex went in the recess , but that's another story. thanks for explaining the flanged adaptor
, I have one of those in the box of bits and was wondering why it was different *good3* I will give it a good coat of looking at tomorrow and cheers for the advice on the cushioned hub. but this bit does my head in! why is one washer tapered and the other stepped and the lock washer goes on before the washer and has a face that covers both centre and hub *conf2* I need beer *beer*
G'day Berger.
Maybe strip the cush hub & check that the spider has not worn grooves in the end plates. If it has it will make the hub wobbly in use. Good time to check the rubbers also.
yes mate it's been stripped cleaned talked to and put back together , it is fine. what I really really really wanna know is why does a full faced lock washer go on before a recessed washer that is supposed to do the job of eliminating any movement between the hub and the centre *conf2*
what I really really really wanna know is why does a full faced lock washer go on before a recessed washer that is supposed to do the job of eliminating any movement between the hub and the centre *conf2*
sorry , can't answer that but Iv'e never used that tab washer, ( always seemed counter productive to me). I have seen a few of those recessed washers bow inwards so what I do now is make a good fitting thick washer ( about 4/ 5 mm from 4140 or 1045 steel) then add some bottled tab washer material ( RED Loctite 263) . Never fails. Heat is needed to soften it when the nut has to come off again though.
good plan iron head. I had a dream last night, song in there somewhere. if the clutch centre is proud of the hub the recessed washer pushes the hub up allowing the centre to protrude into the recess . the theory of the lock washer may be that with it being soft it allows the centre to bend it a little bit into the recess if you have a set up where the centre is proud of the hub. that is my theory, if the hub is proud of the centre it doesn't matter, I will look to see if my lock washer has been pushed in a little bit, by a little bit I mean a tiny bit because there is only a few thou difference. I feel a black & tan coming on today *beer*
He will make the spokes; top quality and quick supply.
His operation is now in Gidgiegannup...
ps great work with the polishing.
C'mon Richard, we know you're just making up these town names. (He said, imagining a time before Google.)
Miker, A hardy second on the polishing work. Beautiful.
Richard L.
Hi Berger,
Ditch the lock washer and use loctite as ironhead says
If the hub is proud of the adaptor then an extra thick plain washer is good
Be careful of the thrust washer centres most are A65/ tri and do not have the scrolled rear and different taper
here again , yes john I have been looking at things today. the two trumpy centres have different tapers to the scrolled ones and sit level with the hubs on. the two scrolled adaptors I have both sit about 4 thou proud of the hubs, BUT! today I have discovered the new friction plates slide in the chain wheel and on the hubs perfectly. the frictions I had with this clutch is another story. one fell over the lip on the hub *eek* :o and the other 4 are about 1/1/2 mm bigger in the hole and of course can slop about, I noticed bad hammering in the chain wheel slots that is now sorted. I think some body has been playing about with wrong parts before I got my mitts on it *rant*. I might be on a winner now and get a working clutch, the only thing I wonder about now is weather I need the 2 inch springs or the 1/7/8ths, suppose I will be finding out trial and error wise before I put the outer cover on *beer* ps my theory on the lock washer has been blown out the workshop *red* because the recessed washer also covers both centre and hub on its periphery . does that mean outside edge *whistle*
amazing, whoever made the springs that measured 1/7/8 s must have used magical wire , since they have been on the bench they have crept up to very near 2 inch. I wonder where they were made *roll* but now I have studied this trump clutch I think I now have all the correct bit's but may be not in the correct order *lol*. probably back together next week a bit of fettling with other bits while the inner cover is off --- better for maggy work and busy with other stuff now, brothers workshop roof preparations on going now *yeah*
sort of related to Berger's clutch question..I went out on my TR6p yesterday and discovered I hadn't fitted the correct spacer washer.. me not understanding that it held the clutch basket more thing I have learnt... no damage and all forward movement ceased near a friends house, so it wasn't a bad thing. I enjoyed the ride while it lasted and the time with my friend and his family..all in all a good day out..
Up to the Yorkshire Moors yesterday for a 120m run - feel a bit knackered today though (worth it whatever!!) *smile*. Bike ran really nicely, but still with the occasional pop when giving it a big handful *eek* (but not past the Revenue Raiser Ambush Van sitting on the A170 *angry* *angry* *rant*). Still pushing myself to do normal things to build strength and stamina - it's getting there as I need fewer rest periods. Sunny days are great, grey overcast days are for chillin' *beer* *beer*.
Sent an email to Russell re the speedo issue (been 2.5 years since he refurbed it!! *eek*). Trip is definitely skipping numbers and the odometer seems to give up accurate recording when cruising at 60-70mph. Will wait for the close season before dispatching though.
Only issues with the bike apart from the very occasional pop and bang are a cracked front mudguard (both ends), the dodgy speedo, a missing nut from the stud that the front seat bracket sits on, and a piece of threaded metric bar with nylocs serving as a temp engine mount as the original fell out! *dunno*
Cheers guys! *good3*
Didn't do anything as such but some shiny bits turned up for my A10 ADV bike build
Finally this year I can add something positive. I managed to sort my bloody garage out ,threw out a mound of old stuff reorganised much much more and eventually the bike was clear and I pushed her into sunlight since September last yr. A bit dusty but a wipe with an old cloth sorted that , for now ,put oil back in and turned the motor a couple of times .
Then decided to "bounce " the front forks ,always felt there was a slight twist after an off I suffered afew yrs ago .Anyway loosened spindle lock nut and the 2other nuts and bolts and bounce away ,this definitely moved the forks as I could see marks which hadn't been there before o the spindle. I the twisted the handlebars with me striding the front wheel and tightened everything up .Sat on her and felt more comfy ,so I must have just got used to the previous twist and compensated for it ,hopefully this will now be better. Start up next in a day or 2 ,cheers Bob
Well I’ve not taken a bike out since the weekend that lock down commenced here in the UK. I did at least get some off roading in on the Essex byeways that Saturday.
Since then I have serviced both of my big Guzzis – Blue the T3 and Jug the Eldo Loop frame. Oil changes were done on a cold motor as I didn’t want to start them up, and the carbs will still need balancing. I bought a 240v power winch to assist with when I wanted to get the bigger bikes reversed up on to the table, a manoeuvre that has always been fraught with the essence of disaster looming. I have a big vice on the bench at the back of the garage so I can simply bolt the winch into that when I need to use it – I extended the leads for the remote accordingly. First tests with that went well until I dragged the entire bench over. Which at least precipitated a good tidy up. The bench, which was previously free standing is now bolted to the back wall (of a pre-cast concrete garage, so you can see how much more badly wrong that could go next time).
I’ve done about as much as I can in the garden so I’m now thinking of pulling the gearbox out of The Black Pearl, my Guzzi V50. It’s a job I’ve long been putting off as it kind of works anyway. But I’m bored now.
The A10 continues to sit under a dust cover in the bike port. It ran beautifully last time out and wants for nothing, at least until the next time I start it of course.
First time out of the shed since last autumn! *smile*
Let's see if she runs....
Your mag must be a goodie!!!
Your mag must be a goodie!!!
Thank goodness. I had the mag rebuilt at great expense but every time the bike easily starts I thank the god of motorcycle electrics that I did.
I had the brainwave of fitting castors to my bike hoist. I can now move it to get easy access to either side of my shed. *good3*
Mind you, it's three inches higher now. The ramp is steeper. I walked it on in first gear as I normally do.
My little seig mill dropped its lunch the other day.
Pulling it to bits today and found a string of triacs or IGBT's have the guts blown out of them.
With any luck it will just be the semi conductors and not all the clever bits.
This could get expensive.
My little seig mill dropped its lunch the other day.
Pulling it to bits today and found a string of triacs or IGBT's have the guts blown out of them.
With any luck it will just be the semi conductors and not all the clever bits.
This could get expensive.
Any ideas about why that has happened? A full short somewhere maybe?
V50 gearbox is out and gone off in the post for specialist attention. Only took around 2 hrs to drop the motor/trans, must be from all of the practice - and it's a lot easier to manage than a big block.
I was wondering if having castors on the hoist might be a problem. Although two of the castors have a brake, it doesn't seem very effective. The hoist will tend to move if I have to push hard on some part of the bike. I've been thinking about making 4 of these jacks.
The issue is that when the hoist is against one side of the shed, I will not be able to get at the jacks on that side.
And then I thought, what about having a chain and sprocket arrangement so I can lower and raise the jacks from an accessible position.
Actually I'd only need to pair the jacks with a (bicycle type) chain across the hoist, so when one is turned it revolves the other side...Simples! Chain and suitable sprockets are available on Ebay for a reasonable cost.
Struggling with that one - seems like looking for a problem to fit a solution. If the jacks are joined by chain, how do you move them independently to account for floor level irregularities depending where the hoist is? You're bound to end up with it rocking on three. And with two jacks down, how is the other half of the hoist going to move anyway? Just my thoughts.
Struggling with that one - seems like looking for a problem to fit a solution. If the jacks are joined by chain, how do you move them independently to account for floor level irregularities depending where the hoist is? You're bound to end up with it rocking on three. And with two jacks down, how is the other half of the hoist going to move anyway? Just my thoughts.
The floor of my shed is flat. It's T&G boards.
My thinkings were:
1) The hoist is not going to keep still while I work on the bike.
2) The castors, although rubber-tyred are marking the floor.
3) I'm worried, (probably unnecessarily) about my blobbing welding. I don't wish to open the shed door one day to find my bike laying on the floor, with the hoist on top of it.
The chain idea would just pair up jacks on opposite sides of the hoist.
My mate finally got his cylindrical grinder sorted, so was able to grind the existing cam off the distributor for my project (as members may recall, I decided to modify a distributor to 60* to replace the magneto currently fitted as I%u2019m having extreme difficulty starting it). 1,000cc and just under 9:1 compression means it goes over TDC too slowly for a decent spark, even with the front cylinder decompressed.
I%u2019d already made the replacement cam so fitted that today. Next job is to see whether the rotor arm will align with the dist cap pickups or whether I have to make / modify the rotor arm as well (remember the cap pickups are set 180* apart). I%u2019ve not yet cut the rotor arm locating slot in the cam, as I%u2019m hoping I may be able to fudge the location and use a standard arm. Whatever, the rotor arm / cam location is going to be critical. Onwards and upwards as they say....
edit/ update.
Last night, after a bit of fiddling about, came to the conclusion the rotor arm would service both dist cap poles with the new cam, so this morning (Sunday) I machined the locating slot for the arm. Just waiting now on delivery of an m4 allen screw to lock the bevel gear to the shaft and then I can fit it to the bike and time it up. Got allen screws / bolts coming out of my ears in imperial and metric, some up to 200mm long - but no m4!
Good luck RD
Great day out on the A10. Met up with 2 mates with alternative marque vertical twins of the 650 cc persuasion. Blasted off to a cider farm in deepest darkest Somerset. Had a most enjoyable time catching up whilst maintaining social distancing of course. Was nearly dry by the time i got back! Needless to say the bike ran like a dream,apart from the piston slap, shocking front end, brakes etc. All of which is irrelevant 'cos it got me there and back in great style, started when asked and didn't let me down. A happy and welcome day after all the lockdown misery.
*spider* *countdown* *woo* *beer* *beer*
Well at long last I got the bike out of the garage ,sorted out the HT leads one od which I'd pulled out of the maggy connection when I was fitting the ski slope last week . Dried out the oil and was surprised to find a thin shard of carbon in the connection has the connections haven't been disturbed for over 10 yrs it must have come of the carbon brush which was still serviceable , anyway once done I turned my attention to the other and after a break flooded the carb and gave her a big kick second time bingo ran pretty damn good , she's done this for as long as she's been back on the road so once again can't help but say that the refurb done to the maggy was some of the best money I've spent on the bike . next week out for my first ride of this year, watch this space!!
... can't help but say that the refurb done to the maggy was some of the best money I've spent on the bike.
I feel exactly the same! *smile*
... can't help but say that the refurb done to the maggy was some of the best money I've spent on the bike.
I feel exactly the same! *smile*
Yep, happy with my mag for sure.
I got most of my Guzzi V50 back together at the weekend. Outside of that I've still not started an engine or turned a wheel since lock down commenced here in the UK.
i got the rrt2 out and took the kick start quadrant out to put back in the std gearbox because it is adapted for the Suzuki kickstart. I might have discovered why some kickstarts jam even though they have the correct quadrant and pinion. with both gearboxes on the bench I started to have a look why mine was sometimes jamming. resulting in pulling the clutch in to free it up. I noticed the flat bit before the first tooth on the quadrant could jam on the top of a tooth on the pinion . I tried another quadrant and noticed that the flat bit before the first tooth touched a tooth on the pinion pushing it forward ready for the first quadrant tooth to fully engage with the pinion. I tried 5 quadrants and noticed they had more chance of the flat bit jamming on the top of the pinion tooth the more the shafts were worn. so to have a worn kicker shaft and worn steel bushes the more chance it has to jam up. I think I will grind the lead bit down so it can't jam on the top of a tooth and try it out tomorrow. thankyou for listening have a nice time
Berger mate, got a bit of time on your hands by any chance *whistle* *grins* *good3* *beer* *beer*
wortluck, I think it is a case of getting older and not being in so much of a hurry. taking more time over studying things instead of jumping around shouting " what the f@@k is up with this now!!!". I remember you saying you get into Derbyshire now and again. I think we will have to meet somewhere near lady bower this summer if your up for it *beer*
Heh, yeah - still jump up and down cursing at most things, although I should take it easier now. *eek*
Let me know when you're around Ladybower. My usual route out of Wakefield is down to Barnsley, follow the A628 through Woodhead Pass then via Glossop and on to Snake Road. After that I jump on to Mortimer Road (proper tricky) through to Penistone then back on the M1 for a couple of junctions. It's a very decent run done in around 3 hours or so. Occasionally, I go through Holmfirth and come back onto the A628 at Woodhead.
Take care mate, poss see you sometime. *smile*
Changed the oil on my turbo trainer – does that count? It’s basically a brake for bicycles so you can ride on the spot for no good reason. I used to race so it was part of my training regime.
Pulled it out of the shed after some years of neglect and it all felt suspiciously easy. It’s a fluid chamber with a vaned rotor in there. So I reckoned maybe a goodly amount of fluid had gone west.
After prevaricating over whether brake fluid or ATF might be best I went with the latter. Managed to pop it open strain off what there was of some clear and slightly viscous looking fluid and then fill it up. Seems to be working OK again now, as in it has me raising a sweat and I can’t pull top gear now. And I get to sit in front of The A Team on the TV whilst I wind away.
Whenever I see a gym or someone exercising it reminds me of when I was younger (lots younger). I used to do weight lifting until one day it suddenly dawned on me - there I was sweating away for a couple of hours two or three times a week, and I was paying for the privilege, when that sort of effort normaly meant getting paid! I gave it up soon after. Anyway, it was taking up valuable time that could be spent drinking or chasing girls. No contest.
Whenever I see a gym or someone exercising it reminds me of when I was younger (lots younger). I used to do weight lifting until one day...
...I gave it up soon after. Anyway, it was taking up valuable time that could be spent drinking or chasing girls. No contest.
Ah, but you were risking getting sand kicked in your face on the beach by that bloke who'd done the Charles Atlas course!
And from the same era "dear Charles Atlas, I've done the course, now please send me the muscles"
Beach was never my scene anyway - nor pubs much. Rock n roll nightclubs for me.
You're right RDfella, could never see the point in using up valuable energy and time running. If anything, wear yourself out doing something useful. Now it's DIY, cleaning and fixing bikes, garden stuff, lugging things about for no good reason, etc. When I was younger it was bikes, booze and birds(sic of my youth). *beer* *beer* *beer* The only time I've used the wife's running machine has been occasionally when I've felt I've sat around the house doing nothing for too many days (usually when we have a spell of appalling weather). This fad of running marathons and doing 'runs' is lost on me. *dunno2* *conf2* *conf*
Due to dodgy knees and ankles I am unable to run.
I tried that with the missus GB, but she sussed it when seeing me kicking the ol' girl up (the bike, that is). *eek*
yesterday. Oil change for the A7 and check levels. Tried some Viton O Rings to replace the cork on a leaky petrol tap but they leaked like a sieve, so put a new cork on and that is leak free (for now). Any body else know of any other alternatives.
any other alternatives.
ewarts taps? i tried o-rings and they were so tight i couldn't operate them. so i think its either new corks (soaked etc) so get a different style of tap.
Not my bike but..... Just been round to a mate's house to get an A10 going which hasn't been run for 47 years. I built the bottom end for the owner about 10 years ago and rebuilt the magneto for him at about the same time. He almost finished building the bike before contracting a terminal illness which sadly prevented him from seeing the bike completed. The bike has passed to his son who asked me to give it a final check before we attempted to start it. We reset the tappets and ignition timing, checked oil circulation, and away it went, second kick! Sounds lovely. The bike's colour scheme has got nothing to do with me!
Hi Beezermac
The facebook link is restricted to the members friends
Anyhow well done *smile*
Started the just rebuilt tiger cub for the first time. Oh the noise, oh the power........ Might be too much for me 🤔
Hi Beezermac
The facebook link is restricted to the members friends
Anyhow well done *smile*
Thanks, I thought that would be the issue. I've modified the post and I've posted a static photo instead now.
Not my bike but.....
What a shame he never got to enjoy it running *eek*
Not my bike but.....
What a shame he never got to enjoy it running *eek*
New crash bars still in their wrappers. Only word I can think of is "poignant."
Richard L.
Having a charging problem. No test light illumination and only 2 volts with VOM. One brush looked like it might be too worn and there was a lot of black on the commutator. Scavenged brushes from my slower-than-glacial A7 barn-find project. Tried to clean up commutator with a bit of sandpaper while turning over the engine by hand at the kick start. No joy. Decided to try it with the engine running. I was happy that the spinning dynamo neither ate my sandpaper or my finger. Yes, I know, not perfectly parallel, but I can get that later, if need be. No report right now as to if it worked. Waiting for cool down. That may be tomorrow's "What did you do..." post.
Richard L.
Forgot to take a "before" photo.
Well finally had enough parts to have a practice run at putting it all together. Much learning involved....
The 3 or 4 pages of parts needed is down to around half a page, at last *smile*
Have found a few little problems though. The biggest being that the frame is pretty bent up at the rear. The near side back end is bent in around 30mm, which means the top hat type spacer won't fit in. There's a local guy who says he can repair modern and vintage frames, so am going to see if he's as good as he say's he is.... *eek*.
Very nice.
Made phosphor bronze bush for a mate's engine, fitted & line bored on Saturday.
My mill was unavailable, so used another friend's workshop.
crankcases assembled yesterday.
Looks like a nice job there. I take it that getting this lined up with the primary roller bearing isn't as critical as the cam bushes are though? I'm still on the hunt for someone in QLD to do the bushes in my engine. Was going to use the bloke at Blacktop, but what with this corona thing, he's shut up shop and isn't likely to reopen..... *sad2*
Hi Superflash.
Alignment with the the primary side bearing IS critical.
I retained the original cam bushes.
Dave Kellet at Slacks Creek is the man for frames.
From memory I think he needs the motor in and no front forks.
Last I heard he had taken up sidecar racing.
He is certainly worth a phone call if he is still in one piece.
Yup. He's the bunny I'm going to try. Cheers
Got the Guzzi V50 all back together on Saturday. But no have no electrics. At all. So i still don't know if the refurbed gear box is actually any good.
The last job to complete my PE400T restoration, is to make new shocks.
There are some flaws in the original design (gland bushing runs "dry" - above the oil seal, and the rod seizes / bends, floating gas piston jams, etc). There are several replacement shock options, but none look like the originals.
I have made new bodies, glands (removable; retained by internal clip), gas pistons, added nitrogen charging valve, used Kayaba seals, etc.
My dear, clever friend Robert designed and built a robotic welder, and the first job he used it for yesterday was to TIG weld the mounting eye (base) to the bottom of the barrel. I also have a PE175, so he welded two sets of barrels. 8 weeks to build the machine, 2 minutes to perfectly weld 4 shock bodies.
Thanks, so much, for showing us what could be. I know I speak for almost everyone here in saying it is awe inspiring on the motorcycle restoration level. (I'm pretty sure it's actually "everyone," but, just in case.)
My next thought is, Hey! when can we buy some repro fork legs?
Richard L.
.... 8 weeks to build the machine, 2 minutes to perfectly weld 4 shock bodies.
Seriously impressive!
No words - just massively impressed with the skill, innovation and equipment you guys have got. Still, as I've said before, in another life I may have been an engineer. I couldn't hope to emulate what some of you can build/fabricate/invent!!!!! *respect* *respect* *respect* *respect*
Thanks Richard, Greybeard, Wortlock,
Yes, the fork sliders are doable; all you need is time......!
I used 36mm ID cold drawn seamless hydraulic tubing for the barrels; had a length left over from an ore feeder hydraulic system we built.
The same material would be perfect for the fork sliders; don't get me distracted!
Plenty of activity in our sheds.
When Robert was 17 he built his first furnace (in the back shed).
He had the fastest XL350 in town; it was the BSA 441 Victor piston that made the difference!
He has just finished furnace MKIII, and is underway casting a magneto end cover for my 4G Ariel.
EDIT:****A couple of pics showing how I matched the centre - centre distance against an original Suzuki shock.****
Pics deleted because of imbedded information - DISABLE YOUR LOCATION FINDER FUNCTION!!!
Richard, you never cease to amaze me, love to see the pic, I drool over them.
Superb stuff mate, goodonya!
Yesterday a good clean, re-tension rear chain and quick 10 mile test ride involving adjusting both front and rear brakes and clutch having added a washer to stop handlebar lever wobble.
Today 75 mile faultless ride to Dunwich beach car park, only 4 turned up on a perfect blue sky day *smile*
Went for a 130m ride up into the Yorks Moors - just can't beat it on a day like today. Took around four hours to complete, but much of that was down tiny roads that revealed some more of the beauty of the British countryside. Only gripe is that irritating, occasional pop and bang which tends to happen more when it gets hot and accelerating. No misfires or problems at other times or when cruising - smooth as you like, even ticks over fine. Have tried opening throttle more slowly which helps. Also had problems kicking it up today, so had to bump twice?? Once going, all seems fine. Any suggestions? Points, plugs are fine as are the HT leads. Have cleaned the slip ring too. Drained the fuel tank and cleaned taps during lockdown. Carb was cleaned last year. Could be just a 'thing' but it's started relatively recently.
As mentioned here earlier my wife and I went for run and a picnic lunch on Dartmoor today.
Before we set out I filled the petrol tank up to within 1/2" of the bottom of the filler and set the trip to zero. After arriving home and when the bike had cooled down I topped the tank up again to where it was before with BP Ultimate from my can. We had covered 52.5 miles and the tank took 4.8 litres and if my (wife's) maths is correct it works out to 49.7 mpg.
The bike was pulling a sidecar and passenger, was also loaded up with a ruck sack with our lunch and big flask in it and two folding camping chairs bungeed on the carrier. Considering today's petrol with 5% Ethanol I'm pleased with that.
Sounds about right Roger. I get around 50 solo, but I don't hang around either. I put Tesco Momentum 99 in mine and dose it with an additive - probably makes it about 100/101 RON, but I'm only guessing. The bike runs brilliantly on it, with just the occasional 'knock' when I'm trying too hard up the mountains. Changed the plugs today to see if I can get rid of the intermittent misfire and starting issue although I'm sure it was down to the maggy getting fried in today's heat.
glad to here your on the 50mpg mark wortluck, I thought it was only me doing something to make the swig disappear quickly *beer*
You think 50mpg is thirsty? Try my Firestorm - 25 to 28mpg and only a 16 litre fuel tank.
You think 50mpg is thirsty? Try my Firestorm - 25 to 28mpg and only a 16 litre fuel tank.
I needed to search for the term, Firestorm: 100 bhp!
You think 50mpg is thirsty? Try my Firestorm - 25 to 28mpg and only a 16 litre fuel tank.
Seem to remember Suzi kettles being even worse under duress back in the day. Like 20-ish mpg when really screwed. Put me off big 2 strokes for life! There were more wayside garages back then, luckily, and owners of such bikes were probably on first name terms with everyone who ever worked in them!
Anyone remember the RD500LC *eek* *eek* *eek* Went for another 100m run today. Bike seemed to run better with l/h plug replaced (seemed to be a bit of a misfire on that pot). Did seem to start better too. The bike does run a bit rich, maybe I should try slightly hotter plugs - running B6HS at present as I have quite a few new ones. Wondering what mileage a plug should do? In my youth, I used to run my Yammy two strokes until the top electrode was like a wedge and the bottom was nicely rounded - never seemed to affect the perfomance though??
You think 50mpg is thirsty? Try my Firestorm - 25 to 28mpg and only a 16 litre fuel tank.
I needed to search for the term, Firestorm: 100 bhp!
Stop dreaming GB. Privileged to the rich... *smile* *smile* *smile*
went for a ride, not a very long ride. clutch set up by eye and feel perfect, but back to gearbox in and gearbox out. rrt2 is now coming out it has been an experience that needed to be done to be sure. the step down from 19t and 24t first gear pair to the modified 17t and 26t first gear combination is too far away from the rrt2 second gear. so after playing for quite some time now the bullet has been bitten and the std is going back in to stay. the rrt2 is definitely for the goldie racers. so hey ho gearbox out and gearbox in . *roll*
180 mile round trip to Dartmoor for a swim in a river and a meet up with a mate. Great day off work and out and about! My rickity rockety golden flashback (miss you Dutch) ran really well and am content. Primary chain seems to have tightened up so i guess them gearbox mounting bolts need a longer lever to tighten them.
*woo* *woo* *spider* *beer* *good3*
G'day Fellas.
Loaded the last two bikes (83 CB1100F, 88 FXST) onto trailers (a mate taking one) for the trip up to their new home. Along with 0% of my tools and most importantly the beer fridge.
Two weeks to go and one more trailer load (surprising how much we gathered in just 6 months) till I'm up there permanent.
Looking forward to exploring new roads.
took the rrt2 out, never to go back in again *problem*, got the std back in and finish off tomorrow putting clutch on and start wearing some rubber out instead of wearing myself out *yeah*
I like rock’n’roll (the genuine stuff, eg Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran) as opposed to what many call rock’n’roll but isn’t (usually rhythm’n’blues, rockabilly). I generally dislike classical and blues, but the latter is beginning to describe how I feel……
Why? The project is going backwards and getting me down. I’ve had a real problem starting it recently, and as that usually requires a visit from my son, it means it’s not been started for a few weeks even though he’s tried a couple of times. (1,000cc and relatively high compression doesn’t make for easy starting). I’d presumed the mag was to blame, given sparks are very weak (if at all) at the sort of revs encountered during kick-starting - and so I built a 60* distributor to replace the mag. And today we tried it.
A few pops and bangs but no start. And so we put it on the rollers. Started, but only at exactly ¼ throttle, with lots of backfiring and overheating. Clearly it was running way too lean.
Confused and getting rather pizzed off, I looked up some internet comments I’d saved from others trying to tune Mikuni carbs. Seems these carbs are eccentric (as opposed to concentric). Previously she’d started fine on choke, but would not run without and so I’d upped the pilot jet from 15 to 35 (more normal for 500cc). Seems others had had the same issue – do that and it’ll never start on choke as it’s now too rich. Then there’s the quirkiness of Mikunis to consider – the pilot jet affects the entire throttle opening, including the main jet.
I also had another issue – previous runs had produced an oil pressure around 25psi (half of what I’d expected) and so I’d changed the pump from a plunger to a gear type, the latter advertised as giving twice the flow. But now I had less pressure – a measly 15 – 20psi. What was going on? I decided to remove the gauze in the tank in case that was causing a restriction, as it did appear to be rather fine.
And so back to the rollers to check oil pressure. No change, but I could set a tickover and it now definitely wasn’t lean. How, why? Do you ever feel like giving up?
I always feared Mikunis would be a nightmare to tune, but chose them because my favourite (Amal) were too large in MK2 configuration. Unlike Amals, Mikunis have a nightmarish range of jets to choose from (as far as I can see, 26 different needle jets and 15 needles, giving 390 different combinations). Add that to the fact jets overlap, the chance of getting fuelling remotely right is nigh impossible. Seems the best one can hope for is that it actually runs! Excellent, no doubt, when set up on a factory engine, but an absolute nightmare on one-offs. Tomorrow it’s another look at the oil pump. *problem*
ok so today is rant day *bash* I tried to get mine to tick over today , the first time it has failed to do this with the mikuni carb. i had to look at many internet posts and video's . I discovered the pilot jet can be either side of the slide depending on the model of carb. this means a different take on setting them up. mine is air filter side of carb but for some reason mine will not tick over unless I have the air screw so far out I might as well take it out!! I also discovered it has the smallest pilot jet they make for my carb and it chokes up if I screw the air screw in to the setting it should run at of between 1 and 3 turns, this is strange because it was ok . while studying internet posts there was no mention of pilot jet being involved after 1/4 throttle. each stage of tuning went from pilot/needle/ main. more investigation tomorrow and if doesn't play nice the monoblock is coming back out to play *rant*
Primary chain seems to have tightened up so i guess them gearbox mounting bolts need a longer lever to tighten them.
BigJim, I made this note to remind myself to do this, so before you get the big levers out - read the bit with a red box around it. It's surprising the slack you sometimes find.
Hi RD and Berger
Sudden changes in carburation requirements usally are down to some other issue
Stale fuel or just getting new "Bad" fuel causes such issues. then dirt sticky floats or ignition
When I took my Super Rocket to Switzerland and France a few years ago, the first fill of fuel immiedietly caused one fuel tap to leak, later I had carb flooding problems on and off over the 2 weeks away, When I got home the grass needed cutting so I drained off some from the BSA, next minute the lawnmower carb was flooding *conf2*
I have a Mikuni on my SR and initially it only needed minor setting up,
RD I would look at what Mikuni recommend for XT Yamaha's as your engine uses those heads
I think that your distributor with rotor and cap is an issue on a V twin
I worked on a new Vincent engine that came with distributor ignition, Using motorcycle sized coil it ran crap, it would only run on one cylinder until about 2000 revs when the second would chime in ??? I tried a full size coil from a car and it ran better but not right!!! The cure was to abandon the distributor cap and use a twin spark coil.
It came with 32mm concentric carbs and was a pig to ride, no bottom end at all, then surged
I changed the carb bodies to 28mm, did away with the pilot bush jet and fitted remote pilots, the brass tube around the needle jets had to have the the engine side of the tube cut away as recommended by owners group on the Net
I also had another issue – previous runs had produced an oil pressure around 25psi (half of what I’d expected) and so I’d changed the pump from a plunger to a gear type, the latter advertised as giving twice the flow. But now I had less pressure – a measly 15 – 20psi. What was going on? I decided to remove the gauze in the tank in case that was causing a restriction, as it did appear to be rather fine.
Have you got a roller bearing big-end in this motor? If so You'll never get high oil pressure but as advertised there will be more flow.
You think 50mpg is thirsty? Try my Firestorm - 25 to 28mpg and only a 16 litre fuel tank.
Seem to remember Suzi kettles being even worse under duress back in the day. Like 20-ish mpg when really screwed. Put me off big 2 strokes for life! There were more wayside garages back then, luckily, and owners of such bikes were probably on first name terms with everyone who ever worked in them!
I have a Kawa H1 triple that I was given in boxes and put back together. When I got it on the road I found I was getting 22 mpg - whilst running it in. Ouch. We don't get out much.
Thanks to everyone for offering helpful advice.
Berger – I’ve been relying on other’s experience of fitting mikunis, mainly to Yam XT’s, as that would approximate my setup. Here’s a couple of comments I found:
a) It was so rich on the leanest needle clip that the bike could barely start. And that's the only place it would start. This is where I learned that the idle and needle circuits are not independent of each other as the many manuals and tuning guides teach us. It all works together.
b) Starting cold is now a pain with the correct idle jet -- takes 6-12 kicks. Once warmed up for a minute she'll fire right up, first kick every time. It's impossible to start with the "choke" so the start jet must be too big. Is the start jet replaceable?
Ironhead – the big ends are plain, fed via a quill into crankshaft end.
John – thanks for all that. I’m running 34mm mikunis, as opposed to OE 36mm. As you suggest, I honed in on factory settings, given that I’m using Yam SR heads. The online experiences of others that I researched were where people were fitting 34mm’s to those engines, so at least I have ballpark figures to work on. Looking at comment (b) above it seems changing the pilot jet to 35 from the 15 the carbs came with may have exacerbated an already difficult starting situation, so my theory of weak spark at kick-over may have been only partly correct. At least it fires up pretty quick on the rollers. Given today’s rubbish fuel, I drain and refill with fresh every couple of weeks (I notice modern fuel changes colour to a light tan after a few weeks)
I think the ignition is OK – runs on both cyls straight off. I’m using a car-sized coil on 6v at present, but I have to resolve the oil pressure issue before I return to pondering jet sizes.
What a contrast this project is to the last one (M21 with vee engine). All I’ve done to that since its first start was add a pair of balance plugs (allowed for in design) and clean flashing from a carb float to stop it flooding. Didn’t even have to change carb jets (pair of monoblocs). At 1,000m I took the timing cover off to check inside, found everything 100% and put it back. About 5,000m now and all I’ve done is check tappets and change engine oil now and again.
Thanks Roger
I made a few mistakes when adjusting the primary chain. First, I managed to adjust without slackening nut A *eek* and, second, I didn't follow the procedure boxed in red *eek* *eek* and, three, I don't think the rear chain was 1.25" at the tightest point. *eek* *eek* *eek*
Bike runs happily though and nothing has broken ::hh:: *doubt* *doubt* *conf2* *conf2* *wink2*
RD fella I have done more research on these mikuni things and you are correct, my apologies. the air jet which I think is the pilot jet *pull hair out* *conf2* works with main jet and needle jet on what they call a bleed carb . my head hurts after looking at the pdf file so I am now going to take the float bowl off mine and try to find a fuel pilot jet .
yippee *woo* found a pilot jet as I know one buried in a tunnel, the tick over dance will now commence with a couple of different jets and the AIR jet can stay as it is because I now know 1% of how the mikuni works that is on my bike, and a few high speed plug chops were looking good. old monoblock going on until new jets land, pun intended *bash*
Berger – don’t apologise – none of us have a monopoly on knowledge and the advice I passed on was only someone else’s online comment.
Word of warning though – if taking the float off, make a tool to support the pillars holding the hinge pin, or you’ll likely break the carb body. Real gem of bad design. I made a tool by drilling two small holes in a piece of hardwood.
Thanks RogerSB. Useful reminders there. *good3* *beer*
Are the Mikuni's fitted at an angle to the horizontal?
This will make setting the float level meaningless as I'm sure you know
It might be that the pilot circuit is being flooded? I would try removing the air screw to see if fuel flows out ?
Is this why racing and steep downdraught carbs have pilot fuel screws rather than air screws ??? I don't know
maybe talking bo**ox
I have read a mikuni with a pilot jet and air screw doesn't like being tipped more than 20 degrees
John - mine are horizontal - one each side, pointing sideways.
what have I done with my bike today?? nearly set it on fire *help* *problem* *pull hair out* while waiting for a mikuni pilot jet I decided to fit the monoblock back on. well this caused a problem because I have piped the oil return across from the timing side where the filter is fitted and between the mikuni and cylinder head inlet manifold. with the monoblock being bigger I had to make a 12mm thick ally spacer to set the carb away from the crossover oil return pipe, all well and good up to now. BUT not thinking I hadn't got the bolt on pick up mag on the bike while messing with the gearbox I had dislodged the bottom pick up and hadn't seen this happen. so petrol on-- tickle carb jump on kick start and no go, tickle carb again jump on kickstart and bike starts on one pot. I start to rev the bike thinking I have a triple kwaker and middle pot will jump in shortly but nothing happens , so I look down and see flashes shining off the gearbox . I stop the bike to see what is going on and then discover a drip coming from carb *eek* *eek* thankyou for listening -- tomorrows another day----- got away with that one *whistle*
Thank you Berger, it's not just me at least! *wave*
uummm I think fire is something we maybe don't about as much as we should
Hi RD,
I would try two known carbs that work, take them off known running bikes
That will eliminate some unknowns, sort out ignition and other issues and then go back to sorting carb settings
today i stopped the carb drip on the amal and went for a little run , she likes the std gearbox back in and I so do I , no whine in 3rd gear *good3* I hope the smaller pilot jet for the mikuni arrives soon because this old amal isn't getting my attention even though it is rich around tick over. played with it many times over the years and it just acts the fool when it wants to *bash*
Berger i feel your pain regards a fire as my pre monobloc dripped onto the mag and did burst in to flames over a year ago and only this week finished sorting it all out and getting it running again.
Motorcycle fires? No problem. Used to have an old 50's Ariel on the farm. Sometimes it would spit back on starting, and set fire to the horsehair under the single saddle. Quick swipe with a cloth used to put it out, ready for the next time.
Today I gathered enough oomph to go and do some work on my bike. Last summer I found that sometimes when I pushed the bike backwards the rear brake would jamb. When I opened up the back brake drum I found that one side of the brake shoe end had broken off and the bit was rattling around doing orrible things to the linings. It's a sobering thought that something like that, especially if on the front brake, could kill you.
I cleaned out all the debris and used the bike until the end of the riding season. I ordered new Ferodo branded shoes from Fecked. Today I took it apart and am just about to fit the new shoes.
I have also ordered a pair of Mitas tyres for the bike today.
I understand that the Isle Of Wight BSA weekend, 18th to 20th September, may go ahead. I'd like to do that if I can.
Bit more on the project. Ran it up on Sunday to make some inroads into carburetion. As apparently the pilot jet affects the whole range it makes sense to start with that, so warmed the engine up, stopped it, fitted new plugs and let it tick over for five minutes. Removed and examined plugs for colour. Looked fine – just a hint of tan. But the mixture screw made no discernible difference screwed in or out, so I’m going to fit the next size down pilot jets. Should be here in a few days, post permitting. Also, I found coming off idle the engine appeared rich. Hardly surprising, given my slides are 2 and most people seem to be running 2.5 or 3. So today was carb removal time and strip down ready for jet change and modified the slide cutaways to a tad under 3 whilst I was in there.
Think I’m beginning to understand these carbs a bit, courtesy of much internet searching of other’s experience. Having said that, an old motorcycle mate of mine dropped around this afternoon for a bit of welding on a gearlever (he’s a Bultaco man). We discussed Mikunis and he recalled similar issues. Apparently he spent months with a pocketful of jets but never succeeded in getting it to run right. Too many variables.
Hi RD,
If I had your bike I would try a 12 volt coil and battery, It should I believe provide a hotter spark which would help carburation problems
I have fitted several Mikuni's to unlikely motorcycles and within reason found them easy to sort out
I know there are dozens of jets and needles listed but you will find only a few of them are actually available anymore
(if they ever were)
I finally got the bottom end of the 1960 Flash assembled yesterday after about 10 or 12 attempts with end-float adjustment and interference issues. The new Conrod bolts (nuts) were striking the crankcase, so took some metal off them and the inside of the crankcase for clearance. Getting the shim stack correct was a nightmare. I used shims from 3 different suppliers to get the combination I needed (16.9'''). I had given up on receiving the shims from one UK source but they arrived after 6 weeks, no doubt due to the Coronavirus impact on postage. The NJ206 Driveside Roller bearing has turned out to be a good choice. The inner was so tight I did not use any Loctite.
A thin layer of Hylomar on the crankcase faces added about 0.4''' to the end-float. I now have 1.8''' end-float, a whisker more than my aim, but I am not taking it apart again. Some new 5/16" BCy nuts & washers for the crankcase studs look a treat.
I took quite a few measurements for interest. The sideways play at the small end of the conrod is about 0.5mm for each rod. I note that that question has been asked a few times on the Forum, so that is a good reference point for new ground bigends and new +0.10 shells. I know with wear, that 0.5mm can be much larger.
Does 1.8''' mean 1.8 thou of an inch?
idiot!! *pull hair out* *bash* the other day I was messing with wires in the headlamp and accidently shorted the indicator flasher unit *problem*, but a new one arrived today and I have flashing lights working again together with raging toothache *sick*
raging toothache
get yourself half a tumbler of Whisky, dip your finger in the whisky and massage around the affected teeth then swill the rest of the whisky around your mouth to take the taste away ;)
...raging toothache *sick*
I must say, whoever designed our teeth, needs a swift kick in the gonads. *smile*
...raging toothache *sick*
I must say, whoever designed our teeth, needs a swift kick in the gonads. *smile*
Not that impressed with gonad design either, come to that.
Hey Berger, what Bill said but finish the rest of the bottle ;D ;D *whistle* *beer* *wink2* *good3* *woo*
your advice was taken up two weeks ago, now on second bottle but managed to get antibiotics so no more whisky for me. the damn pain goes all over even into ear and head. pain killers not touching it might try a herb *bright idea* ;) *countdown*
Had thatjust as lockdown started. Fortunately it was on / off so endurable until dentist available again. Sounds like you need a root canal job on a lower jaw tooth.
Root canal?? Different kind of pain then (wallet) *eek*
Today I gathered enough oomph to go and do some work on my bike. Last summer I found that sometimes when I pushed the bike backwards the rear brake would jamb. When I opened up the back brake drum I found that one side of the brake shoe end had broken off and the bit was rattling around doing orrible things to the linings. It's a sobering thought that something like that, especially if on the front brake, could kill you.
I cleaned out all the debris and used the bike until the end of the riding season. I ordered new Ferodo branded shoes from Fecked. Today I took it apart and am just about to fit the new shoes.
I have also ordered a pair of Mitas tyres for the bike today.
Hi GB, how did you get on with your brakes? looks like you may have had brake shoes with the smaller locating pin on the larger pin causing that bit to brake off.
I also ordered brake shoes from Frcked last week, 33GBP EXPRESS post *eek* and not going to get here till end of July, hate to have had it sent ordinary mail.
Getting to that difficult age. Thing is with brake shoes, unlike pads for discs - if I'm changing them now it isn't a job I ever expect to be doing again.
Seem to have done them on a couple of bikes recently and in both cases had to buzz some material off the shoes before they'd even fit into the drum.
Hi GB, how did you get on with your brakes? looks like you may have had brake shoes with the smaller locating pin on the larger pin causing that bit to brake off.
I haven't had an opportunity to go back to the bike. When the new tyres arrive I'll deal with the brake and fit the tyres.
I don't think the brake shoes were wrong for the pins but I'll check that suggestion. Why that bit broke I don't know.
Hi GB,
Been away for a few days so missed your question. I used an imperial dial gauge. I have attached two images of the readings when crank pushed from T/S to D/S. Each mark is 1''' so I am interpolating to get 1.8''' endfloat. I averaged 3 sets of readings.
I also stuffed up with the Small End movement numbers. I didn't think it was possible to read millimetres with the Vernier set to imperial, but I dunn it somehow. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking "That's not right". The 0.52mm should be 52'''. This is about 1.2mm movement of the small end. Both sides measured about the same. So 1.2mm lateral movement of the small end is a fair base measurement for new bigends and shells.
Cheers Col
Col - I think you mean .0018"
As for myself - yesterday I fitted the smaller pilot jets to the project's mikunis. Re-fitted throttle slides and had just put one slide in the carb and was about to fit same to engine when I noticed summat was wrong. Throttle slide didn't look right - nor did the other one. They were back to front. Now my carbs are handed - who'd have thought just because air screw and throttle stop are on opposite sides (the only obvious difference) that the slides would be handed too?
The carbs have a sticker on the side saying 'not for aircraft use'. Maybe they should also warn 'using these carbs may lead to alcoholism'.
G'day RD.
I can't see how slides can be put in the wrong way around. Any carb I've played with has some sort of fitting to prevent this (peg/pin/odd shape). Handed carbs should be identical bar the adjusting screws.
Refresh my non existent memory. What carbs?
Musky - they're mikunis. They're handed - ie one has the pilot air and throttle stop on the left side, the other on the right. Otherwise they seem identical. But for reasons known only to themselves, they handed the slides as well (the peg in the body and the slot in the slide are handed) Swap them over, and the slides face the other way around. These carbs could drive one to drink, hence my comment.
OK, thanks RD. I'll be mindful of this in future.
Yet to tune a TM33 on a mates DR250.
"But for reasons known only to themselves..." Surely that's the whole point. If the slides weren't 'handed' too, it would be possible for people to put the slides in the wrong way 'round - as in the slide cutaway towards the engine side instead of the air inlet / filter side.
Jools - that's my point. It IS possible to put the slides in the wrong way round (if you put the LH slide in the RH carb, or vice versa). If they weren't handed (for no apparent reason) the problem wouldn't arise in the first place. Never seen that before.
Addendum - think I've solved the mystery. Not going to strip a carb again to check my theory, but by moving air screw and throttle stop from one side to the other, maybe the throttle stop screw would then foul the locating groove in the slide? Hence the need to 'hand' the slide as well. Sure confused me when I re-assembled a carb and saw the throttle slide with the cutaway facing the engine!
I am beginning to think the 1960 A7 had added glue everywhere when it was rebuilt for me. Whenever I try and remove something it will not budge. Slight seep on the fork oil seal try to remove holder with proper tool and long extensions on the bar would not move, don’t want to damage oil seal holder as it is good so living with a seep. Try to remove exhaust to have a look inside primary and check all is OK its stuck in the head, again don’t want to damage it as it is good. Then yesterday wanted to remove right hand silencer as have some play on the centre stand and its bouncing around a bit so want to remove it to see what needs doing to cure it. Would the silencer come off not on your life again its good so don’t want to damage it. it looks like to A7 is going to stay in one piece until I have to replace Something then heat and a big hammer will come into play. *fight* *fight* *work* *bash*
I tend towards that approach too Angus. Wait 'til it's broken then smack it off with a big hammer if it won't budge. I do, however, have a few soft mallets which help if you don't want unwanted dents in good items!!
Yeah Sorry RDFella & GB. I meant 0.0018" - I thought the 18''' (ie 3 inverted commas was used more commonly to mean thou).
Lots of miles! The thing rattles and shakes and protests at my need to ride it when able. Keep telling myself it's a tractor and should just go a bit gentle, one day maybe. Had to take it out for a second ride today, a 20 mile biscuit run,always a worry when one runs out of biscuits. Slight weep from the rocker now, as if that's gonna stop me. Happy days.
*woo* *wave*
Yeah Sorry RDFella & GB. I meant 0.0018" - I thought the 18''' (ie 3 inverted commas was used more commonly to mean thou).
I guessed that was what you meant.
Installed new "Lucas England" ammeter. Sold as "Made In England," so I guess I'm believing it. Had to give up the ammeter that came with the bike when I bought it in '73. I assume it was the original, but it was in bad shape, not to mention a completely jiggly untethered needle. What a difference! Amazing to see the needle respond obviously when the brakes is hit or horn is beeped.
Richard L.
Took to the Essex byways and trails yesterday. This was on the SP, and was not without incident. First up my pal with the XT225 had his chain hanging down like old knicker elastic from the off. So we stopped at the first off road section to sort that - took pretty much all of the snail cam adjusters to get it right so I guess a new chain and sprockets will be required.
Then our chum with the Kawa 250 had a rear wheel flat - nearly pitched him off with an alarming slide (when viewed from the rear) on a curve on a the black top. So we had our first trail side repair with that. All went pretty well.
Finally, I had a small electrical fire somewhere round the headlamp on the SP whilst U turning on a service station forecourt. Didn't recur once I switched back on and the bike was still able to run. Found I had no functioning headlight when I got home.
So all in all a great day out. First time with the boys since the before times.
A10 is still languishing under cover in the bike port since the BSAOC camp in Norfolk last year. Probably needs a new battery by now.
The Isle Of Wight BSAOC weekend is currently still planned to go ahead in September. This time, I've booked a vintage caravan to stay in rather than camping. If the motorbike event is cancelled me and Janet will drive, stay in the 'van, and explore the I of W.
How about riding your A10 down, if it's on?
The Isle Of Wight BSAOC weekend is currently still planned to go ahead in September ... How about riding your A10 down, if it's on?
It's a lot of M/way miles to get down there is all. I'd probably not have the time to plot and take a better route.
I changed both tyres on the bike and reassembled the back brake with new shoes.
Hope to be going to Isle of Wight, should find out mid August. I drive lorry’s for a living so quite happy to sit on motorway at 55-60 mph. The A7 went fantastically to the classic tt last year, 900 miles in a week, no problem!! Cheers, Tom.
Hope to be going to Isle of Wight, should find out mid August. I drive lorry’s for a living so quite happy to sit on motorway at 55-60 mph. The A7 went fantastically to the classic tt last year, 900 miles in a week, no problem!! Cheers, Tom.
CB, you are in Essex as well as TomL. You two could ride together.
Let us hope that there is not a further Covid spike before September.
I have fitted H02 Mitas tyres to my sickle. I bought a 400x19 for the rear and a 300x19 for the front. Should have been a 325 on the front. I cocked up! It doesn't look much different though.
The back tyre looks great. It fits OK. Also, it blocks the unsightly gap between the guard and the rubber, that lower profile modern tyres create.
While standing on the end of my bike hoist to get the front wheel spindle to enter the threaded hole in the fork leg, one of my newly fitted castors collapsed! The hoist was down, but with castors fitted the platform is still 12" off the ground. Luckily the angle was not too steep. I was able to steady the machine and prop it with a stick while I got my trolley jack under the end of the hoist. I will now have to cut all the other blighters off! *work* *work* *work*
You going off roading, Neil? Wouldn't fancy those tyres on tarmac, especially if wet.
well if those on the bench are what you took off I would be a lot happier neil, I personally hate that type of front on the bench, but sort of got on with the rear death master on the old starfire
Wish I had the time and opportunity to do 900m in a week. Usually only manage that in a Summer *sad2* *sad* *sad*
It was for classic tt last year, 260 miles each way, the rest was a week of pootling round the island. Hope to go tt next year.
That rear tyre on the bench is a combination pattern and is square enough to look like it came off a bike with sidecar.
I ditched the 'block' rear tyre for an AM26 - never regretted it and my undies have been a lot cleaner when hitting a patch of water. *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek*
That rear tyre on the bench is a combination pattern and is square enough to look like it came off a bike with sidecar.
Yup, that's one of the reasons for fitting new tyres. It's probably due to my riding style; I don't corner like a racer, (I grew up!). Both the Avons are well worn though.
The new 4" tyre on the back of my bike has a circumference 80mm larger than the previous Avon. My overall gearing will be a little longer-legged, which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned; I sometimes wish for a fifth gear for cruising.
This is from the Mitas website
Today I rode Emily, the A10, for the first time this year! One kick starting. I did about 40 miles around my area. The countryside here is just perfect at the moment. The bike purred like a kitten. Bliss! *smile*
The only thing I noticed that needs attention is clutch slip under hard acceleration when pulling away. There is free play on the cable action. The clutch is currently easy on my hand so I think I can afford to tighten the springs a bit. *work*
When I make slow-speed manoeuvres, the new front tyre mentioned above, makes the bike feel like the damper is screwed down a bit. I guess the blocky Mitas tyre is more grippy than the Avon Speedmaster. I will have to get used to it. :!
i have a long time of hate regarding death masters, many years ago I had the horrible front tyre syndrome of not feeling safe at all, the tt100 sorted that problem *smile*
It's great to see older guys turn to look as my bike goes past. Makes me feel proud!
My A10, M21, B31 (hillclimb bike) and the new project (A10 frame) all have Avon Speedmaster on the front. Been using them for 50yrs and wouldn't use anything else. Excellent grip and handling. Most have Dunlop K70 on the rear, except the M21 (vee twin) which wore out the K70 in 3,000 miles so I'm trying a Roadrunner Universal on the back of that. Re the B31 (always Speedmaster / K70 shod) - often had class FTD and once 2nd FTD overall (all machines on the hill) so can't understand the negative comments re those tyres.
It's sounds like Bergs lost confidence in that tyre.
yes greybeard it always felt like the front end wanted to fold underneath me. as regards older people looking just before my toothache saga I was trying out the rrt2 for the last time, I pulled up at a junction and a chap started asking me how I was. I hadn't a clue who he was but he could remember me from 40 years ago when I used to go to a pub on the bike. he said I've not seen you to talk to but I know the sound of that bike, you've had that some years haven't you *grins*
He could hear third gear whining from 2 miles away!
I've had a good blast into Wales today, must have been near 90 miles. Took my own picnic of choccy and flask for tea. Bike ran really well, yay! Speedo went mental and has now stopped completely and rocker leak has worsened. Hey ho, these are just trifles, part of the fun when the beast starts and runs.
He could hear third gear whining from 2 miles away!
I've had a good blast into Wales today, must have been near 90 miles. Took my own picnic of choccy and flask for tea. Bike ran really well, yay! Speedo went mental and has now stopped completely and rocker leak has worsened. Hey ho, these are just trifles, part of the fun when the beast starts and runs.
The crazy speedo may be down to the inner cable fraying.
Are the checkpoints on the Welsh English border unmanned now? *smile*
If the rocker oil banjos have fibre washers, they tend to loosen. Nip them up when they are hot. I've changed mine to Dowty type washers.
It's great to see older guys turn to look as my bike goes past. Makes me feel proud!
I know that feeling too *wink2* ... Recently I rode the 51 plunger up to my local speed shop, when I came out there was a crowd standing around admiring her, one old bloke kept me there telling me the story of when he had one years ago... Thank god she started up 1st kick... *smile*
It's great to see older guys turn to look as my bike goes past. Makes me feel proud!
I'm always surprised when they don't Got no soul I guess.
It's great to see older guys turn to look as my bike goes past. Makes me feel proud!
I'm always surprised when they don't. Got no soul I guess.
They're probably not old enough. If it was a Yamaha FS1, they'd be all over it!
Thank god she started up 1st kick... *smile*
Reminds me of the day when I went to show the SA to my neighbour who is also a car and bike nutter. We chatted a bit and I remember bragging about the fact she is a first kick starter. Anyway, when I wanted to leave I kicked her 4 or 5 times before I remembered to switch the ignition on... (she’s on electronic ignition) Never forget the grin on his face... *red*
Nothing. Been busy 'pointing' a roadside granite wall with holes big enough in places to fit a cigarette packet and then finishing off modifying a new 12v dynamo to fit a Ferguson 'Continental' tractor. Decided to go to 12v mainly because nowadays there's virtually no choice in 6v batteries (the only ones I can find are the type used in MGB's) which are marginal amperage-wise and not cheap. Which makes starting a PITA, as with 6v you need everything in your favour.
Thank god she started up 1st kick... *smile*
Reminds me of the day when I went to show the SA to my neighbour who is also a car and bike nutter. We chatted a bit and I remember bragging about the fact she is a first kick starter. Anyway, when I wanted to leave I kicked her 4 or 5 times before I remembered to switch the ignition on... (she’s on electronic ignition) Never forget the grin on his face... *red*
Same here, but it was because I'd forgotten my secret mag earthing switch.
They're probably not old enough. If it was a Yamaha FS1, they'd be all over it!
Guess I'm not old enough GB *smile*
Today, in an attempt to cure slight slippage I gave the clutch springs a quarter turn, checking for even plates when operated. I tightened the primary chain a bit also. I also topped up the gearbox.
After fixing the Speedo cable yesterday, rather ingeniously if i do smirk so myself, i needed to give it a good test. 100 miles later i can confirm it works. The ride turned out to be longer than planned as the bridge into Wales turned out to only be open way! Signage was absent as any sort of warning until you were on the bridge and it was too late. Had a jolly good time on unexpected roads at a faster pace than planned. Am beginning to believe i could take the beast into Europe for a taste of those Spanish mountains.
I fixed the cable by sliding a plastic nut which, i had filed to the correct OD, to extend the inner. Trimmed the speedo cable end back to an unfrayed square bit and Bob's your uncle etc. You were right GB the end had rounded/frayed.
*bright idea* *good3* *woo* *beer*
Well done BigJim!
I took the bike out this arvo. I must have done 50 miles or so. The weather was perfect.
The bike was almost perfect; I can still make the clutch slip if I try.
The new back brake shoes are noticeably better. In fact, the brakes on that bike are excellent, (for the speeds I ride at)
NOTHING! drained with these teeth problems, haven't touched her much since changing the pilot jet about two weeks ago, not much rest with ALL mouth burning up, didn't even fill the carb with petrol!!! *sad* a chap came to collect two pistons yesterday for his bike and I wheeled her out so he could have a good look at things and take a couple of pickies. dentist again last week but they can't drill apparently *eek* he put a patch in one and it fell out so I told him it was like filling an old car with body filler *problem* back again on Tuesday to see what happens next *dunno*
A chap in a fast car asked me today how well the brakes work and i said that they were more hope than effect. Well done GB if yours work well. If we go on a ride out i'll have to lead to avoid a rear end shunt. Think my clutch slips a bit when i give it plenty of throttle, prob a way to keep my speeds to a safer level. Bergs that rotten tooth thing is the worst! always say the top three pains are headache, toothache and earache. Haven't seen my dentist for a year now so things can't be that bad for me at mo. Just a loose crown with rot under. Wish they would just pull the bugger out, i can live with the gap. Think they keep them sometimes as a money maker. Yep big sympathies to you i reckon i could commit murder when mine get bad.
*computer* *countdown* *sick* *wave*
Think I could live with poor eyesight too when recently experiencing the pain of my wife's bill from the optician for £463 *eek* *eek* *eek* Don't go to the dentist unless I'm in pain - would accept them being pulled as it's way cheaper than getting crowns. That said, you could always wait until you need a few crowns and pay the £200 odd quid for a course rather than a one-off (at least that's the way I think it works). *dunno* *dunno* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *sick* *bash* *doubt*
... dentist again last week but they can't drill apparently...
Is that down to Covid-19?
G'day Fellas.
Although not on a BSA I had my first decent ride on the Rhonda yesterday since NYE. A 500Km round trip to Tarago to meet up with my old club from Shoalhaven. It was -2C when I went out to check her over but warmed up to +2 by the time I left, minus the wind chill at 100 - 120KPH *eek*
I now know that in winter that's about my limit for a days riding.
I did say sorry to the girls (BSA's) and promised to take them out soon.
That's pretty hardcore Musky! Riding at that speed in that temp for that distance! My fingers are clawing up just thinking about it.
yes greybeard covid not even allowed to swill or spit but you can drink some water *bash*
I had a great run out with a few mates. We went to Chester Lakes for their regular vintage and unusual vehicle meet. I took the trusty old 1958 Golden Flash which I've been using for over 15 years and, as usual, she just purred along. We stopped at J&S Motorcycles on the way home and the car park was full. Everything felt very much 'back to normal' but that worries me. I don't think people are being careful enough, including myself as it is so easy to forget the situation when things seem normal.
yes greybeard covid not even allowed to swill or spit but you can drink some water *bash*
I lost a large filling during lockdown. It's not painful but rough for my tongue. I need to see the dentist.
I lost a large filling during lockdown.
Ditto and since a bit more of the shell has broken off, thought it was a bit of grizzle just managed to stop giving it another chomp or it could of been another tooth cracked
I lost a large filling during lockdown.
Ditto and since a bit more of the shell has broken off, thought it was a bit of grizzle just managed to stop giving it another chomp or it could of been another tooth cracked
A bad design, human teeth, like the A10 rocker box!
When I was despatch riding, I remember going out at -10C without the chill factor. *eek* *eek* Originally, I had no fairing or screen, but relented later on and got a screen and some handlebar muffs. Found that the muffs blew into the clutch and brake levers at speed (XS750), so adapted some motocross hand protectors and put the muffs over the top of them - worked a treat.
Biggest day was a double trip to London, on a Friday, bucketing it down with rain. Had already been from Birmingham to Heathrow via Leicester. Got back to the office at about 4.30 pm and was sent to a private address in South Norwood, London. Got stopped by the Police for undertaking and was threatened with a dangerous driving rap from the 'good cop, bad cop' routine. They let me off and I got back home at around 12.30am having covered around 550 odd miles - I was very tired!
Prior to that, our family had a rural newsagents where the papers had to be delivered to farms, etc. If the papers came, you had to deliver. Ice, snow, rain, we had it all. The worst surface to ride a bike on (YB100) was when it snowed heavily, partially melted then refrozen after several farm vehicles had driven over it. It would then snow again on the ice leaving your teeth (sorry Berger) rattling in your mouth when you rode over it. That little YB100 was almost indestructable - superb little bike.
I also worked as a courier for 6 winter months, riding between Norfolk and London every day. I covered 1000 miles a week on a Honda 500 Four. My knees have never been the same! *sad2*
A bad design, human teeth, like the A10 rocker box!
Yes and trying to push a bit of that temporary filling stuff into a tooth - similar to locating pushrods into tappets
nothing again, but dentist got all space craft gear on and took THREE!!! *eek* teeth out. had one out last week as well. he also did 3 fillings while having the space craft gear on so they can do it at a push. been telling him for years to get rid of those teeth and as someone has mentioned it must be no capital to be made after the teeth are no more. I will have to see what tomorrow brings I really need to try out the smaller carb pilot jet, more and more obstacles seem to get in the way of me enjoying the bike nowadays , and I haven't even been to the pub for a black&tan *beer* for over FOUR months *pull hair out* . rant over feeling sorry for myself *lol*
Feel for you Berger mate. *sad2*
Haven't the energy to get out as much as I want to as I'm still trying to cope with the wife's horrendous mood swings. One minute she's fine, the next is questioning everything about our relationship from past, present and future perspectives - I feel knackered from the stress of it all. I guess I saw it coming, but I still wasn't prepared for it. To be honest, it isn't about me, it seems more about a self-evaluation of her own life and all I can do is take the comments and support her through it - NOT easy. *eek* *eek* I reckon I have to be philosophical about it and help her to find the answers she's looking for - still shakes you up when you don't know where it's heading.
So, post virus, I'm still having up and down days - will be heartily glad to see the back of 2020. Guess that's life. :! :!
All the best Wortluck - wish there was an emoji for support without words as it's difficult to say much without risking saying something crass
Gosh wortluck. Had the same with my mother at menopause - except it went on for a suspiciously long number of years, long after it should all have settled.
Fantastically fortunate with my wife. Didn't notice a single mood swing. She was just pleased to dispense with a lode of tampons in the bottom of every bag and pocket. *whistle*
Know where you’re coming from, Worthluck.
My partner is always criticising and every mistake she makes is always someone else’s fault. Not interested in anyone or anything except herself.
Like yesterday when I got up at 5.00am to do a job out of the heat of the day and she came down whilst I was having breakfast simply to aggravate me. I complained and now we’re not talking again. All my fault, of course. In her case, the problem is an over-emotional reaction to the deaths of close family members. I don’t need the stress and this nonsense is affecting her health as well.
Hope life looks up for you soon.
All the best Wortluck - wish there was an emoji for support without words as it's difficult to say much without risking saying something crass
Facebook recently added a 'Caring' emoji.
As I said before, you guys are gems *good3* *good3* *good3*
It's nice to know I'm not alone even though I know I'm not. RDfella - oh yeah, seeing it clearly; Black Sheep's mother - God, I hope not years; Bill, whatever you say I know you wouldn't intend crass anyway.
At present, it feels like I'm treading on eggshells trying to protect her feelings. The trick is trying to understand what works and what doesn't. Flipping between 'all is good' and 'I don't know how I feel about you' to 'I need time alone' to 'I need you to do more things with me' is a mixed message nightmare. The only way that I can retain some semblance of sanity is to know I'm doing my best for her and to tell her so. Whatever she decides to do after that I can't really have any say in. I guess my worry is to see her drift off into an even worse place then realise that she's gone from frying pan to fire *eek* *eek* - I'm not really the 'frying pan' by the way *smile*
At least the A10 is mostly predictable :! *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *bash* *fight* *conf2* *spider* *spider*
G'day Fellas.
Whilst I feel your pains and frustration (I have a list as long as your arm). We are wandering WAY off topic by about 20 replies.
"Members Chat" would be the best place for non bike related problems.
ps: Teeth, I have 5 broken off at gum level, 2 more about to, so that leaves me with ONE! But I have the best wife in the world!
You're right Musky, a lot of 'drift' on this.
I was going to say a mad wife prevented me from doing anything with my bike today, but that would belong to the 'What prevented you from working on your bike today' thread *smile* *smile* *smile* *whistle* *whistle* *whistle*
Seriously though, you wouldn't consider a wife exchange by any chance - to give an old mate a break? :o *dunno* ;D :-\ *dunno2* *beer* *fight* *good3* *conf2* *doubt*
Took the day off due to genuine bad back. Got bored with household chores so blasted off into Wales for a spirit lifting long distance picnic run Had a mint ride and managed to pootle for the first half at least due to no speedo cable. Short sad story is i was playing with it recently having fixed it rather excellently. Forgot to plug it back into speedo and sailed off down the road. Eventually looked at speedo, thought "oh dear" pulled over to discover the end of cable and threaded cup had been ground down quite efficiently, Cough. Hence i felt the need to pootle today when unable to find a vehicle to follow for legal road speeds. Got into the swing of things on the way back and opened her up a bit. Love this bike at mo, she runs and runs. *countdown* *bright idea* *good3* *beer* *wave*
An evening in Widecombe-in-the-moor dodging the cowpats:
Best wishes...
I'd be more worried about that pillar landing on the bike (followed by half the roof .....
Bess, that bike looks well tidy, nicely personalised.
Working on my next project. Last week I took all the cycle parts to be powder coated so they should be ready next week. Today I've fitted the inner timing cover to the engine. I fitted a new spindle to the idle pinion and a new bush in the timing cover - happy days!. I use allen screws to hold the timing cover on and I remembered to fit the dynamo strap before tightening the cover up. I skimmed the head down on a stainless screw for the dynamo strap fixing and used a bit of grease on the threads. This evening I took the trusty A10 out and met a couple of mates at the regular Thursday night get together at the Swettenham Arms. They used to do free sausages for blokes who turned up on classic bikes but that seems to have stopped so I'll give them one more chance next week! Tomorrow I plan to build a 12v dynamo and a magneto for the project engine. If I succeed to get both done in the day I'll put pics on the board, if I fail you won't hear from me!
See previous post.
Nobody likes a smug g*t, so at the risk of being unpopular.......
I still need to make some special nuts for the mag as I've opted for one with a kill button on the cover and the existing nuts are inaccessible so I'll make some long brass things with knurled ends.
Too smart for me Beezermacc *respect*
Yesterday (son absent) I thought I’d try and start the project. Fresh petrol, waited for carbs to fill, pulled in front cyl decompressor and got myself ready on the kickstart. Having psyched myself up, I launched myself on the lever. It went down about an inch and sprang back. You’d think I was trying to start a single-cylinder diesel of massive capacity. Now this bike starts straight away on the rollers, but on the kickstart (which I’d already lengthened by 3 inches) no chance.
Clearly it’s going to need an electric start if I’m ever going to ride it. Now I’ve pondered this for a while, so at last I’ve ordered a starter motor (as fitted to a Firestorm, another short-stroke, high compression 1 litre engine). When it arrives, the thinking cap will need overdrive sorting out how (if it’s even possible) it can be achieved. At present I’m thinking a worm drive would give the most compact reduction and allow me to mount the motor along the top of the primary drive (can’t put it in front of the motor in the usual position, as the front cylinder is in the way).
Hi RD,
I was out with some friends on Wednesday on bikes, it was my first ride out since Covid and doing my knee in *sad2*
I borrowed a guzzi for the day
One of the guys has a 29 Ariel on which he has fitted an electric starter
He fitted a ring gear to the clutch basket and a car starter incorporating a reduction gear behind the gearbox, it works a treat.
On another forum there is a discussion on fitting a decompresser to a single that originally did not have one
One of the suggestions is to fit the half compression valves used on chainsaws
It might be worth your while checking those out?
At a fiver each on eBay not a lot to lose?
First of all fit them to the sparklpug holes and see if you can kick it over before attacking the heads with a drill *eek*
G'day RD.
I would have thought the lockdown diet of yummies would have helped *lol*
I had to do similar for a mate with a high comp HD.
Good luck.
Thanks for the input, John. I have to say I’ve never come across decompression valves for two strokes for starting purposes, though Villiers engines sometimes had them. Mainly for stopping, I believe.
My project has decompression (by virtue of holding the exhaust valve open) on both cylinders. I have the front connected, mainly because when mag ignited, the rear cyl was the most likely to fire and releasing the front from compression creates less resistance. It has started on the kickstart, but it’s very iffy because ‘getting it over’ is a matter of luck.
Now some Honda four strokes have automatic decompression for starting and it works a treat. My generator has it and pulling the recoil is a breeze. Below is a video of how it operates – bit like the impulse starter on magnetos of the 50’s.
The system is actually quite ingenious and simple – but it would require a complete re-design of the camshaft and driving sprocket. Not impossible, but I’m desperately trying not to create more work. There’s been quite a while now where I’ve just wanted to get it finished.
The chainsaw units leak off some compression but leave enough to start the engine, then pop closed once the engine starts
The big bore Yamaha's (DT and motocross models) have a decompressor valve which is opened by a cam lobe on the kickstarter shaft, and lifts a poppet valve in the front wall of the barrel.
This allows compression to bleed via a 6mm hole in the barrel, into the exhaust port.
Some of the early 360's also had a decompression lever on the handlebar. the big two strokes had plenty of compression (and performance).
They are always easy starters.
My project uses modified Yam 500 SR cyl heads. Both have manual decompressors, but, as we all know, an engine will not start decompressed. We need to lose some compression, not all.
And so, following on from John’s comments, I got to thinking about automatic decompressors but, as the Yam cam sprockets are bolted to the camshafts, creating an automatic decompressor would entail a major redesign as clearly one couldn’t attach a centrifugal actuator working through a hollow camshaft when there’s a bolt in the way. And I’d hate to spend months designing / building a new camshaft assembly only to find the fixed position of the decompressor was wrong. Apart from one good video, a few poor pictures and some rambling patent applications, I can find very little on the internet about 4str automatic decompressors.
But I have an idea: The heads have manual decompressors, consisting of a rotating spindle pushing down on the exhaust rocker. Upstairs, there is an alloy cup sandwiched between the head and cam cover with a tiny window in it. Its purpose is to see the peg mounted on the cam sprocket by afore-mentioned bolt as a means of identifying the best kickstarting position. Except you can’t see the damned thing because it’s dark in there.
BUT, it seems to me it would be fairly simple to convert that window / peg into a contact breaker. Which in turn could switch a solenoid operating the decompressor lever. An advantage would be that the cup can be rotated to time the decompressor for best results.
One would just need a handlebar-mounted switch to energise the system for starting.
Could be a lot easier that trying to design a starter system where I’d have to contend with 90* change of direction and associated overhang between drive and crankshaft.
What I’m thinking of is a system whereby compression is released until, say, 30* before TDC. That would have the effect of at least halving the volume in the cylinder to be compressed, effectively making that cylinder temporarily 250cc and lower CR.
Relying on an open valve to release compression over the whole cycle would require ensuring a balance is achieved where enough gas escaped to make turning the engine over easier, without so much that it won’t fire. That would seem a bit of a challenge, as even how fast one kicked it over would make a huge difference.
G'day RD.
Which cylinder has the least duration to firing from the other? I would have thought that by decomping that cylinder there would be enough inertia from the kicker to fire the other. Your V won't quite have the same amount of crank revolution as an XT/SR. Using the manual decomp to get it just over TDC then the boot gives the 4 strokes needed. If you only decomp to 30 BTDC you are still kicking against compression and not carrying enough inertia to fire the second cylinder.
Richard, I had a DT360 in the 80's, was easy with the decomp but dangerous without, just like the XT500
I still have the DT's (but I don't drink!).
Faster than an A10, pulls more wheelies, but about a quarter of the range!
Musky – the rear cyl. As for decompressors, I only have the front cyl connected. Reason for that was when it was on magneto the rear cylinder gets a better spark that the front and is therefore more likely to ‘strike a light’. Consequently, I decompressed the one lest likely to fire in order to make kicking easier. As soon as it was running on the rear, the decomp lever was released for it to come onto two cyls.
When I built my other twin, I deliberately kept the CR lowish for easier starting, and it is no problem at all (800cc @ 7:1). This one is 1,000cc @ 9:1 and I have to do something about it as without rollers it’s basically unstartable.
I’ve tried the machinations associated with other bikes – getting it to TDC then ¾ of a turn or whatever before kicking it (that’s why the Yam XT has this window I referred to, so you can find the best crank position to kick at. If only you could see through it to achieve that! Good idea that doesn’t work, otherwise I’d try it.
I gave up on all that and reverted to decompressing the front, bringing the rear up to compression and then kicking, keeping the front decompressed until running on the rear (on the rare occassions it actually kicked over). On the rollers I don’t touch the decomp and just feed it in on the clutch.
I must do some more research on automatic decompressors. Looking at the general design, they appear timed. Which makes sense to me, because bleeding gases off over TDC seems to me likely to inhibit starting as, for example, we find with badly seating valves. I’m thinking partial decompression, where it starts much later up the bore so one is compressing 200 or 250cc instead of 500.
Lovely bikes Orabanda, fancy one myself *ex* *ex*
Got pizzed off trying to get the recently-converted-to 12v tractor to charge, so did some investigation of automatic decompressors. Put the 8hp Honda generator on the cycle lift and did a cursory check of valve timings / crank position. I found the exhaust valve starts to open a 2nd time just before the inlet closes and closes again around 45* BTDC, thereby reducing the amount of charge to be compressed. Sufficient to fire the charge whilst at the same time substantially reducing the effort required to spin it over (recoil start).
Our club went on its first official run of the year. We did 115 miles around Derbyshire and Staffordshire. The scenery was absolutely stunning.
Derbys and Staffs are my stomping grounds Beezermacc - lovely countryside. *smile*
Derbys and Staffs are my stomping grounds Beezermacc - lovely countryside. *smile*
I love the BSAOC weekends in those areas.
Rode up to Dunfermline for the week last week. A little over 400 miles each way and a (Guzzi) Club member took me for a 300 mile scoot around the Cairngorms on the Tuesday. I was on Blue my T3. Did just shy of 1200 miles all in and she ran peachy. This despite being slung down the road by another, and my having to make a few running repairs before the return.
Ordered a new rear tyre for my SP, seemed a lot of money. I'll be fitting that some time.
Also ordered a whole bunch of bits ready to service my pal's Serow 225. That will include wheel bearings front and back and a new chain and sprockets.
The chainsaw units leak off some compression but leave enough to start the engine, then pop closed once the engine starts
Most are 10mm thread so might be a bit of fun fitting one to a 14mm plug hole
Most chainsaws run 100 to 170 psi @ 9000 rpm so they should be able to take the pressure.
They just bleed off some of the compression through a 2 mm hole so you can make it bigger if you like.
OTOH Victa lawnmower decompressors are threaded 14mm so will screw right into a normal plug hole
When converting the 160cc engines to power mini bikes or go carts it was usual to use the hole for a second plug particularly if you were running dope. (
Undortunately no room for one of those on these cyl heads. Two valve head, plug one side, cam sprocket / chain / chainwell the other. Would have to dispense with the plug! Am still looking at the possibility of an electrically-operated solenoid to partially open the decompressor during the compression stroke & shut it around 45* before TDC as Honda do on their four strokes, albeit mechanically by a clever addition to the camshaft. Have looked at modifying the Yam cam to achieve this but it's as close to impossible as you'd get. Of course there's still the electric start option, which I'll know more about when the starter motor I've ordered arrives.
The Cheshire Branch on the road again! Our Season Opener was run through the Derbyshire / Staffordshire Borders. YouTube video if you're interested!
The two girls settling into their new home.
The two girls settling into their new home.
Great to see them together
today I have fallen out with betsy beezer, after changing the pilot jet on the mikuni I still had to put the choke on AND give her a hand full before she would start, then choke off straight away because she cut out otherwise. I got her warmed up and set the tick over. it was a lot better than before and picked up without hunting with to rich a mixture like it used to. so all good until I had a run out and she stopped. had to start her on full choke with a hand full again. I stopped again after a few miles and tried to start her but no go unless full choke and another hand full of throttle. every corner I banked into and opened her up on she miss fired until upright again *pull hair out*. I am now home and enjoying the first black&tan *beer* since early march. the outcome of this is I am going to buy a new carb like the amal and try again. the lack of four teeth I had out is not helping the situation with the pains, but I am easing the pain a bit with drugs!! and now black&tans *smile* the good bit was blowing a ape hangered Harley off with me flat on the tank looking at 6000 rpm in 3rd *good3* until traffic spoilt the fun. thankyou for listening
Aren't mikunis fun? And some people tell us they're easy to tune! They can come and do mine and yours. As we've discussed before. the various jets interact with each other, so one has to get the pilot jet spot-on before anything else. I tried 15, where it started fine on choke but wouldn't run anywhere else or without choke. Tried 30 - wouldn't start on choke, plug colour seemed fine but air screw made no difference. Am about to try 25's. For a 650 twin, Yamaha use 15 pilots.
Went for a pleasent ride this evening on the Notrun. Still waiting for our VMCC to open up so we can enjoy the rest of the fine weather. (The nights are now drawing in so won't be too long before we start thinking about winter storage) *cry*
"aren't mikunis fun?" yes RD but hopefully not for long, just ordered a new Amal from burton bike bits, I hope it solves my issues, the old Amal didn't but that had years of abuse, from possibly lot's of people before I got it that's why I bought the mikuni. the one positive thing with the Amal is ---- tickle and go, the mikuni has always been hit and embarrassing miss when starting hot or cold. I now can't be arsed to play with it anymore even though on a straight road it performed well until I banked over hard and needed instant power *bash*
Reason I chose mikunis was because they’re compact compared with Amal Mk2’s. Had I known the tuning nightmare, I’d have made more room and gone for Amal. I love monobloc’s – concentrics slightly less, but neither go big enough for my application. Would have had to drop to 1 ¼”.
But they’re simple. Instead of a hundred combinations of jets (which interact with each other, making for real fun) there’s very few for the Amal, so a good chance of getting the jetting at least near correct in an hour or so. A couple of pilot jets to choose from (assuming it’s not fixed) a couple of slide cutaways (usually No3) one needle and two jets (usually 105). And main jet choice. When I started on the mikunis, I found there’s several pilot jets to choose from (which affect the whole throttle range) and I calculated around 300 needle / needle jet combinations on top of the cutaway and main jet choices. The only way you’d get one of those right would be on a test bed with exhaust gas analyser and checking throttle openings in tenths. And expect to be changing jets for a whole day or longer – assuming you’ve got the whole range of jets to hand.
As Berger has found out, get it starting reliably and it won’t run. Get it running throughout the throttle range and you can’t start it. I’m in the latter category at present. And when I say ‘run’ I mean just and only that. Whether it’s rich or lean I’ve no idea. I’ve been playing with these carbs for a month or more now and my patience is running very thin. It’s holding back the whole project as I have to run on a dummy tank for access to carbs, meaning I can’t fit tank or headlamp until carbs are done. Then there’s the mechanical difficulty starting to contend with. Having watched someone on youtube trying to start a Vincent I see I’m not alone……
140 miles on the A10 around Suffolk and slipped quietly into Norfolk (but only just) *smile*
140 miles on the A10 around Suffolk and slipped quietly into Norfolk (but only just) *smile*
They let you in!?
Just converted back to 6 volt after big fun trying to trace cause of overcharging! Will post details on suitable page. Just hope i can find a 6v tail light bulb! I will not be posting pictures of the cack handed bodgery, poor beezermac would have a fit! I am deffo a bad person, but i may have a headlight for the weekend.
*bash* *bash* *problem* *bright idea* *countdown* *whistle* *beer* *wave*
G'day Fellas.
Pulled both wheels off the HD for new tyres (hate to have a flat on the side of the road). The tyres that are on it are still good for depth of tread but over 5 years old. Going to try the Pirelli Rout 66. 80/90-21 front, 130/90-16 rear. I'll have to learn to stop pushing it like the other bikes!
They let you in!?
Yes they let us in, but they did make derogatory comments about suffolk and Ipswich Town in particular *fight* .
The two girls settling into their new home.
looks great musky. but that shed's too clean - get to work!
i finally fitted the new homemade carrier to my b33. quite a PITA to bend up and fit. paint from rattle can so i hope it lasts. intentionally slightly oversized from the one I copied and larger gauge tube. its got extra threaded mounting lugs so I can attach a large box to the bike if wanted.
its a bit of an upgrade for the old nail box i used to have on the back (bottom pic)
Here's a photo for all the colonials. It doesn't always rain in Blighty. Nice ride out today into sunny Somerset, bacon bap then off for some cider. I did get a little wet to start with but turned out nice, putting lots of miles on and going well at mo. 6 volt system currently functioning.
*fight* *beer* *beer* *wave*
Takes me back to schooldays and expeditions into Somerset on my C11G and visits to Charlie's at Fishponds.
The Cheshire Branch went on a superb run around the Welsh Borders. This video shows us setting off from the Ponderosa Café. We were delayed by a 'guest' Norton Commando that wouldn't start. So that's why they're called 'Notrun' Commando. Mustn't gloat.....! My A10 is the noisy one with the reverse cone silencers (loudencers?)
I went for a blast up the motorway, I really need to follow my bike one day, those reverse cones sound awesome. called at mates and whipped out the plugs, looking very good. just a couple of hiccups - two spit backs but maybe that was me not altering the manual ignition when I should have *bash*. betsy is starting and running so much better, first kick apart from when I have ignition a bit advanced and she try's to fling me over the bars *eek*. why did I buy the mikuni *bash* the AMAL holds more in the float bowl and she doesn't hesitate when banked over pulling out of a corner like the mikuni did. so up to now girlfriend is coming for a blast tomorrow and I hope I don't have to tell her to shift her leg and foot rest so I can kick the bike up when it stalls at junctions as it did previous. happy bunny --- I love my bike again *woo*
Topped up the gearbox oil
Refitted the petrol tank after removing it the other week to clean it out & fitted a couple of inline filters and new fuel line. Topped it back up with a little juice and one of the taps for want of a better word ***** out. After draining the tank again, took the plunger out of the tap and the cork is shot *sad2*. Ordered some new cork and promptly locked the garage up - oh well I didn't want to go out on her in the sunshine anyway. ;)
Pal called round and picked up his Guzzi V50 I'd had MOT'd, that will be the last one now it is on the 40 year rule. He dropped off his little Serow that I'll be servicing once the table is clear. Put my V50 up on the table and failed to find the missing gears - third, fourth and fifth. And a check showed the neutral light switch does no seem to be contacting within either. Pulled the box out again.
A10 hasn't come out from under it's cover yet since last year.
I put the octane booster in and have just got back from mars *whistle* while I was there I found a road side speed checker so gave betsy a few runs to it at different speeds much to the dismay of people walking and using their mobiles >:D speedo about 5mph fast that will do for me. on the return home I turned the petrol off way before I used to with the mikuni and worked out roughly the amal would go about 4 times the distance of the mikuni on a pipe and carb full. half way back from mars I called at a brit bike buyer and seller and he was impressed with Betsy's oil tight engine. he also set me up with information on the September Mallory park jumble where I hope to sell notrun wheels and other bits to get some beer tokens back in the sky rocket, not betsy my bank account *beer*
Well, have replaced rocker gasket and tested and am pleased to say it's currently oil tight, Yay! The dribble became a bit of a flood with the gasket obviously blown/hanging out. This was in part caused by me burning off some numpty on a fireblade at the lights. Like he stood a chance! The mag was getting covered so had to take the plunge. Isn't refitting the rocker cover a great way to feel rubbish? Even with all the tips on this site there is still an element of chance. Finally hit the road and am v pleased with the result.
*beer* *countdown* *woo*
Some progress today - makes a change. Have always been unhappy with the oil pressure of the project. Averaging around 30psi. - enough, but only marginally so. Would prefer to see over 40. Just lately I've been pondering how much the cam feeds lower the pressure (they're fed from the oil pump, not the return line as with BSA) so today I disconnected the cam feeds and started her up. Straight to 80psi. Wow, those cams are well fed!
So a question for you guys. There are several ways I could attack this: 1. fit cam feed banjo bolts with smaller holes - there's currently 2 x 2mm holes in each - or 2. put a restrictor valve in the line somewhere, or 3. run the feed from the return line. Which one would you guys go for? Given there's very little pressure in the return line, I'd put 3 at the bottom of my list. Remember it's OHC so the cams need more oil than were it OHV. Another consideration is with as much flow as that, the scavenge pump may not return enough to tank and it'll wet sump.
Second job I did was fabricate an oil separator to fit in the breather hose (not that it seems to need one).
Also, a pair of Amals are on order, but I've a worried feeling the front cyl carb won't fit without cutting out part of the side of the petrol tank. I had to cut a fair bit out of the bottom of the tank on the LHS to clear the mikuni top cap - any more and part of the tank side will have to go, and that won't look good. Rear cyl carb might need a chunk taken out of the oil tank as well. Could be a while before I know, though, as the UK postal service seems to have collapsed. Ordered a grip from USA a month ago. Took 5 days to reach Heathrow, and three weeks from there to me.
What pump are you using?
RD Assuming the bottom is happy as things are, the conundrum is balancing the supply so that the cams get a fair share rather than more than they need. Reducing cam supply slightly may be all you need to tip the balance.
Easiest is a restrictive component in the supply line to experiment, and once happy with the result pessurewise, a more permanent alteration to the banjo holes.
Never been a fan of return side supply for OHC, I reckon if I was a cam working furthest from the pump above the hottest part of the motor I'd need nice cool pressure fed lubricant, not a wet sump coarse filtered cast off.
There's my ten pence worth to kick it off.
Just back from a well good safely organised Panther rally in North Devon. Was lucky to get in as a guest and was made very welcome. Great group ride out over the moor and the weather was windy/wet/sunny but never a problem. Posting this photo to wet you engineer types whistle!
*beer* *beer* *beer* *good3* *countdown*
That Panther is a beauty, what a piece of engineering. *respect* *respect* I'd love to have the time, money and know how to even get close to being able to achieve that sort of build.
As for me, life is improving slowly. The bike has been low on my list of priorities, as you'll all appreciate, but she's there ready to go when my mindset (a bit fragile at present) is such that I can enjoy the open road again. *dunno*
Next in line is laying new vinyl planks to the kitchen floor!!!
Panther is a curate's egg for me. Engine is beautiful and those brakes look powerful. But the seat, crude swingarm and line of the exhausts spoil it IMO.
Bit more progress on the project today. The Amal Mk2's arrived a couple of weeks ago but haven't fitted them yet as modifications will be required, so the mikunis are still on. No worries, though, as whilst waiting for the Amals I put the bike on the lift to carry out other jobs.
Such as my plan for an automated decompressor. The plan was to fit a timer to the rear cyl camshaft, replacing the daft can't see it in the dark 'kick indicator'. This timer would in turn operate a solenoid acting on the exhaust valve lifter via a relay, thereby halving the compression ratio for starting. Not to be, though, as despite ordering a solenoid purported to be powerful enough (the decompressor needs 8kg pull) it was too big to fit in the space available and, to boot, wasn't powerful enough. So Plan B is to use the timer to operate a light, indicating when the person starting the bike should release the decompressor and give the kickstarter some welly. Now have to fit a 2nd decompression lever to the handlebar. Must start planning the mechanism for an electric starter.
Also on the job list was make a blind nut to stop the oil leak from the gearbox speedo cable fitting. And turn up some black nylon grommets for the headlamp to blank off the ammeter and light switch apertures as the latter hide behind the Suzuki speedometer and rev counter. I've ordered a modern handlebar light switch to replace the standard light switch.
Getting there slowly. Anyone know where one can get motorcycle brake hose and fittings? The off the peg ones I fitted are too long so I'll need to make some to fit properly.
Forgot to add, the bore in the cyl head / cam cover isn't exactly round - .005" oval in fact so I had to turn the alloy housing for the new indicator to the minor dimension and hope that the O ring I allowed for will seal the gap.
You're a bloody clever fella RD, no idea what you're talking about but it sounds mighty impressive *beer* *wink2* *whistle*
Is there a way a small hydraulic ram could used for the decompression lever? Maybe the kickstarter could operate the ram. What about using a brake cylinder as a ram?
Hi Neil,
An hyd cylinder could concievably do the job, but it's the timing of the actuation that's crucial to the purpose. What I was trying to replicate is the auto decompression (as used by Honda and others) whereby on the compression stroke the exhaust valve is lifted slightly starting around BDC and closing again around 45* BTDC. That effectively halves the compression ratio for starting. Once the engine is running, their system disengages under the action of flyweights.
I was planning to time the actuation electrically, operating the existing decompressor lever via a solenoid and wire. Just look at the size of that solenoid! But even that wouldn't open the valve. Even considering the leverage ratio of the decompression lever, it still has to compress the valve spring(s) to open the valve and I recorded an 8kg pull on a spring balance when measuring the effort required. Once the valve has been moved (or if it's already open before the lever is actuated) the force required is quite small. But in this application, the lifter has to actually open the valve from closed. I can work around this, but it'll be manual rather than automatic. Time to start designing an electric start for the bike.
I'm off now to fix up the handlebar-mounted rear cylinder decompressor I now need, plus a bit of wiring loom construction.
Maybe a crude solution: what about a trigger arrangement? You manually lock the decomp open before kicking. When the engine starts, an automatic trigger releases the valve.
Reading what I wrote again, I don't see an advantage over holding the decomp lever during starting, in the old fashioned way. There must be good reason why you cannot do that.
It's 7:05 AM, Monday, so nothing physical. Amusement-wise, I'm reading forum posts and have this question: Is "What have you done with your bike today?" really the place for exhaustive technical discussions?
Richard L.
Probably not Richard, but I'm sure admin will allow for a bit of 'topic drift'. *fight* I guess it is what people are doing with their bikes *dunno* *dunno* *work*
...and maybe not the place for this discussion, either. I'm moving taking it to a different board.
Richard L.
Gearbox for the Guzzi V50 came back in the post on Saturday. A quick check revealed it now had a full set of gears, but despite having a new neutral light switch that still wasn't functional. Bolted it all back together anyway, it will have to do for now. Had it running and stuck some VED on it, but didn't get round to riding it off the plot.
Sunday, with the lifting table now free again, I finished servicing my pals little Serow - Digger.
Holding the valve open over the firing stroke wouldn't work Neil.
But I note others aren't interested in what I've been doing with my bikes, despite this particular section dealing with exactly that. Maybe it's above some people's heads, but I thought it would be interesting. Obviously not, so I'll stop posting about it. Maybe stop posting altogether would be an idea too.
today I went on a very slow doodle on some very narrow overgrown roads i used to ride on when i was a yoof. once i had got some of the memories over and done with it was time for a betsy blast *woo*. there are some nice little places in Derbyshire and i visited ashover ,matlock--big mistake mad with traffic, youlgreave, Middleton, monyash, lathkill dale, Stanton in peak, over haddon, ashford in the water, Bakewell and baslow. these types of places really need to be done as a pillion so you can have a good nosey around. it was only about a 3/1/2 hour run but by eck i knew about it when i got home. i might consider taking the clip ons off when i get old *doubt*
RD mate, if I can speak for myself - I am interested in what you're doing with your bikes, it's just that it's over my head. There are many who are far more intelligent and skilled than me who would benefit from the engineering puzzles you're working on and trying to solve. Just because I'm a bit thick shouldn't disadvantage others who can appreciate what you're doing more fully. Your posts will be invaluable to those with the same issues. *smile*
Go steady RD and take a breath. Lots of people i'm sure are following your posts with great interest. I personally am v keen to see and hear the beast start up one day even tho the technicals go way beyond my understanding. The ideal might be for it to have its own topic title like RD's project. I not bothered whatever/wherever so long as we get to see the beast run and your smiling face as you ride it down the road on your way to the Isle of Man or wherever your fancy takes you.
RD i'm with wortluck on this one. "your a bloody clever fella " but alas it's over my head by a mile the sort of thing you are doing with that bike. i wish you all the best regarding getting a result *beer*
Holding the valve open over the firing stroke wouldn't work Neil.
I wasn't being specific about that idea. It was just a thunk.
But I note others aren't interested in what I've been doing with my bikes, despite this particular section dealing with exactly that. Maybe it's above some people's heads, but I thought it would be interesting. Obviously not, so I'll stop posting about it. Maybe stop posting altogether would be an idea too.
Why don't you create a new post about your project.
The main reason I follow this particular thread is to see how RD is getting on and to read the interesting suggestions he receives.
Since he started this project, he has posted numerous times about his struggle to finish his motor.
He has received lots of interest and suggestions from knowledgeable members of the forum over a long time.
There must be heaps of us wanting to share the rest of his journey.
I hope he is big enough to ignore the single thoughtless comment made earlier.
If you can't understand the subjects being discussed, then ask, or study up on it or just move on.
As Eleanor Roosevelt said 'Great minds discuss ideas', 'Average minds discuss events' and 'Small minds discuss people'
The discussion of ideas lifts this forum.
Holding the valve open over the firing stroke wouldn't work Neil.
But I note others aren't interested in what I've been doing with my bikes, despite this particular section dealing with exactly that. Maybe it's above some people's heads, but I thought it would be interesting. Obviously not, so I'll stop posting about it. Maybe stop posting altogether would be an idea too.
I'm enjoying them and would hate for you to stop. I'm a simple soul so don't get to post anything interesting or useful here, but love all the tales of engineered solutions and clever diagnostics to weird and wonderful problems.
Others have put my point better than I. A dedicated topic on RD's build would provide a story with a timeline and a destination to go when wanting to follow that story. We do have other such long-running stories that are enthusiastically followed.
I do appreciate RD's expertise and also like reading the technical descriptions. While beyond what I myself would conceive (by virtue of experience or interest) comprehending his tales, I contend, is not over my head. Perhaps he is simplifying the topics for broader consumption.
Now, to leave third person, RD, please do continue with your descriptions any where you want. I don't control the forum and my personal taste for lighter fare on the "What have you done.. " topic is, obviously, not universal.
Richard L.
In reply to Richard – I do see your view. Maybe I was getting too deep into a subject and not appreciating others would not necessarily share my enthusiasm about a project where the frame, gearbox and tanks are the only major BSA components. I don’t believe it warrants a thread of its own, but if I post about it again I promise to keep it concise. Completion is hopefully only a couple or so weeks away now anyway.
I think you're underestimating the value of your story, besides, you don't pay by the thread here. In any case, please don't leave out the technically juicy bits on my behalf, because I do appreciate them.
Richard L.
From the deep to the shallow... Replaced the tyres on my wife's mobility scooter with trials tyres. No more struggling with mud and snow as she's out checking the sheep.
I definitely need to get a sheep so my wife can go out in the backyard and check it.
I definitely need to get a sheep so my wife can go out in the backyard and check it.
Don’t Richard. Next thing she wants a dog to herd the sheep *eek*
Got the dogs. Can you "herd" one sheep?
But this, I thought it best (considering recent) that I not just BS here on "What have you done..." OK, buddy, go to the garage and do something. Check those plugs to see how the cylinders are burning. Better than I would have thought. My last effort to prevent seize-ups left me with pistons about as loose in the bores as one would think acceptable.
There you go! On topic.
Richard L.
From the deep to the shallow... Replaced the tyres on my wife's mobility scooter with trials tyres. No more struggling with mud and snow as she's out checking the sheep.
Can I see a picture of said mobility scooter; I suspect it's a Subaru or a Range Rover, etc?
G'day Fellas.
I drained the sump, charged the battery and washed the A7. Took her for a look around her new home and a blast up Victoria Pass. On the way home stopped at the Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum for a photo shoot.
Gee I needed that.
ps: pics over in Just a Picture
Put a new inner in the clutch cable for my pals Serow last night. Will make for a useful spare on the trail.
Replacement screen has turned up for my T3 so that will likely go up on the table Saturday for a full assessment of the crash damage and putting the new screen in place.
went for a ride and found out -AGAIN that lots of car drivers are out to kill us. the ride luckily for me only lasted 30 odd miles because in the sunshine it was comfy but when cloud covered it and I was on the hills it was bl--dy chilly. the bonus was easy starting after the nicotine fix and nice tick over when I had to stop. no more embarrassing spit back and stop, won't start moments since fitting the amal *good3*, shame summers nearly over I will have to get my thermals out to enjoy that cool strong sun that blinds you *beer*
went for a ride and found out -AGAIN that lots of car drivers are out to kill us.
Same here *angry* club ride tomorrow 80% chance of rain 9 to 19 C. should be fun.
Committed an act of heresy. Woke the Norton from a 2 year slumber and took it for a brief run. Delighted to say the tin chaincase leak is finally cured! Miracles do happen.
Fixed up the damage on Blue the T3 from the slide down the road the other week (I'm OK, someone else was on it at the time - always embarrassing). Might put the crash bars in for rechroming over winter.
Took the Black Pearl (V50 II) out for a test ride Saturday after refitting the gearbox for a second time. No neutral light despite having a new switch, and more importantly - not able to engage first after each time I pull up. Is the box gonna be coming out for a third time?
Sunday I was on my long range SP off roading locally with a couple of chums. Boy is it muddy and wet in places out there. And waterproof MX boots aren't much cop when the water comes over the top. Took 2.5 hours to get the bike properly cleaned up again afterwards.
G'day Fellas.
Gasket kit arrived last week so today I bought 5 meters of 0.8mm gasket paper. Spent most of the day copying the kit onto the paper, enough for 4 full sets, punched all the holes. Today I'll cut them all out trying not to loose any fingers. Still enough left for a few sets for the Rhonda and HD and probably another few sets for the BSA's. So a $200 roll of paper makes well over $1000 worth of gaskets. Must be the Scott in me!
Awkward spelling of "Scot" in that sentence, Musky.
Richard L,
Awkward spelling of "Scot" in that sentence, Musky.
unless talking water cooled two stroke
Flaming keyboard sometimes addds letters sometimes leves them out.
well musky, I do hope you tried all your gaskets on a stripped down engine and box because if it's the same set of gaskets I bought and did the same thing I had to alter loads of holes when fitting them to cases, I thought it was my marking out punching and cutting until I tried the ones from the set *problem*
Flaming keyboard sometimes addds letters sometimes leves them out.
I've got one like that, combined with auto spellchecker and my English makes for an interesting time.
I'm getting a bit nearer to riding and fettling - new shed built, fitted out with racks (storage - getting to old to go crawling in the loft), old new shed fitted with a bench and now insulating the tin roof, then move the Flash into the new old shed from it's home in the leanto shed, then cleanout the leanto shed next the garage and put the RGF in there for re resto (it's been in the garage and suffered from the damp in there and my neglect unfortunately)
I have been blaspheming heavily today so I will tell you a story. a few years ago now I bought an expensive maggy for the bike so I could save the competition maggy for the berger build. since fitting the new carb everything has been fine until a couple of days ago when betsy beezer started miss firing pulling away from junctions. she would start first kick and tick over and once going didn't have any trouble high up in the revs. last night when I got home after a run out I decided to check for any floating or other bits in the new carb, nothing there so I carried on and had a look at the platinum points. i haven't been in that bit for ages and found a points gap of 6 thou. aha i thought this could be the problem and set them at 12 thou. i then checked pick ups and other bits and put her to bed without trying to start her up. today she fired up and didn't want to do any work at all and i had to go back home after 500 yards. i changed the points for a known good set and checked for a spark on the plugs. every now and then i managed to see a weak spark so i closed the points gap and tried again with both sets of points. at this point i know the maggy is not well and needs medicine. i bench tested my other mag and beautiful fire works come into vision using the same leads etc. so now i have more work*work* to do and more expense, it's a good job i like my bike---- sometimes. maggy questions to follow in proper bit, thankyou for listening i need several black&tans *beer*
Get the Black and Tans down you mate. I start back at work tomorrow so not getting much done on the bike *sad2* Life is improving. The road is looking more inviting. It's my birthday on Friday!!
Many Happy Hangovers for Friday Worty.
Had to move all the bikes out of the shed so the sparky could install the new lights and power points. 6 x 4' 5700 lumen LED's and 8 double p/points. Like daylight in there now.
Took the old girl or a short ride to a job interview. They restore old steam engines and loco's. Hope I get it.
today I took maggy off and fitted other maggy, o what fun when I've cut the HT leads to suite the angled clip on pick ups and the bolt on ones on this mag have left me 1 inch short and I can't find my spare roll of HT lead--YET! I also studied yet again my manual advance set up and with the lever I have on the handle bars it is full advance with slack cable and cable entry to mag next to barrels . if I remember right people talk of full advance tight cable? or am I talking sh*t again. any way maggy is on and I hope I got the fag paper release just right. one other thing that has pi**ed me off is the very very expensive cam ring I bought a good few years ago is measuring a gap of 12 and 15 thou it will do I suppose. so to cap off with fags and cups of tea and finding tools etc my 20 minute job has been 3 hours up to now. couldn't resist a piccy while pondering
I think a clear plastic timing case would show all that blue off nicely.
Full advance with slack wire. Designed that way so if your cable parts, at least you keep running.
thanks RD, I sat studying it for ages and not for the first time and talking my way through it again. clock wise points rotation and tight wire takes cam away from points opening retarding ignition. I have had many hours scratching my head when I think I've read somewhere it was the other way round. just confusing my retarded mind some what. the good news is even though I thought I set it up wrong over the years because of either dreaming it or reading it I haven't. so if she fires up tomorrow after I find the illusive HT lead a black&tan is well in order *beer*
Don't know about the twins, but there were 'tight-wire' and 'loose-wire' versions of the maggys, certainly BTH did both - you can see which side of the points end the advance cable exits.
if I remember right people talk of full advance tight cable? or am I talking sh*t again. any way maggy is on and I hope I got the fag paper release just right.
one other thing that has pi**ed me off is the very very expensive cam ring I bought a good few years ago is measuring a gap of 12 and 15 thou it will do I suppose. so to cap off with fags and cups of tea and finding tools etc my 20 minute job has been 3 hours up to now. couldn't resist a piccy while pondering
Anti-clockwise drive mag, cable entry on cylinder side = slack advance, yup.
Points gap unevenness likely not due to camring itself Berger if it's still in good nick.
Could be several things - wear in the housing is quite common on manual mags - and any slop at all can affect relative points gaps.
Or / And the seating of the outer race of the cb end bearing may not be perfectly concentric. Reseating with a new insulator cup will often 'cure' or materially improve a problem here.
More to the point (ha!) is the interval between the sparks. Ideally, 180:180° but often several degrees off on a well used K2F. It is more important to have that right than to have perfectly equal points gaps (as long as we're only talking a modest difference between them) - It's nice when the two go hand in hand but they don't always.
A third factor can be wear on the opening point. Wear on the pivot post can cause much the same thing sometimes. You'd think all these things would even out and affect both sides the same but they sadly don't.
I really like that input groily- get ya a case of beer for that one *beer* *beer* *beer* on the nail with that info. the cam ring was 100£s worth several years ago made on modern machinery in Sweden I think and not had much use at all because it stayed in the comp mag when I changed them after my oil pipe feed & return disaster a few years ago. so yes those other factors are a bit more knowledge for my retarded brain cell to try and keep hold of.
Do you guru's know (Groily will be across this) - if the camring is the same on the tightwire and loosewire) - maybe just rotated 180 degrees and with the 'stop' screw cutout moved?
Went to go out on the A7 yesterday afternoon discovered flat back tyre blew it up but this morning flat again no obvious nail or screw in the tyre. Took the whelel off and removed the inner tube and found a leak but tube looks suspicious has been repaired before and where it is leaking there is some damage to the tube so have ordered a new tube £14.85 from Classic Bike Spares have used them before no problems. Getting the back wheel off is a bit of a problem as you have to get the rear end high enough up to slide the wheel out after removing the right hand silencer this is the swinging arm model. Can't remember when I last had a pucture took a while to find the tyre levers in my chaotic garage must have a sort out sometime.
Decided to check the timing on the ulra reliable first kick starting A10 (why???). It was a bit advanced as it turns out. Set it up by the book, took a bit longer than expected being out of practice and went to start it. One weak cough and then nothing. Rechecked the timing - all ok. Checked for sparks - nothing. The only thing I had disturbed at all was the points. So cleaned and checked them. Nothing. Put in a spare set of points. Nothing. Ah well, I'll put the spare mag on next time I have a quiet hour to spare... *dunno* At least the Norton's going ok. *grins*
Tightened the primary chain for the first time since it was new, as it was so loose it was making a tapping noise hitting the case, then I had to adjust the rear chain, top up primary oil, all in all messing about for an hour.
I think rather than buy a new primary chain, as thats probably required, I will spring for a belt drive. Lots of $$$$ but........
Then went for a ride for a couple of hours with a 70 yr old mate who borrowed my rigid B31, he hadn’t ridden for 5 years and maybe may never have ridden a bike again, and he had never ridden an old British bike, he had a really big grin when we got back *smile*
Do you guru's know (Groily will be across this) - if the camring is the same on the tightwire and loosewire) - maybe just rotated 180 degrees and with the 'stop' screw cutout moved?
Camrings are made blank Jools and can be notched any which way. Typically there will be one small notch in the right place (one hopes!) for a fixed ring, and a wide one to limit movement of the advance/retard (about 11mm wide usually) plus a small V-angled one for the plunger on a manual one. That will be left or right side of the notch depending, and in many cases one sees one of each. (Not to mention any extra notches cut by people over the years.)
Rings can be rotated 180°, sure (as long as it's not a V twin (!) where there are other considerations).
Single cyl ones can also be rotated, but you then use the other flip point of the armature and the polarity of the spark will reverse. Ideally you want negative on a single.
Reversal of rotation always entails moving the camring position.
Note that early K2Fs had two small axial screws on the cb housing to secure a ring with a wide notch in the fixed position, and just one if it was manual. So one wide notch suited all mags. Then, the eccentric stop pin came along, and different notching. Better, because you have tuning ability.
Sometimes, a camring looks like a castellated nut, more notch than ring almost!
Black Sheep - wouldn't have set it 180* out by mistake? Tried swapping the leads?
Black Sheep - wouldn't have set it 180* out by mistake? Tried swapping the leads?
He said he's got no sparks.
Something is probably earthed that shouldn't be, or not earthed when it should.
Bob, getting the rear wheel out of the Flash is a b*****d. *angry* *angry* I sort of perfected the 'lean it over onto my belly, making sure it didn't fall forward off its centre stand and wiggle out' procedure *dunno* *dunno*. Oh, and if you do this, make sure you have a floor full of rags so when the brake plate falls off it doesn't chip all your nice paint work or powder coating. *razz* *angry* *problem* *pull hair out* *angry* Would have been a smart idea for BSA to have retained the hinged mudguard arrangement for the swinging arm models. *whistle* I guess another way would be to put the bike on a raised plinth on the centre stand and remove the bottom shocker bolts, but you'd still have to make sure the bike didn't tip forward, fall over, and put a nice dent in the tank as well. *rant* *razz* *evil*
Decided to check the timing on the ulra reliable first kick starting A10 (why???). It was a bit advanced as it turns out. Set it up by the book, took a bit longer than expected being out of practice and went to start it. One weak cough and then nothing. Rechecked the timing - all ok. Checked for sparks - nothing. The only thing I had disturbed at all was the points. So cleaned and checked them. Nothing. Put in a spare set of points. Nothing. Ah well, I'll put the spare mag on next time I have a quiet hour to spare... *dunno* At least the Norton's going ok. *grins*
Have you swapped the HT leads?
Didn't swap the leads as no spark from either plug. Anyway, hadn't turned the engine over so shouldn't be 180 out. I'll take a look at the mag on the bench when I do the swap. A bit puzzling though, why should a good sparking mag suddenly stop when adjusting the ignition timing? As RD fella says, there's a connectivity issue somewhere. On the bright side, better a failure in the shed than on the road.
Was hoping to get a ride in this afternoon but feeling too sh1te to try. Damn.
No sparks? Try with the magneto end cap off, an unwanted earth connection here will effectively turn off the LT circuit.
Points plate misaligned on the key and taper can induce wobble and allow the spring on a late all steel points backplate to touch the cam. Because of the circuit arrangement within, this earths the points.
Doesn't happen with the early brass points mount, the circuit arrangement is different and here the spring is on the earthed side of the points. Worth checking the points and their mountings for correct assembly regarding insulating bushes and washers.
Wortluck my technique is to lean the bike over and with my foot slide a !" block of wood under the center stand then go round to the other side lean bike over and wth my foot slide in a 2" block of wood then back round again lean over bike slide out the 1" block and slide in a 3" approx block this gives enough clearance with right hand silencer rmoved to slide out the back wheel.
Nice Bob. I eventually get the wheel out but I'm too lazy to remove the silencer. *dunno* *dunno* My fault if I bust something I suppose. *smile* *smile*
Today I've been struggling with cables and wiring on the project. I've an oil pressure pipe, wiring loom, 2 x choke cables, 2 x throttle cables, 2 x de-compressor cables plus adv / retard cable (if I use the mag) to get from rear to front. Not a lot of room on an A10 frame / tank either side of the top tube and underneath is a struggle too as the cyl heads are quite close. But I'm slowly getting there. Not helping is the royal mail on its knees, meaning getting parts can take a week or more. I've had parts from the US reach heathrow in 5 days, then take another 14 to reach me.
today I put Betsy's bits back on and after one swing on the kick start she was growling again. I am a confused but happy bunny. now over to electrickery
Groily thanks, that's very useful info. I may be looking at converting a BTH from auto to manual. (It's for a single), I have a manual end casing, and I wondered if the auto camring would work, as long as the correct slots were ground in for the 'limiting peg', cable connector etc.
new boots on the modern today. pics of old and new fronts.
these modern tyres are amazing, 2 compounds in 3 zones on the front and 3 compounds in 5 zones on the rear.
not cheap but should be fun *smile*
Groily thanks, that's very useful info. I may be looking at converting a BTH from auto to manual. (It's for a single), I have a manual end casing, and I wondered if the auto camring would work, as long as the correct slots were ground in for the 'limiting peg', cable connector etc.
It should be OK Jools, by extending the one cut and making the other for the advance and retard (if one is not already there - it might be, can't recall off-hand and don't have any manual ones to look at at the moment).
BTH are a bit different from Lucas. You'll see what I mean when you look, but the AR 'notch' doesn't go right through the ring, it's a groove more like. As ever, arguably a fraction more elegant than the Lucas, with a nicer action on the plunger and associated parts and a much tougher end housing.
The fine tuning peg on the BTH (usually on the left hand side looking points end on) is a complete PITA to get out sometimes - there was a special tool with an offset pin to do it, but the plug is usually peened, is tight as a drum, and a tool I made wore out pretty darn fast for not being a proper hardened thingummy. Ouch!
The critical thing when modding is to be quite certain you elongate the main notch in the right direction! Sounds obvious, but it's a bit like patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time and mistakes get made - don't ask how I know! The points need to open, in the fully advanced position, JUST after the flip point of the armature going in the right direction . . . . Delay causes weakening of the spark, opening before the flip will guarantee no spark. I always play with the camring position with the cb assy fitted before modding to establish the best position, then mark it indelibly where I want the notching to be.
Ha. Just spent an hour or 6 cleaning the bike after usual blast for coffee. Lots of accumulated filth after many many messy miles to rally and ride outs. If the beggar plays up tomorrow i'll blame all you polisher types for making me feel guilty! Of course we are talking a Big Jim clean so it falls short of good standard and basically involves a bit o t-cut and general de-grease. Needed to make some effort as off to a posh place for a few days respite from work. Don't think i would have been allowed to park there the state it was in. Looking forward to a long ride with fair weather.
*countdown* *beer* *beer* *woo* *wave*
Finally got round replacing the ugly and ill fitting polyester rear mudguard on the SA by an original steel one I found on a bikejumble last year. Did a trial fitting and all holes line up perfectly *woo*
Just some surplus holes to weld up, a rub down and a spray and she’s ready for the road again!
went for a ride with on song betsy and got fully drowned in a super rain storm *bash* *problem* I couldn't get to any sort of cover . had to jump in warm bath to thaw out, not a happy bunny. fire lit now to dry boots and leather jacket out *sad*
A bit more on the project's snagging list. Was never happy with the rear brake pedal. Despite looking exactly like the part in the manual, the huge sweep around the clutch area made it look more like something that fell off a Harley than was made for a BSA. So out with the acetylene and tweak it so it lies parallel with the primary case. Fitted the return spring (the one with the huge bend that wraps around the frame) and the brake pedal. But something wasn't right - the spring was holding the pedal 1/2 an inch away from the frame. So across workshop to look at the '58 GF. That brake pedal doesn't have an arm to operate a brake light switch. Instead there's a shoulder over which the spring fits. So the parts as shown in the BSA parts book don't actually go together. Fortunately I had another, smaller spring for A10's but that would pull the pedal down, not up. Figuring it would work correctly on the other side, I fitted it to the frame but it wouldn't fit the lever that pulls the cable. Clearly the correct part, but badly made. So out with the acetylene again to bend the spring: widen the loop so it fits over the crossshaft lever, bring the bend further back so the spring starts to exert force before the brake pedal is halfway down - and give the other end of the spring a twist so it doesn't gouge into the swing arm. Job done. Three hours. Frustrating, because I'm mainly working around others' design and manufacturing cock-ups.
just been sent this from a mate with one of them modern phone things. taken at Matlock bath 15 minutes before I got completely drowned.
Get ya hair cut ya flippin Greaser!
Over the weekend I got a warning letter from DVLA/MID that my A10 is not insured. My insurer had the registration down as VGC92S when in fact it is VGC925. I had noticed when I got round to print off the certificates but then forgot about it.
Didn't take them long to catch up with me on that one - policy inception was back in early April. TBH - I don't think I've had the bike off the plot this year, but might have been an issue if it got stole I guess, though the transposition was entirely their fault.
Took the dead mag off the A10 and fitted the spare. Now up and running once again. Checked over the B31 and ran it up. Should be exploring the Keilder Toll Road on it on Thursday. Ran up the Norton just to clear the oil from the sump. You can tell it's raining.
had a good ride out today visiting- well riding through little villages in Derbyshire trying to find the idiot. then realising the idiot was riding the bike. a very good mix of plod and blast with the girlfriend on the back. she loved it when a grey squirrel decided to run along a dry stone wall along side us for about 50 yards then disappear up a tree .she hasn't been out on the bike since I fitted the AMAL and when we got home she said how Betsy's exhaust note had changed from a muffled sound to a crisp bark. something I noticed straight away after changing the carbs. SO these women must notice these things about our bikes and not just what colour they are ;)
Took the B31 South of the border to Keilder. The forest drive toll road is 12 miles of unsurfaced track. Easy going, great views. Worth the £3. 175 mile round trip, still plenty of petrol in the tank. Was expecting to be overtaken regularly but the only thing to come past was a big sportsbike. It's easy to dismiss the humble B31 - I love mine.
As for the artistic road marking - it wisnae me!
Nice! B33 plunger is my favorite. Fits like a well worn boot.
Love it mate... reminds me of 1974 on my brand spankin' new, fresh out of the Gus Kuhn showroom, Norton 850 Interstate running those deserted roads.
(And we all know you scotch blokes are prone to exaggeration!)
I rode out last night - but no pics and not on a BSA. I took my Guzzi Loop frame 'Jug' out to a hostelry some 30 minutes hither and met up with a couple of pals, one on his owned from new V50 and the other on some kind of Honda. Nice to get out, nice to be on my bike.
you filthy lot . look how many tuned in to the nob pic *lol*
Get ya hair cut ya flippin Greaser!
Are you trying to start a Mods vs.Rockers war here? *smile*
Richard L.
Bought fully comp insurance today for a grand total of £39 after going through TopCashBack *smile* *smile* *contract* *beer* *woo*
and running to the finish line we have 4 miles to go with gravel rash picture lagging behind the lonely bench in a field picture but still out in front plodding along in top gear is NOB
and running to the finish line we have 4 miles to go with gravel rash picture lagging behind the lonely bench in a field picture but still out in front plodding along in top gear is NOB
Come on GB, Get a grip (filth).
*shh* *red* *beer*
The weather here today was pleasantly warm, (29C). I took Emily the A10 for a bimble around the area. I stopped to check everything was OK and noticed that the oil tank cap was missing! I'd been checking and topping up the oil before I left home and had not screwed the cap back on. "Oh bother", I thought. "Do I have anything with me that I could put over the tank neck?" Owning a dog, I always carry poo bags in my back pocket. I placed a folded bag over the neck. I didn't think I had an elastic band in the tool kit. A few years ago I stole a comical bag closure from the kitchen and put it on the handlebars. It's a boggle-eyed face with a very long tongue that goes around the item and pokes out of its mouth. Today, he saved the day and held the bag in place until I got home. When I got home the cap was laying on the drive.
I wouldn't have bothered, Neil. The cap is only there to keep out rain and small children. Wait 'till you got back would have been my thoughts. What have I done today - received delivery of a battery case so I can progress with the project. Only I can't as the rubber jelly-like contraption is utterly useless (see my post under electrical). Just when I thought the finish line for the project was mere days away, days start to turn into weeks as parts arriving are either unsuitable or are taking several weeks to arrive. Like two parts from the USA recently - 5 days to Heathrow and then another three weeks to me.
I wouldn't have bothered, Neil. The cap is only there to keep out rain and small children.
Well, it wasn't raining but I might have gone past an infant school.
I was more concerned with keeping muck out of the oil.
greybeard is Emily homeless she has a lot of card board to sleep on *lol* *grins*
When I got home the cap was laying on the drive.
Good result finding that.
Had another go at the gear box on the Pearl - my V50 last night. You can get good access to the back of the gear box once the battery and it's support tray are removed. Sorted the non functioning neutral light by sticking some extra alu washers under the switch unit.
Then went looking for the missing first gear. There is an eccentric adjuster on Guzzis that moves the centre position of the return spring. A bit of fooling with that and I could get back down to neutral and first from second OK. A test ride proved all good, though showed up she ain't running so good. Might try some new plugs.
some time back when i fitted a new monobloc to my plunger b33, i didn't realize that the air filter adapter would no longer fit due to the deeper body of the monobloc compared to the remote float carb (the adapter hits the oil tank).
so my son recently CAD modeled and 3D printed a new adapter, shown below. its printed with PLA so I'm not sure how long it will survive the b backfiring petrol fumes, hence the tie wires as i don't want to lose the K+N filter.
the 3D files are here if you want to make your own: (
3d printing! Blimey, the A7A10 forum has been dragged into the 21st century.
yes, we're frighteningly modern with our BSA's down here GB, tho it took my 16 year old son to do the work - well beyond my capabilities.
Today became a day off so get the bike going and off to Wales. Due to phonecall had to reduce planned miles and return a bit sharpish. On my way back noticed a sudden and new sound from the engine. Kinda felt like some power (?) loss and less engine braking. After a couple of miles i pulled over to take a look and have a proper listen. Before the obvious comments re stopping sharpish with change in noise, i almost always drive with silicon ear plugs and these can shift when riding. Was reassured to see the head gasket not blowing and then located the source. Had blown out an added baffle to one of the silencers! Giving it too much stick on the climb out of Monmouth me thinks. Hey ho, something else to do.
*problem* *work* *beer*
Threw in some photos of the cotswold hol and Panther rally
I wouldn't have bothered, Neil. The cap is only there to keep out rain and small children.
Well, it wasn't raining but I might have gone past an infant school.
I was more concerned with keeping muck out of the oil.
You did right GB, there's oil mist in that there tank when it all gets hot, and introducing dust into your oil isn't recommended in any manual I know of!
As for finding your oil cap, didn't your shoes fall off the bike the other year, and you found them on the way back as well? *smile* *smile*
Today became a day off so get the bike going and off to Wales. Due to phonecall had to reduce planned miles and return a bit sharpish. On my way back noticed a sudden and new sound from the engine. Kinda felt like some power (?) loss and less engine braking. After a couple of miles i pulled over to take a look and have a proper listen. Before the obvious comments re stopping sharpish with change in noise, i almost always drive with silicon ear plugs and these can shift when riding. Was reassured to see the head gasket not blowing and then located the source. Had blown out an added baffle to one of the silencers! Giving it too much stick on the climb out of Monmouth me thinks. Hey ho, something else to do.
*problem* *work* *beer*
Threw in some photos of the cotswold hol and Panther rally
Yes, go even faster and blow the other one out! *smile*
As for finding your oil cap, didn't your shoes fall off the bike the other year, and you found them on the way back as well? *smile* *smile*
You are right. I'm really glad I bought some lucky heather from that gypsie years ago! *smile*
Today became a day off so get the bike going and off to Wales. Due to phonecall had to reduce planned miles and return a bit sharpish. On my way back noticed a sudden and new sound from the engine. Kinda felt like some power (?) loss and less engine braking. After a couple of miles i pulled over to take a look and have a proper listen. Before the obvious comments re stopping sharpish with change in noise, i almost always drive with silicon ear plugs and these can shift when riding. Was reassured to see the head gasket not blowing and then located the source. Had blown out an added baffle to one of the silencers! Giving it too much stick on the climb out of Monmouth me thinks. Hey ho, something else to do.
*problem* *work* *beer*
Threw in some photos of the cotswold hol and Panther rally
I see a H anD grenade in the left of that picture *eek*
Rode the Atlas-engined 99 over to Loch Lomond to meet up with son who is on a fishing hol. Bike going really well, had to keep it under 80 on the M9. However, it started running on one at low revs when really hot, a pain on uphill starts. Sounds awfully like the condenser is on its way out. *cry* On the plus side, it gave 70 mpg on the trip. *smiley4* No bike picture - it didn't fit in the boat.
Not a breath, -beautiful shot.
As the sun was out, decided to spray the project's chainguard and toolbox - last parts requiring paint. Needed good weather as unless I'm wearing full head gear, I always paint 2 pack outside. Even then a decent mask is required.
Next job was servicing the vee twin. Been quite a while since last done and thought it was a tad noisier last ride out so time to get stuck in. Just as well, because both exhaust valves had closed up to almost zero clearance. With alloy pushrods and cast barrels that'd be even tighter when hot. Next to check will be mag chain and gearbox oil.
Forgive me RD, but what motor is it? *dunno* As for me, still getting my head together for a Summer's riding next year. *smile* Just busy picking up all the OTHER viruses from the kids at school - had a cold on and off since starting back 3 weeks ago. *angry* *angry* *razz* My youngest son was also sent home from school for two weeks after sitting next to another kid who'd tested positive. *problem* *problem* *bash* *bash*
Anyhow, keeping the bike at peak readiness for the next sniff of decent weather. *good3* Spending the rainy days perusing Evilbay for decent deals. Stockpiling BSA spares is a welcome relief from toilet paper, hand sanitiser and soap *ex* *ex* *bright idea* *whistle* *whistle*
I have done absolutely nothing...
When I came home from the BSA International Rally in The Czech Republic in September, I took of the top, cylinder and pistons, due to excessive oil consumption, so I figured a honing and new rings would help. I am in the middle of this job, but Took my new bike, a Honda Revere 650 from 1989 for a spin...but only got about 200 meters away from home... A young kid on Scooter took a hard left turn without signal or looking back,(and with wifi earphones under his helmet) just as I was about to overtake him (right hand drive) - this did not go well so we booth ended up in hospital, and the Revere is a write off... And my left arm broken in 2 places... but in 4 weeks the cast will come of, and it is BSA time again...
Bad luck Madsens, hope you fix as quickly as the Beezer. All the best.
Worthluck - it's an own build. Sorry to hear of your disease-related problems.
Madsens - that's a real bummer. Hope all is well again very soon.
Hey RD is the V twin starting and running well enough to get it out on the Road. Hope so, it's been quite a journey.
*work* *countdown* *pull hair out* *good3* *good3* *woo* *beer* *beer*
Hope the recovery goes well Madsons.
Damn! That's lousy luck mate. Hang in there.
That's is bad luck Madsens hope you get well soon, could have been worse, you could have been on the Beesa.
Today I have to announce that I have sold my A7 & A10 *cry* and brought a Honda CB500X 2013 *whistle* but all is not lost I still have my A7 58 SA project on the go, it is at the rolling frame stage, see pic. at present I'm doing the gearbox having lots of fun and waiting for parts from England.
Cheers RD. On the plus side, I'm doing weights and have lost about half a stone - full of muscle *ex* *ex* *smile* Cut down on the beer and junk food big time (don't tell Berger). Don't like whinging on about illnesses, just like to get on with it, but it has genuinely been a rough ride - and I don't do illness well.
Still, c'est la vie. First priority is to make sure the wife and I are good, then I can refocus on bikes again.
Love the bike - always dreamed of finding something like a G13 or G14 and riding it original or putting the/a motor in a custom frame with a bit of tuning. Not a Harley fan at all, but I love the old Vs.
A young kid on Scooter took a hard left turn without signal or looking back,(and with wifi earphones under his helmet) just as I was about to overtake him (right hand drive) - this did not go well so we booth ended up in hospital, and the Revere is a write off... And my left arm broken in 2 places... but in 4 weeks the cast will come of, and it is BSA time again...
Yikes! When you say scooter, do you mean an electric one? I'm glad it wasn't worse; you might have been riding the Beezer! ;)
Well it's all quite wet around here this weekend, though not as wet as some places I've seen on the news. I've even felt the occasional drip come through the asbestos roof on the garage ...
Where I've been fabricating a new arrangement for mounting the flapper bracket and rack on the back of Blue my T3. All about done now and ready for the powder coaters.
Looks like the best of the weather is definitely behind us here in the UK now, what with all this wet and the nights drawing in horribly. Looking back over the year I can't actually remember taking the BSA out at all, not once. Must try harder.
Big Jim - project not ready for road, but almost.... Just had hassle with one carb flooding (again) and now playing electrics. Wasn't room for standard light switch so blanked that off and fitted a modern handlebar one - which doesn't like the current of 6v and causes the tail light to feed back to head beam. So it's two relays and diodes required. Hope to fit them next week, together with the chainguard. Then hopefully it's almost there..... Will have to take a pic of it running.
Note the vee I'm servicing at present was an earlier project that I did in the early 80's.
Note the vee I'm servicing at present was an earlier project that I did in the early 80's.
I appreciate that you've put my forum nickname on the timing chest covers. Cheers!
I will have to start going back and staying in the pub *beer*. why do I buy work and head ache *problem* the yonda back brake master cylinder is kaput and they are now unobtainium *problem*. I have spent hours searching and it is a no no. brand new no longer available and no second hand ones for my model *sad*. BUT there is a lot of near enough ones so I am just waiting on replies for hole centres . if this works out I will just have to get a new back hose made up with a different outlet banjo connector. trying to find out the exact year of this bike has been interesting and I have narrowed it down to a cb750f dohc of 1980/81 . registered in England in 1982 all the writing on the frame sides is in Japanese and the frame numbers I have researched don't start until RCO42----- and mine is RCO41----- did the American market yondas have the writing for the chain tension etc in English or japenese, any body know? because the side panels are fake made up things with f2 on them *bash* it can't be an 82 model because they had air assisted front forks and twin piston calipers. another strange thing that has baffled me is the front brake master cylinder piston which is 5/8ths and is clearly marked on the housing and not metric ---- it is the correct one *conf2*. mystery's do my head in!!
*clap* *clap* *clap* :o *pull hair out* *pull hair out* I see you have found a nice big rabbit hole to go down
yes ironhead and I just cleaned up the outside of the rear master cylinder and that one is 14mm, what were the japanese thinking of? 5/8ths front and 14mm rear *pull hair out* *conf2* also had a couple of reply's from breakers and suppliers and it is looking like I will have to do some work and fit a rear one that is alike to the original meaning messing with holes and positioning of it *bash*
Hi Berger,
Imperial sizes on brake cylinders originates I believe from Lockheed patents
cheers john, one mystery solved, I just thought it odd when I saw it and the back one is 14mm, front one is 15.8--- 5/8ths *beer*
G'day Bergs.
I bought one of them new in Feb 81. Prior to 81 the Yanks had the 750 and we had the 900. I got the first black CB750FZ in the country. Did about 250,000Km's on her and she grew up to be 985cc.
The first dohc was a CB750KZ RC01 in 78/79 (had one of them too), older styling like the K's but with dohc motor and comstar wheels.
That front m/cyl can't be original. Mine had twin piston brakes.
RC04 is 81 dohc, yours must be an import. The F2 was the later faired version.
musky thanks for the info, but mine is single pot twin discs and I think 1981 were twin pot . it is an import all the stuff is in Japanese and then at the top corner I found cb750f. I think it's a 1980 and over the years some one has put f2 stickers on it. the front master cylinder seems like it has never been off the bike and matches pics of late 70's early 80's 750's although it is a four screw lid and most I have seen are two screw *conf2* I have searched the internet and looked at the manual and books but there are so many variants it's hard to tell. the only frame numbers I find start RC04-2 and mine is RC04-10003**, any way I have no luck with a used or new rear master cylinder so will be bodging one on that's nearly the same *eek* *bash* *whistle*
At last the new timing chain adjuster cover arrived and so fitted it and put the project on the starter rollers. Blew a fuse (it takes a bit of turning over) replaced that and started it. Ran fine until I eased the choke off. Stumbled then stopped. Tried again - the same. I've just spent a couple of weeks sorting the electrics - a real hassle requiring relays and diodes - and fitting the rear chainguard and primary cover. Apparently this work has now affected the jetting of the mikunis (because nothng else has been changed). Maybe you have to fit bigger jets for the winter? *sarcastic*
Well, I've had a gutful of these carbs and I'm not going to play with jets anymore. The Amals I have won't fit without cutting a chunk out of the side of the fuel and oil tanks, so that's not going to happen either. Oh, and the gearbox leaks oil, but frankly I don't care. It's a BSA box so probably incurable anyway.
So I have a bike that's a pig to start (1,000cc @ 9:1 need spot-on carburetion to kickstart and that's an oxymoron with mikunis) and so roller-starter is the only real option. And it won't now run without choke. Was looking forward to showing you guys a video of it running, but now looks like the end of the road for this project. Very disappointed.
Take a big step back RD. You've put so much work in and really pushed hard to get this beast this far! I can fully relate to that frustrated/angry/defeated feeling. Tho not having put anywhere near the skill and time into any of my bike projects. It's a bit too special to keep as an ornament! You'll get there fella, if not i'll assist with the sledgehammer.
*countdown* *bash* *work* *beer* *wave*
Jim's right RD, take a big step back and give yourself some time. *wink2* This looks like a brilliant project and will be well worth it in the end. *good3* There were times with a simple A10 rebuild that the lump hammer came out, occasionally I used it and paid the price *angry* *angry* *angry* *problem* *problem* *problem*(trying to get the swinging arm spindle in through the bushes - the swinging arm didn't want to fit in the frame and the spindle didn't want to go all the way through *angry* *angry* *angry* *problem* *problem* *problem* *razz* *razz* *razz*). Oh, and by the way, this was the FIRST job I attempted. *razz* *razz* *razz*
Have you tried some fresh petrol?
I have had had similar problems when a bike has sat for a while
Other times the petrol seems fine several month later *????* *????*
Pre winter service. *sad2*
Every fluid changed, all adjusted, greased, oiled, cleaned, prodded, poked, and inspected. Carb cleaned out, jets blown through, float height checked, mag and dynamo bits cleaned of dust
Hate doing it as much as I look forward to doing the pre summer service for obvious reasons!
Next is my winter wear.... I need to find my combinations which might need a quick rinse after being worn all last winter. After that it's soddin' waterproofing everything.
What a faff!
John - been caught by modern petrol going off in short order before. Learnt my lesson a few years ago when I spent half a day with my son trying to start the B31. Kicked it to death, pushed it for ages - nothing. Started 1st time with fresh petrol.
Petrol in this bike is under a month since bought from filling station so shoukd be OK. Normally the result of stale petrol is starting, but this will start and run - but only whilst the chokes are on. Runs all throttle openings but with choke off it chucks it at any opening. And apart from cleaning one float needle valve (again) nothing has been changed since it last ran - without the choke. Haven't touched the rear carb at all - if the front carb was at fault, at least it'd run on one cyl.
I've been pushing hard to get this finished and registered but, as others say, I need now to take a break. When you've run out of ideas, there's no point in continuing. Normally in a situation like this I'd call in a mate as a second pair of eyes / opinion often does the trick. Unfortunately, at my age virtually all of the candidates have either passed away, retired to another country or are physically not up to it. Added to that, when I was in business I was the 'go to' guy when others had run out of ideas. I even used to get main dealers sending me customers' cars they couldn't fix themselves. But who does the 'go to' guy go to when he's stuck? This forum, I guess.
I haven't done much with my bike this year. Today I had the idea to just go for a pootle. The weather was not too bad so put my bike riding gear on and got the old girl out of the shed. After a generous tickle of the wossname and a heavy right foot she fired up first kick. I checked the oil flow and this time remembered to put the cap back on. I rode around Warwickshire and the Cotteswolds for a couple of hours. I didn't go over 60mph. The countryside is lovely at this time of year. The leaves are turning golden. The back roads were quiet. The villages were beautiful.
A great ride out before winter comes.
I haven't done much with my bike this year. Today I had the idea to just go for a pootle. The weather was not too bad so put my bike riding gear on and got the old girl out of the shed. After a generous tickle of the wossname and a heavy right foot she fired up first kick. I checked the oil flow and this time remembered to put the cap back on. I rode around Warwickshire and the Cotteswolds for a couple of hours. I didn't go over 60mph. The countryside is lovely at this time of year. The leaves are turning golden. The back roads were quiet. The villages were beautiful.
A great ride out before winter comes.
And secure your shoes firmly? *smile*
I haven't done much with my bike this year. Today I had the idea to just go for a pootle. The weather was not too bad so put my bike riding gear on and got the old girl out of the shed. After a generous tickle of the wossname and a heavy right foot she fired up first kick. I checked the oil flow and this time remembered to put the cap back on. I rode around Warwickshire and the Cotteswolds for a couple of hours. I didn't go over 60mph. The countryside is lovely at this time of year. The leaves are turning golden. The back roads were quiet. The villages were beautiful.
A great ride out before winter comes.
And secure your shoes firmly? *smile*
No shoes were lost during the making of this pootle!
Last job for me for the winter service was clean the sump filter.......
Squashed little pieces of alloy/aluminium! *sad2*
Couldn't find any anywhere else in the oil system, and the only thing I could think of was the fancy alloy pushrods being the same material.
Sure enough, one of them at the follower end (exhaust) was an odd shape, and the hole that goes through it had sharp edges.
These are only about 15,000 miles old, so I'm guessing something has dropped down the tunnel and sat in the follower cup and started chomping away.
I am also guessing the bits got squashed by going around the cam.
It all keeps S.R.M. (my go to people) going I suppose!
Last job for me for the winter service was clean the sump filter.......
Squashed little pieces of alloy/aluminium! *sad2*
Couldn't find any anywhere else in the oil system, and the only thing I could think of was the fancy alloy pushrods being the same material.
Sure enough, one of them at the follower end (exhaust) was an odd shape, and the hole that goes through it had sharp edges.
These are only about 15,000 miles old, so I'm guessing something has dropped down the tunnel and sat in the follower cup and started chomping away.
I am also guessing the bits got squashed by going around the cam.
It all keeps S.R.M. (my go to people) going I suppose!
There was a batch of alloy push rods around that had the wrong radius tips, so they could get jammed in the rocker and cause large clearances and even pop out and generally cause mayhem, maybe you had some of that batch?
OOooo Eeek! I've got those sexy 'racer' alloy pushrods... I'd better check me tappets! ;)
... fancy alloy pushrod...
... one of them at the follower end (exhaust) was an odd shape, and the hole that goes through it had sharp edges.
It all keeps S.R.M. (my go to people) going I suppose!
Soon after the rebuild I had one of my replacement alloy pushrods break. I bought a steel set from SRM.
Were they the black ones with a hole through them from S.R.M. GB?
I've had no luck with any of the newer 'improved' pushrods, the set before this were fatter and rubbed on the rocker box left exhaust opening
That was due to a bad casting that was cured in minutes with a dremel, but it had left a witness mark on the pushrod.
The originals are going back in even though I will lose a few thousands of a second on every journey I make! *smile*
Were they the black ones with a hole through them from S.R.M. GB?
Yus. They may have a black coating but judging by the price I think they are made of titanium.
Two boxfulls of brand new parts that don't fit or are wrong have been stored in the loft.
finally welded a lever-arm (?) to my b33 centre stand. this involved moving the clamp-on side stand rearwards to accommodate the raised lever, and that involved extending the homemade bracket that goes between the side stand and the rear of the engine plates to stop it rotating (barely visible in the pic). As per another posting, i couldn't get the centre stand removed so welded and painted it on the bike (with suitable protection of course!).
not an artwork, but much easier on the back!
My son came around earlier this week and we took three of my bikes for a ride. That gave me some enthusiasm to attack the project again, so first job was off with the gearbox to cure some oil leaks. Despite all new gaskets and fibre washers during its rebuild, it leaked everywhere. It’s a plunger box bolted to the engine, but is easy to get out because my inner primary is not part of the crankcase. Why did BSA make it part of theirs?
So replaced fibre washers with copper and attacked the camplate spindle. Why it only has a sixteenth wide seat to seal to the case can only be explained by BSA, but is a very poor piece of engineering. Not even enough meat to countersink for an O ring, so I cut a new gasket and used lashings of Hylomar. The oil leak from the mainshaft will continue as they always do.
Refitted the box and then tore off the Mikunis. I really couldn’t face wasting any more time and money on them. Apparently Amal designed them but found whilst they were a good two stroke carb, they were a heap of trouble on four strokes and so sold the design to Japan. Wish I had known that before I bought them.
And so I started fitting the new Amals. I didn’t want to make a cutaway in the side of the petrol tank for the front carb as it would look bad and require a lot of refinishing, but happily I found I could get clearance by machining the carb body. That done, it was a case of modifying the mickey mouse threads Amal use to a more standard M6.
Overall, I am disappointed with the Amal finish. Mikunis appear to be cast from aluminium, are well engineered and have a chrome plated brass slide, whereas the Amals appear to be zinc and their throttle slides are so sloppy I reckon they will rattle at tickover. They really need sleeving – and they are new! But hopefully at least they will be easier to jet than the Miks, where changing one jet affects all the others, meaning every jet change puts you back to square one.
Tomorrow I intend sorting out the rear carb and redesigning the choke cables. And fixing the brake light on the A10 if time permits.
after searching for parts and pictures and diagrams to compare them to the yonda cb750f I bought I still couldn't pin point the year of manufacture which wasn't any where to be found by using the frame number. after extensive question asking a member of the yonda club explained to me why I couldn't find the proper information in books and web sites. all the frame numbers started way higher than mine. the yonda people had the Japanese only market frame and engine numbers, so the result is the yonda is a Japanese domestic market 1979 cb750FZ the 319th off the production line of 9000 and registered in England in1982. finding this out has served good purpose because I was getting very confused regarding the make up of this bike thinking someone had put a lot of different parts together. the down side is I still have to pay road tax *bash* it's good to know when ordering replacement parts though because there are some little differences between them. also today I lit the fire and got the kitchen nice and toasty , then I spray painted some parts and brought them indoors and hung them on the kitchen washing line to dry. every house should have a crank case usable oven and a drying line *yeah* and not just when SWMBO is out visiting the shops *beer* *good3*
Reassembled the K2F with a new paper drive end bearing washer and ftted it to the Star Twin. First kick produced an impressive backfire so swapped the plug leads and it started and ran like a good un. Just need a bit of time for a decent road test to be quite sure the misfire has gone.
Meanwhile, there is a leak from the tractor's new water pump. I can see where it's coming from but it's a radiator out job to get in and fix it. That'll keep me quiet for a bit. That and planting the 150 trees that arrived yesterday. There's always something to do. Not the usual workshop - that's full of leaky tractor...
G'day Fellas.
I got the HD FILTHY. 3 days and 500 miles in the rain. Next two days will be wash and polish.
Well done Musky! Haven't touched the bike for a while, but she's ready to go. Reckon I'll be back riding before long now that things have stabilised in my personal life. Still have quite a bit of fatigue, but managed to lay a new kitchen floor over this weekend and will be fitting new pads and discs to the Citigo when the rain stops (warped disc and thin pads). Starting to feel a bit more like myself now, work hard all day then relax with some beers. *smile* *beer* *beer* *beer* *yeah*
Starting to feel a bit more like myself now...
I was feeling myself this morning.
Scrubbed up Blue my T3 and then went all over it with an oily rag. Battery will come out at the end of the week when I declare SORN, though it is unlikely to come out again before then. Got another 18 months before that goes exempt.
The A10 has been under a cover in the bike port all year so I'm thinking perhaps it should go back up on the table for another wipe over. Maybe I should drain the fuel tank, could think about pulling the oil tank and flushing it, maybe get a new battery. Maybe.
I finally got around to fitting front brake switches. The first pic and first attempt is for the b33 – a tamper switch held to a small bracket. Its actuated by a foot sliver soldered to the end of the tamper switch that sits behind the brake level. But a failure to think ahead: it switches to ground so needs a relay (in the headlamp shell) to switch the brake. And I assume the tamper switch will eventually fail in the weather.
So the second attempt (second pic) for the a10 is an epoxy sealed threaded reed switch (PTC 130/30, if you were asking) on a bracket and a small magnet (found holding notes on the fridge door) epoxied to another small bracket. One limitation is i think the switch is 1/4 amp max which is fine for me running LEDs but would need a relay if running incandescent bulbs. Pic 3 shows the mounting on the underside of the lever.
Both work well. I feel safe (safer) *smiley4*
Nice one Mike. Best I've done is throw another old duvet over the bike and buy a s/h air compressor (20 quid plus a tenner for a bit of kit to go with it). Needed lots of PTFE tape but works lovely. Sorted out my spanners ready for summer fixing. Wifey is putting the tree up with my son at present. Looking forward to Spring already!! *smile* *smile* *smile*
Could not get the battery to charge on the A7SS, so went for a surreptitious short bimble.
Did feel strange after so long off the bikes!
Trusty A7SS started first kick as usual.
G'day Fellas.
Started and warmed up the two BSA's and the HD. That's it.
Had solar panel installers here all day. 6.6kw to run the shed *ex*
Well I somehow ended up righting all the wrongs with the pretty looking A10 my friend George bought; it was a total wreck mechanically but unfortunately he saw it and was smitten.
After 10 months and much money from the Bank of George, finally got it completed yesterday.
Its baptism of fire will be at Orabandon 2020 this week-end, looking forward to seeing fellow forum members Peter from Oz, and Gavin at the ride; pics will be taken!
The last challenge with this machine was after running nicely for 5 minutes it became a 325cc single; RH pot lost compression.
the inlet pushrod had dislodged; the first time I have ever had this happen.
I found that someone had fitted the inlet rockers onto the exhaust rocker spindle, and Vicky Versa.
Since sorting this out the bike is running nicely, and George has enjoyed the rides!
I really love that colour!
I really love that colour!
Me to, looks real good, will it be on the Oradandon run?
Hi Pete,
Yes, but George will struggle to keep up with you!
Hi Pete,
Yes, but George will struggle to keep up with you!
No problem, I will slow down *yeah*
I really love that colour!
British Racing Green ???
Well it's a metallic green. The rest of the bike was a disaster (i.e engine, magneto dynamo, wiring, gearbox, forks, rear shocks, seat, horn).
George has just cleaned it; he will out glam all of us (including Peter).
Well done by George!
Following Chaterlea John's suggestion of using one cam and two sets of points in the distributor (instead of the other way round) I spent today making a new base plate to achieve that. Given the project is a bugger to start (rollers are the only guaranteed way and even then I keep blowing fuses - rollers are 240v) I changed from mag to coil ignition. My first attempt (by making a 60deg cam) was only partly successful insomuch as it misfired above 4,500, so I'm hopeful the new set-up will improve matters. Just got to wire it up now. Would ideally like to use the dinky coils available on ebay, but the dual 6v / 12v on many ads confuses me. Maybe it's a feature of renewable energy, with voltage depending on wind strength? ;D
Bit more progress. Made a centre stand today - OK, it looks a little agricultural, but it didn't cost £100 or more and when fitted you can barely see it anyway. Made it slightly shorter than std, hoping that'll make it easier to get the bike up. Normally I'd be happy with just a side stand, but this was made in the hope that by the bike not leaning to the left when parked, oil will stop leaking from the gearbox. *whistle* They also help stabilize a bike when on a lift.
Next job will be to start making the electric starter. Was hoping to use a one-way bearing (combined sprag clutch and ballrace) on the crankshaft but unfortunately one large enough to take the torque is limited to just under 3,000rpm max. So it's a ratchet that's required. Made the drawings (design no 3) a couple of days ago. Putting it into metal is next.
Love that stand RD.
Good one RD. I'd like to be a fly on the wall of your workshop.
Nothing special about the workshop, Musky. No CNC or even DRO on my machines. All done by handwheel. Here's a tour: power hacksaw, jig borer (a type of mill), lathe, valve grinder, morticer (wood), large bandsaw (wood), circular saw (wood), compressor (large commercial), bench grinder, arc / TIG / MIG / gas welders, two-pillar car lift, bike lift, boring bar and a 15t press. Plus loads of hand tools. It's 1200sq ft but full of stuff, including a tractor & trailer, several motorbikes and two water pumps (my favourite an ex WW2 fire pump capable of 1,000gpm). The 1/3 1st floor is parts storage. I have another lathe and compressor in another shed and also have the use of cylindrical and surface grinders, pantographs (2 & 3 axes), spark eroder, slotter etc at a friend's workshop. That guy is the most gifted engineer I've ever met, though advanced in years now. In fact I paid him a call yesterday to discuss choice of material for the pawls in the ratchet device I'm about to make. He has some machineable spring steel I'll use.
See - nothing special, even a fly would find it crowded.
G'day RD.
Drool, drool, drool.
I squashed all the bikes into the corner of the shed in anticipation of the party on Sat night. Even vacuumed the floor for those that fall over and stay down (I'll probably be one)!
Jeez RD, my garage to your workshop is like political correctness to Chubby Brown. *smile* *smile* *smile*
I gonna have to get something to go with my Vice! Feeling quite chuffed actually as i note that RD doesn't have one!
::hh:: *good3* *respect* *beer*
If you guys saw the place you wouldn't drool .. only built it 6 yrs ago to replace the workshop I had but no longer needed as it was too big now I'm retired. But already it resembles a scrapyard, full of stuff everywhere. Takes me five mins to clear a foot square space on a bench to do anything. Would love a turret mill with DRO and a small lathe though - it's a struggle turning tiny items when the smallest chuck is 10" but ain't worth getting for the amount I'd use it now - and where would I put them? Have to be in the other shed but that's only got one power point and no lights. And that's full up as well - tractors, marine engines, etc. As for 'political correctness' - not me again. As my son tells people 'any politically correctness or health & safety officer would have a heart attack meeting my dad'.
Right with you RD, my kids correctly tell me that I'm outrageously politically incorrect. *eek* *eek* Would love the time and space to tinker more - absolutely love fixing stuff that actually works afterwards. Will be back in the garage looking over the beast ready for a riding window over Christmas, although sleet and 1C may put me off somewhat!
... sleet and 1C may put me off somewhat!
Salt puts me off biking on my A10 *sad2*
In my 20's I worked as a motorbike courier through a winter, covering approx 1000 miles a week. At the end of a day of collections I could hardly get off the bike. I'm pretty sure that winter has contributed to my crook leg joints. *eek*
Same as me GB, worked out of Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter for 18 months. Worst job day was in winter being sent to London twice. First trip, via Leicester, got me back to base at 4.00pm on Friday only to be sent back to south London (South Norwood) immediately. Absolutely torrential rain, Friday night traffic, got pulled by cops for undertaking (let off with the good cop, bad cop routine). Got back at 12.30 am very, very p****d off, especially as I'd missed an evening with the girlfriend. Had a few bevvies that weekend.
Winter's here. The dogs love it. An excuse for hiding in the shed and fitting the repaired magneto. Now about that road test...
Could not get the battery to charge on the A7SS, so went for a surreptitious short bimble.
Did feel strange after so long off the bikes!
Trusty A7SS started first kick as usual.
Tried to charge another bike and got the same doolally results on the 'intelligent' charger, time for an exam!
Turned out to be a dry joint making/breaking, dab of solder and all's well.
Did not need to get frozen last Sunday after all! still got me out for the first time during lockdown.
Very fine beasts all three of them, Black Sheep.
Your seat is a dead ringer for mine - right down to the identical bird droppings. Doncha love old sheds!
No snow in northern France, but cold and wet and lanes covered in thick mud as neighbours start to get cattle in for winter.
Ideal for my little LE Velocette with its efficient central heating (until a head wind proves almost more powerful than the engine!)
Ready, steady, GO! Did my bit for the charity ride "Santa's on a bike". Felt a right twit as was a completely solo ride this year due to covid. Keep trying to take the bike off the road for ESSENTIAL maintenance but always find an excuse to fire it up. Ha, if dry tomorrow then it'll be a long ride for coffee!
*bash* *good3* *beer* *doubt*
Well if you're looking for something to spend your Christmas box on Paul (of forum Tees) mailed me to say "We have just finished our website and we have a7 a10 t-shirt folk on the forum might be interested in, "
hope I'm not bending any forum rules just thought it might be of interest
Just been out for a walk with wife and dog, quite parky but might settle my guts, too much Christmas pud and Baileys whipped cream.
Defo need some dry weather leaves are everywhere and too wet to suck up at the mo.
One of my neighbour's brother's wife has just died of Covis and he has it - stay safe folks
Sorry to hear that Bill. Too right about the bad belly, we've all had it too. Don't know if it's another bug or too much rich food, or just getting old. Looking forward to Spring right now!!
last week i installed some new rings in the (+040) b33 to replace the JP ones that have been burning oil for the three years they've been in there. the new ones are out of a mazda cx3 and feature a 3 piece oil ring (pic below). they were sourced via franklin engineering in pukekohe. i had to narrow the top 2 rings height by .0015" for the right clearance and gave it a quick hone (old marks were still visible so it wasn't glazed). I've gone for the hard break in approach so after some harsh revving and spirited riding of over 200 miles I am now happy to say there's no oil loss at all *smile* *smile*.
next in line is the a10 (also on JP rings) tho i may have to widen the oil ring groove to fit a 3 piece, so not sure if this is a good idea.
Beats the hell out of me how you reduce the height of a piston ring by 0.0015 - too smart by far for me.
its more rough then smart, wortluck. just lap down one side of the ring (the top side) evenly on some fine emery paper on glass, then check and adjust for high/low spots with a micrometer. i believe this is 'bad behaviour' (and i'll be told so shortly) but better than a tight ring, and the final result measured more even than the 'original' JPs. as a b33 is only one step up from a lawnmower engine i assume it should work out. *dunno2* *dunno*
Nice one mate - that probably is within my capabilities. I was reckoning that you had some fantastic lathe that'd do the job for you. Having confidence that I won't blow something up and cost me £££££££s is what prevents me from doing too much.
By the way, good riddance to 2020 (worst year of my life apart from 1983). Hoping for a far better experience this time round.
G'day Fellas.
With about 3 weeks of rain we finally saw sunshine today. So this morning I fixed the fuel tap and primary leaks on the plunger and went for a short burst. A lap of the block (50km) and a few schooies at the pub. When I got home the Cafe looked out of sorts so with fresh fuel she had her first blast up Scenic Hill and around the same block. I now know why I keep her. I also know why I can't ride her far! Anyone know a good chiropractor?
On Saturday I thought I'd start the project ('62GF with different engine / front wheel) and check the timing. Selected 3rd gear, pushed back onto the roller starter, pressed starter switch and eased the clutch out slooowly. Nothing - blown 13A fuse on the mains-powered starter. Replaced that and tried again - and again and again... After 4 fuses I gave up. OK, so it's cold and turning over is harder, but these starters are supposed to start any bike and 13A @ 230V is around 3bhp. So I called my son and he came over on Sunday.
Same process, though with an extra pair of hands we were able to get it turning over decompressed before dumping the decompressors. Fired up straight away. Checked the ign timing and it was running fine. My son therefore tried it on the private road outside my workshop. Front wheel was pawing the air on full throttle in first - very encouraging. Even more so because my primary drive means the gearing is way too high (or low in engineering terms) - 1st gear is around where 2nd should be. Even better was when it stalled - a quick kick on the kickstarter and it was alive again. I was so amazed (given the starting issues I've struggled with on this bike) that I switched it off and tried it again. Started immediately. Things are really looking up. Wonder if it'll now start from cold on the kickstarter?
So I'm looking for a 49t rear sprocket (for FWH). There's none on ebay, not even a plain sprocket I could weld on. Anyone in UK have one they would sell?
Bored at the weekend so I pulled the front off the engine on Blue the T3 to check the timing chain and tensioner. It was fine so that was a waste of time, except it kept me busy I suppose. Undersealed the front mudguard whilst it is off. Waiting for a new gasket and oil seal now before I put it all back together.
Thought I’d add to this post as it’s not long enough!
Pulled the forks out this evening ready for overhaul. In the process of making a tool for removing the fork seal holders. Plenty of posts on here with dimensions thanks all👍🏻
Bought a fork seal holder removal tool for about £20, would guess that the materials and time to make one would be uneconomical? Having said that, the one I bought wouldn't fit inside the holder so had to grind a few mm off it.
Tell you what, as soon as the weather gets above 15C, I'm off on the bike come what may.
Bought a fork seal holder removal tool for about £20, would guess that the materials and time to make one would be uneconomical?
Not when I’ve got an unlimited supply of stainless at work, choice of four lathes three bridge ports not to mention five cnc miller’s. £20 well saved and it will fit
well I do hope you did it out of work hours and only borrowed the metal and electricuty , we can't have these methods taking off willy nilly all over places of work. company profits are the upmost important thing I will have you know, I wouldn't dare use the coal board workshops whilst working in the stores next door ;)
well I do hope you did it out of work hours and only borrowed the metal and electricuty
Of course I did Berger ( cough cough ) that’s the beauty of running two cnc millers. Once I’ve set them up running I can dabble on other machinery. I’m the go to guy if someone needs a “special” making. As for borrowing metal it’s sacrilege what go goes to the scrapper from this place. Anybody near Leicester that wants any billet shout out. 👍🏻
alex kettle I know what mean about what goes for scrap, our scrap bins were my treasure ,my 3ft long 1/8th inch wall 1/1/2 inch bore stainless tube I rescued from the scrap has had many uses over the years. to many goodies to mention. if the works I was at was still open barrel bores cylinder head work and all the good things we need to keep these bikes running would not be a problem. the turners and other engineers thought I was crackers , and they weren't wrong but they did me many jobs I couldn't tackle ps worth noting your offer in case of what might! be needed in the future *smile*
Respect guys, I'm a scavenger myself!!
I noticed I have SAGGY BAGS... *eek* Or I should say a SAGGY SADDLE BAG on the plunger which was sagging inwards towards the rear wheel.. a quick mod to the bracket & all's well again.. *smile*
So I then drained the sump, 1st kick start & took her for a blast... *woo* Life's good..
G'day Fellas.
I thought I'd fixed the primary leak on the plunger. This morning 1/4 cup of red oil in the drip pan. Bugga! Back to the drawing board.
Over the years the screw boss's have been worn by a loose clutch basket so modifications were effected. Welded up screw boss's and a modified drain by building up with weld, spot facing and now a bolt used.
Just another fix when the lump comes out for a rebuild. Looks like it's getting closer!
Shaking head I walked over and packed the HD for a w/end ride.
Been buying bits and pieces over the last 6 months. Have got a srm oil pump, Brand new carby and had the magneto reconditioned (note to self don't hold the spark plug lead and spin it to check for spark OUCH!! *countdown*) Anyway I have had the drive side engine case machined to take a oil seal and have got the barrel and crank in the machine shop to get sorted. Getting there slowly slowly.
Snow lying here. Did get finally round to fitting the carrier to the Enfield Bullet. It has only taken 4 years or so. The bike is 1998 and the year of the changeover from cycle and to metric threads and has an interesting mix of both. Two lots of spanners in the tool kit.
Pic is just in case any of our upside down cousins are feeling in need of cooling down.
G'day BS.
That looks soooo good except I couldn't ride in it.
Nothin on the BSA's but got the HD ready for a weekend ride.
Bugga, bugga, bugga. Trying to get one of those cheap Zodiac fuel caps (left) to seal I left the bike sitting upright for a few seconds. Turned my back and heard the crash. The f/r blinker took the brunt (smashed) but lucky I had stone guards on the tank. A good crack in it and not the tank. Why is it most damage is done standing sill in the shed? After 6 beers and 4 rums!
Gaffer tape to the rescue. W/end ride tomorrow, nuthin's going to stop me.
ps: Thanks Woz for the stone guards.
I think I can help ya out with the indicator & Fuel caps too when we go up North.. *wink2*
After owning the bike for 25yrs (neglected at the back of my workshop for all but the last couple) the project was at last booked in today for its inspection and registration in my name this coming Monday. Bureaucratic nightmare as is usual (lost the bill of sale etc). Hoping all goes OK now and they don't get too hung up over the engine and front wheel change. Whether they can start it or not will be another matter (I can't without rollers) but then they've never been able to start any of my bikes, not even first / second kick starters. 'Oh, that's a fuel tap, is it?' is the sort of comment one gets.
Well the cackle of a big bore two stroke will soon be heard in Perth's eastern suburbs!
PE400 is almost ready to start, now that I have made new shocks and got it on two wheels.
My BSA collection look on in envy - so little weight, so much power!
G'day Richard.
Yum Yum Yummmmm.
I had a 250 twin shock in the 90's. It was a weapon. Threw most friends off!
Hi Richard, that should be ideal for the next time we go to the old Broad Arrow cemetery on the Orabandon ride ;)
We had the most suitable bikes last year!
Have taken the A10 out for it's second blast with the hone, new rings and previously troublesome head. I felt it was too cold to be working so seemed ideal for a bike ride. I needed to let off some steam, see if the bike still works and find out how long my fingers can last. I did a trip to Tesco to justify the outing.
The bike starts and runs well. I may have eased the valve guides a little too much as there was a little smoke coming out of the right exhaust upon my return. the big bonus is they are not sticking open at least. There was no debris in the sump when checked and only one of the tappets needed adjusting prior to departure. All in all am still content and just need lockdown to end and the weather to not say "feels like minus 7"
*woo* *doubt* *beer* *good3*
Today? Absolutely nothing. To damned cold to venture into the workshop and certainly too cold to ride a bike. Not a teenager anymore, and as most of my bikes are 6v (two 0v, one 12v) that's not enough to plug in my electric blanket.
Not so much with the bike - that's ready to go. I donned thick coat, fleece, hat and thermal undies and went to the garage to build a metal bench from some scrounged 4"x4" galvanised conduit which had been sitting around on my neighbour's shed for the last 5 years. I wanted a tough bench which I could keep outside and wouldn't rust, which this hasn't for the five years it's been outside. Bolted the top together using old shed bolts from my late dad's extensive collection. Legs went on yesterday. Just need to finish off with edging, grind the legs down to spot on length, brace the legs as there's a fair bit of flex at the moment, work out a retractable wheel system and a pulling handle and the job'll be a good 'un. Total cost £4.99 for 100 rivets. *smile*
Swapped some bikes around so I could get my Hardley into the garage and up on to the table. Got the back end all pulled down for some remodelling. First time that's all been apart since it left the factory in '88.
Lightweight rubber mechanics gloves take some of the sting out of handling ice cold tools.
Both bikes the A65 and the A7 have stood in the garage now since back end of November so decided to start them up the A7 had to drain the sump as it wet sumps, can only go three weeks without draining the sump but it stated first kick and hasd an even tickover. The A65 does not wet sump at all, it took 3 kicks before it started but this is not unusual as being an early model 1963 the carb is hidden behind the side panels and to tickle it there is an extended lever attached to the tickler but you cannot see if the carb has flooded so I time it holding the tickler down for about 10 seconds then try kick starting some times it starts straight away but if after a couple of kicks if it does not fire up I hold the tickler down for another 2or 3 seconds then normally startswhich it did this time and it also ticked over nice and evenly. I was a bit surprised at the even tick over of the A65 as in previous years with the fuel in the tank having stood for at least 3 months it normaly starts OK but will not tick over evenly you have to keep your hand on the throttle to keep it running. This never happens with the A7 however the old fuel does not affect it, so what I do is come the spring I take most of the fuel out of the A65 and put it in the A7 then when I take the car for fuel I take a can and get a gallon of fresh fuel for the A65 then with fresh fuel it will tick oveer evenly.
And by the way, my XLH is dry sump and I had occasionally thought - so why doesn't it wet sump? Well this time I reckon it has stood unused for nearly two years and it has. And I've drained the petrol tank as I have to do some work on it, but I won't be pouring it back in.
Yesterday an old mate who loves Bultacos called round. Had a couple of crankshafts and a cyl head in his hands, so no work on my bikes then. The Bultaco crankshafts have pressed-in parallel crank pins and the cranks weren't running true. First up was .012" out and a real bugger to set right. Don't think I've ever had to use so much violence with a 2lb copper hammer (I always correct the rotational errors first, before springing the flywheels closer or further apart to finish off). Took a good hour. That crank hadn't had a new big end, but was serviceable. 2nd crank had just had a new big end installed by a well-known motorcycle organisation in southern UK and was better at .005" out. That one was much easier - only took about 15mins (I aim for less than .002" runout) How anyone does pressed-up multi-cylinder cranks I've no idea. Seems to me aligning 2nd or subsequent crank throws would probably upset the previous ones. Happy to leave that to someone else!
Lastly, removing broken exhaust studs from John's cylinder head. He wanted to drill - I prefer heat. Trouble is, plenty heat is required, but how close is one to melting the alloy? I succeeded, but could just detect some sharp edges losing definition. Must get some of that heat tell-tale paint.
Got a Covid jag appointment for tomorrow - perfect excuse for first ride of the year. Checked over the A7, started it, switched off the petrol and ran it until it stopped. Did the same with the A10, just to be on the safe side.
Ran the wife down in the car for her jag this morning and the staff very helpfully gave me mine too. So no first bike ride... *sad2*
Just came thru the molesworth road - about 100 miles unsealed thru a high country station. The only other bikes heading that way we're adventures. Pics show Rob on his lightning and my mighty b33, tank now held on with bungies after a few bolts liberated. Believe it or not, the rims are black.
We're heading north after the christchurch bsa rally. Whole run about 2200km. One bike sadly on a trailer. Our motto is 'other people have holidays, we have adventures'
Ah you made it, we chose the Inland Rd to get back from chch, where we found some pubs 😁
Made some progress on the project's starter today after spending a couple or so weeks sketching and re-sketching the gearbox to accomodate availability of bevel gears / space available etc. (the drive has to turn through 90* before finishing in a 1:3 reduction sprocket & chain onto the crankshaft). Not helping is my inability to successfully weld aluminium, meaning delays as I wait for a mate of mine to do the next bit. He used to run a stainless and alloy fabrication shop, so the wait is tolerable given his welds are a work of art.
Started a few days ago with 4mm plywood mock-up to ensure it would all fit. I picked up the first weld job on Friday, where Russ welded the base to the support bracket. Today I made the rest of the bits (6mm alloy) and dropped them off to him ready for phase two of the welding.
Photos are 1) sketch, 2) wood mock up, 3) trial fit and 4) the modified Firestorm starter motor. Note redesigned mounting at front and removal of original rear mounting, which would have stuck into the toolbox if left on.
This is what Richard (Orabanda) and his better half, did with his bike today on his A10 SR. This is him setting off on the 2ed leg of the IHC Bunbury 2 Day Rally, the last of 200 bikes to leave. He won the overall winner trophy.
How long have I pondered and planned for the day when I could get the top end mounted on my A7 bottom end? To learn this I had to research when I bought the new gudgeon-pin circlips I meant to install yesterday. Turns out, I bought them in September of 2018. Obviously, the melting glacier finally exposed them. So, with some level of long-awaited anticipation, I went to install them, only to learn that I had ordered (or was erroneously shipped?) A10 circlips, which are a bit bigger. Oh, boy, now I get to wait for a shipment before crossing this milestone.
Richard L.
Oh, boy, now I get to wait for a shipment before crossing this milestone.
If it wasn't for those pesky kids...
Richard. Prepare something to cover the crankcase mouth if the pistons and crankcase are all assembled. Circlips are devious little S.O.B's, all too easy for them to flick off onto the abyss. 10 minute job that take 3 hours. Half a minute to lose it, 2 hours 59 min to find the pesky blighter. Half minute to curse. As for the size, that mistake has been made more times than you think.
Still in lockdown, no non-essential travel. However, posting a letter has to be essential so out with the A10 for first ride of the year. Perfect summer's day in March, warm, dry roads. still some snow on the hilltops (this is Scotland after all). A first kick start then 40 mins of bliss on lovely minor roads. I even remembered to post the letter.
Jab day today. My first ride out since November when I had a couple of emergency dental appointments to deal with a crumbly tooth.
Only a few miles there and back, but how splendid it all was. took my Guzzi V50 out - fired right up on the button despite sitting all that time and with some pretty stale fuel in the tank. As I was on a roll, and as I had a parcel to deliver across town, once I got back I strapped that to the back of the SP(370) and headed out on that. Fired up after just 3 or 4 kicks so all good.
All tucked away again now, and hoping we should be allowed out here soon. Let the good times roll.
Jab day today. My first ride out since November when I had a couple of emergency dental appointments to deal with a crumbly tooth.
Only a few miles there and back, but how splendid it all was. took my Guzzi V50 out - fired right up on the button despite sitting all that time and with some pretty stale fuel in the tank. As I was on a roll, and as I had a parcel to deliver across town, once I got back I strapped that to the back of the SP(370) and headed out on that. Fired up after just 3 or 4 kicks so all good.
All tucked away again now, and hoping we should be allowed out here soon. Let the good times roll.
Yes, I'm getting an itchy kick-starting foot as well
Removed the A7 front wheel for the shoes to go off for relining, then shortened the speedo cable outer on the Red Hunter (speedo in tank model) as the inner had a habit of disconnecting itself.
Thinking that this could be the day for a few more "five minute jobs" I then sorted the headlamp on the Red Hunter (loose earth bullet), remade the petrol tank cap cork washer then gave the whole bike a nut and bolt tightness check and a good clean.
Still a bit of daylight so tickle the carb, and away she went on the second kick. No leaks and she's still charging too.
Very satisfying when everything goes to plan.
Tomorrow the Panther. *smile*
Pair of genuine Western bars (42-4968) turned up in the post. Might try and get them fitted at the weekend - replace the (Tr--ph) export bars that are currently on there.
G'day Fellas.
Well you think the A7/10 rocker box is a bugga.
Had a small weep out of the HD's rear rocker box. Their 3 pieces with 3 gaskets *eek*
Put bike on the lifter with rear wheel off the ground. Remove spark plugs and select gear to turn motor over to tdc on that cylinder.
Back rest off, seat off, dash off, drain fuel tanks, both tanks off. Then it's 4 x 1/4" allen heads to remove the lid and middle cover, then 4 x 5/16" and 5 x 1/4" bolts to lift the bottom plate with rocker shafts attached and remove the push rods.
Then an hour removing the stuck on remnants of the gaskets and wash parts. Then reverse above to get it all back together.
Two nights after work from 6pm to 11pm (with a short dinner break). She started first hit of the button. On one cylinder, BUGGA. Went to bed.
Next morning before work started the strip down again. Got as far as the dash off, went other side to remove the fuel hose and found the problem. I must have bumped one of the spark plug leads out of the coil. Bugga bugga poo bum shite. All back together and rode to work the very long way.
ps: pic is of both, I only had to do one.
Well you think the A7/10 rocker box is a bugga. ... theHD's rear rocker box. Their 3 pieces with 3 gaskets *eek*
Is that to get them to fit in restricted space against the frame top tube?
Got the western bars fitted OK. Found the throttle cable very frayed at the twistgrip end so put a new inner in that (note to self - check this each service going forwards). Meant I had to pull the carb off, and then found on remounting that with much tightening at all the body distorts enough that the slide won't drop reliably under the pressure of the spring. It's a concentric that was new when the bike went back on the road, and the nuts are really not very tight at all - rather disheartening really.
Clutch cable is fractionally too short, just gets a little tight on full lock one side. Might make a new one over the coming weekend. Oil tank got a good clean out a month or two back so with lockdown easing just a fraction here I might be able to try a start up and a short ride out.
Seems I've managed to post a pic, these are the previous - export bars.
G'day Butch.
Sort of yes, not much room with the rear rocker covers. Having to put two of the bolts in the lower cover before placing it on the head don't help. But in reality the job itself isn't too bad. It's all the other stuff, the two fuel tanks are the worst if you don't want fuel everywhere.
Fettled the A10SR and met two friends for a 25 mile 'Cornish Motorway' potter to a cafe for a take-away buttie.
First group run for me for over eighteen months due to covid and the hip replacement. Brilliant weather and daffodils a glorious plenty!
Great to be back in the sadlle at the front of a group ride.
SORNed my Guzzi V50 yesterday all ready to register as Historic.
Took my Sporty down for MOT this morning. It's been off the road for two years and with lockdown boredom I've done some paint and lowered the rear end. I could hear something rubbing from the rear all the way down to the test station. Sounded like a high point on the tyre (?). B-l-x. Fessed up to Steve the tester, so I'll see what he makes of it. Either ways it will be going straight back up on the table.
G'day Fellas.
Last night was getting the HD ready for a 3 day memorial ride. Day 1 Lithgow to Gulgong Day 2 Gulgong to Cowra Day 3 Cowra to home (1200km)
Pressed the noise button and nothing. Bugga!. Spent the next two hours tracing and wriggling wires. Still not sure where the problem is. Hot wired it and she started. Warmed her up and she stopped and started on the button ten or more times. Hope she behaves but have packed the hot wire just in case.
Next week the 51 plunger's motor rebuild starts.
I took the '57 out for a good 50 something Km shake down run after replacing the head after a valve stem seal Modification, ( Thanks to Musky ) she's purrrring like a kitten & not a drip of oil to be found anywhere... *smile* I got pulled over by the cops for not having the headlight on or indicators.. fortunately he realised I didn't need them being a Classic & let me go on my way.. I even had my club membership book filled out correctly so for the 1st time in ages I was riding completely legal which he didn't even bother to check.. *eek* *smile*
"I was riding completely legal", yeah and I'm Santa Claus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*doubt* well close enough.. *lol*
A few years ago, I wont give the location just in case, I was out for a ride on my 1955 B33 and stopped at a cafe in a small town. While parked there about a dozen coppers on bikes turned up, they had been in the area doing a traffic "blitz" and had stayed there overnight and had come to the cafe for breakfast., Anyway they all looked at my bike and commented on how great it was to see an old bike being ridden and stories of how their fathers had ridden BSA's etc etc. After looking at the bike I started it and rode away breathing a sigh of relief, the bike was not registered !
Not today, but last Saturday I was searching for what had become of my magneto long bolt. It has to be somewhere, but, after a pretty thorough search, it hasn't turned it up. One thing about searching for a part is how clean the workbench gets. So, what should turn up in the middle of my workbench, instead, is one 67-331, "Exhaust Tappet Locating Pin." Oh god no! I just finished torqueing down the A7 cylinder head and now I find this!? No choice but to lift the barrels and see if I left it out. Struggle, struggle, struggle and the barrels are up to expose the locating pin in place. Turns out it was from my spare set of barrels put high up on a shelf for storage at least three years ago. Why would this part-from-hell show up after that much time, and several bench cleanings, just to torture me?
Richard L.
been working on the yonda for a few days. for those who have worked on the 4 cylinders they will know what a pita getting the carbs on is. I coupled up the three cables and got the carbs on yesterday with the help of a hair dryer on the inlet mounts. I got the air box coupled up and then called it a day with very sore fingers. Having replaced the air box rubbers for pattern parts I found that when I put the securing bolt in through the frame it was pulling off both of the outside carb rubbers so I tried again and again altering the positions of the rubbers to get it right. nothing worked and I ended up opening up the frame to air box securing bolt hole and got them fitted perfectly... today I realised I hadn't got the engine breather pipes on so I threaded the left hand side one up between two of the carbs, all going to plan. then I realised I had put a bolt in the right hand side breather outlet in the engine crank case to stop stuff going in it and i didn't have enough room under the air box to get it out *pull hair out* oh dear off with the carbs and maneuver the air box and just managed to get the bolt out of the steel tube. 2 hours later all carbs and air box back in with even sorer fingers *bash* THEN realised I hadn't put the side cover on the air box that is fixed on the right hand side to make it look pretty and two of the three screw holes are hidden away and near on impossible to get the screws in!! *problem* I eventually managed it with a one inch screw driver bit between finger and thumb and finger and finger feeling for the holes while blaspheming loudly!! 30 minutes later I had them in and managed to nip them up with a spanner slotted on to the short screw driver bit. thankyou for listening -- when are the pubs opening because drinking black& tans is about all I am good for at this rate.... anyway forks , wheels and other bits to do yet so I am sure I will be having more fun *beer* *beer* *roll*
Today finally finished the special's primary cover modifications. Has taken as long as creating the starter gearbox: not only did it need a cover for starter chain from gearbox to crankshaft but the front bulge was too small to accommodate the sprocket with chain. Anyway, done at last. Just waiting now for delivery of a gear for the gearbox to arrive. Could have made it myself in a day, but couldn't face the aggro involved.
Looking good *smile*
I gave one of those garden tractor alternators to a friend who "dressed it up" and fitted it to his custom Guzzi single. Photos of the bike here,
The bike is now in the Haas Museum in Texas
If you've made that cover have you sorted out the starter?
Took my now MOT'd XLH1200 down to visit my dear old Mum on Saturday. Ordered some new tyres for it. Two MOTs, two years and 2 miles apart with an advisory for low tread on the rear.
Made up a longer clutch cable for the A10 to go with the Western bars. Fired up OK ... first start in a long time. Had all sorts of problems with the carb and the needle seating - all mostly of my own making. Too used to Dellortos I guess. Ammeter showing no charge. Tried flashing the dynamo. Tested dynamo output. Nothing. Figure I'll leave it for now, maybe it will be self healing. It has a new battery and an LED brake light so can run total loss as required.
Pulled Zed the Rexxer and Blue the T3 out from the carport. Fitted batteries and ran them up. All good. They go for MOT on Thursday.
Took the covers off Brown the Kawa H1 and measured up for a new battery. Ordered one.
Neil - starter gearbox needs a driven gear to mesh with the starter motor before I can progress that. It's the only hold-up now, which was why I contemplated making one. Would've only taken a couple of hours - but three times that to make the cutter to produce the gear.
After months of dry building on my GF taking everything on and off four or five times I finally got my tinwear to the painters.
What a relief.
I wonder if I missed anything?
Bought a half share in a really horrible looking Jawa 350 combo. Need to sort out collecting it from Scunthorpe - back to mid-Essex. Nice long ride down the A1?
Finally got the new bushes pressed into my swingarm after having it powder coated. Used a threaded rod, two nuts, and stacks of washers. Started with a 1/4" rod but the bushes just laughed at it. A 1/2" rod and lots of effort got the bushes most of the way in before the threads gave up. Picked up a 3/4" rod on the way home from work today. With a big pipe wrench and a three foot cheater bar it was relatively easy to finish up. Could have saved myself a lot of work if I had just started with the bigger rod. Now let's see what surprises await when I try to put the spindle through the new bushes.
Changed the B31's oil. Had to lie down to cope with the excitement.
MOTs for the T3 - Blue, and Zed - the Rexxer today.
now I know I've lost it!! the yonda is slowly going back together. after scratching the head on and off for a few days wondering where I have put the right hand back wheel spacer I got another one and still had a big gap between swinging arm and back wheel. a few days later I realised the brake caliper bracket fills the gap *doh* back wheel now in and onto the front. put forks in and offered up the wheel, oh dear another gap that shouldn't be there. I walked away and went back to it a few times and still couldn't understand it so fitted the two part back mudguard with the help of the hair dryer because you have to bend the blasted thing round the frame tubes *work*. by half past 6 it was blooming cold and I decided to take another look at the front wheel but no fairy's had been to sort it out *help*. I wondered if I had misplaced another spacer but all was good in that department. then I unscrewed the sleeve nut on the right hand side and bingo!! it had a relief bored into it so as to let it travel further onto the spindle, pillock me had put it on the spindle when I stripped it down the wrong way round!! *pull hair out* *bash* I now have another head scratcher because the throttle cables , yes two of them have dropped out of the twist grip and I don't know which goes in which slot *cry* oh well some more blind faffing to be done and what would I be doing anyway---- pubs are still shut! thankyou for listening have a nice day and don't be *sad*
Today, as I squeezed past my bike to get some rag for another job I pressed the horn button and the horn weakly responded. So the old girl hasn't died of neglect yet.
Well, given some time to mess today, I started by welding the side stand bracket back onto the frame of the plunger, whoever had fitted this (aftermarket I think) had failed to get any penetration and the welded blob fell off and the bracket slips whenever any weight is put on the stand.
Then received a package of bits from Priory Magnetos, (only ordered a day ago) so removed the old main roller bearing and commenced battle in the form of countless dismantlings and reassemblings to sort the end float, gave up for an hour after developing massive headache.
Went back to it after a pint of Doom Bar, honed the cylinders while I psyched myself up for another session with the bearing... Last attempt for the day... 1.575 thousandths, that'll do!
Now to take it apart again tomorrow when I put the new big end shells in and stick the rods on the crank.
What's the betting the end float will be way out again after I've put it back together.
Not a bad day
today I managed to get out of reverse on the yonda *clap*. I got into neutral and went on a hunt for missing dust rubbers for the brake callipers that some how had ended up in a different garage to the one the bike is in *conf2* then the exciting bit commenced----[ you must know the saying that is fashion at the moment EXCITING TIMES AHEAD! b-- locks ] as I got into first gear and things all went to plan very easily and all 3 callipers are back on. front wheel fitting was a doddle after rectifying my sleeve nut mistake *bash* the yonda is looking more like a bike instead of many parts spread about in the kitchen , shed and garage *yeah* note to self - shut the garage door it keeps the cold wind out *bright idea*
Finally got out and about yesterday - green laning with a couple of pals. I was on the SP370 for that.
Pulled all of the spares out of the sidecar of the Jawa outfit I've just bought a half share in. Looks like there is the whole of another 350 engine, albeit in bits. Might try and put this together to go in my old James Commodore.
This morning I pulled Brown the Kawa H1 out from under wraps, and after fitting a new battery and a degree of fooling with new fuel lines (the bike hasn't been run for at least a couple of years) things eventually lit up, albeit in a very smoky manner. Managed a quick run around the block.
This evening I pulled both of the wheels off Hardley the XLH1200. Time for new tyres.
got the back brake bled on the yonda with the help of the girlfriend then found out there was no ignition or lights or anything *pull hair out*before I started tarting it up everything worked *conf2* so out with the magic meter and found the earth strap that is fastened between an engine mount and the engine had decided to fail, it was fine before and hasn't been disturbed *problem* well I am not messing with that now everything is built up because it's a pain to get at. another earth now fitted and I have all systems go again. I am really gladder than Mc glad it was so easy to sort and not something else *good3*
Fitted new Mitas tyres to replace Avons on my Super Rocket, now what to do with the old tyres, council tip will not take them.
! Certainly an issue when sourcing tyres on line.
Also tried the emery trick on front hub and treated the old girl to a new SRM heart, pity its now hidden.
Been putting loads of miles on and been trying to ignore the new rattle. Today was a play day so able to visit foreign (Wales) roads. Forced myself to have a casual glance at the bike with longer running and higher miles beckoning. There it was, easily fixed and ready for summer. Bike starts and runs well, especially with empty roads and an open throttle. It's a good job no seasoned ears are allowed to listen to it tho, am getting used to the ball bearing in a tin can sound and i can always use a bit more silicon in the ears. Hope to see some of yous lot out and about this Summer before it goes bang.
New tank arrived today, so put it on - no problem fitting and both tap threads were good..
New primary chain and a primary chaincase re-seal for the incontinent primary on the Panther. Good old red ATF, you can see which particular part of the power unit is leaking.. ;)
ELECTRICKERY had got it infamy *problem* put the back light unit on and plugged in the block connecter and everything worked apart from the left indicator, so off with it all and onto the bench with a battery and tested it. everything worked *conf2* back onto the bike and no left indicator, got meter on it and got continuity on all the wires so plugged it in again and no left indicator *bash* off with it all and back on the bench -- haha no left indicator and the earth wire was suspect as it was just wrapped around a fixing on the bulb holder. out with the soldering iron and sorted. another bench test and it all worked. back on the bike NO LEFT INDICATOR!!! *problem* *bash* back on the bench and continuity and all working so went in for well earned cuppa and sandwich. back to bench and tested again NO LEFT INDICATOR! *pull hair out* >:D at this point I was thinking about throwing the towel in but had a *bright idea* I bridged the newly soldered earth wire and guess what??? yes it worked. all this time messing and there was a break in the 6inch length of earth wire that didn't have any signs of damage at all. it's a good job i'm not a sparky I would not be admitting to spending 4 hours on this little problem :o *doh*
while writing that post Microsoft decided to invade my computer with its UPGRADE update thing and I lost it so had to do it again and forgot to mention when everything was fixed up on the bike everything worked --- for 1 minute *eek* the back left indicator was ok but the front one which hadn't given me any problems decided to pack up. you guessed it bad earth on that one as well so now sorted. I think i'm ready for a gallon of black&tans *beer* thankyou for listening have a nice day.
On my W10 box, I see a new button when I'm going for the power off button; says something like 'update then power down' .
Neil thats microsoft telling you to buy a modern and ride it in the slow lane. they've been watching you ride that a10 and big bill is not happy.
on topic - i got the b33 tank back with the mount repaired, so i'm only one weekend and one courier delivery away from having one working bsa again
greybeard I have had to be talked through a program of system restore to get some of my stuff back that wouldn't work after Microsoft so rudely interrupted this steam age machine yesterday
greybeard I have had to be talked through a program of system restore to get some of my stuff back that wouldn't work after Microsoft so rudely interrupted this steam age machine yesterday
Such fun! 😕
fed up!!!! started to bleed the front brakes on the yonda and the master cylinder is leaking on the reservoir , replacement on order from david silver spares.---- double fed up!!!!! started to try and ease the throttle cable adjusters on the twist grip switch gear holder and the knurled locking rings disintegrated into ally oxide powder *bash* new cables on order which means carbs off AGAIN [we know about that don't we musky ] .. triple fed up!!!!!! thought I had a gallon of engine oil for it but it turns out to be thickish stuff I use in the lawn mower and I had put in a 10 -40 container.----- what have I completed on the yonda today?? scrounged some ATF for the front forks and put it in the forks. not tried them out yet the yonda is hanging from the roof on a lorry strap. I might end up trying the strap on myself *pull hair out*
Presumably the petrol is stale so you can't set fire to it either?
I know what you mean berger. Had the rHonda carbs off again last night. #4 doesn't want to play, good spark, comp at 195 lbs (other 3 at 200 lbs). Cleaned out the pilot circuit three times now *pull hair out*. Can't seem to get a good colour with the colortune on any of them but #4 is worse. Ordering new pilot jets one size smaller. She's been running fine with a stage 1 dynojet kit for years. CV carbs shouldn't be affected by altitude coming from sea level to 3000ft.
New jets arrived for the PWK carbs on the Cafe. Will wait till the rHonda is right to attack them. Then it's rebuild time for the 51 A7. Better get that heater for the shed.
Looks like the HD gets another outing this w/end.
haha RDfella the tank is off and strap is on under the frame tubes, and that reminds me it needs a damn good clean out, nearly forgot about that job!
Berger / Muskie
Reminded me of this
With the weather gods smiling and the bike running well it felt like time to exit the city and head for the coast. Feeling particularly kindly i allowed the better half to follow on the BMW. This also provides back up if something unfortunate occurs. Had a really grand day out to Weston via Clevedon. So many others had the same idea i was glad to be on a bike and filter/overtake rather than being stuck in a tin can. All went well and i was just resting in the 2nd photo and happened to admire the sheer volume of oil abandoning ship.
jim come clean I think you just needed some kip
They say that this is his best angle. All we know is, he's known as the BigJim
today a friend came to see me who I have known since I was about 5 years old and he sold me the bike in 1978. he wanted to hear her running so I checked she hadn't filled the crank case with oil after being stood for 5 months and all was good in that department. I had a few kicks and she tried to start but straight 50 oil doesn't help in a cold garage. then he wanted to try and I had left the side stand down and didn't notice when he had an almighty jump on the kicker - lost balance and let the full weight of him and the bike break the lug on the side stand. I did get her started after a few more kicks but now need a part I didn't need. hence the post in wanted for sale *bash*
'Swhat friends are for bergs!
I did similar to a mate's Vincent Rapide a few years ago . . . said he couldn't turn it over, asked if I'd give it a go 'cos I'm big. I did. And in one smooth lunge snapped the starter quadrant and a whole load of associated bits, all hellish expensive , 'cos the thing had actually seized and wasn't going to go no matter who prodded it!
We stayed mates . . .
Finally sorted the dripping petrol tap on the B31. Bought a new tap. One end wrong thread. My mistake. Bought another tap. Drained tank. Fitted tap. Refilled tank. Could I get it to stop leaking. Not a chance. Another £12 wasted. Dug around in my fuel system odds and ends. Found a tap. Drained tank. Fitted it. Refilled tank and no leaks. However, it sticks out at an awkward angle. Stripped the original tap and reseated the taper. Drained tank. Fitted it. Refilled tank - no leaks. Why didn't I do that in the first place? *red*
Good weekend here weather wise.
Got the wheels with the fancy new tyres back into Hardley the XLH. I guess they'll need scrubbing for a few miles now.
Scrubbed up the SP after last week's off roading foray.
Cleaned up Brown the Kawa H1. Took that out Sunday, down to the garage where we keep Jaws the Jawa outfit. Handed Brown over to my pal and jumped on Jaws and headed over to an informal Guzzi Club branch meeting. Had some fun with Brown when I swapped back for the ride home.
... now need a part I didn't need. hence the post in wanted for sale *bash*
Bergeration surely?
yippee! *yeah* today i got toys for the yonda and the berger build, two pairs of rear shocks and a new front brake master cylinder for the yonda…[ question coming at the end ] The good news is my magic welding geezer has mended the kicker lug so today I did some gardening! after the gardening I fitted it on and then did some more gardening. The question is what is the best brake fluid resistant sealer because if I can stop the reservoir leaking on the old master cylinder where the plastic bit pushes in onto an 0 ring I would like to use that one . it is a 4 screw lid with the Japanese writing and I like it, the new one is only 2 screw lid or I would just put the lid on it. I have tried hylomar but found it failed.
Lovely day so took a few hours off. The Enfield hadn't been out since its MoT last June so went for a wander around Southern Scotland. Actually overtook 2 trucks and 2 cars, though one car did pull in to let me past. Took in Dalveen Pass, Loch Doon and the Mennock Pass. Quite a few bikes out.
well --weld of lug didn't work, bike snapped it again, are these side stand lugs made of cast steel, the half lug that the stand pivots on.
I have a1962 A65 and a 1956 A7 took the A65 out yesterday for a quick run around local country roads did 29 miles took the A7 out today did exactly the same run as I did yesterday on the A65 but acording to the speedo on the A7 I did 33miles, t his is the first time that I have checked milages for the same run on both bikes both speedos are the original speedos that they left the factory with.
G'day Fellas.
The last few nights I've been playing with the carbs (2 x 30mm PKW's) on the Cafe as I'm not happy with the jetting. Being 3000ft higher now they needed leaning out a bit. Anyhow pulling the plugs a dozen times I tried my Colortune. It wouldn't go in! Inspection found the helicoils had wound themselves in a couple of threads.
Last night I lifted the head and removed the helicoils and ran the Timesert tap down the holes then put the head in the cleaning tank.
Tonight I'll insert the timeserts. Just wondering which "glue" to use. Loctite is affected by heat so was thinking of JBWeld.
Any thoughts?
Musky - from timesert's website:
TIME-SERT® is self locking. On installation the bottom internal threads of the insert are cold rolled to expand the mating external threads into the base material locking the insert in place. Locking mechanism is at the bottom of insert
At last. Spur gear I ordered for the starter gearbox finally arrived today (about three weeks later than I expected). As I had a couple of hours this afternoon I bored and keywayed the gear and did a dry run to ensure everything fitted - especially as some of the machining was done from catalogue specs. So far so good. With luck may get as far as trying to see if it'll turn the engine over this weekend. Hopefully it won't self-destruct ......
G'day RD.
The kit I have is a cheap Chinese knock off. Think I'll go JB.
Good luck with the starter.
...went for a wander around Southern Scotland...
Wow, you have some extreme hills up there!
I have a1962 A65 and a 1956 A7 took the A65 out yesterday for a quick run around local country roads did 29 miles took the A7 out today did exactly the same run as I did yesterday on the A65 but acording to the speedo on the A7 I did 33miles, t his is the first time that I have checked milages for the same run on both bikes both speedos are the original speedos that they left the factory with.
If the final drive ratios have been changed, (different sprockets?) the speedo is affected. I had to have my bike's speedo recalibrated when I changed the gearbox sprocket.
following on from losing the yonda back axle spacer I found I needed to give the shed a good clean today. the spacer was uncovered under the lathe hidden where it had dropped into the turnings box! I must have knocked it into there a couple of months ago *pull hair out* never mind I got the new shorter back dampers on but I hope they aren't to short
Great ride out today, into rural Wales and back. 85 miles according to google maps, the odometer has stopped sadly, mind it was not exactly accurate. Coffee, tea and a lush bacon sarnie to keep me focused and fuelled up. Got involved in a tussle with one of them BMW boxer sporty things on the way back to Chepstow. Good fun, gave him a run for his money, let him get away in the end obs to save his blushes! Nice to have an unplanned adventure, was only intending a 20 mile ride for coffee. Bumped into a chap called Andy who is the BSAOC international secretary i think. Nice fella tho he seemed a little underwhelmed by my recent repair to the mudguard stay! Picture is not posed as i was on an adventure. Those of an engineering bent will be apalled to hear that the breathing out of oil has increased since my attempts to reduce it with hone, rings and guides. Hey ho, it's starting first kick, goes faster than the frame can handle and i love it. Just need to keep putting oil in!
I took the '57 out for a shake down run before the DGR & decided to call in to a new bike shop that has just opened for a squizzy. I parked up out the front & ventured in, turns out it's a Indian motorcycle dealer with loads of bikes on display, NICE if you've got $40 thousand to spare.. I went back out side to find a crowd had gathered around admiring the BSA.. Time to leave after chatting for 15 mins, the bike fires up 1st kick. *smile*
Unfortunately the dealer wouldn't do a straight swap. *dunno*
yesterday was squeal day, i'm not a real lathe turner. I bought a 30£ 1 inch bore side stand from evil bay and attacked it *work* first of all I found the bsa frame is a tad over one inch . the frame has the half lug welded on so I had to make the stand bit of lug fit nicely, this I did with a nearly perfectly sized grinding wheel. then I ground off the pin and punched it out so I could get the leg off to open up the fixing holes so they lined up with the threaded holes on the frame. luckily after these operations there was still satisfactory meat left so it wasn't weakened too much. I got a stainless bolt [-- A4 is it for those who know these things- I don't] and turned the head down hence the squeal---- so the spring didn't interfere with it when operating the stand. then cut a piece of rubber with cloth woven in to it that I borrowed from the coal board stores thinking it might come in handy one day. this made a nice cushion against the frame. I fastened the two bolts into the frame lug and put two nylock nuts on just for security, then fed in the stainless bolt and put a nylock nut on that.... 2 hours later--- IT WORKS!!! I have seen some very expensive side stands on evil bay for BSA's but this will do -- I hope. then I got a pleasant surprise, the neighbour had got me a slab of john smiths as a reward for clearing the very over grown fancy paving slabs in her lawn *beer* thankyou for listening especially if you heard the squeal, have a nice day.
especially if you heard the squeal, have a nice day.
Only bit of the pig we can't eat Bergs.
I did similar some years ago, but not perhaps as elegantly as you. Used a big chunk of hex bar for the long bit, brazed a tang on the end, made the detachable lug rather like you did, meaty as possible round the 'oles and for the slotted bit (starting with an old side-car lug as I recall) . . . and it also worked. Trust it? I did, until I reverted to twin exhausts from siamese . . . and found the darn thing was trapped 'twixt frame and lh pipe owing to, ahem, an unanticipated oversight on the angles of dangle. Doh!
First ride out today since winter layoff, new Mitas tyres and SRM oil pump and PRV.
Tyres seem OK in the dry, covered in mould flashing, rubbing on front mudguard, should wear off after a few more miles
Being the FBHVC's ride it day plus blue skies and sunshine, I thought I'd abandon the gardening for a while and ride a bike. It was the Velo's turn to be dragged blinking into the daylight so had a run on that. Loads of other modern bikes out plus a few classic sports cars. Bike pictured near some other museum pieces.
G'day Fellas.
I got the Cafe's head back on after doing the time-sert job on the spark plug holes. I had to turn up a guide to spot face the holes for the flange of the ts, then found they protruded into the combustion chamber so adjusted the guide to face off that bit. The $5 dollar water tap re-seating tool has saved the day again.
Before mounting the head I measured the combustion chambers. Both exactly 38cc. She's got +80 MC forged 10.5:1 pistons (offset gudgion) so tonight I'll lay her over to get the plug holes vertical and measure the combustion space. Hopefully their equal.
G'day Fellas.
Bugga, bugga, bugga.
Well you would have heard the cussing in London. I have felt that one side was a bit stronger than the other and my findings have proved it.
The difference between the two is 5cc *pull hair out*. That's a hell of a lot and would be the volume of the piston crowns. By my calcs the left is 13.5:1 and the right is 17:1 *eek* (no wonder she's hard to kick over) *ex*
Tonight she comes back down to investigate. I have a set of +80 Gandini flat tops but will need to find rings (any ideas?).
That'll teach me for just throwing it together after the "big bang".
Hi Musky,
Cox and Turner supply rings by the size needed if You cannot find anything down under
Started polishing the forks.
Well a few weeks ago i phoned a well known yonda parts supplier to buy two throttle cables for the yonda. after 5 minutes explaining what bike it was and pointing out the cables were for a japanese market FZ which resembles the 900f he said yes we will have to order those in so you should have them in two weeks. they sent the wrong ones!!!! so i had to do all the explaining again and now i have the correct ones, so today has been a yonda carb rubbers hair dryer day *pull hair out* got the throttle cables on put carbs back on and tightened them all up and then found the choke cable had come out *bash* so it was carbs off carbs on carbs off carbs on, at least i was a bit warm with all the hair dryer heat. over the last few days the petrol tank has had the apple cider vinegar treatment and ounces of rust have been removed, it's now looking remarkably clean inside. the front brakes should be bled tomorrow and all being well the yonda should be ready for the tarmac in a couple of weeks *yeah* *beer*
Pulled the Swiftmobile out at the weekend. Pumped up the tyres and gave it a wash and brush up. Running slightly off beat so I freshened the fuel and had a quick look at the carb. Then a ride around the lanes. Went OK.
Set up for fuel tank rust removal. I left it empty for a few weeks, which eventually stretched to 12 months.
I decided on rattling screws / water/ detergent, then electrolysis, finishing off with Phosphoric acid rinse.
I started with a new Indian made tank - wondering whether I should have creamed it from the beginning.!
I'll report back if successful in a week or so.
hi col i put some square section nuts in the yonda tank and 42 went in but only 41 came out, one must be jammed in a seam. i also lost the head off a telescopic magnet but just managed to recover that with another magnet *pull hair out* i must say the apple vinegar worked very well.
Hi Berger,
I used about 40 hex-headed Tek Screws, just small ones. I forgot to count them, but I think they all came out. Fortunately, the tank cap boss is flush on the inside, so nothing catches on the way out.
Problem I have is that the tank is beautifully chromed and painted, so researched the method least likely to affect the finish.
I have a little 1970 Yamaha YL2G in storage, the tank still has fuel in it after 15 years *problem*. Just never got around to emptying it. I might try apple cider vinegar on that. I've heard that it works well.
Mint ride this evening. Was only going to be a short one to see how the newly fitted head goes and ended up going that bit further. One third was into the Sun which i never enjoy being blind in one eye and it lies pretty low to the horizon from 8 pm. The other two thirds of the journey was spot on. Remind me when i get down on this bike why i love it! The noise, smell and excitement is proper quality. All oiled and fuelled ready for a longer day out tomorrow into that there Wales with a mate on his Kwaker W650, gonna be fun for sure.
*woo* *good3* *beer* *beer*
All oiled and fuelled ready for a longer day out tomorrow into that there Wales with a mate on his Kwaker W650, gonna be fun for sure.
*woo* *good3* *beer* *beer*
Wish I could be there for the ride and *beer*. I would really love to ride my A10 in Wales.
Richard L.
G'day Fellas.
Got the head on the Cafe so before putting the rockerbox on I measured the combustion space. +80 pistons = 684cc.These are 8:1 Gandini's. R&R rods that are a bit longer than std and an A7SS head opened up to match the bores and SR valves. Chambers measured 28cc which equates to 12:1 *eek*. At least now she might be a bit easier to kick over.
Not much will get done now as it's Mothers Day and Deb's birthday this weekend. *smile*
ooo baby chips & gravy , the yonda got a bit of tube and a funnel connected to the carbs and some go go swig poured in and she started up *woo* but she's a bit ruff , not too ruff and talking of my mate ruff who had a rough trihard it would have been his birthday today but the 1200cc bandit i told him not to buy took him away *sad*... anyway an old mate who sold me betsy the beezer 42 years ago has got some of those carb guagey thingies and he says he will bring them so we can have a play. when the yonda is satisfactory i can get on with the berger build. brothers workshop now has 20 double sockets and a 16amp weldering socket and a lovely floor that nearly killed me again helping him lay it. it will not be long before his lathes and other machines are in and working i hope *beer*
I love your crazy posts. Berger is the new duTch.
G'day Bergs.
She won't run right till the carbs are balanced. Easy job with the right tools. Do 1&2 then 3&4 then bring the pairs to match. May take a few go's as they move when the nut is tightened (like our A's timing).
You need either a Colortune or a very accurate tacho to set the pilot screws.
Pulled the leaky carb on Hardley the XLH on Saturday. Didn't find anything and didn't expect to. Hopefully it is OK now - early tests suggest so.
Sunday I took Jug the Eldo Loop out for a ride in the lanes to a Suffolk bike show. A good ride but not much of a show, but that's the right way round at least. Saw this there. Don't like steampunk.
Yesterday was meant to be the first post-lockdown organised run out with one of the local clubs hereabouts . . . Hmm.
45 miles from home, AMC mounted, 08.00 hours Sunday morn, 5 miles short of departure point . . . grinding deflationary halt. Bugger.
Luckily, a friend with a Yamaha gave me a lift back home to get my van, and the afternoon was spent cursing doing my absolutely unfavourite job. Surprisingly large hole, will see if I can get the cover plugged with one of the things that are good on tubeless tyres, as it had quite a bit of life in it, that K71. Meantime, I stuck an Avon Roadrider on, with a new super thick Moto-X Michelin tube, as it was the only new rear end 19-incher to hand. Oh well . . . worse things happen, could have been at speed, on a bend, not in a straight line in a speed restricted area. 26mm x 2.5mm sharp objects will go through anything though, if they get the angle right!
26mm x 2.5mm sharp objects will go through anything though, if they get the angle right!
26mm x 2.5mm sharp objects will go through anything though, if they get the angle right!
Nailed it!
(Sorry the ride got ruined.)
Richard L.
Don't like steampunk.
I don't mind rhe art, but I do mind that the builder had so liitle respect for that "A" that they turned it into an unridable bauble.
G'day Fellas.
Tonight I tackled the dreaded rockerbox. I'd like to say I got in one go but it took two. Copper gaskets seated nicely. Tomorrow night I'll set the tappets and throw the pipes, carbs, tank & seat on hopefully.
Since I resurrected my old SR last year after decades of garden life, it's never had a dynamo that worked, so I bought a very cheap one off e.bay with no guarantee it would work - I powered it up on the bench and ........ it didn't !! - so I read all I could find on the subject (again) and everything looked in good order, so I was just about to bin it under the bench and I thought I'd just give the brushes a good thrashing with emery cloth, re-tested it and to my total amazement it fired up -almost 9V, so I thought I'd just try the same thing on my old E3L while still on the bike and .............. that worked too - after 30+ years !!
Happy days ------ and nights. - Think I'll keep the other as a spare though.
This might help somebody else who's as clueless as me when it comes to electrics.
OK, here's what I did today.
Having collected the starter gearbox casing from my alloy-welding pal yeaterday, I set about re-machining the bearing housings and generally fettling until it fitted. This time, now aware of the huge forces involved, I have mounted the gearbox on a steel beam instead of an alloy one and sorted a much beefier rear support. The gearbox internals remain the same, although the sprocket is now located by a shear pin instead of being screwed on. The sprag clutch was fitted to the crank a few days ago. The pic was taken without the outside cover to show the general arrangement.
Next job is to start the bike on the rollers to confirm the (modified) ignition timing is OK and will reduce kickback possibility. Then it's fit the new dual decompressor lever I have on order, and see if the modified starter arrangement works. Let's hope so, 'cause I have no other ideas!
RD, that is a thing of beauty.
Fingers crossed for you RD 🤞
fitted some new carb intake rubbers to the yonda but couldn't do anything else because the carbs have gone away for a coat of looking at , now i am sure you all wanted to know this important major effort i made . yesterday i decided to have many black&tans while watching the other half do the garden and ended up very very squiffy and fell asleep in my chair at 9pm. a nice early night was what i needed*beer*. i decided to get betsy out of the garage today and first kick got her going so helmet on and off we went it did us the world of good. when we got back home she whispered that she is behaving very well because she thinks shes getting dumped for a younger model. i hope we can get out and have some more fun over the weekend. thankyou for listening have a nice day.
Know what you mean Bergs. Started out watching the G/kids playing rugby and soccer then tuned 05 GSF 1200 then put tank on cafe. Ran out of light to test ride.
I topped up the gearbox and checked the primary case oil level. I washed the bike in readiness for a VMCC club meeting tomorrow.
This morning I attended a local VMCC meet-up. There was a really good turnout of bikes including a Vincent Black
Prince Knight, (Marmite?). Most machines were post WW2 but there were a few antiques. Sorry, no pictures, forgot to take my Box Brownie.
Update: Someone else took some pictures and put them on FaceAche
The maroon Triumph BTK 175 had a rigid frame and no sprung hub. Would that be pre WW2?
Well, after six months roller-coaster of hope / failure today I tried to start the project with its beefed-up starter and sprag clutch replacing the ratchet. Works a treat. Been such a long haul it's actually difficult to feel elated about it. Relieved, certainly.
Now I need to convert the bike to 12v as so far I've been running the bike on its 6v electrics whilst using an external battery for the starter.
Question - I fitted a modern combi switch (lights / horn / indicators) for economy of space reasons. However, I noticed a voltage drop with the lights. Putting it down to 2x normal amperage draw due to using 6v, I fitted relays. When changing to 12v (half the amperage) will I still need relays - ie, do modern bikes have relays for lights? The wiring associated with the switch (about 10 wires) does seem flimsy.
Well, after six months roller-coaster of hope / failure today I tried to start the project with its beefed-up starter and sprag clutch replacing the ratchet. Works a treat. Been such a long haul it's actually difficult to feel elated about it. Relieved, certainly.
Now I need to convert the bike to 12v as so far I've been running the bike on its 6v electrics whilst using an extrrnal battery for the starter.
Question - I fitted a modern combi switch (lights / horn / indicators) for economy of space reasons. However, I noticed a voltage drop with the lights. Putting it down to 2x normal amperage draw due to using 6v, I fitted relays. When changing to 12v (half the amperage) will I still need relays - ie, do modern bikes have relays for lights? The wiring associated with the switch (about 10 wires) does seem flimsy.
I'm sure an electrickery Wizard will give you a definitive answer but I think doubling the voltage halves the current draw, (in theory).
I'm sure we are all flippin happy that you have got your electric leg working. *smile* *smile* *smile* Not as happy as you, natch!
Nice one RD! You've been swimming up hill with that project for a while, here's hoping you get it how you want it soon. Can't wait to see or hear the beastie! *beer* *good3* *dribble*
great to hear of the progress RD. looking forward to the videos.
GB is right (as usual, and first to the party) - twice the volts equals half the amps so half the voltage drop across your switches and wiring.
if you have a high wattage 12v bulb you may still benefit from relays esp if you have gammy switches. personally I'd make it all 12v and see if the volts drop noticeable, and if so then add the relay (in the headlamp shell).
and don't forget a decent (larger gauge) earth wire from the battery to the headlamp - a lot can get lost on that side of things.
Rode the Norton to the dentist. 60 mile round trip. Had forgotten just how much oomph that thing has. 75mph uphill and still accelerating hard. It does bring out the dormant hooligan in me. >:D
i know the hooligan bit very well, i did a run with the guy who sold me the bike over 40 years ago and was told we were pushing 80 overtaking up hill with cars coming towards us. bit scary------- but when he told me he had tyre pressure gauge sensors on this range rover disguised BMW 1200 i was stunned, then he told me cars have them aswell and i was even stunnder. i think i belong to the 19th century , or back in the pub *beer* *beer*
Well I finished today. I started a week ago with a chain swap on the A7 as the old one had a major tight spot, despite being within the bend tolerance. Whilst changing the chain I noticed that the rear type had quite large cracks in it which I was not expecting as it was only 3 years old and had loads of tread left. I already had a new front and so with a trip to Wales coming up, I thought best change both. When I removed the front wheel, I find the front brake shoes are very nearly to the rivets so new shoes put in of the floating type. Had some fun and games with the new chain rubbing on the front section of the chain guard which took a while to find and then sort. All back together today and a quick 20 mile test ride.
Been out and about on my Sportster a couple of times - running with very short rear shox since the makeover that's a very jarring ride on UK roads right now, even when I mange to miss the worst of the pot holes. Took Blue the T3 out for a Guzzi meet up on Thursday night meeting - lovely weather for it. Then I was out for a short bimble for Jug the Eldorado Loop frame last night.
A10 is sitting under wraps in the car port at the back of the car port at the moment. Needs decent run out to see if the dynamo will be self healing or not.
G'day Fellas.
Moved the Cafe off the bike lift and put the rHonda up. Lump out time to investigate low comp in #4. Gotta be rings as it pumps up with a bit of oil down the plug hole. At least with the A's we can get the top end off in the frame.
Waiting for a sunny weekend (without g/kid duty) to test the Cafe. The old plunger is sitting patiently waiting for her turn for a rebuild.
Yesterday pondered why the charge warning light on the project wasn't illuminating. Looked further into it today (it's a Kubota mini alternator with corresponding rectifier/regulator).
Yup, there's feed to the bulb and it illuminates if the other side is earthed. So, out with the meter and check the wire from the regulator feeding the bulb. 12volt. Hmmmmm, odd. Should be 0 so I got to thinking - wonder if the bulb should go to earth, rather than the usual feed from ignition scenario? And so I went on the internet trying to find an appropriate wiring diagram. There's literally hundreds, and most have ordinary alternators. Eventually, after about 3 hours, found the right diagram - and yes, the bulb does go to earth. So it works backwards (when no volts it's charging) Damned infuriating these Japanese ....
Went out this morning to clean the bike for Monday's bike night and found a fork seal was leaking. ( Bugger ) Its going to have to wait till it starts raining cos im not taking the bike off the road and missing all this sunshine.
Lost the SA's clutch adjustment cap. With nothing else to do this afternoon I turned a new one from a piece of alloy.
Very nice. *yeah* Envious of you skill and lathe.
Richard L.
Yesterday my son came round to run a video of the project's starter working before it got hidden by the cover. If ever he / I can convert it to a transmissable file format, I'll put it up. Today I fitted the cover. All that's remaining now is to fit the replacement 12v horn and design some sort of cover for the alternator belt, though I won't let that delay me getting out on road test. Been reluctant before, because relying on rollers for starting meant that if the engine stalled whilst on the road, I'd be unable to re-start.
Beaut! *smile*
Looks like you might actually get a ride! 👍
You could upload the video to YouTube and then post a share link.
I have a Dropbox account. I'd be happy for you to upload the video file to that 'cloud' and I'll share it.
Walked out to the garage, folded out the bar end mirror on my A7ST, adjusted it and folded it back in.
Pushed her up onto the bike table and secured her, dropped the center stand off with the mounting carriage so I could more easily measure how long a replacement spring I need would be.
Then refitted it, time for a cup of tea!
Walked out to the garage, folded out the bar end mirror on my A7ST, adjusted it and folded it back in.
Pushed her up onto the bike table and secured her, dropped the center stand off with the mounting carriage so I could more easily measure how long a replacement spring I need would be.
Then refitted it, time for a cup of tea!
Steady on!
Walked out to the garage, folded out the bar end mirror on my A7ST, adjusted it and folded it back in.
Pushed her up onto the bike table and secured her, dropped the center stand off with the mounting carriage so I could more easily measure how long a replacement spring I need would be.
Then refitted it, time for a cup of tea!
Steady on!
I didn't want to over do it, and to be fair that was in my lunch break while working from home!
I hope I have temporarily solved the annoying leak from the speedo drive cable, having followed Julian's advice and put some electrical heat shrink over the cable hex crimp.
Finished putting the Douglas back together after an exhaust valve head let go on the DGR. New valves and springs all round. It would have been impossible without the Douglas Special valve removal tool - in this case a Briggs and Stratton side valve spring compressor.
Finished putting the Douglas back together after an exhaust valve head let go on the DGR. New valves and springs all round. It would have been impossible without the Douglas Special valve removal tool - in this case a Briggs and Stratton side valve spring compressor.
I just love that motorbike 😘
Me too. All fore and aft Duggies remind me of the amazing exploits of father and son (I think) Body about 30 years back, with their unbelievably fast vintage sprint bike(s). Brilliant guys, brilliant machinery!
For me the best bit if you look closely is the float chamber top. It disappeared during the run before the engine problem. Hearing this, a friend who is heavily into veteran bikes, had a replacement spare float chamber over to me in a couple of days and is currently machining up a replacement top.
This old bike has never let me down until now and it's really my fault - they were known for valve heads letting go 100 years ago and these were still the original valves. Should have changed them earlier...
... they were known for valve heads letting go 100 years ago and these were still the original valves.
Didn't sound like it had done much damage. Is that an advantage of a side valve and the cylinder being on its side?
No BSA action for me this weekend. Loaded up and headed down the way to an informal Guzzi camp. Travelled incognito with Jaws the outfit and the Swiftmobile.
"Didn't sound like it had done much damage. Is that an advantage of a side valve and the cylinder being on its side?"
Yes. Valve heads were prone to let go until metallurgy caught up. With a side valve the valve head just sits well away from the piston and does no harm. All early motor bicycles (love the term) had toolkits with a spare valve ready to fit. A quick and easy job at the side of the road, allegedly. Having fitted new valves, I don't think I would want to try doing that.
Me too. All fore and aft Duggies remind me of the amazing exploits of father and son (I think) Body about 30 years back, with their unbelievably fast vintage sprint bike(s). Brilliant guys, brilliant machinery!
Bill Body and brother? I thought they only did cars.
Off to the VMCC Kent Mid Summers day Run today. First serious outing on the M23 for almost two years.
135 miles later, mostly on 'Cornish Motorways', I'm back.
She ran fine once I had remembered it's slack wire retard and not slack wire advance on the older bikes, and got it started. stupid old git!
Been almost 30yrs since I drew up a plan for a 1,000cc vee twin. Well, now it's startable on the road thanks to the recently fitted starter, today I took it for its first ride. Have given it the odd ride over the last 6mths or so, but only along the private road beside my workshop. Today was a 3 1/2 mile run - not too far in case it broke down and not too mad until I'm more confident in it.
Apart from a rattle (sounds like the chain touching the chainguard) no problems. Front brake is good (twin disc) but not outstanding (guess I was expecting the same as my Firestorm, where a handful of front brake lifts the rear wheel). Gearbox (plunger type) was sweet. Engine lugs under 2,500 but getting near 3,000 and beyond - wow! Oil pressure fine at constant 55psi and charging (kubota alternator) shows c. 8A after starting, rapidly reducing to near zero. Didn't thrash it, but from its sheer grunt I'd guess it makes around 80bhp - about where I was expecting.
Fantabidozi! You must be ecstatic! 👍👍👍
Not quite such an engineering feat but I finally managed to replace the rotted brass filter on the end of the fuel tap with some longer stainless steel ones soldered into place .
Next step is drilling the 3/8 BSP solid brass plugs & tapping 10mm to take modern fuel taps .
Had enough of paying $ 50 for taps that leak, fall apart or just break 5 minutes after fitted .
A bit of fettling today after 6 miles total after rebuild. Checked the primary chain tension and found it slightly tighter, some 1/4" slack. Reset and increased the rear chain slack from 1-1/4 " to 2". Some Forum members find that 1-1/4" is not enough.
Going over the bolts, I found one of the frame bolts loose several threads near the gearbox. Apparently overlooked by me.
Drained the chaincase to check and got 125 mls. There had been no sign of leaks. I had added 190mls, so figure that most of the difference is retained by the screw boss castings inside the chaincase. Next time I have the chaincase off I will try to work out the retained oil volume.
You're right, GB. Been a bloody long haul and almost gave up a few times, but the end product is a real joy.
The clutch on Emily has been slipping under hard acceleration.
First job was tidying up the shed; I am rubbish at keeping things tidy. My shed gets used for home DIY jobs so my workbench had tools and drill bits and lumps of machinery all covered in sawdust.
I pushed the bike out and set to. After a bit of effort the shed now looks much better.
On the bike, I removed the primary cover and gave the clutch spring nuts one complete turn each. I then checked that the pressure plate was still running true. The clutch lever is now harder to pull in but as long I've had me Wheatybangs for breakfast I can manage it.
Not quite such an engineering feat but I finally managed to replace the rotted brass filter on the end of the fuel tap with some longer stainless steel ones soldered into place .
Next step is drilling the 3/8 BSP solid brass plugs & tapping 10mm to take modern fuel taps .
Had enough of paying $ 50 for taps that leak, fall apart or just break 5 minutes after fitted .
Sounds good, what taps do you use and where do you get them, may I ask.
I use the BAP taps, they are good, BUT are made of sh*t metal and brake off easy, not good in a prang.
Off Made in China dot com
They are for cheap & nasty Chinese off road 250's
The design is a Honda stationary engine knock off so they take the Honda rubber seal
I have been using lawnmower taps for the past 5 years
Again 1/8" BSP and about $ 5 wholesale.
I did use plastic Victa taps for a year or two but the bodies crack from the vibration.
I am not cheap , really, but have an aversion to forking out $ 50 every 5 years or so because the taps fall apart
Putting up with leaking taps if I don't ride at least 1 day a month .
This is similar (
They are zinc so will still break if subjected to a heavy blow.
Fit them sideways so the outlet points directly in
And they have a sediment trap to boot .
Me too. All fore and aft Duggies remind me of the amazing exploits of father and son (I think) Body about 30 years back, with their unbelievably fast vintage sprint bike(s). Brilliant guys, brilliant machinery!
Bill Body and brother? I thought they only did cars.
Missed your query GB (sorry), but nah, this bloke, Henry - superstar if ever there was. Couldn't remember his name and was too lazy to check.
Bill BodDy with extra D was 'cars', yup - long-term editor of Motor Sport magazine in the days when the also-great 'Jenks', late passenger of Eric Oliver in the world of chairs, was the magazine's 'Continental correspondent' and spent his life tearing round Europe reporting on things that had no coverage back in the day except by someone on the spot. Thought of him when we kept finding ourselves on bits of the old Targa Florio circuit when we were on holiday last year . . . Different world!
Off Made in China dot com
They are for cheap & nasty Chinese off road 250's
The design is a Honda stationary engine knock off so they take the Honda rubber seal
I have been using lawnmower taps for the past 5 years
Again 1/8" BSP and about $ 5 wholesale.
I did use plastic Victa taps for a year or two but the bodies crack from the vibration.
I am not cheap , really, but have an aversion to forking out $ 50 every 5 years or so because the taps fall apart
Putting up with leaking taps if I don't ride at least 1 day a month .
This is similar (
They are zinc so will still break if subjected to a heavy blow.
Fit them sideways so the outlet points directly in
And they have a sediment trap to boot .
Thanks Trevor, have ordered 2. *beer*
Changed the spark plugs.
steady on roy you might set me off to take mine out and put them back in again *good3*
Just a blast up the road 20 miles-ish to Loomies bike cafe in Hampshire, not a great fan but as good a place as any to grab a drink before heading home.
The A7ST ran lovely and, of course left her oily mark in the car park.
Small, hedge lined lanes on the way there and flowing, open country roads on the way back - and squeezed an indicated 75 mph out of her, she had a little more to give too!
... Small, hedge lined lanes on the way there and flowing, open country roads on the way back - and squeezed an indicated 75 mph out of her, she had a little more to give too!
I was riding through Hampshire BC*, returning home from a BSAOC weekend on the Isle Of Wight. I was bopping along at 60 mph ish. I spotted one of those road signs with an image of a deer on it. I thunked to myself; "Hitting a deer while riding a motorcycle might be a bad thing". I eased the speed down to about 30. Next moment a fuckoff big deer calmly stepped out of the hedge on my side of the road; it stopped in my path and stared at me as I deployed all the anchors I had on board, (including using my Y-fronts as a braking parachute). Because I had retarded my speed the brute had time to continue across the road and disappear into the other hedge. I was mighty glad to have taken the road sign seriously.
My son-in-law is from a land down-under, (it's not his fault). He told me what can happen if you hit a large Kangaroo with your car. The critter gets thrown up onto the bonnet and it's super strong back legs can come through the windscreen, kicking like mad. The people in the front of the vehicle are very likely to die a nasty death.
*Before Covid
ME thinks that is a story to keep all you Limies away from our beer.
Wombats are like hitting a brick retaining wall
Roos will run along side any vehicle and match speed with you no matter what then for no apparent reason do at 90 deg side step rignt in front of you, Not fun on a bike
But both of them pale into insignificance when compared to the dreaded drop bears .
ME thinks that is a story to keep all you Limies away from our beer.
Wombats are like hitting a brick retaining wall
Roos will run along side any vehicle and match speed with you no matter what then for no apparent reason do at 90 deg side step rignt in front of you, Not fun on a bike
But both of them pale into insignificance when compared to the dreaded drop bears .
Yup; snakes, crocs, spiders, Duck-billed Platypus, Fire Ants, Box Jellyfish, Blue-ringed Octopus, Stone Fish, Sharks, Cassowary, Dingo, Honey Bee, Stingray... The Drop Bear is the most feared of them all!
It sounds to me like humans were never intended to live there.
ME thinks that is a story to keep all you Limies away from our beer. HAHA you are very welcome to keep your sheep dip drinks over there thankyou ;)
Had to pop into town so dragged out the Velo. First kick start and no-one to witness it. *sad2*
Had to pop into town so dragged out the Velo. First kick start and no-one to witness it. *sad2*
You haven't mentioned the massive dose of StartYaBastard that you squirted into the bellmouth before you kicked it over. 👍
As if I would resort to such underhand methods! In fairness, the Velo is the bike that my wife refers to as the one that always starts first kick. Now where's that smug emoji?
Put the battery on charge (12v).
I have gone over to this type of battery, no maintenance and no acid leaks.
Just had a cup of tea and a look over the bike, half to start making my winter to-do list and half to just enjoy her.
Do I have a problem?
Chris. Good chance. As a start I'd drop the sump plate and have a good looky inside. With no camshaft trough* you may be able to get a view of the cam followers. These are notorious for wearing, and being slightly offset to the cam lobe how much is worn away can be easily seen. Clean the oiltank, filters, and change the oil. Cross fingers, get saving.......
* Applies to Longstroke engine. You lucky buggers with later motors have your own problems.
*woo* the yonda is a runner, fitted the carbs today and balanced them up with the help of my mates gauges, as best we could because setting the screws and lock nuts is a NIGHTMARE!! but hey ho she ticks over nicely and responds like the yapanese nutter bike she is. Now i have got two bikes in one piece it's time for concentrating on the norbsa berger build and black&tans *beer* *beer*
Congratulations Berger, been a long road.
I had a problem striking similar to Minto (See "Will Not Run). After returning from a ride last Sunday, I could not start it next day or the following. So gearing up for a major problem-solving exercise, I removed the plugs and used a spark tester (a very useful bit of gear) and yes there was no spark.! As I was about to remove the magneto and send it off, I thought I should look a little further. I disconnected the magneto cap earth wire and I had spark. To cut a long story short, I have a couple of secret switches, One for magneto and one for battery. YEP I had turned on the wrong switch *problem*. It started first kick. Anyway I had got to resetting the plug gaps etc so not a total waste of time.
I have a couple of secret switches, One for magneto and one for battery. YEP I had turned on the wrong switch *problem*.
Ditto 🙄
Don't need them on a Velocette! Their reputation precedes them.
Don't need them on a Velocette! Their reputation precedes them.
That is true, but someone by a freak stroke of luck could get lucky. It has been known
Had to deliver an electronic ignition kit to a garage. Used the high-tech 1913 Douglas for the trip, first time out since new valves and springs. Going well.
Today I spent 4 hrs making and fitting a 1/2" dia long frame stud to my 1930 built like a bridge Francis Barnett. The bike is nearly finished but I wasn't happy with the old stud, thought I could drive out the old by tapping in the new, wrong! It had to pass through 14 different items ( frames tubes, spacers, washers etc) non of which wanted to stay put and some under tension (so was I). So much for a quick job.
Had a first proper look over the latest acquisition yesterday - Jaws the Jawa outfit. As I'm used to working on solos on the table I stuck this one up on ramps to at least get it to a slightly more acceptable height.
G'day Fellas.
After work I went out to the shed and pondered the electrical problem (blowing fuses) on the Cafe. After an hour I gave up. So I went out to the NEW (2 week old) Ford Ranger and bashed the bejesus out of the front right guard to enable the drivers door to open more than 6" *eek*. I swerved to miss a kid on a scooter and it a pole. Guesstamate $15K damage, should have run the little bugga over.
G'day Fellas.
After work I went out to the shed and pondered the electrical problem (blowing fuses) on the Cafe. After an hour I gave up. So I went out to the NEW (2 week old) Ford Ranger and bashed the bejesus out of the front right guard to enable the drivers door to open more than 6" *eek*. I swerved to miss a kid on a scooter and it a pole. Guesstamate $15K damage, should have run the little bugga over.
Was it an electric scooter? Those things are getting more common here. Despite it being illegal teenagers are usually riding them on the footpath. The rider has no Third Party or Public Liability insurance. They wear no helmet. They have no registration system so they cannot be traced. It's madness I tell ya!
Guesstamate $15K damage
I hope your insurance will cover it.
Richard L.
No GB it was one of those new mini wheeled things ridden by a 10yo.
Yes Richard, booked in for 4th August repairs. Shannons insurance are great, I hope their choice of repaired is as good. Still cost me $695 excess.
Back on subject. The Cafe must have a short somewhere. I have disconnected everything but am still getting 12v through the neg wire (pos earth) at the battery.
I can rebuild a motor/gearbox in my sleep but show me a wire/rust/paint I run a mile!
Hi All,
Shaving the rear of the inner primary case and drilling the hole through to take the drive
from the electric starter motor to the drive gear train
Hi John,
I am watching closely. Will start on mine next year.
Nothing. Downstairs toilet seat broke so am replacing it with one of the modern 'fits all toilets' type. Except they don't. At least, not mine. However I fit it it ends up loose. Tempted to braze the stainless fitting to stop it moving.
Got me an early Plunger Frame for my Longstroke Project which will get properly started when I can find a Cam at a reasonable price. Still waiting for the Fire Sale from Wassel/Hepolite. Also managed to find a universal stand that fits.....see Just a Picture.
Out for a ride with the local VMCC section. Actually, I hate riding in a group so I set my own pace and find myself at the lunch stop before anyone else. First choice of everything and no queueing!
Been looking for a set of 1969 Honda CB450 K2 forks to de-store it for riding, as I had straightened a very bent pair when I purchased it years ago and filed the bent bottom clamp to get the axle perpendicular - dicy!. Decided not to ride it again until I have fixed it. Internet showed some very second-hand sets for silly money. These parts used to be like A$50 a pair 20 years ago, now like A$800.!! So I ratted through my shed and found a pair, as well as a few new parts I forgot I had acquired, so cheering. *beer* . I had an inkling that I might have a pair, but don't remember how, where or when.
Getting scary how much I have forgotten. OTOH very exciting to find something I never knew I had. Nothing today on the Beeza.
Now that might be a good topic - What have you found that you didn't know you had?
Took Mrs B out to Sant Pod for Dragstalgia. Lots of good stuff going on there. Went on Blue the T3. First time we've been out two up for two or three years. Managed to miss the rain.
Took the bike out for a proper blast to confirm in my mind that the pistons and rings have bedded in. Happy to say the slappy slap sound is much reduced, so much so i can hear the third gear whine again, yay. Got the beast up to 60 on the speedo which must be close to to 68. Great to open it up after 80 gentle(ish) miles. After all the trauma of 2 broken oil rings am feeling like a proper mechanic! Need to fit a new rear tyre having worn it out, which may have to wait as thinking of trip to Devon as a proper test?
Anyhow, am feeling content, i even gave the bike a wipe over with a rag to get some of the winter crud off!
*work* *problem* *countdown* *bright idea* *good3* *beer* *beer*
Headed over to my dear old Mum's last night to have another go at getting her mower going. Took Jug the Loop frame Eldo over and boy did it feel sprightly after the two up miles of the weekend on Blue the T3. Got the mower running too.
A10 is stuck at the back of the car port behind Jaws the Jawa outfit I currently have up on ramps for a good going over.
G'day Fellas.
Great to hear BJ. Now to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
I had two decent nights in the shed (the wife's away) and found the electrickal problem on the Cafe. The front brake light switch fell apart and shorted out.
If that is one of those in cable switches you are better off without it
I had one do the same on the B50 and despite having the battery fused, it still managed to melt 1/2 the wiring and leave me stranded 150 miles from home .
G'day Trevor.
No it was a long blade micro switch on the hand lever. The blade came off and shorted the switch.
Last night I converted the rear brake light switch to the same type of switch. Waiting on another to get the front working again.
today betsy said she wanted to play out and about over the Derbyshire hills so orf we jolly well went, what old chap haha. We like to find roads we have never been on and we found a single track road that ended up taking us to a place called Elton, never heard of of it?? no me neither. On this road we had to stop to have a look at this carved stone. What is it meant to mean i asked betsy but she didn't have a clue and neither have i
Man it was warm out there down here in the SE (UK) yesterday. Really should have taken a bike without a screen. All a bit sticky even in my textiles.
So a scorching day at work, come home to see Berger's post and think right, gotta get out and about but this time take the camera. Mint ride into the Welsh hills. Lovely ride up the Wye valley in the shade then up and over the hills and back to base. Just a 2 hour jaunt but bike running really well engine wise. Getting used to the 7.5 comp pistons, doddle to start at least.
*beer* *computer* *good3*
So a scorching day at work, come home to see Berger's post and think right, gotta get out and about but this time take the camera. Mint ride into the Welsh hills. Lovely ride up the Wye valley in the shade then up and over the hills and back to base. Just a 2 hour jaunt but bike running really well engine wise. Getting used to the 7.5 comp pistons, doddle to start at least.
*beer* *computer* *good3*
Remind me what area you are in.
Hi GB. Bristol area. Rest day today.
“ carved stone. What is it meant to mean”(?)
Looks like a primitive Green Cross Code… look right, look left etc.
On a serious note - Derbyshire has such a lot to offer in terms of roads and scenery.
Hi GB. Bristol area. Rest day today.
Ah, OK, better ignore my question in Private Messages.
I'm planning to do the South Wales BSAOC weekend 20th to 22nd August. I've booked a B&B which means I don't have to lug camping gear. If you fancied doing that weekend and do not want to camp I'll ask the landlady, (it's a pub by the way) if there is spare capacity. If you are not a BSAOC member, I'm sure the organiser would be happy to see you.
... Derbyshire has such a lot to offer in terms of roads and scenery.
I love riding in the Derbyshire Peak District 👍
Hi GB, Am v keen will check my diary.
Hi GB, Am v keen will check my diary.
Cool. I intend to travel on the Thursday so I can take my time.
Had a tour of the Peak District a couple of weeks back. Rode up on the Friday night and stayed in a hotel in Chesterfield. Did about 100 miles riding the hills and dales on the Saturday before turning for home later in the afternoon.
Here's ole' Blue overlooking the Vale of Edale. My pal was accompanying me on his Griso G11.
Took bike for a short ride after fitting gearbox and SRM clutch plate. Left primary outer chain case cover off so as I could adjust clutch as needed. All went well except loads of oil spray down my left boot and left side of bike. Had one of those, what the hell is wrong now moments, before realising that the crankcase is open if you don’t block the three front outer cover screw holes!
*doh* :o *lol* *clap*
Took bike for a short ride after fitting gearbox and SRM clutch plate. Left primary outer chain case cover off so as I could adjust clutch as needed. All went well except loads of oil spray down my left boot and left side of bike. Had one of those, what the hell is wrong now moments, before realising that the crankcase is open if you don’t block the three front outer cover screw holes!
I'll bet your not the first *smile*
G'day Fellas.
I've been giving the CB1100F a fresh top end after finding she was down 30lb on #4. It wasn't till I was assembling I noticed a valve guide wasn't seating in the head correctly (sitting up 1mm). No worries I'll cook it on the BBQ and tap it down. Heated head to 250C but it was still tight so went up to 350C. It pushed down with a light tap. Wasn't till I was installing the buckets I noticed 3 were a little lower than the rest *eek* 3 of the valve seats had dropped in their pockets *rant* OK now with the valves & springs installed it was back to the BBQ and 350C. The temp plus a very light tap got it all seated. Filled the combustion chambers with petrol to check for leaks. Bugga, all 16 need lapping again. *sad*
What better way to spend the evenings in lockdown.
Jeez Musky, you'd be better off with a British bike *lol* *dunno* *whistle* *whistle* *fight* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Yes worty, I'm looking forward to ripping into the plunger!
Finally managed to get out on my old gal for the first time this year. New Western bars were working well, sadly the dynamo was not. My pal accompanied me on my Kawa H1. All a bit chalk and cheese really.
And home again.
Yes worty, I'm looking forward to ripping into the plunger!
What needs doing?
Still, Butch, nice to see a con-trail of blue smoke pouring from the H1 - Greta will be muttering, "How dare you!" >:D >:D *whistle* *whistle* *spider* *warn* *fight* *beer* *beer*
Servicing prior to the BSAOC South Wales weekend. Oil and filter changed. Clutch springs tightened, (again as the clutch was still slipping a bit when I gave the bike the 'beans'). I have never replaced the clutch plates; I suspect they are the originals.
Last time I changed the primary oil I had run out of ATF so I used SAE40 mineral oil. Is that choice likely to have made the clutch more slippery?
I have run out of Primary cover gaskets. Hylomar and no gasket works fine. Cover screws hand tight only.
The picture of the engine shock absorber is just for reference for anyone who needs to see how they should look.
You were a Very Wise Man GB, as ever, to be indoors doing useful things.
I was outdoors Notrunning, under what was supposed to be 'cloudy with bright spells'. Yeah right.
Call it 'chucking it down', on a group unprepared clothes-wise because none of us, not one, had proper waterproofs and we were all gullible enough to believe the darn forecast. It brightened up a bit after a wet while, and there was a glass of something not-too-strong and half a dead duck per head to cheer us up later. But half of 300km in the pissy wet, with the wrong gloves, permeable strides and the rest of it, is half too many.
I wouldn't have minded quite so much if it hadn't been for the fact that two weeks back on another longish play-day it was even worse, and I ended up on one of those 'Darkness at Noon' days with perpetuel stair-rods that I swear followed me around, with in that case a dynamo full of water and no 'leccy.
One-off drenchings are OK but, like losing parents according to Oscar Wilde or whoever, one mustn't be careless and lose both.
As for your primary oil, I'm sure you'll be OK with whatever. I only ever sling 20/50 engine oil in every primary I've ever had (except belt drives natch!) including all current ones, and never a slippy clutch in a zillion miles. I was a bit worried looking at your chain as a model of rectitude though - thought I was suffering from double vision there . . . you smugly-doubled-up Plunger People!
Aye lad, I remember a time despatch riding when I was sent from Birmingham to south London, to a private address, on a Friday night with it 'stairrodding' it down. Had already done Birmingham to Leicester to Heathrow, got back to base in Brum (soaking wet) and went straight back out to South Norwood. M6/M1 was reduced to 50mph, so I undertook the drivers in the r/h lane, failing to spot Plod who pulled me. After the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine, I went on my way. Returned home at 12.30am after a 17 hour day in the saddle. Needless to say, I found a good way of 'relaxing' before enjoying my lie in Sat morning.
There's no beating being on a bike, even on a very average day, but there are also times it'll bite you on the backside - just to remind you how privileged you are.
I've had some leakage from the gearbox and needed to make sure the drain plug wasn't the culprit. I drained the gearbox and refitted the plug with a new fibre washer.
Something I've been meaning to discuss is this: When filling the gearbox, oil soon comes out of the level plug hole on the side. At that point one might stop putting oil in the box; however, that stream quickly stops. If you squirt more oil in you get a far longer stream of surplus oil. My understanding of this behaviour is that the oil fills the outer case and soon shows at the overflow but the inner case has yet to reach the full mark. If one keeps squirting oil the inner case fills and the long stream is the actual point where you should stop. Thoughts?
Fair point GB. I was told that you should fill the gearbox until it is level with the bush you can see just behind the clutch actuating lever. I'm guessing that if you fill to this level, run the bike for a short while then check and top up again, you should be ok. I don't tend to use the level plug hole.
Glad you raised the level issue, Neil. A while back, when my plunger box on the project was leaking from several places (speedo cable, detent plunger etc) I decided to check the level. Undid the plug and a little oil came out so I presumed all was OK. Shortly after I decided to change the oil. Undid the drain plug and nothing came out. It was empty. Now I don't trust the level plug at all. Best to drain the box and then add a pint of fresh oil (have recently changed my boxes from 40 engine oil to EP90 - except the B31 which has always had R40 in engine and gearbox).
Having just read a very informative book about tuning Villiers engines (they're now getting over 30bhp from a 197) I learnt R40 is not as uncommon in gearboxes as I thought. They also use it in primary cases, when they found ATF would cause clutch slip.
I reckon if you put in the recommended amount regardless of the oil level, it'll find its own 'level'. I use a mix of 20/50 and EP90 in gearbox and primary - no issues with clutch slip or gearbox.
I reckon if you put in the recommended amount regardless of the oil level, it'll find its own 'level'. I use a mix of 20/50 and EP90 in gearbox and primary - no issues with clutch slip or gearbox.
I never seem to have the capacity charts handy when I need them.
Regarding that pesky gearbox oil level. Oil from the outer gearbox section reaches the main gearbox case via a single 1/4" hole in the inner cover, positioned below the level set by the level plug. Filling the box to almost brim over the filler aperture will allow oil to cascade through the inner cover cut out for the gear change selector arm. This is a quicker but more messy method to introduce oil into the main case.
However you do it, incremental fill or measured volume, it is essential that time is allowed for the inner and outer oil levels to equalise and give a true level of what's within the main case.
At the correct level, layshaft bushes and speedo drive all run more or less fully immersed with a plentiful supply of lubricant.
Swarfy, you've confirmed my thinking. 👍
Back to 'what have you done ......'. Well, actually nothing, but it is related.
My lathe chuck has been pizzing me off for more that a year now. I fitted it new when I got the lathe 25 or so years ago, but now it runs out by .006" or more when you put a bar in it. Depending on what one's doing that can be a real PITA. Years of gripping things close to the jaw ends doesn't help a chuck's long-term accuracy. When gripping internally, it runs within a thou, but how often does one grip that way?
And so when the firm I buy most of my tooling from was recently offering new chucks at almost half price (£207 instead of usual £388) I ordered one. Fitted it this afternoon. Was some trepidation as to whether the register and fixing bolt PCD would be the same, but I was in luck. Tried a bar in it with dial gauge - about half a thou run-out. Happy again. *smile*
Beats the hell out of my hand drill and bastard file :o :o *pull hair out* *beer*
Beats the hell out of my hand drill and bastard file :o :o *pull hair out* *beer*
And so when the firm I buy most of my tooling from was recently offering new chucks at almost half price (£207 instead of usual £388) I ordered one. Fitted it this afternoon. Was some trepidation as to whether the register and fixing bolt PCD would be the same, but I was in luck. Tried a bar in it with dial gauge - about half a thou run-out. Happy again. *smile*
Made in China?
about half a thou run-out. Happy again. *smile*
Probably the bar RD! *lol*
Today I washed and polished Emily (the A10) in readiness for the weekend at BSAOC South Wales. I know BigJim intends to be there. Is anyone else here going?
May the Weather Gods be kind to Emily's paint and polish, and to your own good self GB. You'll be OK - it never rains in Wales.
(Just pours it down!)
Better put an extra layer of duck wax on Emily mate, and a high level exhaust and air intake - just seen the weekend forecast for south Wales. *eek* *eek* *eek*
May the Weather Gods be kind to Emily's paint and polish, and to your own good self GB. You'll be OK - it never rains in Wales.
(Just pours it down!)
Cheers m'dear!
I take it the promise of no rain is a legally binding contract 😁
I'm going to Wales this weekend, but up the other end, and in the car.
Take pictures and post them here if you will please GB.
Sos mate. Maybe better to whip the motor out and put it in a skiff! Or turn it into one of those 'motorcycle boats' I've heard so much about. Or give Noah a call, he might have room for one more??
All helpful suggestions, I trust. *eek* *eek*
I'm going to Wales this weekend, but up the other end, and in the car.
Take pictures and post them here if you will please GB.
The pictures being of a despondent GB and his bike in a RNLI boat, presumably ;) ;)
hopefully a couple of shots of the Panther rally i camped at last weekend. There was a small ride out on the Fri eve as in these photos, much bigger one on the Sat with about 40 beasts. Great venue, great bikes good company. All being well i will be with GB on Sat at the Wales BSAOC rally. The main thing being I WILL NOT BE IN A TENT! That's assuming the curse has lifted and my front forks have not collapsed.
I'm told duct tape helps keep water out of your wellies. Whatever floats your boat - or bike in this case .........
Quick question: the terminal nut on my plugs keep coming loose. The caps are the type that fit over the nut and not on the threads. Spark plug manufacturers can offer removable, solid or no cap. Does anyone know if the code for B6HS changes if you have a solid nut, or do you simply have to look around or specify a solid nut????
Quick question: the terminal nut on my plugs keep coming loose. The caps are the type that fit over the nut and not on the threads. Spark plug manufacturers can offer removable, solid or no cap. Does anyone know if the code for B6HS changes if you have a solid nut, or do you simply have to look around or specify a solid nut????
Tighten them tight with pliers.
i didn't go to the pub, *clap* i took urma the yonda for the m.o.t and she passed. urma is miss firing above 5000rpm and i suspect it is electrikery problems. when i got home after a good blast about i noticed the rear wheel off side bearing retainer had come undone *eek* investigation needed *problem* *work* later i got betsy out and we went to a local BIKE night there was about 7 bikes and 30 scoo - mod mobiles, myself and betsy didn't stay long and when i got home i had a hot bath and bacon sarnies. thankyou for listening.
I fired this lot off to TT Industries for my new 5 speed, basically they do an option with both Kickstart and Speedo drive but you have to supply them the parts, also got my BNR belt drive kit and Alton a little while back
Now that's a night out Berger *smile* *eek*
Tightened terminal cap with pliers, still comes undone. I've now put a couple of tiny spring washers under them and tightened solidly - let's see. I did consider thread locker, but understand that this can act as an insulator. The only other things I can think of is a spot of solder on top, mash the threads of the plug and sort of 'cross thread' the cap on, or find a strand of copper wire, wrap it round the threads and force the cap on.
wot about some resistor-free NGK plug caps - that go straight onto the threaded bit?
They're the only ones I use, and they stay put. They also have grommety sleeves on lead-to-cap and cap to plug body.
And, . . as they are rigid it's impossible for the screw to 'miss' the HT cable core when you fit them. Which happens a lot with those soft rubbery ones if that's what you've got.
Cheap enough, and much easier than mashing solder, cross-threading on purpose or whatever?
Or do they lack 'the look'?
wot about some resistor-free NGK plug caps - that go straight onto the threaded bit?
They're the only ones I use, and they stay put. They also have grommety sleeves on lead-to-cap and cap to plug body.
I also use those caps.
Today I rode 150 miles from home to the South Wales BSAOC location. The bike, as usual, ran like a Swiss watch.
I usually shun motorways but today I decided it would be quicker and less tiring to cover the first 30 miles on motorways. I just follow a lorry and stay at 50 to 60mph. This technique keeps idiots from constantly overtaking and pulling in front of me.
The weather: It lightly rained for the final half hour. I'm going to be prepared tomorrow; I'll have my rainsuit on before I leave my accomodation.
I'm sitting in a pub where I had traditional English Friday evening dinner; fried battered fish and chips, (fries). Bitter-shandy then a glass of Merlot to drink. It feels great to be on my own for a while 👍
Sounds like you're having a great time. By the way, I believe everyone knows what "chips" are when use in context with "fish." This chain in the US is long gone, but plenty to take its place.
Richard L
Sounds like you're having a great time. By the way, I believe everyone knows what "chips" are when use in context with "fish." This chain in the US is long gone, but plenty to take its place.
Richard L
Or take its 'Plaice' 😁
I've noticed lately a lot of backfiring/popping out the exhaust on overrun, so I took the mag pick-ups out (which were new last year) and did the scribe test on white paper. The black lines kept coming and coming, so got the old ones out (I never throw anything away), tested them and clean as a whistle ! - Cleaned the slip ring and fitted the old pick-ups - 40 mile test run and not a murmur from the exhaust - result.
wot about some resistor-free NGK plug caps - that go straight onto the threaded bit?
They're the only ones I use, and they stay put. They also have grommety sleeves on lead-to-cap and cap to plug body.
And, . . as they are rigid it's impossible for the screw to 'miss' the HT cable core when you fit them. Which happens a lot with those soft rubbery ones if that's what you've got.
Cheap enough, and much easier than mashing solder, cross-threading on purpose or whatever?
Or do they lack 'the look'?
Don't know what you mean by 'the look' Bill? I know the ones you mean, used them on bikes before, but just wanted to know if anyone had found a solution to the 'loose terminal' issue. Will have a look for the resistor free items. Cheers guys.
Don't know what you mean by 'the look' Bill?
Nothing untoward W - I was just worried you might not want 'modern', with obvious NGK logos on the plastic!
A few folk I know, who care about 'the look', demand - just for example - exposed brass terminals on black and yellow or black and red diamond braided cable, nothing else will do! And KLG or Lodge plugs let's say . . . .Older bikes in those cases - but where 'period' is important, then the modern bits are less appealing . . .
Me, I don't care as I favour function over form within reason, but I take my hat off to efforts to keep things as they were, or near as.
Ah, it's ok Bill. I want the bike to run as well as possible as I ride it as much as I can. Didn't quite realise you could get the non-resistor threaded type of cap as they weren't popping up on my searches. I do have a couple of brand new 'rubber' terminal cap items which work great if the friggin cap stopped unscrewing - hence exploring the 'fixed cap' solution. Anyway, I'll see how I go - cheers pal.
Halfords sell em, or my local one does.
NGK, non resistor plug caps that is.
With a legend at bsaoc rally.
Is that GB - you know, they guy with the grey beard?
I went through my spark plug stash today (I've got 16 of the beasts via various deals). Seems half are fixed terminal and the other half removable. Picked up a tip from some petrol-head website and adapted one of their ideas for locking the removable items. Got a small length of automotive wire, stripped it back and separated the copper strands. Folded one strand in two and put it over the top of the threaded terminal with the folded part at the top of the terminal, then screw down the terminal cap. It provides plenty of resistance and, once nipped up with pliers, is impossible to unscrew by hand (unless, of course, you've got hands like dinner plates and the grip of a mountain gorilla). Very pleased with myself now, so will have a few *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Worthluck - one thing about your plug issues confuses me - what is causing this? I've always believed in curing a cause rather than patching the condition. Over 60yrs I've driven tractors / motorcycles / cars / vans / trucks and operated machinery from lawnmowers to 50 ton tanks and, in all those tens of thousands of hours, only ever had a plug terminal unscrew once - driving down to London around 1965 in a hired Vauxhall Victor 101. It went on to 3 cyls after St Albans so I pulled into a filling station and saw no3 plug lead was off - the terminal had unscrewed. Only once in all that time, and I only ever do those terminals hand-tight. Must be something odd happening with your engine.
Is that GB - you know, they guy with the grey beard?
Tis me 😁
RD, I've never had a plug lead come off, despite being on the road for 40+ years. I see the issue like this. The cap comes loose and theoretically could unscrew all the way. Trying to retrieve the terminal from the plug cap could be tricky at the side of the road unless I had some long-nosed pliers to hand. I also have a 'thing' about stuff coming loose whilst I'm riding/driving, and I enjoy finding different ways to fix things that shouldn't ordinarily need fixing. I have about 4 pairs of loose terminal plugs which I want to use with confidence. If you put all these things together, then my purpose becomes a bit clearer. I also see this as a fix rather than a patch up.
Chances are, I'll never really have a problem, but the terminal was half off after a 110m ride. The bike did vibrate a lot more when the condenser was on its way out and I had a lot of misfiring, but it's much smoother now.
One of the best things about the forum is picking people's brains about stuff that is important to them, but may seem a bit insignificant to others. In the grander scheme of things, you're right in saying that fixing loose terminal caps on spark plugs is not something to worry about. Having said that, the guys on the 'petrol head' forum I mentioned have had a lot of issues with this problem. I think it was a dirt bike/off road type of forum.
Is that GB - you know, they guy with the grey beard?
Tis me 😁
Which makes the other guy BigJim but he didn't look all that big so I wasn't too sure meself!
.... Which makes the other guy BigJim but he didn't look all that big so I wasn't too sure meself!
Yup, that's BigJim. His forum name is a mystery that he explained but I still didn't understand.
Today I rode 150 miles returning from South Wales to home. The bike was superb. I do need to stop every hour or so to allow my botty to recover.
Combined with the outward journey and the ride out with the club members I must have covered nearly 500 miles since Friday.
Nice one Neil, not sure I'd be walking very far any time soon after riding that far on my plunger.
It was a superb late winters day, no rain, brilliant West Aussie sunshine and the perfect day to add more running in miles to my newly built from the ground up 51 Plunger A10.
Heading home as dusk would soon be throwing shadows further that my 6v headlight can throw its candle I glanced to my left to see old man roo had hopped the wire farm fence and was in the long paddock right alongside me. At the apex of each bound his head was well above my head height. Although they are pretty unpredictable and capable of amazing changes of direction, I guessed he was coming my way. I didn't really need the company, so a smidgeon of common sence heard the purring BSA slowing rapidly from its stately 40mph. True to form old man roo bounded to the right about 2 bounds ahead of me, about where I would otherwise have been. He spied a gravel road off to the right and swung in there. It was a joy to behold, his body was leaning hard right and each bound now kicked up a sharp shower of gravel as he powered his way through the corner on a lean any of us would have felt proud of. My chosen course was to the left so we had parted company but i continued steadily home with eyes sweeping the sides of the road somewhat more than usual.
He spied a gravel road off to the right and swung in there.
Roos care about roads? (Pardon an American hijacking "Roo" for "Kangaroo.")
Richard L.
Today I continued my summer of shed ology, I built a new shed last year for storage (getting too old to go crawling about in the loft), this year I upgraded the bike shed with a bench and installed the Flash that's for sale in there, then turned my attention to my workshop shed in order to get my other bike in there from the garage where it has to my shame been quietly gaining a coat of rust, and whatever you call alloy corrosion.
So a good old makeover with new paint, despidered (God they are filthy little beasts) and a bit of re-arranging of tool cabinets and shelves, then to get the bike out of the garage into the shed, not easy - muscles seem to have gone AWOL during lockdown, anyway there's a lot to do as you can see to get it back to how it used to look
Despite the excessive neatness of your shed, we will not shun you. ;)
Richard L.
Didn't do much on the bike today, but started replacing the front struts and springs on the 13 year old Octavia. Why the fcuk do VAG cars have that clamp system for the strut that requires dismantling everything. Then, after building the new shock and spring, went to fit it. New item is 1mm larger diameter than the original so wouldn't go in. Made a large spreader device out of an M14 bolt, still very tight. Sanded off all the paint, still a bit reluctant. Considering you have to put the strut in at the same time as the driveshaft is a right PITA. Anyhow, tomorrow, I'll remove the bearing carrier completely, tap the carrier onto the strut, then lightly secure strut at top whilst reconnecting drive shaft, then control arm, then tie rod, then anti-roll bar then caliper then I should be f**&*(( done FOR ONE SIDE). It's taken a day to get one side half done, and it turned out to be a good riding day. *razz* *razz* *razz* *razz* *razz* *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *problem* *problem* *problem* *problem* *problem* *problem* *work* *work* *work* *work* *work* *work* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Despite the excessive neatness of your shed, we will not shun you.
It won't be like that for long Richard
I didn't really need the company,
I know the feeling *eek*
C U at Kal *smiley4*
Had my first visit to the oncology department at Margate hospital 20 miles away and went on the Super Rocket to avoid buggering about and paying car parking charges.
Staff were horrified that I was going to leap on (well heave my leg over) a sixty plus year old bike with not very good brakes after having a pint of blood removed! They kept me there until they were certain I was OK.
Just as well I used the BSA, actually, as there was a two mile traffic jam on the way back that I sailed past.
Nice nurse got me a priority car park pass to stop me doing the same next week!
Today I continued my summer of shed ology....there's a lot to do as you can see to get it back to how it used to look
Sad to see that lovely old machine deteriorate like that Bill you must have a bit of a damp problem in your garage. Hopefully nothing a drop of Solvol and some elbow grease can't sort out.
I couldn't help notice you're not using your TLS front brake as a TLS front brake, why is that?
I couldn't help notice you're not using your TLS front brake as a TLS front brake, why is that?
I disconnected both front and rear to make it easier to wheel from the garage into the shed as it seemed hard to push.
The garages are about 50 years old I was working on this estate when they were built (assembled) and know that the asbestos sheets on the roof were porous from day one, over the years I've scraped moss of them and sprayed them with sealer several times but not to any lasting effect the fall on the roof is also very slight and the wind blows rain in between the joints (overlaps), fifty years ago when working men drove mini's the garages were still a tight fit, nowadays you can't get a car in them.
That said I must take the blame for the rust, I threw a bike cover over it when I put the bike in the garage, it would have been better without it I think.
Rode 31 miles into Chicago for the Motoblot Motorcyle and Hot Rod Strret Rally. Got a nervous 30 minute test ride on a new BMW R18. Why nervous? Shift on the left, breaks that want to throw an A10 rider over the handlebars, Chicago traffic, 70 mph before you're thinking about it, etc.
Richard L.
(Pictures will be here i a minute. Stay tuned.)
Know what you mean about riding modern bikes after ours. A few years ago my wife paid for a trials experience with the famous Dougie Lampkin. I'd only just started riding again after a 20 year break. The bike was only a 250cc single, but by God, the power was incredible. I almost stood the thing on the rear wheel twice, then had to have the fellas catch me at the top of a slope after giving it too much throttle. In fact, Dougie indicated to his colleague to 'watch' me using his hand to indicate I was a bit trigger happy.
If I was on a modern whoomera, I'd have to actually learn to ride again.
Nice piccies, by the way.
I had asked the ride leader to keep a lookout for me in case ambidexterity failed me completely. It was iffy at times, with right toe often seeking the bottom of the brake pedal. Nevertheless, made it through. Actually got up to 6th gear at one point, probably, unnecessarily.
I've attached a few more photos. Two of the Norton that took the Best British Vintage award and one of the red A10 that took the award in 2017. You might recognize the latter.
Richard L.
Had a variety of bikes since the early sixties - all British. All my current bikes are British (right foot change, lousy brakes etc etc. except one - around 12yrs ago I bought a Firestorm - 100bhp plus brakes that'll easily lift the rear wheel. Strange thing is I thought I'd keep getting mixed up feet-wise but it's never happened. Soon as I select a gear to leave the garage, from then on gear changing is automatic, never any prodding with the wrong foot regardless of what I'm riding. But that's changing. Can't swing my right leg over high modern bikes anymore, so my Honda rides look like a thing of the past. Pity, as the 'storm has a fantastic engine - smooth from tickover to 9,000 and with brakes to match. Not so keen though on the top-heavy aspect. Makes it a pain in slow bends, where it'll fall down unless you slip the clutch to keep things ultra-steady. Can't beat the A series for handling and general user-friendliness.
G'day Fellas.
Haven't done anything on the A's lately except for starting to pump the oil around.
The rHonda has the lump out and top end off after finding #4 was 30lb down on compression. It's been a battle as I thought it was a ring problem (oil squirt down the plug 'ol and it came up) but all looked good there. Found a leaky valve so lapped it in. On assembly I found the guide had lifted a mm *eek*. These were new guides fitted 50,000Km ago. Decided to heat the head on the BBQ to 200C and push it back down. It didn't want to drop so put it up to 300C. It now dropped in easy. It wasn't till assembly (valves, springs, collets on 16 of the little buggers) I noticed a few of the seats had dropped a tad. OK, if I put it back in the BBQ at 350C the springs will pull the seats back in. It did but now had to lap all the valves back in and replace the seals again.
So yesterday with the head on the bench I bolted the cams in to adjust the shims (had already bought a kit of 26 @ $330) and got'em spot on with only one problem. Two of the cam cap bolts wouldn't tension up to 10ft/lb. Bugga, back apart again to helicoil those. All back together, now waiting on a set of std rings coming from Holland *ex*
Makes working on our A's a walk in the park.
wow and i thought my yonda was giving me problems. i think i'm in the shallow end and your well in the deep end *pull hair out*
Worked out how to get the rear wheel out and the chain guard off of Jaws the Jawa 350 outfit. Found a bunch of shrapnel in there. Turned out to be self destructing chain rollers.
Yikes :o *eek*
Checked over the Star Twin in anticipation of a few hundred mile run this coming weekend. Found a bit of play in the steering head races. 1/16 of a turn on the castellated sleeve and all is well again. Oh, and the stop light works once more. And it's even lightly polished!
Hi All,
Got almost all the wiring under the seat sorted for the electric leg
Just the wiring of the solenoid , push button and security switch to do
A quick couple of wires and tested the starter, it certainly whizzed the engine around *smile*
And it's even lightly polished!
Black Sheep- Don't overdo it.!!!
Another estuary ride with the chaps last night. I was on Hardley again.
Estuary big sky.
Rode 31 miles into Chicago for the Motoblot Motorcyle and Hot Rod Strret Rally. Got a nervous 30 minute test ride on a new BMW R18. Why nervous? Shift on the left, breaks that want to throw an A10 rider over the handlebars, Chicago traffic, 70 mph before you're thinking about it, etc.
Richard L.
(Pictures will be here i a minute. Stay tuned.)
Considering I entered my bike for judging in the Vintage British Motorcycle Class, you can see by the size of the rider that mine is the "Hardest Working Motorcycle in Show Biz."
Richard L.
Got the front wheel with its new tyre back into Blue the T3. Pulled off the pillion pad and set it up for solo touring with the hinge top US style hard panniers. Got a long weekend up in Scotland at the end of the month.
Parts had turned up for Jaws the Jawa outfit so put the new chain and sprockets on that. Fun and games with the all enclosed chain case. Still runs about as vibey as it was before. That's mostly about prepped for a trip down to the Elephant rally with my pal next January.
Said pal turned up with his Griso and we stuck that up on the table and changed all the fluids and checked the valve clearances. This bike has a sunken oil filter in the bottom of the sump - it mounts from the outside (unlike the earlier models) but you need a sleeve tool to get the thing in and out. Old filter was a 14 flat and the new filter was 8. What a pain and why can't we have some standardisation on these things?
A10 only went out for one run this year I think - some 40 miles maybe, and is unlikely to get another ride this year. I'll be investigating the non charging dynamo some time over winter.
Oil change all over on the A10, engine, gearbox, primary and forks (fork oil looked like a big cappuchino ;o) and treated her with a new drive chain after 25.000 km....
My Mother had voiced an interest in taking a spin in the Jaws sidecar - her generation having been brought up bouncing around in such contraptions and not being too precious about it. So Tuesday night I was round there and we gave it a spin - just a short ride but took in the house where she brought me up, and her parents old place. A small capacity Eastern European two stroke can't have chimed too well with her memories but she seemed to really enjoy it.
I went for a ride in the Cotswolds and saw Diddly Squat. That, of course , is Jeremy Clarkson's Farm Shop from the Amazon TV programme. It was closed but the ride was great.
I went for a ride in the Cotswolds and saw Diddly Squat. That, of course , is Jeremy Clarkson's Farm Shop from the Amazon TV programme. It was closed but the ride was great.
I really enjoyed that series. Of course Clarkson plays the fool but I found it educational about the problems of farming.
changed the fork oil and checked the head races for play. this was done because i did a 100 mile round trip all over the hills of derbyshire and a bit of staffordshire yesterday. i went on lots of single track roads and they were bumpy, the banging at the front end going over the bumps was doing my head in *pull hair out* i know these type of forks do bang a bit but it was screaming at me to check the head races. there was nothing wrong at all *problem* then i got hold of the honda tank that slides onto two rubber bushes and has a rubber cushion at the back and i got the BANG! *bash* the rubbers had all shrunk to the point that they were letting the tank move. the job is now sorted and at least i checked the stearing and changed the fork oil, first time in about 8 years. after that ride out my neck was killing me , one day i might have to take the clip ons off. thankyou for listening it's now chicken pie time. chicky pie chicky pie chicky pie pie pie *whistle*
You might have answered a question for me there Berger. I get a bit of a 'boom' occasionally over a biggish pothole - did sound like the tank but I have loads of foam rubber, etc under it, will check it out though. I do allow a bit of play in the steering so as not to overload the bearings. Generally, I take hold of the fork sliders, lift on the centre stand, and rock. If there's a slight 'clunk' ( and I mean 'slight') and the front end swings freely from side to side, I'm happy.
Still getting a little pinking at low speeds when opening her up a bit. Could this be down to the rebuilt ATD that has new, slightly stronger springs, taking a little longer to advance? I've got the timing at 11/32 (or as near as I could get it), and running tappets at 12 inlet and 16 exhaust. Plugs are perfect at a nice light grey/tan (B6HS), ticks over beautifully and runs spot on 99.9% of the time. If I do get a bit of pinking, dropping it a gear clears it immediately. Funny how it only does it occasionally, usually cranked over on a tight bend or on inclines with the revs a bit low. Will respond well with a more gradual throttle opening rather than a big handful! *smile*
G'day Worty.
The steering head should have no discernible play but no stiction.
Try lifting the needle 1 notch.
Cheers Musky. What will lifting the needle do, i.e., will it make it run richer or leaner??
G'day Worty.
Richer. The only way to combat pinging is to richen the mix or retard the timing without doing mechanical work eg lower compression.
Makes sense Musky. I did read somewhere that the timing could be finely adjusted by altering the contact breaker gap. Mine is set to the standard 0.012, would an adjustment either way be feasible and, if so, which way, i.e., if I set at 0.011 would that retard or advance?
Interestingly, since I replaced my faulty maggie (condenser kaput), the plugs are in perfect nick rather than being very sooty. I reckoned this was down to too rich a mixture - perhaps it was just down to weaker spark??
Answered my own question here. This is a decent article re timing/magnetos/cb gaps, etc.
Answered my own question here. This is a decent article re timing/magnetos/cb gaps, etc.
Well, that link and the several links within it is(are) pretty enlightening, such as the arithmetic and mag construction for V-Twin timing.
Richard L.
Trying to figure out why my right fork is jammed in the upper position...
... whomever rebuilt it failed to replace the spacer at the bottom of the fork, amazing for a £0.25 washer it cost nearly £80 in special tools to make sure it went back together right!
Cleaned and checked the beasty for the next ride out. Here's an interesting one: after I set the timing a few weeks ago I replaced the plugs - bike ran fine. Decided to replace the plugs with some others just for the hell of it. Bike pinked a bit and offered a few backfires, etc, at low revs. Checked points gap today and fired up again, still a bit of spluttering at low revs. Thought I'd try the plugs I'd used after setting the timing - bike ran fine.
THEN, I realised, the plugs I'd put in that were causing the problem were the ones I'd secured the terminal cap with threadlocker!! Forgot I'd done that and also forgot that threadlocker is an insulater. When I put the non-threadlocker ones back in, no problem.
The moral of the story - DON'T put threadlocker on terminal caps!! I have since removed the terminal caps and cleaned them all thoroughly (the ones with threadlocker on, that is).
G'day Worty.
Good one, that would have had many scratching their heads.
I hate elecTRICKs.
I'm investigating a problem with the '88 FXST. Battery fine, charging fine, running great. Till I turn the headlight on *pull hair out*. Thinking it must be the ignition switch, the same design as the switch fitted to a 1936 model *ex*
Meant to say 'insulator' by the way.
I can't do elec-tricks myself Musky. Had a huge problem for ages with the friggin' electrics not working intermittently. Tried new batteries, bulbs, etc, checked wiring, etc. In the end, it proved to be not one, but 3 faulty batteries all in a row!!!!!!! Two were AGM and one lead-acid. The electrics would work one day then drop out the next. When I first got the bike on the road, I had a lead acid that boiled over and dumped acid all over the r/h silencer, stripping the chrome off. When I noticed, I said calmly, 'Oh my word, that was unfortunate. Never mind, I'm happy to pay another £60 for a new silencer'. *whistle* *whistle* *whistle* *problem* *problem* *angry* *angry* *angry*
Yeah... Waiting until my wife wasn't looking and acquired a sidecar...
... just to convince her that it's OK to put a toddler in it!
So, to update and confirm. Went for a 135m trek around York, Bedale, Hambleton, Masham, etc. Apart from an early spit at me at some lights (probably a complaint about the dodgy plugs I had in before!), bike ran like a dream - picks up with a growl from low revs, and revs out smoothly throughout. I did go back to the points before the run, and set them at a very tight 0.012 (probably more like 0.0115 as I used a 0.011 feeler). Very happy with the performance, about as spot on as I can think of (no pinking at all).
One other thing, I was wondering what I could use down the plug hole to get an accurate BTDC reading. I have a vernier gauge which, when you open the jaws, the slider moves out of the end (opposite end to the jaws). Because it's quite thin, I reckon I could set it up to measure BTDC digitally, which would do away with the measured rod arrangement. Having said that, the latter did me just fine judging by today's ride.
....... and another thing, how do you tell if your rear shockers are shot - mine seem a little wallowy at times - they do get a hammering though, especially with the wife on the back *eek* *eek* :o :o :o :o *beer* *fight* *fight*
... dumped acid all over the r/h silencer, stripping the chrome off. When I noticed, I said calmly, 'Oh my word, that was unfortunate. Never mind, I'm happy to pay another £60 for a new silencer'. *whistle* *whistle* *whistle* *problem* *problem* *angry* *angry* *angry*
Jeez! 😡
Had a great spin around Wales today, stopping for a drink at a place called the Bafflehaus. Twas nice to chat to faces that are becoming more familiar with each visit. 98 miles in total according to Google maps. The bike, dare i say it, is running really well engine wise and if ridden at sensible speeds the front end is safe enough.
Felt good to be back in the saddle after a recent lay off. Came back from the Welsh rally which was after another rally the week before with approx 700 miles in 2 weekends. Felt sated BSA'ing wise and took 3 weeks off which was probably the longest time in 4 years apart from rebuilds and illnesses.
*beer* *computer* *good3* *woo*
G'day Fellas.
Took the Cafe for a short blast. We're in lockdown so had to stay within my 5Km radius. 3 laps clockwise, 3 laps anti-clockwise. Starting 1st or 2nd kick, hot or cold but still might drop the needle a notch. Pulls away strong but a little fluffy at 12 to 3/4 throttle.
I can't ride her very far as my hip makes it hard to get my foot on the peg.
Took my 17 y/o son’s ’81 cb250rs for a test ride (I’m the test pilot). Being cheap (unsure where he gets that tendency), he bought an old wreck for the cheap rego, had to change frames, weld up pipes, centre the front wheel, resto the forks and various other treats on a bike that’s lived at the back of someone’s shed to 10+ years. The front brakes are terrible (wrong calliper) and tyres old and hard. But apart from that it’s a surprisingly fun bike. Still no rego or wof and the tyre shops are shut with lockdown, but nearly ready to go. Not that keen on him riding but he’s done great work on a first project.
.. Ican't ride her very far as my hip makes it hard to get my foot on the peg.
Is that only a problem on the Cafe?
Well I headed over to The Trip Out on Friday with my pal. I was on Jug - my Guzzi Loop frame and he was on Hardley - my Sportster. But in the show tent I did see this.
.. Ican't ride her very far as my hip makes it hard to get my foot on the peg.
Is that only a problem on the Cafe?
G'day GB.
Yes, in order of comfort is 51 A7, 88 HD, 83 Honda then the Cafe. Have to get the wife to put my left sock on in the morning *ex*
wow butch there's been some thought and work gone into that bike. i don't normaly like the bling but i like that one *dribble*
A trip to the dentist. Root canal treatment. My wallet is still screaming. Still, couldn't resist a bit off light off-roading on the way home. Not quite in the same league as the same bike (Juliet's A10) in the next pictures crossing the Corrieyairack Pass. Yes, the kids came along too. Made them what they are today (don't ask).
Yeah, got the dentist in the morning. My teeth are duff thanks to an inattentive father who never bothered with dentists - even though he had a very good dental plan at work! *angry* *angry* *angry*
Musky - try to get the wife to dress me in the morning after a beery session but it meets with significant resistance. *beer* *beer* *whistle* *whistle* *dunno* *dunno*
As for the blinged up chop, I prefer the polished look rather than engraving, but I do appreciate the work that's gone into it. Used to go to the Kent Hell's Angels custom bike bash back in the '80s, saw some stunning bikes there (from the little I can remember). *smile* *beer* *beer*
i used to go to kent custom and still have the badge for the 10th aniversary, some great bikes down there and i have scores of photo's from those good old days. mind you some of the HA were t**s , bulldog bash was good to and i have scores of photo's of those times, i sold my T160 at the bulldog while tripping on acid *help* *eek* i went to the last bulldog as well. it is now a housing estate, bugger never got to take betsy up the drag strip either- off my tits to much *whistle* *lol* *lol*
Know where you're coming from Berger - sounds like you had a similar 'youth' to me. :o *doh* *whistle* *???* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *spider* *countdown* *pull hair out* *dribble*
Yes, the kids came along too. Made them what they are today (don't ask).
Blacksheep, re photo 2. I see you had to blindfold the kids so they couldn't find their way home!
re photo 3. Obviously didn't work then!
Took the project for a photo shoot today - been meaning to do this for ages. Maybe, given it's complete and running, 'project' is no longer appropriate? It's a '62 Golden Flash frame, gearbox, oil tank etc so perhaps a V2 Flash?
Anyway, here's links for those who took an interest in the machine. Apologies for the start-up fiasco. In order to ameliorate the huge strain on the starter my modus operandi has been to decompress the cylinders, hit the starter button and then slowly release the decompressor. This morning the rear carby flooded (rectified by a sharp tap on the float bowl) but not before the rear cylinder had been over-fuelled. Normally start takes around a second, but today I needed to give it some throttle to clear that cylinder. First time that's happened. And then I found the mirror had become dislodged .......
Bet there's a big smile on that riders' face. Through the mud and the blood to the green fields beyond.
*beer* *yeah* *respect*
perhaps a V2 Flash?
nice one RD - great and see and hear it running. how about a slow walk-around the bike video so we can have a careful look at your work.
Hi RD, Geez that sounds great. Not unlike a BSA - until you open the throttle. Congratulations.
Well the A7 is all bright and shiny as she is going to THE show. Shes a bit of a tart really and has aspirations of being a show bike but I keep spoiling it by riding her *smile*. Anybody else localish going we will be on the VMCC stand (
RD, that sounds epic.
More footage of that would be great, and a walky talk around would be very interesting too.
Well done RD. Don't understand the work you've done or how you've done it, but I get the genius! *respect* *respect*
Wow, RD, you've done a great job there. The engine sounds magnificent!
Great to see you on the "Big V" *smile*
G'day Fellas.
Well the new rings arrived for the rHonda Whore yesterday. The good thing about thin rings (1mm top, 1.2mm 2nd) is their easy to put on the piston without breaking! Made some ring compressors out of polly pipe and hose clamps, and piston supports out of nylon chopping board to hold them square whilst dropping the barrels on. Barrels on without problem.
Now waiting on the Time-Serts and Big-Serts to arrive to repair those stripped cam cap bolt holes. Found another hole had previously Helli-coiled gone bad so made a reduced stud 8mm-6mm for it.
Tomorrow (bugga that's only 30 min away) the HD wiring will get an overhaul.
You never cease to amaze me Musky, where do you get the time?
You never cease to amaze me Musky, where do you get the time?
I have the best wife in the world! She knows I'm in the shed and not at the pub or "knock shop".
I have the best wife in the world! She knows I'm in the shed and not at the pub or "knock shop".
During my drive to North Wales today I passed a sign for a village that always raises a titter. It's called Knockin. 😁
First 10 mile run this morning on the rebuilt A10. The job started with me thinking I had a capable engine and wanting to fit 3 piece oil rings. Ended up with new liners (as old +80 JPs had a partial seize), IMD pistons (with 3 piece oil rings), crank regrind and timing side bush. And 1000 delays over many months. I also fitted a srm clutch pressure plate, remodelled the external oil filter bracket and fitted an srm OPRV and an a65-type oil pressure light.
A few teething problems to go but nothing serious (I hope).
It was very nice to take it for a ride and hear that sound again. As much as I like my other bikes there’s something special about the a10.
First 10 mile run this morning on the rebuilt A10. The job started with me thinking I had a capable engine and wanting to fit 3 piece oil rings. Ended up with new liners (as old +80 JPs had a partial seize), IMD pistons (with 3 piece oil rings), crank regrind and timing side bush. And 1000 delays over many months. I also fitted a srm clutch pressure plate, remodelled the external oil filter bracket and fitted an srm OPRV and an a65-type oil pressure light.
A few teething problems to go but nothing serious (I hope).
It was very nice to take it for a ride and hear that sound again. As much as I like my other bikes there’s something special about the a10.
Good recap of the experience we recall. Great to hear you had a nice uneventful ride.
Richard L
Yeah, took the A7ST for a ride to a friend's wedding about 30 miles away yesterday and was a head turner - even among the classic cars there.
But on the way home (in the dark) she started running on 1 cylinder then died and would only run with the throttle over half open. I pushed her to a petrol station and pulled the plugs - the left was oil fouled and the right carbon fouled. Cleaned them up to try to 'get me home' with no improvement.
I call for recovery but after waiting 4 hours and still being the best part of 25 miles away from home I stashed the bike in a mate's garden (he's away, but a good chap so won't mind, and owns a trailer) and got a taxi home at 02:00 costing £40 for the ride!
On the upside, the headlight was fairly good before she died!
Now to let my mate know before he thinks he's got a free bike...
... any ideas on a potential cause? Of course I can't investigate until I get it home!
Bad luck Chris, i imagine most of us on this forum have been there. I'm sure lots of good advice is on its way. I'll just say one thing before you start giving it plenty of kicks to see if both plugs spark ( HT leads , caps etc) Take a peep down the plug holes for debris or damage to crowns. Unlikely with no nasty noises but reassuring to know. More likely could be a jumped push rod, have a look in the rear tappet cover to check that they all located as they should.
Good luck, could be an easy fix.
Only thing I can add is dodgy maggy. Mine ran with sooty plugs for ages and spat and misfired until I changed it. Wouldn't explain how one cylinder kept going though (unless maybe a bad slip ring??). I reckon Jim's right with valve/pushrod or similar issues, but that might have produced other noises/issues. Could have been a combination of things, like bad plug, maggy issues, timing, etc, but I'm afraid you'll have to start with the easy stuff and work back to the more complicated. Fortunately, our bikes are pretty simple, so it shouldn't be long before things start to become clear.
Bit late now but check the oil tank. There is a possibility it was not scavenging well and started to oil up first on the less perfect bore. I'd be inclined to drop the sump plate anyway, drain off anything that's come down on standing and check the little ball valve for freedom. Clean the plugs, check for consistent good sparks, prime the cylinders directly and see if it runs. A wide throttle to keep it going on the road does not automatically point to a carb problem, but as always it's basic mechanicals, then ignition, only then move to the delights of the 276.
With no nasty noises it will be something simple.
i have not been to the pub but i think i need to. after finding melted resin in the cdi boxes and a cracked coil i thought this could well be the reasons urma the yonda was miss firing and holding back at 5000rpm. i changed the cdi boxes and it made no difference so then i thought it must be the cracked coil and old leads and caps. i borrowed some parts from a mate and it made no difference *pull hair out*. yesterday i found it hard to start on the choke from cold and usually these bikes need the choke, today i tried without the choke and she fired up no problem, i decided to take the air filter out and go for a run. this resulted in the same symtoms untill i started playing with the choke lever and things started to happen regards a surge up to 8000rpm at random intervals. i went back home and put the air filter back in but left its side cover off that screws on and has a seal, the air normally being sucked through the back of the air box now had another big inlet area. along the road we went in second gear and i twisted the throttle fully open 4000rpm to 8500rpm in half a second and the front wheel in the air *help*..i got the wheel down and we went on a steady trial run over the hills out of the way of traffic. she has turned into the beast she should be hitting 9500rpm in the first 3 gears and that is scary at my young age. the air filter LOOKED clean , things are not what they seem to be, i'm just glad it's NOT fitted with modern sensors for steering and brakes that could get me in more trouble than i'm capable of on my own *shh* *whistle* ..... MUSKY RESULT!!!!
G'day Bergs.
So she is set up rich in the carbs. CV carbs won't run without an air box and filter. Without these they need to be jetted much richer to run well, as you have found. You could probably run pods and do away with the air box. Makes r&r of the carbs easier.
While we're on rHonda I finally got the head back on mine last night. I was able to Time-Sert one cam cap bolt hole but the other two were too far gone so made stepped studs for them. Tonight will be getting the cams dialed in and cover on. Hopefully get two of the sons over on w/end to help throw the lump (98kg) back in the frame. Still got a few more weeks of lockdown before I can cut loose on her.
hi musky i don't think the carbs are rich they are set to book. more like an air filter that looks cleanish but is choked. as soon as it got the chance of pulling more air through the side cover it flew. a new filter on it's way and then i will find out.
G'day Bergs.
I don't like the std filters, I prefer the foam ones
I just got the cams in and had to stop. The TV in the shed was more interesting. My Bunnies flogged the Sea Eagles and are now in the grand final next week.
I've done nothing with the bike today and my grand ride out over the weekend is cancelled - I've just tested positive for Covid! *angry* *angry* *angry* *problem* *problem* *problem* *rant* *rant* *rant* *rant* *razz* *razz* *razz* *razz* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Anyway, as someone who's not been vaccinated as yet, let's see what happens. *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* Feels like a bit of a headachy cold at the moment, with a bit of a tickly cough and some aches and pains. If I'm posting again by next week, I should be ok, if not, there'll be a nice A10 up for sale soon. *eek* *eek* *eek*
Cheers all.
Crikey Worty, isn't this your 2nd go at it? Please if it gets any worse get to hospital.
Lets hope you do not take up NHS resources that could have been likely avoided with vaccination, still I'll wish you all the best!
Had my chemo session yesterday over at Margate and every fuel station was queued out onto the road with panic buying, got the car back home on vapour.
Took the bike down into Deal in the evening to top up for the VMCC Kent gathering with the Sunbeam Club at Brenzett tomorrow and not a drop of petrol to be had at either filling station in Deal! Guess I won't be going on that run!
Cheers Sav, heart of gold. *eek* *eek* Don't worry mate, if I get really ill, I'll battle it out at home so more deserving people don't suffer. TBH, there's a 'worst cold ever' thing going about, and it feels more like that (my boys have been unwell with it too). I reckon it's coincidence with the positive test, don't think it's the Covid making me feel grotty. I know that people think the vaccine is some sort of Medical Messiah, but I reckon my immunity is as good as it's ever going to be having had it bad last year.
Sav - I get your anger at me, especially given the chemo treatment and what that suggests. Trust me, I'd never darken the door of a hospital unless it really was a case of life or death. My wife works in one and the tales that come out would make a saint faint.
Thanks Musky - makes you realise how many nasties are circulating at any one time.
So far so good - had an achy but decent night, have eaten brekkie and put some washing on. Maybe I'll test negative tomorrow and can sneak out for a ride??
Tell you what I've done to the bike today - S.F.A - why ? - no friggin' petrol !!
Today I finished the Villiers crank re-balance. No-one seems to know what the factor should be, so I aimed for just under 60% (sadly, being a two stroke, using removable balance weights as I do on four strokes isn't really an option). Years ago Alpha used to supply full-circle cranks, but alas, no more, so I ended up welding sheet metal to fill the webs. That then required removing steel and replacing with lead to restore balance. Bit of a bugger to do, as flywheels were really hard - just machineable with carbide tools, provided I re-sharpened for every cut. The holes for the inserts were also bored with mid-way recesses to help locate the lead. Added a little tin to the lead to help it flow and finished by bumping the lead inserts in the press to ensure a tight fit.
I've got Villiers 196 super sport from the early 30s. They were fitted with an alloy deflector piston. Mine is fitted with a cast iron version as fitted to the 'cooking' engine. I'm reliably told that the same crankshaft was used for both engines without altering the balance factor.
Gday RD,
I seem to remember sometime back you mentioned reading a 'hotup' book about villiers motors.
If it was 'The Villiers Singles Improvement Handbook' don't take too much notice of the section on balancing.
Some years back when I was bombing a 197, I wrote to Rob Carrick about this confusing chapter in his book.
He replied that he had changed his views on balancing and suggested I ignored that part of the book.
As an example he blew one of his racing engines in mid season and threw another together out of parts.
His rider asked him to put a tacho on the bike as it was much smoother and he was having trouble picking gear changes at racing speeds.
Sometime later when he checked the balance factor during a strip down, it was over 70%.
It would probably be a pig on the road though.
Have you thought about carby and ignition yet?
Going back a few replies to pods and CV carbies. Be very careful fitting pods to CV carbies, if they in any way restrict the air flow to the inlet to the diaphrams you will have all sorts of trouble. I ran into this on a XS650 Yamaha some years ago and it caused me lots of trouble.
Investigating a spot of oil misting at the rocker box I decided to go ahead and fit some piston rings while I was at it. Perhaps a spot of paint might be in order too.
Gday BlackSheep,
6 fins, thick flange ????
Must be a story here.
Hi Olev - yes, did read that book, but am not following it for tuning purposes. I had noticed the balancing comments were basically worthless. Was more out of interest to compare with what we did in the early 60's, when I had an 8E that absolutely flew - until the flywheel slipped on the crank. Would be leading by half a lap (karts) but never finished a race with the motor still running. What it needed was a key for flywheel / crank as in the 9E's, but beyond my skills / machinery at the time. Sold the motor and bought a 9E Super Sport. That had about 1/2 the power so I gave up.
I did some modest tuning to this 8E ('53 DOT Scrambler) a few years ago (porting, stuffing crankcases & filling in the crank webs) but didn't trouble with balancing. This re-balancing is an attempt to cure vibration from half revs up as a result of filling in the webs. I'm not looking for huge gains (believe they're getting around 30bhp nowadays) as the bike is only ridden for fun so not looking at ignition or carb. Just waiting on the crankcase to be welded (hairline crack) before re-assembling.
And here's the best of the rocket box gaskets.
Ah, the barrels. Many years ago I went to my local back street bike emporium Willie Pitblado's in Dunfermline, after a pair of pistons for the Star Twin. What he had, cheaper than a pair of Hepolites, was a box with a BSA service exchange set of barrels and pistons. Being a Scot and careful with my pennies, I opted for the service exchange set. It was only when I got them home that I discovered that I now needed new longer base studs. It was considerably later that I discovered the true significance of what I had bought. How did they end up in Willie's shop?
It was considerably later that I discovered the true significance of what I had bought. How did they end up in Willie's shop?
Please will you explain that comment *smile*
I didnae ken that small fin thick flange barrels were the Daytona ones and as common as rocking horse guano. And why did the factory release these very rare barrels as a factory exchange? Someone making an error or helping out a mate? We will never know.
It's a crying shame your machine isn't original anymore.
I've got a spare set of a7 barrels. We could swap if you pay postage both ways and throw in a bottle of Macduff..
Being a bit of a softie always happy to help out.
A great offer Olev but MacDuff doesn't travel well. Otherwise... *smile*
Rode up to Scotland from my Essex base for a long weekend with a few pals. Scotch Corner on the Thursday night, Dunkeld on the Friday, Fort Arthur for Saturday, Ayr on Sunday. Then home on the Monday. Two punctures between 4 of us. One in the back of a Tiger 800 and one in the front of my T3. Meant I got Sunday in the van going down to Ayr. Plenty of weather and had to use more E10 fuel than I or the bike care for.
Rode up to Scotland from my Essex base for a long weekend...
Rode from Scotland down to England for a friend's funeral yesterday. Cracking day, blue skies, F15s buzzing over Shap Summit. Had to stop at Tebay services farm shop on the way back to stock up. And all on an Enfield 350 Bullet. (Wife wouldn't lend me her A10 since I blew up her Douglas and the A7 is part way through getting new piston rings).
As the day was dry I decided to take Emily for a spin. I haven't touched her since the South Wales BSAOC weekend. Good girl that she is she started first kick and looking into the oil tank she was pumping bubbles after about 30 seconds. I rode to my nearest Esso garage to fill up with their E5 juice. I then rode 20 miles to Draycott water reservoir where I visited the cafe for my lunch. After my refreshments I had a pleasant ride home. Lush!
My wife and I have been inseparable 😳 since Covid started. I really enjoyed being 'off the lead' for a while today.
Yeah, took the A7ST for a ride to a friend's wedding about 30 miles away yesterday and was a head turner - even among the classic cars there.
But on the way home (in the dark) she started running on 1 cylinder then died and would only run with the throttle over half open. I pushed her to a petrol station and pulled the plugs - the left was oil fouled and the right carbon fouled. Cleaned them up to try to 'get me home' with no improvement.
I call for recovery but after waiting 4 hours and still being the best part of 25 miles away from home I stashed the bike in a mate's garden (he's away, but a good chap so won't mind, and owns a trailer) and got a taxi home at 02:00 costing £40 for the ride!
On the upside, the headlight was fairly good before she died!
Now to let my mate know before he thinks he's got a free bike...
... any ideas on a potential cause? Of course I can't investigate until I get it home!
So, I got the bike back and started going through it... Discovered that the choke cable has come undone from the splitter under the tank (splits the choke cable pull for both carbs on the A7ST), reconnected it and everything seemed to work... explains the soot of one plug as she was fully choked, but not the oil on the other. But at least she runs now!
My friend John brought his PE400X up from Bunbury for tuning, and I dusted off my PE400T, and we made beautiful two stroke noises and smells as we hurtled around our back paddock.
John will be riding his A65 at Orabandon 2021; the PE would be too "bogan" amongst the bikes from Small Heath.
Now there’s a word to conjure with.
Had to look it up 😁
Nice PE’s !
Last ride of the year, alittle popping on the overun is this down to the E10 fuel, certainly never had it before, or lower temperature.
Drained the tank, cleaned and sprayed with ACF-50, then to bed until next April.
Over winter tasks, gear box overhaul, new chains and sprockets.
G'day Billy.
Popping on the overun is usually an exhaust leak sucking in cold air causing the un-burnt fuel in the exhaust to ignite. Sort of a mini thunderstorm in the exhaust pipe. Usual places of leak are head to pipe or pipe to muffler. Hopefully not a crack in the pipe.
Thanks Muskrat for your suggestion of a air leak, I think it's most probably running alittle weak on small throttle openings, so just an adjustment on the JRC PWK carb should sort.
Been running this carb now for a couple of years and this is the only issue todate, not even required a strip down for cleaning.
That cleared the cobwebs out 130 miles visiting Bawdsey Quay, nice coffee & sausage roll, Southwold harbour, nice fish and chips and finally the pits stop café also Southwold for tea and yummy lemon drizzle cake. Bike was about 10 miles an hour slower on the way home *lol*. The book bike (A10) ran great apart from a tight brake lever which caused an occasional clutch slip, cured as soon as I got home.
Gave the Norton an oil change (oil was all in the sump) and took it out for its first ride of the year to a VMCC club night - also the first of the year, or in fact since the beginning of the lockdown. 40 mile round trip, all well and ready for Sunday's ride up to Stirling for the Velo club's agm. Wouldn't do to turn up on the Velo now, would it.
That cleared the cobwebs out 130 miles visiting Bawdsey Quay, nice coffee & sausage roll, Southwold harbour, nice fish and chips and finally the pits stop café also Southwold for tea and yummy lemon drizzle cake. Bike was about 10 miles an hour slower on the way home *lol*. The book bike (A10) ran great apart from a tight brake lever which caused an occasional clutch slip, cured as soon as I got home.
Sounds great. I know all those places. 👍
Yesterday I finished re-assembling the DOT after re-balancing the crank by substituting lead for steel in the bobweights. Took it for a ride this afternoon and well pleased. Very slight vibration at lowish revs soon disappearing as revs rise. Before, anything over about 2,000 rpm made one's hands numb. Also, concurrently reducing primary sprocket from std 23t to an 18t has made it so much more enjoyable pottering about off road. Now to the next job - creating a starter for my other vee twin.
Hi RD.
my other vee twin.
C'mon spill the beans?
That cleared the cobwebs out 130 miles visiting Bawdsey Quay, nice coffee & sausage roll, Southwold harbour, nice fish and chips and finally the pits stop café also Southwold for tea and yummy lemon drizzle cake. Bike was about 10 miles an hour slower on the way home *lol*. The book bike (A10) ran great apart from a tight brake lever which caused an occasional clutch slip, cured as soon as I got home.
Hi Angus, my dear old dad still lives in Flowton, just outside Hadleigh, Suffolk, anywhere near you?
Hi Angus, my dear old dad still lives in Flowton, just outside Hadleigh, Suffolk, anywhere near you?
Yep, I am in Felixstowe, but as we can only go west so I ride round the Hadleigh area quite a bit and through Flowton on occasion
It's been 3 weeks since Wortluck told us he had covid.
Wonder how he is? Anyone heard?
It's been 3 weeks since Wortluck told us he had covid.
Wonder how he is? Anyone heard?
That is his second dose of lurghy.
Hi Angus, my dear old dad still lives in Flowton, just outside Hadleigh, Suffolk, anywhere near you?
Yep, I am in Felixstowe, but as we can only go west so I ride round the Hadleigh area quite a bit and through Flowton on occasion
Wow, small world, well Angus if you are out on the bike, passing Corner Cottage one day and see a bewhiskered older gentlemen in his garden, give him a hail. Even better stop and say hi as he would love to see you and your machine. He enjoys a natter and will regail you with tales of he and his brother's epic journeys on the Rudge Ulster...
Be careful on that lane though heading toward the village as he still has a licence *eek*
It's been 3 weeks since Wortluck told us he had covid.
Wonder how he is? Anyone heard?
He has not signed in for the last three weeks. *sad2*
Rode out to the Essex branch Guzzi Club meet up yesterday. This month it was near Battlesbridge, so not a great ride for me. I took Hardley.
G'day Fellas.
I just sent Worty a PM and email.
Hope he answers.
Rode the Norton to a Velo branch agm. Note the huge turn out of Velos. Rain, lots of spray on the Motorway, visor fogging up the biggest problem. Bike going well though, just dial in 75 and go, imagining the views which would have been there had it not been for the rain, spray and mist. I'm sure Stirling Castle will still be there for next time.
Tis the way these Notruns be BS.
I wiped mine over the other day . . .
Lifting boats tomorrow. I used to lift most of the boats from the two small nearby harbours at the beginning and end of each season, but gave it up around four years ago as I was finding it too physically demanding - yes, I do use a crane *smile* but there's still plenty of physical involved. My son helps me now, but these days we only do my launch and a couple of others.
But the reason I'm posting is bike related - as my son's coming round I'm hoping we'll have enough time to run a short vid of my first vee twin (the one Chaterlea John recently enquired about). Just checked the oil, tyres etc in anticipation.
i have a question now i see the two notruns. does the back wheel fit dead central in the swinging arm or is it a bit over towards the brake drum?
On mine bergs I'd say it was pretty much central.
Using a steel rule, I get 5.25cm near enough both sides from imaginary centre line of s/a tubes to inner flange on rim (alloy) next to tyre taken at the g'box 'end' of the wheel (which is an easier measure for me than further back). Seems pretty stable wherever I position the wheel, so that seems to have a reasonably true rim at least.
From the rear, the wheel also looks to be on the centre line, give or take any tiny error in chain adjustment on my part, or deviations from square in the mudguard department. Runs hands-off pretty nicely, if that's a useful guide. If you want me to measure anywhere specific, happy to try.
cheers bill mine seems to need to be about 4mm over to the right to sit it central, i will have to investigate and if i can't find anything wrong with the stub axle and spacers i might have to have it kicked over when i get it re spoked i shall have to see when i fit the forks and front wheel.
But i didnt try to check any hub to rim offset - will try if u like? Just assumed 'standard whatever it is' for Notrun and late AMC . . .
At Midnight last night DAN the MAN let Melbourne, the longest lock down city in the world came out of Lock down after 262 days... We're 90% single dose & 70+% double dose... No more 15km travel limit & no more 9PM to 5AM curfew.. Today I drained the sumps on BOTH bikes, fired them both up 2nd or 3rd kick & rode them ( 1 at a time ) till my ar$e hurt .. *smile*
G'day Fellas.
I finally got a coat of paint on the rHonda motor. Eastwoods 2K gloss black and Duplicolor Acid Rush for the cam cover, alt & timing covers. Might get the lump back in on Sunday.
85 mile round-trip on the A10SR with the Tuesday lot "The Coffin-dodgers". Started at Grove ferry nice run to Jo's cafe on 'The Marsh' for brunch.
Liucky with the weather, dodging the showers, won't be doing much more this year!
... Started at Grove ferry...
G'day Fellas.
rHonda's motor back in, not an easy job by ones self. My motor cradle on wheels worked well.
Carbs back on, oiled and spinning nicely on the starter. Tonight the pipes get a coat and back on.
With a bit of luck test ride on weekend.
What's all that black stuff on the jack, Musky? Looks slightly unpleasant.
This last weekend I started pulling the GF apart. I've never been keen on alloy conrods, but when I rebuilt the engine I wasn't aware of BSA twin's fondness to eject them through the crankcase. Maybe the fact the engine already had mis-matched crankcase halves and mis-matched conrods should have alerted me. The result has been my concern on every ride that it may be the engine's last - not that I ride at high speed, but do like to enjoy the power through the gears. Another aggravating factor was the vibration, starting at about half revs. Really upset what should be an enjoyable ride, especially as those SA frames were most probably the best handling ever built.
And so I decided to tackle three jobs at once, before catastrophe struck. Replace the conrods (Thunder rods should arrive tomorrow) re-balance the crank around 58* and fit an electric starter - in anticipation of my replacement hip happening before I get too old to ride. Apparently kick-starting motorcycles is not recommended with a replacement joint, so the GF and my first vee twin both need electric assistance. I'm hopeful the DOT (197cc Villiers) will start with application of my left leg - assuming I don't fall over the damned thing in the process.
Yup, used to start runs from Broad Oak Garden Centre
That donk is a beast Muskrat.!! a bit bright on the eyes for my liking.
RD - age is a downer eh? I look forward to following your progress. I will also be fitting an electric leg soon.
I took the GF out for a spin today around our local country lanes after fitting a new SRM oil pump and PRV some weeks ago. I have been hesitant (scared) to run it away from home before I get some confidence in it - don't fancy a long push home. So first set up the emergency trailer and give the misses some instructions. It started first kick - but geez it has some compression. I used all my weight. With Penrite 15W-40 oil it started at 60psi cold (and oil return almost boring a hole in the oil tank) and levelled out at 20psi at 45 mph when hot and idled at 7psi when I got home- if you can believe the cheap gauge. (With the old pump and PRV the pressure was near zero at hot idle). Recently I tried 20W-60 and got 45 psig at 45mph hot with the old pump, same as before my rebuild. It was warm - about 28 Deg here today. So will change back to the heavier oil fairly soon when I am happy the camshaft has got enough zinc. The best I got the crank end-float to was 1.8 thou, just could not get the right combination of shims, so perhaps a closer tolerance may have given higher oil pressure?.
The new carb slide, jetting etc is working like a new bike - no spitting, backfiring, misfiring, lovely on the overrun, and no smoke. Exhausts a nice straw colour. Sounds nice, no rattles although my hearing is not too good - maybe a good thing? And the mirrors were stable enough to actually see behind! (I had it dynamic balanced to 60 BF). This time I dropped the tyre pressures to 25 psi on Avon AM7 rear and 24 front on Avon Speedmaster AM6 and the handling and ride was great.
Interesting that I changed the idle jet from #25 to #30 which is standard and the air screw needed a tweak outwards from 1.5 turns to about 2.
It seems to be now working as I like it. Only fine tuning needed from here - I hope!
G'day RD.
I painted the motor while on the jig. The carpet in the shed has the same black mist as well!
G'day Col.
Yes I should have used matte instead of gloss. The rest of the bike has never been re-furb'd and most of the motor is hidden behind the fairing. The motor weighs 100Kg s impossible to do without the jig.
Sounds like good progress with yours. Oil pressure sounds great. When your ready for a longer ride the Grey Gum Cafe on the Putty would be a good ride for both of us.
Yes I noticed the overspray on the cradle. The Grey Gum cafe sounds good Muskrat - My confidence is climbing, but so long as I don't have to keep up with the yellow beast. Judy and I stopped at the Grey Gum before first Covid lockdown. It's very popular with motorcyclists. There must have been about 100 classic bikes there. I got exhausted running from bike to bike as their owners started up. The wife was in the shop.
G'day Fellas.
rHonda lives! One second on the starter button and she burst into life. The only smoke was from the freshly painted pipes.
I build top ends almost dry, just enough oil to get the pistons & rings in the bores. Makes for a quick bed in so a few miles in the morning and she's done.
Tonight will be a quick carb balance and valve shim check, oil & filter change. Sunday a blast up to O'Connell pub.
Today I interacted with my bike the way I often do when I go into my shed for something; I pressed the horn button and heard a reasonable response, so deduce that the battery is holding its charge fairly well. The machine is well dusted with wood dust from some recent chair renovations.
This weekend I took a break from yardwork and my long list of home repair projects, and spent the weekend in the garage instead. Made some real progress on my A10 restoration project - fitted the freshly painted oil tank, installed new oil pipes, adjusted the points gap, set the timing and adjusted the valves. Then I tried starting the bike. No luck at first, but with the liberal use of starter fluid I eventually got her to fire! First time since circa 1982 as far as I know. Now on to the wiring. And the DMV paperwork.
The first start did reveal a few small issues that I have to sort out, of course. One of them is an overflowing carburetor. When the bowl fills with fuel and the float bobs up, it doesn't push the needle far enough to reach its seat and shut off the fuel. It's a second-hand Amal 389 Monobloc off eBay that I rebuilt. I assume I have all the right parts for this model, but you never know. Before I start replacing parts, I will first try adding a little blob of solder to the float, to see if that pushes the needle up high enough.
Nice job on the oil tank Tom. The bike looks very clean and newish. After so long it must have felt good to hear her startup.
I will first try adding a little blob of solder to the float, to see if that pushes the needle up high enough.
Maybealso check if there is a fibre washer under the needle valve seat? If there is, take it out? Original carbs don't usually have a washer there, new replacement ones seem to mostly.
Looked in the Garage this morning just checked that the batteries on both bikes are Ok. Would like to start some work on them but am waiting for a new garage door to be fitted, the old up and over door which is about 30 years old broke a spring and to buy new correct springs including postage was going to cost £220 it is just a single size door and as the bottom of the wood frame is going rotten decide to get a new door fitted. So going for a remote controlled insulated roller shutter door hopefully being fitted next week then can crack on with some work. Had to fold up my bike lift and move the bikes as far back into the garage as I can.
Managed to coax Jaws the Jawa outfit up to the top of Norfolk and back two up and with camping gear. Slow and not particularly steady.
How did Rhonda the Honda go on your Sunday ride to the O'Connell Pub?
A week or so ago I advised I'd ordered a socket to fit the cush drive nut in order to compare tightness between torquing up the nut or using a hammer and drift. Well, the socket arrived today, so I set about making the comparison.
First I tried tightening the nut just a fraction more (already done up previously with a punch). At 140ftlbs I stopped, as the socket kept slipping off the nut. Still no movement. I'd add that I'd locked the flywheel via a 1/2" stud through the 'sump' and into a balance hole, to circumvent the cam messing with the figures. So I'd guess the nut was at least 140ftlbs.
Secondly, I backed the nut off to discover how much torque was required to bring it back to just touching the sleeve - c. 20ftlbs.
Lastly, I measured the cam overlap at full extension (no spring fitted) - 5/16", confirming that even with a broken spring, one still has drive (assuming correct parts fitted).
But here's the pinch - engineering wisdom states that there is little correlation between torque and 'tightness' or compressive force generated by a bolt or nut. Apparently assumed tightness, even taking account of thread pitch and lubrication, can vary by 50% or more, which is why many critical fastenings these days are set by yield as opposed to torque. For my own part, even after almost sixty years of bike ownership, I've never had a problem with doing such nuts up with a drift, so shall continue to do so. By the feel of the hammer one can tell when it's 'there'.
i'm with you RD i punch mine up, the sound tells me it's sound. then i fit my home made locking ring that fits nicely in the original nut recess.
G'day Col.
Like a dream mate. Took it easy going up and let her rip coming home (lifts front in 3rd easy). Lucky there's no coppers out that way as when I got home I found she was out of rego the day before.
That's great Muskrat,
The lack of Rego ads to the thrill?? I can't even lift my BSA in first (or I don't want to). I can meet you at the Grey Gums one day, but I'll pass on riding alongside you on Rhonda. *red* *lol*.
RD - Your findings are very enlightening. To get 140ft-lbs you must be standing on the torque wrench or using an extension pipe.?? I found 65 ft-lbs on a standard torque wrench took a fair bit of effort. Also seems that the spring/cam reduces applied torque enough to create uncertainty. I think I will stick with the rattle gun, which like the punch removes these uncertainties. BSA were probably on the money back then.
As you may have read, bought the motorcycles a lathe for them to play with. Right now, 60F in Chicago in November calls for a ride. Bye.
Richard L.
I donned my winter riding gear and took Emily for an autumn bimble today. I stopped at a cafe and had a very good cheese Toastie and a cup of cha for my lunchion. Lovely job!
There was a group of chaps in the carpark with a mixture of classic British bikes. I passed the time of day with them.
That's a nice time.
Richard L.
Still got the residue of last weeks salt drefting on the roads here so everything stayed tucked away.
Got bored last night so swapped some bikes round and stuck Blue the T3 up on the table and dropped the oil and then the sump. Found it had been 10k miles since I last changed the filter so about due. That's a replacement speedo btw - the bike is a high miler.
G'day Fellas.
Now that the rHonda is almost finished, not fitting the fairing till 1st service.
Time to do the carb swap on the HD, new Keihin CV (95 model). Removed the old original Keihin butterfly carb, manifold and rubber compliance fittings. Fitted the new manifold that does away with the rubber compliance fittings but has a flange mount for the carb. Then shrunk onto the carb (spigot mount) an adapter flange (so I can swap back to the butterfly if I need to). All mounted nicely till I found the push/pull throttle cables needed modifying. The push cable needed 1/2" off the outer and the pull needed 1,1/2" off the outer. The push was done without trouble but in doing the pull I just nicked the inner, BUGGA. Lucky the "nick" is outside the outer cable so will do till I get a replacement.
Next hurdle is the air cleaner. Nothing I have fits so it's onto the interweb to see what I can find.
I did start her up and sounded good but CV's need an air filter to work properly.
Once this job is out of the road it;'s time to pull the plunger down for full motor refurb.
Short 20 mile run on the BSA to Dartmoor for a picnic lunch with my wife today, enjoyable but not without incident.
A few miles from home we pulled up at a red traffic light and a young girl in a Mini Cooper with a new driver 'P' sticker on her car, sped past us in the adjacent lane and drove straight through the red light *eek*. My wife screamed and covered her eyes. The Mini managed to stop just inches away from hitting a double decker bus, right in the side, going through the lights the other way.
Then trundling along at 15 mile an hour on a very narrow single lane road on Dartmoor a lady was just returning from walking her dog on the moor and was opening her car's boot to let the dog jump in when the dog ran for us barking like mad, it jumped at the sidecar and crashed right into the still moving wheel, it bounced off and rolled over yelping. I think the wheel went over its paw or leg. By the time I turned the outfit around to go back and check on it the lady had lifted the dog into her car. She didn't blame me and apologised for the dog's behaviour. I urged her to jump in her car and rush it to a vet. As she rushed off she turned and complimented us on our BSA & sidecar :o.
Naturally we feel concerned and we hope the dog is ok (as we know for some dog owners it would be like having your child run over and injured).
Having a quiet evening in now!
Short 20 mile run on the BSA to Dartmoor for a picnic lunch with my wife today, enjoyable but not without incident.
A few miles from home we pulled up at a red traffic light and a young girl in a Mini Cooper with a new driver 'P' sticker on her car, sped past us in the adjacent lane and drove straight through the red light *eek*. My wife screamed and covered her eyes. The Mini managed to stop just inches away from hitting a double decker bus, right in the side, going through the lights the other way.
Then trundling along at 15 mile an hour on a very narrow single lane road on Dartmoor a lady was just returning from walking her dog on the moor and was opening her car's boot to let the dog jump in when the dog ran for us barking like mad, it jumped at the sidecar and crashed right into the still moving wheel, it bounced off and rolled over yelping. I think the wheel went over its paw or leg. By the time I turned the outfit around to go back and check on it the lady had lifted the dog into her car. She didn't blame me and apologised for the dog's behaviour. I urged her to jump in her car and rush it to a vet. As she rushed off she turned and complimented us on our BSA & sidecar :o.
Naturally we feel concerned and we hope the dog is ok (as we know for some dog owners it would be like having your child run over and injured).
Having a quiet evening in now!
Flippin eck! Both incidents might have been a lot worse. 😕
Decided to make a start on the A7 front forks, for a while now I believed the fork springs were too hard as they are much harder than the A65 when essentially they are basicaly the same with cosmetic differences. On strip down my suspicions were confirmed some PO had fitted sidecar springs so thanks to Roger SB who gave me the correct details some time ago I have odered a set of solo springs.
Today I turned up an inlet adapt for my new monobloc. The thread on the pancake filter I have I took of a concentric which had a slightly larger thread than the monobloc🙁. As the air filter is is such good nic I machined out the thread on the filter and made it a press fit onto my new adapter. Here’s a few pics for your enjoyment
Today I turned up an inlet adapt for my new monobloc. The thread on the pancake filter I have I took of a concentric which had a slightly larger thread than the monobloc🙁. As the air filter is is such good nic I machined out the thread on the filter and made it a press fit onto my new adapter. Here’s a few pics for your enjoyment
Woot! Very nice.
Pumped up tyres and dreamt of summer - is that wrong??
G'day Fellas.
Finally got the CV carb on the HD with a support. Just waiting for air cleaner to arrive.
A great ride out on the A7 with 10 of the Thursday crew today. Started as always at Stratford St Andrew then across via Framlingham and Earl Soham to Stoneham Barns for coffee. Next up to Eye and Hoxne, along the Waveney valley to Harleston, Flixton and then Earsham and the grumpys cafe for a nice big ‘late’ breakfast yum. Finally, via the back roads to Halesworth and the Angel Inn for tea and cake, then home. 125 miles on a crisp bright dry November day, with the lovely autumn colours all around. Its great to be out
Used to live in Rattlesden many years ago, worked in Stowmarket. Really did love Suffolk, although I think some of the folk thought we were foreigners/aliens with our Staffordshire accents. On one occasion, a friend who is black visited us. We went into Stowmarket and just about every eye turned. Thinking about it, apart from her, I don't remember seeing anyone 'of colour' being around - wonder if it's changed now. I also used to brew my own beer and found a lovely old lady with a tiny shop selling home brew stuff - I spent a small fortune in there.
Used to live in Rattlesden many years ago, worked in Stowmarket.
One of my RM friends came from Stowmarket, Terry Aspinall. You may have heard of him as he's an author now and lots about him on the internet, he's had a very active and interesting life, Teddy boy, Royal Marine, musician in rock bands, hang gliding, pioneer of microlight flying, now lives in Australia.
When he left the RM I know he worked for Richard Garrett Engineering factory in Leiston for a while.
A great ride out on the A7 with 10 of the Thursday crew today. Started as always at Stratford St Andrew then across via Framlingham and Earl Soham to Stoneham Barns for coffee. Next up to Eye and Hoxne, along the Waveney valley to Harleston, Flixton and then Earsham and the grumpys cafe for a nice big ‘late’ breakfast yum. Finally, via the back roads to Halesworth and the Angel Inn for tea and cake, then home. 125 miles on a crisp bright dry November day, with the lovely autumn colours all around. Its great to be out
A great ride! I know the areas you mention; Janet and I lived in Diss in the 1970's.
There were plenty of characters around. One of them was the Hoxne, (pronounced Hoxen) Cowboy. The older man walked around wearing a cowboy outfit with a banana in his holster.
The local paper carried a strip, Mere Quacks, that told of the adventures of the ducks on the mere, (lake) in Diss. The artist would include the Hoxne cowboy in the strip.
Pulled the rear end out of Blue my T3 on Saturday. It's a service job - inspected the UJ and greased up the drive shaft splines. Always a pig of a job getting the UJ plugged back in on these on reassembly.
Sunday my pal brought Jaws the Jawa sidecar round and I was wiring in some hot USB tails on that. Then checking the timing, that will need a bit more work. I've ordered a TDC checker to screw into the plug oles.
Lunchtime I took The Black Pearl my V50 out to an Essex branch Guzzi Club meet up. First time out on that one this year. I think it's going to need a new battery.
Got this off the workbench and in the ground. Only taken a month.
G'day Pete.
Motor rebuild? Not a big fan of the 3" primary (had my boot chewed a few times).
I'm still having *pull hair out* with the conversion from butterfly to CV carb & manifold. Spitting back through the carb that much it's eaten the foam in the new air filter. It's got a #45 pilot jet, have to try #48 or 50.
G'day Fellas.
Fixed! I was going to throw the old butterfly back on but thought I'd see what size pilot it had. A #52 so it was removed and put into the CV. A couple of adjustments of the pilot screw and idle, she's purring like a saber toothed tiger.
the berg is now googling sabre toothed tiger purr *wave*
friendly beast bergs . . . must have accessory for every 'ard man out there!
G'day Musky
It's a long term project bike. Final assembly, am actually swapping it for a rather large pile of a65 stuff. I have a Dyna Street Bob as well so lost interest in the softail. I have a 3" belt on the Dyna as well lol.
It's a story you don't want to hear, but one that must be told (no tragedies). Today was 57F in Chicago, so decided to run a necessary errand on my bike over lunch. After all, at this time in the season, it could be the last riding day before May. The errand? It was a delivery about 6 miles from my house. They weren't expecting that I would pull up on a vintage bike to make this delivery. I had parked in one of the service spots to phone in for assistance. The female medical assistant who came out to receive the delivery showed some real appreciation for the A10 as I took the parcel from my handlebar pouch and handed her the small container our our dog's urine for testing. So, obviously, any excuse.
Richard L.
Had the engine and gearbox oil warming on the radiator indoors all yesterday. Then out in the garage last night to fill the sump, gearbox and drive box on Blue the Guzzi T3.
Might be taking an off road excursion with the boys Saturday week. I'll be on the long range SP. That's not been run in some months so probably needs a check over tomorrow.
Forgot to hit the send button yesterday
Very plesant ride down the BSA NSW club meeting in the cool of the evening returing at 1am
Nice ride again as I had the roads to my self .
When down to the workshop to check all was holding up as Eunice was doing her worst at the time.
I ended up refitting the rocker box on the A7.
I hate that job, and I've misplaced the pushrod comb, but it took my mind off the storm for a half hour or so.. *eek*
Before my trip to Wales last year, I changed the front brake shoes on the A7 (7” FWH). I had purchased a set of the floating type. Hoping they would improve the braking, well they did not, it was so poor that I would not let my son ride the bike. At the last Kempton Jumble I purchased another ‘normal’ set of shoes with totally different friction material.
Today I finally got around to changing them over. The floating shoes appears to have a very good contact area so my only assumption is that it was the friction material. The new ‘normal’ shoes give quite a good brake and the bike now stops better than I ever recall.
I found that, when putting everything back together with greasy hands, the brakes do not appear to work at all *dunno2* *pull hair out*
This was very evident approaching a roundabout when a cursory application of the brakes resulted in having to steer toward the curb with a very alarmed car driver braking heavily. *doubt* *doubt* An embarrassed wave of the hand had me returning to the garage to clean everything with brake cleaner - it now stops. Incidentally, I had the same result on a B31 which had no grease on the brakes at all. *eek* *eek*
Preparing myself for the first ride out - weather's getting warmer!! *woo* *woo*
i think i have a ghostly helper, maybe a deceased mate. now stop this bullshit berger your talking out the rear again, a couple of weeks ago i changed the plug caps on urma the yonda and underneath urma with the hex head on the floor and the bolt sticking up proud was a 10 mill bolt with one of those wide washers that you can't get off easily. i have looked everywhere to see where it came from, today i got urma out in the sun with the seat off and eventually i spied a bolt that i had put in the back light housing so the bolt under the bike was from there. how did it get to under the engine of the bike in that position *eek*?? the garage floor has been swept and hoovered with an industrial hoover many times since i finished putting urma back together [ its very sandy/gritty/dusty at my garage and the wind whips all the crap in] after i had given urma a few checks i got betsy out to prepare for the good weather, took the sump plug out and she hadn't weed into the sump, bless her. gave her a coat of looking at put her back in the garage and went inside and poked the fire. happy days *beer*
Way too many of the Black & Tans Berger *beer* *beer* *beer* *countdown* *countdown* *whistle* *whistle*
worty the black&tans were slurped down on friday *beer*, the bolt is a mystery but i'm sure it's not a ghost, is it??? *woo*
Not a ghost mate, more like Twilight Zone. Any biker will tell you that if their garage/workshop/tin hut isn't the Bermuda Triangle/Twilight Zone/Tales of the Unexpected, then it's something more mysterious. With mine, it's a bit like a black hole - keep putting stuff in it and it keeps disappearing, particularly at the point where I need it. *eek* *pull hair out* *angry* *angry* *problem* *problem*
whooop whoop , today betsy beezer fired up 3rd kick the previous two tried breaking my leg *eek* she hasn't run for months. then i got urma yonda out and she fired up also *clap*. i went to see my man with amazing skills ;D on betsy and got him to spot weld two bolts for the seat that is going on the berger build. gee wizz chaps it was brill to hear that exhaust at 5000rpm going up the gears, can't beat it with a big stick *woo*.. i also took the old van and picked up a mates aprillia rs50 that is bogging out. o dear what a mistake, i got it sort of running but someone has been playing with the carb jets thinking it will do a ton with a bigger main jet and no air box... like they do!!!!!!! never mind PUB tomorrow plenty black&tans to slurp *beer*
Good one bergs. It's a great feeling isn't it?
Nothing so far this week, I'm afraid. Back and muscles on side opposite my new hip have become annoyed at compensating for the weak muscles on 't'other side. Too much pain causing lack of enthusiasm to go to workshop. Bit better today, so hopefully back to the GF re-assembly tomorrow.
Cleaned and fired up the ol' girl (bike *ex* :o *whistle*) yesterday in preparation for a possible ride tomorrow. FIRST KICK!! Although it took a good 8 or 9 last week when I first tried after 6 months of inactivity. Really good to hear the beasty roaring and snorting away, like you Berger and all the other geezers on here. Cannot wait to get back on the road!!
Also looking for a runabout of any kind that'll do a starship mileage on a gallon of fuel - you all know why I'm saying this!! *eek* *cry* *evil* *rant* *angry*
Keep supping the B&Ts Bergs. *beer* *beer* *beer*
Over the past 3 days, The Beeza got the fork oil replaced, as one side was leaking due to the screw seal cracked and fell out. The speedo cable began to leak again, and found that the heat shrink had slid down the cable There was some serious play in the steering head so adjusted that out, gearbox oil replaced with EP 80/90, engine oil 15W-40 Running In oil replaced with Penrite 20W-60 with extra zinc after 250 miles (yes that's all the miles since January - wet weather or heat) and new oil filter. Tried a cushion behind the bum and came back with a much happier back, so will work on modifying the seat. Kicked it over today to make sure the new oil was circulating. Cold idle pressure has gone up from 55psi to 65psi with new SRM pump and PRV and new oil. After the ride, there was no oil leaking onto the garage floor so the bike is pretty continent. Numb throttle wrist is a problem.
Pouring rain again since yesterday will continue for another week yet, so will give it a road test when it dries up.
On Monday I threw a leg over a new Royal Enfield Meteor 350 and could almost put feet flat on ground but not quite. Seat height is 754mm and with some thought might be OK, whereas the new much more classic RE Classic 350 with wire wheels etc is 805mm. Still pondering on that. I sat on the RE 650 Interceptor, but seat height disqualified it immediately.
Cor which part of the UK are you in Col, a week of rain?! *eek*
Yesterday on the A7 I noticed grease running out of the rear brake drum it has the ariel hubs fitted. Tpook the reawheel off and what a mess grease all over the inside of the brake hub, dismantled everythingand cleaned all up. Don,t know what kind of grease was last used but it was more like bitumen in thicknessI could not turn the bearings by hand until i cleaned them out with some thinners. Decided to fit new sealed bearings rang a local supplier who I have used before ordered 2 new bearings they rang this morning to say they had them but just as I was about leave home to go and pick them up they rang again to apologise that their supplier had only sent 1 bearing instead of 2 so will have to wait now until Monday. Still I still have my A65 that I can go out on tomorrow have just done complete service on both bikes and the problem with the A7 only happened after I had taken it for a short run to check all Ok after service hope nothig goes wrong with the A65 tomorrow.
BON, I surely feel like we are in the UK at present. *conf2*
Went for the run today - absolutely &*^%^ fabulous. Bike ran brilliantly apart from a stutter after a mile or so, probably complaining about its long winter hibernation. Returned a bit knackered (covered around 120m), then changed the engine oil and chaincase oil.
Can I say again that a special place in hell is reserved for BSA designers. I have to take the LH front pipe off to get to the chaincase drain plug. The front pipe comes off ok, but putting it back on is impossible without having to remove the silencer. *conf2* *conf2* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *angry* *razz* *rant* Added to this, the bolt that fixes the silencer to the frame is almost impossible to get at - grrr. Took the time to remove the sump and filter to check for bits - no bits. *woo* *woo* Engine and chaincase now filled with fresh 20/50. Looking at the next decent day to get back on the road.
Can I say again that a special place in hell is reserved for BSA designers.
No need for reservations. Designed, basically, in the '40s or early '50s (some parts in the '30s) , the designers have all, almost certainly, already settled in their accommodations beyond, spending eternity getting exhaust pipe burns.
Richard L.
Went for a ride, should have taken my passport.
So many comments, so little time!
New toy (Honda Benly CD200) arrived yesterday (sorry non BSA), forty years old and 500 miles on the clock, been sat under a sheet for almost all of its life after previous owner(s) died (nice knowing you!).
Small, light and electric leg I see it as the future if I want to keep riding as I turn 75 and finding kicking and moving the big BSA's more difficult.
Pretty much decided The M23 will go after Manx GP and I'll sell my ever reliable A7SS. A10SR will get an electric leg on the proceeds.
Starts on the button but will fettle and then decide if I like it. Does not have that extra something of a BSA sitting there but better than struggling in the near future and we need to enjoy riding.
New toy (Honda Benly CD200) arrived yesterday (sorry non BSA), forty years old and 500 miles on the clock..
A very attractive bike.
At 72, I can still handle my low saddle, low compression Plunger. I may have to think about a modern bike when I get decrepit. However, although I enjoy riding a motorcycle I'm not sure I'd go off on lone rides. One of my main reasons to be in the Vintage Motor Cycle Club and the BSA Owners Club is to give me a reason to ride. I love the adventure of riding to a distant location with my camping gear and then going on an intriguing ride-out on scenic routes.
Nice little gem there - and only 500m, barely run in I'd say.
Looks like I'm the junior of the forum at 57 this year, anyone beat this (downwards not upwards, btw)
I rode a bike identical to that as a Winter hack for work from 1991 to 2014 and only ever let me down once, with a dead battery. Tanks and exhausts rust for fun, but the bike was one of the best I've ever owned overall.
They really are great little bikes.
Many praise MZ's for their rugged reliability, but when I tried two, they were utter shite compared to the Honda. Like comparing sundials to Swiss watches. Crudely made, crudely engineered and 'orrible to ride. The Benley wins by a huge margin.
I got an MZ250 for despatch riding - absolute rubbish too. Two stroke engine was lumpy and hard to ride, sounded awful, and seized up on the motorway cruising at 55mph. Mixing the two stroke with the petrol was also a pain, although I did do this without any issue on my 1970s FS1-E, and that was thrashed to death.
Nice little gem there - and only 500m, barely run in I'd say.
Looks like I'm the junior of the forum at 57 this year, anyone beat this (downwards not upwards, btw)
No you've beaten me Worty, I thought I might be the baby on here, just turned 60, but apparently not!
By the way I still fondly remember my Honda SS50 sixteener special, although those pesky FS1-E's were annoyingly always 5mph quicker... Those of us that survived those early years were the lucky ones eh, talk about baptism of fire... *eek*
Too right BoN.
I had three FS1-Es, smashed one up (car pulled out on me, bent forks, etc). The best was my 'sporty' Fizzy, complete with skimmed head and expansion chamber - I was king of the road on that beastie (never occurred to me that it may be illegal or that I may have needed to tell the insurers)!! Managed to get 55mph down a hill with a tailwind, but would pull around 45-50 on the flat (especially with my head on the tank *eek* *eek*). I did consider putting a YB100 engine in it, which was virtually identical to the FS1-E, but thought that may be taking the (*&^ too much.
Also correct about surviving those times. My only 'practice' was riding round our house on my mum's C90 (later changed for a Yam V90 with shaft drive - brilliant little bike). About a week after getting on the road, I was too quick round a country lane bend and ran into gravel, although hauling the bike out of the ditch wasn't too bad. *countdown* *dunno2* *problem*
My first powered two-wheeler was a 1948 James Autocycle. There was a cinder track around our housing estate. I used to whizz around there driving the neighbors mad.
Well, regarding MZ, I beg to differ.... bought a new MZ trophy sport 250 in 1973, and did a lot of driving on it until 1983, where wife and kids demanded an Austin Maxi 1750 instead ;)
Never had any problems with the MZ, just kept running, parked in the end of my garage for a couple of years, then sold it to a guy with a fine Japanese bike that he did not want to run in winter, so wanted the MZ as a winter run about.. He paid me nearly the same amount as I paid in '73....
But I now have a Honda NTV650 from 1993 as my winter bike, cheap to buy and very reliable - and when the BSA needs a break the Honda comes out *smile*
I and 3 more Danes drove to the Czech Republic in 2020 for the BSA International Rally on our BSA bikes, on the way we passed by Zschopau and made a stop at the former MZ factory to pay our respect ;) Did not stay for long as it was pouring down....
Joergen - maybe we had the Chinese made MZs *beer* *beer* *beer* *good3* *whistle* *whistle*
a mate of mine had a 850 notrun and a bmw 600 if i remember correctly back in the 70's, he also had a 250 mz and loved it more than the others
Just took my Husqvarna for a run today (it's a lawnmower).
Fitted oil tank and tool box to 'Manchester Ship Canal' RGS. Oil tank is original, needed a couple of holes brazing. Tool box was beyond repair so used one of my 'shed stock'.
Fitted a TomTom today so I wont get lost again. *conf*
Ha! Ended up literally under the washing line of a very elderly Portuguese lady using an early-ish version of TomTom a few years back! But she was kind enough to point to where we should have been - I had the impression it had happened to her more than once and that she didn't much mind being 'on the map' as it were . . . Could be sat nav users were her only visitors!
bill WASHING LINE! that reminds me of when the mate of mine who loved his MZ more than his other bikes broke down with a newly purchased 350cc bsa type chopper. we were travelling to my house about 12 miles from his and we stopped at a pub { of course } and his bike wouldn't start so we paid a young lad to bring his mums washing line so i could tow him to my house. good old days *beer* apart from that reminisce i have been wrestling with one of those long reach screw driver things to set the tick over on urma the yonda 4 carbs *pull hair out*
Fitted oil tank and tool box to 'Manchester Ship Canal' RGS. Oil tank is original, needed a couple of holes brazing. Tool box was beyond repair so used one of my 'shed stock'.
Looking good Andrew 👍
Exactly 100 miles on the new tiddler, roundabout route to Jo's cafe on the marsh, bike ran like clockwork, might have actually bought s decent one for once!
That completes 500 mile for the little thing,, cheeky email to Honda is called for to ask for the free 500 mile service still applies *eek*
They are excellent things - just about due its weekly oil change then Sav? *smile*
G'day Fellas.
Pulled the rear wheel out of the HD for a new tyre. What a *pull hair out* of a job. The shop said the tyre should be there Wed for Thurs fitting. It had better be as have 4 day ride starting Friday.
Not looking forward to the next tyre change as the rear belt will be changed. Rear wheel out, primary & clutch out, inner primary off, rear suspension off, swing arm out *bash*
Had a fine morning's ride on the B31 - to a funeral. Then fitted the rebuilt mag to the Star Twin and at the same time removed the bolt-on side stand that fouled the exhaust pipe. Sadly, that's about to go back to Draganfly. ANyway, the Star Twin should be ok for a while now. Top end rebuild, mag, gearbox and rear sprockets and chain, tyres. Now to look at the Velo dynamo.
Not looking forward to the next tyre change as the rear belt will be changed. Rear wheel out, primary & clutch out, inner primary off, rear suspension off, swing arm out *bash*
That's a LOT of work Musky and highlights the hassle of endless transmission parts where the business end isn't 'overhung'. Your clutch is on the wrong end!
I was dreading replacing the endless rear chain and sprockets on my XJR Yamaha, but found when I actually bothered to look at it that the job could be done, swing-arm out (to avoid using a soft link), in about 2 hours.
I'm guessing it'll be a day's toil with the Hardly Able, especially as I assume 'no centre stand', making many jobs bloody difficult.
I suppose it's partly about encouraging people to take things back to the shop for nearly any- and every- thing . . . Good Luck!
Maybe manufacturers could build machines with maintenance in mind - now that's a thought.
i went out on betsy to have words with my MOT man about the 31 year old van. oh deary me it looks like it will go to the crusher or a mates graveyard of all things old and mechanical he hangs onto, i will ask him if he wants it for his collection. the van has excessive corrosion around drivers seat belt fixing and very near the vin plate, - a big job it is all rotten under the seat and arch ,it also suffers from lots more metal worm in various places, extensive weldering required *eek* the clutch master cylinder has started dripping fluid into the footwell and it is buried behind the dash board, i can only just see it if i twist myself into the footwell--- very painfull *bash* *pull hair out* the crank seal has started dripping a lot more oil and the prop shaft has made a very good job of flinging oil all over the underneath. at least it's not rotten there *whistle* can't complain it has served me well for about 6 years since my brother gifted it to me. i think he knew something ;) BUT what a ride on betsy beezer grinning all the way there and all the way back, vrooom vrooooom
Not looking forward to the next tyre change as the rear belt will be changed. Rear wheel out, primary & clutch out, inner primary off, rear suspension off, swing arm out *bash*
That's a LOT of work Musky and highlights the hassle of endless transmission parts where the business end isn't 'overhung'. Your clutch is on the wrong end!
I was dreading replacing the endless rear chain and sprockets on my XJR Yamaha, but found when I actually bothered to look at it that the job could be done, swing-arm out (to avoid using a soft link), in about 2 hours.
I'm guessing it'll be a day's toil with the Hardly Able, especially as I assume 'no centre stand', making many jobs bloody difficult.
I suppose it's partly about encouraging people to take things back to the shop for nearly any- and every- thing . . . Good Luck!
G'day groily.
A mate took his HD in for 2 tyres. $450 for the rubber, $450 to remove wheels, fit rubber and refit wheels *eek*
Lucky I have a pneumatic bike bench with a removable section to get the wheel out.
Last night I shrunk in the cam and main bushes into the cases. Waiting on the reamer to arrive.
Yesterday re-torqued the head after leaving it at 30ftlbs overnight. Then spent most of the afternoon fitting the rocker box. Always one pushrod failing to engage, despite using the comb. Eventually removed the two rear studs so I didn't have to twist the box around the inlet springs, thereby upsetting the comb / pushrods. Started around 2.30pm and finished (tappets adjusted etc) around 5.30. So now I can add the appalling design of the rocker box to the equally appalling design of crankshaft and lubrication system. These engines look attractive, but have an abundance of lousy design under the skin. Re the rocker boxes - why not make then with a removable lid, so one can guide the pushrods home? These engines could have been so much better. Steel rods don't fail like alloy ones, so why change from steel to alloy in later models? Why change from an innovative crank to - around '56 I believe - one with a pressed on flywheel? And why not use a 180* crank to reduce the vibes a parallel twin always has? Or stay with vee twins, as they are much smoother (except HD) or had they become unfashionable? Engineers back then did warn 500cc was the limit for a // twin as beyond that vibes would become an issue. BSA singles are largely problem-free, so how did it all go wrong with the twins?
I reckon the interest and investment just wasn't there, neither was the innovation and R&D. The japanese soon cottoned on and made largely superb bikes. The only issue I had on japanese bikes was my XS750 which had the middle cylinder seize up due to the oilway feeding it being too small. I understand the XS850 overcame this issue.
I don't think you can beat the look, sound and feel of a Brit bike, so many have tried to copy but they just didn't have the pedigree. The only thing I can think of that comes close is the XS650 (though some may disagree). Their reputation for being bullet-proof and super reliable made them popular, but they simply didn't have the prestige and curiosity value of British iron. Perhaps it's worth the many hours of frustration, skinned knuckles, bad language and copious amounts of beer to keep these two-wheeled anachronisms on the road. *eek* *problem* *angry* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *beer* *beer*
so how did it all go wrong with the twins?
Invitation for long essays and a prize for the winner??
Or 'answers on a postcard' using fewer than thirty words, of which not more than half can begin with F?!
I ran out of Fs just thinking of the pain of assembling Notrun twin top ends in the frame. So, without my tablets Nurse, I can't continue . . .
Eventually removed the two rear studs so I didn't have to twist the box around the inlet springs, thereby upsetting the comb / pushrods.
Yep RD, The two rear rockerbox studs live with the cylinder head on my bike with 2 nuts on each. The front and rear top inspection cover studs are also double nutted and are removed completely like a bolt each time. Now i know you engineering types are gonna balk at screwing steel into alloy but tough. this works for me, not leaking oil at any of THESE joints (plenty everywhere else). Makes fitting of rockerbox bearable esp with the comb clamped to a fin.
why not make then with a removable lid, so one can guide the pushrods home?
Like the Ariel Huntmaster
Re the rocker boxes - why not make then with a removable lid, so one can guide the pushrods home?
As I'm sure you know, that was done for the A10 based engine in the Ariel Huntmaster. It's not a very big aperture but helpful to get the pushrod ends in the cups. As swing-arm bikes use the rocker box as a mounting for the engine steady, I suppose the lid arrangement was not conducive to ridgidity. I can't remember how the engine steady attaches on the Huntmaster.
Lucky I have a pneumatic bike bench with a removable section to get the wheel out.
'Tis lucky Musky, or it'd be an even deeper circle of hell you'd be in. I ought to get me a decent single-bike heavy duty lift really . . .
I mostly use the 4 post hydraulic car lift here, having scored a used one quite cheaply off the web about 20 years ago - it has been invaluable. But, for bikes with no centre stand it's not easy all the same, even if I strap a bike down and let a wheel dangle off the end.
The ramp will be there when I'm dead as getting it into a barn and putting it together on my own (and then smashing a humungous hole with a sledgehammer in a wall for access) was just about possible when I was in my mid-40s, but getting it out again but would probably kill me!
I wonder if it'll be a selling point for the house in a few years when the kids will have to sort out my lifetime's mess . . . ?
Groily, your workshop looks like heaven to me.
Heaven's a little bit further into the bowels of the 'tumbledowns' GB. But I live in there pretty much, come rain come shine, and it suits me despite all the grot (and there is far too much of that I'm afraid). Just wish it wasn't damp in winter, but it's miles too £££$$$€€€ to rebuild so I hope it'll see me out before it all comes crashing down!
I wonder if it'll be a selling point for the house in a few years when the kids will have to sort out my lifetime's mess . . . ?
Aaah, France! I believe they will make reality TV from your estate sale, Maybe call it, "That's it for the Chateau."
Richard L.
Heaven's a little bit further into the bowels of the 'tumbledowns' GB. But I live in there pretty much, come rain come shine, and it suits me despite all the grot
Myford lathe on what appears to be a large surface plate table.
A really cool little tabletop mill (what's the make?)
Questionably safe space heater.
Mandatory boom box in the corner.
Cigarette lighters strictly for heat-shrink tubing.
Cabinet-maker's table with clamping action.
100-year-old helmet on the wall.
1000-year-old brick embattlement walls.
All-in-all, love it!
Richard L.
The funny thing is Richard, that space isn't at a premium in rural north western France, so for $$ I'd be embarrassed to mention in polite company, you get - seriously - acres of space. Our one is just a 'long thin farmhouse', started in about 1780 and added to every time they had another cow or two, or some children, to house. Seriously! So you end up with something 40 metres long and under 8 metres wide . . . The 8 metres was the old limit of bits of available tree trunk of roughly parallel diameter to get from side to side, so all these house are the same 'depth' for that reason
The bit Herself lives in needed a lot doing, and it was duly done, but where I and the dog hang out (sadly down to one hound these days, from a heyday of several, including 60kg of 'Bouvier Bernois'), I haven't made any investment as it's just too scary. Once you start, you can't stop, and then you are stuffed because you're right out of money - and there's still no darn roof!
One thing I'm no good at at all is 'building work'. Just not interested unfortunately, and so have never taken the trouble to get into it, buy cement mixers etc etc etc. I was forced to do a load of what I guess might just about qualify as 'first fixing' carpentry to create some rooms out of huge empty attics in the house, but that's been about it, and my attitude to 'decor' is pretty much the same as for my bikes with 'patina' - as in: 'They're Quite Fine Like That' and 'What are you on about?'.
The downside of all these madcap expat adventures is that, in the highly likely event of my dropping off my perch and 'cooling' through self-neglect and bad habits, the cost for the beloved of finding a smaller place in an area she might care to be seen in, in whatever country, will far exceed the value of this pile of cow-dung with bits of tree trunk for beams. We have friendly discussions, aka arguments, about that now and then!
The upside is, if I pop my clogs before Herself, that I'll be chuckling from a better vantage point as the kids try to figure out what to do with things they won't even know the names of.
They have been warned, verily down to the third generation, that there is work in store for them. They laugh - now - but it will be on them in the end.
I'm trying to line up locals, bike people friends, to grab stuff and do the necessary when the time comes, because as we all know, bike people treat you right. There are a lot of tools . . . The table top 'mill' is just a big pillar drill of no pedigree with a 2-way machine vice; the vertical miller is 'oriental' (Warco?)but cheaper new than a good second hand Bridport or similar and easier to find, the Myford is just an ML7 with a few bits and bobs I've concocted to do things it probably shouldn't, the boom box might still work - there's a massive pile of better 'boom' that doesn't work in another corner!, the 'surface plate' table is actually an American 'across the bed' toolbox for a pretty l'il truck, with large inside capacity for all sorts of crap, mounted in an angle-iron 4- legged frame, the helmet is a recently-retired one I bought in the 1970s, so almost new (!), the lighters light the butane gas bottle and my pipe, with the emphasis on the latter, sometimes the oxy-acetylene if I can't find the flint-grinder thing, and the space heater is from the good 'ole USA, designed to run on paraffin but does pretty well on diesel as we can't get paraffin here. That's also nearly new, I bought it in 1995, along with my Hobart Mig welder, a 6KW generator and other things ready for the apocalypse. Half the leccy stuff is 110v, and uses transformers or the gennnie, the rest is 220v Brit or French. I guess no-one else should switch anything on, just in case there's a 'mismatch' - but while I have marbles, disaster is being avoided.
But above all, it's FUN and I wouldn't change a thing.
...above all, it's FUN and I wouldn't change a thing.
I love it!! *smile*
GGgreat workshop bill it reminds me of how my dads was minus the lift , what sort of people do you shoot? ;) Now many years ago i found a brass wheel at work and took a fancy to it so i borrowed it as you do thinking it might come in handy one day. i found it the other day and it was looking very sorry for itself but now it has been turned and slotted i think it is the best looking steering damper wheel in derbyshire, maybe the world *grins* the berger build goes steadily forwards *dribble*
I wonder if it'll be a selling point for the house in a few years when the kids will have to sort out my lifetime's mess . . . ?
I'm sure the Moto Retro Cotes de Nacre boys would help them out. They could flog it all at the Saturday morning autojumble.. *smile*
what sort of people do you shoot? ;)
Ha! That's a Diana Model 27 .177 air rifle bergs. My dad gave it to me on my 10th birthday, and it was well 2nd hand then. But like with our bikes, there be websites and parts available so I was able to bring it up to scratch a while back and it's very good at putting small dents in flimsy cans. My brother had a BSA one - he had more oomph, but mine was and remains very accurate 'cos mine had a longer barrel!
And very nice brasswork!
I'm sure the Moto Retro Cotes de Nacre boys would help them out. They could flog it all at the Saturday morning autojumble.. *smile*
That's one of my worries Rex! They might - and drink the proceeds!
G'day Fellas.
One of the good things that came out of the fire is everything (almost) is new. Even got (2nd hand) wall to wall carpet in the shed.
Got the rear wheel on the HD. What a prick of a job, over two hours by myself and it weighs half as much as the whole BSA.
The wife is happy and I feel confidant for the 4 day ride. Cooma tonight, Eden Sat night, Nerriga Sunday night, Home Monday. Aprox 1150km (715 miles).
Sun coming up now so out to pack the bike.
Have a great Easter M8's.
i think it is the best looking steering damper wheel in derbyshire, maybe the world *grins* the berger build goes steadily forwards *dribble*
Definitely looks great.
Richard L.
Forks and headlamp fitted...
It's infuriating that you are able to resurrect a bike found in the ocean faster than I (and I would guess, most here) can do it from a nearly complete bike found on dry land. You must have a very good parts supplier. *smile*
Richard L.
...also, amazing work. *smile*
You're very kind! I am trying to use as much of the bike's original parts as I can but it is handy to be able to nip into the workshop and help myself to a few small bits!
140m trip round the Yorks Dales and Moors, managed to pick out quite a few roads I've not been down before. Out for around four hours before a need for beer, steak and chips kicked in followed by a choco ice cream - all possible because the wife's away at the moment. *eek* *eek* *eek* *whistle* *whistle*
Wondered why I don't cover the starship mileage that some manage (Musky's 4 day, 715m epic!!). Just guessing but I spend most of my time exploring tiny backwater roads, often single track and very badly maintained. Even ran into a dead end yesterday, not for the first time, I think one of them may have been someone's driveway?? *grins*
Bike ran perfectly, but found a couple of 'issues'. Don't understand why oil is coming out of one of the screw holes on the top of the primary cover?? Is their a serious reason why the breather keeps spraying a fine mist of oil which eventually ends up on the rear tyre?? :o :o
Anyhow, the beastie never missed a beat - very satisfying overall. Looking at going out again tomorrow for the 'standard' 100m run to see if they've fixed the landslide issue on Snake Pass (sounds like something you'd find in Oz or the States, not Derbyshire).
I spend most of my time exploring tiny backwater roads, often single track and very badly maintained. Even ran into a dead end yesterday, not for the first time.
wortluck i also do lots of that around derbyshire even the very long lanes that end up at someones house *eek* i see a minor road and think i'll just have a look where this goes and sometimes end up doing 10miles ending up near to where i started.
Built and fitted back wheel. I use a magnetic torch with swivel base in two locations, dead handy for alignment and eliminating 'bounce'. Centre marked on masking tape on swinging arm then rim lined up by looking across the edges of the rim, like a laser line but I'm not saying my eyesight is quite that good, but it works! Using this method offset finds itself and checked correct as original spokes should be 2.5 mm longer oh RHS so, when using spokes of the same length you can see how far into the nipples they've gone. Double check with dial gauge on inside lip.
Aye Bergs, exactly what you said. To be honest, I've no idea where I've been sometimes, but I do have a good memory for roads and often find myself thinking, 'ah, so this is where it comes out'.
What are you CheeserB, some kind of genius?? *respect* *respect* Tried building a wheel once and ended up using it as a garden ornament - well, not really, but I did have to take it to someone who knew what they were doing! *problem* *razz* *evil* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Just a tedious operation really. Can get a bit frustrating these days, though, when rim quality ain't what it used to be (cue for a song by Max Bygraves?). Had a few over the years I've had to send back because the kink at the weld was simply unacceptable.
Potential problems only usually arise with non-standard stuff - eg fitting a different hub. Assuming drillings are at the correct angle, spoke length is the next issue. I get tired of suppliers telling me 'just tell us the make/model and we'll sort it out'. Of course, what arrives never fits. My method is to test build the wheel using 8 old spokes to ascertain correct length / bend etc and then place the order. Remembering, of course, that if the thread needs to be run up a little further, it can't be done when a thread has been formed by rolling, because the material is undersize. And why are spokes so expensive? Stainless in the sort of quantity involved in a spoke is next to nothing. The spoke is headed, bent and roller-threaded in a matter of seconds on a machine, so where does the £1+ each come from? Rant over ...
Anyway, I'm feeling old today - 3/4 of a century and still going. *eek*
What are you CheeserB, some kind of genius?? *respect* *respect* Tried building a wheel once and ended up using it as a garden ornament - well, not really, but I did have to take it to someone who knew what they were doing! *problem* *razz* *evil* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
I learnt how to build wheels when I used to do motocross, bent wheels was a fairly regular thing! Always done my own. As RDfella says, it's tedious but a skill worth learning. The trick is not to get everything too tight, work your way to round slowly and methodically making sure when you tighten spokes you loosen others otherwise things start 'pinging'!
Anyway, I'm feeling old today - 3/4 of a century and still going. *eek*
Jeez RD, you're doing well. *respect* I've got about 18 years on you and feel twice my age sometimes. *sick* *countdown* Anyway, I'm out to check the bike over ahead of another potential ride tomorrow. *dribble* *woo* Can't do too many long rides in a row at present, would probably seize up if I tried. *sleepy* Got plenty of beer in the fridge for a chill this evening - know what I mean Bergs? *beer* *beer* *beer*
140m trip round the Yorks Dales and Moors, managed to pick out quite a few roads I've not been down before. Out for around four hours before a need for beer, steak and chips kicked in followed by a choco ice cream - all possible because the wife's away at the moment. *eek* *eek* *eek* *whistle* *whistle*
That's my favourite sort of day 👍
i have been to the pubzzz! and now i need the bog, 1 minute ----------------------thankyou back now, cat snoring in his primark bag and i am going to beddies. RD fella nowts made rate nowadays, it's all --it will do, give us ya money.. happy birthday and always turn left at traffic lights , don't ask me why .......worty *beer*
Glad you made it back bergs. We do hold our collective breath after 'lates'down your way . . .
I had a load of black pudding and other dead stuff off the bbq yester-eve so had to get up a bit early for some reason.
Did the necessary and then went for a short ride as day broke. Barely saw another vehicle in 20 miles . . . Perfect start - and no traffic lights so I could turn right now and then.
Coupla hundred Notrunning km yesterday has set me up just right for the rest of the weekend, just need more petrol when I go out again in a bit to stare at a feast of 2- and 4-wheeled Americana that is apparently massing in the nearest town. The French like that stuff quite well, more perhaps than this anglais, but it's always impressive.
i was as ruff as ruff could be yesterday, 2pm until 2am on the lash on saturday. total lunatic!! today i got some primer and primer filler --- doesn't work but they will sell you owt. i even spied a bottle of stuff in halfords that will mend your head gasket, a bit like that tooth paste they want to sell you that repairs your teeth *sarcastic*. anyroad the berger build is now ready for the centre stand spring mount to be weldered on , it's been a fkig nightmare to get it right because things get in the way *problem* there are a few more bits to finish off on the weldering front then i put it in the garage and bring it out when i want to walk around it doing exhausts fixings and stuff. my missus is already missing it having wheels on and resting in the kitchen. thankyou for listening have a nice day *beer*
My mom (who lived to 93) told me, a few years before she departed, that she had no friends as they'd all died. Was beginning to feel a bit sorry for myself in the same vein - so many of my pals are no longer here. In recent times, there was my engineer mate George then, this year, another six pals - the most recent Harry (aka Jack Higgins) who passed a few days ago. But today the gloom lifted. Lovely, sunny day and my son was here so he could kick-start my GF after its rebuild (I'd disconnected the electric starter as I wanted to ensure it started OK and didn't kick-back).
Tickled the monobloc and it stated first piston up, steadying to a smooth tickover. Then came the anxious moment - is it pumping oil? Ten seconds, fifteen, twenty - still no return to tank so cut the motor. I'd left the timing side and drive side covers off so I could re-adjust the timing (if necessary) and re-fit the electric starter respectively. My son noticed oil had sprayed from the area of the oil pump so, assuming this was from the main bearing, I went for a second start. Oil return to tank occurred soon after. I then tried a few revs to ascertain (with a strobe) that the timing was as expected, ie 0 degrees at retard, rising to c. 30 degrees. The latter occurred around a guessed 2,500rpm. Next was refit the starter chain and test. Result - immediate start with push of button.
I was actually amazed how easily it started - obviously the GF is a helluva lot easier to turn over than 1,000cc of vee twin with high compression and virtually no flywheel, but the difference was greater than expected. Nowhere near the same strain on components.
All in all, a great day. And those new conrods didn't escape the cases! All I'm left with now is deciding which oil to put in the primary case. There seems to be no consensus on this, and I've no idea how to set up a vote on the issue (can you help, Mr caretaker?)
As members will know from my previous posts on this issue, I've not used oil in a primary case for 50+ years (excepting my DOT which, with Villiers cork clutch, requires SAE140 in the primary - tired of topping it up) but it's now required for the sake of the 'leccy starter.
it's ok RD i'm billy no mates in the biking or same interests world, all my mates have departed and i'm only 62. 33 and a turd over and over really *wave*
G'day Fellas.
I'm back. A little battle scared, I had an alcohol induced face plant on the first night *dunno* Fine & sunny all Easter. More rain coming today *rant*
Went on roads I haven't seen for 30 years. Up the Clyde I scrapped the HD on just about every corner and at the top I was on my 2nd fag before the next rider arrived *smile*
Bike went well but had a whirring sound from down below. Think I may have adjusted the primary chain a tad tight. Today I'll back it off a bit and try again.
I'm hoping that face plant was because you couldn't stay on your feet, rather than involving the bike. That whirring from down below was probably something you ate while planning the face plant.
Richard L.
I struggle to get out on a bike "just for fun". Having a disabled wife and a farm to run means time for leisure is somewhat limited. Of the last 4 rides, 3 have been to funerals. There are 2 more funerals coming up - am I bad to look forward to them as a chance to get out on the bike? One is a couple of hundred miles away. One long day out on the A10 coming up and a chance to catch up with seldom seen friends. Always look on the bright side!
Morning guys, bit of melancholy about but that's no problem -feel a bit crap today with a coldy thing, but it's my son's 17th today and I've promised to start teaching him how to drive. Neither of the lads seem interested in bikes, but then, I don't expect them to be.
As for primary oil, I go for a blend of 20/50 and 80/90, only because I bought 25 litres of the latter for £10 and need to use it on something. Never had a problem with the oil, but I do lose some from any one or all of the following:
Primary gasket, oil filler cap, clutch adjustment cap, one of the screws in the primary cover and the drain plug. That is, everywhere you can think of. Keeps the centre stand nicely lubricated though, although I don't like oil on the rear tyre. *eek* :o *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Well I pulled one pile of old junk out of my trailer and threw it on the wood pile only to replace it with another pile of junk, which had to be taken to the tip!
Another A7 Long Stroke! A 1948 YA7 engine in a slightly later frame which appears to have been involved in a rather abrupt stop at some stage in its life. *sad2* I have another spare front frame half too which I may well use as I think the original (haha original) may be a bit beyond straightening out...
I was encouraged to find the engine turning over with good compression and appears to still have some black goo in it. Someone has even bothered to cap the oil lines and stuff some rags in the ports. The story was it has been raced at some stage *eek* (witness the exhaust adapters and big carby) and had been left abandoned in someone's shed for the last 50 years. Seems to have caught fire too in the dim and distant so no wiring, or speedo but does have center stand, foot rests, gear lever (gears were selecting too!) Altette horn, bakelite switch for head light, correct tool box (painted like new) two single saddles and a dual seat
I'm under no illusions however, we know the engine needs to be stripped, oil pump checked, sludge trap de-sludged, camshaft and followers most likely will be toast...etc. etc. The tin ware will need welding up and bashing back into shape and the lovely old tank has a few dents in it. Anyway I won't find out until I start and I won't be starting for a while as we have a few other projects on the go here as well so there won't be a "BON's Longey" thread starting just yet but hopefully it won't be too long.
Plan to start with the Engine/Drive train and acquire missing / replacement cycle parts as required once I have some idea what I'm up against. *work*
Hi Bon,
I have two nos longstroke followers that I went halves on a full set with a friend in the hope they might work on a 20's job single. It turned out the radius was at 90 deg to the one for the single,
New cams are available as Wassel mucked up ordering 334 cams from Newman cams and got longstroke ones made instead?
These cases have been on offer for about a year by this wildly optimistic crew.
Just to show what's inside and the different camfollower arrangement compared to the later design. Maybe of interest...
Bagga. That chainguard looks original... with tyre pump mountings and wheel guard backing plate. Repro's often miss these off. Rear ride height looks strange, or else its the mudguard brackets screwed! BSA Piled Arms Logo missing from the timing cover. Could be only found on Star Twin, or only on A7. Julian will know.
To separate the front and rear frame parts is simple in theory, difficult in practice as the top thro' stud on the front/rear section join is invariably seized. My frame also had a thin wall locating tube, not shown in parts books. Needed all my skill, guile and curses to get them apart.
These cases have been on offer for about a year by this wildly optimistic crew.
Just to show what's inside and the different camfollower arrangement compared to the later design. Maybe of interest...
Bagga. That chainguard looks original... with tyre pump mountings and wheel guard backing plate. Repro's often miss these off. Rear ride height looks strange, or else its the mudguard brackets screwed! BSA Piled Arms Logo missing from the timing cover. Could be only found on Star Twin, or only on A7. Julian will know.
To separate the front and rear frame parts is simple in theory, difficult in practice as the top thro' stud on the front/rear section join is invariably seized. My frame also had a thin wall locating tube, not shown in parts books. Needed all my skill, guile and curses to get them apart.
Thanks Swarfy. All noted. Interesting collection of odd parts indeed, probably gave too much for it! The chain guard has been stripped and then left unpainted. Its a bit gnarly here and there but should clean up OK, metal seems quite thick. The tank has pump mounts too so may be off a later model but seems to be the right shape with mountings that match the frame. The mudguards are pretty ropey and the rear hinge has been disposed of with the tail section bolted on instead. I have no idea if anything is in the right place at this stage! I have been given a section of mudguard with the hinge in so will attempt a transplant. Someone has found me a licence plate/rear light holder too.
Those photos on Ebay certainly reveal the big differences in the cases. I like the idea of the semi-unit construction with the slipper adjustment on the primary. I wonder why they went backwards from this?
The cam and followers is something I shall be paying close attention to after reading many threads on here but we wont know the full state of play until its in pieces. At this stage everything is going round and round and all the valves are moving which is better than being rusted solid in my book!
I will need to do some fin repairs if these barrels have any life left in them. I've noticed quite a number of these early A7's with the centre screw in the lower part of the timing cover seem to be sans piled arms so I don't know if this is odd or not. The cover itself is a very different shape to the later Golden Flash version.
Hi Bon,
I have two nos longstroke followers that I went halves on a full set with a friend in the hope they might work on a 20's job single. It turned out the radius was at 90 deg to the one for the single,
New cams are available as Wassel mucked up ordering 334 cams from Newman cams and got longstroke ones made instead?
How opportune, I shall bear these in mind in the event they are needed thanks John. Maybe I should approach Wassel and find out who stocks the cams even before I split the cases, or should I open a book on the outcome. Is that allowed under the forum rules?! *smile*
Thanks for the tips guys always helpful.
Took the 61' Flash out for a run today. A little windy but otherwise perfect weather - a nice 22 DegC day. A very pleasant ride! The front forks have stopped banging over bumps since I tightened the steering head, so much pleased.
New motor now has a few hundred miles, so changed to Penrite 20W-60. It now has SRM oil pump and PRV. I gave it a few bursts at 60mph. Oil pressure was 65 psi at cold idle on startup, 23psi at 40mph, 30psi at 50mph and 10psi at hot idle on my return.
I'm not fiddling any more, so I have to be happy with that!
G'day Col.
I would have expected a lot more than that. My A10 Cafe (with end feed) Gives a hot idle of 25-30 on 20/50 with the original 1957 pump! Once over 3000rpm it gives 50psi.
I know you don't ride like I do but 10 psi at idle sounds low. 30psi at 50mph I'd pull over.
Did the "new" motor get bigends and main bush?
Dunno about 'a lot more' but I'd be happier with 40psi at 50mph. But, before getting out the worry beads, try what the engines were designed around - a straight 30 or 40 grade. I've often wondered whether multi-grades actually perform as we expect when they're contained (unlike in most cars) in a separate tank. Failing that, an inspection of the PRV may be in order.
My main test of oil pressure is to belt the bike around the Dales for 150m and see if it it gets back home without calling out recovery. Bike's done 10,000 since rebuild and no probs so far.
Fitted Paul Goff LED bulb set, unbelievable, like comparing candle to light bulb, very pleased, direct replacement, almost zero amps pulled. Cannot comment on nightime effectiveness yet.
Topped up last years fuel with Sainsburys Super Unleaded E5, and she started first kick.
I've never been too sure about oil pressure.
I know we need it, of course, but I've only ever had one sort of bike with a gauge (an LE Velocette, . . . yes, I know - I've even had 2 of them over the years.) They come with handsome gauges, as someone must have liked making instrument panels.
It is 'supposed' to show 30psi at 30 mph in top gear, 'hot'. It doesn't. Cold, it shows loads more than that (as all things will); warm, it still shows more than enough; but after15 miles it shows 20psi at 30 mph in top, or the magic 30psi at 40mph - and always 10 psi minimum at tickover. The 10psi is very reasonable I think. The crank is in so-so shape or better, running on plain bronze bushed annular big ends. This on a wetsump engine which works hard to ensure any forward motion at all, with an inefficient sv engine - but offset by water cooling. That's on bog standard supermarket 20/50, which is my favourite ubiquitous slurp and has been for half a century in all my bikes.
But . . . is it right that a goodly proportion of whatever pressure there might be at a big end is as much a function of centrifugal forces on the crank journals as of the actual state of the bearings or of the oil pump? And is it right that flow is at least as critical as pressure? And does it matter what a gauge says if tapped into a line that is lightly stressed compared to a conrod bearing? I don't know and I don't worry unless nasty noises tell me different.
If I recall correctly, BMC A series car engines, which many of us grew up on, let the yellow oil pressure warning light flicker at about 7 psi - which was 'remedied' by increasing the tickover speed by about 50 or 100rpm so as to save the electricity for the bulb and mental wear and tear on the driver.
If I fitted a gauge to other bikes I'd probably panic, if I understood what the thing was really telling me that is . . . Luckily, I don't have them and they seem to work well, come rain come shine, like wortluck's.
My 1929 Austin Seven had a very primitive lubrication method, mostly relying on oil mist. Hot oil pressure at tick over was expected to be 2 to 3lb psi!
Sometimes, the best 'gauge' is those two flappy things either side of your head !! *smile*
G'day Fellas.
Not wanting to turn this into another "oil thread" but.
There are two types of motors. Roller b/ends & mains need flow over pressure and plain bearing motors like ours need pressure over flow. Most take their readings at or near the pvr so yes with the centrifugal force going from the main to the b/ends would be increased pressure & flow (almost sucking the oil through). My rule of thumb is 10psi per 1000rpm. On the full roller HD I'm lucky to see 25psi cold and 15psi hot at 3000rpm (120kph). On the rHonda it gives 75psi cold at idle and full noise, once hot it gives 40psi at idle and 75psi over 3000rpm.
Last night made a new primary cover gasket for the HD and hope I've fixed the dodgy thread repair of the PO with JB Weld. The whirring noise I heard on the w/end was a tight primary chain.
I was expecting more pressure. I fitted new Big ends on a new crank, T/S Main had no wear, but there was some air leakage around the bush when testing the T/S case with air pressure under water as Orabanda suggested I do. It was a standard OD -10''' bush fitted by professionals (Waggot's) in the 90's, before I knew anything about crankcase ovality.
I had done some miles on it with fair oil pressure, so opted to seal it on the OD rather than Orabanda's recommendation that I remove and replace with a new bush. The cost was beyond my available time and budget (at the time), and is the only "bodge" I have done. It could be the main contributing reason. Another source may be a slight groove on the gasket face of the case where the oil pump seals, perhaps allowing some oil to escape. I did some careful filing/polishing to reduce the depth to less than 1 thou, and relied on gasket goo to take this up.
Motor is dead quiet according to Roger's flappy things, so I'll ride it until something gives or until flappy things tell me that all is not well. As you say, I'll never race it. Nevertheless, if I ever have to pull it down, I'll redo the bush properly.
Compared to what others have reported, at least I have oil pressure at hot idle. Centrifugal force probably makes the difference as you and Bill said. Time will tell. As some say - sometimes it is best not to have an oil pressure gauge. Ignorance is bliss.!
Hi All,
20-April is my SR's (re) Birthday, so I wished it Happy Birthday *smile* *beer*
It is also my Daughter's Birthday,
I got the project back in 1990 a few days after Aoife was born and took Her on the pillion for the bikes first spin up the road on its rebirth on Her 12th Birthday
She refused to relive the event earlier *conf2* LOL
Threw my toys out of the work van and took the day off. After a lazy start had a great day on some of my fave roads, bike running well engine wise. Am intending to fit a new centrestand spring so needed to have a good blast. The garage is warm enough now for "mission creep" which usually involves taking the front apart!
Threw my toys out of the work van and took the day off. After a lazy start had a great day on some of my fave roads, bike running well engine wise. Am intending to fit a new centrestand spring so needed to have a good blast. The garage is warm enough now for "mission creep" which usually involves taking the front apart!
Where did you ride?
My son had told me the book bike (A10), was not starting easily *problem* so the other day I swapped it for the A7 and took it for a 20 minute ride. It took a few kicks to start initially and then when home and warm 4 kicks to spring back into life. Today I took it on our informal Thursday ride about 120 miles around north Suffolk. Again a few kicks to start this morning but after each stop it seamed to take less kicks. When I got home with a very warm engine stopped it left it for 5 minutes and then returned to try it started first kick *smile*. I think its all about technique all three of my bikes have slightly different starting routines.
ps I must try again to train him to fix his own problems with the bikes *smile*
Felt ropey today but still managed to take my son out 3 times for driving lessons. *eek* *eek* *eek*
Bit triggered as well. Took the Skoda Octy diesel in for a clutch. When I asked what make, I was assured it was Sachs, so felt good. As is my habit, I asked for all the bits back to inspect, along with the packaging for the replacement (DMF - SMF kit), and checked it when I got home. The brand on the box was Teckmarx, which I've never heard of. It appears it originates from a company called SES, and I can't find any real info or reviews as such - anyone heard of them?? Cost of the full kit, labour and VAT came to £576, but that was what I was verbally quoted for Sachs. When I rang to ask them about it, a guy said the boss would call back in 10 mins - never happened. Determined to get to the bottom of it though, back on the phone tomorrow. *contract* *contract* *problem* *problem* *angry* *angry* *razz* *razz* *rant* *rant* *pull hair out* *bash* *bash*
Oh, and nothing on the bike for today. *sad* *sad*
Where did you ride?
Monmouth/Abergavenny and around and about
Worty, teckmarx make stuff that resembles an original part. where have we seen that before! SES i think is a parts distribution group maybe a partner of teckmarx
Where did you ride?
Monmouth/Abergavenny and around and about
Are you doing the BSAOC South West Wales weekend this year?
Worthluck - found this:
Thanks guys. My reckoning is that when the garage originally quoted £400 all in (which was wrong) they tried to keep the costs down by going for a cheaper kit. SES do supply Valeo and Luk, which also do the DMF-SMF conversion - would have been nearer £700 all in though. Car is 14 years old and has done 139k, so if the clutch lasts another 6 years it'll be near 200k, which is decent for a family car - may even outlast me!
Another funeral, another chance to ride the A10! Gosh, it does sound good riding through the crematorium car park.
Leisurely 70 miles with the coffindodgers today as a work-up for the A10SR in preparation for VMCC Bluebell weekend in Essex next week.
Apart from a BMW driver trying to kill me as he hurtled around a blind bend it was a great day for a ride, full English at the Cliff-top cafe at Capel, superb view, though expensive brekky.
G'day Fellas.
Got home from work to find a new 17-19mm adjustable reamer in the letterbox. Took it straight out the shed and did the cam bush's.
At last got a new battery orderd from Andrew , motivated at last ,battery to be fitted new oil and lets see if she'll fire up ,otherwise still got tim to sort for DGR ,yippee.
Finally made an accurate tool for timing my B31.
2 hours machining scrap pieces and now I can set the timing accurately in 5 minutes!
Machined a taper on 5mm AL flat bar, which matches the profile of the head fins. This piece pushes in, doesn't move during the timing, then is pulled out; easy peasy!
Bent up a left-over piece of 1/8" stainless rod (left-over from a knee lever added to a pedal steel guitar), and bent it with an approx 17mm offset. Consequently the rod touches the piston squarely, and the front part rises and falls vertically (in parallel).
A 1/8" slot in the front edge of the base allows the rod to be fitted into place after the Al base is positioned in the head (parallel with, and to the left of the spark plug hole). A graduated SS collared piece slides over the top of the rod. It has a grub screw so can be positioned, and locked in place when the piston is at TDC, and the bottom (first) mark on the collared piece lines up with the top edge of the brass guide bush.
There are 1/16" graduations marked along the SS collared piece; very easy with a digital readout on the lathe. Graduations go up to 1/2". Timing for the (hotted up) B31 is 7/16" BTDC; therefore the engine is rotated backwards until the second mark from the top lines up with the top edge of the brass guide bush.
Bike starts first kick, happy chappy!!
Hi Orabanda, you couldn't make me one and send it over by any chance ;) ;) ;) *smile* *smile*
Hi Orabanda, you couldn't make me one and send it over by any chance ;) ;) ;) *smile* *smile*
And me, the mag ignition on my B31 is a *problem* I don’t why I keep taking it on rallies *dunno*
Say, that's a nice bike!
G'day Richard, nice work M8.
That DT400 would look good in my shed *smile*
G'day Fellas.
I started polishing the A7 con rods. Then I found a set of NOS rods at Mike Riley's and added a few more parts. $$$$$$$$$$$$$
G'day Fellas.
Time out. Rain this morning so fettled the XT, been two months since a ride. A few laps of the block and found myself at the pub. Got a few lookers and comments. Started to sundown so got home to play with the Cafe.
She's still got Summer oil in so a bit slow to kick. After a dozen or so she fired into life. If the sun comes out tomorrow she will get a few laps as long as the hip hangs out. Speaking of which, ran out of pain killers a few days ago and have been taking Hemp Seed Oil caps 3 times a day. Think their working! Or is it the Bourbon?
Hey Musky,
I've enjoyed an XT500 for many years as well.
It's a one kick starter for me, but some of my friends fear it.
I'd side with the bourbon and painkillers Musky. Always wanted an XT500 as a winter, backup bike, but so damn expensive.
Took eldest son out (he finally available now rugby season is over) for a bimble and he took this photo of great bike, a lovely field and an old man.
G'day Richard.
Yes the XT500's have a reputation of snapping ankles or tossing them over the bars if you don't know how *eek* She's a two kick cold, one kick hot starter and been morphed into a roadie.
It was the Cafe that took some waking after a few months sleep. And even harder since I've lost a bit of weight (70Kg versus 10.5:1). Once started and warm she purred like a saber toothed tiger. I'll take her for a few laps today. If she behaves I may trailer her up to a mates place at Bathurst (can't ride her that far with the blown hip) to run her in the DGR.
Beautiful bikes Musky!
Small front wheel on the XT; sharp turner!
I can see the BSA will always be a fast bike, because you've got the Ariel brakes!!!
i went to the pubzz *countdown* ---musky-- bits stuck anywhere that's me! , before i went to the pubzz i checked the oil drilling plugs for sht workmanship and they are ok. so in went the ball and springthingy,,,,,,,,, then i had to cement up loads of rat runs but's that's another story, thankyou for listening and keep them bits stuck anywhere *beer*
Cafe racer looks the dogs - especially like the high level pipes.
The Cafe that took some waking after a few months sleep.
The cafe looks superb! 😍
Finally got the Head torqued down on the project. Feels like I'm finally getting somewhere. Special thanks to Orabanda for all his help with the bottom end and oil filter setup. Now for what the forum describes as the black arts , Locating Pushrods. *conf* *smile*
G'day Miker.
Beautiful mate.
I should have put a patent on the nylon primary chain slipper *bash*
.... oil filter setup...
It appears you have the filter in the toolbox, is that correct? Can I see pictures of the installation please?
When I was considering fitting an oil filter I realised that the popular Norton style filter and header would not fit inside the Plunger toolbox. Also, I wanted to keep a functional toolbox. I mounted the filter header on the bottom of the rear mudguard, so immediately behind the gearbox. The filter is mounted vertically and when unscrewed doesn't spill oil on the bike at all.
I was extremely pleased to find that I could route the return rubber pipe from the filter under the gearbox and through a narrow gap between the gearbox and timing case.
Hi Greybeard, A couple of pix of the install. Please note that this is made by orabanda.
Hi Greybeard, A couple of pix of the install. Please note that this is made by orabanda.
Nicely done Orabanda 👍
Did the lone piper bit at a woodland funeral a bit South of Kendal. A great trip over the Beeftub after which it stopped raining and over Shap by the A6. About 115 miles each way. Back up via Tebay services to stock up on goodies from the farm shop and a brief photo op by the earless sheep in Moffat before back once again over the Beeftub.
The A10 seemed a bit down on urge on uphill 3rd lane overtakes until I closed the choke a touch. Must be this new-fangled petrol. A bigger main jet is called for. This morning's task.
Wow, those hills are steep!
Sticky tyres! *smile*
A10 taxed online , now that was easy but another job of the list
During the fitting of a starter to my GF I had decided to retain the 6v system and charge the 12v battery as required. That would necessitate putting the 6v battery in the toolbox. Not impossible, but would ideally require a smaller battery. After some thought, I decided it would be easier to change the regulator and run the existing dynamo at 12v. And, in order to help things along I opted to change the dynamo sprocket to 11 teeth and therefore ordered an 11t sprocket on April 4th. After a couple of weeks I suspected it would never arrive, and so I ordered another (different seller) on 22nd. That hasn't arrived yet either. What's up with Royal Mail these days?
Anyway, I had hoped to get the bike finished off over Easter, and here we are - May 6th - and still nothing. So today, not wanting to order a 3rd and wait another two weeks, I decided to make one. I don't have sprocket cutters (one needs a set to cover various teeth sizes for every pitch of chain) and so I drilled a disc and eased the tooth profile with two passes of different size endmills. Over to the Boxford to bore the taper, a quick touch up with a file and flame harden and job done - exactly two hours. Should have done that in the first place.
Spent half as long again fitting the dynamo and chain. Another wonderful bit of BSA design - got to feed the chain around the drive sprocket whilst turning the engine over because it won't pass underneath. And the run-out of the drive sprocket is appalling. When you study the many shortcomings / design failings of these engines it's a wonder they run at all.
Wow. That's some clever machining.
Richard L.
I thought you would have whipped up a toothed belt dynamo drive *????*
(nice sprocket though *work*)
*smile* *smile* *smile*
Hi All,
Loaded up the SR for a trip tomorrow after fitting a new front Metzeler Lazer tyre on Wednesday evening
These have a stiff sidewall compared to other makes and can be a pig to do using levers *problem*
I saw a you tube video clip recently where a guy wrapped 12 or so tiewraps around a wide rear bike tyre pulling the beads together,and just"hoiked" it onto the rim by hand *ex*
I thought I would try something similar as the BSA has an inner tube I fitted that into the tyre and pumped a little air into it to hold it in shape, started off with the tiewraps and worked my way round the tyre until the beads were touching, (had to leave some air out)
I lubed the tyre beads and it took a bit of grunting to get the tyre on enough to not slide off on its own, a couple of easy goes with a tyre lever and there it was "done" I had to turn the tyre an inch or so to line up the valve stem but was surprised when the stem popped through the rim as it lined up *smile*
Snip the tiewraps and pull them through, then pump up
I was in dread of doing this beforehand, but I did not even work up a sweat doing it *bright idea*
When my 18y/o was home on holiday recently he was riding the B33 (a sight to behold) but forgot to turn the gas on, ran the float bowl empty, the float stuck and gas spewed out everywhere. A few taps on the side sorted it temporarily so today I finally pulled it apart. It’s a ‘new’ burlen 376 and true to form the stayup float had a sliver of ‘flash between the halves, and the outer side was catching on the raised casting for one of the screws. So I removed some metal and a tiny scrape of plastic and problem solved. It seems a bit poor that a ‘new’ part at ‘made in England’ prices has such defects. But not a major.
Also did oil and filter on the a10, readying it for the Northland Vintage Rally in 2 weeks. Even cleaned it for the first time in a long time and I might even polish some bits if I get bored this week. It will probably join the BSA club stand at the NZ motorcycle show next weekend, so it better look the part.
I saw a you tube video clip recently where a guy wrapped 12 or so tiewraps around a wide rear bike tyre pulling the beads together,and just"hoiked" it onto the rim by hand *ex*
I thought I would try something similar as the BSA has an inner tube I fitted that into the tyre and pumped a little air into it to hold it in shape, started off with the tiewraps and worked my way round the tyre until the beads were touching, (had to leave some air out)
I lubed the tyre beads and it took a bit of grunting to get the tyre on enough to not slide off on its own, a couple of easy goes with a tyre lever and there it was "done" I had to turn the tyre an inch or so to line up the valve stem but was surprised when the stem popped through the rim as it lined up *smile*
Snip the tiewraps and pull them through, then pump up
I was in dread of doing this beforehand, but I did not even work up a sweat doing it *bright idea*
Should have remembered I'd read about that in the past too John. As I struggled, yet again, getting a new front (TT100 in that case) on one bike yesterday.
When I was young, it seemed so easy . . . but gets harder and harder it seems with feebleness of age, or maybe more modern materials also come into it, and I can't get 'em on without levers with hands and feet like I could once.
I'll try the tie-wrap thing next time - hope it wasn't just lady luck on your side ref the valve stem slipping through!
Seriously tempted to buy one of the tyre fitting things like or similar. Anyone got one?? And if so, does it really eliminate risk of tube damage, muscle damage and the rest of the PITA that's involved?
Wow. That's some clever machining.
Not really. Turn up a disc from bar stock in the lathe, transfer to a rotary table (accurate enough for this and without the risk of mistakes so easily made with a dividing head) and drill holes at 32.727* (32* 44') intervals at half PCD. Was dreading a lot of hand finishing for tooth profile having not used a dedicated cutter, but it barely needed a touch. Fact it only took 2 hrs surprised me and shows it was easier than I'd imagined.
I thought you would have whipped up a toothed belt dynamo drive
Did cross my mind, but would make more sense to buy a kit as they're very reasonable. Reason I went for sprocket change was a) cost (you can buy one for a fiver) and b) time. When I'm trying to get a job finished that is already overdue, I'm not looking to make extra work! But then my plan was completely ruined by Royal Mail ...... Had I known making the sprocket was as easy as it was, I'd have done that in the first place and the bike would have been finished a month ago *doh*
Got the exhaust on today. I bought it a few years ago secondhand. Had to do a bit of fettling on the header pipe to get it to fit but all good now.
the riders seat is the epitome of BSA ---- *lol*
Hi RD,
Do you have the Flash running yet if so how is thw starter working out?
My electric start SR attracted quite a bit of interest at the weekend event
the riders seat is the epitome of BSA ---- *lol*
Well ventilated though.
Hi RD, Do you have the Flash running yet if so how is thw starter working out?
My electric start SR attracted quite a bit of interest at the weekend event
How ironic you should ask that today, John.
After the starter build I fitted new rods to the engine and re-balanced the crank. Only hold-up then was waiting for a sprocket to speed up the dynamo after I'd changed my plan and decided to make the bike 12v instead of 6v and just charge the 12v battery as required. Maybe I should have stayed with the original idea ....
Anyway, re-fitted the dynamo and changed original regulator for a DVR2 over the weekend and my son helped get the bike off the lift yesterday.
Today was the big day - roadtest (and my first ride of a bike since before my hip op last Nov). So, checked tyre pressures, took oil filler cap off, petrol on, tickled carb, pressed starter button .... nothing. Checked battery - it's flat. Now it's never missed a beat all the time I've been working on the starter and it's started the bike a dozen times. Funny it should be flat just three days after fitting the dynamo and a new regulator. Can surely only be the latter leaking voltage. Anyone else had these issues?
Kubota regulators (as on my vee twin) are known to drain batteries - but only after a month or so - so on that bike I disconnect the feed after each ride. Looks like I'll have to do the same on the GF.
Damned disappointing.
Hi RD,
If the DVR2 is leaking current, it should be easy to check out ?
If so I would send it back for replacement.
Coincidentally I put one on my Guzzi single when I fitted a Lucas dynamo last year
I went 12v and used the pre electric start battery from the A10. When I went to the bike after the winter the battery was dead.
Anyway I took it out and charged it up then left it sitting until I needed a battery to pump the oil into the MGB gearbox last week, battery is fine so *????* *????* *????*
Charged the battery @ .5A overnight. now 13+v. Refitted, and starts the bike immediately. Disconnected the DVR2 lead to battery (and left it that way) and got the digital meter out. 13v between batt wire and drv2 batt wire. Surely that's wrong? Surely a regulator should cut out and show no connection?? Secondly, I measured a 3ohm (I think) resistance between batt lead and dvr2 brown wire. Guess that's where the battery contents are going.
I got a dvr2 on the basis members here seem to reckon them. Must say I was surprised at the tiny envelope of the unit for what it has to do. So are they good, or the proverbial dog's breath? Would I be better off with a conventional 12v regulator? (Older tractors have similar units to the 6v ones on our bikes).
Digital multimeters are so sensitive that they will show voltage even when the leak is micro amps. Try the same trick with a damp finger instead of the Dvr2 ! Best to use the meter on amps then milliamps to see if there's currents being drawn.
I have dvr2's on both my Rockets running on 6v pos with headlights on always day and night - never had a charging/ battery problem since fitting them. I think they can operate on 6 or 12 volts ?
Hi RD,
Instead of the multimeter try a 2w bulb (speedo illumination or similar) and see if it lights
or put the meter on amps / milliamp scale from battery to DVR
Charged the battery @ .5A overnight. now 13+v. Refitted, and starts the bike immediately. Disconnected the DVR2 lead to battery (and left it that way) and got the digital meter out. 13v between batt wire and drv2 batt wire. Surely that's wrong? Surely a regulator should cut out and show no connection?? Secondly, I measured a 3ohm (I think) resistance between batt lead and dvr2 brown wire. Guess that's where the battery contents are going.
I got a dvr2 on the basis members here seem to reckon them. Must say I was surprised at the tiny envelope of the unit for what it has to do. So are they good, or the proverbial dog's breath? Would I be better off with a conventional 12v regulator? (Older tractors have similar units to the 6v ones on our bikes).
My A10 is on 6v with dvr2, works fine, must be over 10 years old now.
I have two dvr2 units that failed shortly after fitting to my b31, a 12v “conversion” but with std 6v dynamo. I now have an original lucas 6v mechanical reg on that bike, which does needs the reg. points cleaned occasionally, its hard on the 6v motobatt battery, it tends to charge too fast no matter how I adjust the reg. It (now) has a home made field coil with about 20% more turns (and ohms) than std. it now) charges even on idle.
I think the 2x dvr2 failed when used in a 12v system as they need a very good field coil with above average resistance, to last well, but thats just a theory.
The typical current flow into the DVR2 through its 'A' terminal is less than 1mA (engine not running). So a typical battery would only be significantly discharged by the this current over thousands of hours. If the battery is connected in opposite polarity to the DVR2 a high current will flow into 'A' through the internal cut-out diode and on into the dynamo. The recommended fuse will likely blow in this instance due to this excess current. So indeed it is very easy to measure this current on mA range of a multi-meter, a Chaterlea John observed. The 'leakage' current will be higher if measured with the regulator warm after running as the cut-out diode leakage is a strong function of temperature. And as BSAReg stated drawing any conclusion about leakage with voltage measurement is tricky and ill advised.
The DVR2 will control standard 6V dynamos in 6 or 12V systems accurately and reliably. Dynamos wound with finer wire for 12 V operation will also work well with a DVR2. But only about 5 Amps is safely available in this case due to higher resistance heating in the armature. My preference on the A10 is to use the standard Lucas dynamo driven by our Dynamo Regulators Belt Drive Kit with DVR2 set for 12 V. Note that 12 V windings have also been known to have quality issues and vary from source to source.
I would add that I am easy enough to get hold of at DRL, and dutifully respond to e-mail queries.
G'day Mike.
Good to see your still lurking. Been over three years since a sighting.
I've had DVR2's in both my A7 and A10 Cafe for many years without a problem. Both with E3L dynamo belt driven running 12v system.
I'd be looking for an electrical leak elsewhere.
today i found out betsy beezer is much more fun than urma the yonda. i went out on urma yesterday and stopped on a side road to see a Lancaster bomber go over head , those engines are awesome nearly as good as betsy's ;) it was a good ride out for 4 hours but at 100mph + my eyes water and i can't see because i wear glasses with an open face lid. going slow on urma is ok but she is a BIG machine and i am small and it's not much fun. today they were going to do the same route with the Lanc over Hardwick Hall, famous for Bess of Hardwick so i went on betsy, betsy loves to show off and 1 mile into the ride she started performing, throwing herself into corners and making awesome exhaust notes as the revs often hit 5000rpm. i parked up at Hardwick and waited for half an hour with many more people for the Lanc only to be told they had called it off because of the wind! *sad*. a mate of mine who sold me betsy over 40 years ago turned up on his BMW monster 1200 shaft drive thingy so we set off to my house and i showed him the norbsa - building a berger project that is slowly getting there.. he was very impressed with betsy as he followed me home and said loads of pedestrians spun round as betsy blasted past and barked in their ears *lol* see i told you she is a show off and my favourite machine. *yeah*
urma the yonda , i must behave with the right hand *help*
G'day bergs.
Yes they are fun. I bought an FZ750 new in 81. She ended up growing into a 1065.
I spent half the day reaming the main bush and setting the end float on the A7 motor. 1.5thou" clearance but could only get to 5thou" end float. Went looking for my shim stock only to remember it all got burnt, bugga. Off to engineers today to get more and finish it tonight.
GF starter update: Charging is OK - maxes out around 8A (at surprisingly low revs considering it's a 6v dynamo producing 12v) and soon drops back. Left the battery connected since I last posted and it hasn't gone flat. Wonder what happened there? Odd. Anyway, everything seems fine now.
John asked a short while back about how my starter was working out. Attached are a couple of links showing it working. The blue 'spider' in the unenclosed video (when it was first started on the lift) is the outrigger bearing for the sprag assembly. My original idea was to mount it in the outer cover (it's only 1/8" away - ain't much room to spare in there) until I realised that meant I couldn't use the starter with the cover off - or even run the engine with it off without disconnecting the starting chain. Getting a solid support without fouling the outer cover needed a bit of head-scratching. PS - starter switch is just under the seat in case anyone thought starting was by magic. *whistle*
GF starter update:
Very very nice! 👍
Hi RD,
That looks and sounds great *smile*
Well done on engineering the conversion yourself, and your rebuilt engine sounds sweet
What starter motor did you use ?
Did you see how much the cushdrive "sprung" when the starter is turning the engine ?
John - starter motor is from a Honda Firestorm (they appear to fit quite a few models) simply because I used one previously on the vee twin - and if they can start a firestorm (high compression, virtually no flywheel 1.000cc) they'll start anything.
As for the cush drive - never gave it a thought. Being as the GF fires regularly, don't consider an issue would arise as perhaps might with an irregular firing (eg vee twin) engine. Would probably need a high speed camera (or something that could be substantially slowed down) to capture the movement.
RDFELLA, that is some very impressive work you’ve done there. I’m hoping my knees last long enough that I’ll never have to try to work this kind of thing out, cos I reckon I’d be screwed!
Great looking Flash too.
Well today I rode up the mountain by the back roads to vote
Was having such a good ride I went right past the polling booth & ended up voting at Falconbridge rather than Lapstone making it a70 mile round trip
Long way for a Democracy Saussare but at least the onion was not burned .
Put on the wet wethers so naturally it did not rain either way
And this is after Fridays run the see Dr Scott who had finished the surgery on the old magneto
Had to hide for 1/3 hour to avoid rain at Smithfield but again a nice 30 mile round trip .
That BOM rain radar is a wonderful idea for bike riders .
Rain today - and most of next week apparently - so thought I'd give the GF vee twin a bit of a check over now it's done a few miles.
Wanted to remove the distributor to check the bevel gears, as I wasn't sure they were getting enough oil (transpires they are) but doing so would lose the ign timing, and that's a bit of a PITA to check. Usual stick down plug 'ole doesn't work, as the plug is recessed quite a bit in the fins making visibility difficult.
I wasn't busy, so decided to set the engine at firing point on front cylinder by virtue of points just opening, and then fabricate a rod against which the piston would rest at that point. I know such devices are available commercially, but they're really only fit for side-valvers and other motors with a vertical plug. Furthermore, alloy heads have the long thread, so even a stick down the hole would unlikely be vertical, making any reading thereon meaningless. Naturally this tool, once adjusted for this engine, would have to be re-adjusted for another - making the exercise pointless. So it'll stay with this bike for future use, meaning I just screw it in the plug hole and bring the piston up to it instead of having to strip the primary side to attach a timing disc.
As an aside, I use a CTZ14-S 12v battery -it's actually smaller than the 6v it replaces despite having over 200A CCA. I fit it on end (being ADM that's fine) and actually have to pack it on top to reach the battery strap. No need to bend or modify the battery tray at all.
G'day RD.
I've been using such a tool for years on my BSA's. I have one for each. Used for initial setting then strobed to finish.
Went for a great ride yesterday with a small group of the Newcastle Vintage Motorcycle Club to Vacy, had a coffee and back via some well-cornered roads. We found a gap in the rain, very unusual lately. Now 350 miles on the clock. Bike ran great but vibration started at 55mph and was a bit excessive. I had it dynamically balanced to 60% so when run in a bit more I'll give it a blast and see what happens - hopefully not "BANG". Reminder to self - check over the bolts and tank mounts. Oddly it started very rough and some black smoke - either flooded or wet-sumped. Cleared after a minute or so. Started first kick every time when hot, so problem disappeared. It certainly brings back memories of just how nice the swingarm A7 & A10 are to ride.
No oil on the floor next morning either.!!
No oil on the floor next morning either.!!
That doesn't sound right! 🤔
BSA on the lift, awaiting new rear tyre and new brake linings - and tomorrow morning of on the Honda, to IOM TT 2022 ;o)
I would have liked to do it on the BSA, but the guys I am joining are both running new, big 1200cc bikes, and think I will slow them down on the BSA.... but as they have Triumph and BMW, they wouldn't know ;)
Looking forward to some crazy race and some real Ales *smile*
G'day madsens.
Lucky bugga.
Take the BSA, and while their refueling you just "pass on by"
Got home from work and could barely walk. Went to the quack today and he won't up the pain killers.
8 Bourbons are working *eek* More to come but have to work in morning.
Got home from work and could barely walk. Went to the quack today and he won't up the pain killers.
8 Bourbons are working *eek* More to come but have to work in morning.
🙄 🥃🥃🥃 🙂😴
G'day GB.
The boss won't be there so I can do as little or as much as I like. Yeah, I'll do more than expected but that's just me.
What I did not do today was replace the magneto on the M20 as what I have done in the previus weel is loose the bolt that holds the dynamo gear on the end of the shaft GRRRR.
Today, I wheeled the bike out of the shed so I could tidy up a bit in there. While she was out I checked the oil level, turned on the fuel, tickled the carb generously and with a gentle kick she burst into life. I haven't started the engine for a while. As usual, since I overhauled the internal one-way valve, the oil level in the tank was only down a bit and after a minute or so of ticking over, bubbles were coming back in the return pipe. I love this old girl!
I'm planning a ride to my sisters place on Wednesday. That will be a 150 mile round trip.
After about a year-and-a-half restoration, took my A10 on her maiden voyage today. Just a short 5 mile loop but she ran well, everything worked and nothing fell off, so I consider it a success. Didn't quite finish in time for the DGR, but I'll definitely show her off next year.
After about a year-and-a-half restoration, took my A10 on her maiden voyage today. Just a short 5 mile loop but she ran well, everything worked and nothing fell off, so I consider it a success. Didn't quite finish in time for the DGR, but I'll definitely show her off next year.
What an improvement. 👌 Congratulations 👏
nice work tomkilde. what does the ignition key do?
my guess is it earths the mag, i put a similar thing on mine using a locker door lock that earths the mag, when i first used this method i got a shock from the key *pull hair out* *bash* so coated the top of the key in melted plastic
I rebuilt the magneto with new points, brushes, bearings, etc. It worked fine when I bench tested it, but in the end I decided to fit a Thorspark electronic ignition kit. The key turns power on/off to a small coil hidden under the seat. A simple toggle switch would also work, but the key provides added security. And I needed an excuse to buy an Ace Cafe key fob.
Having given the GF a couple of road tests since fitting the new rods (and re-balancing crank to suit) I became aware that vibration was much improved to previously, insomuch as the bike was much smoother up to moderate revs. Nevertheless there was vibration, starting around 3,000 - 3,5000. Above a normal riding range, but irritating when giving it a handful through the gears.
And so I spent an hour or so this afternoon adjusting the balance factor upwards. Not road-tested it yet, but it seems smoother higher up whilst on the stand. Can add more if found necessary.
Took it for a ride today (Sun) - much improved. When I balanced the crank, I set it at c. 52% with the ability to raise to c. 62% in situ. Would estimate it's now around 56%.
Started the DOT too - first time I've kickstarted a bike since the new hip (only 200cc Villiers).
I'm planning a ride to my sisters place on Wednesday. That will be a 150 mile round trip.
Didn't happen; I've a cold.
G'day Fellas.
Marvelous what a difference 0.0005" makes. I wasn't 100% happy with the 0.0015" end float on the crank so I gave it a tad extra to 0.002". She spins a lot better now.
I'll update my other topic tonight.
Well something positive from me on my A10, finally she started ,took 6 kicks but then clean ..Scared the pants of me as no oil return for a good few seconds . Took in total 3 goes for it to return lovely flow so now a very happy bunny ! Ride over the weekend so looking forward to that especially after the last 3 weeks ,attending another funeral tomorrow ,my Wife as lost 2 sisters in 3 weeks and had another sister in hospital at the same time with the same heart problem ,thank god shes well on the mend , this growing old is a real PITA .
Got the older SR out the shed - gave it a clean - drained almost 2 pints out the sump and it fired up 2nd kick - not bad after standing 9 months - 20 mile run - no problems. *smile*
Took the Star Twin out on a VMCC section run, a nice gentle potter after a top end rebuild. 50 miles in, the head gasket blew. I won't experiment with a new-fangled carbon fibre one ever again.
That's my 45 year record of never having let me down just blown. At least the Van of Shame delivered us back to my doorstep.
The good news? The grass is now partly cut and I can get some runner beans planted out.
don't remind me of runner beans my dad had this great big trench he used to put newspaper in and it had a galvanised steel frame, my mate andy who i mentioned sold me betsy beezer over 40 years ago can still remember my dad saying he had to get that farting bean row done *lol*.
G'day fellas.
Got the A7 bottom end back in the frame. Much lighter that way and the frame is the best "engine stand" especially if the bike is on a lifter.
Went looking for the +40 rings, bugga I thought I ordered them. Have to wait till Monday to ring around the locals.
Nice picture Musky. *beer* *beer* *beer*
Took the bike out a few days' ago for a 220m run around North Yorks Moors and Dales. *smile* *smile* Bike ran brilliantly throughout but do have a bit of a question. As I was getting near the end of the run with the bike very hot (don't really stop except for fuel), there seemed to be a bit of a knocky/clunky sound from the engine as I was blipping the throttle at low revs. *eek* *eek* First thought was straight to catastrophe - is that a big end noise?? Bike has had oil changed every 1000m with 20/50, oil returns no problem, and bike is smooth as you like - pulling like a train. Don't know if the 'noise' was anything to do with any transmission slack or something else due to the bike being very hot?? Apart from that and yet another L/H fork seal blowing (4th in 6 years *pull hair out* *pull hair out*), it was a joy to ride.
Sorry about the lack of posts of late - more personal circumstances to sort. :o :o *problem* *problem* *angry*
G'day worty
1st thing to check would be primary chain slack. The hotter it gets the tighter it is
Cheers Musky, will do! By the way, what do knackered big ends sound like?? Never had the experience of them going on anything I've owned.
Big end noise - somewhere between a sort of muffled, deep clunk and a rattle that's distinctly heavier than piston slap. Most obvious usually at tick-over. Sometimes can be made to almost disappear by gently accelerating then decelerating.
Once ('73) had to drive London / Birmingham / Poole in a V4 Transit. Hadn't left London when the big ends started knocking. Accelerating to 50, dropping to 30, accelerating to 50 kept the noise down so did that the whole journey. Thought if I at least kept the noise down, it might last. Never thought the van would make it, but it did (and with two x 1/3 ton engines in the back).
Thanks Swarfy. Kicked the bike up from cold today. At tickover/low revs, it feels a little bit like a clunky vibration through the footpegs, never really noticed it previously. There's nothing above tickover and the bike behaves as it should. It's not the primary as the adjustment is fine at cold. Would be difficult to accept that it may be the big end as the engine is only 10k miles from its rebuild. Oil is new and returns fine. Don't know if it helps, but it came on fairly quickly and is still there only less so. Tappets make a racket as I have them wide open for max power 10" exhaust and 16" inlet.
Take a look at the shock absorber. It may have backed off. Can make a disconcerting big-end type noise if it does.
Take a look at the shock absorber. It may have backed off. Can make a disconcerting big-end type noise if it does.
Presumably whilst riding BS??
I think we're talking big cush nut, not the suspension shocks. Yes, suddenly increased crank float is a likely source.
I think we're talking big cush nut, not the suspension shocks. Yes, suddenly increased crank float is a likely source.
Ah, yes, sorry, just me getting confused. If it is indeed increased crank float, what are my options??
i went to the pub again *countdown* when my betsy chewed up her shims and spat them out onto the sump plate she only made a metal to metal clunk on kicking her her her [ echo ] up. you need to very slowly labour your engine to listen or get that great big wooden handled screw driver out that your great great great great [echo ] grandad used to use and go go [ oops another echo ] around all the engine on tick over with the the , [ ooopsadaisy echo ] big flat bit of steel blade stuck in your lug hole *eek* *lol* *lol* *lol* *help* sorry deliberate mistake put the wood on your lug hole but do not try to force it in *whistle* just one more thing , when said wood is in your tab ole give it a blip on that twist grip thing while moving that screw driver about, this may become awkward on your own so ask the nearest person to you. it doesn't matter if that person is male , female , trans or doesn't even know what it is , you never know you might get a THEY to help you, *conf2* thankyou for listening , OVER ;)
G'day worty.
First determine the cush nut is done up tight. Then see if you have any in/out movement of the crank. May need to use a pry bar and soft knockometer.
Thanks Musky et al. I'll do all these things and will report back in due course. Hoping to get out in the nice weather soon (28C tomorrow, apparently). What do you mean by a 'knockometer' by the way?? I was thinking of a soft mallet type of thing. Apologies for the ignorance.
What do you mean by a 'knockometer' by the way?? I was thinking of a soft mallet type of thing.
I think he means a Birmingham screwdriver 👍
Cheers GB, I do like the 'Birmingham Screwdriver' piccy. Missed the bit on Musky's post that read 'soft' - possibly could have worked it out from there.
Anyhow, despite these glorious summer days, I'm going to whip off the primary cover and sump plate to inspect cush nut and gauze. Won't feel entirely happy until I've had a look as my 'days out' tend to be long, arduous, and tough on bike and rider.
Don't know if I said, but I've quit work for the foreseeable future - just had enough of working for the man for now at least. Gives me time to think about bikes, and spend money I haven't got on beer. Happy days!! *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Re 'birmingham screwdriver' - I've often found it's not only quicker, but the screw tends to grip better if driven in halfway before application of screwdriver.
But to the subject - took the vee twin GF for a ride yesterday but today I'm occupied fitting new guttering to my roof (not a favourite job as heights and me don't get on). Job's a pain too as current gutter is 9" and they don't make it anymore, meaning I have to drop to 6" meaning, in turn, the fascia (about 10" x 1.1/4" plus supporting woodwork for the 9" gutter) will need serious modification. grrrrrrr
So not much chance of bike riding for the next week or two.
Sort of nice to know that others are in the same predicament, RD. I reckon I just want to be on the road as much as I can and hate setbacks and household stuff when the weather's good. I hate heights also. The experience of using a standoff left me clinging to the ladder with white knuckles! Funny how the simplest jobs turn out to be buggas and vice versa.
Nice to be back in touch with y'all.
G'day worty.
First determine the cush nut is done up tight. Then see if you have any in/out movement of the crank. May need to use a pry bar and soft knockometer.
Hi guys
Whipped off the primary cover, as advised by Musky. Cush nut did need a bit of a tightening, which I've done. The crank does move in/out easily (by hand) roughly by about 0.8mm as far as I can measure with my Vernier, could be less. I've tried grabbing the crank by the cush nut (oooeerrrr) to see if there's any side to side or up and down, but can't detect any. Guess the first question is whether the in/out indicates a problem at all????
G'day worty
That may be your problem. End float of the crank should be 0.0015" to 0.003". 0.8mm is 0.031" *eek*
If the nut becomes loose the bearing can move and destroy the shims. Was there any remnants on the sump screen?
Ok guys, got everything back together - however.
As I was taking the rocker covers off to check clearances, one of the small washers escaped and fell inside the engine. I could hear a tink, tink, tink and hoped it'd fallen outside, but apparently not. Its not in the rocker 'void' so I reckon its fallen down the push rod channel. Thought it might pop out onto the sump gauze so kicked it over a few times and checked - no washer. In the end I thought %^&$ this, I'm not taking the engine apart for a small, thin, mild steel washer, especially as this engine seems to chew up other things and stick them in the sump gauze. Fired the bike up (second kick), no knock from the engine (see previous posts), and it ran perfectly. Still no washer in sump gauze though.
So, what's the worst that can happen folks??
the worst that can happen worty is you go to hell. get a telescopic magnet down the tunnel and go fishing
Cheers Bergs.
Don't have a magnetic thingy and wouldn't fit down the pushrod tunnel anyway unless it was ultra thin. No idea how the washer got down there as it's so narrow. My approach is rev it up and hope that it appears on the gauze - hopefully intact *eek* *eek* *eek*
Oh, and in the meantime *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
if it's down the push rod tunnel it will need the help of a magician to get to the sump gauze *beer* i think your beer is stronger than my black&tans *beer*
There are small cylindrical magnets available (approx 1/4" dia x 1" long which, when pushed into a length of small dia fuel hose, can reach amazing places. Saved me many times.
G'day worty.
There's no way a 1/4" washer will end up in the sump, at least whole. If it's down the pushrod tunnel it will bounce around on top of the cam followers and one day might jamb one of them possibly bend a pushrod or worse. If it's still up top it could jamb a rocker and bed a valve and damage a piston.
FIND IT *ex*
Years ago I had a 1/4" wire hose clamp fall unnoticed into a fresh RM125 motor. Did two laps of the house then destroyed the new top end. Cost $500 for me to fix.
There is no hole in the bottom of the PR tunnel. If it fell in, it's still in there.
Words of wisdom there from those truly wise and enlightened. Bits of a foreign object embed themselves in soft bearing bushes, jam fine tolerances and like Musky's sad tale cost time, effort and big money out of all proportion to their insignificant value.
Swarfy says "No if's or buts, that washer has to be found and removed "
Worty... The sooner the better as you stand a good chance of finding it whole, rather than as an assortment of mangles. Easiest for starters is a bright light looky around the valve springs, inside the coils, spring seat wells. Then a mirror looky down the pushrod tunnel with the rocker box on. Sods law and gravity more probably mean it's out of sight, so it's rocker box off and pushrods out, and its a bent wire hook or dab of grease on a stick to lift it out. Nothing there? It never fell in? I'll leave others to pontificate on further action if this is the case. Well worth doing the job, otherwise every ride will be with a little extra mental niggle, and that ain't good in these uncertain times for the sake of a few gaskets and proven gynecological skills.
Ok, calmed down and listened to reason. As soon as the sages of this forum insisted it needed to be found, I went back to the garage, rocker cover off immediately. Didn't even have to remove the pushrods to see said washer glistening up at me. As I removed the pushrods the washer stood up on its end. Tried a strong magnet but gave up as, without the magnet being very secure, it would stick to the side of the barrel and I'd then have a additional problem of extracting a very stubborn magnet. Some time ago I invested a few quid on a hook and scraper set with all sorts of interesting ends. Went for the curved hook, tagged the washer straight away, and out it came.
After that, I felt a bit more enthusiastic. Cleaned all the gasket cack from the surfaces and gentle clean with mini copper wire brush, all spotless now. My fear is now trying to get the pushrods back in and aligned. The manual says the longest go in the middle and are for the exhaust rockers, presumably the shorter ones go on the outside for inlet. ANY tips on how to do this would be appreciated. I think I have a 'comb' somewhere, but understand this can be a bit of a &^%$(*& if you've got a bit of liquid gasket with the paper one (messy and awkward).
Thanks for the encouragement folks, bike almost went through the window after this tiny mishap caused so much hassle. Even dropping the clutch adjustment lever nut in the gearbox wasn't as bad as this (I did retrieve that, by the way). Nice feeling to have got the washer out so easily, and I've learnt something of the internals of the engine, i.e., that the washer was captive in the pushrod tunnel.
All advice gratefully received!!
Unless you have concert-pianist fingers, I believe the comb is the easiest way to go. I use rubber bands (and I'm not alone) to hold the rockers in the up position while getting the pushrods aligned. My method is to apply sealer only to the box as stickum for the gasket, then, sealer to the underside of the gasket. Then, maintain the box above and clear of the comb until the rockers are in contact (I think I recall that that requires releasing, or loosening, the rubber bands).
Cheers Richard, very good advice, feeling more confident about the job now, new gaskets on way. *smile* *smile*
I wrote up my method for rocker box fitting. I'll see if I can find it for you.
'My method for those pesky pushy rods: open all the adjusters fully. Hold the rocker arms up, (cups held down) with lacky bands over the top of the rocker box. Wind the end of a length of soft gardening wire around each push rod. As you lower the box, manouvre the wires to get the rods in the cups. A bright torch helps. When the rods are all located pull the wires out then tighten down the box. As the adjusters are fully out, the pushrods can drop out of the cup, so cut the elastic bands and pull them out after you've set the valve gaps.'
Different strokes for different folks, but, also worthy.
Richard L.
Had a practice session trying to get rocker box on with pushrods line up - what a total b^&%$£d of a job!! Brillian design again by BSA as the box is tagged on the frame by the inspection cover studs. Tried to use the 'comb' with a little success, but how do you hold the comb in place whilst dropping the box on??? Four hands would do the job! This is also a dry run, with sealer and gaskets in place - OMG. If there are any other tips aside from the ones offered by Richard and GB, I'd be all ears.
Another quick question - is it possible to 'test' whether the push rods have located prior to tightening up, i.e., partial tighten up and VERY gentle engine turn to see if all rockers move???
Had a practice session trying to get rocker box on with pushrods line up - what a total b^&%$£d of a job!!
In my experience the job is sometimes easy, sometimes it's a pig. I think it's my state of mind that makes the difference. Try a dry run using my method.
If the inspection cover studs are causing a problem, lock a couple of nuts on them and remove them.
I use this simple paper clip to hold the comb in place - you can use welding clamps
These really help GB and Roger. I was thinking of clothes pegs for the comb.
So, as a combination of ideas, I reckon I'll try:
1. Removal of top inspection cover studs using GB's suggestion.
2. Gaskets and sealant on.
3. Comb on held in place with clips.
4. Slacken off adjusters, hold rockers up with cups down with bands (bands should expand a bit if rods are located properly??).
5. Lower box into place until it sits easily.
6. Check pushrods don't move around using one of my clever curved end picks (that I rescued the washer with).
7. Once happy pushrods don't move around, screw in adjusters around half way or so (without dropping them into rocker box!!!!).
8. Gently start to tighten everything up after removing comb.
9. When almost tight, slight tickle on rear wheel in fourth to check if all four rockers move a bit (bands still on).
10. If all rockers move, screw adjusters in a little more - nearer to normal adjustment.
11. Tighten up more and remove bands.
12. Finish tightening and adjust tappets as necessary.
Does this sound like a plan folks??
You can make spacer or bend the comb into a Z shape to clamp on the head fin.
I've got quite a few small crocodile clips *smile* *smile* *smile*
Another hooligans trick is to remove the rockerbox corner studs. This makes moving the box around the inlet valve springs a whole lot easier. The hooligan then cuts a slot in the lower end of the stud, screws them up unto the box. Grease on the pushrod ends helps hold the pushrods in the rocker and tappet cups. GB's method of wire loops works well and with gasket cement is far less messy and has a better chance of settling individual rods rather than the all or nothing scenario with the comb.
At the end of the days it's what works best for you with the least hassle.
Additional. Stage ONE is a few choice words to the offending fornicating article, stressing the error of its ways, together with its lack of married parents.....
With the crank end float, trying to seal the primary case with liquid gasket, dropping the washer into the push rod tunnel, putting it all back together angrily, taking it all apart, including the rocker box, retrieving the washer (which, in the end, was the easiest task!!!), then trying to figure out how to manouevre the rocker box back on whilst locating the push rods .......... the neighbours are now afraid to speak to me after the language that was used - another special place in hell for BSA designers. *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *problem* *problem* *problem* *problem* *problem* *razz* *razz* *razz* *razz* *razz* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *spider* *spider* *spider* *spider* *spider*
I meant to add, a few posts earlier, a small telescoping mirror and a flashlight ("torch," if you prefer, but don't set the thing on fire) will allow you to see the pushrod ends in the cups. My mirror is 1-5/16" diameter. My recollection is that you can see the right side when looking upwards from the left-side tunnel, and vice-versa, but you can check that out for yourself.
Richard L.
Cheers Richard
Always confused me with 'flashlight' as they don't flash. Torch, on the other hand, probably descends from the time the Anglo-Saxons were illuminating their mud huts with fire on sticks.
Here is my Z-Clamp. Took ages to get the bend right.
Cheers Col - I may well have a go at that if the mini croc clips don't work out. My plan is not to have the box off too often, and not to drop washers *eek* *eek* *eek*
Just got back from the Wales rally. Bike ran well engine wise, had a proper session with the pub locals on the fri night. Bit hungover for the ride out on the Sat which was good fun. Nice to chat with fellow lunatics in the hall on the Sat. Well organised and great time. Looking forward to next years already. Poor photo of some of the group down near a beach somewhere.
G'day Fellas.
Loaded the HD up for the Casper Rally at Abercrombie. Only 80 miles each way but at 3 C I felt every one.
Cutting edge technology??? *smile* *smile*
Look like locking forceps, more at home on the operating table to clamp off blood vessels. S'pose they make a good Ozzy fuel tap......
Loaded the HD up for the Casper Rally at Abercrombie. Only 80 miles each way but at 3 C I felt every one.
Musky, you either need a chair attached to the bike or, preferably, take a van.
G'day Fellas.
BUGGA you spotted it GB.
Yes it's a locking forceps, the daughter in law is a nurse. The l/h fuel cap leaks when it's on the side stand so I ill up that side and block the balance tube and fill the r/h side. Once upright I can take it off. The things we do *ex*
RD, that would be no fun. Tent and swag on the back, sleeping bag on the handle bars and the bag is full of grog *smile*
Thanks to Col and everyone else re pushrod locating, see comments and piccies below.
So, bent the comb as advised by Col. My mini clamp didn't quite do it so used the biggest I could find (no overtightening though). Used two head steady/rocker box bolts with a nut on the end to secure the comb until the clamp can be manouevred into place and tightened, then the bolts can be removed. Also removed studs at top of box to allow for more room using GB's suggestion of 'double-nutting'. Once the box is dropped in, I'll check the pushrods have located with my hooky-ended thingy. I've backed off the adjusters and need a couple of bands around the rocker arms and blob of grease in the cups. Just waiting for gaskets and sealant and I'll be back in the garage. *smile* *smile* Grease will be ok with the oil won't it?? *doubt* *doubt*
Ok guys. Gaskets and sealant arrived. Went out to garage to start the fun. Everything set up with elastic bands on rocker arms, dropped box on, removed comb and - non of them seated. *problem* *problem* *angry* *angry* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *sad* *sad* *sad* Having got goo on everything and slightly damaged two of the gaskets *sad2*, I tried again. This time, I removed the elastic bands, the theory being that, with the cups at the lowest point, the pushrods were 'missing' them somehow. I pushed the arms down so the cups were at the highest point, kept the comb on and dropped the box almost onto the comb. Then, having slackened the adjusters, I rocked the arms back until resistance was felt, the adjusters were then tightened up closer to the valve so they wouldn't 'pop out' again when 'rocked'. Lifted the box slightly, removed comb, and gently tightened. As box was starting to settle, wiggled rear wheel in fourth to see if all rockers moved - they did *ex* *ex* *ex* *woo* *woo* *woo* Tightened everything up, adjusted adjusters, kicked it over to make sure all rockers and valves were moving, rechecked gaps and put it all back together - started third kick and ran beautifully.
Quick questions. There was a bit of sealant inside of the rocker box around the gasket which I assume will fall off eventually. I suspect the doom mongers will tell me about blocked oilways and seizures - something I want to avoid. I presume a regular inspection of the sump gauze is in order, as well as some shorter, more gentler rides until the gauze stays clear. Also, will the bit of grease I put in the rocker cups foul the oil??
Thanks in advance fellas, especially Col's excellent 'bent comb' arrangement. Would still be in the garage now but for that.
Removed the carbon fibre head gasket. It seemed such a good idea at the time. It lasted 53 miles. The first time since I got the bike in 1978 that it has failed to get me home.
A copper head gasket has just been fitted. Now for the pushrod guddle.
May the Force be with you BS *ex* *ex* *ex* *work* *work* *work*
5 weeks since my knee replacement, and getting more sleep, energy and motivation. Also able to stand about for a longer time. Yesterday I spent 2 hours dismantling the chaincase side of the Flash getting ready to install the electric starter. Knee was still OK. *wink2*
Now for the measurements, alignment etc.
On my last ride I did have a problem yet to solve. I was last to leave the club gathering, and as the last trailer with empty rack disappeared down the road, the bike started and ran to full revs. *pull hair out* The magneto cutout worked perfectly. I had to get the wife to set up the trailer and come and fetch (she's gold). Turned out that the bottom of the carb slide had caught on the jet block and would not drop. I suspect someone had opened the throttle wide whilst on display and fortunately found a problem I didn't know I had.
What have I done with my bike? Not much!.... because I keep helping my mates out with their problems! So the question should really be "What have you done with everybody elses' bike? Well, I've made some conversion sleeves so a mate can fit different forks to a Triumph off roader, helped a mate rebuild a wheel, fitted an ATD and timed up my mate's A10, welded a broken centre stand, measured a crankshaft and sent off with instructions for regrind, (twice) fitted a timing side bush and supplied various second hand parts. I'm not complaining as they've all promised me beer in return and we're spending a few days in Yorkshire next week in the sunshine so I reckon I won't have to get the wallet out at all. Happy days!
.... I suspect someone had opened the throttle wide whilst on display and fortunately found a problem I didn't know I had.
Lucky 👍
Good day today. A couple of mates up, and I started up the SR. Second kick, after sitting unused for about 5 years- (fresh petrol of course!).
Encourages me to really finish it properly - that last 5% that I never got around to. (Too many projects?)
It needs a new carb. Horrible worn Concentric. -I've just made up nice new HT leads. There's a leak from behind the front rocker spindle banjo joint. I'll need to fix that, it may need a thread insert. The spindle spins before I can nip up the hollow bolt hard enough.
But... nice to feel it pulling hard up my long driveway.
Astonished myself with my own stupidity again. Put the head back on with a new gasket and discovered that you need to fit the two rocker box bolts to locate the pushrod comb correctly. If you do that, the pushrods and rockers align easily.
I have been farting around with locating pushrods for 50 years now and have only just worked out how to do it properly. Duh.
P.S. My wife is never astonished at my levels of stupidity. How strange.
Ya didn't pick that up from my previous post did you BS?? You've been doing it for 50 years, this was my first attempt! *smile* *smile*
Col, " 5 weeks since my knee replacement, and getting more sleep, energy and motivation"
Please keep the knee updates coming I'm due to have my right knee done on the 22 nd thats really good news long may it continue mate !
Just got back from the Wales rally. Bike ran well engine wise, had a proper session with the pub locals on the fri night. Bit hungover for the ride out on the Sat which was good fun. Nice to chat with fellow lunatics in the hall on the Sat. Well organised and great time. Looking forward to next years already. Poor photo of some of the group down near a beach somewhere.
Damn it, missed that!
Where does one find out about these events?
Just got back from the Wales rally. Bike ran well engine wise, had a proper session with the pub locals on the fri night. Bit hungover for the ride out on the Sat which was good fun. Nice to chat with fellow lunatics in the hall on the Sat. Well organised and great time. Looking forward to next years already. Poor photo of some of the group down near a beach somewhere.
Damn it, missed that!
Where does one find out about these events?
I think it was the South West Wales BSAOC weekend. Join the club and choose your events.
Went for a 55m run to test the rocker box reassembly and seals. Bike ran great at all speeds, apart from that slightly heavy feel/clunk when revving a little from tickover (probably the end float although still no shim bits in sump gauze). Will check the gauze today for bits of gasket sealant (no leaks from box though). If gauze is clear, will plan next epic journey around Yorks Dales and then South toward the Derbyshire Peaks. *smile* *smile*
... next epic journey around Yorks Dales and then South toward the Derbyshire Peaks. *smile* *smile*
Good choices! 👍👍
Fitted new oil lines, gave myself a full 1 leg work out priming the engine with oil, put some petrol in and finalised a few check prior to going for a start up folling a full engine rebuild.
However in checking for a good spark on both plugs I'm not seeing a consistent spark, so im not going to have to check everything is all good before I go for the fire up
Checked gauze for bits of engine and gasket sealant - only a blob of sealant! *woo* *woo* *woo* Cleaned bike up from all the oil spray from all the leaks *angry* *angry*, checked tyre pressures, tightened handlebar levers - tank was filled yesterday - out on the road somewhere tomorrow. *woo* *woo* *woo*
Reassembled my experimental ATD with 14.2 Degree Range. I ground some 1.8mm off the carrier rather than the Stop. Any further grinding was too difficult to control, so left it at that. Calculates to 2.7 deg at full retard (Cols Edit: from adv 31 Deg)
Andrew Guttman's Kit (Priory Magnetos) and procedure was logical and easy to follow.
I re-used the old springs. They were wire gauge 0.62mm and in good condition, whereas Andrew's were 0.67 or 0.68mm. The old springs are required to operate over a wider range, and still snapped back the weights with some tension. I wondered whether the newer springs may hold the maximum advance over too higher revs??
Next step is to install the Starter.
Whoa Col this is getting exciting!!!
You've got me wondering now, whether to get Andrew's new springs or use my old ones. Hmmm.
Ride out, engine note changed and excessive popping on overrun, stopped and engine was well hot, s/steel exhausts changed to straw colour
Left to cool, restarted but very rough running and unable to pull off. Changed the plugs and boy were they hot, still no improvement, so for the first time admitted defeat and arranged recovery to home. Recovery was via flat back truck with tipping platform, certainly an experience, but the driver was excellent.
Commenced strip down and suspect carb leak at manifold joint, introducing air resulting in weak mixture, awaiting some new bits, and hoping no engine damage.
Fingers crossed for you🤞
Pretty much the same happened to me last year - turned out to be HT pick up brushes too soft - new (old) HARD brushes fitted and cleaned slipring - no problem since.
Just a detail, but that S/S straw colour - it's just an oxidation effect. You can easily remove it using alloy / stainless cleaner products.
I know it as 'Chemtech Blitz'.
I've always loved the Goldstar plastic tank badges. But I have a genuine Lyta Alloy 5 gall tank. It never had badges as you know, but...
I have badges from India which are pretty cool, (although the gold is just a bit too gold and the red is just a bit too red). But they do look very nice.
The trick is to mount the badges on the tank.
The easy way is just to use loads of 'gloop' to stick 'em on but I've made little mounting brackets that I can screw the badges to, and the brackets will be epoxied to the tank. Yes lots of work, various stages of curing and fitting etc, but it'll be worth it hopefully in the end. The good thing is that it'll all be 'reversible' with no irreversible impact on the beautiful Lyta.
Smelt petrol at 1.30am.
Ethanol degradation?
I took my Plungie to visit a friend today. The weather was hot. On open roads the bike runs beautifully but in town, stopping frequently at traffic lights, the engine started to race, fuel evaporation I guess. When the engine is racing it's difficult to get her in neutral, I try to do that before she comes to a standstill, then because of the raised tick over, it's difficult to get into first gear. I really should stay away from urban areas when the weather is hot! Modern fuel is partly to blame I believe. I use E5 from Esso.
G'day GB.
Send some warmth down here. Minus 4 C in shed.
I painted the front engine mounts in front of the heater
G'day GB.
Send some warmth down here. Minus 4 C in shed.
I painted the front engine mounts in front of the heater
Crazy! 😜
We've had warnings of 40°C Monday and Tuesday🔥
Ethanol degradation?
Yes I cannot deny it but, what about the bike? *lol*
I have just replaced my original Ewarts cork taps with two I purchased from Andrew Guttman at Priory magnetos which have viton seals and a 90 degree lever. (and they arrived from UK to Oz in 7 days - thanks Andrew). If I hadn't ridden the bike for a month, one of the old taps would leak when pulled on as the cork shrinks. I am sure that cork originally depended on daily use. There is also the small screw which prevents the cork slider from coming out altogether, and twice it did, with a 1cm stream of fuel shooting out about 1 metre. I got sick of them eventually. You can purchase the Ewarts slider with viton seals instead of cork, but some owners complain that they get stiff after a time.
I must be made of viton, then. I get stiff with old age - only not in the right places.
"the smell of petrol it makes me gag"
Methinks you need a different hobby... maybe watercolour landscapes... *smiley4*
What have I done today? Posted back a lifting handle that might fit something, but definitely not my S/A A10. Looks vaguely similar, but bends are wrong, twist is wrong as are the angles of the mounting feet. Nice black finish, though! Supposed to be 'made in UK to a genuine pattern'. Given I see so many sellers on ebay advertising the same item, I doubt that. Why didn't someone check their prototype on an actual bike before going into production? *angry*
Addendum - just discovered the product comes from Wassel. Now, had I known beforehand ...
SHM, No the corks around my hat are just fine. Many Australians use them in summer - the flies love viton, so corks it is. Here is a photo of a typical Australian wearing one.
And if you cannot stand the smell of petrol, you will have to ditch your Amal carb.
RDFella, an old bloke I knew just before he died I asked him how was he?. He replied - "I'm stiff all over, except where I want to be". *lol*
Which reminded me of my brother in Law after he had a vasectomy he was swollen and black and blue. He asked the doctor "Doctor can you take away the pain but leave the swelling?"
I really like the smell of petrol
i USED to love the smell of petrol but not now it's got that horrible stuff in it *bash*
I quite like the smell of petrol - if only I could afford to buy some !!
"I prefer to work with oils."
- That's a bit gouache isn't it?
Put it up on the prep table for disassembly. Unlike you sweltering lads, I have air conditioning in my shop.
Put it up on the prep table for disassembly. Unlike you sweltering lads, I have air conditioning in my shop.
G'day Fellas.
The new pistons arrived yesterday, thanks to Greybeard for passing them on.
To night I did some measuring and weighing. They are a bit lower comp, 3mm shorter but only 1g heavier. The pins are 10g heavier *eek*
I also chamfered the skirts. An old racing habit so the piston on the down stroke cuts through the oil on the bores and directs it to the little end and cools the crown.
Seems you are in business. The lower compression will better suit your age *fight*. Took me a second to realise you chamfered the inside of the skirts.
Took me a second to realise you chamfered the inside of the skirts.
Ah yes, I went back to Musky post. Now I get it 👍
Bit of a curate's egg today.
Spent this morning helping my son make some parts for the firm he works for (they skipper multi=millionaire's boats but also own a fleet for corporate clients). This afternoon we rode my bikes. Sort of.
First of all we went out - he on my Firestorm (I no longer ride it as it's difficult for me to mount and I no longer feel safe on it) - and me on my GFV2. I'd just fitted the latter with a head steady so was keen to test that. The steady seems to smooth things, though it still doesn't much like pulling under 2,750rpm (40mph). Absolutely fine over 3,000 and goes like stink. But on reaching home, it stopped just as the front wheel crossed into my workshop. It has blown a fuse - again - did exactly the same thing last time I rode it in EXACTLY the same place. Still investigating.
The Firestorm - my son limped back on one cylinder, so will have to look into that. Starts / runs on both, but a touch of the throttle stalls it.
And so we went out again, he on my GF and I on my M21V2. Problems again - couldn't figure why he was waaay behind, but then again my M21 can shift. Got back to the w'shop and it transpired he was stuck in 2nd because the clutch release had failed. Transpires 1/4" had broken off the rod in the gearbox by the lever arm. Never had that before. Retrieved the offending part with help of a magnet but decided, whilst it was on the lift, to strip the clutch anyway as I was tired of it slipping ever since I put oil in the primary. Will try the cork plates Berger kindly provided me with. If that doesn't cure it, I'll be fitting a plunger oil-proof clutch in there.
So, a few jobs needing my attention .....
Went out to shops to buy £120 worth of groceries, beer, wine, etc. *smile* Once unloaded, went to garage to see if I could start on plugging some of the many oil leaks. *sad2* First stop whas gearbox speedo drive - OK, WHAT *&^%^&* designed that. *clap* *clap* *angry* *angry* Not only can one barely get a spanner on the locknut, but the whole of the threaded 'thingy' that goes into the gearbox just spins around. *problem* *problem* So, after putting a new fibre washer on, I had to hold the threaded 'thingy' with locking pliers whilst trying to tighten the locking nut about a 10th of a turn at a time because there's no friggin room to turn the nut let alone get a spanner on it - is there another 'special tool' for this job or was that the geezer who designed it. *bash* *bash* *bash* Once tightened, there's still a bit of a weep, but hopfully not so bad. :!
Next stop is oil tank feed and return, gearbox level screw and drain plug, and primary level and drain plug. *angry* I also think I have a small leak past the gasket on the primary cover. *angry* *angry* Oh, then there's a fork seal and sump gasket. *angry* *angry* *angry* Then trying to stop the breather covering the rear tyre with oil. *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry*
Oh, and had to break off the bike work to order a new fridge freezer because, as I'd just filled the old one with food, it started to pack up - £399 *ex* *ex* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
o deary me the trials of life and old old old brit iron. i pulled betsy the beast out of the garage after at least 5 weeks [ been neglected because of going out on urma the yonda ] opened the oil tank filler to see the same level of oil *yeah* fired her up 2nd kick and set off to brothers with the inner timing cover for the berger build strapped to the seat. arrived at brothers after going the long way and having a lovely time with betsy showing off yet again! brother took 6 thou off the idler gear top hat on the millerer thingy machine because when the engineers cleaned up the crankcase face the idler was locking up. set off from brothers and thraped betsy for 10 miles and called in at my mate the welderers . after half an hour talking to him he asked me if i had any oil in the engine because there wasn't a drop on the ground. i left there and called in at an old mates on the street i was born on and HE said " is there any oil in that!"? i told him of course there is and she might leave her mark from the breather after me thrashing her again. i then went home and got a txt from old mate who heard me going down the main road on full chat in first and second gear, he said i am mad and will blow it up. i txt back saying i built it don't be silly. ;) betsy is so much fun and it's not far off friday PUB day thankyou for listening *beer* *beer* *dribble* *dribble*
Sniffed my finger and smiled.
Ah, those were the days! 😏
yes born on a street and a hand full of cold gravel for breakfast *bash*
You were born on a street?
Born on a street! You were lucky; I was born on a piece of grit.
Hey Greybeard,
Looking at that picture of the handsome devil on his Trailblazer in the photo's section I bet you are right. *smile*
I was married to my current wife when that picture was taken. We've been together now for 52 years.
Hey Wortluck,
If you fix the speedo cable leak how are you gonna know if you have any oil in the gearbox?. *eek*
Aye, part of my pre-ride prep is to equate the amount of oil on the floor with the respective oil capacities. *roll* I actually check the levels before every ride (not usually the forks unless they start to leak badly). Oil tank is obvious, gearbox cover off with torch, and a long screwdriver down the primary cover to act as a dipstick. If all are good, I know I can cover at least a few hundred miles without rechecking - I think. *dunno2* *dunno2*
Pushrod breaking 1/4" from the end? Heat treat malfunction alert.
Thought the same. Usual replacement is to use a bit of silver steel and harden the ends when replacing these rods, but that material is only carbon steel and can get very brittle when hardened - especially when done with rough 'n ready flame. Might try some mild steel with stellite.
G'day Fellas.
Last night I threw the barrels on. Having the long through studs makes the job easier. I just use two diagonally and with a bit of nylon cutting board under the pistons, the barrels slide down the studs nice and square. Lessons the risk of breaking a ring.
Bike cleaned and prepped for next ride. *ex* *ex* Does anyone know what I can do with the breather which, I believe, is a bit overactive? Is there a thread inside the breather hole? Is it possible to shove a small pipe up there and direct the oil away from the chain and, eventually, rear wheel? I'm sure that the puddles under the primary side are due to the breather, and the puddle on the timing side is probably the oil tank feed and return unions.
G'day worty.
On my plunger I have a piece of hose jammed up there (no thread) and exits under the l/s behind the c/stand.
Cheers Musky, going out to the garage to do the same right now! *beer* *beer* *beer*
i tapped mine out and put a brass piece in for a tube to fit
i think it is well worth cleaning out the breather holes [ i bet these get forgotten on rebuilds ] with those long round brushes, the amount of crud i got out of mine across the crankcases was quite surprising and it must have been restricting the breathers working capabilities . just a thought for those whose bikes are peeing oil out. talking of peeing i think it's getting near to slurp slurp time *beer*
May you not slurp in moderation, Bergs, when with just a little bit of effort (and enough vouchers) you can do it to excess! And may tomorrow exist for you, blurry or otherwise.
Just come in from the garage and have been working out the wiring on the RGS. Anybody got a wiring diagram for the RGS with plug and socket under the headlight? I can work my own out but would like to know what the original spec was....?
Went to the garage to put a pipe on the breather to direct it away from the chain and back wheel. *smile* Finished job and decided to kick her up. Spat back at me a few times then started. :! Switched it off and made some adjustments, then tried restarting - no joy *sad2*. Checked fuel, ok, checked plugs - no sparks *sad2*. Checked points and, as I turned the rear wheel in gear, realised that the maggie wasn't turning *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *bash* *bash* *bash* *problem* *problem* *problem* *problem* *problem* *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* (YES, I too thought, 'oh shit'). Timing cover off and, yes .............................. ATD had disintegrated, taken ally shavings off the casing, and had jammed absolutely solid. *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *countdown* *countdown* *countdown* *countdown* *countdown* *razz* *razz* *razz* Took hammer out with flat ended punch to free the jammed parts of the ATD, eventually getting it off. Turns out that one of the pins on the counterweight (the one where the little lever pivots on) had come out completely and it all flew apart. SO, I'm not on the road for a while after all. *sad2* *sad2* *sad2* *sad2*
1. Will any of the debris that I can't find make its way to the sump gauze?
2. The maggie still turns ok, but is it likely any damage would have been done to it? Hope not as it came from Andrew at Priory Maggies very recently and has been working perfectly.
3. If Andrew is reading this, could you advise whether you have any rebuilt ATDs for sale, mine is irreparable.
4. Any other advice would be gratefully received.
5. If anyone has any beer, strong drink and/or tablets, please PM me asap.
See piccies and weep for me! :o :o :o :o
This sort of thing is depressing, but we have to reflect on the age of the part involved and how many hours it has provided service ....
The mag should be fine (Talking of Andrew, been trying to contact him for a week or more - see he posts here regularly but doesn't answer pm's or emails *????*). ATD's are available at times on ebay for not too much money, but check the range of advance when you buy. Apparently the Triumph units have greater range, which I'd recommend (provided the fibre gear suits BSA).
Thanks guys. Irritatingly, this was a unit I'd rebuilt but the bit that failed was something I didn't expect. All the rivets are solid, and it had a new gear. Pinion does look ok, stunned it didn't cause more damage than it did. It was odd that, after spitting at me a couple of times, the bike started and ticked over fine, but when I tried again absolutely nothing. This was the second replacement, the last one failed because the guy (engineer) who rebuilt it didn't do the rivets properly and it rattled about as they came loose. Ended up wrecking pretty much everything, but did keep going until I found it by chance.
I think Andrew does completely reconditioned units at £120, so I'm debating whether to buy one and be on the safe side.
RD, I like the sound of the Triumph unit, do you know the part number?
Last thing for now, I want to address the knocking I get occasionally. Should I stick to 11/32?
G'day worty.
Too right Musky. The top pic shows the counterweight jammed under the unit - rock solid.
Just thinking, I use 11/32" btdc on the timing (roughly 8mm, I think) but still get a bit of knocking. I use 97-99 RON fuel topped up with lead replacement/octane booster which makes it about 98-100 I think?? Do you reckon I should change the timing to account for the fuel and reduce the knocking. To be fair, it did run fine on 11/32" until getting to some long gradients when it'd start to complain.
You don't have a spare ATD do ya!!
Starting my third beer now - takes the pain away!!
Buy a lottery ticket while your good luck continues....
For a start it happened in the comfort of your own home, not in the outside lane in the middle of a wet and windy winter night.
Invest in an inner timing gasket, whizz off the inner cover and have a good look for debris around the timing gears and oilpump. With the cover off you can also clean out the breather cross drilling as suggested by bergs.
Also see how well the holes in the rotating breather top hat bush line up with the hole in the casting. I have found variations where the hole is partially obscured by the position of the holes in the bush. As long as the camshaft and crank do not move, the inner cover can go back on without disturbing the idler gear/dynamo drive. If you are out of luck, then it's dynamo drive gear off, and align the timing marks by the book.
Don't forget the cork washer under the dynamo gear, this eliminates float on the idler shaft. Goes without saying a good opportunity to clear all those blind holes and produce a perfect gasket seal.
Route any breather extension pipe to become a chain oiler, aim to lower chain run. Outside on the top run will throw oil off the chain.
Care with a Triumph ATD. Methinks they have different number of teeth, so not a straight swap.
Cheers Swarfy, sometimes it makes me wonder about how much more can go wrong. At least, as you say, it happened in the garage and not out on a run. Funnily enough, I completed a 160m run a few days ago and it didn't put a foot wrong.
What would your recommendations be on the timing question, by the way?
Fourth beer on way!!
I want to address the knocking I get occasionally. Should I stick to 11/32?
I cannot help wondering if the broken ATD may have been playing up before it let loose and was causing your 'pinking', or that it was causing your timing to be inaccurate.
You're probably right GB, but just wanted to check to get the optimum performance out of the bike.
G'day worty.
The golden rule in eliminating knocking (I call it pinging) is to retard the timing. BUT, the higher the octane the more advance it needs. Then there's the compression ratio to consider. A 10:1 motor would need to be retarded compared to a 7:1 motor.
I work on degrees btdc with a strobe on a degree wheel. I find the high 10.5:1 comp Cafe on 105 octane is best at 32-32 degrees and the lower 8:1 A7 on the same fuel likes 35. So it's all a bit of "suck and see".
Drop it back to 5/16" and see how it goes or don't labour up hills, throw her back a gear ;)
I think Andrew does completely reconditioned units at £120, so I'm debating whether to buy one and be on the safe side.
RD, I like the sound of the Triumph unit, do you know the part number?
Part numbers:
Trihard 47502 A/B 50 teeth 15-18° movement
Beesa 47503 A /E 44 teeth 11-13° movement
BTH units were also used on '50s Trihards (5T, 6T with BTH mags), with clock-type spring and rollers. Same taper etc, and they'll go on Lucas mags if need be - with the change of pinion obviously.
The specs for the Triumph and BSA ATD's attached. It seems probable that swapping the fibre gear from 50-tooth to 44-tooth is probable, and would give you the wider range of the Triumph ATD Groily has listed.
Can Groily or Cheeserbeezer confirm whether this can be done? Are the rivets pattern etc the same?
There are some possible issues.
The rivet patterns are the same but the rather more delicate Tri gear uses smaller diameter ones, is recessed one side to set the ATD deeper in towards the magneto (lack of space under timing cover, I think), and the centre bolts are consequently different lengths. Probably NOT a plan to enlarge the rivet holes given how thin the fibre 'hub' section is compared to the Beesa one. (Edit - If one were going BSA to Tri, that is, natch)
It isn't a completely straightforward swap to convert owing to the diameter of the recess not accepting the thick base washer for the BSA type ATD which anyway has holes too large for Trihard rivets. (Edit - which says some bits on the Tri unit are different). But with some work it could be done if need be. Easier to go the RD and Colsbeesa routes (see previous threads) to extend range of movement of the thing though, I think, if desired.
(And if using a BTH one, I think that would have to be slightly modded too, in the same areas, but haven't got one to look at and haven't tried.)
Why can nothing ever be straightforward!?
Yes, looks like working with the beezer one is best. What.... 5 careful minutes with the Dremel? Too easy.
As always, thanks guys. It may be beyond my capabilities to modify stuff like this and get it to work well.
the BSA and trumpet gears are a lot different , i bought a mag that was advertised for A10 the ATD was trumpet gear.
My bike packed up on a run, recovery needed to get me home.
After checking everything and even taking the head off, finally discovered the timing had slipped,
never experienced that before, just thankful I actually found the cause and not corrected numerous issues. If was clear from the tapers that there had been movement. So the old girl has had a good decoke, vapor blasted head and gave the exhaust a good clean inside. Now the rebuild begins, annealing the rocker and head gaskets and grinding the valves and fitting the b__ pushrods.
the BSA and trumpet gears are a lot different , i bought a mag that was advertised for A10 the ATD was trumpet gear.
Was looking at an ATD on evilbay advertised as A7/10. Messaged the fella as I counted 50 teeth. He got back to me and said he'd counted 44 teeth. Wrote back that I must be losing my mind as I saw 50. He confirmed 44. Was about to start taking the tablets when I thought I'd have one more go at getting to the bottom of the conundrum. Turns out the first two photos were 50, and the third 44. Looking even more closely, the 44 was a different unit. Chap said the photos were of the actual unit????????????
Whilst the GF is on the bench (replacing clutch pushrod) decided to replace the clutch plates with cork ones in an attempt to stop clutch slip. Ones in there were soaked in oil - not great for clutch plates designed to run dry. Haven't put oil in a primary (Villiers excepted) for 50 yrs due to clutch slip aggro back then, but here I am again with same issue. Trouble is, now I have an electric starter I need to have oil in there. If it slips after this, it'll be a plunger clutch going in there. Anyone got a spare dome?
Also whilst I'm at it, 3rd attempt at stopping n/s fork leg leaking. My spacers above the oil seals (recess in s/s holders was too deep for modern oil seals) helped enormously, but still had a weep. Now fitting rubber seals with a cone spacer locating the top bush.
The only time I had slip was when I put too much oil in. Plates are donkey's years old, and I don't hang about on acceleration, so intrigued why the slip?? Didn't know you could run the primary without oil??
As for the l/h seal, same as me. Always the l/h and always a bugga to get the circlip back in. Looking at designing some method to get it in without slicing my fingers open again. *work* *work* *angry* *problem* *pull hair out*
worty this is the correct ATD 44 teeth wider spaced than a trumpet one
Say, that's a nice looking ATD! The evilbay listing was definitely a Triumph and a BSA looking at those photos.
worty that was a very expensive ATD brand new, there is two BSA ones on evil bay one has got a spring missing i think 2 hours to go, and the other one needs a bit of work
I've got the springs mate, so no probs there. Will have another look at evilbay, but would like a unit I can shove straight on - I have the need to get back on the road asap. Just had and idea about setting the timing. What about using a tyre depth gauge down the plug 'ole and using that to ascertain btdc??
What about using a tyre depth gauge down the plug 'ole and using that to ascertain btdc??
I don't know about a tyre depth guage but I have used a length of spoke that is held vertical by a bracket nipped under a head bolt. The spoke is marked at the TDC and BTDC positions.
Cheers GB. I've done the same with a piece of thick wire with TDC and 8mm or 5/16 marked on it. I too nip the bracket under a head bolt.
No easy street stuff for me. Primary case off looking for metal fragments from the 'catastrophic failure' of the ATD. Found bits under the oil pump and at the back of the pump too. Sump off to look for more fragments. Tank off ready for timing rod to go into 'plug 'ole'. Maggie is now set at correct position, R/H piston is 5/16 btdc, just need the ATD to bolt straight on then everything back together. Hopefully, I've found most of the bits from the ATD and the remaining shards of aluminium from the inner timing cover.
Once it's all back together, all I need to think about is the crankshaft endfloat. *fight* *work* *work* *pull hair out* *beer* *sad* *angry* *problem* *conf2*
G'day worty.
Don't think about it too much. It's surprising how much they can handle (mine had 6 thou end float and 8 thou up and down) just use thicker oil and enjoy your warm weather on the bike. Then remedy it next winter.
Not far to go with my A7 rebuild. Carb, dynamo and ignition (Boyer) then a bit of case polishing. Will get a bit more time in the shed as Deb is away for a few days *smile*
Heh, cheers Musky. Still think mine's got more than 6 thou endfloat, although no discernible up and down? Talking about thicker oil, I do have about 20l of 80/90 gear oil which I could mix with my 20/50 to make about 40/70???
Make sure of the extra beers whilst Deb is away although, being a good 'un, she's probably pretty relaxed.
I have to hide the rum in the toilet cistern and claim frequent bladder issues *smile* *beer* *beer* *whistle* *whistle*
G'day worty.
No it doesn't work like that *bash*. I was using Penrite 40/70 to fill the gaps *eek*
Yes Deb's the best, all my meals are made and ready for whenever I am.
G'day shm.
No it was worty's atd that failed.
Deb's my drinking buddy. She doesn't remember Sunday night ;)
Yep, SHM, the ATD exploded (see piccies of debris I could recover). Pin came out of one of the counterweights, and the whole thing broke. Two of the four 'stops' sheared off, recovered one bit intact but the other one was shredded. Don't want to think how all that happened, including how the timing gears had a chomp. Recovered all the bits of the broken spring, plus the offending pin/post. It also shredded a few teeth off the timing gear as you'd expect. Cleaned out timing cover with soap and water to get rid of metal filings, torch all over inner timing cover and around pump rescuing bits. Removed sump gauze and cleaned shrapnel off that, kicked it over gently a few times to make sure everything moves smoothly. Bike ignition and btdc is set up ready for the ATM. Once done, I'll just have to take my chances and fire it up to see if any other issues arise - all seems ok so far!!???
G'day worty.
No it doesn't work like that *bash*. I was using Penrite 40/70 to fill the gaps *eek*
Yes Deb's the best, all my meals are made and ready for whenever I am.
Jeez Musky, they must build wives differently in Oz - are you sure you don't want an exchange arrangement???????
Today was 'fork gaiter replacement day'.
A job that has been put off and put off because it is soooo extremely boring. But needs must. So, a gentle start with bike #1, and job done in under 2 hours. No stripped brake stay or mudguard fasteners on sliders (there often are, so helicoils etc to the ready.) Happy. Lunch. Walk dog. Wife out with girlfriends. All very peaceful.
Then, the juggling act on my Beast With No Centre Stand. For the third time in my ownership - just hope the latest condoms are better than the previous ones. (If contraceptives were made to the quality of the rubbers I've had on these Teledraulics . . .)
Today was 'fork gaiter replacement day'.
A job that has been put off and put off because it is soooo extremely boring. But needs must. So, a gentle start with bike #1, and job done in under 2 hours. No stripped brake stay or mudguard fasteners on sliders (there often are, so helicoils etc to the ready.) Happy. Lunch. Walk dog. Wife out with girlfriends. All very peaceful.
Then, the juggling act on my Beast With No Centre Stand. For the third time in my ownership - just hope the latest condoms are better than the previous ones. (If contraceptives were made to the quality of the rubbers I've had on these Teledraulics . . .)
I, too, need to do this and I have been putting it off for at least two years. There is something I don't understand in the picture. I was going to drop the wheel, mudguard, stays, stanchions and old gaiters out of trees as one unit, replace the gaiters and shove it back together. Am I missing a critical point that would preclude this approach? I have never had the front end apart since putting it together around 2006 (when I first met some of you guys), which means I've only put a whole front end together once, and then it was from the top down. (A7 barn-find front end not together enough yet to say it's together).
Richard L.
SHE LIVES, SHE LIVES. *woo* *woo* *woo* Ordered ATD on Sat evening and asked seller to get it to me asap. He obliged and I got it this afternoon, fitted within an hour!!! *work* *work* *work* Sump and gauze back on, timing cover back on - then back off because gasket got a little kinked, tank back on, quick clean around and, third kick, fired up. *woo* *woo* *woo* Sounds very sweet and revs out cleanly. Turned off and went to have me tea. Went back 30 mins later and 1st kick back into tickover - very nice indeed. *thanks* *thanks* *good3* *good3*
The ATD I got from evilbay was from Pete in Cardiff - very nice man who sent it First Class registered instead of Second Class snail mail. *respect* *respect* *respect* ATD was in very good nick - virtually no wear on pins, nice return action, teeth were undamaged, bolted straight on. Price was £55 inc postage. *good3* *good3*
By the way, how tight should the ATD bolt be - or is it just very firmly nipped up??
Maintenance day for me too.
Whilst GF is on bench (clutch rod etc) last week I replaced the n/s fork seal and fitted cork clutch plates - in an attempt to mitigate clutch slip. Today was the turn of the rear innertube (new when I rebuilt the bike c. 3 yrs ago). Every time I went to ride the bike, the rear tyre would be flat, so opted for another new tube (is anything any good these days - I always use good quality tubes, usually Michelin). Wheel was already out - thanks to BSA's 'wonderful' design getting it out is a bundle of fun, so I got my son to help me when he was here last week. Whilst bike is on the lift, it comes out by moving bike to rear of lift - all the while hoping the bike doesn't fall off ....
So, this afternoon was tyre levers out, pull one side of tyre, swap tube and re-inflate. But bead would not set on rim. Had that trouble 3 yrs ago, so persevered. Deflate, loads of Fairy liquid, re-inflate, deflate, kneel on tyre opposite recalcitrant area and re=inflate. Rinse and repeat several times before admitting defeat. Remove tyre and fit a spare from the bike shed. Same issues but eventually got the bead to set. Cleaned up the mess (Fairy liquid everywhere with bubbles coming from spoke holes) but what's this? Tyre size 3.25 x 19? Where did that come from? My bikes for decades have been 3.50 K70 rear and 3.25 Speedmaster front (although recently the vee twins have had 4.10 universal rears). So, tyre off again and back to Plan A. Took me over half an hour of rinse/repeat again before I finally seated the bead - and only achieved that by taking the pressure above 50psi - something I'm reluctant to do on a used tyre which originally has a max pressure of 32psi.
Must be the stainless rim is fractionally oversize, but got there in the end. *woo*
I, too, need to do this and I have been putting it off for at least two years. There is something I don't understand in the picture. I was going to drop the wheel, mudguard, stays, stanchions and old gaiters out of trees as one unit, replace the gaiters and shove it back together. Am I missing a critical point that would preclude this approach? I have never had the front end apart since putting it together around 2006 (when I first met some of you guys), which means I've only put a whole front end together once, and then it was from the top down. (A7 barn-find front end not together enough yet to say it's together).
Richard L.
Probably not missing anything Richard, to be honest.
For my today's jobs, most people would drop the stanchions one at a time and fit the rubbers from the top. I think that is accepted practice and I have done that in the past.
But, with AMC teledraulics (they have external springs and big diameter gaiters), if you take all the studs/fasteners that locate the mudguard and brake anchor arm out of the sliders, you can pass the new prophylactics up from the bottom. (That sounds terrible, but you know what I mean!)
My A10 and also my B31 had metal shrouds as stock so I never had condom failures with them - so I don't know if you can do the same with gaiters on Beesas. Plenty of people here will know though, as I imagine the quality and lifespan of the rubber bits available for all marques is equally questionable.
If stanchions aren't hard-chromed (and teledraulics aren't), it's not a job to leave for ever, because rust will eat away just north of the bottom yoke where moisture collects, and can seriously weaken the front end. I have had to junk a couple of pairs of stanchions in my life due to this, with the wall thickness down to two-thirds or even a half of what it should have been. Scary, because even a minor shunt would be pretty bad news if a stanchion snapped..
Fairy liquid has a fair amount of salt in it. Potentially quite a good way of setting off corrosion in wheel rims and spokes. I use talc - smells better than rubber anyway.
Where did you find a 3.25 tyre? As far as I know, they haven't been available for a very long time. Velocette used to specify them for the rear wheel, reckoned it handled better with that than a 3.50. Can't say I noticed the difference with mine when I changed.
My son's day off so he was around to help me get the GF off the lift and the M21 vee twin on in its place. I'm planning to fit an elec starter to it, as it's the last I ride that needs a healthy boot to start and I don't want to risk my hip.
There's no room (frame in the way) to drop the mechanism down behind the primary as with the A series S/A so my idea - at present - is to mount the starter a bit like the current dynamo (driving the crank by cogged belt).
Photo 1 shows current arrangement, photo 2 the belt drive to dynamo, photo 3 primary chain / clutch and photo 4 the amount of oil that was in the primary - about a quarter of a teaspoon.
Note in pic 3 the clutch is dry, the sprockets / chain are in good order and the chain tension is about right. Clutch works fine & doesn't slip or drag. And that's the first time in almost 30 yrs / 10,000 miles that the primary cover has been off. All I've done in that time is give the chain a squirt from an oil can through the inspection hole every 500 miles or so.
Was thinking this evening whilst having my dinner al fresco about the days I did sand racing. Just imagine how much grief that primary gets - there's no case or cover and the front wheel dumps several kilos of sand straight on it at every corner. I used to clean the chain and re-lube it after every meeting; that way a chain would last a whole season's racing.
Could you fit a dynostarter as fitted to the Moto Guzzi Neuvo Falcone ?
Interesting idea, John, but would it have the urge to spin an 800cc 7:1 twin, and at what reduction?
Last time I used one of those was when I fitted one to a SABB marine engine (small twin cyl ). The dynamo pulley was around 2" dia running onto the engine's flywheel of approx 18" dia. It turned the engine over, but rather lethargically.
This starter issue, while not A7/A10, is a great topic and deserves a place of its own, not buried in the casual "What have you done..." Appreciating, not complaining.
Richard L.
Forgot to add: looking at my pic 1 (or 2) above, note there's a dip in the flange of the primary cover at the top, around halfway along the clutch bulge area. About the only give-away that I had to lengthen the primary cases an inch as I couldn't get the gearbox any closer to the engine. And I promise it's not full of filler! I still admire it after c. 30 yrs (not a tin basher by profession or inclination).
G'day Fellas.
SHE LIVES Just started the 51 A7 plunger after a full motor rebuild. Started 3rd kick, no horrible noises. Just ran for a few minutes. Now to throw the tank on and do a lap to bed the rings in. Then check the timing. She needs a new carb (932) as the slide is a bit sloppy.
*beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
I’ve been having charging problems and thinking voltmeters, so managed to fit a small digital one inside the dodgy ‘lucas’ affair – see pics including engine running & charging (6v system). Very fiddly. If it doesn’t shake itself to death I may do the same on the b. also the brightness is not adjustable so will see how that works at on sunny days and night time.
You see, Kiwis can do anything!
G'day Fellas.
Oh mate, that's great news 👌👍
Brilliant Musky. *smile*
For me, first ride out since fitting the new ATD - ran sweetly although I'm sure there are extra 'noises' coming from the motor (mines bloody noisy though running big tappet clearances and eye-watering end float on the crank) *eek* *eek* :o :o. Decided to take the view that, if it's running nicely (got it up to 70mph which is about as fast as I ever go on it), and it's running through the revs cleanly, then I'll just enjoy it. Only did 15 miles then got home, dropped the oil out (like a diesel seems to turn blackish very quickly??), cleaned oil tank, checked unions, undid feed and return pipes, to drain as much oil as possible, whipped off timing cover to check for any more debris and drain more oil (there was a sliver of metal under the oil pump), checked ATD, etc, whipped off sump to clear gauze of fibre gear debris (no metal though!!), cleaned out oil tank and checked for metal fragments (none), all back together and fresh 20/50. *work* *work* *work*
Just waiting for the rain to stop for a more demanding ride.
Success Muskrat, Looking forward to hear how the bed-in ride went.
G'day Col.
No worries mate. First did a few short laps around Lithgow, about 15 minutes, not a hint of smoke. Then dropped the primary off to check the timing (Boyer) but didn't need to touch it 35 degrees @ 4K. Then I punted her up and down Scenic Hill twice. I now consider her "run in".
I do need to get a new carb before I do any serious miles. The slide is like a prick in a shirt sleeve and the flange is warped so much I had to use a 1/16" O ring to seal it. Classic Bike Spares has one, the last time I bought one it was 1/2 the price! Ho Hum.
Musky, I've received my JRC carb and I'm dead impressed with the quality. Beautifully made, straightforward installation, spare jets, gaskets, nuts, fuel line, all included, -half the price of an Amal in Oz anyway).
No, I haven't run it yet.
G'day Jools.
I have a pair of them (Keihin PWK) on my cafe. Yes they are a good carb. I did have a bit of trouble tuning the twins on the modified A10.
CBS are just up the road so could have it by Friday. JRC's would be 3-4 weeks away.
Thanks for the thought.
My friend Leon's A7 LS is arising from the ashes in my shed.
This bike is from Collie, in Western Australia; it last ran in the 1950's.
His father commenced the restoration 30 years ago, but conceded defeat last year, and gave the bike to Leon. I have been assisting Leon with the restoration for 14 months; his dad doesn't know the rebuild is underway.
Two weeks ago it started; first kick!!
Leon will surprise his father with a trip to my shed soon, where he will be able to hear it run.
When Beesa Bill was alive I bought his alloy clutch pressure plate for my plunger & rigid A10's.
This plate is a worthwhile mod; Beesa Bill's legacy was to leave the drawing on his website; made a plate for Leon's bike yesterday and fitted; 0.002" run-out and a lovely light feel.
Ok, what the %^&* is happening. Put the ATD on the bike a couple of days ago and it ran fine for 10m. Went out today, got 20m down the road, opened it up to overtake a car and ....... bang spit bang. :o :o :o :o :o Got recovered, whipped off the timing cover and .... fibre gear stripped again. *angry* *angry* *angry* *problem* *problem* *problem* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
So, I reckon old fibre gears deteriorate with age regardless of appearance. When I took the ATD off, the teeth seemed to crumble under a bit of pressure from a screwdriver - the modern gears don't do that.
I have now decided to rebuild both of the new units, and a another spare from the bits I have left over. I reckon this is the answer as this is the fourth ATD I've demolished in 10k miles. :o :o *problem* *problem* *angry* *angry* In case you ask, the timing gear pinion is fine, the maggie is not seized in any way, and I don't thrash the nuts off the bike. To date, ATD failures have been 1) Gear stripped for ??? reason; 2) Unit starting to fall apart due to poor riveting from my 'mechanic friend'; 3) Catastrophic failure due to bob weight pin coming out and 4) Gear stripped for ??? reason. Both 1) and 4) were old gears, 2) and 3) are self explanatory.
So, off the road for rebuilding .......... again. *sad* *sad* *sad* *bash* *bash* *bash* *sick* *work* *razz* *razz*
G'day worty.
WTF *ex* I think a change of name to Noluck is in order *whistle*
I'm not sure but I think I remember seeing somewhere alloy pinions for the ATD. *dunno*
I have an alloy non ATD pinion running Boyer on both of mine. I can't see why one couldn't be machined to suit the ATD.
TBH Musky, I'm thinking the same. Ok, maybe if the maggie seized up big time, the timing gear pinion could shred an alloy gear, but what's worse, an engine full of fibre fragments or an engine full of aluminium fragments. In any case, how many times does the maggie lock so solid it'd shred an aluminium gear????
If there is a 'ready to go' aluminium replacement out there, let me know. If not, a good business idea is open for someone to exploit.
In the meantime, I'm going to rebuild three units with modern fibre gears. After all, one of the modern ones did last around 6k miles and was only replaced because my 'engineer friend' couldn't rivet the bloody thing together properly.
Exactly SHM, I reckon the gears were very old and had deteriorated to the point they'd got brittle. Having an ally gear should be no problem, unless one has a catastrophic maggie seize up, but then you'd have the same problem as a fibre gear in trying to extract bits and pieces via the timing cover and sump gauze. The new gears look far less 'swollen' than the old ones - maybe the answer is right there??
The only other reason I could think of for failure is putting a bit of load on the fibre gear against the pinion when tightening the ATD nut, but I'd have thought that was negligible.
Incidentally, any more ideas of how to lock the maggie up when tightening the bolt??
Worty and SHM,
Last time I did the timing I was able to hold the ATD from moving. I looked up my notes from March 2021 and had written this - "I used a screwdriver to prevent the ATD from rotating whilst tapping the bar on the socket. The screwdriver was inserted from front and beneath the ATD, and held against one of the flyweight holders". To avoid damage to the fibre wheel.
First attempt was successful. Il
I'll have to wait until next time to remember exactly how.
Priory Mags lists ali gears for use with ATDs or without.
Had one for ages on an ATD on mine. It was good.
Some said 'it will be noisy'. It wasn't.
The 'fail safe' point re fibre is an irrelevance - ever seen a fibre sprocket on a Notrun?! All AMC twins use steel gears for the mags - fool proof.
In my life I've had 2 fibre ones go, 40 years apart. Four in a row is OTT and very bad luck Worty unless there is 'something else' at the root of the problem. Take it your armature is straight, no flop in bearings and the gear turns close-to-true?
Can't think of a better or easier way to hold the armature in position than through the earth brush hole.
(Whatever turns you on SHM!)
Priory Mags lists ali gears for use with ATDs or without.
Had one for ages on an ATD on mine. It was good.
Some said 'it will be noisy'. It wasn't.
The 'fail safe' point re fibre is an irrelevance - ever seen a fibre sprocket on a Notrun?! All AMC twins use steel gears for the mags - fool proof.
In my life I've had 2 fibre ones go, 40 years apart. Four in a row is OTT and very bad luck Worty unless there is 'something else' at the root of the problem. Take it your armature is straight, no flop in bearings and the gear turns close-to-true?
Can't think of a better or easier way to hold the armature in position than through the earth brush hole.
(Whatever turns you on SHM!)
The maggie is straight from Priory, so no issues there. I reckon I was unlucky with only the third failure, where the bob weight pin came out. Two of the others had gears made of cheese, and one was a pathetic rebuild by my 'engineer' mate who couldn't rivet to save his life. *angry* *angry*
I'm going to try new fibre gears first, and see if they are ok. Prior to this catalogue of problems, one ATD with a new gear lasted quite some time and only failed because of the bobweight pin issue. The other one that had a new gear failed beause of the crap riveting issue. This tends to suggest that a properly built ATD with a new fibre gear should be ok for the foreseeable. I'll probably wish I'd gone for the ally gear in the end, although I still balk at the thought of ally shavings floating around the engine. *eek* *eek*
As for SHM, my mind is now full of unwanted images of how you motivate yourself to service your bike. A sort of sado-masochist approach to motorcycle maintenance. *doubt* *doubt* *conf2* *conf2* *spider* *spider* *whistle* *whistle*
Hi Groilly and all. Owning a Norton (model 7), that become a notrun they do use a fibre spocket but for the dynamo *problem*. 2nd one has just shredded and I am going steel. They are supposed to have a clutch so if the dynamo locks up it slips but something is wrong in there and so its a dynamo rebuild and a steel spocket, then find where the fibre has gone as no sump plate *whistle* *whistle* *rant* *sad*
RDFella Its Andrews Holiday time and He has a backlog of emails I phoned him and he got me my bits next day *smile*
Hi Groilly and all. Owning a Norton (model 7), that become a notrun they do use a fibre spocket but for the dynamo *problem*. 2nd one has just shredded and I am going steel. They are supposed to have a clutch so if the dynamo locks up it slips but something is wrong in there and so its a dynamo rebuild and a steel spocket, then find where the fibre has gone as no sump plate *whistle* *whistle* *rant* *sad*
RDFella Its Andrews Holiday time and He has a backlog of emails I phoned him and he got me my bits next day *smile*
Yup, fibre pinions in magdynamos, most of.
Some of the earlies (pre-war and pre MO1) used steel - and no clutch.
The clutch thing is a 'some and some' question. Yes, it's supposed to slip to prevent troubles spreading as it were, but I tend to do 'em up tighter than Lucas said to avoid slippage in normal use, which grooves the 'plate' under the spider diaphragm something rotten ( and also creates a lot of heat). Some of the pattern spiders have no real spring to them anyway, compared to the originals so I don't believe the low Lucas torque figures necessarily apply. Teeth do get shed on these, 'tis very true - loads of grease in the end housing is a must because it's a PITA job to have to replace one if everything else is good. (And new ones do need a tweak to fit, in many cases.)
Is stating that ali gears are available, I wasn't particularly recommending them, just pîcking up on the question posed. In fact, I went back to fibre on my A when I got round to building a good ATD with a new gear, but not for any real reason except the mechanism was slightly better than the one on the ali. No shavings anywhere, though, so I don't think that's a serious problem if the gear has the right diametral pitch etc.
Grrrrrrr *problem* Took the GF out for a spin this afternoon, having replaced clutch pushrod and changed clutch plates last week. As soon as I pulled onto the main road, I thought - that's smooth. Or rather, slipping. Won't take any more that about 1/5 throttle or revs climb immediately. Top gear is a no-no.
This time I put ATF in the primary, instead of 2050. Worse than ever. I realise rigid and plunger owners are unlikely to suffer this, as those clutches were thoughtfully shielded from oil, but how S/A owners who put oil in their primaries get on I've no idea. Normally I run my chaincases dry, but put oil in this one when I fitted the elec starter, due to the extra gubbins in there requiring a splash now and again. My present thoughts are to drain the oil and run dry as usual and if the starter lasts 'till the winter, I'll then rip the clutch out and replace with a plunger item. Assuming the dome will fit inside the cases ..... *????*
Sorry about this RD, but I have oil in my s/a and never had a problem with slip - use 20/50. Just can't think of why it might be slipping. It would seem that my bike is more likely to shred ATD gears than suffer clutch slip????????????
i have mentioned a while ago that when i had my 6 spring clutch on i adjusted it so i could get out of gear when stood with the engine running and no slip on a thrash day. this sort of set up enables the party trick of cracking brasil nuts between finger and thumb. i now understand why some people put the trumpet clutch on as i did a few months ago *good3*
I realised this evening that this clutch issue has meant I've broken a policy of a lifetime - not letting other people make their problem my problem. In this case, dopey BSA 'engineers' who thought putting a dry clutch in an oil bath was a good idea. How do you think your car clutch would react if you dumped a pint of oil on the driven plate? Does anyone put a few squirts of oil in their brake drums to help braking? It's beyond stupid.
As I've remarked before, every bike I've had over the last almost 60yrs that I've put oil in the primary has had clutch slip. The worst was my Triton - clutch slip meant the kickstart was slow getting a piston over TDC, with the result the mag wouldn't strike a light. That was the bike where I learnt no oil was the cure. Yes, some clutches do work in oil, but that's because they're designed to do so. Like marine gearboxes, where often the plates are bronze and there's good hydraulic pressure holding the plates together - 160psi in the case of BW boxes, around 350psi for PRM boxes. I seem to recall Laycock overdrives run around 500psi and some tractor 'overdrives' 3,000psi.
Well, hopefully I've cured my GF, as I've just drained the oil out and it's staying that way.
On a couple of occasions I have run a dry primary chain.
On the first, the Norton shed all its rollers on a ride from Edinburgh to Bristol, about 350 miles.
On the second I rode the Velo up to Helmsdale and back, 560 miles. The chain had stretched beyond all recognition.
On the BSAs, or any of my bikes, I have had no problems with clutch slip with the correct quantity of oil in the chaincase. There must be something amiss if you are getting clutch slip.
Running dry is not the answer.
I get what you're saying RD, the idea of a dry clutch soaked in oil seems mad, but it does seem to work for some reason. The only time the clutch slipped on mine is when I overfilled the primary by quite a bit. As soon as I dropped it down to the proper level, it was fine again. As BS says, it must be something else - surely.
I must admit though, if I shred another ATD on mine I will be at a complete loss to what the problem is.
Oh, one other thing - if I want to lock the maggie up with a bolt in the earth brush hole, what size do I need??
G'day Fellas.
Found my first problem with the fresh A7 plunger.
I was going to wait till the new carb arrives but it was a beautiful day here yesterday (rarity) so I rode her to work the long way. On the way home I could hear a click click click. On investigation I fount the joiner link is rubbing on the primary case. *pull hair out*
When I ordered the new chain I asked for a standard 530 but when it arrived it was a heavy duty chain. I should have sent it back but it was a special order (not many want non O ring these days) I put it on. I'll now try to get a std chain, the HD will go on the XT.
Ok, SHM, but would it work?? Wasn't thinking of belting it up TBH, and I did wonder about possible damage, especially if I forget it's there and have a couple of swings on the kickstarter. *smile* :o :o
It was designed as a locking taper and with a slight tap and careful tightening but not too tight it should stay put.
I read in a Vincent forum that the ATD nut should be just beyond finger tight and the taper will work.
So, not belting it up too tight then?? *smile*
Other people here do it so it must work for them, personally I would not.
I think there is a risk (small) of deforming the armature.
You won't hurt the armature SHM. The brass cheek is solid enough to allow the pinion to be seated initially. (It would be a total eejit who tried using a bung to counter the force of fully (but not over-) tightening the nut - that's what crankshaft pinion nuts are for!.)
Wood, or a tailor-made nylon (or similar) screw, is fine. They won't mess up the brass the earth brush runs on (it does that quite happily all on its own, with the telltale dimples at one or both the firing points of the magneto on long service units).
What I mostly do though, is shove a long arm through the frame to hold the cb centre screw gently with a 4BA socket on an extension bar while setting the pinion or sprocket. If that doesn't want to work, then it's 'down the 'ole with a bung'.
On some machines with chains (not A7/10s obviously), it is standard practice to perform these dark arts with less pain at the camshaft sprocket having done the mag end up already.
The thread for the earth brush holder is 5/16ths BSF on a K2F and (most) others by the way. (Somebody asked.)
G'day Fellas.
My nice shiny new premier 932 carb arrived today. Threw it on after work as supplied #3 slide, 300 main, 106 needle jet, #17 pilot, needle clip in the middle, pilot screw 2 turns out. Started 1st kick and with a few quick adjustments of idle and pilot screws settled to a nice idle. Pilot one turn out. Coming off idle the slide sounds good. Rain for the next few days so will wait till Sunday to check the main & needle clip.
G'day Fellas.
My nice shiny new premier 932 carb arrived today. Threw it on after work as supplied #3 slide, 300 main, 106 needle jet, #17 pilot, needle clip in the middle, pilot screw 2 turns out. Started 1st kick and with a few quick adjustments of idle and pilot screws settled to a nice idle. Pilot one turn out. Coming off idle the slide sounds good. Rain for the next few days so will wait till Sunday to check the main & needle clip.
[quote author=slighthitchmitch link=topic=13293.msg148814#msg148814 date=16
Although with his luck, worty, locking the armature would probably result in the headlamp glass exploding due to internal stress, the petrol tank to split along all seams and the seat to spontaneously combust. *eek*
You're probably right SHM. Just wondering now if I tightened the ATD bolt tighter than it needed to be, although shouldn't really make a great deal of difference I guess.
as I recall you can do the ATD nut up comfortably tight and then you apply quite a bit more force to start it acting as an extractor.
If what you have is machined a bit 'off spec' then it could possibly start undoing itself very slightly too soon, if that makes sense.
It won't threaten to self extract by being tightened - it's when it's being UNdone that the centre bolt comes up against 'something'. That 'something' is the first turn of a raised left hand thread half way up the bolt, which is a fit with a female LH thread in the yoke of the ATD. As you continue to unwind anti-clockwise, the ATD is pushed off. The idea then being that if you pull and turn the centre bolt clockwise when the unit is in yer 'and, the bolt will come out. Er, sometimes.
I rant about these ATD things too often, I know.
But for a ha'pence worth of tar a very good idea from the magneto's electrical performance angle was made, in the flesh, into a sow's ear. Also on the downside the question of additional stress on armature spindles, with possible consequences as in Julian's pic from a few days back, can't be ignored. A one-piece machined drive end would have been much better - with the benefit of hindsight, yes - but they already knew there were good reasons to go 'solid' from their experience with the racing instruments. An ATD imposes greater strain than a plain gear, and further out to boot.
I wonder - in my complete ignorance - whether back in the day it would truly have been much more costly to make one piece items? I dunno, but as RD pretty much said, 'that's no way to make things'.
The 'best' auto advance units I have ever seen on a magneto were 'inboard' at the drive end, clock spring and rollers (like BTH bike ones) in a cast housing, with an outrigger bearing . . . Bullet proof but big and pricey. With the likes of Edward Turner demanding magnetos at about £1 or 25/- a unit, it is said, it's a wonder Lucas were able to provide anything at all frankly.
30+ years and put probably 40,000 miles on it in that time. Never needs attention.
I think it comes down to parts that have always lived harmoniously together, not been chopped and changed time and again. My A10 was a bitsa, admittedly, but a long-term one and did about 50K miles with few problems before it was sold last year.
One of my other bikes has done somewhere between half a million km and half a million miles, and a large percentage is still original - most of the frame, the tank, the oil tank, one wheel rim, both hubs and brakes, silencer (one), barrels and heads, fork sliders, yokes and steering stem, gearbox, speedo head, headlamp shell and supporting bracketry, toolboxes, swing arm except bushes, the mag and the dynamo bodies, all the timing gears, the oil pumps, the rods (but not the crank sadly, that broke in the 1980s). The mudguards rotted beyond my pathetic metalworking skills so went to someone who could, but what it has all meant to me is ultra-reliability from parts that are on intimate terms with each other. Like people celebrating golden wedding anniversaries. A bit of disharmony now and then, but a sound relationship at base.
GB referred a few days ago to the Motor Cyclist's Workshop by Torrens of the Motor Cycle. I referred in turn to a chapter called 'Is It Worn Out?' - which has been a guide to me since for ever. Ring gaps - 'don't panic Capt Mainwaring', double the 'book' gaps won't kill anything. Bore wear? - wait till they get to the limit before messing with them, and buy a few pints of oil in the meantime if you need to. Ditto valve guides etc etc.
"Perfection is the Enemy of the Good".
(Big ends though - Act Immediately you have the hint of a smidgeon of a suspicion.)
GB referred a few days ago to the Motor Cyclist's Workshop by Torrens of the Motor Cycle. I referred in turn to a chapter called 'Is It Worn Out?' - which has been a guide to me since for ever. Ring gaps - 'don't panic Capt Mainwaring', double the 'book' gaps won't kill anything. Bore wear? - wait till they get to the limit before messing with them, and buy a few pints of oil in the meantime if you need to. Ditto valve guides etc etc.
"Perfection is the Enemy of the Good".
(Big ends though - Act Immediately you have the hint of a smidgeon of a suspicion.)
This explains how ancient motorcycles have survived for a very long time despite having sloppy crank endfloat and partly blocked sludge traps; they are not precision instruments.
Ok, me lovelies, latest update. Fibre gear arrived 2.00pm and fitted by 6.00pm. Rivet holes in gear were slightly too small for the rivets I have, so drilled out 0.2mm from 4.6 to 4.8. Then had to grind down rivet heads and shorten by around 2.5mm - also on the bench grinder. Fitted the back plate and went for the steel backing plate and carrier - then had to take it apart and turn the gear round because holes wouldn't line up *ex* *ex* *angry* *angry* *angry* To get the rivets to partially line up with the backing plate and carrier, I chamfer the ends of the rivets to give them a 'start' on the holes. I also put the rivets in the other way round to Priory, so from the back into the carrier rather than the other way round - just find it easier that way. Ground down the excess on the rivets with a dremel and tapped the collar back on, centre punching it for extra security. With new springs, the action is good and it SHOULD all hold together - cannot see why not. I now have enough bits for two more decent, complete ATDs. Will get them built up for when the beastie eats the one I'm about to put on. *pull hair out* *dunno*
Incidentally, the new gears have more definition on the teeth than the originals, and seem deeper. This convinces me that the old gears swell and turn to cheese over the years.
Wish me luck, my friends. Oh, and SHM, the condensor went in the maggie about a year ago. Sourced a replacement from Priory which has proved excellent. If anyone wants a complete maggie that needs a new condensor, give me a shout!
This explains how ancient motorcycles have survived for a very long time despite having sloppy crank endfloat and partly blocked sludge traps; they are not precision instruments.
Mind you GB, I did say I always 'Do Something' rapidly if I think I detect any hint of big end (read 'bottom end' maybe) trouble! A stitch in time and all that . . .
This explains how ancient motorcycles have survived for a very long time despite having sloppy crank endfloat and partly blocked sludge traps; they are not precision instruments.
Mind you GB, I did say I always 'Do Something' rapidly if I think I detect any hint of big end (read 'bottom end' maybe) trouble! A stitch in time and all that . . .
Yup, I didn't miss that comment
Here we go guys, ATD on, timed up, back together, started first kick!!! Did sound slightly different on exhaust note - not bad, just different. Did spit through the exhaust a couple of times, but then seemed to clear. Tickover was slower than before, but she revved out well. Will leave overnight to see how much of the fibre teeth drops into the gauze and will clear. Put new springs on the bobweights, don't know if they are stronger than the originals, but that may account for something.
Screwed the centre nut on very, very carefully with timing buzzer still attached to the c/b to listen for movement. Then, holding it steady on the long maggie bolt at c/b end, nipped it up a bit more. Then got a screwdriver behind one of the bobweight posts to hold it steady for final tightening. Don't really want to load the fibre gear against the pinion even when the taper is sufficiently engaged.
It's now one of those confidence things. Do I attempt to go for a longish run or stay local for a little while. I told the recovery people that it was a timing issue and, because they don't recover for the same problem, I'd have to make up a tale if I needed recovery again. Fortunately, people have no clue with these bikes, so you can tell them whatever. I was asked when arranging recovery if it could be fixed at the roadside? I said there was no chance!
As the GF is basically un-rideable due to clutch slip, thought I'd take the GFV2 for a spin. Petrol on, chokes on, decompress, press starter, slowly release decompressors - and nothing. Thought the starter had sheared the shear pin again, but no. The sprag clutch has given up the ghost. It's rated @ 284 ftlbs, so imagine how much work that starter has to do to turn the motor over. *eek* Now to order a new one ....
This is a great topic (obviously, all the posts :O). But... I do have the impression some posts and topics could (should?) be in dedicated topics in the tech boards. Here, f.ex. very specific magneto, frame, gearbox, whatever etc etc posts may get buried and somewhat hidden among lots of other subjects and chat.
Been pondering on this for while. The idea is not to stop the "what have you done's", but in some cases after posting in this topic, then move over to tech boards and create a topic for the specifics, refering to it in this topic.
Ideas & opinions welcome, anything to make the forum better, especially the tech boards. Thanks.
i have done my back in AGAIN! so today was a steady potter about and i put some empty engine and gearbox cases in the berglar build ready for dropping some spare barrels on and head to see about exhaust and foot rest fixings. tonight i decided to go to a bike meet about 8 miles from home, i got betsy out to see if i could manage the clipons with the back problem and she fired up first kick so off i went. i sat on a wall with an old mate i hardly ever see and talked bikes for a couple of hours. there was about 70 bikers there and betsy and my mates star fire with a B40 engine were the only old bikes there. when i tried to stand up i was in agony but once upright i was ok and betsy fired up first kick again, off we went home with betsy showing off yet again making beautiful noises through the meggas.. tomorrow it is cut the 30 year old van up in places ready for weldering new metal in for the MOT it is totally rotten around the drivers seat belt anchor point and wheel arch *bash* *pull hair out* *work*
I wonder about members fear of posting due to their lack of English and Grammer skills.
Just go for it chaps. The atmosphere here is friendly, unlike FaceAche where you can get ripped apart by the so called experts.
GB so called experts on FB , i had a couple of those when i posted my genuine RRT2 for sale and put some photo's on , one said good luck selling your fake RRT2 and several asked about reverse cam plate. i ended up saying if it wasn't the proper thing i would have advertised it as a nearly RRT2 *bash*
As you well know Berger the world is full of arseholes ,best to ignore and just go for it ,by the way did it sell ? Bob
BOB ,no it hasn't sold yet, a chap told me to put it for sale on a ebay. not a site where you get loads of key board weirdo's
@ caretaker,
One reason that (in my opinion) the posts maybe tend not to, is that members can express themselves in a less formal way in the Chat, Off-topic section, so it draws in posts from less 'technically proficient' members and allows the conversation to meander between technical points and supposition.
I myself, for instance, feel that I comment in this section in a way that I wouldn't in the technical areas, also if I make a fool of myself, it does not seem to matter as much (although i'm not concerned about saying something silly, having worked all my life as an educator, I know the inherent value therein).
Another point is the forum is often a victim of it's own success, there are a few regular hard core technical commentators it appears, (to me as a newbie) and that could well intimidate forum members who are possibly concerned about not being 'knowledgeable' because of the consistently high standard of advice from that core group.
Very good comments. Basically, the only rule in the tech boards is to stay on topic, keeping the content connected to the title of the topic. Start a new topic in another board etc if for some reason the discussion content floats away from the original posts. Simple, no? :O)
As for how one express oneself, zero need for fantastic writing skills, nice prosa nor perfect orthography nor great tech knowledge nor perfect english etc, ask for \ get help, provide useful info and extra comments, make it a good topic that someone else will find very useful in 4 years or 14 years time.
Get bikes running providing satisfaction for it's owners. And make some good friends on top.
I've got 4 road-going bikes - and they're all currently out of service, The Firestorm (although I don't ride it anymore) was dropping a cylinder when my son took it out ten days ago. Took the tank off a couple of days ago and looked at the carbs' diaphragms etc (a pair of 2" carbs would you believe) and looked at the rear plug. Can't see much wrong so it's 'pending'.
The M21V2 is on the lift having a starter fitted (heeding Richard L's suggestion, more about that under 'starter' heading' a bit later).
The GFV2 is waiting for a new starter sprag, the one fitted having failed. Must say, having opened said sprag for a look, I'm thoroughly unimpressed. Time was they had springs actuating shaped feet, but now it's just a handful of steel pieces held in place - and tensioned by - a bit of plastic. No wonder they advise a 50*C max temp. Maybe it got too hot?
And so yesterday I fitted a lifting handle to the GFV2 whilst waiting arrival of new sprag
Also took the primary cover off the GF to clean the clutch plates. Front pipe off to get to footrest nut, release rear brake cable and undo five hundred (ok, I exaggerate but it takes time) screws to release cover (at least it's not as bad as a Velocette with their circumferential rubber band and clip which can take many frustrating hours to re-assemble).
Then washed the plates in petrol (clutch worked perfectly before I added oil to the case). Seeing extra space available I decided to go for an extra pair of plates (now 6 friction) but found the resulting clutch action impossible. Even though I've still got strong hands, there was no way I could pull the lever in. The extra length has made the spring studs effectively too short, so now I'm currently waiting for some 1/4" nyloc nuts to replace the nut / locknut originals. Ho hum. Good job I've got cars .....
Just noted I've wrongly titled pic - should be GFV2 sprag, not M21 sprag
Hunted through my many containers of old bolts to find a 3/8" black bolt with 19mm unthreaded part for the Inner chaincase rear bolt. Found a galv nut to match. I had been using a 5/16" BSCy stud which allowed the rear end of the case to be bolted in any position up or down.
I drilled the holes in both frame and chaincase to 3/8" (only a poofteenth of metal needed to be removed) so the bolt will align the chaincase the same every time. Next job to clean and paint it.
Very uninteresting I know - sorry *red*, but I got some satisfaction from the exercise.
Yeah well, don't rubbish Velocettes, The band type PCC was only used briefly... the later screw type was the one that was used in the main.
Velo engineering was way ahead of BSA.
Of course they all leak, Velos, Beezers etc etc...
Velo engineering was way ahead of BSA.
I wouldn't stretch it that far ....
Leaving aside the cammy racers - sure, the Velo crank / case design with their taper roller bearings was solid - but why make them specially with an almost imperceptible taper? The kickstart - get the lever horizontal before applying force or you'll smash your ankle on the cam protrusion on the gearbox case. The clutch - well, they worked if you realised the plates 'peel' off rather than by the usual 'lift off parallel' as on most bikes. I've mentioned the nightmare of the primary case seal - I gave up in the end and fitted self-tappers. Handling was very 'slow' insomuch as the frame wanted to go around a bend wider than the one you were on. Tuning spares? Not available. After making my own cam I still had little power (when I enquired of Velocette about tuning parts, they suggested a better plug and higher octane petrol!!). That's when I changed to BSA.
RD, What sort of velo did you have? a noddy bike?
My old venom was brilliant except for starting the damn thing.
It handled like a dream and went like the clappers.
Except for the starting there was nothing to improve.
Had some of the best trips of my life on that old girl.
I have heard the thruxtons are lumpy pigs though.
I don't know much about Velos (apart from LEs that hardly count) but a friend's Venom I used to ride a fair bit was a good machine I thought. Of course, I never had to set up the clutch, nor the crank (my mate 'did' the big end assembly himself, borrowing a larger lathe than he had). I know they are a bit different - but it all worked well and I didn't break any body parts on the kickstart, even with size 13s.
'Get it just over compression, swing lever down to the bottom of its movement, then give a it a good strong prod' was what I was advised and away she always went. A local friend's late MSS is the same. Don't handle like twin down-tube Beesas or a Featherbed, but they feel up together to me, as in 'Go where Aimed'. The thing I liked most was the (relatively) high speed cruising capability and the unburstable feel, despite quirks and some fairly antiquated features. If I ever had the necessary ££$$€€ . . . they're one of the few singles that tempt!
Tin chaincases though - yuk. Been fighting one set the best part of 50 leaky years . . . luckily my Notrun has a belt and a diaphragm clutch so that's one bit of that bike that causes no grief.
Fella, sounds like you copped a bad Velo, - bent frame? worn forks?
A Venom in good order should hit the ton, or very close, and cruise at 80 all day. The handling should be neutral and faultless if it's straight. The main bearings pre-load ensures perfect fits when warm and run in. If you've ever seen an M17/8 (Venom) cam you'll know why you don't need "tuning parts". You can easily upgrade the 'lower spec' MSS to VM tune.
If I want a sporty ride I'll take my Venom, if I want a relaxed slower cruise the Super Rocket is the go.
The reason the Thruxton may feel 'lumpy' is that it has a GP racing carb, -like a Goldie, no tickover, -it's built to go fast, not pootle around town, A VM Clubman is almost as quick but is a little easier to live with.
I agree that there are a few things, like that chaincase, that aren't brilliant - but there's not much.
Took the bike out of the garage thinking about a test run after latest ATD issue. *smile* *smile*Fired her up first kick but, when revving out, she was a nasty bi*ch, backfiring, being lumpy and spitting back through the carb, finally stopping and refusing to start. *evil* *evil* *razz* *razz* *problem* *rant* *rant* >:D *sad* *sad* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *bash* *bash* I whipped off the timing cover again to check whether the ATD was ok - IT WAS, so had a think. *conf2* *conf2* I remember someone, somewhere, saying that some new springs on the ATD were too strong and the bike wouldn't advance as it should at speed. *bright idea* *bright idea* Replaced springs with used, original (non-Wassell) types that I had spare. Retimed engine, back to together, fired up 3rd kick (which is normal for mine) and ran and revved out smoothly. She also sounded right (didn't before) - just ran 'cleaner' if you know what I mean. Anyhow, I'm eyeing up a local ride of around 50m to see if she spits out her teeth again. *doubt* *doubt*
Just a quick idea here though, I was looking for a 'peg' down the earth brush hole to prevent the maggie from turning on initial offering up and nipping up the ATD. Couldn't find a 5/16 BSF to suit, so thought about a nylon bolt (which I didn't have). In the end, I found an unused nozzle from a tube of sealant. Cut a bit off the end and screwed it into the hole. As it went in, it cut a thread on the outside of the nozzle, and managed to lock up the maggie pretty well (was reluctant to use a metal bolt anyway for fear of damage). Good thing is, it's reusable with the thread, and the timing seems good as well. *bright idea* *bright idea* *bright idea* *bright idea* *good3* *good3* *good3*
Fired the SR up today with the new JRC carb fitted. 2nd kick start, and from then on, first kick every time. With a few seconds fiddling with the pilot and throttle stop screws, it just starts and settles into a beautiful steady smooth even tickover. I didn't know that was even possible with this motor (Well it certainly wasn't with Amals on it!)
Just back from the Devon Panther rally. Fab time but totally shattered. Please, please please remind me this time next year that i hate camping (anywhere near other humans)! I am sure i said "never will camp again" last year?
Did about 270 miles yesterday and today. There, back and ride out with the group. One of the Panthers had catastrophic failure with crankcase bits everywhere and the rod pushing through the top rear of the cases. A very upsetting site at the start of the ride. At least it wasn't on a fast bend and no one was injured.
Must say the A10 did me proud as usual engine wise and maybe it will go to Spain! Drained the gearbox oil soon as i got home, i'll never be able to get it that hot again without a blow torch, so most of it should dribble out tonight. I must say these two days were jolly hot which added to the adventure and the challenge.
*computer* *countdown* *work* *pull hair out* *bash* *good3* *beer*
Spent some time installing the McFarlane Electric Starter. I removed the old MCR2 voltage regulator and the partition *work*, made a nice little bracket for the DVR2 in the toolbox, refitted the oil filter and hoses, and fitted the starter solenoid behind the battery. Barely enough room for it - only a few millimetres between solenoid and battery and between solenoid and mudguard. The space is getting cramped with oil filter hoses etc.
Dynamo is now converted to 12V, so getting closer to riding day.
Waiting on shims to adjust the chain drive to the starter. It's a bit out of line and I've run out of my shim stocks.
One glance at the From Above photo and you will see I have a job tidying up the wiring. (Thought I'd jump in there and confess before I am TOLD). Now where did I put that wiring diagram?? *conf2*
G'day Col.
Looks like you went to the same wiring school as me *smile*
Wish I had room in my plunger toolbox to fit the filter. A mate made me a small filter mount but it got fried *ex*
S*ite weather here today so just put the colortune into a plug hole to check the pilot and slide in the new 932. Pilot is OK but the #3 slide is rich. I ordered a #3.5 to try and lower the needle to top notch incase it masks it. Waiting for fair weather to road test (ha, not this week!).
Bugga, wife just poured me a triple bourbon. There goes the shed work ;)
If you are not overly concerned about being totally original this might work. On one of the plungers I built I mounted the filter laying down behind the gearbox, dead easy to drain or change the actual filter. That was on a bike I built from bits so originality wasnt important.
Is that a BMW or Velocette filter Brian?
(Originality doesn't come into it of course as there was never a filter in the original).
Does look like a nice installation.
It was a aftermarket one that I bought of e-bay. I think the rocket 3 and Triumph Tridents use that filter (long skinny thing).
Took 5 of our bikes to our local Carnell Green Vintage Rally yesterday. Bikes included a DBD34, RGS and a RGS3 which is a rocket three engine in a RGS frame. The three were a tribute to my late brother who built them. My nephew put a note in front of the bikes.
Just back from the Devon Panther rally. Fab time but totally shattered.
Standing back like that, you make the bike look huge!
I'm not sure I want to do BSAOC camping weekends again. I never get enough sleep on a camp bed.
Gave up camping 35 years ago, best thing I ever did. Wouldn't mind by myself with a fire, a steak and a bottle of rum, but places where you can do that in Blighty without an argument with Plod or a shotgun-wielding farmer are few and far between.
G'day Fellas.
Went out to the shed after work (snuck in without Deb seeing me *smile*). Was going to colortune last nights adjustments.
Fuel on, tickle tickle, turn ignition on. Kick kick kick WTF. Yep dead battery that was working the night before. Measured 5.6v out of a 12v'er *sad2*
I use can't complain it's about 4 years old.
Hooked up the spare and started 2nd kick.
I had leaned the slide from 3 to 3.5 and dropped the needle 1 notch. Not bad so I shoved in a #19 pilot. Nup back to the 17 with 7/8 turn out.
Just waiting for fair weather to road test.
Makes you want a Maggie eh?
Do some bikes not have a maggie *conf2* *conf2* *conf2* *conf2*
Good one Fellas.
Both my A's have Boyer. Set and forget. Along with the permanent degree wheel setting done in a minute.
The plunger had a K2F for the first 15 years of my ownership. Not too many problems in that time.
The A7SS racer was getting an upgrade so the plunger got the "hand me downs". Electronic ignition, DVR2, big fin barrels, alloy head (with big valves), 932 carb, etc etc.
If the dynamo belt fails I still get an hour riding DAMHIK
Hey Musky, what does DAMHIK mean??
Don't ask me how I know *smile*
My acronym of the week I reckon.
Disturbed American Motorcyclists Have Infinitesimal Knowledge.
Richard L.
Off to Manxland
Dihederal Affects Mean Hypersonic Incidence Koefficient
I bought my leather bike jacket from a junk, (thrift) shop in Wales. The jacket had a patch sown across the back with the word DILLIGAF. I assumed it was a Welsh word.
When I asked here I was edumicated.
"DILLIGAF"; created by a fellow who lived in Kalgoorlie and livened up our music and entertainment scene for about 15 years. His entertainment pseudonym at the time was Bryan Dennis (real name Dennis Bryant).
After moving to Perth he re-branded himself as Kevin Bloody Wilson, and gave the world DILLIGAF (amongst other things).
Gf... Man you're REALLY brave venturing across the border into that strange, scary, wicked world of Wales... Let alone risking going into a charity shop.
That probably IS a welsh word, probably meaning '**ckwit'
Gf... Man you're REALLY brave venturing across the border into that strange, scary, wicked world of Wales... Let alone risking going into a charity shop.
That probably IS a welsh word, probably meaning '**ckwit'
My sister-in-law lives in Wales ............... and I concur *evil* >:D *help*
I am asking nicely, please tell me what DAMHIK stands for.
Otherwise I will have to use my incredibly warped imagination to try and understand what the phrase "I still get an hour riding DAMHIK" means.
And post my conclusions... *eek*
G'day SHM.
If the belt breaks and I don't have any charge going to the battery I can still ride for an hour. Dont ask me how I know. Done it a few times.
If the belt breaks and I don't have any charge going to the battery I can still ride for an hour. Dont ask me how I know. Done it a few times.
It'll be the residual static accumulated in the frame Musky *eek* *eek*
G'day Fellas.
Just dropped this one into the rubber case
That batt.. (ooh see what I did there?) It's REALLY expensive for what you've got.
I just bought one -no not 6AH but more than twice the capacity, for not very much more dosh.
12AH Glass matte tech... about A$120
G'day Jools.
Yes I know it was pricey but I wanted one today and Supercreap is close by. Otherwise it's at least a 120km trip to a decent shop.
The Motobatt I have in the HD was only $150.
I know EXACTLY the problem mate, I'm in the same boat, - regional, and a lot of the time Supercreep do it.
I ordered my battery online - Aussie distributor, pretty good value... I'm hoping 12AH will be strong enough to spin over S McF's electric leg.
I just sold a beautiful LP DC guitar which gets me about 3/4 the way to paying the cost of Steve's E/S.
Wot's 'Supercreep', S McF, and a LP DC guitar. Also, those batteries seem pricey, wot's the rough cost in shillings?? *smile*
For starting, it's not the Ah that's important, but the CCA. You need around 200.
Last night I was drawing up the 5th revision of the gear layout for my latest starter. Think it's about there now. Have some of the gears - just waiting for some more to arrive before I start assembling and then fabricating the gearbox they'll go in.
Add - for WL, S McF is the guy who makes the starters for S/A A10's. LP refers, presumably, to Les Paul - one of the better makes of guitar.
wortluck, Wot's 'shillings"?
(Supercreep... 'Supercheap Autos'... a cheap Aussie Auto shop chain). RD's got the rest.
I've paid A$120 for a good 12AH glass matte Battery = divide it by 2 to get approx quids.
Hi All
PC 680's are the only battery that will spin the Vincent electric leg, used also on big BMW's and HD's
The Battery Steve recommends for his BSA starters is a SVR15L , which is 15AH (?)
I think the one he sent me is a WCP15L Westco (220 cca)
I wouldn't go with anything smaller than this
Went on a small trip with my 1962 GF to the Lucas Rally in southern Norway (55 km north of Kristiansand) Did some 900 km in total during the weekend. Lots of old bikes off all kinds, beer, music and camping.... what not to like...?
Had a blat round a field on this BSA Victor MX in preparation for Sunday's event. Confirmation that I should know better at my age!
G'day Fellas.
I squeezed the new battery into the rubber "box" and fitted.
Still plying with the new 932 concentric. Lifted the needle to richest setting ad she sounds a lot happier.
Looks like a good day 3-15C so will ride to work the long way to test the main jet.
The new carb seems to be harder to get on and off and the lid is impossible to remove the slide whilst mounted. The old carb (932) was a snack.
Had a blat round a field on this BSA Victor MX in preparation for Sunday's event. Confirmation that I should know better at my age!
I know you've done this before. How was it?
Can't finish off the extra-plates-in-clutch experiment with the GF because I'm waiting for nyloc nuts to arrive. Can't progress the M21V2 starter build for similar reason, so spent this afternoon wrestling with the Firestorm.
Last time out (my son riding) it lost a cylinder. Was back on both when arrived back at the workshop, so I took the tank off to have a look-see. Normal plug socket wouldn't fit, so had to order an 18mm long / thin socket to check the rear plug - it's about 6" down a small hole. That seemed OK so took the air cleaner off to get to the carbs. That's a nightmare in itself, you just can't get to the breather pipes underneath. Next started on the carbs - they're 2" Stromberg-type units with diaphragms. Another nightmare - the diaphragm springs are 1/2" OD and a foot long. Try getting that back in place. They're uncontrollable.
Checked the rear diaphragm and it seemed OK. Thought about replacing both, until I discovered they are non-detachable from the plastic slide. Now those diaphragm/slide combinations would cost under a pound to make (the plastic slide is quite crude). Well, apparently they are no longer available but, when they were, cost £206 each. No, that's not a typo.
And so this afternoon I re-fitted the rear diaphragm (can't get to the front one without taking the whole carburettor assembly off so not going there) and wrestled for a couple of hours getting the air filter base back on. Under the air filter itself there's a couple of tiny foam filters for the breathers - will need to find something for that as they've crumbled to dust. That'll be another day - had enough today of struggling with this beast. The bike is 20yrs old, but it's like a modern car insomuch as getting to anything verges on impossible.
I've just fitted a new side stand aquired from Andrew at Priory mags, fitted perfectly ,thanks andrew ! Also rerouted my throttle cable so it doesn't bind when the bars are turned and gave the pipes a quick polish and same to some of the rocker box,doesn't sound much but to have done an hour and half standing and not have aches and pains was marvellous!
G'day Fellas.
Dropped the primary cover off the plunger to double check the timing with a strobe. Had to get Deb to help as my arms ain't long enough to reach the loud lever and view the strobe on the degree disc at the same time. She was a little hesitant of giving it a fist full to start with but I kept pointing upward *eek*. All good as it was set. I was worried it might have been a tad advanced as it's been taking two kicks to start. So it's back to the new carb and revisit the pilot as the fuel height is as high as it can go without flooding.
Tomorrow I'll drop the sump plate and see if there's anything on the gauze and change the filter (KN153). Consider her run in after 100Km and time to feel the 357 cam working.
Put new rubbers on the kick and gear levers.
You can take the boy off the race track but you can't take the race track out of the boy *ex*
The A7 is going to Spain, end of September. I am sure she does not want to go. As she dropped some oil all over the place a couple of weeks ago, never done that before. She seams to have been fine since and I have tried running her on E10, which did not appear to have any real impact. So today I completed the prep, check primary and gearbox oil adjusted rear brake (which has new shoes that have now bedded in and appear to work OKish). For some reason check horn, just a click, it was working yesterday, start engine horn works stop engine horn does not work. Clean all contact on horn and switch still just a click, Clean contact again same again. So I check the additional earth I put the the headlight ages ago. I can not find it, it has gone (or I never actually fitted it I know I meant to). Check Horn with an additional earth to headlight and it works. so wire up new earth direct to headlamp RESULT.
Was going to put this in the post I started specific to my M21V2 starter project, but the forum won't let me search for it so, as some of the work was done today, I'm putting it here. Gears are assembled (keyed and pressed together as necessary) the sprag clutch pressed into its drive gear, a flange made to mount the motor and, this afternoon, made the sprag drive shaft. Just waiting now for some alloy plate to start making the case.
jeez that looks neat RD. Did you cut the gears, clever bugger!?
No, I don't cut the gears Bill, it's not worth it. I'd need to make an involute cutter for each gear (one would do for the 34t and 36t ones) before cutting the gears themselves. Never minding the time involved, (best part of a day each gear) the material involved for each cutter / gear alone would exceed the price I can buy gears for (around £10 ea). Then it's only boring and slotting them and making press-fit hollow shafts suitably machined for woodruff keys on the OD and needle rollers on the ID. It's holding size to a tenth for fit purposes that takes the time (and broaching keyways now I no longer have access to a slotting machine, meaning fabricating a new broach bushing nearly every time).
G'day Fellas.
I'm getting the HD ready for a road trip in a few weeks. 3500 Km Lithgow - Poochera - Lithgow
Took her for a quick long lap (60 Km) to test the oil leak repair. Bugga, slowed but still drips. The lower most primary screw hole was butchered by the PO. The holes were drilled at an angle so I filled with JB Weld and re drilled and taped. I've tried a proper HD gasket dry and my own made gasket with #3 Permatex, Now I'll try Cometic gasket with RTV silicon.
Just a little pootle! 😜
Nice Musky, not a big HD fan, but at least it runs and you've plently of miles to enjoy!! *smile*
So, cleaned slip ring on maggie, still not a bean so it's been whipped off and packaged to go to Andrew. My ATD woes continue, by the way, as I discovered that one of the springs had broken and was resting, rather mangled, below the oil pump!!!! *pull hair out* *pull hair out* Easy fix, as I have loads of old (and new) spares. Used an older one rather than the Wassell item - see how it goes eh. Fibre gear was still in one piece. *woo* *woo*
Must admit, those timing pinions/gears are pretty tough, they must have ground up the best part of an ATD now, and still seem in good nick. *conf2* *conf2* *spider*
Incidentally, I'll try to post a video of my 'end float', so you can all gasp in wonder at how the beastie keeps on running. I have been told by my 'engineer' mate (y'know, the one who can't rivet) who did most of the engine rebuild that the float my have come from something to do with a bearing not seating properly??? He didn't seem too concerned though?? :o :o :o
Anyone know how to post a movie file??
I have been told by my 'engineer' mate (y'know, the one who can't rivet) who did most of the engine rebuild that the float my have come from something to do with a bearing not seating properly??? He didn't seem too concerned though?? :o :o :o
So you will not be taking any notice of his advice then 😜
G'day Worty.
For videos it's best to upload it to a hosting/sharing site like YouTube and then post a link here. Example one I did a couple of years ago and posted on the Forum.
Last night I pulled the g/box outer cover off. The kickstart has been slipping/disengaging on occasion (not good for the knee joint). On removing the ratchet pinion it all came flooding back to me I saw the bush I made years ago. There was a bad batch of pinions where the ID was oversize. The bush was still in good nick. It was then I noticed I had mismatched quadrant/pinion. I must have been in a hurry to get going and didn't notice the difference. *bash* *pull hair out*. Now to find and order a matched pair. I'll throw it back together and be careful when kicking.
Of all the things I've lost I miss my memory the most.
There you go - endfloat - cheers Musky
Had a day off the RGS and went motocrossing instead. First time on a motocross bike in 39 years. I was amazed how quickly it all came back. Only fell off once.... annoyingly on the last corner of the last lap! Live to fight another day..yahayyy!!!
G'day Worty.
As posted on your video
"Woah way too much. Rectify before it goes bang. A lot of oil destined for the big ends will be lost between bush and crank." fixed typo.
G'day CB.
You lucky bugga.
G'day Worty.
As posted on your video
"Woah way too much. Rectify before it goes bang. A lot of oil destined for the big ends will be lost between bush and crank." fixed typo.
Cheers Musky, d'you reckon I've been lucky over 10k miles - I don't hang around either.
G'day Worty.
It was then I noticed I had mismatched quadrant/pinion. I must have been in a hurry to get going and didn't notice the difference. *bash* *pull hair out*. Now to find and order a matched pair. I'll throw it back together and be careful when kicking.
You might as well have put a road flare in that picture. About a second-and-a-half in, I'm thinking, ooh, pointy-flat mismatch. YSAKHIKIYBHSY.
Richard L.
G'day Worty.
Yes very lucky *ex*
Mine didn't have much end float but did have 8 thou up and down *eek* 40/70 oil helped her do about the same miles.
G'day Richard.
OK I've spent 1/2 hour trying to work out YSAKHIKIYBHSY.
G'day Fellas.
On close inspection the quad and pinion are meshing quite well. There's a few marks on the top of the pinion teeth but that would be from jamming not slipping. There is very little play in the pinion/bush and both quadrant bush's. There is a bit of end float on the shaft so I knocked the outer bush in a bit to eliminate that. It looks to me the problem lies with the pinion and ratchet. There is a bit of wear and the spring feels weak. I made a 1mm thick spacer to give the spring a bit extra preload. Tomorrow I'll throw it all back together and test. Just another excuse to ride to work *grins*
Thanks Musky, I reckon I'll just have to ride (pun intended) my luck as I don't have the time, energy, space and cash for a full stripdown - as you say BUGGA.
I'm amazed you are not familiar with this never-before-used-in-the-history-of-the-English-language acronym. ("NBUITHOTELA"?)
"You should already know how I know if you've been here several years."
I'm deeply sorry if I've abused the friendship.
Richard L.
Some of these acronyms are RSTF ! *smiley4*
musky - can you explain what in that photo shows the mismatch of the pinion. looks fine to my ignorant eye.
that is, IUFCBB or FPFSP (those are for Richard's enjoyment)
To chip in with the acronyms, and in relation to my bike (and occasionally my life) FUBAR and SNAFU come to mind *eek* *eek*
"You should already know how I know if you've been here several years."
Silly me for not working that one out. Google didn't know though.
i don't have a flat bottomed quadrant to hand because they are in my boxes, but i have a pointy tooth pinion to show a miss match with a flat bottomed gear like a quadrant' muskys look like a matched pair to me
Took the GF for a spin this afternoon.
Good news on two fronts: clutch doesn't slip now - using st 40 oil in primary plus an extra two clutch plates for more friction. And the N/S fork leg no longer leaks - at 3rd attempt. Second attempt found the oil seal wasn't being properly clamped by the SS seal holder because either the seal is too thin or the rebate in the holder was too deep. Thought I'd cured it by machining some spacers to sit atop the seals, but it still leaked (though much less). Remedy was to fit rubber seals instead of the metal-clad ones I'd been supplied, and adding the later funnel-shaped distance piece instead of the circlip.
been flat out on the berglar build for 2 days , spare cases in and i had to use the berglar build head because i haven't got another *sad*. anyroad the exhaust is looking good and the foot rests are positioned with a mod for the brake pivot, at this stage it feels and smells like VICTORY even though there's a long road ahead. it will be finished one day and i will never build another one off special again. too many problems to overcome, you fix one and it creates another *problem*
I share your pain Bergs!
The A7 really does not want to go to Spain, First she dump oil out after an oil change, never done that before (see earlier post), then she would not start last night (HT cable had come out of magneto) and today I managed to drop her three feet of the bike lift, ended upside-down with wheels still on the lift. So far no major damage to the bike, think I may have hurt my wrist though.
Back from two weeks on "The Island".
Rode 700 miles all over the place despite marshalling duties.
Time for the liver to recover now!
The A7 really does not want to go to Spain, First she dump oil out after an oil change, never done that before (see earlier post), then she would not start last night (HT cable had come out of magneto) and today I managed to drop her three feet of the bike lift, ended upside-down with wheels still on the lift. So far no major damage to the bike, think I may have hurt my wrist though.
Flippin heck Angus! Did you forget to salute to a magpie?
It was one of those where.
I thought how unlucky I was that it had happened and was in a mad panic when the bike was upside down, two builders from around the corner and myself physically lifted her upright when they responded to my scream.
Now I am think how lucky I am that there actually appears to be next to no damage. Looking how she was it seems impossible, I almost need a picture to believe it myself. Anyway ran her up and down the road seems to run straight with no hands on the handlebars so not bent anywhere, longer ride planned to ensure I have not missed anything.
Also could be in "What kept you from riding today. " Still haven't resolved my fork leg problem, but wanted to get the bike back in its parking space. Had to do something to make up for the front end weight so the bike stayed in balance on the lift while I moved it. A bucket full of water did the trick.
Richard L.
Today I gave the bike a service* and a wash in readiness for the BSAOC weekend in the Derbyshire Peak District..
My new battery is great; the hooter, if not exactly loud, at least makes a noise.
*I cleaned the plugs and mag points, changed the oil and filter and the oil in the forks and topped up the gearbox.
Where did you get that seat GB, it looks tidy?
Got the maggie back from Andrew at PM, turns out the armature had failed - all put back together and returned today for installation tomorrow. I sent my old one back to him to be checked out. Seems that it was a virgin original that hasn't been restored. Considering I used it for seven years without issue, it's done pretty well.
Just a bit of a 'throw out', but if anyone has any ATD bits they want to get rid of please let me know. In particular, I'm after the 'carrier' part, that is, the bit with the four 'prongs'. Due to my ATD woes, I now have enough bits for two complete units in addition to the one on the bike (or I will have after locating the part in question). I will be doing the riveting myself GB!!
I'm itching for a ride out before winter sets in, so hope the work goes to plan! *smile*
Where did you get that seat GB, it looks tidy?
I found it online, about 8 years ago. It was from a custom bike place. I do not recall the name, sorry. The first saddle I bought was a modern replica of a Lycette sprung saddle. I hated it; it was horribly uncomfortable 😢
Spot on GB. You'll note from the piccy of my bike that I had a single, Lycette type, saddle on my s/a. It too was incredibly uncomfortable and ended up wearing on the top and with a couple of broken springs (Wassell replica). I have the dual seat on at present as Sue wanted a 'turn' on it, but I did like the look of the bike with the single saddle. May go for the custom jobbie - if it is as comfortable as it looks, I may get away without having to lie down for a couple of days with a bad back after a big ride. *eek* *eek*
I still have the original dual seat and pillion footrests. Wifey will not get on the bike so I normally have the single saddle installed. I prefer the look. Another factor was that the un-damped rear wheel plungers did not handle the weight of a pillion very well; every bump in the road caused a horrible clunk!
Heh, quickest way to dissuade Sue from getting on is to tell her to hang on whilst I 'pump t' tyres up' and 'adjust suspension'. After that, she's less keen and I have to cook my own dinner. *eek* *eek* *eek*
Perhaps these days we need to ask how a person identifies themselves: He, She, They, etc.
Perhaps these days we need to ask how a person identifies themselves: He, She, They, etc.
Would be better for everyone's mental health if we just stuck with biological facts: you got a prostate, you're male. You haven't? You're female. Not interested in how people 'identify'. If a fella wants to have his willy cut off and get breast implants, that's his choice. If he wants to pretend to be female, that's up to him. Just please don't insult me by saying you're female 'cause you're not.
Spelling corrected - thanks Worthluck for drawing my attention to my mistake.
Maybe Poppy will be along in a minute to have 'their' say 🙄
When I'm saying "Thank you chaps" I do wonder if I should make it more inclusive.
Perhaps these days we need to ask how a person identifies themselves: He, She, They, etc.
Would be better for everyone's mental health if we just stuck with biological facts: you got a prostrate, you're male. You haven't? You're female. Not interested in how people 'identify'. If a fella wants to have his willy cut off and get breast implants, that's his choice. If he wants to pretend to be female, that's up to him. Just please don't insult me by saying you're female 'cause you're not.
Right there with you RD - 100%. *good3* *good3* Without wishing to offend or seem patronising or pedantic, the word you were after is 'prostate', prostrate is when you lie flat on the floor (this is the price one pays for having a father as an English lecturer!). Dunno about the female BSAOC thing, but no Iron Weathercocks please!!! *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry*
As for the bike, maggie arrived back from Andrew's yesterday and fitted today. All timed up, petrol on, nothing! *eek* Swapped leads round, fired first kick and seems to run excellently, right down to a steady tickover - thanks again Andrew. *woo* *woo* *woo* Will check gauze later for any more debris and then test it locally before longer run. Hopefully, I'll get a bit more out of her before the endfloat needs further attention (or she just blows up??) *eek* *eek* *eek* No big end knock in 10k miles - maybe I'll actually get lucky for a change!! *dunno2* *dunno2*
When I'm saying "Thank you chaps" I do wonder if I should make it more inclusive.
Wot, like 'chappettes'?? - Please don't *evil* *evil* *evil*
When I'm saying "Thank you chaps" I do wonder if I should make it more inclusive.
Wot, like 'chappettes'?? - Please don't *evil* *evil* *evil*
I was thinking, "Thank you everyone"
Cleaned the bike up and discoverd the screw for the dynamo cover had come off. Found a suitable replacement but, when I took the dynamo cap off, there were two tiny screws inside. Turns out they were from the back of the 'plate' on the dynamo. Tightened two but one is stripped. Looks like a bit of thread locker and wishful thinking. Other than that, bike is gleaming and ready for a test ride.
G'day Fellas.
This morning I'll wash the HD and then head out in the rain *bash*
Got a short 150 mile ride to a mates funeral. His last ride is in a box on a sidecar.
I'll have to ride at the back. I haven't fixed the primary leak and nobody likes getting covered in ATF *ex*
Sorry for your loss. Last ride the way he wanted it. I think that's how Elizabeth will be transported, as well. Get back safe.
Richard L.
Sorry for your loss. Last ride the way he wanted it. I think that's how Elizabeth will be transported, as well. Get back safe.
Richard L.
Apparently Prince Philip had a special Land Rover made for his funeral carriage.
urma the yonda was taken for her MOT today in nice fine weather , i didn't realise it had run out 2 weeks ago untill the tax reminder landed in the letter box. she passed and then i got proper drowned on the way back home and my leather jacket now weighs more than me *problem*. she shouldn't need tax or mot because she was made in 1979, i have a dating letter that the DVLA will not recognise because they cocked it up years ago and registered her as 1982. i have had a big *fight* *fight* with them but they are A+++++-S
SHM there's nowt wrong about saying it as it is *yeah*
Sorry for your loss. Last ride the way he wanted it. I think that's how Elizabeth will be transported, as well. Get back safe.
Richard L.
Apparently Prince Philip had a special Land Rover made for his funeral carriage.
I watched that.
Richard L.
Well said SHM and Berger. I am NOT a fan of anything the royal family stand for - whatever that is?? Cannot bear the sense of privilege and self-entitlement, not to mention 'duty' or 'God given responsibilities'. Even worse is the money that is tied up and spent on such trivialities and fripperies in the name of historicity. Having said that, I don't have anything against the Queen personally, although I'm no fan of their music. RIP Lizzy!
As f' t' bike, looking for a break in the weather!!
I rode through thunder & lightning, very very frightening, rain and sunshine to get to my accommodation for this weekend. My oversuit is damp. I'm trying to get stuff dry.
As always, thanks Swarfy, may have a go when feeling brave, although oil return seems fine at present??
To all:
As previously mentionned, the problem with the "what have you done" topic is some (many, many) tech problems\solutions threads belonging in other boards are getting buried and disapearing among 1000's of unrelated posts, missing specific title, difficult to find or follow.
Please post in the tech boards for any & all specific tech cases.
For example, one mentions whatever tech situation in this board, then immediately move over to the tech boards and create a dedicated topic with a real title. Then edit your post in this board, pasting in a link to the new topic.
You're right Caretaker, there is an incredible wealth of experience and information on these pages that is being 'buried'. I'm not sure of the answer, but I do wonder whether the search parameters could be expanded to be more specific to issues. For example, a search for a scavenge pipe ball bearing could be broken down to exclude all extraneous posts and make the search more specific. At present, I bookmark posts that are relevant to my queries, which make them much easier to find. I also take info and put them on a separate document on my laptop.
I don't suggest making more work for anyone - the Forum is superb and has helped me enormously, but I'm also aware that I might miss out on important info because I can't find it (probably due to my limited computer skills).
As always, thanks for everything you do.
^^^ One can do quite some tweaks in the main search page, see picture.
The " around "ball bearing" narrows down search to only look for occurences of that exact combination of words (phrase).
Test, do a search with ball bearing, then "ball bearing", and see the resulting differences.
btw, see
What I have done with my bike today is:
Ride a circuitous route around the UK Peak District. The scenery here is superb. The roads are superb. The motorcycles in the BSAOC pelaton were superb. Even the weather was kind to us. We stopped for lunch at a really good cafe where they made their own scrummy cakes. I am now back in my accommodation having had a steaming hot shower.
Some pictures.
My Emily was as good as gold!
That must have been a very nice ride. By the way, your tent looks very comfortable. *smile*
Richard L.
To all:
As previously mentionned, the problem with the "what have you done" topic is some (many, many) tech problems\solutions threads belonging in other boards are getting buried and disapearing among 1000's of unrelated posts, missing specific title, difficult to find or follow.
Please post in the tech boards for any & all specific tech cases.
What I have done with my bike today is:
Ride a circuitous route around the UK Peak District. The scenery here is superb. The roads are superb. The motorcycles in the BSAOC pelaton were superb. Even the weather was kind to us. We stopped for lunch at a really good cafe where they made their own scrummy cakes. I am now back in my accommodation having had a steaming hot shower.
Some pictures.
My Emily was as good as gold!
This is one of my favourite routes GB. I know the tea rooms you mention. Usually, because I'm near Wakefield, I go through Barnsley, Penistone, Holmfirth and across the top to Woodhead Pass, through Glossop onto the Snake Road (A58) to Ladybower then up Mortimer Road back to Penistone and home. Total trip is around 96m and is fabulous.
Took the A out for a quick blast after a 20 day lay off! Needed to feel them positive vibes after taking my other bike to Spain recently. Felt good to be on a real bike that is exciting and edgy at legalish speeds. Note to self, i gonna have to buy another one so i take it off the road proper and sort out the handling! Was just 30 miles but so different from a modern.
*woo* *doubt* *good3* *beer* *beer*
G'day Fellas.
Well I decided to fix the primary leak on the HD. On the 280Km ride on the w/end she lost 1.1 liters *eek* (holds 1.4).
I never want to hear complaints about working on our A's. To do the seal on an A (s/a) may take an hour or two and back on the road. It has taken me SIX hours just to get to it *pull hair out*. After taking out the clutch, chain & engine sprocket to get to the inner primary cover and removing the screws there was two bolts hidden behind. To get to those bolts I had to remove the seat, battery, rear guard complete with lights, lower guard, rear exhaust, starter solenoid, tool box, oil tank and most of the electrics *rant* *bash* *countdown*
Be a few days till parts arrive so have time to cool down!
G'day Fellas.
Well I decided to fix the primary leak on the HD. On the 280Km ride on the w/end she lost 1.1 liters *eek* (holds 1.4).
I never want to hear complaints about working on our A's. To do the seal on an A (s/a) may take an hour or two and back on the road. It has taken me SIX hours just to get to it *pull hair out*. After taking out the clutch, chain & engine sprocket to get to the inner primary cover and removing the screws there was two bolts hidden behind. To get to those bolts I had to remove the seat, battery, rear guard complete with lights, lower guard, rear exhaust, starter solenoid, tool box, oil tank and most of the electrics *rant* *bash* *countdown*
Be a few days till parts arrive so have time to cool down!
BUGGA *ex* *ex*
“ It has taken me SIX hours just to get to it”
I’ve seen/suffered similar on newer cars. Seems designing for maintainability (using a standard tool kit) is becoming a lost art. Or is it just that CAD helps to pack more stuff into a space that really shouldn’t be quite so densely utilized.
G'day Fellas.
Finally got the inner primary off with a lot of swearing and cursing. Last job was to remove the inner ace off the mainshaft up against the sprocket nut. I bought an extra small bearing separator and had to skim 1.5mm off the bolt heads and nuts to fit it in. Once in position I used the extension holes to use bolts against the sprocket to jack the race off.
Parts should arrive today so the task of reassembly over the weekend.
Sold it, got paid, and delivered it to it's new owner. Never want to see it again but I likely will given that the new owner is local..
{Not the A7, I hasten to add}
Which model BSA is that?
Richard L.
BSA A Fat Chance...
Whoever designed that mechanical pig's ear should have it posted from the rear.
Posts split and moved to tech dept., *please* use this topic for general chat, any and all A7\A10 special tech subjects belongs in the tech boards. Thanks.
Ref post from 10.09.2022
To all:
As previously mentionned, the problem with the "what have you done" topic is some (many, many) tech problems\solutions threads belonging in other boards are getting buried and disapearing among 1000's of unrelated posts, missing specific title, difficult to find or follow.
Please post in the tech boards for any & all specific tech cases.
For example, one mentions whatever tech situation in this board, then immediately move over to the tech boards and create a dedicated topic with a real title. Then edit your post in this board, pasting in a link to the new topic.
G'day Fellas.
Took the A7 plunger for a spin up the hill to Hampton pub for lunch. A good test for the jetting of the new 932.
Just a detail, trivial at that. Recently I've been doing some re-wiring... improving what I should have done better earlier when building my SR. As I worked in the headlight shell I couldn't help noticing the beginnings of aluminium corrosion on my lovely TLS brakeplate. Some months ago a kind wifey bought me an ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH for gawd's sake! (I've never been able to understand the need for these devices, -not enough energy to brush your teeth? -Gimme a break!)
Anyway, the said ET tore the crap out of my delicate little gums. so it sat on a shelf in the bathroom for months until... UNTIL... today I discovered it's raison d'etre.
That TLS brakeplate is a thing of beauty, but it's an intricate casting, hard to get into all the nooks and crannys - behind the fork sliders and cable levers etc. *astard to clean.
But the Electric "(Ev'rythings gonna be made outa plastic" who said that?) -Toothbrush dipped in brasso did a great job - so easily. cleaned and polished up everything beautifully in a minute or two - and no skinned knuckles. So steal SHMBO's ET and try it. You can always slip it back into the bathroom afterwards. (She'll have sparkling teeth eh? ;)
Oooh and by the way, miraculously, re-wiring, I didn't let any smoke out!
Re-timed the bike, no spitting back on kicking her up now, will test later.
Apologies for this guys, but I'm looking at confining the A10 to more local potterings and am currently eyeing up an immaculate 1974 BMW R75/5 for longer tours. Just can't get the reliability out of the Beeza to be confident on epic trips, plus I have a bit of a concern over the endfloat situation and how that might pan out on long, hot, trips. :!
Given that there's damage AGAIN on the ATD, there's going to be a limit on how much cash I can keep throwing at it. I also like being on the road more than in the garage, so I need a bike for riding and one for fixing.
Please don't shout, I've not told the Beeza yet.
No shouting mate (and whispering if we're in earshot of your Beezer) -but just this. I had a Beemer R75/5 for a few years and I appreciated it for it's build quality amongst other things, but honestly, it was boring as *rap!
No character whatsoever. Bland, sluggy, ponderous, underpowered. - Be like *ooting Margaret Thatcher. Know what I mean?
The R75/6 is a better bike, essentially similar but with a longer wheelbase. Anyway, go for it, you'll love the thumbstart at least -that's the only thing I'd miss!
I do understand though, go for it!
No shouting mate (and whispering if we're in earshot of your Beezer) -but just this. I had a Beemer R75/5 for a few years and I appreciated it for it's build quality amongst other things, but honestly, it was boring as *rap!
No character whatsoever. Bland, sluggy, ponderous, underpowered. - Be like *ooting Margaret Thatcher. Know what I mean?
The R75/6 is a better bike, essentially similar but with a longer wheelbase. Anyway, go for it, you'll love the thumbstart at least -that's the only thing I'd miss!
I do understand though, go for it!
Cheers Jools - thanks for your comments. I did think the Slash 5 would be better than you describe, but totally trust your comments. It's just that I've seen a beautiful example for sale at £5,750. I do like Beemers but, as you said, they can be a bit slow and ponderous. I had an 1959 R60 for quite a few years, great cruising at 70 all day, but sluggish around the back roads.
What I need is something oldish (not new stuff unless, maybe, a newer Enfield or something - quite a nice looking bike I reckon). It needs to go a bit from the off (like the GF) with some brisk acceleration and a comfy 70-80 top end. Other bikes I've considered is Yam XS650, Kwaka W650, Yam TX 500, Yam XT500. Any suggestions or experiences (like Jool's) would be greatly appreciated.
Had considered selling the A10 due to engine durability/cost concerns, but I do like the bike and a lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into it over the decade I've had it. Crank is on its last regrind and pistons on their last rebore (liners next). I also think the endfloat is being accompanied by a bit of lateral movement (is that the infamous 'timing side bush' issue??). My fears are for a long lay off for the bike with complete engine stripdown - costs may be upwards of 1.5k I reckon as I'd need help.
Please don't be turned off it by my comments. -Just 'told it as I found it'.
I'm in a similar but different situation where, my 35 year build project (SR) is coming to fruition finally, but my hip -(the kickstart one) is starting to give up the ghost, and my old /5 Beemer with thumbstart is starting to look good!
Looked into Steve McFarlane's Electric start conversion for the Rocket, but it ain't cheap. But I might go for it.
I've looked very closely at the RE Interceptor and Continental GT, spoke to owners etc, and they look and sound brilliant - and at a pretty bargain price too. I'm tempted.
I know an Enfield dealer from NSW and he reckons they are so reliable - he's had almost no unhappy customers / problems with them since the twins have been on the market.
G'day Fellas.
Parts arrived yesterday for the HD primary rebuild. Last night got the inner cover with bearings and seals back on. Tonight the clutch & primary drive. Then it's ALL the other bits that had to be removed to do the job *ex*
Never been a fan of BM's. A senior member (90) had a R90 and we noticed he was having trouble controlling it. We persuaded him to get something a bit smaller. He got a new Kwaka 300 and loved it. Rode it everywhere till he "fell off the perch" at 92.
Hi All
So today the A7 got a service (engine oil change, level check gearbox/primary and chain tension check) ready for Spain. Then a good clean so she looks presentable *smile*
Fitted a DVR 2 voltage regulator to the B31 - we have charge!
Back to reliability. When I have a long journey or an appointment I cannot miss, it's the A10 that gets rolled out of the shed.
Fitted a DVR 2 voltage regulator to the B31 - we have charge!
Back to reliability. When I have a long journey or an appointment I cannot miss, it's the A10 that gets rolled out of the shed.
Used to be the case for me BS but, of late, reliability is a big issue (as is cash for endless repairs). Maybe I just got a bit of a dud. Anyhow, I need to add to the stable for a more reliable bike (that'd make two). I've got my eye on a Kwaka W650, very smart with 33k on the clock, £3.5k delivered with warranty, full MoT, PDI and service. They have a reputation to be bulletproof, like the Yam XS650, and I need to get out of the garage!!
Right fellas, listen up, I have an A10 which I have now named Christine (after the 1983 film about a possessed car). *eek* >:D >:D *evil*
I bought the Kwaka W650 which is arriving soon. However, I took the A10 out today to test the timing reset and needle at P4 to get it ready for a possible sale ........ and ................ it went like s**t off a shovel. *wink2* *wink2* *woo* *woo* Revved out to 60 in third and, up the bypass on an incline, managed 70 with a headwind and a very, very, slight hesitation at 75. Chucked it around various roads - lovely. No lumpiness on revving from tickover - felt smooth as you like. *smile* *smile*
So, with thanks to everyone, I can confirm that Andrew (Priory) is correct (for me at least) in saying that 11/32 (ca. 8.5mm) btdc is right for my bike. Running with super unleaded, airscrew 1.5 turns out, c/b at .012, plugs at .018 (new), needle at P4. The 290 main jet seems fine with these settings. Plug chop revealed a very light tan with no sooting (tad lean??).
Now I have the conundrum of selling or keeping for that brilliant A10 experience when they run well. Will still jump on the Kwaka for an assured ride, but the A10 gets my vote for a 'will I make it' rorty ride around Yorkshire. I'm sure the A10 is jealous of the new arrival and has started to behave???
Rode the little H---a across to Canterbubble this afternoon for my 4th covid jab, took that for reliability and ease of starting.
Had the jab and started back to an instant deflation of the rear tyre, fortunately right outside a pub! So seemed no time before I got a lift home from the nice AA man.
Took the back wheel off, that and me both a bit wobbly! only to find the tube completely split into two at one of the seams, no wonder the gorilla snot failed me! Never seen that before!
Nurse told me plenty of fluid this evening, so off to drown my sorrows.
*bright idea* I decided to test out my new hip replacement *doubt*
So I drained the sump, tickled the carb & gave her a soft slow kick to check I for any pain.. NO
2 kicks later she fired into life again after Winter hibernation ... *sleepy*
So it looks like all is well for Summer.. *woo*
G'day Woz.
So how long from surgery to kick?
Failing cancellation (even my quack said they could on the morning) I'm due on Thursday.
I finally got the HD all buttoned up yesterday. This morning took her for a 50Km blat. No leaks *yeah*
Mine was six months before I was advised it was safe to kick the bike over. Mine was a difficult operation I was told as I had previously fractured the hip.
Don't rush it is my advice, do what your body is telling you it can but exercise the hip. However if you rush into thongs and dislocate/damage the new joint you will be in a worse mess than before you started, revisions are far more complicated.
Good luck and it will all be downhill after the first week.
Jeez guys, makes my endfloat and Long Covid issues pale into insignificance.
All the best fellas.
However if you rush into thongs and dislocate/damage the new joint you will be in a worse mess than before you started, revisions are far more complicated.
Which type of thongs were you thinking of?
G'day Woz.
So how long from surgery to kick?
Failing cancellation (even my quack said they could on the morning) I'm due on Thursday.
I finally got the HD all buttoned up yesterday. This morning took her for a 50Km blat. No leaks *yeah*
G'day Musky... I broke the bugger on the 17th of last month, so 39 days...
My bum is still a bit swollen where the scar is, & I shift around on the couch to stop it aching..
I had a Hospital appointment this morning for another X-Ray & got the ALL CLEAR to drive again.. *wink2*
The Doc said I'm aprox 3 weeks ahead of most PPL with the same break.. They gave me Physio exercises for 20 mins 3 times a day, but I stretched that to 5 or 6 times IF I felt I could do more... which I did..
All the BEST with yours mate... *wink2*
What SAV said about not rushing it is good advice ... Do what YOU feel comfortable with.. *clap*
G'day Fellas.
In preparation for being able to ride the Cafe again in the near future I started to make the bike a bit more user friendly.
Off with the clip on handle bars and on with a set of adjustable Tomaselli bars. A bit higher and further back.
I have a pair of footpeg mounts but still after a pair of pegs and brake lever;topic=17009.0;last_msg=147066
G'day Woz. Not bad at all. I'm lucky in that it's my left hip so I can rest the bike on the side stand and kick with my right.
Gday Wozza,
Did you say you had a sore bum?
Did they go in through the back?
I had a tin hip installed at the Epworth in about 2004.
They went in through the side.
It took a hell of a time for the muscle to heal properly if it ever did.
I had heard sometime later they were now going in through the front to make healing easier.
By the time musky goes in they will probably be going in through the crotch!!
Peehole surgery. *eek*
Er, shout out to Musky, er ........ soz and good luck mate! Or in Aussie parlance .......... BUGGA!!
Good one SHM. No thanks I remember them going up that way for kidney stones with a camera. It must have been a box brownie! The old boy felt like a frilled neck lizzard.
Getting off topic.
Today I put all the bikes to bed. Covered them all, packed up the tools and activated the alarm. I doubt if SWMBO will let me near the shed for a few weeks *sad2*
Just come in from the garage, shattered. Managed to change a fork oil seal which i popped recently whilst braking hard and a hitting pot hole. Trying to prep the bike for the Yer Tiz rally in Devon tomorrow. Thinking i might enter it in the bike show. Hoping that there's a " ratty bagger bitsa this and that needs fixing" prize. Got an early start to go via a mate's to get there for the ride out. No way i was going today in this weather! Haven't had time to test the front end for straight so fingers crossed.
*work* *work* *countdown* *bash* *conf2* *beer* *beer*
Well done mate, hope it all goes well!
Gday Wozza,
Did you say you had a sore bum?
Did they go in through the back?
I had a tin hip installed at the Epworth in about 2004.
They went in through the side.
It took a hell of a time for the muscle to heal properly if it ever did.
I had heard sometime later they were now going in through the front to make healing easier.
By the time musky goes in they will probably be going in through the crotch!!
My scar starts on the hip & is about 8" long onto my Right bum cheek.. sitting on it for long periods or laying in bed at night it gets sore.... The SCAR / muscle underneath not the replacement hip..
In fact I have just come in from the shed after kicking the bike over checking if I had any pain... nope all is good.. *wink2* I've just got to be careful not to twist on it...
Yep your right I watched a video on metube of them going in from the front saying it's less invasive . *dunno*
My hip snapped at the neck so I guess they had to replace it ASAP.. Sitting side saddle on the toilet the first week or so was a bit uncomfortable.. *doh* All I know is Phyisio helps ..
Re my hip replacement - our hospital sent a very helpful guy around to the house to make sure everything was fit for my return. When sitting down one must not bend the leg past 90* so I had already put risers on my TV chair and settee. Two items supplied were very helpful - a toilet seat riser, with handles each side to help getting up and a device looking like a loofah cut in half for putting a sock on the foot of the leg with new hip. One puts the sock over this device, puts one's foot into the slot and pulls up on the attached straps. Voila - sock is on foot.
Back to 'what have you done ....'
Today finished off a mould ready to make the cover for the starter drive belt on my M21V2. Will lay that up tomorrow (4 x CSM) when paint is fully cured. Otherwise just waiting on a couple of spares before final assembly of starter.
On another subject - LH steering tie-rod end on my Ford tractor is scarily worn. Been trying for a while to find a replacement but, as it has a Schindler FWD conversion, it's not a Ford part. After hours on the 'net, think I've cracked it - a Mercedes Vario has the same dimensions. Have just ordered one - here's hoping it fits ......
Very nice RD, clever bloke! *respect*
Just done a 220 mile run with a couple of good mates. My old A10 which I've had for 25 years ran superbly......
Which A10 Andrew?
Which A10 Andrew?
This one! 1958 swinging arm, bog standard model. Been everywhere with it!
Nice! I notice the choke is on the handlebars, where I have mine. I keep it fully off all the time as I tended to find it would come on whilst riding. Have no problems starting it, although it can kick a bit if one's effort is not fully committed. Have the same mirror too, but on the left (just don't like mirrors on the right or those long things sticking up like antennae).
Is that Beemer on the left a /5 or /6 - was thinking of getting one recently.
Think I'll keep the A10 (SORNed today) for more local runs (up to 100m) until I can be assured of reliability a bit more (maggie is fine, by the way). Kwaka arrives on Thursday, so will use that on longer runs/further afield/two up, etc.
I think they moved the choke onto the frame in 1960. The choke lever can be tightened up to stop it turning on by itself. Not sure what the beemer is.
Evening all.
Took the A10 engine to the Esteemed Bergs for an investigation. Thus far, we have a problem folks:
1. Timing side bush is knackered with up to 15 thou play up and down (I guess that's in addition to the end float). Bergs reckons it's the worst he's seen. *pull hair out*
2. Crank has been bodged on the previous rebuild (by my 'engineer' mate who can't rivet *clap*). Either that or he's just rebuilt with a bodged crank. Threads had gone and Bergs says it looks like someone has had a grinder on it. *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
3. Oil pump was loose, so oil pressure down. Bergs reckons it was a miracle that the big ends didn't give up. *eek* *eek*
4. Blow back through piston rings - and one of them is cracked. *razz* *razz*
5. Possibility of worn inlet valve guides. *pull hair out* *problem*
This is before Bergs splits the cases to examine the crank. *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
I reckon this has the potential to be very, very expensive - possibly beyond my pocket money - watch this space folks. *sad* *sad*
Big shout out for Bergs - sound bloke, very knowledgeable and great to talk to! *respect* *respect* *wink2* *good3*
Pictures, courtesy of Bergs!
That feeler gauge was 15 thou!!!
as my old house master used to say after his lectures to us bad pupils ," have you anything to add deputy house master" and he always had to have his say. so just to add the oil pump being loose and the bit of gasket missing that helps to stop distortion will no doubt have contributed to worty's oil return problem. and lets not forget that the feeler gauge is wide so there could be 20thou of lift *pull hair out*
G'day Worty.
Criky M8, it's a wonder it went at all *ex* A testament to how rugged our A motors are.
I rebuilt my A7 because it had 8 thou up and down and thought I was lucky not to have blown her.
Andrew at Priory Magnetos was able to supply most of the parts needed at quite reasonable prices. You've got all winter to sort it.
Best of luck with the crank.
... and I struggled to comprehend how Berger's bike managed to run on a broken crank.
Depends on the extent of the problems and, subsequently, what the bill is likely to be! Maybe some very tough decisions ahead. *eek*
Did spot a crank on Ebay that looked good - for £350 - but that'd only address the first part of my issues.
another problem is where someone has ground the crank end away and the threads giving all probability of the worm drive to the pump shifting all over the shop because the threads that are left are not good at all
... and I struggled to comprehend how Berger's bike managed to run on a broken crank.
Depends on the extent of the problems and, subsequently, what the bill is likely to be! Maybe some very tough decisions ahead. *eek*
Did spot a crank on Ebay that looked good - for £350 - but that'd only address the first part of my issues.
How many grandkids can you sell *whistle*
worty just one more thing --- as columbo said----- your breather cork wasn't thick enough and there was too much float so that hasn't helped things either *bash* *problem*
How many grandkids can you sell *whistle*
I've five in Oz (Manjimup, Perth), £200 a piece if you're interested Musky. Call it the Worty Bike Memorial Fund. *smile*
worty just one more thing --- as columbo said----- your breather cork wasn't thick enough and there was too much float so that hasn't helped things either *bash* *problem*
I started doing my own car/bike mechanics, DIYing, plus a pile of other things because I didn't reckon the 'professionals' did a particularly good job. I had two Mazda 323s back in the '80s that used taper-roller bearings on the hubs. Even I knew, after checking it out, that you nip up very gently, then back off a little to allow the bearing to seat but not tight. On the first occasion I had one replaced by a local mechanic who belted it up tight and I had a front wheel lock up at 50mph (just after going round a tight r/h bend). On the second occasion, due to the same reason, my pregant wife with my son in the back lost a rear wheel completely (sheared the stub axle and ended up in a field). Fortunately, she'd also cleared some tight bends and was on a straight stretch. Both occasions happened on the same stretch of road 1.5 miles and about 8 years apart.
The moral of the story is that if you want a BSA job done properly, do it/learn yourself or get Bergs and/or other long time British bike owners to do it for you.
How many grandkids can you sell *whistle*
I've five in Oz (Manjimup, Perth), £200 a piece if you're interested Musky. Call it the Worty Bike Memorial Fund. *smile*
Sorry Musky, they're not my grandchildren, they're my nephews and nieces. Looks like I'm so desperate, I'm trying to sell my sister's kids, still....... it's for a good cause. *whistle* *whistle* *whistle* *whistle* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
*bright idea* take the flywheel off, counter weight the crank, stick it in the lathe, turn the shaft down, shrink a sleeve on, screw cut a new thread, mill the slot back in for the lock washer, but first find man with amazing skills to take the job on *whistle*
Keith Berger, you are an absolute gem mate! You've earned your place in BSA heaven 😇
if my old man was still on the planet he would repair that crank like he used to sleeve armatures out of old vacuum cleaners when bearings had seized on the shafts and worn the shafts, i always remember him doing them with the carrier to drive them between centres . then they made armatures without centres and it involved a lot more work so they weren't worth doing for 7 and 6 sixpence *work*
*bright idea* take the flywheel off, counter weight the crank, stick it in the lathe, turn the shaft down, shrink a sleeve on, screw cut a new thread, mill the slot back in for the lock washer, but first find man with amazing skills to take the job on *whistle*
You are that guy Bergs, but is that crank worth salvaging. I was told it was on its last regrind and the bores were +40 so would need sleeving in future?? Under the impression from 'He Who Should Not Be Named' that the engine would 'see me out', and given the paucity of beer tokens, I went with it - certainly was hoping the engine wouldn't be the mash-up it is.
Incidentally, and depending on the state of play, what is the limit of wear on the journals and main (if I've got that right). If the crank is scrap, I may be able to source another, affordable one, but don't want to buy more scrap. Can I confirm that mine is a large journal crank with thick flange barrels as well.
hello worty all will be revealed by sunday night i hope , it is barley pop shop today for me *beer* ps i am not that man my brother is that man but he tells me since he retired he has several big howard rotorvators on the go and some have serious machining to be done because of other peoples neglect and bodges , a bit like your engine *bash*
Thanks again Bergs, enjoy your day in the barley pop shop. Hats off to you and your brother, you both have skills and knowledge I wish I had and/or acquired earlier. *respect* *respect* I do reckon, in another life, I'd have made a career in engineering - just didn't pan out that way for me. *doubt* *doubt*
Took the mag off my plunger a10 , dead as a dodo and sent it off for repair. *smile*
Took the Kwaka out for an 80m spin today. Lovely bike, but fouled up the rear brake and gears a few times after getting used to the A10. First japanese bike I've been out on the road on for ca. 37 years. Pulls really nicely, glides round corners, like the extra power and effortless cruising speed - very, very nice.
HOWEVER, it's going to have to go back to the shop to repair the 'as bad as a BSA' engine oil leak. When it arrived, It had only sat for around 10 minutes and there was oil on my garage floor. Thought it was just a bit of chain lube as it looked blackish, but was a bit concerned for the caking of oil and crap around the sump and centre stand. The oil is a JASO Motul bike oil, and was red, so when I saw fresh red oil dripping onto the street when I parked up, it was straight on the phone. Explained to the fella that having lube spraying all over my rear tyre was not what I was after, especially as it is pretty hairy if it gets too bad (looked just like the A10 rear tyre). I've also asked them to sort out a sheared 10mm bolt that holds the oil filter cover in place (item was missing so on order). The only other thing I need to do is replace or bush the clutch lever pivot hole as it's sloppy, and give it a good polish. Even made it back home with no twinges in my back or bum. Will give the A10 a run for its money, that is, of course, it goes back on the road anytime soon!!
I have been assembling the SRM Electric Starter for some weeks now. Yesterday I completed the starter wiring and pressed the button - motor whirred OK and in the right direction. As John Chaterlea suggested, it also has an isolator in the push-button circuit to avoid unwanted starts. It has a 12V dynamo conversion, and DVR2 Electronic Voltage regulator to replace the old Lucas MCR2.
Today, I changed all the all-LED lights to 12 V, so that completes the electricals. Also assembled the starter gearing and the clutch and cush drive set-up ready to test that the motor turns over the engine (hopefully smartly).
Tomorrow the live test and then setting up the timing with modified ATD.
At this point I am aiming for Club Rego day on 13th November.
Worty I feel for your engine failure and hope you can resolve it. What a bugger!!
P.S. I have been sidelined a bit lately. I went down to Victoria near Traralgon for a couple of weeks to visit my older brother Tony who has been in hospital since April with Guillain-Barre disease - bloody horrible disease - immune system attacks all the nervous system overnight, leaving him 90% paralysed and in severe pain for the first few weeks. I serviced and started his Suzuki DR650, sharpened his mower blades, pruned his trees etc. Under his instruction, I didn't touch his BMW. He is coming home tomorrow in a wheelchair for a 1-month trial. He has been a dedicated motorcyclist and damned good rider since childhood, so understandably frustrated at becoming disabled. Improvement is very slow.
Y'see Col, your brother, that's what's most important - hope he improves quickly!!! I know what it's like to be sidelined with illness, and I bet it's driving him mad.
Cheers about the engine, I know it's in good hands with Bergs. If you get chance, follow the thread on the Forum with comments, pictures, letters, etc. Here's hoping Bergs and I can get it fixed within my budget *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek*.
Plenty of polishing , cleaning , tightening , adjusting, removed a few Go Faster stickers, oiling and lubing , just waiting for a dry day now . *smiley4*
Jealous of anyone with a good engine!
G'day Fellas.
Foot pegs arrived this morning so I started to adjust the Cafe to my body *ex*
I had to "adjust" the right peg with heat and a FBH (good old Indian parts). Got'em on and adjusted to a good height. 3" lower and 8" forward.
Sitting on the bike I adjusted the bars and levers. A lot better but I might get the seat reupholstered with an inch or two extra padding to get the hip angle right. Now I just need to find a brake pedal.
It's Bergs, not me, that's been doing the work on the A10 engine - hats off to Bergs!!
For me, got the Kwaka back and no more oil leak. I started trying to extract a sheared bolt from the sump pan (used to attach a cover for the oil filter). Didn't go well, seems the bolt is welded to the ally and would not shift. Got a drill right through the bolt and tried a bigger drill to see if it would loosen - no chance. I guess my only real options are 1) new pan (but this one is serviceable), 2) Helicoil or threaded insert or 3) Self tapping bolt. To make things slightly worse, I have broken a small drill in the hole! Actually, I could just leave it and not worry.
The other job was faffy, but went reasonably well. I replaced the speedo dial with mph instead of kmh. Instructions were great, but when I went to replace the very thin speedo needle stop, it broke. Found a piece of black electrical wire and jammed it in the hole - works absolutely fine.
worty i have only just read this post, my advice is--------go to the PUB i am today *beer*
The pub is a very good idea Bergs, the right place to be on a day like this - nicer weather tomorrow, so I'm told. Trouble is, I've got a flu and Covid jab in the morning, so may be out of it for a couple of days. Would like to take the Kwaka for a rip tomorrow though, before the vaccines start to pull on me a bit.
Just to add to my woes, an 18 ton truck drove over my front lawn about a week ago, and I'm trying to sort their insurance out with quotes for repairs. Also in the process of having a new fireplace, carpet and three piece suite, so trying to co-ordinate that as well. This is in addition to coping with the missus - jeez - pub it is *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
G'day Fellas.
To follow on from my Cafe comfort mods.
Kicking over the beast has become difficult due to my physics and dropping 20kg in weight. She has 10.5:1 pistons and coupled with the short RR rods so the comp is too much, I have to jump on the kicker *ex*
So yesterday I decided to make a compression plate. I got some 0.75mm steel and used a gasket to mark it out. Well that didn't work, the gasket flexes a bit and the plate only matched 3 holes *pull hair out*.
OK how can I make one that fits *????* Use the flange of a barrel, not easily done with the barrel skirts in the road. I had a set of big fin A7 barrels that had been "cooked" in the fire so were unusable. Marvelous what you can do with a 9" grinder *ex* So now I have a proper template to make the plate.
Then I remembered forum member JJ runs Eborbikes and makes compression plates as well as copper rockerbox gaskets. A quick email has two winging their way to me.
I also found a rear brake lever on ebay not far from me so I should have the Cafe sorted in a month or so.
Delved in to the Dark World of a Magnatroid ! Having tended to shy away from doing such tasks for fear of dropping a clanger costing more money and getting a mate to time the mag up
Having received my mag back from the Mag Wizzard following a full refurb, i prepared my surgery this morning, put on my grubbyscrubs and in i went new gaskets and all.
All area cleaned and prepped , read the service sheets and watched a video on youtube 3 times....What can go wrong ?
Heh Heh go then whats the secret to getting the long nut on under the mag, in and out 3 times before i managed to get hang of that bit.
TDC went ok and measuring before Tdc ok to measurement in service sheet fag paper at the ready and chok in the Auto Advance mechanism.....carefully put it on and Bugga it had moved ! Off with it and do it again and this time it seemed to stay put so put timing cover on with a few screws in case i had to take it off again.
Plugs in, leads on in correct order, petrol ...Kick once she weezed. Kick again she coughed a gave a tiny kick back . Kick again and Yee Harrrrr fired into life , runs ticks over and would not stop Ha Ha , kill switch not working. put everything back on and cleaned mess up ready to sort kill switch and brake light not workin in the morning
Well it took me all afternoon but i enjoyed doing it and next time i wont be afraid of the Dark !!!!
Well done Dave, you couldn't drop that motor into Bergs could you?? *whistle* *whistle*
The long maggie bolt, mine comes out with the stud attached so you remove the maggie plus bolt together. Putting back in is the same, locating the maggie on the two upper studs and then screwing the long bolt in with stud a few turns before adding the nuts on the upper studs.
May go for a blast on the Kwaka today, weather looks decent although a bit chilly. Had both Covid and Flu jabs this morning so may be useless for a couple of days.
Not till it needs fixing Worty *smile*
Not till it needs fixing Worty *smile*
Went out on the Kwaka to blow a few cobwebs off. Did 179m without even trying that hard - nice bike. Did about 53mpg, but it's a small main tank with a biggish reserve. Only 123 miles from brimmed to reserve - that's only 2.32 gallons. I think reserve is best part of a gallon. Always good to estimate the mileage just in case one forgets to turn the petrol tap back to ON (rather than leave it on reserve and run out completely). One nice thing was that there was no oil over the rear tyre and absolutely no leaks. Bike arrived back home still looking like it was before I set off. Whereas with the A10, oil over both exhausts, seeping through clutch lever bush on gearbox, and dripping from the speedo cable, primary drain plug, sump gasket and sump plug.
Been working on the B31. I built it in the mid sixties as a hill-climb bike and it was quite successful. A few years ago when the historic class started amalgamating classes, I built a 500 motor to replace the 350 (still think the dope 350 was quicker than the 500 on petrol). Anyway, as I gave up racing a dozen years ago, my son took to using it. Last time out the gearbox outer shell cracked. I got it welded, but then noticed other cracks. In the meantime, the bike languished in the shed. That was 2+ years ago (my son isn't noted for getting on with things) and so yesterday I brought the bike into the workshop and today replaced the cover with a good 2nd hand one. Started cleaning the bike up generally and checking it over ready for a start-up in the next few days.
Sorted the kill switch not working, it was the end of the wire where it fits in the mag that had gone corroded and was just held on with 1 strand of copper wire, sorted. Then fixed brake light not working, just needed switch adjusting on return spring bracket. sorted
Then went for my first ride in 2 years due to not being able to get on a bike ,( waited for new hip over 3 years and finally got done 31 August . ) Wow i was like a kid with a new toy, bit rusty for first 20 miles but still grinning from ear to ear after a ride of 70 mile. Bike ran really well and no oil leaks worthy of a mention . The only thing needs sorting is tickover too fast on way back noticed when had to stop at some all in all a cracking day and might have to have a pint Cheers Lads *beer*
Couple of pics of the B31. Slight oil weep from 'new' gearbox cover so that'll have to come off again. grrrrrr. Tomorrow I'll check the inlet valve as the GS alloy valve collar has a habit of creeping up the collets.
A few changes in these pics (sorry about the junk behind the side view confusing things) since I raced it seriously. In those days the oil tank was smaller, no kickstart or centre stand and front forks were minus shrouds etc. Engine was 350cc on dope (20% nitro when I could get it) but now 500 on petrol. Exhaust was straight through (still is, hidden inside now-required silencer) and tyres were different. Those fitted now are my son's choice - as is his misguided choice of handlebar. You don't win hill climbs riding along sitting like a postman delivering mail on a Bantam. He will listen to his mates with no racing experience. *conf*
Had a looky inside the front wheel hub on the new GF, bearing needed a clean out and fresh grease but ok.
Cleaned all dried crud out of brake drum and off the plate, brake shoes have plenty of life left and no lip or bad scoring on drum.
Not sure in lever correct one , seems a bit short with a worn piece on one side. Shoes are odd shape on one end So will ask questions in right section.
Got around to completing all the electricals two weeks ago but did not get a chance to test it.
Did that today - and all worked OK. Starter turns over the motor quite well, so now I can do the timing, complete the carb and lock it all up and ride it.
I got the modern serviced! (I need a paper trail as thinking of selling it). paid actual money. I had a 15 minute oil conversation (reminded me of some forum threads) and they still put the wrong type in. They noticed the rear pads were near the metal which I was unaware of - its funny how I can tell you the wear state of almost every part on the BSAs but the modern is just a black box appliance (with a fuel guage). They even cleaned it so it looks very odd next to the B.
Yep MikeB, black box with a fuel guage sums up my modern too, fast but dull and getting to the plugs??
Anyhow, back on topic i took the day off today and told the mrs i was gonna do my books and get some shopping! The thing is the predicted rain blew through quick and left me looking for an excuse to get out on the bike. Feeling the need for seed (bird) i was up the road and out of town in no time. Of course having got my gear on it could never just be a quick dash to the shops. Before i knew it i was abroad (Wales) and racing down some lovely dry roads with the autumn leaves looking lovely. Crossing the bridge was the hairiest part, twas blowing a gale up the channel but at least the bridge was open. Came home rather weary but happy. Nearly posted this in the "what prevented you from working on your bikes today" section as i sort of intended to fix my oil tank fixings today. They keep vibrating loose, the thing nearly fell off when i went to the "yer tiz" rally.
Saw a lively maroon/burgandy/reddish A10 in Monmouth last Sat when long ride for coffee was needed. Smoothly purred past me with not one rattle? Very odd, and am very jealous! Don't suppose the miscreant is on this forum?
*computer* *countdown* *wave* *beer* *beer* *good3*
Not a lot , fit new wheel bearings in the A10 Bodge, then ordered new battery for Plunger.
Finally sorted the intermittent charging on the B31. Turned out to be the field connector to the dynamo. Had fitted a new pattern push-fit connector which was narrower and shorter than the original hence poor contact. Dug out an old original one, cleaned it up and fitted it and once again I have charge. Not going to mention the dynamo and regulator swap done before I discovered the true cause.
Yep MikeB, black box with a fuel guage sums up my modern too, fast but dull and getting to the plugs??
Anyhow, back on topic i took the day off today and told the mrs i was gonna do my books and get some shopping! The thing is the predicted rain blew through quick and left me looking for an excuse to get out on the bike. Feeling the need for seed (bird) i was up the road and out of town in no time. Of course having got my gear on it could never just be a quick dash to the shops. Before i knew it i was abroad (Wales) and racing down some lovely dry roads with the autumn leaves looking lovely. Crossing the bridge was the hairiest part, twas blowing a gale up the channel but at least the bridge was open. Came home rather weary but happy. Nearly posted this in the "what prevented you from working on your bikes today" section as i sort of intended to fix my oil tank fixings today. They keep vibrating loose, the thing nearly fell off when i went to the "yer tiz" rally.
Saw a lively maroon/burgandy/reddish A10 in Monmouth last Sat when long ride for coffee was needed. Smoothly purred past me with not one rattle? Very odd, and am very jealous! Don't suppose the miscreant is on this forum?
*computer* *countdown* *wave* *beer* *beer* *good3*
Sounds like a dream day to me mate. Always say to the missus 'I won't be long', (like a few days ago). She says, 'You always say that and it never happens', she was right, 5.5 hours and 180m later ....... *beer* *beer* *beer*🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍
Always say to the missus 'I won't be long', (like a few days ago). She says, 'You always say that and it never happens', she was right, 5.5 hours and 180m later ....
Reminds me of Hogan in Crocodile Dundee: My missus left me. Why? Dunno, just went walkabout. How long were you gone? Three years.
Always say to the missus 'I won't be long', (like a few days ago). She says, 'You always say that and it never happens', she was right, 5.5 hours and 180m later ....
Reminds me of Hogan in Crocodile Dundee: My missus left me. Why? Dunno, just went walkabout. How long were you gone? Three years.
I also liked the response from Linda Z, went something like 'Strange woman' (said with a smirk on her face). *smile*
Went to the garage with a nice new clutch lever for the Kwaka as the original was sloppy around the pivot. Wrong item! Pivot pin goes through a loose 'bush' in the lever, and it was the ally lever that had worn and enlarged the hole. *bright idea* *bright idea*Found a piece of 1mm thick steel tubing, cut 15mm piece, and tapped it into the lever (was thinking of heating the lever to drop the steel insert into but it was 'tap tight' anyway). Internal diameter of the tubing was damn near perfect for the 'loose' bush. Popped the whole lot back on with a dab of grease and, no more slop on the clutch. Wrong item is on its way back for a full refund. Pleased with self! *good3* *good3* *wink2* *yeah* *yeah*
i blew off the cobwebs after my sesh yesterday with a blast on urma yonda today, visited a chap i have known since we were early teens and only seen him a couple of times in 30 years. he has bought an old 500 enfield cafe racer and a ducati 750, both sound really loud . the roads with leaves decaying everywhere were a bit scary at times *eek*
G'day Fellas.
I lifted the top end on the Cafe in preparation for the compression plate from JJ to arrive. Should drop her down to 9:1. I love the look of the R&R rods, shame their hidden from view.
With the riders foot pegs sorted I removed the rearsets and brake linkage. Just waiting on the rubbers and short gear lever.
Gentle ride, first since the accident a month ago, on the wee Honda to Dover and back.
Quite worrying the confidence you lose after a painful 'off'.
Gentle ride, first since the accident a month ago, on the wee Honda to Dover and back.
Quite worrying the confidence you lose after a painful 'off'.
Quite agree Sav. Back in the 80s when I was despatch riding around Birmingham, I had a 75mph 'off' on the M6 Northbound near the slip road for the M5 South (J7) if my memory serves me correctly. Hit a sheared prop shaft from an artic, which I didn't see, and ended up sliding down the right hand lane thinking 'this is it'. Anyhow, after nothing hit me, five police cars and two ambulances arrived to 'mop up', or so they thought. I got away with a sprained knee and cut elbow (1 stitch). When I got back on another bike a week later, I got a big tank slapper due to the new screen I'd put on the bike. Scared the crap out of me so went home for a few days and took the screen off the bike!!
Set the ignition timing today, with modified ATD and electric starter fitted. Next is to assemble the clutch.
Took the bike for a blast to foreign fields again today with son in tow on a modern. He managed to keep up! Spent a bit longer than intended as i did get rather lost. Familiar roads are very unfamiliar when you're going the wrong way down them. It all made perfect sense after i turned round. We both had a fine time and caught a beautiful sunset for our return journey. Engine, as per usual, ran just fine and gets better with the bigger mile days. Mind it's best that you engineer types aren't allowed to hear it! Also the "other" fork oil seal has gone now so they must expire at a certain mileage i reckon *whistle*.
Note to self: I really must sort the mount for the oil tank, son is begining to think it normal to have to stop every hundred miles for me to retighten the lower nut. Also should really consider sorting the front end and swing arm bushing. It handles like a bag of snakes. Love it tho!
*countdown* *beer* *beer* *good3* *work*
Ha, bl**dy h*ll, Jim, that's the way to do it man. When the BSA was running well, it had everything, quick off the mark, decent cruising, lovely sound, quirky handling, guesswork braking. The Kwaka is smooth, tame, well behaved, impeccably reliable, and can ride easily and confidently all day long. The Beeza is quite the opposite - arriving back home on the Beeza is mission achieved with aching back. Arriving back home on the Kwacka is outcome expected, journey completed enjoyably. Chalk and cheese, yes, but people can like both chalk and cheese.
... people can like both chalk and cheese.
Not on crackers though
Took the Trumpy on her maiden voyage to work today. Went well, so that's one down and one to go. Hopefully have the Beeza done and dusted as well after the xmas break.
Having finished the RGS, I'm looking round for my next project so went to look at a TriBSA which is on Ebay. The price seemed reasonable and the T120R engine would fetch a good price, leaving me with a rolling chassis and a V5. Happy days.......not! What a pile of junk! I won't go into detail for fear of reprisals! Safe to say there was a complete mismatch between what was advertised and what was on the V5 etc. etc. So I came home and polished the RGS!
Had to go out this morning so as the BSAs are all well, I dragged the Velo out of the depths of the shed, blew up the tyres, topped up the primary case and it started first kick. Not bad for lying for over a year. It goes rather well.
Took the Trumpy on her maiden voyage to work today. Went well, so that's one down and one to go. Hopefully have the Beeza done and dusted as well after the xmas break.
"Trumpy" has come to.have a whole other meaning.
Richard L.
bought a 'new' modern (20 months old). 148hp, 117Nm torque. quite a beast. its got me distracted from re-installing the magdyno on the B now its hopefully remedied.
Hi mikeb,
Looks way too fast for me. A great looking bike though.
I started my A10 late today with the electric start button. I've been working on it now for a few months since my knee replacement. Quite exciting really! *woo* After a bit of backfiring - no doubt due to the modified magneto ATD, it settled down fairly well. I'll take it out tomorrow for a spin. Looks like I might make the Club Rego Day next Sunday.
The Beeza went for a 20-mile run this morning- first outing since my knee replacement on 2nd June. Started rough but idled OK after a few minutes. I came across some roadworks and had to wait for 10 minutes. What a feeling just to turn off the motor and wait, and then just press the button when the Lolly Pop man's paddle turned! Ahh the simple things in life!!
I will post some more in the Electric Start topic soon.
I've said it before and i'll say it again, my bike likes to run in this cold damp air. Still not able to tear the bike down for inspection/decoke/re-build forks and swing arm/etc as i enjoy riding it tooo much. Great ride today, needed to get out for a blast. Only a classic can deliver what i need i reckon. Similar power to my old Kwak kh100ex and the weight of a tractor, who could want for more!
*good3* *computer* *beer* *beer* *lol*
If only I ............ *sad2* *sad2* *sad* *sad* *cry* *cry* *cry*
G'day Fellas.
Over the last couple of weeks I've been re-doing the Cafe. Trying to make it rideable with my bent and buckled body. First was to remove the rear set pegs, brake and gear linkages and replace with standard (still waiting on the correct brake lever, wrong later one fitted). Then replace the clip on bars with my Tomaselli adjustable (but I don't like them, waiting on std bars). Still not comfy so lifted the seat 2" so now I can sit on her. Attached a lifting handle to the left muffler (read reverse cone mega) so I can get her on the center stand. Fitted cable chokes to the pair of Keihin PWK carbs (what a job!).
Now the motor. With the longer RR rods combined with 8:1 pistons and a high primary ratio I had to jump on the kicker to turn it over (lost 20kg of weight). Enter Ebor Bikes (forum member TT John) compression plate. I had to modify it for the through bolts. So now it should be about 8.5:1.
So today I fitted the barrels and head. I noticed the outer 4 holes were a little sunken due to the washers squashing (HT washers) so I made new ones 1'8" thick out of SS. Rockerbox on with copper gaskets painted with coppercote. Tappets set (12/10), carbs on. All hooked up, second kick bang, third kick running *smile*
BUGGA the dreaded rockerbox leak *pull hair out* both sides above the exhaust pipe.
Tomorrows job as too many bourbons under the belt now.
Bloody rockerbox leak!
I forgot to mention I had to put a new kick quadrant ($250) in to get the kick lever back to where it should be and a s/a short gear lever!
Hi Muskie,
It looks like you have the footrests set very high, intentional or not?
having them a bit lower would ease pressure on your joints ?? maybe?
BUT I still like to go round corners *ex* *smile* *eek*
Thanks John
Hi Muskie,
So do I
But at that height you will ground something solid before the footrests *????*
The foot rest rubbers on my SR are well ground away on the underside *eek*
Safer than grounding out the stand or exhaust *????*
G'day John.
I've never been a big fan of solid foot pegs. The pipes aren't a problem except for burns to inner thighs when waiting at red lights *eek*. My boots have toe sliders so once they touch I know I can go a bit more. The center stand has been ground away a bit.
I lifted the rocker box off and can't see or feel any irregularity. Today I have a piece of thick glass arriving to check the flatness of the box. If it's OK I'll rip the head off, guides out and check that. *pull hair out* *bash* *work*
G'day Fellas.
Well the glass didn't arrive but the rear brake lever did. It's the correct number for my model but it's way too long. I'd have to lift and reach forward with my foot to get it. So out with the grinder and welder to get it in a comfortable position. The cut/weld is hidden under the foot peg so won't be too noticeable. She's starting to live up to the acronym BSA (Bits Stuck Anywhere).
Rode the Empire Star a roundabout route to the Ramsgate War Tunnels where VMCC bikes were on display.
First time motorised on two wheels since my accident, bit shaky at first but settled in.
Very interesting couple of hours at Ramsgate.
Rode the Empire Star a roundabout route to the Ramsgate War Tunnels where VMCC bikes were on display.
First time motorised on two wheels since my accident, bit shaky at first but settled in.
Very interesting couple of hours at Ramsgate.
Can you show us a picture of your ES?
Been shown before, used on cover of BSAOC mag. Manx GP 2018 before I had my hip plasticised (the right one as you can tell!)
The bluing was from before I found the liner was moving, runs a treat now just takes a big kick to start to avoid kickback. as it does not like the mag retarded (must have a word with Andrew).
Having been distracted for a while by the new (to me) modern, I finally got the magdyno back on the ‘B’, re-timed it etc and it surged back into life on the first kick *smile*. Its even charging *smile* *smile* (after re torquing the magdyno clutch and refacing the brushes). Hence commuted to work on it today complete with lane splitting and the usual pleasures. The B speaks to you with every firing, even more personally than the A10. Not quite the modern in terms of handling, brembos, ohlins or finding neutral, but a lot of fun was had. *lol* *lol*
G'day Fellas.
I fixed the rocker box leak. The thick glass arrived to lap it flat (was only a thou out). I didn't re-use the copper gaskets so used my home made 0.8mm paper ones with grey RTV silicon. Threw it all together checking all the valves go up and down. Two kicks = nothing, a squirt of "start ya bastard" she fired on one side only. BUGGA, In my haste right inlet push rod must have been sitting on the edge of a cup. It jumped out and jammed the valve open. With my gynecological skills I was able to loosen the tappet adjuster all the way, pries down the valve and refit the rod in the cup without upsetting the gasket.
Fired up 2nd kick. Even with the newly fitted compression plate she is still a beast to kick, I've modified my starting procedure by getting just over tdc then booting (like a single), still takes my full weight (70kg). No leas after 10 minutes running.
G'day Fellas.
I fixed the rocker box leak. The thick glass arrived to lap it flat (was only a thou out). I didn't re-use the copper gaskets so used my home made 0.8mm paper ones with grey RTV silicon. Threw it all together checking all the valves go up and down. Two kicks = nothing, a squirt of "start ya bastard" she fired on one side only. BUGGA, In my haste right inlet push rod must have been sitting on the edge of a cup. It jumped out and jammed the valve open. With my gynecological skills I was able to loosen the tappet adjuster all the way, pries down the valve and refit the rod in the cup without upsetting the gasket.
Fired up 2nd kick. Even with the newly fitted compression plate she is still a beast to kick, I've modified my starting procedure by getting just over tdc then booting (like a single), still takes my full weight (70kg). No leas after 10 minutes running.
Nice one Musky. Must admit, the rod sitting on the edge of a cup was something that concerned me a bit when putting the rocker box back on. Went overboard in kicking it over loads of times just to make sure. Love the squirt of 'start ya bastard', they should actually put that on a can of the stuff! Maybe an alternative to WD40 is 'come off ya bastard' when you've skinned yer knuckles for the umteenth time on a beautifully rusted nut that's starting to round off on the corners in the most inaccessible place you could imagine - one of those heart sink moments that tells you the half hour job is going to take much, much longer! Bergs is finding this with my motor, no doubt. *eek* *eek*
G'day Worty.
They do *ex*
G'day Worty.
They do *ex*
Brilliant - I thought it was your unique wit Musky, never dreamt that it was an actual 'thing' - love it!🤣🤣🤣👍
G'day Fellas.
With my remodeling of the Cafe almost done I was looking at how shabby the tank was looking. It had a few stress cracks in the gelcoat (no leaks). The last few days I've repaired them and bogged a few irregularities and undercoated. Today I rubbed it back and blew a few coats of colour (Sherwood Green) on. Now waiting for the stickers to arrive and then a few coats of 1K clear over the top.
So far so good.
Along with electricks I hate paint work.
That's never a standard Sherwood Green. Unless of course camera / monitor is not replicating the actual colour correctly. My MK2 Jag is Sherwood and it's nothing like that!
That's never a standard Sherwood Green. Unless of course camera / monitor is not replicating the actual colour correctly. My MK2 Jag is Sherwood and it's nothing like that!
It's Australian Sherwood Green. Most UK towns have one named after them in Aus. This green comes from Sherwood Brisbane ;)
Sherwood is a suburb in the City of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. In the 2016 census, Sherwood had a population of 5,313 people.
G'day RD.
It does seem a little light, being metallic doesn't help. Maybe I should have used a dark undercoat.
It's green and nicely painted *grins* *grins*
That's never a standard Sherwood Green. Unless of course camera / monitor is not replicating the actual colour correctly. My MK2 Jag is Sherwood and it's nothing like that!
Names mean next to nothing
BSA standard preWWII was Brunswick Green
But Brunswick Green is not a colour but a type of green made from a blue base
There are 4 official Brunswick Greens and none of them are a match for the hand painted coach enamel BSA used
And even then the Brunswick Green BSA used looks totally different depending upon if it was a deluxe model so was painted over chrome or a std model so was painted over a cream dase coat .
Then there is optical bleed through
In most cases you need 4 to 5 coats of the top coat before the bleed through from the under coat is overcome
Unless the paint has a strong white base then each coat will make the bike darker .
The stunningly beautiful "Golden Beige" of the 1950 A 10's looks that way because it is painted over a black base coat
The 1951 models are a lot creamier and shallower looking because they are painted over either an off white underrcoat or a green rubbing coat .
Then there is colour identification of the camera and that varies greatly between the film used which is the closest you get to reality ( and even then developing can shift the colours ) and the CCD in the digital camera which are very bad in rendering reds
After that there is the fact that your monitor uses addative colour on the image while printing & painting is subtractive colour
And this is before we start with out of calibration monitors
THis is why the UK invented the RAL colour identification scheme & printers adopted Panatone
However even then the colours look totally different when printed on high gloss calendar stock through to newsprint
SO there are 4 ( from memory ) different sets of Panatone colour swatches.
Then because countries like to do these things another 1/2 dozen series of "standardised" colours got invented .
G'day Fellas.
Well today I thought I'd move the tank out of the way, save being kicked, nudged or have something dropped on. What's the best place? On the bike of course. Bugga, it's different shade to the fork shrouds *pull hair out*. A bit lighter. So now I've ordered Daintree Green DSC69. The closest place that stocks it is 60 miles away.
I'll give it a very light rub with 1500 grit and throw a coat or two on over the w/end.
On a piece of scrap metal spray 6 stripes of your current paint
Then spray 5 of them a second time
Then 4 of the a third time
Then 3 of the a fourth time
Then 2 of the a fifth time
Then 1 of them six time
leave it sit for 2 weeks to fully cure
Now hold your test pannel against yur forks to find the best colour match
A little trick a pannel beater showed me
He always started with a lighter colour then built it up till he got a match
Went to the garage (-2.5C) to clear a space for the motor returning from Bergs. Moved Kwaka and Beeza out, tidied the space up, and put the table lift in place to put the motor on.
Removed oil tank and rocker feed ready for cleaning, along with the feed and return pipes. Also removed final drive chain, speedo cable and gearbox ready for clean up and centre stand attention. Quick question, does the clutch lever on the gearbox have a ball bearing in it? I ask because the end of the clutch push rod has a recess in it that looks like it engages with a bearing. Also, is this bearing likely to fall into my gearbox now that the push rod isn't in place?
Put the bikes back and shut the garage door.
Quick question, does the clutch lever on the gearbox have a ball bearing in it?
Cheers RD, is it likely to have fallen into my gearbox?
it should be the lever actuating arm fixed in the adjusting screw
it should be the lever actuating arm fixed in the adjusting screw
Yes but it seems adding a ball in the centre of the clutch pushrod is a thing.
My pushrod is in one piece, and the clutch operated fine. Without checking the adjuster on the gearbox lever/actuator, I just wanted to know if it carried a ball bearing (which I suspected it did), and whether the bearing was captured or free floating. If the latter, I would have expected the bearing to drop into the gearbox outer cover when the pushrod was removed and the gearbox tilted over. It would seem, however, that the bearing is captured in the adjuster and won't fall out - will double check though.
Cheers all!
worty it's not in your engine , those strays are out now *lol*
*woo* *woo*
G'day Worty.
The ball is captured in the screw part # 65-3403. It shouldn't fall out but if it did *eek*
Done nowt with the bike today after collecting motor from Bergs. Was sitting in seeing if the steering lock would arrive early so I could fix before needing the car on Thursday. Although expected Weds, it turned up at 2.30pm, so went out to take a look. The whole lot went back a lot better than I thought, and was up and running by 3.45pm just as it was turning dark. Had a yellow steering wheel light, but that went out very quickly. *woo* *woo* *woo*
Quick question: Would the work I've done on the steering lock and not putting the steering wheel on exactly straight have any bearing on why it pulls to the left a bit. I don't drive that car so much these days (mainly Sue), so have not noticed it before. I'm suspecting alignment or tyre pressure, maybe a bit of suspension wear, but just wanted to check as it's the first time I've done this job.
I'm not making any comment that refers to the job above and the battle Bergs had with my motor *ex* *whistle* *whistle* *whistle*
Putting a steering wheel on cockeyed won't make a vehicle pull to one side. I realise moderns have electric PAS, but even they should not be affected by the wheel. I remember the days we'd go on road test and take the wheel off to re-align centrally while we were driving. Or the time I drove with mole grips replacing the steering wheel.... Lots of things we did back then wouldn't be tolerated today.
Cheers RD. I thought it would be weird if that did happen, but with PAS and steering angle sensors, I did wonder a little. Logically, there should be no influence on the steering itself as there is no correlation with steering wheel position and the way it drives. I reckon I'll centre the wheel up as best I can then get the alignment checked, I'm sure it's that.
Having said all that, very pleased with self for stripping it all down and shoving it together so it works. Always satisfying to complete a job that actually does, especially with modern motors. Why the hell can't they stick to screwing things together instead of using plastic clips that are a b*****d to get to. *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry*
My business started out 95% automotive (mainly rebuilding engines and mini gearboxes) but morphed into 95% marine engineering. Still did a few car repairs for my regular customers, but now retired - and wouldn't touch a modern car. Lift the bonnet these days and I can't even tell if it's petrol or diesel - just one plastic blob. And, as WL says, not only is everything plastic, but how the hell do you get it apart without breaking things? Those plastic clips are a real bugger, often getting destroyed on removal.
If you have an ide moment, RD, just look up on Youtube a steering lock replacement for Skoda Octavia Mk2 and see the faff. Especially tricky is the PCB under the instrument cluster that everything plugs into. For the front clip, you have to insert a 1.5mm piece of wire or similar, and move it to your left. Granted, there's a small hold and channel to facilitate this, but no such luck on the rear one which requires a long handled mini hook to get behind it to release. The ignition switch requires similar 'tools' pushed outwards and pulled out, and the barrel is turning the key to on to align hole with punch mark, insert 1.5mm wire and push down on the wire hard to release the catch. Took a full day to get everything apart, and 75 minutes to put the whole lot back together!!!
G'day Fellas.
Yesterday I was able (only just) to take the A7 for a decent ride after the motor rebuild. Considering she is now run in. Not a long ride, only about 100Km. Quite happy, no noises or oil leaks *yeah*. I could hardly walk after but I loved every second.
A good mate (my best man) and his squeeze came for a few days so I thought it be a good idea to take them for a ride as backup. Me on the A7 them on my HD. Well the HD didn't want to play. Electrickal gremlin stopped that so they jumped on the Rhonda. Got to Hampton pub, bugga not open till 4pm. Rode to rydal pub, Bugga closed till January! OK home for coldies in the fridge.
Today I'll find the gremlin in the HD.
Went out yesterday to start both bikes which are laid up for the winter A7 started and ran perfectly but the A65 started ok but I noticed it would not hold charge with headlight on I fitted new alternator and rotor about 3 years ago so suspected the regulator rectifier took it off tested it as per instructions on internet tested OK. Did a voltage test on the alternator on tickover only getting about 7 volts increse revs and can only get max 10 volts. The bike is converted to 12volts and has a single phase 12 volt alternator fitted, is there anthing else I should check before I purchase a new alterntor. It is going to have to wait until the new year before I strip the primary side down.
G'day Bob.
I hate electrickals but to me it sounds like one of the windings in the stator has gone west.
I had a look at the HD. The problem was it started and ran fine but as soon as a pillion got on the starter motor engaged *ex*, pillion off and all good. There is no wires under the pillion seat and the seat base is plastic. I put a sheet of rubber over the electricks and put seat back on with same results. Off with the seat and start the motor. Press down on all the bits but couldn't get it to happen. The only thing I could see was the earth lead (car thickness) was over the top of the starter relay (cheap plastic). Rerouted it, seat back on, all good *clap*.
Today I have to look at the A7's electricks. On the ride the other day I noticed the amp gauge was showing 8 amps at anything over 30mph in top *ex*. If I ran the headlight it would drop to 0 but at 60mph would be back up to 4 amps. At idle with the light on it would read -4amps which I'd expect. Std E3L with DVR2 for 12v and Boyer ignition, small 4amp AGM battery. If I can't work it out I'll post in the right section.
Cheers, Merry Bah Humbug.
Thanks Musky was thinking along same lines I must be unlucky as regards alternators as this will be the 3rd alternator in the 10 years that I have had this bike, and I do make sure they are fitted correctly and not touching the rotor.
Went to garage to check dimensions of the inlet and outlet on the new, external oil filter. Both measure 6.5mm internally and 9.5mm externally.
Does this mean that when I order pipe, I need an inner diameter of 9.5/10mm to go over the pipe, but the pipe itself may be a larger diameter? It's a bit confusing when pipes are listed as 10mm - which measurement is it referring to? One other thing, for the return spigot on the engine and oil tank, is there a suitable adapter that will screw on to take the pipe?
Cheers all - have a great festive period!🎅🎄🤶 *beer* *beer*
G'day worty.
Pipe/tube is measured in ID. Either 3/8" or 10 mm will do. Your local gas fitting shop will have brass fittings, 1/4 bspt x 3/8 barb.
Perfect, cheers Musky, can't wait to get started on putting it all back together.
Have a good 'un!! *beer* *beer*
Took the modern for a blast, BMW, rotax engine, which was good. Heated grips, easy button start and loads of power. Had to take the modern as was a bit late on a visit to a friend and wanted to leave the bike roadside unobserved and couldn't be a...d to load up a chain. Came back and had my gear on so decided to give the A10 a blast. It's been parked up for the snow, then rain, so hasn't been ridden for a while which is unusual. Quick check of the oil tank, plenty in there so lets give it a go. Was unusually tricksy to get started, about thirty kicks and tried to run on one briefly. Got it going and set off, happy day. Was only going to do the Keplar run (short) but city traffic was heavy and annoying so let that go and headed out for a longer more speedy ride about. This went well and saw me return home 30 mins later than i intended with great content.
Couple of observations for interest?
Modern bike has it's place in my garage, was begining to think it got to go as i putting loads of miles on the A10 and hardly any on the BMW. Been thinking of selling it to fund a second A10!
The bike is still imperfect but the main drawback is the danger. To get a similar level of thrill out of it i tend to be doing v fast speeds compared to the A10. Stopping distances even things up for sure.
The A10 gives me plenty of pleasure. Looks, noise and character at the top of the list. Maybe i should buy one that handles!
*computer* *wave* *beer* *beer* *good3*
G'day BJ.
Yes the BSA's give as much if not more pleasure at 60 than the moderns do at 120. It is good to have a choice, we're old enough to deserve that!
In my opinion the s/a A's are very good handling bikes (as good as a featherbed). Brakes are a different matter *eek*.
If it's got two wheels I'll have fun on it.
Bergs put it right when, on the way back from MWAS's house he was talking about his Beeza and Yonda. I said my Kwaka was nice but the Beeza....... 'puts a different smile on yer face', he said as he finished my sentence. Sums it up for me!!
Hi All
24 hours late *ex* but Yesterday 1-1-23 I got the SR out and did our annual New Years day Charity run
The proceeds go to a local Hospice
Some rain showers during the day but I had a blast on the BSA,
Quite a gang gathered to witness the electric starter demo, the best mod ever, as my replacement knee joint is not up to the task of kick starting the bike
Left the bike home and went to the pub afterwards *beer*
Got my GT500 out to give it some laps of the driveway 1/2k long).
Good! -Pulls like a...
(Easier on the hip starting than the SR).
Been a few bike things over xmas and a few weeks of great weather. My 19y/o son is home so we’ve had a few trips on the A and B together – 100 mile round trip out to kaiaua today and a xmas day pic below on scenic drive heading out to piha. After trying the B, he was amazed at how smooth and ‘modern’ the A10 is to ride. I didn’t anticipate him riding an old BSA (or anything) so it’s quite a thing. A BSA club ride to waiwera on new year’s day- thanks to Rocket Racer for organizing. The A’s dyno stopped generating again tho now back in service after refacing the brushes. And the B now has taper roller bearing in the steering head - below a pic of the bike in there somewhere behind various protective objects while welding across the old race to get it out. Tapered rollers may possibly be overkill for a plunger B, but the old races were pitted and the bike slapped around quite a bit when slowing – now cured and ready for the rest of summer
G'day Fellas.
1st oil change on the A7. Did a full purge. Off with the tank and plug all the holes. Half fill with fuel and a dozen nuts. Shake shake sit shake shake sit shake shake empty and do it all again till fuel came out clean. Drop the sump and gauze, no horrible surprise there. Remove the oil filter. Take the PRV out.
Set up aux oil tank (funnel & hose) to feed pipe. Remove plugs and work the kicker till fresh oil comes from PVR and replace it. Keep kicking till fresh oil comes out the sump and replace it. Keep kicking till fresh oil comes out the filter housing and put on new filter. Keep kicking till oil comes out the return line. Install the tank and hoses. Starts first kick and oil returning to the tank in 5 seconds.
It's a bit of a job but the only way to get rid of 99% of the old oil.
Now THAT'S what I call thorough mate!! *smile*
Musky, If your Beeza fails in the next 20 years it won't be your fault. The most thorough oil change I've ever heard of. It looks great. *respect*
I put my bike on the lift again, pulled off the exhausts, footrests and brake crossover shaft, and drained the chaincase and Timing side.
All ready to fit the new carb and go over the timing very thoroughly.In between jobs it should take a few days (or weeks in my case *roll*).
I suspect Musky has digital motorbikes; they either off or full on; he don't muck about!
Went for a quick ride on the Kwaka today - soooooo nice to be on the road again despite the rain!! That bike is so smooth to ride, although half considering changing the high bars (they're a nice position for long distance though).
Oh, yeah, Bergs, thought I'd try my own engineering like MWAS by trying the procedure in the link! I'm sure it'll work like a dream. *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *whistle* *whistle* ;D ;D *doubt* *doubt* *doubt* *conf2* *conf2* *conf2* *warn* *warn* *warn* *warn*
G'day Worty.
I vaguely remember a member writing about crank balance that way. May have been RD *dunno2*
I wish I had a pic of my racing A7SS flywheel. Narrowed by 1/4" a side and drilled like Swiss cheese *eek* No way of doing that through the sump hole (or a job for a gynecologist) *sarcastic* Wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding but revved to 8K.
Just came across it and couldn't believe it was in a service manual?? Seems such a hit and miss way of balancing the crank, and such a bodge up to tap the hole and screw a bolt in there to correct mistakes. Also, how are you supposed to know how much material to remove - jeez, could end up in all sorts of Hell. I would imagine MWAS et al would have some sort of gauge to measure - surely?? *eek* *eek* *eek*
G'day Worty.
I know the book Tuning for Speed has a table of material weight to size/depth of hole. That's what I used.
G'day Worty.
I know the book Tuning for Speed has a table of material weight to size/depth of hole. That's what I used.
Jeez - I'm both impressed and stunned at the same time. *dunno* *dunno* *dunno*
Or, if you look up the sg of steel, you can work out the size of hole required yourself .....
Pic (I've posted before) of my last vee twin crank. Don't consider those tapped holes are a 'bodge'....... Very handy for altering balance ratio without stripping engine down.
Nicely done RD! The difference is that, in my mind, it seems like a weird way to balance a crank, but to MWASs like yourself, it's engineering genius. Do you centrepunch the bolts to stop them backing out (that would cause some issues). Can you imagine RM doing stuff like this? *eek* *eek* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Planning a 400m+ round trip to Wales next weekend. To inject some interest into a 'holiday' I'm thinking of sending the wife on ahead of me and working my way down via the backroads. The place we're staying is 185m from us near Aberystwyth (SRM country), and Sue's sister lives in mid-Wales. Whilst she's away shopping, I can explore new territory.
Downside is that it'll be cold and probably a bit wet in Wales, so I'm breaking the journey with a stopover at my brother's place in Stafford. I think RoyC was in Stafford but not heard from him on the Forum for a while.
Anyhow, lots of warm clothing, I have heated grips on the bike, well oiled chain and a tank of fuel and I'm away. Pity the tank only holds about two thimblefuls of fuel, will have to stop three times on the round trip to refill??
On the other hand, you could put the bike in a van and travel in comfort.
I haven't ridden a bike for months now - wind and rain practically every day. Apparently the weather's warmer than usual - well, it may be but 10* ain't warm enough for me.
On the other hand, you could put the bike in a van and travel in comfort.
I haven't ridden a bike for months now - wind and rain practically every day. Apparently the weather's warmer than usual - well, it may be but 10* ain't warm enough for me.
Nah, I'm pretty 'ard mate. Anyhow, 120m in several legs wrapped up warm isn't too bad. Having said that, if the weather really gets bad, I may revise my plans - wifey can spend a week in peace without me.
If you went on the plunger it would be nicely run in *smile*
If you went on the plunger it would be nicely run in *smile*
Is that GB's plunger?? *dunno* *dunno*
Today i started doing a bit of work on my Modern Bsa.....1960 swing arm GF . First job off with tank, then carb. Slide and bore looked to have wear probably due to having no air filter just an open venturi . Found choke slide missing altogether ??? *eek*
Sent carb to Alverstoke Resto for sleeving and ordered new choke kit from Burlens........Cup of tea
Then off with center stand which previous owner had only fit with bolts instead of correct rod and no tube or spacers, this had twisted the stand , *work* required use of hot spanner and large vice to tweek and pull here and there until it looked reet on flat bench. Fitted up under bike and measured up for spacers etc and new center tube, made new fixing rod with split pins either side . All fits nice and square and goes up and down with hardly and unwanted movement or rocking.
Removed stand again , put some primer on all bits ready for black gloss tommorrow *beer*
Completed my epic ride to Wales via Stafford - nearly 500m in total in four legs (793 km). From Yorkshire across the Derbyshire Peaks was bloody cold (made a cardboard 'gilet' to fit under my many layers - worked well!). Temp was about 0-1C, and there was snow and frost on the side of the road!! With windchill (no screen) probably about -6C-ish. Stafford to Wales wasn't bad, but it's difficult to have a pee when you've got so many layers on. Wales back to Stafford - cold and rain (fishing leggings were brilliant and so was Helly Hanson jacket). Stafford back to Yorks - cold but sunny at times. Bike had to be jetwashed as it was caked in cack. Only thing I took was some spray grease for the chain - gave it a blast every leg of the journey.
So, Kwaka W650, never missed a beat, stood out in the cold and wet for three days and fired up on the button. Everything worked, even when jetwashed it didn't complain on start up. No shorted lights, no firing on one pot because it's wet, no spannering on the side of the road, no squirming in the wet on corners, no oil pissing everywhere - can't wait to get back on the Beeza. *whistle* *whistle* *whistle* *dunno* *sarcastic* *grins* *grins* *grins*
What have i done, .....nothing at all other than unwrap lots of new bits . When i stripped the forks with the intentions of changing the battered seal holders over the weekend i found half a shim on top of circlip and other half under the circlip. Fork stanchions badly pitted and eaten away with water ingress but luckily no damage in the lower legs. So to hell with it and ordered new bushes and staunchions, ah well all good fun *smile*
Why do they call them Seal holders when they dont have a seal in them ?
Whoops, time to buy some new seals and fit them properly. The seal doesn't just sit on top of the circlip, it is a drive fit into the underside of the holder. Open side of the seal faces downwards, towards the slider. I'm sure you knew that already. In a previous incarnation looks like RM strikes again?
Hi Swarfy, on the seal holder on the forks as bought were fitted in to top of lower legs with circlips into groove in top of lower leg, the manual says that is where they fit so now i am puzzled. That would mean seal fitted up the stanchion first then the bushes top and bottom fitted onto stanchion , then struggle to get circlip back in groove without damaging anything and then the seal holder screwed back in place on to the lower leg , right or wrong ?
That's more or less how you do it, and why it is sometimes a struggle. The seal is fitted to the seal holder, then slid up the leg, lubricated with a dab of your favourite. Then the circlip and any shims, top bush, bottom bush, washer and nut. Tighten the nut, trick is to hold the leg in the fork bottom yoke. Then it's a case of adding the slider, fitting the circlip into the groove and screwing down the oilseal holder. BSA Service sheet 706 tells all.
Ah, errm, I assembled everything first - bushes fitted on stanchion, then stanchion into slider, then circlip, then put the seal in the holder, then slid the holder with seal DOWN onto the slider and tightened - not leaked yet?? *eek* *eek*
Hi Wortluck,
Sliding the seals down over the bigger section of the fork leg is likely to damage the seals
As said fit the seals to the holder and slide up from the bottom
No spannering. Had a hospital appointment so rode the B31, a 75 mile round trip from single track road to Motorway. Temp was 1 degree setting off. The headlight developed a flicker which was down to poor headlight bulb holder contacts. Quickly fixed.
Spent a good while washing the salt off after.
As an aside, had a MRI scan. They offer music whilst it's going on. Having rejected the offer of pop or rock, they gave me the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra in concert. Hmm.
I am starting to gather the bits together for this year's project, a 1956 Road Rocket. I have decided to nick the engine out of my RGS copy as that has the correct stampings for the year then I'll build a DA10R engine for the RGS copy so both bikes will look correct(ish). I think I've got everything I need so it's just a case of putting things in piles for chrome plating, powder coating, zinc plating, and two pack. I have a mate who will paint the tinware. Heavy stuff, for powder coating, gets farmed out. Hoping to have it done by autumn. I bought some chrome mudguards from India which have turned out to be dreadful but I'll see if I can do something with them. If I can't I'll either use standard guards painted red or Gold Star guards from Autocycle.
I am starting to gather the bits together for this year's project, a 1956 Road Rocket. I have decided to nick the engine out of my RGS copy as that has the correct stampings for the year then I'll build a DA10R engine for the RGS copy so both bikes will look correct(ish). I think I've got everything I need so it's just a case of putting things in piles for chrome plating, powder coating, zinc plating, and two pack. I have a mate who will paint the tinware. Heavy stuff, for powder coating, gets farmed out. Hoping to have it done by autumn. I bought some chrome mudguards from India which have turned out to be dreadful but I'll see if I can do something with them. If I can't I'll either use standard guards painted red or Gold Star guards from Autocycle.
Been there, done that, got the scars, don't want to do it again! 😁
Hi Wortluck,
Sliding the seals down over the bigger section of the fork leg is likely to damage the seals
As said fit the seals to the holder and slide up from the bottom
John, I thought my way was too easy! Still got the scars from battling with the circlip!! *razz* *razz* *rant* *rant* *rant*
My guess would be thats the way Rivett man said to do it ;) I reckon he put my forks together because they were not assembled in the order of the service sheet when i have checked it. *beer*
My guess would be thats the way Rivett man said to do it ;) I reckon he put my forks together because they were not assembled in the order of the service sheet when i have checked it. *beer*
RM did assemble the forks on the initial rebuild and, yes, the l/h did leak after a short period of time. I replaced the seal using my method and it did need replacing again (using my 'method'). However, the r/h has never leaked (and it does have oil in it!). *dunno* *dunno* *dunno*
Very pleased with self today. Went to the garage to sort the centrestand play before considering slinging the motor in. Centrestand foot was bashing the l/h silencer, and has put a small dent in it. When I checked, the stand would come up to its normal position, then would 'travel' about 10mm further to hit the silencer.
When I took it apart, the frame lugs were pretty good and took the shaft with relatively little play, the centrestand holes, however, were massively enlarged with the shaft wobbling all over the place (bit like the crank before Bergs sorted it). So, thought about bushing the centrestand holes to tighten everything up. Discovered that the shaft would fit very snugly in a piece of 15mm copper pipe. Cut some bits off an old pipe and managed to drift a piece into one side very snugly. The other side was bigger, so I found a piece of pipe that had a straight join in it (thicker). Cut that and drifted it into the other side. Had to ream it out a bit to get the shaft through. Next, after applying loads of grease, and with the bike wedged against a wall, I attached the spring and got the shaft through the first bit. Incredibly, the shaft went straight through to the other side with the simplest persuasion and without knocking my 'bush' out!!! Finished off with some washers (like shims really) to keep the bushes in place and stop the shaft moving too much. Back in with the split pins and time for a test - bloody hell it works!! Stand comes within about 4ml of the silencer when pushing as hard as I can. Dropped it off the stand and - no clang against the silencer.
NB. I know steel and welding would have been better, but I don't have steel and can't weld. Also, didn't want to drill out the centrestand hole as the one side was so large the metal was getting a bit thin anyway. Copper is a soft metal, but it doesn't move that much and has a ton of grease on it. Should outlast me, I reckon.
Finally, cleaned everthing up (cack everywhere), removed bottom bracket from rear mudguard as it had cracked (still in one piece though), greased stand shaft - now I'm ready for the motor!!!
One question - what is the best way of putting the motor in and what order does it go back together (i.e., gearbox, motor, engine plates, etc). Good day, cheers all. *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Well done worty.
I saw the sun and went out on the plunger country roads all the way to Leeds to see a couple of mates then back home, 140ml round trip and bike never missed a beat !
Saturday went to Rufforth autojumble and got a couple of bargains for Swing arm GF , brand new Avon Speedmaster front tyre £80 annnd a front mudguard stay for a tenner *smile*
G'day Fellas.
Continuing to make the Cafe rideable for my broken body. I lifted the seat 2" but it really needs a recover. I contacted an upholsterer that I know does great work. He quoted me $500 and would take a month or more. I got a brand new seat from Burtons landed here for $400 and only took 2 weeks!
The mounting holes were different (and not symmetrical) so spent yesterday making a frame for it. Job done but need to fill in the gap under the seat. Thinking either gluing a skirt on or using one of those rubber things kids belt each other in the swimming pool.
And added a 2" lifter and new handlebars.
Hi Muskie,
I think you will need to move or extend the exhaust heat shields *warn*
Wow Muskie! 👌
Looks nice Muskie, i like the tank protector with the Manx emblem on it, do you think you might keep the bike like that now or once your healed up will you put it back to how it was ?
G'day Dave.
I'll wait and see as to how long she will stay this way. Just waiting on the parts to make a new front brake cable and new clutch cable. Hope to test her next week.
Looking at the tank I should have put the protector on up the other way.
What I did yesterday was make a cable adjuster on the lathe out of stainless. Now I won't have to cut the old one off and have a spare cable.
Also discovered I have allergic reaction to the coolant on the lathe. Left arm is red and itchy as hell.
G'day Fellas.
Cables made and fitted to the cafe. All good but haven't tried them out on the road yet.
Doing the head re-tension on the A7 plunger. I noticed on the w/end after she got hot (30 miles at 70mph) a bit of a whistle. The tappets had closed up about 4 thou so must have been ever so slightly propping a valve or two.
I removed the r/box and gave the h/bolts 1/4 turn to get back to tension.
Not happy with the r/box bolts being 3/8" unc (in past life as a racer the holes had been stripped and opened up) I recoiled the holes back to 5/16unc. To do the center back one I had to make an insertion tool as the one in the kit is too long. All done all good. Now to swap the shafts and rockers over to the spare r/box.
G'day Fellas.
Well I opened a can of worms. After about 3 hours of rubbing washers on wet & dry to get the right clearances for the rockers in the r/box (I don't use the springs, just shims (another spot to reduce drag). I dropped the r/box onto the head dry. Bugga there was about 10 thou rock. OK i rubbed the r/box on glass and wet & dry but it was still high in the middle. After about an hour setting up in the 4 jaw chuck I got it to 1 thou true and took a light 2 thou cut. Beautiful and flat. Put it back on the head but there is still a 5 thou rock. *pull hair out*
Looks like tomorrow the head comes off, valves and guides out, (good excuse to machine them to take Notrun valve stem seals) and set it up on the face plate to true it up, take a few thou off. Drop new guides in and lap the valves again. *work*.
Wish me luck.
That doesn't make sense, Musky - they can't both be high in the middle. Have you run a decent straight edge across these surfaces?
OK, I know you know what you are doing so I respect your decision and you do not want leaks. But I doubt many people check the fit of their rocker box; I don't think I've ever thought of doing it. As the gap is only 10 thou would not the relatively weak casting have just flexed down onto the head?
G'day Fellas.
Well I opened a can of worms. After about 3 hours of rubbing washers on wet & dry to get the right clearances for the rockers in the r/box (I don't use the springs, just shims (another spot to reduce drag). I dropped the r/box onto the head dry. Bugga there was about 10 thou rock. OK i rubbed the r/box on glass and wet & dry but it was still high in the middle. After about an hour setting up in the 4 jaw chuck I got it to 1 thou true and took a light 2 thou cut. Beautiful and flat. Put it back on the head but there is still a 5 thou rock. *pull hair out*
Looks like tomorrow the head comes off, valves and guides out, (good excuse to machine them to take Notrun valve stem seals) and set it up on the face plate to true it up, take a few thou off. Drop new guides in and lap the valves again. *work*.
Wish me luck.
Much respect *respect* *respect* If it were me, I'd crate it up and send it to Bergs FAO MWAS, with a couple of hundred beer tokens or so. *whistle* *whistle* *whistle* *beer* *beer* *beer* *bright idea* *bright idea* *bright idea*
G'day RD.
The only straight edge I have is a steel rule so not that accurate. I did test the r/box after machining on 10mm glass mounted in a 3/4 timber frame. All good. So yes both must have been warped. That head had been raced at 14:1 comp for a few years and possibly the 4 outer bolts have been moved 1/2 hole outwards. The 5 inner bolts are 3/8 BSF and the outer ones 10mm x 1.25 so maybe the clamping force has warped it *dunno* The clamping force should be equal when all bolts are torqued equally.
Oh well I was running out of things to do in the shed *whistle*
G'day GB.
Yes it's the first time I've looked at it that closely but that is because it's a different r/box. It may well flex on installation and with .032" gasket paper would have sealed.
Another thought Musky - you don't need to strip the head - put it on //s on a mill and run a small flycutter or endmill around the surfaces that need levelling.
G'day RD
I would if I had a mill. I know a fella that does. 99% of the time I make do with what I've got.
The good news is that, after you clean it up and get it back together, it should be fine because you won't abuse it like the previous owner. *whistle* *lol*
Richard L.
G'day RD
I would if I had a mill. I know a fella that does. 99% of the time I make do with what I've got.
No mill? A surface plate of some sort, some engineer's blue and a set of files will do just as well if you're a skilled filer.
G'day Rex.
To be able to check the head wit blue and plate the guides have to come out. That being the case the head will be set up on my lathe.
The head is of and as suspected right ex valve had a slight leak. At the rebuild the valves got a lap.
Firing the BBQ up to drop the guides out now. I have a new set to go in after the inlets are turned to take the seals.
G'day Fellas.
In the heads previous life it must have had a loose valve guide replaced with a +.002 guide. The others are std. No worries I have two +.002's and two +.004's but no std's. Now the decision to ream or wait for std's to turn up.
To take my mind off for a minute I made a walking stick holder for the HD. Deb bought me a folding one that I was shoving down my jacket but a bit uncomfortable.
To take my mind off for a minute I made a walking stick holder for the HD. Deb bought me a folding one that I was shoving down my jacket but a bit uncomfortable.
You Hells Angels and your horrific weapons🤪
To take my mind off for a minute I made a walking stick holder for the HD. Deb bought me a folding one that I was shoving down my jacket but a bit uncomfortable.
You Hells Angels and your horrific weapons🤪
Watch yourself Musky, it has been known for walking sticks and table legs to be mistaken for sawn-offs :o :o *dunno* *eek*
G'day Fellas.
Looks like tomorrow the head comes off, valves and guides out, (good excuse to machine them to take Notrun valve stem seals) and set it up on the face plate to true it up, take a few thou off. Drop new guides in and lap the valves again. *work*.
Wish me luck.
G'day Fellas.
Well on removing the head and pulling the valves out I could just see a faint leak on left exhaust. Heated head on BBQ to 200C and pushed the guides out. The left ex guide was 1 thou over, the others std. I have a pair of +2's and a pair of +1's to use. I machined the intake guides to take the Notrun seals.
Set head up on lathe and took a few thou off to make flat. Reamed the ex holes to take the +2 guide and just ran a brass wire brush down the inlet guide holes to take the +1's. Heated the head again to 200c a and put the guides in the freezer for an hour (two beers). The guides dropped in easy without having to hit them. Let it all cool for 6 beers and was surprised the guides didn't need honing, the valves were a beautiful fit. The inlets ground in well but the ex were a bit beyond grinding. Bugga I used to have a lovely set of seat cutters. Head is now at a mates workshop to have the seats cut.
Might have it going again by weekend.
G'day Fellas.
All back together and started 2nd kick.
Warmed up this morning 1st kick.
RGSChris came up to The Tin Shed in Lithgow today so rode her down to meet him and a few mates all bar two on Lav's (Aussie slang for lavatories). Rode back to my place to inspect the Cafe. Lucky it started 1st kick and sounded impressive.
I think Chris left with a little more knowledge.
Later when cooled down I'll check the tappets again then good to go.
You Hells Angels and your horrific weapons🤪
A few years back when the Howard Government created a bikie war a well known radio shock jock claimed the bikies were removing their shot gun handle bars & shooting each other with them.
Apparently the bulk of his listeners actually believed you could do this & his report was true .
People are soooo stupid .
People are soooo stupid .
Yup 😕
Pulled it out of my garage to work on another bike and because i'm going to give it a rest as it's pissing me right off being unable to start it. Doing a 12v conversion with BB electronic ignition. PITA.
I'll come back to it in a few days after a refresh. Bloody thing.
G'day Catz.
Start a topic in the Lucas, Ignition, Charging, Electrical section. Quite a few members, including me, have done the conversion. I found it quite easy.
If that was the cafe’ I would have said to take the compression down from 43:1.
Richard L.
As for me, I’ve got the front brake plate and newly-lined (by me) shoes on the lathe and down to the final fit.
Richard L.
If that was the cafe’ I would have said to take the compression down from 43:1.
Richard L.
G'day Richard.
The Cafe is about 10:1 and combined with the primary ratio (belt & Notrun diaphragm clutch) she is a bitch to kick. If I get it right, sort of like kicking a big single and get her just over tdc and kick like I hate her, she fires up straight away. Having the electronic ignition timed just right is a must.
After the short ride yesterday the plunger is sounding OK. I gave her a second oil & filter change since re-build, a tiny bit of glitter to be expected. This morning I'll check the tappets again. She's ready for more longer runs.
As for me, I’ve got the front brake plate and newly-lined (by me) shoes on the lathe and down to the final fit.
Richard L.
Wow! Of course the bike is not back together, but I am going to need to be real careful not to be thrown over the handlesbars the first time I ride with the new front brake. I will soon post some pictures. The difference in liner thickness between mine and Emgo's is a bit starling.
Richard L
Bit miffed today. Went to the garage to do some tidying up and noticed a few drops of oil on the floor - underneath the l/h fork which I've just put a new seal on. *angry* *angry* There is a smidge of oil down the slider, although it could be from the copious amount of oil I smeared on the stanchion when putting the seal holder on. *dunno* Anyhow, it's not coming back apart anytime soon, so top ups seem to be the order of the day if, indeed, it is leaking. Then, I suppose, its new stanchions. *razz* *razz* *razz*
stop it worty my heart was racing after reading the first bit *eek*
stop it worty my heart was racing after reading the first bit *eek*
Heh, sorry mate!! ;) Rest assured, even if the motor did self destruct, I would NEVER 'blame' you or anything close. I know how much work you and MWAS put into it, and I 100% respect the skills you both have. *respect* *respect* *respect* *clap* *clap* If it did blow up, it'll either be my fault or the engine has genuinely reached the end of its serviceable life. I reckon you and your brother have given it the best chance possible of surviving, so I'm happy either way. *good3* *good3* *good3*
Having said that, I won't be rebuilding the engine if it did fail badly. I would probably salvage what I could, flog the rest for bits and pieces, and seek a decent, complete motor (or something like that anyway).
Have some B&Ts and relax! All is good in the world (except the weather) *razz* *razz*
After converting my '49 M21V2 to electric start, starting required a bit of fiddling with throttle / retard to strike a light. And so decided to fit an ATD to improve the spark at low revs. Starting is now much improved. However, when setting the ignition timing I was surprised by the lack of compression on the rear cylinder (finger over plug hole to determine which cyl was on firing stroke).
And so yesterday I took the rear cyl valve covers off to check valve clearances. All good, but with bike at eye level on the lift, noticed the exhaust valve spring retainer was touching the rocker arm. First conclusion was a worn valve cap but closer inspection revealed the cotters were low in the retainer.
So, head off to check that out (first time off since engine was built 30+ years ago). Exhaust pipes off, oil drain pipe from head removed, remove rear carb - hang on a minute, which twit designed that? It's so close to the oil tank it won't come off its studs. Yup, that was me when I built it all those years ago. Must change those studs for bolts ...
So, head was off and exh valve out. All was fine except for those collets in the retainer. Dug around my spares and found another retainer that provided a better fit. Would have made new collets had I known the taper BSA used, but wasn't prepared to extend the job by messing around with trial and error to make new ones.
Mislaid a rocker cover screw in the process so, as soon as I've found (or replaced) it it's tank back on and run her up to see if my oil feed mod is sufficient to supply the ATD with a little lube (I originally created a bleed off the quill feed to put an occasional drop of oil on the timing chain, but that's not enough for the ATD). Trouble is, the big ends are roller so oil pressure is low, meaning enlarging the hole feeding the chain may not prove sufficient. We'll see - if not, I'm minded to fit a small oil cup above the ATD and give it an occasional lube through that.
Day is getting warmer, so time to get back to the workshop ....
Nothing today, or for the past week, getting over nasty, crappy cold type thing - boo, hiss *razz* *razz* *razz* *angry* *angry* *angry* *sad* *sad* *sad*
At last I have had my rebuilt GF out on the road. Just a couple of miles before the rain came in and I retreated to the garage. Amazingly the brakes worked after being out of use for over 1/4 century. A big grin every yard.
Still some bits to sort out. I think I have cured the oil leak from the rocker box. However the speedometer is not working so I will need to look at that. The oil still drips from the gearbox speedometer not sure I can cure this.
If you can find an easy cure for the speedo leak, let us all know. As far as I know, they all do, with a few exceptions (bikes owned by geniuses who frequent this Forum). Seems like it may have somthing to do with a bush, but requires the cover to come off and some clever fettling. I also love the fact the cable acts like an Archimedes Screw, and can send oil up to the speedo with unfortunate results for the delicate mechanism (if you have a genuine Smiths, of course). *doh* *doh* :o *dunno* *dunno2*
worty you can stop the leak where the bush fits but 9 times out of 10 the leak is where the outer covering joins the metal bit with the nut or the flange where the nut is
worty you can stop the leak where the bush fits but 9 times out of 10 the leak is where the outer covering joins the metal bit with the nut or the flange where the nut is
Aye Bergs, exactly where mine is mate!!
G'day John.
What a beautiful job you've done *yeah*
I think a while back the speedo leak was discussed and a fix was done with an O ring. Do a search on it.
After about two months of fettling and idleness, I kicked the Beeza over today by leg, not leccy starter and it started well. That was a great triumph for me - since the right knee replacement last June, and kicked it with a fair degree of confidence in the knee repair - and I didn't hobble away afterwards either *good3*. After it stalled, I used the button *roll*.
I had replaced the carby with a new one from Hitchcocks, swapped the magneto for a newly overhauled one (with even timing at 31.5 degree BTDC), both timing and chaincases removed and replaced. That involves a near strip down with pipes, footrests etc all over the shed.
As it is raining here today, I'll take it for a spin when it dries up. I had the old carby slide resleeved in case I need it and the old magneto got a new points backing plate and reground cam ring.
One thing I will try is a new electric tacho thingy - you wrap the cable around the HT lead on any cylinder, and read a digital display. The engine feels like it is overrevving at moderate speeds despite a 21-tooth engine sprocket. Keen to sort that out.
John I do like the Nutley Blue - very nice bike.!
So, horn is now fixed - running a new wire from the horn switch loom to the horn live did the trick. Also ran an additional earth from the headlamp shell to the frame -ve terminal. Rejigged the oil tank saddle bolt arrangement which wasn't quite right. Managed to secure seat properly on the front bracket which has always been a bit dodgy. Found a thin walled socket which allowed me to get under the seat and tighten the nuts. Primary chaincase is leaking a tiny bit around the drain plug - may even have a hairline crack in it around the boss, gearbox weeps a bit around the speedo cable, find a drop of oil on that big screw thing underneath the gearbox (I believe it holds something in place in the gearbox). I think the l/h fork seal (which I've just replaced) may be ok. Did have a slight weeping of oil around the feed pipe into the timing side, but I think that may have been cured.
Overall, a good day. Can't think of any other jobs to be done prior to its first run out.
Question: When I turn on the headlight, it sometimes (not always) doesn't come on for a few seconds and is then fine - any thoughts?
Got to be a duff connection there somewhere then. 6V maybe glow-worm's armpit territory but it's still instantaneous.
Regarding RD and his non-removable cylinder head, you could always do what Velocette did and cut a screwdriver slot in the top of the cyl studs and wind 'em out prior to removing the head?
Regarding RD and his non-removable cylinder head, you could always do what Velocette did and cut a screwdriver slot in the top of the cyl studs and wind 'em out prior to removing the head?
Only if I drilled a hole through the tank for the screwdriver! Brazed the nuts to the studs so now have bolts. The inner one is a bitch to catch the thread (with the monobloc tickler in the way) but do-able. All OK now and starts with just a dab of the button.
Evening gents, head over to 'Worty's A10 Engine Refurb' for a report on how the first run went.
Hi All,
I came across this mod to fix the speedo drive oil leak, where a seal is fitted to the inner end of the bush
I have not looked at a gearbox case to see which way the thrust goes (yet) but if it is against the seal then its a No No *????*
Hi John, That seems like a reasonable solution. Later drive shafts had an O-ring groove. Somewhere on the Forum, I believe that the grooved model shaft takes a Triumph part for the O-ring. But mine is an earlier gearbox without groove.
Anyway I have two boxes of O-rings metric and imperial, so sure I can find one.
I did try the electrical shrink tubing over the metal hex on the cable and it worked for a while, but eventually the oil got to it and the sleeve slipped along the cable.
The only spindle bush type I have seen with an O ring seal is the later aluminium alloy type, with the invariably knackered thread at the cable end. This seal is fitted in a groove on the outside of the bush, so seals the bush to the case, an improvement (?) on the more usual fibre washer and nut used on earlier versions.
CJ's seal is where it should be to minimise oil passing down the shaft. The thrust washer to my mind looks bigger than usual, and the picture in my estimation shows the seal to be recessed deeper than the upper edge of the bush. So it appears that the washer does not press on the seal and all is well. My take is that the rotation of the layshaft will tend to push the driven spindle towards the cable.
I took my modern on the VMCC, (Vintage MotorCycle Club) Three Counties run yesterday. The ride covered parts of Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire.
Although the qualifying age of motorcycles for the VMCC is anything greater than 25 years*, the branch secretary gave me permission to bring the new bike. I had a lot of, possibly polite, interest in my bike and some scowls.
The new BSA, (there, I've said it) is still running in so may be stiff but is noticeably less flexible about which gear you are in than my low comp A10. The new bike requires me to be in the right gear for the road speed. When coming into a 30 mph area it's no good leaving the bike in fifth; if I do not change into fourth or even third, it starts to chunter. Riding in convoy with slow moving motorbikes I spent a lot of time changing gear; not so bad when I was on my own riding home as I just had to anticipate bends and speed limits.
The bike is very nice to ride; it has oodles of power. I accelerated away from traffic lights a bit enthusiastically and briefly lifted the front wheel 😣. The brakes are disks so excellent. The riding position is upright so the visibility is good.
*A VMCC ride out is strange because you will see a 1980's Honda riding beside a flat tank pioneer.
I drill the spindle out with 3/8" drill, then pack with three off o-rings.
Then make a brass retaining bush which is short enough to provide required end clearance for the o-ring stack.
No leaks anymore.
I will find my sketch & post sometime soon.
BSAeeing you,
VMCC rides can be painful. I was on one recently where we bumbled along at 30 mph. That was slow, even for the B31. Earlier this week, I was on the same B31 in a funeral procession. The only difference was that I was in a line of cars this time.
I'm not keen on riding in crocodile fashion. At least the ride home is a bit more fun...
VMCC rides can be painful. I was on one recently where we bumbled along at 30 mph. That was slow, even for the B31. Earlier this week, I was on the same B31 in a funeral procession. The only difference was that I was in a line of cars this time.
I'm not keen on riding in crocodile fashion. At least the ride home is a bit more fun...
TBH, BS, I don't like riding in groups, all my concentration is on what everyone else is doing and doesn't make for an enjoyable or relaxing ride. I also think it can be a bit dangerous in terms of keeping up or slowing down all the while, and trying to stay together with other riders - prefer the 'lone wolf' approach myself.
This is the later drive shaft which takes the rather flimsy O ring, the bush had a square section rubber ring in the groove though BSA later changed it to a conventional O ring.
I took my modern on the VMCC, (Vintage MotorCycle Club) Three Counties run yesterday. The ride covered parts of Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire.
Although the qualifying age of motorcycles for the VMCC is anything greater than 25 years*, the branch secretary gave me permission to bring the new bike. I had a lot of, possibly polite, interest in my bike and some scowls.
The new BSA, (there, I've said it) is still running in so may be stiff but is noticeably less flexible about which gear you are in than my low comp A10. The new bike requires me to be in the right gear for the road speed. When coming into a 30 mph area it's no good leaving the bike in fifth; if I do not change into fourth or even third, it starts to chunter. Riding in convoy with slow moving motorbikes I spent a lot of time changing gear; not so bad when I was on my own riding home as I just had to anticipate bends and speed limits.
The bike is very nice to ride; it has oodles of power. I accelerated away from traffic lights a bit enthusiastically and briefly lifted the front wheel 😣. The brakes are disks so excellent. The riding position is upright so the visibility is good.
*A VMCC ride out is strange because you will see a 1980's Honda riding beside a flat tank pioneer.
“Chuntering” in top gear is def a problem with many moderns, on most the root cause is simply that top gear is “high” due to the top speed of the bike eg a modern geared for 140 mph at 9000 rpm is NOT going to be happy doing less than 2000rpm at 30mph (especially if its a twin). If top is high then due to the 5 or 6 speed box then the gear down will be high as well.
Of all the moderns I have owned the 1800 gold wing requires the least gear changes (6 cylinders with redline at 5500rpm, 115hp, 60mpg) a truly amazing engine (and associated weight penalty), the second most “flexible” was a 675 Triumph (3 cyls) somewhat surprising that but it has a flat torque curve from a bit over 2000 rpm to over 12000rpm. The worst was a 1400 v twin suzuki (harley lookalike) which did not like revving and also did not like going much below 2500 rpm (max power at 5000rpm) so one was constantly changing gear to keep it at an rpm where it was happy, pretty awful to ride really, especially on hilly and/or tricky twisty roads and surprising given the laid back cruiser image those sorts of bikes have.
My 3 BSA’s are “flexible” even the B44, a real pleasure to ride around town or slow tricky roads, bit buzzy at 100k as they are geared low….which helps with the flexibility of course.
So, your comments are interesting to me, flexibility in higher gears is something I would definitely be looking for in any new bike I would look at buying. I am toying with trading my ktm 950 for a new ktm 390 adv single, as its much lighter. The 390 ktm is made in india!
The Kwaka is pretty good generally. Doesn't like top gear around town, but doesn't need it anyway. Very good, forgiving motor if you get it a bit wrong - decent all round for a modern.
Loading the A10SR and kit into the T5 today, and two for others on the trailer, off to VMCC Cheddar first thing in the morning.
Picking up some of the smelliest cheese going, Fiery Fred, from Batch Farms on the way to stink the caravan out, they're going to love it! *smile* *smile*
G'day Fellas.
The nice new paint job on the Cafe had a few bubbles *ex* All was good till I put fuel in it. Must have had a few porous spots that caused it. So tank off and covered with water based paint stripper as I cant used the good toxic stuff on fiberglass. The green paint peeled off with the help of a heat gun. Bl@@dy greenie stuff will take days. Once the 10 coats of spray bog and filler is off I'll re-fill and under coat (the red bits are the gel coat). Then I'll line the tank with Caswell and start again. Failing that I've bookmarked a steel Lyta tank.
Wish me luck.
Musky - can't you sand it back until you're into decent grp and then apply a couple of layers of csm before a light sand & fill / paint?
G'day RD.
When it comes to paint I'm a 5 year old. I hate it with a passion. I'd rather work on bergers van *ex* grp csm *????*
1st round of stripper done. Might get away with another one or two in the morning.
Here's a strange one:-
I changed my GF's primary chain oil today. Old oil was fairly clean but it didn't seem that much. Not wholly unexpected because I've had a few drips of oil from the combined drain/level plug since fitting a new one a year ago. I poured in 225 c.c. of SAE 20 leaving the level half of the plug out for it to indicate the correct level has been reached. It ran out for quite while before just dripping, which I thought a bit strange, as I expected it to start dripping fairly quick. When I measured the oil that had run out it was nearly 100 c.c. So leaving only about 125 c.c. in the chain case *conf2*.
I've come to the conclusion it must be the thick wax like coating of preservative that was on the new IWIS chain when I fitted it in Jan 2020 that has washed out of the chain and settled in the bottom of the chain case with the oil now sitting on top. I’m not too worried about that because the primary chain only skims the top of the oil on each revolution anyway and it hasn’t affected the clutch in any way in over 3 years.
I've always washed the preservative out of new chains previously but I know I didn't with this one, I remember thinking at the time that IWIS would put good quality preservative on their chains and it may help with lubricating it.
I can't remember exactly, but when I fitted the new drain/level plug a year ago and if I then relied on the level plug to tell me when the correct amount of oil was in the chain case that would explain why not a lot drained out.
This time I've tried a Dowty washer on the drain plug, so It'll be interesting to see if it stops the drips.
I've got a similar story the other way round. Put in 225cc and nothing came out the level plug. Added quite a lot more before it did come out, then dripped for ages?? When I checked, oil seemed about right - and no clutch slip??
I too have a drip, which I'm pretty sure is the drain plug. Will try a Dowty next time.
Feckin useless domestic paint stripper 😡
Hi All,
I would go with the quantity of oil rather than the level plug. The reason being I have seen the tube on the level plug several different heights,
I think even the 2mm thickness of the dowty washer would make quite a difference?
As I have an electric starter on my SR I wondered if the normal level would provide enough for the starter gears that run constantly??
As I have a decent seal setup behind the clutch and a breather on the filler cap I added another "dollop" of oil , then I could see oil being thrown up around the mechanism..
I still have my original drain plug and this morning I was very tempted to put it back because I don't remember it dripping oil and I used it many times to check the oil level, but I changed my mind as the one I bought last year was a stainless one from Barleycorn Engineering - and I couldn't believe it wouldn't be right from Barleycorn, so I compared the two and both were identical length. Your right about the Dowty washer John, it is twice as thick as a fibre one. I even considered that but I didn't think a mm would make much difference and, of course, at the time I was only concerned with a drip of oil from the plug and completely unaware of the forthcoming oil level disparity.
At one time I would definitely have removed the chain case just to find out, but with a sidecar attached it's not such a straightforward job anymore and I can't think of another reason for it.
Hi Roger and All,
I just went to Google to confirm my thoughts, 100 x 100 mm square x 1mm thick equals 100ml
So imagining the area inside the primary
1mm in level would make quite a difference *????*
Hi John, thanks, you're right *smile*.
Earlier today I was looking at one of my photos where I'd drawn a line indicating where the oil level would be in the chain case. It was from a while back when we were discussing it on here. It's only just above the screw bosses, hardly anything when you see it like that, so with the top of the level tube being that little bit lower it would make quite a difference.
So now I'd better put the 100 ml back!
By-the-way I went for test ride this morning after changing a leaky speedo cable with one from Chronometric Instrument Services and after changing the chain case and fork oil - and happy there's no leaks from the Dowty washer or the new speedo cable - yet!
I just went to Google to confirm my thoughts, 100 x 100 mm square x 1mm thick equals 100ml
How lovely is the Metric system? If using water you can measure volume and straight away know the weight. 1ltr of water weighs a nominal 1kg*. Not so easy with the Imperial system; try working out the weight of x gallons given the size of the container.
*If I've misremembered this I'm sure one of my fans will come along and put me straight. 😁
Virtually all the mistakes I've ever made when machining (metal or wood) has been when using metric. So easy to mistake 1.02 for 120 etc
Well . . . a gallon of (edit - British!) water always weighed 10lbs GB (subject to the same temperature variations as would make the litre / kg thing go wrong).
But water, being a dilutant and thus a menace to pure blood, I don't need to measure it much.
Oil, whisk(+ 'e' for our Irish friends)y, wine and beer - that's the equiv of the ol' puppy dogs' tails li'l boys are made of . . .
Not to mention the need for 21 tooth gears to make my Myford cut metric, or almost! (Why isn't 254 a more friendly number, please Mr Napoleon?)
Hi Roger and All,
I just went to Google to confirm my thoughts, 100 x 100 mm square x 1mm thick equals 100ml
So imagining the area inside the primary
1mm in level would make quite a difference *????*
More like 10ml
G'day Fellas.
Beg to differ. 100mmx100mm = 10,000 sq mm x 1mm = 10,000 cu mm. 1 ml = 1,000 cu mm (1 ml= 1 cubic centimeter) so = 10 ml I think, early Sunday morning hangover math *ex*
G'day Fellas.
Beg to differ. 100mmx100mm = 10,000 sq mm x 1mm = 10,000 cu mm. 1 ml = 1,000 cu mm (1 ml= 1 cubic centimeter) so = 10 ml I think, early Sunday morning hangover math *ex*
I’ve already got you there Musky, look above, however for those not with the metric system.
4“(100mm) X 4“ X 40thou (0.040 inch = 1mm) =3.5 oz
3.5 imp fluid oz = 10 millilitres = 2 teaspoons
G'day Beeza.
Google says 3.5 fluid oz = 103 ml. more like 0.35 fluid oz. *fight* *lol*
You drinking again *????*
Some time ago, after replacing the chaincase, I put oil in the chaincase and drained it completely via the overflow.
I then removed the outer chaincase with gasket attached to the outer chaincase and got an extra 40mls of oil retained in the chaincase, trapped behind the gasket and behind the screw protrusions.
So volume you think you have in the chaincase depends on whether you are are simply draining and refilling, or removing the chaincase to do clutch work and then refilling. Some gaskets are wider than others unless you make your own, so that also should be considered.
*eek* Well I've put it back anyway *ex* *smile*
I dunno about anyone else, but really, why would you be worried about a precise measure of CC oil?
The whole thing is running in an 'oil-mist' anyway. Even if it's pretty low the chain will be throwing up enough to keep the chain lubricated.
Don't you think?
But a 100 c.c. is a whole 100 ml. *conf* *smile*
I dunno about anyone else, but really, why would you be worried about a precise measure of CC oil?
The whole thing is running in an 'oil-mist' anyway. Even if it's pretty low the chain will be throwing up enough to keep the chain lubricated.
Don't you think?
Is what I think too, have to say. Chain bottom run just kissing the slime, verified visually, is all I've ever done, however many cc or fluid oz that might actually be. Then check periodically depending on, um, the size of any oil painting on the floor.
I rode the new bike to Alex Kettles place, (95 miles round trip) to show off the bike and to get the mileage up to 500+ for the first service on Thursday. When I arrived he was making bacon and egg rolls for his family and myself 👍
Alex is a member of this forum; he has an A10. He also has a very nice Kawasaki W650. Alex took my bike for a ride and enjoyed it.
Alex rode his W650 with me for part of my ride home. My Gold Star is really very impressive; when I gave it the beans Alex said he had trouble keeping up.
When we stopped to refill the fuel tanks Alex was ahead of me in the queue to pay; he paid for my fuel as well. What a very nice gentleman he is. 😁
G'day Fellas.
See reply #2738 page 183.
I don't know if I'm going to save the Cafe tank. Looks like the top coat of gel coat is lifting off the base coat in quite a few spots. I dug out what I could see, one half the size of my palm. Bogged them with 2 pac body filler, rubbed back and primed. A few more tiny spots appeared so dug them out and spot filled. Put the tank out in the sun to dry them. Came back an hour later and saw a patch of blisters on the top of the tank. Dug them out and filled with body filler.
Dejected I spent the rest of the day on the lathe making bits for a mates bike and rifle (new recoil bit).
Today I'll inspect the tank and make the decision whether to continue. *pull hair out*
My next project is a 1957 Royal Enfield Ensign, so I dug out the box of bits last week and found this in a plastic bucket used to protect the headlight. Bugger!! *pull hair out*The garden shed leaked and the bucket didn't unfortunately. So am saving the shell made of unobtainium, which was perforated all around the rim. All the Miller internals are unsaveable. Today I got to the first final coat on the shell. Luckily Lucas made a 5-3/4" shell as well, so can use Lucas internals.
...lent my bike to local 'Trinity' Theatre Group for their production of 'All Shook UP'
My next project is a 1957 Royal Enfield Ensign, so I dug out the box of bits last week and found this in a plastic bucket used to protect the headlight. Bugger!! *pull hair out*The garden shed leaked and the bucket didn't unfortunately. So am saving the shell made of unobtainium, which was perforated all around the rim. All the Miller internals are unsaveable. Today I got to the first final coat on the shell. Luckily Lucas made a 5-3/4" shell as well, so can use Lucas internals.
The only things that suffered in the same way on Emily were the pushrods. I put them in a plastic tub and the garage roof chose to leak into that receptical. 😬
...lent my bike to local 'Trinity' Theatre Group for their production of 'All Shook UP'
You were very trusting. I bet you were hiding in the wings ready to rush out if needed.🤞
On Saturday there were more than 30 of us that rode from Perth to Jurien Bay to view Ian Boyd's magnificent collection; check out the link for more info:
I covered 500 km in 2 days on the 54 A10.; it went well.
Apart from a 1972 Moto Guzzi, and 1982 Sportster, all the other steeds were very recent. Impressively all of the modern bikes kept up with my Golden Flash, and none of them had to be put on the trailer.
Great collection; I was more taken by the Road Rocket and the RGS, than the Black Lightning.
More images
i got betsy out kicked her starter thingy with the clutch pulled in to free the plates , tickled her fancy jumped on her starter thingy and broom broom off we go first time since many winter months. when i got back home i drained the engine oil and gave her a treat of some classic 20/50, yes i know i usually use straight 40 or 50 but i picked this up cheap a few tears ago , because i now use a filter of the car type i had neglected her and she was long over due an oil change , i think she's a happy bunny she loved it zooming about and so did i *smile*
Way to go Bergs. By the way, if you are interested in some 15w/40, there's 20 litres for £50 not far from Glossop - could give the van a run (unless you've got a GB type carrier on Betsy.) *wink2* *wink2* *whistle*
worty GB's pigeon s--t welding is better than my blobs and big holes haha you are so naughty *grins*. as for the van it might be a good test for the diff unless aztec oils near me can do better on some 40 weight *beer*
worty GB's pigeon s--t welding is better than my blobs and big holes haha you are so naughty *grins*. as for the van it might be a good test for the diff unless aztec oils near me can do better on some 40 weight *beer*
Heh, GB's gonna mash me for this. I'll send an Evilbay link if you're interested.
worty ok is it jcb and is it mineral?
It's a 'Made in England' mineral (Exol Optiguard), and looks like it's suitable for a wide range of applications including heavy duty diesels and agricultural machinery - so should be fine for our bikes. The fella (Ken Beard) has two for sale, so may even do a deal for both. Would definitely have one if I was passing that way in the motor. I know GB could get a small rig on that carrier, whereas on the Kwaka, a litre would be about right. *eek* *smile* *wink2*
Soz GB - my bad!
An oil suitable for diesels will be high detergent
naughty berger usually changes the oil every 1000 to 1200 miles he's done 3340 miles since fitting the filter , so with a filter i will make 3000 miles the time to do it again *beer*
naughty berger usually changes the oil every 1000 to 1200 miles he's done 3340 miles since fitting the filter , so with a filter i will make 3000 miles the time to do it again *beer*
Tut, Bergs! If this oil is high detergent, then your filter should catch all the crap pretty well if you used it. Looks like it's not done Betsy any harm anyway. I suppose the 1000 mile intervals were for bikes with the old tea strainer set up, like mine was.
When I delivered my bike and various spares to the new owner I lugged a nearly full 25l drum of SAE40 oil out of the car. He said, "Does the bike use a lot of oil then?" I assured him that it did not but I was in the habit of frequently changing the oil and filter. I'm not sure he understood why you'd feel like doing that. Never mind, not my problem.
Covered another 107 run-in miles yesterday whilst it was warm and sunny. *woo* Went round the Derbyshire Peaks to give it a bit of work up and down the hills. Coped perfectly with everything, but will keep an eye on the low tappety sound (although I'd expect it to be a bit noisier on the valve train as I like wide settings.) Never missed a beat and completed the journey without a fuss. The only downside was a biker who got injured in an accident just approaching High Peak summit just out of Glossop. Apparently, he was too fast round a bend and buried it into the rear of a car! Not saying he was an idiot, but some of those guys are WAY too fast for those roads. *pull hair out*
I do have a weep of oil from the oil tank unions which cover the rear r/h footrest with oil. Only other issues are with the l/h front fork seal and a weep from the primary and g'box, but there's virtually no drops onto the garage floor!!
Only 50m now until the first post-rebuild oil change (300m), then I want to open the throttle a bit and see what happens. Again, will check the gauze, adjust the chain, and wait for the next rain-free day. *woo*
G'day Fellas.
I just can't sit still. So today I swapped over the old front single piston caliper on the HD for a Wilwood four piston job After boiling the rear fluid on a killer hill over Easter and having to rely on the front, I knew I had to do something. Trouble was only a week ago I put new dot five through both (dot 5 = $60, dot 4 = $15) the new one needs dot 4 (dot 3,4 & 5.1 can be mixed dot5 can't). The dot 5 can stay in the rear but had to do a full drain and flush before I used the dot 4 in the front. Job done (only took ALL day the way I'm moving *sick*) but I think I'll have to get a new bigger 9/16" master to push the extra fluid needed to push the 4 pistons. A new braided hose will go on the order too. I'll wait till #2 son comes over to test it (don't tell Deb *shh*). 5 weeks and 2 days till I'm allowed to ride again *whistle* *sarcastic* *grins*
Respect Musky, that five weeks will seem a long time, but will be worth it!
The dot 5 silicone fluid saved my eye. The day after a cataract operation I was messing about with my frogeye's dual master and back pressured the cylinder to try to bleed it. The fluid spurted out of the top and straight into my newly repaired eyeball. The quack said if that had been standard dot3 or 4 I could have lost sight in that eye.
This past weekend, the Tour de Calvados, 9th year, in Normandy. 500-600km over the three days, with watering and feeding stops (it is France after all). Some superb machinery from several countries, including the v tasty green A7 in one pic.
For me, the unrestored V twin was my fave, of the 65 oldies out and about, ranging in age from true pre-1930 vintage to mid '60s (ignoring the odd outlier brought into service due to, er, breakdown of preferred beasts).
Superb event, and a good medium-scale warm up for a harder week in Spain later in the year for many of us.
Son came round this morning for a ride out - I took the GF and he my early vee twin. I lent him my GF when we got back for comparison.
As he said, shame about the vibration, and I agree. Handling is beyond reproach and the engine very sweet since I repaired the magneto (cb end bearing had spun in the casing, wearing the recess until the cb was floating about in the cam ring. Dunno how it ran).
But it still vibrates, which is quite irritating. Smooth up to 40mph, but increasingly unpleasant after that. When I fitted the new conrods I re-balanced the crank to suit, making the balance factor adjustable at the same time. Tried factors between BSA's and SRM's recommendations, but little difference. Rev it up on the centre stand and it rapidly 'walks' backwards. Typical of // twins unfortunately.
All three of my vee twins are smooth. The Firestorm perfectly smooth from tickover to 9,000, my 800cc vee very smooth except for a tingle around 4,000 which is gone again by 4,500 - and the 1,000cc vee smooth all the way. Rev the latter up to 7,000 on its stand and it doesn't move.
Guess instead of creating vee number three I should have made another crank / cam for the GF. Offset of 75* (edit - might be a degree or so out, working from memory) was recommended by the maestro Phil Irving, but no magneto would cope with that angle, so my compromise would have been 60*.
Might do it yet, if the reaper stays away long enough ...... *eek*
G'day RD.
I thought Phil's ideal V was 72 degrees, I'll have to re-read the bible.
Balance factor has a lot to do with it. My A7 plunger (std crank) doesn't walk much at all but the Cafe (72 percent) will escape in the blink of an eye *ex*
Prior to Berg's rebuild, the GF would positively waltz down the street. The Kwaka, on the other hand, has a slight buzz around 55-60, then smooth as you like.
I thought Phil's ideal V was 72 degrees, I'll have to re-read the bible.
You may well be correct Musky - was working from memory. Also, seem to recall the angle depends on length of conrod.
Wash, polish, gas, oil, adjust, test ride, hot dog at Harley dealer, ride home, adjust, I will attempt to gas weld my front exhaust pipe bracket back onto the pipe with everything in place, replace battery, and, finally, try to fix the tank badge.
Richard L.
I did the DGR starting from Evesham. Seems 230 motorcycles turned up! Pictures will be in my Dropbox later.
Here I am setting off.
I did the DGR starting from Evesham. Seems 230 motorcycles turned up! Pictures will be in my Dropbox later.
Here I am setting off.
Where's the aircraft 'carrier' GB?? *smile*
I did the DGR starting from Evesham. Seems 230 motorcycles turned up! Pictures will be in my Dropbox later.
Here I am setting off.
Where's the aircraft 'carrier' GB?? *smile*
....... No, you've got me there🤔....
Didn't you put a large carrier on the new bike - or am I dreaming that??
Didn't you put a large carrier on the new bike - or am I dreaming that??
Oh, I get it now!
I'm working on a new carrier. I need to get it powder coated before I can use it.
G'day Fellas.
I didn't get up to the DGR, Deb had to look after two of the G/kids. I hope every one had a safe and enjoyable day.
So I turned my attention to the HD. A week or so ago I fitted the new Wilwood 4 piston caliper on the front disc and a few days ago fitted the new HEL brake line.
All good till yesterday when I had to move the beast. Front wheel wouldn't turn. *pull hair out* Jacked the wheel off the ground and loosened the two mounting bolts. Wheel spun OK.
I had already shimmed the caliper to get it central to the disc (1 ss washer between caliper and fork leg top & bottom) but it wasn't sitting square and jamming the disc. I ended having to put another washer under the bottom mount. The original caliper had no shims at all *ex* All good now.
I'm still waiting on the new larger master cylinder to arrive from the US but I don't like having it immobilized so will have to bleed it all again.
I also fitted a fork brace to eliminate any twist for when I forget I'm on the HD and find a nice twisty road *bash*
oh dear musky milwood by name whoever they are but made in china like everything else , sorry couldn't resist it after finding out my vauxhall van is a variety of parts made of crap and then i learn vauxhall doesn't exist anymore it is now some big amalgamated concern=== follow the money join the dots and think --------- it's never rate . then go the pub if you can find one in the village that isn't now a tesco extra *beer*
G'day Berger.
I posted the same on the HD Forum.
Straight away I got a reply.
"If this is a Wilwood and not some knock off, I would call them and give them a few words. Wilwood is not some POS caliper, something's not right."
I posted back.
"G'day slickman.
My thoughts exactly. Found this before with "name" products. They must send their rejects over seas, too much trouble to send back. It does have the Wilwood name on it.
At over $600 it should fit itself *ex*
musky my van is badged vauxhall and it is fiat , alfa romeo , egg fried rice, boiled ham and a list to long to mention , i wish i had bought a moggie 1000 traveler .i could have got one for the same price as this bag of poo and been tax and mot exempt , more money for the pub if i could find one open *beer*
Got the 1975 Gold Wing engine out, and ready to overhaul.
Am on a count down; planning to ride from Perth to Victoria this time next year; a friend has a property overlooking the bridge to Phillip Island and has offered a free bed!
The restoration has begun!
G'day Richard.
Let the fun begin. I did one of those back in the 80's. Just a souped up Vee Dub *smile*
So your going for the Supers or GP?
Well, I have owned (and loved) several Type 1's and Type 3's!
My friend Chris recommends the Superbikes as a better experience.
Easier for the public to get closer to the action.
I restored a CB450 for him; he rides over to the events regularly.
G'day Richard.
I've never been to either but all the mates say the Supers are better.
Back on topic sort of.
Over the last week I've been polishing parts and coating timber for the trophies for my Clubs Winter Rally. Today I mounted the bits.
I think RM put most of those parts on my bike at some point *angry* *angry*
Love the names for the trohies mate!
Trying to do something with my bikes now the nice weather has arrived, but still battling to get a shower tray to fit squarely on the plinth I've built. Made of fibreglass and plastic - never straight in a million years.
Sister is arriving from Perth (Oz not Scotland) today, haven't seen her for years so will be good. Fancy a trip down to see her on the bike, ca.120m.
Musky - How's the hip coping with the Harley? You using a lift?? I imagine crouching down is a no-no.?
G'day Col.
Hip is coming along nicely. Getting better every day. It'll be 3 weeks on Thursday, only another 3 till I'm allowed to ride/drive.
I can walk around unaided and even climb a few stairs. Yes getting down to ground level is still difficult but getting there. I'm doing all the physio X 3 every day. The physio nurse is very pleased with the progress. Today I go to the GP to get the bandage changed. The surgeon wants a photo of the wound emailed to him.
Yesterday the ignition switch arrived for the XT500. I'll look at installing that today. Up till now it was just walk up and kick (no I won't try that just yet!).
Might get two more for the BSA's.
I rode my A10 in the DGR yesterday. The other bikes were mostly Harleys and modern retros, but there was one very nice BSA Rocket 3. I was pleased to see a lot of younger people in the group. I was a little nervous taking the A10 on its longest trip since its rebuild, but she ran well with no problems. Well, almost no problems - there is a noticeable pause/gap in acceleration when the throttle is at about 1/4 turn, and when I checked the spark plugs at the end of the day they were black and sooty. It looks like I need to experiment with needle positions and maybe hotter spark plugs?
G'day Tom.
Yes good to see younguns out there and expose them to real motorbikes.
Drop the needle (raise the clip) one notch. Only change one thing at a time.
What fuel are you using?
I rode my A10 in the DGR yesterday. The other bikes were mostly Harleys and modern retros, but there was one very nice BSA Rocket 3. I was pleased to see a lot of younger people in the group. I was a little nervous taking the A10 on its longest trip since its rebuild, but she ran well with no problems. Well, almost no problems - there is a noticeable pause/gap in acceleration when the throttle is at about 1/4 turn, and when I checked the spark plugs at the end of the day they were black and sooty. It looks like I need to experiment with needle positions and maybe hotter spark plugs?
The plugs on my GF were never pale during my ownership. I deduce the engine runs rich but she always went well with no hesitation on acceleration and easy to start. I'd rather have an engine running rich than weak.
Went on the local VMCC 'Muck and Nettles' run. Didn't realise it was a 'very' green lane run. The A10 did well alongside other bikes with knobblies!
With those megaphone 'silencers' the countryside must have enjoyed your company😉
Went out on the Berger Build to finish off the running in. Only meant to do about 50 miles but enjoyed it so much it ended up as 127 *eek* Bike was absolutely lovely - a shade tappety but never missed a beat. Got back and dropped the oil - a bit dark after ca.400m, but still with shades of amber. Undid the feed and return to drain as much out as I could, got a syringe to the oil tank, changed the spin-on filter, dropped the sump and checked the gauze - one small blob of gasket and no discernable metal after around 200m (last time I checked).
Started to open her up a bit and felt great - no strange noises from the motor which purred along! Still no major oil leaks although I need to change the gasket on the gearbox inspection cover.
Really good day, gorgeous roads, fab weather - doesn't get much better than that. Even seemed to handle better after a chain adjustment *????*
Next is a round trip to Stafford on Fri to see sis from Oz on the Kwaka this time. Should be around 250m total round trip.
Interesting though, no-one takes a blind bit of notice when I'm on the Kwak, but loads of interest in the GF *ex*
Went on the local VMCC 'Muck and Nettles' run. Didn't realise it was a 'very' green lane run. The A10 did well alongside other bikes with knobblies!
G'day Andrew.
The old BSA's surprise a lot of people with their dirt capabilities.
My A7 plunger was my "trail bike" for quite a few years when I lived in the bush with just road tyres. A friend & girlfriend on a XT600 snapped a chain so the old girl towed them home over some very rough terrain, hills and creek crossings.
worty if she doesn't blow up in the next 300 miles with you twisting the right hand it will be worth getting the head done , i remember telling you there was heavy pitting in a valve or two and it could do with new valves and guides hence black oil the pitting on the seats and valves would not come out unless i lapped them round brands hatch *work* *problem* *pull hair out* *beer* glad your happy *yeah*
worty if she doesn't blow up in the next 300 miles with you twisting the right hand it will be worth getting the head done , i remember telling you there was heavy pitting in a valve or two and it could do with new valves and guides hence black oil the pitting on the seats and valves would not come out unless i lapped them round brands hatch *work* *problem* *pull hair out* *beer* glad your happy *yeah*
What'd be the cost of valves and guides. I've never done this, so not sure what'd be needed. I remember RM pulling out a valve and commenting it was in good condition?? Do I need to change the oil more regularly if it's getting black?
Worty no you don't need to change it more regularly it just has combustion particles in it and is good for your bon fire ;) now you have the filter everything should be fine. your best bet is find a good workshop and get a price for the work, you can buy your own valves and guides from the interwebby thing, but don't think you have to jump into this soon , enjoy the bl---dy thing . if it's not running like a 2 stroke and leaving wads of smoke behind you leave it *beer*
Worty no you don't need to change it more regularly it just has combustion particles in it and is good for your bon fire ;) now you have the filter everything should be fine. your best bet is find a good workshop and get a price for the work, you can buy your own valves and guides from the interwebby thing, but don't think you have to jump into this soon , enjoy the bl---dy thing . if it's not running like a 2 stroke and leaving wads of smoke behind you leave it *beer*
G'day Worty.
As berger says.
If or when you want it done a seat cut and valve face might all it would need. Depending on the state of the guides.
Cheers guys, always feel reassured when you answer my queries. *respect* I'll keep an eye on the tappet clearances, then I'm going to give her the beans (well, at least 3/4 of a tin) *dribble* *dribble*. I don't have any visible smoke at all, oil is still returning in spits and starts. *woo*
Just so you know, she'd been stood for a couple of weeks and the oil tank drained completely into the sump - I mean, literally to half way down the feed pipe. Obviously, I drained off the oil and put it back in the tank. Anti-drain valve maybe .... and how do they work? *dunno*
*thanks* *thanks*
G'day Worty.
My plunger had been doing that for years. Full tank in just a few weeks. Full motor rebuild and SRM pump fixed it.
If your riding every day or three don't worry. If you check the tank and it's half down do as your doing.
Cheers Musky. The odd thing about it is that it didn't do that prior to fitting the spin on? Obviously trying to start with a full sump isn't clever, so I have an empty, clean, 5 litre oil container with the side cut out. I drain the oil into that then, carefully tip the container back so it's not near the cap, undo the cap, lift carefully and pour back into the tank. I then store the container in a clean plastic bag to prevent contamination, ready for use next time. *bright idea* The whole operation takes 10 mins, and is now part of my pre-ride routine. Tell you what though, those sump plates with magnetic plugs are a godsend, otherwise it'd be a messy operation. *good3*
Today? Absolutely nothing. Weather's dry and sunny so working on my boat (mainly varnishing).
Today? Absolutely nothing. Weather's dry and sunny so working on my boat (mainly varnishing).
Aye, there are always 'other' things to do other than riding bikes when it's dry and sunny, especially in Blighty *razz* *razz*
took the A10 for a ride - the first one since september 2022...
I had an issue with her being impossible to start, so I spent the winter trying all I could think of, checking sparks, fuel, compression and other things, but no luck *sad2*.
In the end she got a refurbished magneto and a new carb - and she is now on the road again, now the clutch needs some attention... it never ends *smiley4*
rgds Joergen
took the A10 for a ride - the first one since september 2022...
I had an issue with her being impossible to start, so I spent the winter trying all I could think of, checking sparks, fuel, compression and other things, but no luck *sad2*.
In the end she got a refurbished magneto and a new carb - and she is now on the road again, now the clutch needs some attention... it never ends *smiley4*
rgds Joergen
You're right about it never ending Joergen. :! I had a new carb on the original rebuild and it was one of the best things I did. Maggie was restored/replaced by an esteemed member of this Forum, also another one of the best things I did (apart from a new (other) ATD) supplied by another esteemed member of this Forum. *good3*
My pre-ride checks go something like this: check oil level and drain sump if it has wet sumped, check g'box and primary levels, check oil is returning, check tyre pressures and spin tyres round to make sure a big nail is not sticking out of one, check lights (work well sometimes, but I have a bad earth somewhere), quick look round to see if all the necessary nuts and bolts are there, check fuel in tank and off I go. Of course, all this amounts to a 4am start on a ride day. *whistle* *whistle*
With the Kawasaki, I take it out the garage, press the button, and I'm off. This necessitates a couple of checks the day before, as I know (unlike the Beeza), the Kwak won't decide to have an unprovoked issue overnight. *razz* *angry* *bash* *pull hair out*
Well, in the end I did do a bit on my bikes - helped my son move the rearsets on my hill-climb B31 further back as he found the riding position uncomfortable (he's 6' 4")
Trouble is, whilst turning a rod to link the gearbox lever to the foot lever, my lathe packed up (Holbrook B17). Sounds electrical, but the star-delta mechanism is a nightmare - it's a cast iron box about 2ft x 9 inches x 4 inches mounted on the rear of the lathe. And the lathe (as many are) is set against the wall, making access to said box almost impossible. I'll have to move the lathe out a bit - it's only three tons *problem*
Pic is of the star-delta wiring diagram (it's all mechanical).
Had to change the rear rim on the red A10 single seater due to it cracking around the spoke holes. I've always rebuilt my own rims ('always' means for the past forty years, never with any problems) but, on this occasion, cracks were starting to appear around the dimples. I'm going on a 700 mile trip Saturday to Wednesday and didn't want the back wheel flying apart. Previous rim was Wassells stainless and I've replaced lie-for-like but wondering if they're a bit flimsy so I've not tightened the spokes quite as much as usual. Will report back on Wednesday!!
Fettling the rocket for Isle of Man TT departure tomorrow, three weeks away.
My first and probably only visit to the TT
Well more so what I did not do today
The Zig Zag railway offically reopened today se the BSAMCC did a run up to the opening , Richmond to Clarence
The week had been very poor motorcycling weaher with icey cold winds , cloudy days & clear nights Brrrr
However the motorcycle gods smiled widely today as no wind, clear sky & Pommie "summer " sun
Found a fuel cap with a gasket in it and proceeded to get a fill up then ride the 65 km to the Richmond meeting point.
Now I had a cheapskate moment as I passed te localservo with unleaded @ $ 1.98 because it was $ 1.65 in Penrith last night.
So $ jaminsimtown I filled the tank confident that t wuld not leak from the fuel cap & I am pleaed to say it didn't
However a k down the road there was a steady stream exiting near the left side of the steering stem.
Seems that ths tank was not cheap kust becaue of the rubbish attempt to fil some dents & knackered fuel cap.
It seems to have 1 hole surplus to requirement
So on the best day for riding we have had in nearly a month it was back to the 4 wheeler , bummer .
Checked the oil levels on the GF ready for the next ride - interestingly, it did not wet sump this time. The gearbox and primary oil leaks are still there, as is the mysterious l/h fork 'leak' (oil is there but the oil in the forks remains at quite a high level?). *dunno*
Decided to helicoil the bearing carrier on the Skoda Octavia. Went extremely well and was successful. Got the pillar drill out and lined up the chuck with the hole by inserting a M9 tap into the chuck and making sure it screwed into the remaining threads on the carrier (turning by hand, of course). Once the tap screwed in and out freely, in went the 9mm drill to clean the hole of the old threads (light oil to lubricate). Then turned to the specialist drill - no problem. Tapping out went well, but had to use a small socket and ratchet on the tap as there wasn't enough room for the handle. Checked repeatedly to ensure tap was straight. Helicoil went straight in, nice and snug. Wanted to loctite it in so screwed it straight through the other side (they don't reverse). Note to self - if helicoiling a blind hole, make sure the loctite is applied before insertion. Very pleased with the outcome!
Shower tray is now glued down and solid as a rock. Next is the surround, which will be a bugga as it needs assembling, with glass, prior to putting it on the tray - all this with very little room! *work* *problem* *pull hair out*
Took the silver A10 to Ellesmere Port National Boat Museum where there was (allegedly) a 'Mods and Rockers' day. There were no signs up or marshalls indicating where to park and no obvious location for the bikes. Nobody said 'hello' or 'Thanks for coming'. The event was supposed to start at 10.00 a.m. Not sure what constituted an 'event' as absolutely nothing happened! Sorry to grumble but are we being used as a sideshow for the benefit of everybody else? I feel the same about 'Bike Nights'. One of our local pubs has a 'bike night' every Thursday which, I'm sure, boosts their drink sales massively.
Discovered a patch of oil under the sump plate when I went to the garage, so decided to investigate. Oil was leaking past the gaskets - not surprised as they've been reused a number of times now. Took sump off and reassembled BUT, as I was tightening the last of the stud nuts, it didn't tighten and continued to rotate *&^%$*&^% I thought *problem* *pull hair out* *angry*
Turns out that the thread for that stud has stripped in the crankcases. I know this because on removing the stud for examination, the threads were full of aluminium *razz* *razz* They also had the remains of red loctite on them (RM *angry* *angry* *razz* *razz*
So, cleaned the stud thread, lathered it in loctite, and shoved it back in. Did the nut up finger tight to allow for loctite to go off. Secured the loose-ish nut with an R clip on the threads. Interestingly though, I've cured the oil leak with three studs and two new gaskets *dunno2* *good3*
worty nowt to do with me that one , have you found the big ends on the sump plate yet and have you done what i did today with betsy beezer and get it on full chat *dribble* i had older chaps out for walkies in the sun turning to look what was coming a 1000 yards away and i was going that fast they could just see a blur as i past. those ally reverse cones are better than sx haha . my gf heard me coming home from 1/2 a mile away , she can't hear me on urma the yonda , don't know weather that's a good thing or a bad thing *lol* *beer*
worty nowt to do with me that one , have you found the big ends on the sump plate yet and have you done what i did today with betsy beezer and get it on full chat *dribble* i had older chaps out for walkies in the sun turning to look what was coming a 1000 yards away and i was going that fast they could just see a blur as i past. those ally reverse cones are better than sx haha . my gf heard me coming home from 1/2 a mile away , she can't hear me on urma the yonda , don't know weather that's a good thing or a bad thing *lol* *beer*
Don't worry Bergs, I'm never going to attribute anything that goes wrong to yours and MWAS's work. *respect* Bike has done 400m from rebuild and sounds sweet as nut. No big ends or con rods on the gauze yet! Just trying to get out and open it up a bit. Sue always says that she knows I'm on the way back because I arrive a minute or two after she can hear me, but Kwaka is always stealth mode despite the megas. *wink2* *wink2*
As for the stud, I believe it's 1/4 Whit - I could tap out slightly larger to metric (apologies for mentioning metric), but given the state of the crankcases, it's a miracle it's on the road and working anyway. If I had a nicer example, I'd be more tempted to keep it standard.
I have metric taps to hand, and should be able to thread without drilling (aluminium??). Are the stud holes blind? If so, would need a bottoming tap?
worty you could just try a small paint brush petrol wash in the stud hole get it super clean and re fit the stud with super locky stuff or try arraldity stuff providing you let it set properly , or 7mm depending on the hole size now. the other option if there is enough ally is to go 5/16th and open up the sump plate if there is enough to take that size hole, but i have just looked at my spare cases and 2 of the holes will go to 5/16th the other 2 will not, and yes the holes are blind.
worty you could just try a small paint brush petrol wash in the stud hole get it super clean and re fit the stud with super locky stuff or try arraldity stuff providing you let it set properly , or 7mm depending on the hole size now. the other option if there is enough ally is to go 5/16th and open up the sump plate if there is enough to take that size hole, but i have just looked at my spare cases and 2 of the holes will go to 5/16th the other 2 will not, and yes the holes are blind.
Cheers mate, I'll have a look at the options and report back. It's not leaking at all with three studs, so should be ok riding - right?!
worty if not leaking just keep an eye on it, but to work on it and get a clear picture tank off and bike leaned over a lot so you can study it properly .
well i did not go to the pub , i took betsy beezer out yesterday so today was urma the yondas turn and we blasted over the derbyshire hills and had a lovely time. the photo of the big rocks is curbar edge where my old mate ruffs ashes are blowing about after he got killed on a suki 1200 bandit i told him not to buy. o well i said hello as i rode past the rocks . rip ruffty the other photos are beeley more and monsal head . have a nice day *beer* hey BIG JIM i got rid of the FOG ;) *lol*
Was planning a trip out round the Derby's Hills myself, but got sidetracked *sad2*
The Loctite Red is holding the stud on enough for me to tighten the nut up quite a bit, so good enough for me. *smile*
Have ordered some two part epoxy to fix the job for good if it comes loose again. *work*
Keep yer ears peeled Bergs, will be out around Snake Pass, Castleton, etc very soon on the GF. *woo*
worty good plan with the two pack stuff i forgot about how good SOME modern resins are , MWAS fixed my garage locking bits with some stuff that sets as hard as MAC hard
They can be brilliant. Fixed a crack in a rocker cover on a Mazda years ago with some Araldite. About 14 years ago I put a resin scattercoat on our drive - still going strong with no cracks!
G'day Bergs.
I just noticed the swing arm on Urma. Do you know what it's off *????*
The new 9/16" Drag Specialties master cylinder arrived for the HD to compliment the new Wilwood 4 pot caliper & Hel braided line.
Removed the old master cylinder and placed on the bench next to the new one.
*pull hair out* BUGGA the old one is from 82 to 95 and has a bit on the lever to actuate the brake light switch. The new one is a 96-17 model and doesn't have this bit so the switch must be a pressure switch in the line. Not possible with the new line
Back on with the old and bleed again. Back in the box with the new and try to flog it on gumtree/ebay (cost me $389 + 4 weeks wait). Now to hunt for the right one. *sad2*
Lucky I've still got a few weeks till I can ride again.
The problem with the crankcase sump plate threads is getting them clean while oil is about.
hi Musky someone told me the swinging arm was early Metmachex and another person said it was early JMC i have no idea mate , no name on it *beer*
The problem with the crankcase sump plate threads is getting them clean while oil is about.
Got a plan for that GB, syringe full of petrol/brake cleaner/meths/carb cleaner. Blast it up there and, maybe, a swizzle about with a cotton bud thingy. Very clean, lint free rag in the sump (for oil drips). Clean the stud end, lather up the threads with epoxy and screw/push in. Wait 24 hours or so, and tighten the nut. I don't belt these nuts up, but they have to be reasonably tight so they don't shake off.
TBH, I got a good result from Loctite Red without thoroughly cleaning the case threads (did clean the stud though). Nut tightens up quite a bit, but too much and the stud starts to extract.
Took the cyl head off the B31 (actually has a B33 motor in it since some clubs amalgamated historic classes, meaning the 350 was running against bigger / more modern ie less old stuff). Reason was my son was racing it at the weekend and he was visited by a lack of all power and 'a tinkling sound' halfway through the event.
Turns out an exhaust valve cotter had disintegrated and allowed the valve to drop. Valve is naturally bent and the valve guide is cracked but otherwise no apparent mischief apart from a couple of slight blemishes on the piston's exhaust valve pocket. That B31 (in 350 guise) gave years of service from mid 60's 'till I finally retired around 15 yrs ago and I only recall two breakdowns, a seized big end when sandracing (ran out of oil) and a broken tappet when hill-climbing (but managed to bodge that for the rest of the day). Had the odd (slightly) bent valve from over-revving but that didn't stop it. But never had (or heard of) a cotter breaking up.
Now to try and remember what valve I used when I built it as a 500 ..... *dunno2*
G'day RD.
No, never had one of them let go.
I never did like that type. Most of the time the valve stem needed dressing to get the valve out.
Is there a way to put SR style valves, collets and keepers in?
Fitted a GS inlet valve / springs / retainer but that required shortening the valve and re-cutting the cotter groove - not easy. Springs are a different diameter and the retainer is alloy - I keep a close eye on that as I fear it might 'spread' and let the cotters through. So far, so good ....
Re the exhaust, seem to recall having the stem ground down, but will need to check against std equipment. Otherwise it'll be a search across the automotive field for correct head dia and length (using Ford Pinto valves in my new motor).
G'day Fellas.
My HD brake problem might be solved.
A HD Forum member from NZ suggested one of these
I'll put it in the caliper end and run the wire up the hose.
I love this interweb!
G'day Fellas.
My HD brake problem might be solved.
A HD Forum member from NZ suggested one of these
I'll put it in the caliper end and run the wire up the hose.
I love this interweb!
It is amazing what's out there Musky!
RDfella my mates B33 dropped a valve many years ago and we found a banana conrod when he lifted the barrel .
RDfella my mates B33 dropped a valve many years ago and we found a banana conrod when he lifted the barrel .
Haven't taken the barrel off yet - piston comes to top, though, so encouraging. If it's OK was considering fitting a dope piston I've got to give it a bit more oomph. Although it won't be me riding it, I rather like the response of a motor on dope - seems to be more instant. If however it turns out more work is required, I'll simply refit the 350 motor. I spent years trying to find a 65-1891 cam for that - now that I have one, it should go even better!
Waiting on a set of canvas saddlebags to arrive in the mail today so I can install them.
today betsy beezer told me she was fed up wanted a run out over the hills so off we went and explored , the exploring got very interesting when my mate told me that i had been on a dogging track *eek* me and betsy just thought we were off roading , anyway we got through that bit of a hiccup because nobody else was there *whistle* i met my mate in Matlock bath where we had food and i showed him the photo , that was when he told me dpggers use it, i didn't ask him how he knew but changed the subject to the ducati 803cc he bought yesterday *good3*
A Google search of "dogging" in an urban slang dictionary will reveal the true context of the idiom expressed in the previous post.
Teabagging is another otherwise innocent pastime which intrigued me after a view of comedian Micky Flanagan's " Live at the Apollo" show. Call it a sheltered life....
Moderators may feel fit to delete this post ...that's fine by me.
G'day Fellas.
A new left switch block arrived for the XT500. The old (only 1 year old) one's horn button packed up a while ago and was replaced with the kill button off the Cafe. Last week the blinkers packed up as well.
Now she's got a bit of a unique wiring system straight from the factory, then "modified" by the previous owner to just run the head & tail lights AC. I also modified to run total loss 12v DC blinkers, horn, instrument lights.
I carefully noted the colour and position of the wires from the old switch block. Cut off the unwanted wires off the new one and plugged it all in. Replaced the fuse in the line, all good. Horn & instrument lights worked. Flicked the right blinker all good, flicked the left blinker, nothing. Then I saw it, that bl@@dy Lucas smoke. *pull hair out* Melted the contacts in the NEW switch block.
Found the problem. Two wires in the new one were different colours to the old one (bought from the same shop and brand). Bl@@dy cheap Asian knock offs.
So $50 down the drain and another $50 for another one. This time I'll check the colour connections in the switch block first.
Musky no good asking me i am colour blind , i get confused with old wiring i have to scrape the ageing from red and brown and still ask someone if that is red or brown, traffic lights are not a problem because when the bottom one goes white off i go *beer*
Musky no good asking me i am colour blind , i get confused with old wiring i have to scrape the ageing from red and brown and still ask someone if that is red or brown, traffic lights are not a problem because when the bottom one goes white off i go *beer*
So Bergs, in the Highway Code you read, top white is 'watch out for coppers', middle white is 'get the wheel spinning', and bottom white is 'drop the clutch and point the front wheel skywards' - just asking *whistle* *whistle* *whistle*
Well I have finally found a job that makes putting on an A10 rocker box a walk in the park, unless someone here know otherwise. Has anyone tried to put a new kick start spring on a Norton Laydown gearbox. It is just not possible, one end of the spring goes into the shaft, the other is meant to sit in one of the groves in the outer cover, all this then held together by a short tube. Springs don’t sit in groves they spring out. 5 hours and lots of google searches for ways to do it and its now ‘in’ but not as tight on the return as it should be as there was not a cat in hells chance of getting it to stay in the next grove around.
Well I have finally found a job that makes putting on an A10 rocker box a walk in the park, unless someone here know otherwise. Has anyone tried to put a new kick start spring on a Norton Laydown gearbox. It is just not possible, one end of the spring goes into the shaft, the other is meant to sit in one of the groves in the outer cover, all this then held together by a short tube. Springs don’t sit in groves they spring out. 5 hours and lots of google searches for ways to do it and its now ‘in’ but not as tight on the return as it should be as there was not a cat in hells chance of getting it to stay in the next grove around.
Well done for getting close Sir. I don't know the job, but have found plenty more relatively impossible tasks when they seem easy to some. I eventually found a way of getting the fork circlip on without ending up in A&E, but that pales into insignificance with your conundrum.
G'day Fellas.
Just not my week.
The new Goodridge banjo bot with brake light switch for the HD arrived. Had a dickens of a job to find one with 7/16 UNF thread. Great, take my mind off electrickal stuff for a while.
The new master cylinder has no provision for a switch so this is a "quick" and "easy" way around that. It replaces the banjo bolt that connects the brake line to the master or caliper then wire in to the original wires. It would look ugly sticking out of the master so I wanted to put it on the caliper and run the wire up the brake line. Now I know the new master and old caliper are 7/16 so quickly pulled the banjo out of the caliper and the new banjo wouldn't fit through the line fitting. Quick measurement of the removed banjo showed 3/8 UNF and threw it back in. BUGGA. *rant*
New 3/8 bolt will be here Monday/Tuesday. Back to the wiring.
Jeez Musky, you're having a stinker. *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
For me, I think I found the source of my 'oil leak'. I put a load of old gearbox oil on the chain prior to the last run. I reckon the excess oil is running off the cases where the g'box sprocket is, down the centrestand leg and onto my garage floor. There is a weep from the g'box and sump plate (despite new gaskets), but not enough for the small 'puddle'. Also, oil levels remain fine. Still, does seem to be a lot of oil?? Oh, and nothing coming off the rear of the inner primary cover.
I'm sure my 'new' fork oil seal is not sealing, so that'll be off before long. Hope to get out for a longish ride tomorrow in the nice sunshine - will see how she holds up with a bit of 'spirited' riding. *smile*
G'day Fellas.
Getting out of the shed today. Need some R&R.
I sold a A65 project for a mate on FB Market place. Listed it at $1000 ono and got $2000. So today I take it down to it's new custodian in Canberra. Also a good excuse to have a few beers with my Best Man while I'm down there.
G'day Fellas.
Getting out of the shed today. Need some R&R.
I sold a A65 project for a mate on FB Market place. Listed it at $1000 ono and got $2000. So today I take it down to it's new custodian in Canberra. Also a good excuse to have a few beers with my Best Man while I'm down there.
The extra dosh will pay for those recent disasters mate!
Went out last night on the recently purchased Super Rocket after making it (just about) roadworthy. The run was successful in that it pointed out a few more jobs which needed to be done. The head gasket started blowing and the back brake is useless! I tackled the head gasket today and, in the process found that the carb is incorrect. It is fitted with a 376 (1.062") and the head venturi measures 1.125" so I dragged a 389 out of the bits box and fitted it after completing the head gasket job. I've sacked the air filter so gone straight up to a 400 main jet. The bike has an SRM engine but it whines a bit, maybe from the timing gears. I bought the bike from an old guy who hasn't used it for a long time and we both knew that a lot of recommissioning was required. I've decided to resist the temptation of restoring it and to leave it with its 60+ year old patina and battle scars. Work undertaken so far: rebuilt gearbox and replace sleeve gear/mainshaft bushes, swap 6 spring for 4 spring clutch, weld kick lever on centre stand, fix oil tank connectors, replace cylinder head gasket, remove crash bars and rear rack, fit 389 carb, two new tyres, new primary and secondary chains, rebuild dynamo and fit DVR2 (still 6v), fit ATD whilst retaining the manual advance/retard (makes starting easier and eliminates ankle-breaking kick back!), change all oils, replace rocker feed pipe, fit bigger front sprocket, repair casting flaw on inner chaincase to stop it leaking (success!), remove siamese exhaust system and replace with twin pipes (a bit scruffy but suits the bike!), fit new batteries and battery box, tighten swinging arm pivot (I will replace the silentblocs with a bush kit at a later date). After replacing the head gasket and carb today I started it up in the garage and it sounded pretty good so I'll be taking it out on a short run tomorrow and will report back. Photo shows bike 'as found'.
Well done. Lotsa useful work done there. I like the idea to leave it as-is with regard to 'cosmetic restoration' too.
Interesting that you've used the ATD, but retained the Manual A/R (I'd assumed they were mutually exclusive).
Well done. Lotsa useful work done there. I like the idea to leave it as-is with regard to 'cosmetic restoration' too.
Interesting that you've used the ATD, but retained the Manual A/R (I'd assumed they were mutually exclusive).
When fitting an ATD to a manual magneto just leave the advance and retard lever in the full advance position, wedge the ATD open into its full advance position (as you would normally) and fit. This gives you the best of both worlds. When riding, if the bike pinks a bit under load, you can use the A/R lever to retard it a bit. When starting the bike leave the lever in the full advance position and the ATD takes care of the retarding. The problem with manual magnetos is that, as you retard the lever, you're also making the points open late relative to the optimum flux position. If you try to start on full retard you've probably killed the spark altogether so you need to experiment with the A/R lever to find a position where the bike will start but not kick you back. Consequently you will get kicked back occasionally. The ATD should eliminate all this fiddling about. I find that, after fitting and ATD, I never need to touch the A/R lever.
Good to see you out and about on it the other evening. You've done a fair bit to it, though i didn't doubt you would let things lie for too long.
I took my A10 up to 70 on the way home, just to see if it would get there, just for a minute, didn't want to wreck the old thing but won't be going at that speed too often but it's good to know it's capable.
My son rode the Ducati Pantah for the first time the other day, came back with a big grin on his face stating that it did 60 in 2nd, well I was not having that *fight*, next ride on the A7 and yes she will do 60 in 2nd, I think the values were bouncing a bit though >:D
I had the Cagiva version, the 650 Alazzurra. It was great when running properly but it used to go onto one cylinder and I never managed to get to the bottom of the problem.
Beautiful day, so went on a 136m excursion down the winding, leafy backroads of the Howardian and Yorkshire Hills - fantastic. *smile* *smile* The bike was excellent (opening her up quite a bit now with no issues). Have got a tappety/rattle from the timing side, reckon this could be the dynamo chain so not really too concerned. There were no uncomfortable noises, except for the people I was passing rather rapidly. It's hard not to be listening too closely to the motor for weird sounds, but my mantra is that if it's running as well as that, there can't be too much wrong. *good3*
Went out last night on the recently purchased Super Rocket after making it (just about) roadworthy. ..............................After replacing the head gasket and carb today I started it up in the garage and it sounded pretty good so I'll be taking it out on a short run tomorrow and will report back. Photo shows bike 'as found'.
Following on from yesterday's post, I took the bike out today and was surprised that it was running very weak. With a brand new carb specced for the bike I expected it to be about OK. In my experience [and i've fitted three of the new Amals to alloy head A10's] I find they run weak if using the original spec jets. With the original spec jets the bike pinked really badly under load. I did a few adjustments when I got home, initially increasing the needle jet to a 107 which resulted in an immediate, dramatic, improvement, but it was occasionally 'lumpy' indicating too rich. So I went down to a 1065 which caused the pinking to return, but only slightly. I've left the 1065 in and lifted the needle a notch to no. 4 which seems just about right. The bike runs really well now but, I suspect, is threatening to pink under load. However it's running well enough to use and I'm down to fine tuning. I also went up on the main jet to 420. So, the optimum setting seems to be main jet 410/420, needle jet 1065/107 with the needle set rich for the 1065 or lean for the 107. The plug colour looks about right. If I get the impression, after further use, that it is still running a bit weak I may go back to the 107 needle jet and drop the needle to no.2 to see how that compares. This Super Rocket has the '1126' head which has not got the bigger valves of the later heads.
Further evidence of the new Amals running weak is that my RGS has exactly the same symptoms running a similar carb. I had a Super Rocket a few years ago which also presented the same symptoms and the only way I could cure the pinking was by fitting a Mikuni though, knowing what I know now, I might have succeeded by persevering more with the Amal.
Anticipating a ride next weekend, I thought I would get to the bottom of the starting issue with the new Amal 389. It has been starting poorly but running well when hot with occasional spit at idle and occasional stall at the traffic lights. I assumed that the idle circuit had a blockage or something. I began to remove the carb - fuel lines disconnected, tank off - then noticed the carb banjo was loose. Seems it might have been sucking in air through the banjo connection with throttle slide closed. I suspect I never tightened it after fitting the fuel lines - at least I don't remember. So tightened up the banjo, refitted everything and kicked it over. Idling nicely from near cold. I'll take it for a ride to see if the problem is fixed. Checked tyres, all oils and did a bit of grinding on the sidestand pivot as it stops two inches out from the exhaust pipe.
Had a bit of time for the bikes today.
Yesterday took the fuel pump out of my Focus. What a pig's ear of a design. Why not mount the pump inline between tank and engine? Had to cut the floor to get access to the top of the tank, then struggle to get it out / apart. And what a banger of a design - half a dozen plastic mouldings which must have cost a fortune in injection moulds - just to locate a small pump inside. If I was offered £5k to design something more unnecessarily complicated I'd have to admit defeat. At least it wasn't designed by an idiot - and idiot could never manage such complication.
So whilst I'm waiting delivery of a new pump, it was back on the bikes today.....
First off, the B31 / 33. Took the barrel off and pleased to note the rod is OK as is the piston. Undecided yet whether to go to methanol and fit the 11:1 piston I have.
Machined the end off the exh valve guide; it couldn't be drifted out as was because the valve stem had split it. After a few minutes on the mill damaged section removed and guide drifted out no problem. Now to make a new one. Fortunately have new cotters and spring retainer in stock - just waiting on a new exh valve (it's standard, but the inlet is DBD).
Then onto the vee twin. I've not been happy with its 'lurching' around 30mph in 3rd gear, and tried to diagnose the issue with an exhaust gas analyser. That showed a tad rich at best achievable tickover, but getting richer with increasing throttle (although after riding on the road, plugs come out white). So today decided to drop the needles a notch. The RH cab is easy (unscrew the carb top) but the LH one ain't. Tank off, unscrew cable choke (thankfully I modded that a while back, as previously I had to unclip the choke cable back to the splitter box and disconnect it there to get it out).
Now I just need to unscrew it and then unscrew the carb body whilst holding the top. The hassle is occasioned because both throttle and choke cables exit the LH carb with an elbow and are locked in a position so they follow a tunnel I made in the tank. Anyway, about an hour and it's back together ready for a road test. Won't be tomorrow as I have a skip arriving and (hopefully) the stonemason to start modifying an old washhouse gable before it collapses. And I need to chase up the roofer regarding another repair... *eek*
Off for a Kwaka ride to the Dales to spend a few scorching hot days in beer gardens eating fish and chips with Sue. *smile* *smile*
I came across an interesting problem yesterday which proves 'everyday is a school day'. My mate has had a faithful A10 for as long as I've known him. Last year he decided that Old Faithful was getting tired and it transpired that everything was virtually worn out. He had the engine rebuilt (most of it) by a club member. My mate was left to fit the rocker box, timing gears and magneto. When nearly everything was finished he called me to fit the mag for him, which I did, then we started the bike. It sounded dreadful, like a brawl in a Victorian pan shop. It sounded like a pushrod had come out or pistons hitting valves... I checked the tappets and noticed that the movement of the tappets looked a bit weird. As a tappet closed it 'bumped' and looked as if it was trying to open again. I phoned the engine builder and described it as 'the camshaft seems to be trying to lift two followers at the same time'. It wasn't just a case of incorrect valve timing. The engine builder and I decided to take the bike back to base, get it on the bench and put our heads together. A torch down the plug holes showed no witness marks of valves getting passionate with pistons (and compression was good with the tappets loose) and a careful check under the tappet covers confirmed that the pushrods were fitted correctly. Nevertheless we took the rocker box off to be sure. After a cup of tea (best tool in the workshop) our combined wisdom resulted in a 'light-bulb-moment' when we realised that, for some reason the camshaft was, in fact, lifting followers randomly because the endfloat was incorrect. (I digress for a moment....If you look at the followers in the barrels there is no clearance between each pair, i.e. they rub against each other, and the camshaft lobes are almost as big as the followers so there is no tolerance for misalignment of the camshaft. Correct alignment is achieved by ensuring the cam gear is tightened against the plain end of the cam and the cork washer under the top hat breather ensures there is no endfloat. ..end of digression!). So, off with the inner timing cover to find that, as predicted, Old Faithful Owner had failed to tighten the cam gear by about two or three threads, enough to cause the camshaft to float a couple of mm. to the left, so the right hand lobes of each pair (left exhaust and right inlet) were indeed lifting both followers. After assembly the bike ran as sweet as you might expect and Old Faithful Owner chuffed (and embarrassed). Engine builder and I pretty chuffed too. Job done in about three hours which included taking the rocker box off and replacing it. Time for a beer, I think!
Worty, My heart bleeds for you - poor bugger!
Have got a tappety/rattle from the timing side, reckon this could be the dynamo chain
Fitting a dynamo belt was good for me.
The other thing that gives a clatter like this is if you have a worn cam reground (too small) and the followers bottom out on that little retaining screw.
Taught myself how to make a throttle cable today. Feeling pretty good about that. It's the little victories.
Off for a Kwaka ride to the Dales to spend a few scorching hot days in beer gardens eating fish and chips with Sue. *smile* *smile*
Need any help with eating Sue? 😉
went out on urma yonda today and soon found out the swinging arm was falling out *eek* not really the back tyre and front tyre had been in neglect by it's owner because of Christine taking over my life for the last few months, Christine passed her MOT today *yeah* so she better behave more like a good little girl and not like the wicked witches from north or south or even east and west. now where was i oh yes me and urma had a lovely time untill i heard her PINKING , pinking never rate , i soon realised it was her keys and key ring tricking me with the urma vibes, not to be compared to betsy's vibes that are much more acid trip in the rear view mirror ;) the down side of mine and urma's ride was me coming out at the north end of sheffield and we had a mare of traffic lights and road workings to get through on the way home to chesterfield *pull hair out* those misters in high viz on their mobile phones should be made to put them under the tracks of the heavy plant and get some work done. it is not fun sitting in a mile long traffic jam that i couldn't filter through with biker gear on., even betsy with her clip ons would have claimed a 100 car door mirrors *bash*
Had a great week at the VMCC Scarborough touring week. Vanned up taking the Model 7 and the A7. Riding Monday through Friday doing a total of 400 miles, in wonderful scenery and dry warm weather. Nice stops for refreshments and the food at the camp was good too. Slept in the van, which still proved a bit cold during the night even with a duvet and two sleeping bags. Highlights for me were the 14 odd miles on Weak Road across the tops of the moors and the ultimate hill run which included going up Rosedale chimney bank, reputed to be the steepest road in England (A7 first gear). The A7 defiantly does not like long slow hills, she just seams to lose power at about 40 in top and just dropping to third does not seem to have the required effect so had to use 2nd at times (I thought that was just her not liking heights in Spain). She got her own back by falling over again this time in the bump stop in the van and again I am amazed that there appears to be no major damage, just one broken tank badge (anyone got a black and sliver left hand pair shaped badge). A great week highly recommended and it is on again next year from the 8th June.
ps some pics of other A’s there, there were two more but they did not stay at the camp site so could not photo them.
pps pic of the Model 7 at a famous garage
even betsy with her clip ons would have claimed a 100 car door mirrors
Bergs, the Kwaka has micky mouse ears for mirrors, and it'll fit anywhere if I'm held up, in 30C heat, in my black leather jacket!! It was so hot when I was away with Sue, I had to ride with no socks, no gloves, and the jacket down to my navel (apologies to all the safety conscious!). Won't tell you what I rode in back in the day - H&S never existed in my mind.
Had a great week at the VMCC Scarborough touring week. Vanned up taking the Model 7 and the A7. Riding Monday through Friday doing a total of 400 miles, in wonderful scenery and dry warm weather. Nice stops for refreshments and the food at the camp was good too. Slept in the van, which still proved a bit cold during the night even with a duvet and two sleeping bags. Highlights for me were the 14 odd miles on Weak Road across the tops of the moors and the ultimate hill run which included going up Rosedale chimney bank, reputed to be the steepest road in England (A7 first gear). The A7 defiantly does not like long slow hills, she just seams to lose power at about 40 in top and just dropping to third does not seem to have the required effect so had to use 2nd at times (I thought that was just her not liking heights in Spain). She got her own back by falling over again this time in the bump stop in the van and again I am amazed that there appears to be no major damage, just one broken tank badge (anyone got a black and sliver left hand pair shaped badge). A great week highly recommended and it is on again next year from the 8th June.
ps some pics of other A’s there, there were two more but they did not stay at the camp site so could not photo them.
pps pic of the Model 7 at a famous garage
Love that part of the world. If you get chance, ride the area just south of the Moors - leafy, remote, quaint and dreamy! *smile*
Now then children; what is wrong with this picture?
Brake arm angle?
Brake arm angle?
Well done, you've earned a gold star for your exercise book.
i know what is wrong with that picture , whoever took it used my 21 odd year old foggy phone *lol*
Mod edit: Please see;topicseen#msg158154
i know what is wrong with that picture , whoever took it used my 21 odd year old foggy phone *lol*
.... or the Polaroid Instamatic *wink2*
Please see;topicseen#msg158154
G'day Fellas.
Prepared the A7 for a w/end away. G/box & primary oil, drained off stale fuel (over 2 months old), checked all nuts & bolts and did a trial pack of gear.
Only a short ride of 70 miles each way but will be the first since hip opp 6 weeks ago. Expecting minus C but fine. Between Oberon and Goulburn on the Abercrombie River. Bottle of Wild Turkey will keep me warm (won't feel the cold *smile*).
One day I'll have to remove the pillion seat and make a rack for her.
Aaarh musky,
Wild turkey might keep you warm, but you will need Bundy OP to take the edge off your Origin massacre.
Great Musky, but watch out for that hip, and the booze-bus!
Went out to refill the brake reservoir on the Kwaka as it was very low. Filled to level and checked brake, seemed fine. However, on checking round the caliper, it seems I have a very slight fluid leak - which would account for the dropping level. It's lasted about 3k from full to nearly empty, so I've ordered a seal kit. :!
Whilst I was at it, I whipped off the rocker cover to check clearances. A few were on the limit of too tight, but I put it all back together until I can find a good source of 7.48mm shims. Plugs were not tight, a slight pressure on the plug spanner saw them turn easily. Have to watch the ally threads, but that was too loose for my liking. Looks like the rocker cover has not been off for a long, long time, very 'stuck'. However, Kawasaki use an excellent, reusable seal so not having to fuss around with paper gaskets and goo is welcome. One irritation is that the cover is really hard to get off under the frame - maybe copied BSA too closely. *angry*
Can anyone recommend a good source/make of quality shims that are not OEM. I heard Chinese ones were not good, but Hotcams are ok.
G'day Worty.
I get mine from but surely there must be a mob over there.
Do not run tight shims for too long, burnt valves/seats will result.
until I can find a good source of 7.48mm shims.
Can anyone recommend a good source/make of quality shims that are not OEM. I heard Chinese ones were not good, but Hotcams are ok.
I use the Hotcam shims on my 2013 Tiger 800. A few years ago i bought a complete set of about 140 shims with 3 shims per size. They were £80 then but dare say they have gone up loads now. I've done two shim replacements on mine and one on a mates bike and can't fault them.
G'day Fellas.
Well I wasn't happy when I trial packed the bike. With the gear sitting on the sprung pillion saddle it wobbled around a bit. Nothing worse than going for a ride and thinking it might come loose and waiting for the back wheel to lock up *ex*
So how am I going to make a rack quickly. Looking around I thought about the shopping trolley that was dumped over the road but a bit big unless I towed it *eek*. Then I saw it, the old XT that's in the grave yard after the fire. The rack on it was modified to fit it so it could be modified to fit the BSA. Pillion seat off and use it's rear mount. An hour or so later I had it fitted. Remove and clean the 3 years of sitting out in the weather, a quick hit with a foo foo can, rough but it will do. Refit and it's as solid as a rock.
Now packed with tent, swag & sleeping bag. I love ocky straps. It all will stay put.
Now packed with tent, swag & sleeping bag. I love ocky straps. It all will stay put.
Great work. I call them Bungy Straps. I agree, they are great 👍
Here is my old beast of burden on the way to Cheshire BSAOC camp.
that should make it easy to get the front wheel in the air musky. but are you trying to show up GB's recent pack rack efforts???
that should make it easy to get the front wheel in the air musky. but are you trying to show up GB's recent pack rack efforts???
G'day Mike.
I might ride the whole way on the back wheel *sarcastic*. Not at all, just something I knocked up quickly. Waste not want not, was about the only part of the burnt XT that is usable.
I'll have to carry the grog and morning coffee on my back!
yeah i do remember that photo of when your shed burned. arrrg *sad2*. amazing anything escaped that.
maybe you could made up a special front wheel brace/holder to hold the grog,and help re-balance the bike (and rider).
(oops - banter alert)
G'day Mike.
I forgot food, first aid kit, wet weathers, thermos etc. So I borrowed the HD's saddle bags.
Ha, that wasn't my shed, it was my house. Recognize the rack on the XT?
G'day Mike.
I forgot food, first aid kit, wet weathers, thermos etc. So I borrowed the HD's saddle bags.
Ha, that wasn't my shed, it was my house. Recognize the rack on the XT?
Weekend resto job on that XT Musky *eek* *wink2*
Kwaka jobs include front brake caliper seals, reshim, and carb balance (why the fudge does the adjuster screw have to be so inaccessible). I also want to whip the sump cover off at some point and check the gauze. One of the sump screws (8mm) is very inaccessible. Fortunately, I have a very short 8mm socket from some cheapo set I acquired years ago and never used. Got a 1/4" bit to go in the end that also has a hex section to get a spanner on - should work??
Beeza jobs include the l/h fork seal (again!!), primary leak, epoxying the sump stud (holding at present), and looking for the bad earth (again). In addition to the Dundee trip next month, I'm also planning a Wales trip the week before on the GF *eek* Must check the breakdown cover is up to date.
Incidentally, I ordered a ProX shim kit that looks like good quality. Cost was £111. If anyone needs a 7.48mm shim in either the smaller or larger sizes, I'd be happy to look at possible exchange or low cost sale. *good3* *good3*
G'day Fellas.
I'm back, a little sore but OK. I don't think I could have ridden much further just yet.
The ride down was a bit chilly. Had to stop after 60km at Oberon for coffee just to warm my fingers. It got colder over Shooters Hill and by the time I reached Abercrombie I was frozen. I was early so got my pick of camp spots. Thankful the temp didn't drop below freezing but with 3/4 bottle of bourbon under my belt I didn't notice.
The numbers are dwindling at rally's these days, only about 150 there.
I won the trophy for oldest combined bike and rider, 132 years.
The ride home was equally cold about 4C but add the wind chill at 60mph felt like 10 below. All up 280km and she didn't miss a beat and no oil leaks.
You are one tuff bugger Musky!
By contrast to Musky's expedition, six of us from the Cheshire branch set off in blazing sunshine to meet up with our friends from the South Derbyshire Branch at The Miners' Standard in Winster. We had a lovely run to their camp then joined in with their run-out for more miles across the Derbyshire countryside. Three of us from Cheshire were on A10s and all ran well and sounded great amongst the other BSAs.
You guys must be masochists, i wouldn't want to ride a // twin more than a dozen miles. Can't stand the vibes. Tried a range of balance factors on my GF but makes little difference; fine up to 40mph but increasingly annoying thereafter. Real shame, as they ride as well as they look, but it was for good reason that motorcycle engineers back in the day stated that 500cc was the limit for a // twin. They knew that thereafter it would be impossible to keep the vibes down to an acceptable level.
But what have I done today? Re-assembled the B33 head that had the failed exhaust valve due to a cotter splitting. Made a new valve guide (cast iron this time) re-cut and ground the seat and started refitting the valve. Tried the springs on the new spring retainer - no fit! The register for the springs was .020" oversize. Can nothing be made properly these days? This came from a well-known reputable seller too. So had to turn up a mandrel to hold the retainer whilst I reduced the register. Plain sailing after that. *smile*
You guys must be masochists, i wouldn't want to ride a // twin more than a dozen miles. Can't stand the vibes. Tried a range of balance factors on my GF but makes little difference; fine up to 40mph but increasingly annoying thereafter. Real shame, as they ride as well as they look, but it was for good reason that motorcycle engineers back in the day stated that 500cc was the limit for a // twin. They knew that thereafter it would be impossible to keep the vibes down to an acceptable level.
But what have I done today? Re-assembled the B33 head that had the failed exhaust valve due to a cotter splitting. Made a new valve guide (cast iron this time) re-cut and ground the seat and started refitting the valve. Tried the springs on the new spring retainer - no fit! The register for the springs was .020" oversize. Can nothing be made properly these days? This came from a well-known reputable seller too. So had to turn up a mandrel to hold the retainer whilst I reduced the register. Plain sailing after that. *smile*
Having said that, RD, the Japanese made some excellent // twins. The Kwaka has a slight buzz around 45-50mph, then disappears and rides like a dream. *smile* As for the GF, I ride it for miles (last time 127m) with only a fuel break. Yes, I feel a bit numb in the bum, arms and back, and it takes me longer to get up the following day, but, like partying and a hangover, it's worth it at the time and is very addictive. *wink2* *good3* *beer* *beer*
i did not go to the pub, i went out on betsy and went to Bill lomas [ famous bike rider and engineer ] old bike shop in clay cross , it is now a show room and cafe run by his son Tim with a variety of bikes on show from back in the day *dribble* a lot of 70's nutter japanese bikes as well as not so nutter like 4 strokes all looking good, a few old matchies etc with drip trays *lol* and a manx with sign saying do not touch! . coming back home i drowned out my tappet rattle by getting betsy on nearly full chat past the Hunloke arms pub, the people sat outside were turning to see what was coming and then we went past in a flash and i dropped her down the box approaching a silly type of roundabout thing. i decided i had to set the tappets or put sound proofing under the honda tank because when i close my legs around the tank i can't hear them *bright idea*. i then went out on urma the yonda because she needed a blast too, so a good day was had, the next time i go to Bill lomas at clay cross i will take my modern not foggy phone and take some piccciees because you lot love piccccieees don't you?? thankyou for listening have a nice day *beer*
You realise you're a total loon Bergs *wink2* Didn't get out today, but did put together a diagram to help me with the shim service on the Kwaka (piccie). *bright idea* Need to pull both steeds out and crack on with the fixing, then they'll be 'champing at the bit' to get out (or is that just me). *smile*
just found out i don't need to take the phone next time ,, just googly Bill Lomas motorbikes and the piccieees are there *yeah*
just found out i don't need to take the phone next time ,, just googly Bill Lomas motorbikes and the piccieees are there *yeah*
Swapped out the Western bars for proper bars and installed new throttle control. Waiting for the new throttle cable kit to arrive.
Reshimmed 3 of the eight valves in the Kwaka *smile* Interesting experience - I ordered a shim kit that went up in 0.025mm increments thinking that'd give me greater flexibility with setting the gaps. As it happens, the kit doesn't contain the 'multiples of five' shims, meaning I don't have the .00 and .05mm incremental sizes. Didn't make too much difference though as I just wanted to increase the gap on the three valves that were on the tighter lower end. Just to mention .05mm is the entire tolerance range. Thinking about it, these gaps are tiny. The inlet tolerance is between 0.08mm-0.13mm, or around a 10th of a mm - that's just mad! When you get to 100ths and 1000ths of a mm, will it really make much difference when you get the feeler gauges out. One shim I thought was 3.0mm when measured on my simple digital caliper, but I'd measured it on a slightly more worn part of the jaws (plastic) and it was actually 3.1mm. Because I thought it was 3.0mm, I dropped the shim down .025mm to 2.975mm, thus creating a 'huge' gap when tested with the feeler gauges. Ended up putting a 3.075mm shim in which brought it to within tolerance. I've now ordered a metal micrometer to measure everything more accurately, but these gaps are crazy small. Bike sounds a bit smoother and ticks over more evenly (even with the carb balancing to do next)
May leave the master cylinder strip down 'til winter as I do have brakes (unless something dramatic happens, of course).
Adjusted the clutch engine side to (hopefully) make gear changes a tad smoother.
Any comments on oiling the foam filters?? Handbook says douse in 10w40 and press out as much excess as possible. I was thinking of that air filter spray oil - is it really necessary to do it at all?? *smile*
G'day Worty.
0.08-0.13mm is common with OHC motors from the Orient. Same as my rHonda, I prefer to set them (16 of the buggers) on the loose side.
Having never done a Kumansukme W800 I watched a youtube video. How easy is that *ex* I remember the old Z's had the shims under the buckets so the cams had to come out to do the shims. Even on my rHonda is time consuming with the shims on top o the buckets.
As for oiling filters I use the spray on stuff
Cheers Musky
A while back I bought a telescopic, round ended magnet for rescuing things I'd dropped. Turns out the end to this tool is exactly the same diameter as the shims, so it was a doddle to pull them out and get them in. Kawasaki made it so easy as you can slide the rocker arms to one side whilst doing this operation. The only very, very slight issue is you have to move the exhaust arms to one side to give enough room to slide the inlet arms over far enough. Even if you did drop one, it drops harmlessly into the top of the head and is easily retrievable without having to pull the engine apart. All are now around the loose end of spec with one a bit tighter on 0.10mm - but that's inlet so runs a bit cooler.
I did replace the seals in the brake caliper, and it seems good-ish (doesn't leak). I do think the master cylinder needs new seals at some point though. I have the kit minus the piston, which still should be serviceable, so will do that at some point - I also have long-nosed, angled circlip pliers to get at the deep circlip *eek* *eek*
I'll check out the local store for the spray on oil, I'm sure they have some for around £8.
Cheers all, hopefully going to Wales prior to the marathon trip to Dundee - watch this space. Weather has been a bit all over the place of late. *wink2*
Just back from the Panther rally in Devon. Went as a guest with tthe A10. Great time as ever and the engine ran like a noisy swiss watch. Utterly shattered after lots of miles. Wet on way down on Friday but all gone by the Sat ride out thankfully. Managed to get an air bnb so dodged the camping this year, hoorah. Still couldn't sleep Fri night tho, boo. Managed to get my bottle of brandy back in the raffle! Would have posted a photo but was not generally in a fit state to take one. Will be checking and changing some fluids prior to the Wales BSAOC rally next weekend. Will not be doing that today mind.
*countdown* *beer* *beer* *good3*
Just back from the Panther rally in Devon. Went as a guest with tthe A10. Great time as ever and the engine ran like a noisy swiss watch. Utterly shattered after lots of miles. Wet on way down on Friday but all gone by the Sat ride out thankfully. Managed to get an air bnb so dodged the camping this year, hoorah. Still couldn't sleep Fri night tho, boo. Managed to get my bottle of brandy back in the raffle! Would have posted a photo but was not generally in a fit state to take one. Will be checking and changing some fluids prior to the Wales BSAOC rally next weekend. Will not be doing that today mind.
*countdown* *beer* *beer* *good3*
Nice one Jim, can be exhausting after a big ride, but ya just keep goin' back for more - addictive!
Wales BSAOC rally next weekend.
I might see you there, on the new Beeza 👍
Wales BSAOC rally next weekend.
I might see you there, on the new Beeza 👍
Whereabouts is this? I'm a member of the BSAOC and been over to the website and still can't find details of the venue.
Wales BSAOC rally next weekend.
I might see you there, on the new Beeza 👍
Whereabouts is this? I'm a member of the BSAOC and been over to the website and still can't find details of the venue.
I had a look on the BSAOC site this morning. The South West Wales weekend is mentioned but not the location.
I think it is probably advertised in the Star club magazine. The weekend is usually held at the village hall at PORTHYRHYD, postcode SA32 8PJ. There is camping on site. Two pubs are very close.
Screen grab:
Decided to service the master cylinder on the Kwaka - what an easy job it turned out to be *smile* (I was dreading it). Circlip came straight out with the long-nosed pliers, rest of the gubbins just pulled out. The kit was great and, after a mega clean, I reassembled using brake fluid as a lubricant for the new seals. Shoved the spring on the end and in it went - bit of a wiggle to get the circlip back in!! In actual fact, the brake doesn't seem a great deal different from before, although I do think its firmer despite the usual long travel. From what I've read, the length of travel to full brakes varies with bike and manufacturer, but I reckon the Kwaka, as a tourer, doesn't need a gnat's wing of travel to lock the front wheel. Anyhow, I'm pleased it's done and I can forget about it for a while. I may need new caliper pistons next time around, but the old ones are serviceable for my purposes. *Bergs* found the tiny 'pin' hole and used a strand of electrical wire to make sure it was clear.
Next job is to get a decent day to get it hot, then do the carb balancing with my newly acquired gauges. Hoping the weather gets a bit more reasonable as it's very unsettled at present.
Finally, for our Aussie friends, my sons have decided to visit Oz in Feb/Mar next year. They're starting at my sister's in Perth, then to Sydney for week, then to Brisbane and the Gold Coast for a week before coming home (4 weeks in total). Any tips I can give them will be very gratefully received, i,e, places to avoid, places to visit, anything that'll save them money and/or hassle. *good3*
Bring yer togs ( *smile* and don't mention cricket).
Bring yer togs ( *smile* and don't mention cricket).
After THAT Test, mentioning cricket anywhere in Oz or Blighty definitely 'isn't cricket' *ex* *ex* *whistle* *wink2*
Finally, for our Aussie friends, my sons have decided to visit Oz in Feb/Mar next year.
Any tips I can give them will be very gratefully received
Warn them about the Drop Bears
Finally, for our Aussie friends, my sons have decided to visit Oz in Feb/Mar next year.
Any tips I can give them will be very gratefully received
Warn them about the Drop Bears
We got that tip from my sister, the boys will be wearing crash helmets to protect themselves when under trees *wink2* *wink2*
G'day Fellas.
I always say "brakes only slow you down".
Well I've been trying to get the front brake of the HD to do a little better. Replaced the original single piston caliper with a Wilwood 4 piston, HEL braided line and a Drag Specialties master cylinder. Also needed a pressure switch for the brake light.
Got it all mounted up. Took her for a short ride. Not impressed! About the same stopping power as the old original single piston.
I think there is a problem with the new 9/6" Drag Specialties master. When I was bleeding the system the lever would travel about 2/3 distance and hit a very stiff spot. If I put more pressure on the lever it would travel to the bars but most of the time wouldn't return! This can't be normal? On the road it hits this "stiff spot and I can't pull the lever any further. I was expecting to be able to lock the wheel, I can on a mates standard 2000 twin cam! Bugga!
I'll throw the old master back on to see if that works.
G'day Fellas.
I always say "brakes only slow you down".
Well I've been trying to get the front brake of the HD to do a little better. Replaced the original single piston caliper with a Wilwood 4 piston, HEL braided line and a Drag Specialties master cylinder. Also needed a pressure switch for the brake light.
Got it all mounted up. Took her for a short ride. Not impressed! About the same stopping power as the old original single piston.
I think there is a problem with the new 9/6" Drag Specialties master. When I was bleeding the system the lever would travel about 2/3 distance and hit a very stiff spot. If I put more pressure on the lever it would travel to the bars but most of the time wouldn't return! This can't be normal? On the road it hits this "stiff spot and I can't pull the lever any further. I was expecting to be able to lock the wheel, I can on a mates standard 2000 twin cam! Bugga!
I'll throw the old master back on to see if that works.
Bloody brakes. I share your pain mate. My lever travels 2/3 to the bars and hits a very firm spot where the brakes are fully engaged. If I try really hard, I could get the lever to the bar, but that'd be unnecessary pressure as the brakes are fully engaged with a softish application anyway. The lever not returning is really odd - is it a master cylinder issue - can't see it being the caliper if the wheels are still turning with the brakes off. Anyhow, I now have a brake bleeding kit so's not to spend an afternoon pumping fluid through the pipes a gnat's p**s at a time.
Good luck with it mate. Oh, and by the way, I'm making my own carb balancing tool as in this youtube clip.
I soon realised the best and cheapest HD front brake upgrade was this !!
G'day Roger.
I'm afraid that would rip the spokes out *lol*
I soon realised the best and cheapest HD front brake upgrade was this !!
What am I missing here *????* *dunno*
I soon realised the best and cheapest HD front brake upgrade was this !!
What am I missing here *????* *dunno*
Rather than spend large amounts of cash on PM brakes I bought a complete Yamaha XJR front end and grafted it into my !1989 FXRS.
Cost me £200 in total - result is it handles better and boy does it stop *smile*
Rather than spend large amounts of cash on PM brakes I bought a complete Yamaha XJR front end and grafted it into my !1989 FXRS.
Cost me £200 in total - result is it handles better and boy does it stop *smile*
I thought i recognised the front end. For even better stopping power you can fit some Yamaha R1 Blue Spot calipers which are a direct fit. I originally put the XJR front end on my CX500 Custom but have since gone back to a standard set up. Still got the loose front end as i've got a FZR1000 EXUP USD on my XJR.
G'day Fellas.
I found the problem. Because I'm fitting a 96 master beside an 88 switch block the bit on the lever for the 96 type brake light was hitting the switch block.
Will have to wait now till Tuesday. Getting ready for the Winter Rally. Bugga I have to take the Ranger as I have tools and parts for the club ride on mower. Double bugga, the caravan is already there so I can sleep in comfort. Pitty the poor buggers in tents, not! But the bonfire will keep us warm.
And then you could trash the trash H tractor and just ride a Yammie. All good!
I soon realised the best and cheapest HD front brake upgrade was this !!
What am I missing here *????* *dunno*
Rather than spend large amounts of cash on PM brakes I bought a complete Yamaha XJR front end and grafted it into my !1989 FXRS.
Cost me £200 in total - result is it handles better and boy does it stop *smile*
Ahhhh, gotcha, a lot of 'front ends' off more modern bikes look much the same to me. Now if you'd got Earles Forks/suspension on it ........!
Made my carb balancer today as it was raining *ex* *smile*
But yesterday went for a 175m blast around East Yorkshire on the Beeza in the gorgeous sunshine. *smile* *smile* All went without a hitch, and I think she's leaking less oil - WTF is that about then. *dunno* *dunno2* *dunno2* *dunno*
Having only recently fixed the fuel pump on my Focus, now the PAS pump has thrown in the towel. I see the rack is leaking too, so the time has come to stop working / spending on it. Will take it to the scrapyard whilst it still drives.
To lift my gloom I did a bit on the vee twin. A bit of input would help here - apart from my Firestorm, I have 2 vee twins - a 50* 800cc OHV I refer to as GB50V. That was followed by the 60* 1,000cc OHC that I call the GB60V. But now there's a 3rd underway - currently referred to as GB3. So, question - for elegance / simplicity, any suggestions how I should differentiate them on this board?
Anyway, the GB60V shows signs of running rich - it 'lurches' around 30mph in 3rd (with its short stroke, high CR & light flywheels there's no chance of 30mph in top). And there's a lot of these daft 30mph roads around here, introduced by idiots who believe they're safer (a person was killed a few weeks ago shortly after a nearby road was reduced to 30mph).
Anyway, decided the most richness was just above tickover - according to my exhaust gas analyser. So today I machined the slide cutaways from 3 to 3.5. Will see what that does that when the weather improves sufficiently.
G'day Fellas.
My 51 A7 has run for me for 42 years without a choke. Now I'm up the mountains and see a lot of minus temps she's a bit harder to start in the mornings. As I treated her to a new concentric after the motor rebuild (932 ordered without a choke) I think I'll try.
Ordered the whole kit, lever, cable and choke fittings. The cable was way too long and had a feral on the carb end. I had to drill out the new carb top for it to fit. Not happy with the way I had to snake the cable to take up the extra length I ordered one 5" shorter. It arrived and the outer is the right length but the inner is 1,1/2" too short and the carb end is plain to be used with a screw in adjuster. BUGGA I had modified the carb top (not enough room for an adjuster on a plunger with a concentric).
I found a really old throttle cable the right length but the carb end was shagged. I made a new feral fitting with the center hole just big enough for the nipple to fit through and glued it on. All good.
I'll have to wait (won't be long) for another sub zero morning to test it.
I find it weird that the choke is set at off against the spring. This meant that the choke lever kept being pulled back on. In the end, I tightened the screw in the centre of the lever to ensure it was constantly off - never had a problem starting it, even in coldish weather.
I find it weird that the choke is set at off against the spring. This meant that the choke lever kept being pulled back on. In the end, I tightened the screw in the centre of the lever to ensure it was constantly off - never had a problem starting it, even in coldish weather.
Same here. I tightened the friction up on the lever. My bike did not need the choke during the months when I rode it.
G'day Fellas.
It's been quite a while since I started the Cafe up. I just finished painting the tank (again) so thought before I put it on I'll hook up the aux tank and run her up. Bit hard to start, 3 kicks and it takes all my weight to do it. First run not bad, wouldn't idle and was very rich on the left. Let her cool off for an hour and took two kicks to fire. Didn't want to run on the left. Carbs off and now striped and in the harmonic cleaner. I'll give them a few half hour runs and throw'em back on tomorrow.
Spare a thought for me fellas, my Dundee trip starts on Sunday and it looks like cool temps and lots of rain. Not worried about the wet if I'm dry in my 'cocoon' of waterproofs (which are excellent).
The plan is to work my way up through the Yorkshire Moors and towards Kielder Forest, before staying the night midway (appx. 160m or so). Same on Monday to Dundee then the reverse trip on Fri/Sat. Expected mileage around 650m/1100km - looking forward to it.
I'm afraid it'll have to be the Kwaka again, particularly as the Beeza starts to dump all its oil in the sump as soon as it stops. *sarcastic* *doh*
G'day Fellas.
It's been quite a while since I started the Cafe up. I just finished painting the tank (again) so thought before I put it on I'll hook up the aux tank and run her up. Bit hard to start, 3 kicks and it takes all my weight to do it. First run not bad, wouldn't idle and was very rich on the left. Let her cool off for an hour and took two kicks to fire. Didn't want to run on the left. Carbs off and now striped and in the harmonic cleaner. I'll give them a few half hour runs and throw'em back on tomorrow.
Found the problem. The choke (enricher) plunger on the left is missing its seal (see pic). No chance of getting one of them in a hurry so used grey RTV silicone. Now wait 24 hours for it to set and hope it holds. *pull hair out*
A little step today ,fitted a new inline fuse ,the old one was flimsy and shorted after 30 mins due to the wire twisting when tightened ,will refit battery strap and hopefully seat, just renewed ins so weather permitting maybe a ride over the weekend
well strap back on ,battery secure lights etc still working so refitted seat only took 5 mins reminded me that the seat was a little bodge I did thinking it would only last a few mths . better find the right board to continue or incur Musky's wrath !
Took the A10 for a short ride today, mainly to purge out the old fuel, pump back any wetsumped oil etc. Pleased to say the return became intermittent after only 30 seconds or so, so very little wetsumping after 10 weeks since last ride. Starter first kick on the kick starter so quite pleased with that. I use 95 unleaded with no ethanol and a Mercury Outboard fuel preservative additive - there is a shop nearby. Used the electric starter thereafter. It has been a warm winter day of 21 degC, full sun and no wind - perfect.!
Completed my Dundee trip - OMG. *eek* *eek* First 165 miles was non-stop torrential rain - discovered some of my waterproofing wasn't quite as good as it should be. Oh, and why the b&^^%y hell do glove manufacturers not make their gloves waterproof - could wring mine out after a short while. Stopped after about 60 miles to put another waterproof (Helly Hanson) on over the 'Alpinestar' jacket, which proved to be a good decision (had sprayproofed the Alpinestar for all the good it did). Also, whilst stopped to fill up, I 'borrowed' some plastic gloves to put over mine - worked reasonably well. Once at my stop off location, I put all the heaters on and dried everything out overnight. The following day was dry, so the remainder of the outward journey was ok (bit cool though).
On the way back to the halfway house the weather was pretty decent, although I'd cricked my back the moment I got off the bike in Dundee so it was a bit tender over bumps. On arrival, I grabbed a bottle of cheap wine and watched the Test match. At 4.30am, I woke and couldn't get back to sleep, so had a doze and jumped on the bike at 5.45am. On the long ride back, I went across Northumberland National Park to link up with the A68 South. On the loneliest, darkest stretch of road you can imagine, the heavens opened and I had to stop to put the Helly Hanson on again - fortunately it dried up quickly but was cold again!
I don't think I can class this as a pleasure ride (should have been being summer!), but more of an endurance. 980km (609m) covered in the end, and not a single complaint from the Kwaka. The only thing that I did notice is that it was a bit sluggish after filling up at a small petrol station, but when I put some Shell in later on, it was back to its normal best??
G'day Fellas.
Second ride with the new hip, this time on the HD.
Saturday got up early (4:30am) and was pleased to see no frost so left at 8:00. Roads were still damp under the trees but a pleasant 5C. I had to stop early in the trip to adjust the gear lever. Having to lift my foot to change down was causing a little pain. Bugga, I hadn't replaced the 7/16" AF spanner in the kit so had to buy another. Just over 300Km to Araluen, the last 3Km down into the valley must have 200 corners! Arrived at the pub about 12:30 and after 5 schooners and a hamburger rode the last 3Km to the rally. 12 beers and a bottle of Stones Green Ginger Wine caused a wobbly boot and don't remember falling into my tent!
Sunday morning was a bit fuzzy and used the clubs breathalyzer. Had to wait till 9:30 before I was under 0.05 and going up that hill wasn't fun with a hangover. A fair cross wind all the way home with only one "O s4it" moment. Came round a corner at a fair rate of knots to find a dead roo stretched right across my lane. Good job there were no cars coming the other way.
Got home in one piece. A bl@@dy good weekend.
Nice one Musky. 4.30am must be an optimum time for a decent trip. Fortunately, no roos in the UK, but a bit of slippery roadkill on my trip (1 cat -I think, a couple of rabbits and something else too mangled for ID).
Intrigued about the schooners mate - is that beer or something?
12 beers and some wine - now that's a proper ride back hangover *countdown* *countdown* *wink2*
A very loud weekend Musky by the sound of it.
Worty, Aussie beer culture is very Oz - Schooner is a 15oz glass, Middy is 10oz in NSW and a Pot in Victoria, a Pony is a 7oz glass. On my first visit to Victotria, I asked for a middy and the barmaid said "What are you talking about" - no wonder we call them Mexicans down there (South of the Border ----)
A very loud weekend Musky by the sound of it.
Worty, Aussie beer culture is very Oz - Schooner is a 15oz glass, Middy is 10oz in NSW and a Pot in Victoria, a Pony is a 7oz glass. On my first visit to Victotria, I asked for a middy and the barmaid said "What are you talking about" - no wonder we call them Mexicans down there (South of the Border ----)
Cheers Col, but I gotta ask Musky about his ride after 4 pints - is that ok in Oz - just asking?? *dunno2* *dunno*
G'day Worty.
Cheers Col, but I gotta ask Musky about his ride after 4 pints - is that ok in Oz - just asking??
The short answer is NO! To stay under the limit is 2 middies in the first hour then 1 an hour after that so I would have been over. The nearest copper would have been 40Km away and if one snuck into the village everyone would know.
It's middle of Winter here so sun doesn't come over the hill till 7:00 and it's roo/wombat time till 8:00 (dusk till dawn). In the bush I don't ride before then. I hit a small black wallaby back in the 90's, smashed my left shoulder in 13 places *ex*
Heh, no worries Musky, was just intrigued about the situation. I remember a time back in the day when me and guys went from Stafford to Kent Custom Bike Show run by the Kent chapter of the HA. We stopped every 30 miles so the guys could skin up a joint and/or have a beer. By the time I got to the show (about 250m), I literally rode into the field and fell off the bike (my mates girlfriend was on the back too) - that was on the '59 BMW R60.
We don't have the protection of the vast spaces in Oz here in the UK. I guess you could have a skinful and would be sober before coming across any sign of a copper in many parts of rural Australia. Very difficult to find any type of uninhabited parts now, with the exception of the Scottish Highlands, of course. *beer* *beer* *beer*
G'day Worty.
Back in the day I had FIVE DUI's but got off one after I hit that wallaby. Told them (coppers) a mate found me on the road and gave me his hip flask of whisky to help!
Used to ride from Brighton to Cliffton 50Km every Sunday. I had a pint glass just foe me filled 4 or 5 times with muscat (hence the nickname). Very rare to remember the ride home *ex*
G'day Fellas.
First I washed the HD, not only are they a PITA to work on but also to wash!
Then I checked the mail box. Two new enricher plungers arrived (see reply #2941) for the PWK carbs on the Cafe. So off with the carbs and out with the plungers (one that I bodged). I modified the bit that screws into the carb and the adjuster screws into it. A real PITA, by screwing it in it unscrews the adjuster. So I drilled it out so the adjuster just slides in. Plungers in and adjusted, carbs back on, aux tank on, enricher on, started 2nd kick *yeah*
I thought it sounded a bit off so got the can of Start Ya Bastard and gave it a spray around the manifold rubbers. *pull hair out* yep both sucking air. Grey RTV silastic to the rescue. I'll leave it over night to set. Back on the net and ordered two new ones. *doh*
Wheels and tits, give you trouble and cost you time/money *whistle*
No bikes today but 25th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow - any ideas folks (I'm not rich, extravagant or conventional). *eek* Sue doesn't really want to go out as she's back at work and will be knackered - weather's no inspiration either (more rain). I'm thinking maybe a nice card, a bottle of champagne, maybe some flowers, and food of her choice - wot do you reckon (help me here fellas) *dunno* *dunno*😱😨😱
I'm thinking maybe a nice card, a bottle of champagne, maybe some flowers, and food of her choice - wot do you reckon (help me here fellas) *dunno* *dunno*😱😨😱
You do the cooking.
I'm thinking maybe a nice card, a bottle of champagne, maybe some flowers, and food of her choice - wot do you reckon (help me here fellas) *dunno* *dunno*😱😨😱
You do the cooking.
Dammit *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Went out with the Cheshire lads on my Super Rocket. We visited Donington Park where it was the second day of the CMRC Classic Races. Fantastic day out, 130 mile round trip on lovely country lanes. There were three of us on A10's and one A65. My speedo stopped working on the way home, just after the bike had clicked over 42,000 miles. Other than that, no reliability issues at all.
Decided it was time to replace the B31 chain after 25+ years of ignoring it, other than the odd squirt of oil through the inspection hole, inside its fully enclosed chaincase.
Well blow me, the chain that came out was near perfect. I put the new one on anyway but really need not have bothered. I now have a spare chain!
This chain was on the bike when I bought it and has toured Ireland, competed in the Beamish Trophy trial, been used for 60 mile a day commuting in all weathers, winters included.
I am now a great fan of fully enclosed chaincases.
This post is more like a 'What have you done with your wife(-ves) today?' in regard to our 25th anniversary (and nothing else *eek*)
First course: Mashed avocado with salt and black pepper on toasted granary bread.
Main: Chicken breast stuffed with honey and mustard pesto with cherry tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms and asparagus spears on a bed of mash, accompanied by triple cooked chips and a garlic and cheese flatbread.
Dessert: Spanish lemon cheescake (bought, not made)
All washed down with a reasonably priced bottle of Champagne (or cheap, as my son would say).
I also bought her a card, a plant and cut the lawns before the rain set in again.
Altogether received very well - safe for at least another five years??!!
As for the enclosed chainguard BS, you can't beat 'em. Wished I'd had one on the Dundee trip as the rain washed the chain clean by the time I got to my halfway house. Fortunately, I carry a can of white spray grease for such occasions, and the chain is one of those sealed ones anyway.
Just shows how gutless B31s are...
(haha only joking!)
wow worty after that lot i bet it was boxing gloves on straight to bed and blip time *lol*
wow worty after that lot i bet it was boxing gloves on straight to bed and blip time *lol*
Heh Bergs, we were that fat we couldn't move *smile*
today urma yonda has been put in the storage garage while i sealed the concrete floor again in the workshop garage, luckily i don't need a bike lift i pick them up on lorry ratchet straps with the garage roof beam being supported with another. [ urma and betsy would probably bring the roof down without the support ] i set the girlfriend on yesterday painting things white to reflect light even though i have 4 strip lights in there it is a lot better so i don't have to have more than 2 on at a time. the downside of this garage is that i have to run a cable out down to the mains in the shed on the garden all the way past christine the naughty van, this cable has to go over the shty access road, never mind all this tinkering keeps me out of the pub and soonish the berger build will be hanging from the roof and getting put together *yeah*
today urma yonda has been put in the storage garage while i sealed the concrete floor again in the workshop garage, luckily i don't need a bike lift i pick them up on lorry ratchet straps with the garage roof beam being supported with another. [ urma and betsy would probably bring the roof down without the support ] i set the girlfriend on yesterday painting things white to reflect light even though i have 4 strip lights in there it is a lot better so i don't have to have more than 2 on at a time. the downside of this garage is that i have to run a cable out down to the mains in the shed on the garden all the way past christine the naughty van, this cable has to go over the shty access road, never mind all this tinkering keeps me out of the pub and soonish the berger build will be hanging from the roof and getting put together *yeah*
Yer need a traily bike to cross that road Bergs *whistle* *wink2* *grins*
Got my front wheel back with its new guaranteed to stop you quicker brake lining on the shoes, Too wet to try emergency stops this evening!
Hopefully the soles of my boots will last longer *smile*
G'day Fellas.
The Cafe's manifold rubbers are toast! I tried RTV silicone and let set for 36 hours. A little better but still sucking air. *pull hair out* That's the second set in 3 years, bl@@dy Chinese rubbish. Now wait a week for a new pair.
Got my front wheel back with its new guaranteed to stop you quicker brake lining on the shoes, Too wet to try emergency stops this evening!
Hopefully the soles of my boots will last longer *smile*
Sav, do they need a 'bedding in' period before hard use?
I replaced the Octy's brakes front and back a couple of years ago and, being very pleased with the job, took it for a test drive. Brakes weren't sharp because of the bedding in but, coming down a hill, I had to bang them on a bit sharper. Felt like the front of the car was trying to go right and the back left - unpleasant and unsettling. :o :o *pull hair out* *pull hair out* About 200m later, they behaved perfectly and have done ever since.
I didn't have a lot of choice on the 'hard use', got 200 metres down our narrow country lane and jack the lad came bombing around the bend before I had a clear bit to try them.
Lot of screeching! but I certainly stopped quicker and am here to tell the tale! *yeah*
Yes they certainly seem to grab better after a trip up the local dual carriageway!, still noisy though but I don't mind waiting for that to settle.
Nothing on the Beeza today, but discovered that the reason for a bit of sluggishness on the way back from Dundee on the Kwaka might be down to slightly dragging rear drum brakes due to a partially seized brake spindle. Pulled the rear wheel off not realising that the damper assembly would fall out, which it did. As it did, a spacer bounced around the garage floor (more on that later). Spindle was, indeed, quite seized, so dismantled and cleaned the whole caboodle and reassembled with some high temp grease - all good! On putting the wheel back on, I noticed that the spacer on the sprocket side was sort of 'hollowed' out, resembling a bearing race. Assumed this spacer doubles as a grease seal and is designed like that to fit correctly on the bearing face. TBH, there's nowhere else for it to go, and it's all gone back together fine.
Looking forward to this week for a Beeza run somewhere - Thursday looks dry and warm *smile*
Four of us (two A10's and two A65's) went on the VMCC Whitley run. about 80 mile round trip including mileage from home to the venue. It absolutely pi55ed down but that didn't stop us having a good time! In spite of this, all bikes ran well. Now, at home, the sun's come out. Oh how perverse is the British weather!
Nothing - for a couple of weeks now. Today the sun was out (unusual) so was up on the roof cutting rafters.
Sun here too just across the way from you RD, first decent day in what seems like ages.
Clouds threatened but held back for once, so 240 dry km this morning doing local classic club stuff. Close to 50 bikes out today, which was good to see.
Other friends doing different runs out not far from me got the CheeserBeezer dunking though, so we're not out of the woods yet.
The neighbours say (farmers all) that 'proper August', and 'actual Summer' start here "on Tuesday". (Or maybe Wednesday.) From when we can expect mid-20C°s. We'll see. Next weekend should be another good one in terms of exercising oldies, so I hope they're right.
Four of us (two A10's and two A65's) went on the VMCC Whitley run. about 80 mile round trip including mileage from home to the venue. It absolutely pi55ed down but that didn't stop us having a good time! In spite of this, all bikes ran well. Now, at home, the sun's come out. Oh how perverse is the British weather!
I've now invested in some DPM Gore-Tex Army surplus waterproofs after Dundee. XL jacket, L leggings, and L mitts used, off Fleabay, for £13 - can't say fairer than that. Won't go out in pouring rain if I don't need to, but when I do, I want to be warm and dry in my old age!
i was going to take betsy beezer for a blast this afternoon but other things had to get in the way as they do, the weather was good and sunny and by the time i had done what had to be done ie running the GF about to appointments the weather turned very cloudy and dull at 4pm. but at 6.30 it became sunny again so out came betsy who hadn't been started since the polish up and she burst into life first kick. off we went over the hills and far away and it was very enjoyable with hardly any traffic, betsy was a bit naughty though she spat back twice when i blipped the throttle changing down *dunno* but apart from that we had a great time *yeah*
Nice Bergs *ex* *ex* Just waiting to get over the lurgy I picked up on Sunday before pulling the Beeza clutch apart. Next riding day will be on the Kwaka I'm afraid :!
Just the daily hospital visit, 65 mile round trip on the A10. Found myself with 2 hrs to spare so went off to catch up with my brother in law which added another 20 miles. A mix of sunshine and showers, country roads and dual carriageways, horrific traffic and clear spells.
Got a huge thumbs up from a couple of lads when I wound it up a bit to pass a group of cars (including a Tesla).
G'day Fellas.
Fitted new intake rubbers to the Cafe. Still can't get'em to seal without silicon *pull hair out*
Bugger it I'll make new manifolds and wait till the flanges to arrive.
I went for a nice little 90 mile ride today with a number of local Hunter Valley Clubs - a Combined Clubs ride to Luskintyre Airfield (an old Tiger Moth Airfield) to Gresford in NSW for a barbecue. 64 bikes all up, and the Beeza went great. Now have 650 miles on the new motor and it is settling nicely and geez that electric starter is great!! *loveit*. There was a couple of girder fork bikes, and a full range of British and Japanese on Club plates. They didn't sit around either - Throttles wide!!!. Windy and cold, but who noticed? *loveit*
G'day Fellas.
Went for a lap of the block (100 miles) with 10 mates, most on newish 100 cubic inch plus HD's. My little 80ci pushed them along in the twisties and kept up on the straights. The loud lever got a good workout.
Very cloudy my side of the mountains but a beautiful sunny day on the East side.
Beer and pizza at Nth Kurrajong pub then more beer at Wentworth Falls pub.
A great day out.
G'day Fellas.
Went for a lap of the block (100 miles) with 10 mates, most on newish 100 cubic inch plus HD's. My little 80ci pushed them along in the twisties and kept up on the straights. The loud lever got a good workout.
Very cloudy my side of the mountains but a beautiful sunny day on the East side.
Beer and pizza at Nth Kurrajong pub then more beer at Wentworth Falls pub.
A great day out.
Looks like a crackin' ride Musky, hopefully out again myself tomorrow on the Kwak (maybe a Kwakin' ride, eh, groan)
worty how far do you want to ride on the kwak you could bring the crank sprocket and i am sure MWAS will skim it and if it's skimmed too much you could shim it back up *bright idea*
worty how far do you want to ride on the kwak you could bring the crank sprocket and i am sure MWAS will skim it and if it's skimmed too much you could shim it back up *bright idea*
That's brilliant, thanks Bergs! Can't do it today as the sprocket isn't off yet and I'll probably be heading East. I'll be in touch for when's a good time for you and MWAS. Any good ideas of how to get the nut off without adapting a big socket. Will use Cols idea to lock the crank up. Cheers *beer* *beer*
worty take the pin out remove the washer and hit it with a blunt punch if doesn't shift it means i put a bit of loctite on it so you will have to heat it up to break the goo .
Beer and pizza at Nth Kurrajong pub then more beer at Wentworth Falls pub.
Funny thing about Kurrajong, when searching for it on Google Earth, you don't have to choose which "Kurrajong" you mean. *whistle*
Richard L.
G'day Richard.
I had to check, on GM it's called Kurrajong Heights. The pub is on the left above the "Kurrajong Heights" name. A must stop in either direction for the Bell Line Rd.
Is your new avatar your shed? Needs a tidy!
I went for a ride on my new BSA this afternoon. The afternoon was hot so I got sweaty when stopped but luverly on the move. I stopped off at Draycott water, (reservoir) and partook of an ice cream; two scoops; one salted caramel, one rum-n-raisin.
I am close to the path of the folly known as HS2. As I pass these massive areas of earth moving and new building structures I can see how the project is going to cost us £100 Billion quid.
Today I took my a10 for a 10 mile ride for the first time in about 3 months *smile* *smile* *smile*. Most of that time was waiting for the mag to be rebuilt after the brass section of the slip ring liberated itself. I packed out the breather cork as the mag was fill of oil and the top hat a little loose. And new clutch plates (the clutch was apart already as a model for fitting a 4-spring to the B33). Started first proper kick, ran smoothly and was a lot of fun.
So now both BSAs are back on the road! Also I’ve acquired another 2 wheeled beast (see pic, info here: ( The goal is to slow down my short commutes which the BSAs and the modern do not enjoy, and with the safety police endlessly lowering speed limits hopefully keep my licence a bit longer. It’s a lot of fun with good torque up to 30kph but speed locked at 50kph (I’ll work on that). With the 2 hub motors it’s a bit too easy to spin the front wheel *eek*
Be interesting to know how the speed controller(s) regulate for the different size wheels. Or does one of them include a free wheel mechanism Like 4wd free wheel hub?
Electric bicycles are becoming a curse here. There's a young man a few doors away who has a wizzo motorised 'bicycle'. It actually looks like a lightweight motorbike; it goes like stink so presumably has been deregulated. This lad, along with his mates, also on these motorbicycles think it's OK to ride on the footpath. Riders of these vehicles do not have to wear a helmet, they don't have number plates and no third party insurance.
I see many adults riding bicycles of all kinds on the footpath. This is supposed to be illegal.
[Rant off]
This is supposed to be illegal.
[Rant off]
And when they get caught by a copper they'll say why isn't the copper out there catching real criminals like robbers, rapists, drug dealers and the like. Boils my ***.
GB - here (NZ) electric bicycles are legally limited to 300w and i think are locked at 30kph. i don't like them as i think they should have brake lights and indicators - they travel at an 'in-between' speed that just gets in the way of everyone.
this thing is 2KW and classed as a moped, so you need a licence, have to wear a helmet, pay rego and have a number plate, which will reduce the footpath jumping larakin in me to some extent (tho it is temping...)
Jools - no idea about the controllers. its just a black box to me. but i'd like to find a way to jailbreak it
Don't want to make assumptions here, but I'm going to anyway. Two teenage tearaways two-up on an electric bike flat out down a residential road with no headgear. Police van follows. Outcome = police driver faces criminal prosecution/gross misconduct investigation for dangerous driving and his colleague a gross misconduct charge. The reason, these two toe-rags killed themselves for being idiots (the van was nowhere near them when the bike crashed). Instant response by the scazza community is to 'look for the truth' from the police as to why their kids died and riots followed.
The truth is, my dear, is that these kids took on the risks and lost, although I'll concede it wasn't a good outcome for anyone. I'm no fan of the Police, least of all traffic, but they didn't deserve to be scapegoated like this - hope they're cleared.
i took betsy the beast on a thrash of 80 odd miles today [ worty you know how growly she gets when she's showing off ;) ] all over the derbyshire dales , when i got back after being smoked by some yapanese space rockets my girlfriend kim brought this little fellow to my attention , an elephant hawk moth beast , it's that's time of year folks. thankyou for listening have a nice day and a few *beer*'ssss
Ahh, wondered what the racket was, thought it was a plane coming in to Leeds/Bradford. *wink2* *whistle* *wink2* *beer*
Was out on the Kwaka in Scarborough yesterday - 186m of Yorkshire Moors roaming *smile* *smile*
My birthday tomorrow guys, probably the hottest I've ever had if the forecast is correct.
*beer* Happy Birthday then, now it's tomorrow! 26° today here after about the first proper day of blue-skies summer yesterday, a bit belatedly
Have a good birthday Worty 😘
G'day Worty.
Many Happy Hangovers M8. *beer*
Done nothing on the bikes for a week or two. Just admire them every time I go in the shed.
G'day Worty.
Many Happy Hangovers M8. *beer*
Done nothing on the bikes for a week or two. Just admire them every time I go in the shed.
Thanks chaps, chillin' big time with Sue and the boys out the house (son #2 starts his first, serious job today which means more rent to divert to bike bits and beer - don't tell Sue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Trouble is Musky, every time the sun shines I feel the road calling me - not today though, estimated to be up to 31C where we are.
Getting ready for a week in Spain doing the annual Santander-based Vuelta thing, and thought I'd do some lighting upgrades on this year's victim machine after doing tyres, oils, chains, servicing the mag and dyn etc etc etc. Lights being compulsory in Spain . . .
So I ordered some Bright Eyes from Paul Goff (3 pairs in fact, in case I liked them).
I do like them.
Heck of an improvement in visibility, and worth an English tenner a pair I reckon.
Pic here is of them 'on' in the shed, with LED sidelight (only) also on, on one of my AMCs.
Bill, my first thought was ideal to fit one in each of LE's leg shields - but then quickly realised *sad2* will be 12v.
At that unobtrusive size and price - excellent.
*smile* That scene looks familiar.
Yup - the Bright Eyes are 12v only afaik Rog.
The ones I've got are + earth . . . and I checked, they don't like it up 'em t'other way. You need the right polarity and I don't think they'd be any good at 6v.
The more modern BPF LED h/lamp substitutes I'm also using are 'either polarity any voltage' and they do seem better than the versions with a single diode 'top and bottom'.
The Qs will be: 'Do they last?'and 'Can they illuminate the highway better by night?', on which the jury's out so far. At the price per unit, I hope so. Winter will tell, and if not happy, I'm very attached to my old Cibié units with tungsten/halogens in.
My LE Velo seems to be doing very well with its new LED for the headlight though - brighter than the 24/24W standard globe anyway. What could be dimmer???
Familiar scene? I do hope so. I hate change, even if it is 'the only constant' they say.
wow cool front mudguard bracket i bet you could lift the whole bike with that Bill *sarcastic*
wow cool front mudguard bracket i bet you could lift the whole bike with that Bill *sarcastic*
Check it out here Bergs: *wink2* *wink2* *warn* *whistle* *whistle* *bright idea* *bright idea* *yeah* *yeah*
Qs will be: 'Do they last?'and 'Can they illuminate the highway better by night?', on which the jury's out so far.
10 bulbs on my combo, 9 LEDs of varying wattage and a BPF Quartz Halogen 35/35W for headlight - all from Goffy, all have lasted a few years, so quality must have been ok. I believe LEDs are supposed to last longer than incandescent bulbs.
I stuck with BPF for headlight as a few years ago the general consensus was that LEDs didn't projected a very good beam pattern for actually seeing where you were going and being very bright were in danger of blinding oncoming traffic. At the time, for me it was stick with what I was sure of for headlight.
Also there was some doubt then as to whether fitting an LED to a headlight was actually legal in the UK and would be an MOT failure - unless originally manufactured with LEDs. I've read somewhere since that the law changed in 2021 and now it's ok - providing it conforms to the legal requirements such as the ones specifically produced to replace BPF.
Have a good trip Bill.
wow cool front mudguard bracket i bet you could lift the whole bike with that Bill *sarcastic*
Ha! There's a story there - a boring one though Bergs. Bear with me if you will!
Bike was a dirt cheap bitza, with a modded 10+:1, twin concentrics & dangerously overbored to 610cc G9 500cc motor in it, but it came with the original (seriously big time broken, rods and cases) 650. And it went like a bat out of hell at a regular 7000rpm with the silly G9 engine in. Until when I had it apart for a look-see I saw how silly it all was.
But it had fibreglass 'guards. Yuk.
I don't like any AMC 'guards a whole lot, steel or other, apart from the alloy jobs on CSRs as what I had on my P11.
Anyway, another bloke in the owners' club needed some 'guards and was prepared to fit the plastics for a bit, as steel are pricey and hard to find - as with beesas. So I gave them to him and bought some cheap fit-anything ss blades.
OK so far?
But when fitted, the front end of the front 'guard vibrated. It hummed as you went along, something like strumming a bass guitar maybe.
Now, AMC forks come in various types according to year, spec etc. Mine, on this bike, don't have any cast lugs for a forward-mounted stay, just the ones for a rear-facer low down.
So I made some brackets out of handy (s)crap and attached them under the nuts on the studs for the axle clamps.
Then, had to figure how to attach to blade.
So, a bit more ss.
You know those strips you buy for joining bits of carpet together . . .? Well, there was one of them knocking about, so I thought I'd repurpose it. Supported by a couple of bits of bar, bit o' threading, some ss domed nuts, bit of bendying of the ss, and there you go. No vibes, all good. And quite shiny even, not that I care about that too much.
So now it's 'matching numbers' (who the hell cares?) after spending a fortune on crankcase welding, and on every oily bit you can think of (seriously, every single bit, including a brand new crankshaft and Thunder rods) but is still a scruffy unrestored daily rider which makes it OK for people like me.
I call it the 'Farmyard Special', and there's a ss plaque on the oil tank saying as much.
It's actually a CSR-spec 8.5:1 (dynamo) 650 motor in a standard M31 frame, it has run non-stop since I converted it from dangerously-overbored 500 back in 2013, and has been thrashed more than I ever dared push my A10 or would risk pushing my Notrun. I am stupidly fond of it.
An 'ugly duckling wot works' Bergs, is what it is. Which it's gonna need to next week, as she'll be running with old mates on Commandos, a Trident, and a R100 something beemer for 1000 miles in quite demanding conditions. (Luckily, I have a spare brand-spanking new crank and more Thunder rods in a box . . . hope I don't need them!)
I pulled the covers off the '57 after 6 months hibernation... drained over 2 ltrs of oil from the sump, gave her a tickle & she fired up 1st kick.. *woo* I let her warm up for 10 minutes. drained the oil & replaced with new... burnt my hand & arm on the exhaust *rant*, shut her down & gave the rocker box bolts & nuts a bit of a twitch up hoping to remedy a weep... Roll on the good Spring & Summer weather.. *wink2*
G'day Woz.
Now you have to re-set the tappets *work* Any tweak of the rockerbox bolts will close up the tappets *pull hair out*
Don't you love that 1st kick start after hibernation?
Right, put the new primary on today and I have a question:
I pushed the gearbox forward as far as it would go, loosened the rear wheel and pushed it forward. Found out the primary was way too long - must be around 72 links as I had to remove two links (plates were attached but I think it counts as two links. The chain was still a bit long, but I was reluctant to take out any more links for fear of making it a bit too short. However, both the primary and final drive chains are near the limits of their adjustments. There is a bit left, and the chains are tensioned correctly. I'm reckoning on running it until the primary needs adjusting again and then take out another link and push the gearbox forward as far as it will go (this will also take care of the final drive chain adjustment). Final drive has done about 11,000m, and seems ok - is it prudent to knock a couple of links out of that to take it away from max adjustment?
Oh, and can anyone recommend a good link extractor or similar. My Chinese rubbish just bent when I applied pressure - had to use a bit of ingenuity to get the rivets out in the end.
What d'you reckon folks, does this sound about right?
Sounds like it's about time to check the chain (and sprockets) for wear. Seeing how far the chain bends @ 90* is a fairly reliable indicator.
Sounds like it's about time to check the chain (and sprockets) for wear. Seeing how far the chain bends @ 90* is a fairly reliable indicator.
Sprockets are fine, RD, final chain a little worn, but the primary is brand new with a very good engine sprocket and a bit of of worn chainwheel.
a good link extractor is in my garage you can have it , well two of them BUT the best one is called an angle grinder with a cutting disc on [ oh no i hear people cry you shouldn't do that !! ] and gently shave down the rivet flush with the plate then support the chain very well get a very good small punch and knock it out , never failed for me.
yesterday i drained betsy gearbox oil and went to buy some bronze bearing friendly oil from a supplier i have used for donkeys years picking up 5 gallon drums of straight 50 and strapping them to the bike back in the day all the way to collecting them in the van years later. i got into their posh reception [ big 4 wheel monsters outside being charged up with their snaking electric leads ] to be told all there oil products have been shipped out to a new supplier called spectrum. all they do now is send it out once sorted and don't sell to the public anymore. they said this was to let them get on with the job HAHAHA!! of sorting the oil and not having the added pressure of dealing with lots of customers. [ going forward in these exciting and diverse times making PROGRESS!!!! ] the chap i spoke to gave me a leaflet for the oil i needed and on it was a one litre or a 4 litre option of gear oil for old machines like ours. i went to spectrum and gave them the leaflet only to be told they don't have it. they phoned aztec oils and asked about this oil and aztec told them they would only supply it in 4lts even though they have the picture of a one ltr on the page!!!! meaning spectrum would not buy 4 ltrs unless i bought 4 ltrs. long story short i have bought the same spec oil in a 4ltre drum off ebay because i was MADDER THAN McMADD about this total rat sht that happens again and AGAIN!! saving about 5pounds from spectrums price. talk about the middle man! apart from that i took urma the yonda for a blast because she told me she felt neglected seeing betsy go out so much. thankyou for listening have a nice day, i have because i did not go to the pub BUT i am tomorrow *beer* *beer*
a good link extractor is in my garage you can have it , well two of them BUT the best one is called an angle grinder with a cutting disc on [ oh no i hear people cry you shouldn't do that !! ] and gently shave down the rivet flush with the plate then support the chain very well get a very good small punch and knock it out , never failed for me.
Cheers Bergs, wouldn't presume to have it without beer tokens mate. However, I like the angle grinder technique (don't have a problem with alternative ways of doing stuff if the end result is the same). I reckon I could take another link out and all would be good, but I didn't want to shorten it to a point where I was at the max adjustment the other way round. I reckon as long as the chains are at the right tension with a bit of adjustment left, that should be ok.
Clutch went back on ok, and looks pretty straight too (not much run out). The chainwheel also looks decent with my shaft key 'fix'. Next will be to get the primary cover on, maybe check timing side to see if all is good in there, check sump and fix the oil p1$$ing out of the gasket, maybe fix the fuel tap leak and then totally ignore the l/h fork seal leak. I'll then kick it it up and go for a run somewhere - maybe to yours Bergs for a cup o' char.
Bergs, just buy 20l of 10w/40 for £38 of Fleabay and be done with it.
worty i am NOT doing any 10 or 15 or even 20 multi for my betsy , she has 40 or 50 straight. you can have the link thingy it's some more stuff out of my way and it's not foreign made!!! you do realise if you take another link out of a chain when it's nearly there you end up with saying i shouldn't have done that *pull hair out* *bash*
worty i am NOT doing any 10 or 15 or even 20 multi for my betsy , she has 40 or 50 straight. you can have the link thingy it's some more stuff out of my way and it's not foreign made!!! you do realise if you take another link out of a chain when it's nearly there you end up with saying i shouldn't have done that *pull hair out* *bash*
Cheers Bergs, next time I'm down, which will be on the Beeza, I'll have a look at the link extractor. Don't worry, I'm going to leave the chains until they're right at the end of their adjustment, then drop a link out of the primary. Chainwheel and sprocket are perfect after MWAS's work, by the way!
Just come in from the workshop after working on the A10 RR. Another frustrating day dealing with parts which don't quite fit. Brand new front fork stanchions which have tapers at the top slightly too small so the tapers protrude above the top yoke by about 1 mm. Easy fix but irritating. Headlamp mounts/fork shrouds slightly too short so have to file the holes where they mount onto the bottom yoke so they can slide up a bit; also the one on the RHS doesn't align centrally with the fork seal holder so a bit of twisting and graunching to do but, hey, it'll be worth it when I'm blatting along the country lanes with a smile on my face!
So I ignored what I was going to do with the primary chain, and dropped another link out. As it happens, the chain is now fine and just as I want it, more toward the least amount of adjustment - this also makes the final drive chain correct too (very pleased) *good3* *good3*. Even better, the stripped stud hole in the crankcases for the sump plate was bothering me as the gasket seal isn't great anyway and I didn't feel using resin to stick it in was very satisfactory. The original (3.1mm) thread was completely stripped in the crankcase, so I looked around for a slightly larger bolt that may 'tap in' to the hole. *bright idea* *bright idea* Incredibly, I found a single, high tensile bolt that was 3.4mm, so tried that thinking that the steel would cut a new thread into the ally without drilling. After a few tries, it took and I was able to cut a really tight thread into the ally up to about 10mm or so, it even accommodates the sump plate and gaskets, although I may have to enlarge the sump plate hole by 0.5mm to get it on and off more smoothly. *woo* *woo* *woo* *woo* I know this won't please the purists, but there's nothing 'pure' about my motor and I didn't want to be removing the engine to get it professionally tapped out with all the associated costs!
Tomorrow will be about grinding off the hex on the bolt to form a threaded stud. Then I need to make sure the clutch springs are adjusted correctly - look pretty good by eye. Then on with the primary cover. Next comes a replacement rear brake cable - broken when I was tightening the cush nut. Then, maybe, the slight fuel tap leak. Reckon I'll need to get it out on the road to test before doing anything else though. *woo* *woo*
Can't be 3.4mm - that's just over 1/8" and those studs are 2 x that size @ 1/4" (which is just over 6mm). That said, if you want to 'force' a bolt into a sofer material, put a hacksaw slot in the thread lengthwise to the bolt. That way it'll act like a tap.
Rode the new addition, the Honda (sorry) CL350 street scrambler 65 miles today. 5k+ revs at 50mph seems like I'm screaming it after the beezers. Smaller rear sprocket already ordered!
Sadly the 'Emp' (M23) goes to a new home on Tuesday.
Can't be 3.4mm - that's just over 1/8" and those studs are 2 x that size @ 1/4" (which is just over 6mm). That said, if you want to 'force' a bolt into a sofer material, put a hacksaw slot in the thread lengthwise to the bolt. That way it'll act like a tap.
Sorry RD, my vernier is playing up as I found out when I did some more measuring. I'll post the actual sizes a bit later. Thought it was odd when my cheapo gauge measured 3.4mm, but the hole in the sump took a 7mm drill very easily. Will drill out to 7.5mm this morning and see how it goes. Need to be more careful to make sure the angle grinder doesn't slip this time. *eek* *eek*
I only have one of the bolts that fit, so it's a bit of one shot repair. I could slot the bolt, but do I want to do that if I'm actually using that bolt??
Stud = 6.33mm and bolt = 6.86mm. Only gives me about 0.5mm of thread depth, but it only needs to be secure for the sump plate.
worty if your vernier is playing up like that throw the towel in before the hole gets too big and breaks the bit of casting when re threading. how much meat have you got to play with? don't forget the casting tapers off up inside. i would be tempted to see if there's any thread in the hole and insert the 1/4 stud back in with some strong chemical metal and let it harden. there's no pressure on the sump plate and you could use some good sealant to stop it leaking using a LITTLE bit more spanner on the three good ones
Cheers Bergs. The original stud just pulls in and out with no resistance at all as all the thread is fubar. The bolt I put in is solid where it is, and seems to have threaded well up to the same depth as the original stud (thanks for letting me know it tapers off!!). Also, no cracks in the cases *eek* *eek* *eek* - didn't hear any cracking noises and was ultra careful in screwing it in.
I do have some pretty good resin stuff, but because there's no remaining thread to key in to, I'm going to go for my fix and see how it goes. I've drilled out the sump plate bolt hole to 7.5mm, so hopefully that'll make removal a bit easier (bit tight getting it off once over the bolt - probably is a fraction off centre too).
Wot's the worst that can happen mate?? *eek* *eek* *beer* *beer* *beer*
worty the worst that can happen is you overflowing your pint glass with tears *beer* *eek*
worty the worst that can happen is you overflowing your pint glass with tears *beer* *eek*
See piccies for my handiwork.
Interesting putting the primary cover back on. When I spun the clutch basket round, it was catching on something. Turns out it was the inner primary so, I had to change the 'shim' on the rear fixing point to push it back a bit. As with Col's idea, I didn't tighten it up until the cover was back on, then belted it all up. Not catching anymore, but I betcha there will be a bit of a leak. Next time it comes apart, I may take out the circular plate from the front and see how I get on. Clutch looks pretty decent, not much runout. Next job is to whip the timing side off to check all is well with the dynamo chain, etc.
All that was on the sump gauze was more blue sealant Bergs. No conrods, pistons, or shims as yet. *whistle* *whistle* *beer* *beer*
worty oh dear blue sealant coming down into the sump!! that means only one thing , it is getting washed out of the distorted cases and barrel base and all the other places that i threw it in and will be chucking oil all over you when you take it out again. get your wellies on me duk *eek*
worty oh dear blue sealant coming down into the sump!! that means only one thing , it is getting washed out of the distorted cases and barrel base and all the other places that i threw it in and will be chucking oil all over you when you take it out again. get your wellies on me duk *eek*
That's ok Bergs, I've got a load of relatively cheap oil to keep it topped up! Reckon I'll just blast it around and have fun. Keep your eyes peeled on Ebay for BSA A10 'engine parts' if it does go bang! Thinking about it, there won't be many 'good' bits. Crank and barrels are on their last grind/rebore. Crankcases are distorted. Valves have taken a hammering and it probably needs guides. I reckon the only good bit is the new ATD which, ironically, was the part that caused so many of my troubles.
If there's anyone out there with a pristine motor for 'mates rates', let me know. *smile* *wink2* *grins* *whistle* *loveit* *good3* *thanks*
i can build you a 500 ss engine like my beast in betsy the growling beast bike or the even beastier engine for the berglar build on the kitchen workbench , possibly a little bit better than rivet mans effort using my ex mineworkers hammer and chisel. only joking it's not going to go bang unless you hold it on full chat for 3 days, i threw it together like i threw mine together . i told you after the serious stuff was done i would put your engine in my frame and ride it like i stole it. some may say why didn't i repair everything properly when i had it and i would say i hadn't a clue it had knackered threads in the sump but knew the one, two, three ,7 -9 in the timing side case were well dodgy and then we get to the how MUCH is this build going to cost!? well for a start different cases or a specialist welder so i could set it up on MWAS mill and re thread the timing side case. plus it is giving you satisfaction and experience while tinkering in your nicely painted breeze block abode. do you know why they call them breeze blocks? i do because the coke breeze the dust after the screening process was put in the mix and fired off with heat to leave the holes. large coke for a rich person up the nose , grade 1's for the lesser well off ,grade 2's for your parkray fire 3's for factory boilers 4's. { beans for power stations , breeze for breeze blocks.
Cheers Bergs, I may take you up on that *eek* *eek*
Seriously though, I know the motor is the best it can be given the litany of horrors. I never thrash the beastie, and always listening out for different sounds, etc. As for screw/bolt threads, etc, yes you could end up spending £££££s, like the sump stud, but it's very satisfying to find a cost free solution. As we've said before, this engine would have been recycled into drinks cans years ago BUT, it's still on the road.
I must admit, I have been surprised at how much maintenance has been needed. To say I've had nothing but trouble with this bike isn't short of the truth. Alongside the two engine builds (or 1.5 if you consider RM's attempt), there's been 5 ATDs, a maggie replacement, the cush drive spacer + new chain + fettling, fitting the spin-on filter, endless checking the sump gauze for bits of engine, dodgy electrics, broken rocker oil pipe, leaky fork seals, sloppy centre stand, broken side stand, constant oil leaks, losing nuts and bolts, clutch nut coming loose, broken dynamo chain,etc, etc, and this isn't to mention the routine maintenance like valve clearances, chain tensioning, and trying to get parts to fit when they don't want to, etc, etc. :o :o :o *work* *work* *work*
The most reliable thing on the bike has been the wheels and brakes - requiring virtually no maintenance at all. *smile*
Still, for some very, very odd reason, I still like fixing it. *dunno* *dunno*
worty the only sounds i hear from mine are the exhausts , oh and the normal ally head tappet rattle until i wrap my legs onto the petrol tank then it goes away, special leg soundproofing
Off with the timing side cover today to see if all is well - it is, except for some oil getting into the dynamo chain cavity (maybe it's because all the oil ends up in the sump and is finding its way into the timing cover - *dunno2* *dunno2*??). Tightened the dynamo chain a little and put it all back together. Checked the tappets which needed a bit of adjustment. Have gone for 9 thou inlet and 15 thou exhaust as a sort of compromise due to bashed valve stems (I think Bergs had them at 8 and 14 on rebuild) but they had closed up. Shoved the front pipe back on (primary side) and went to replace the rear brake cable.
WTF - why are these pattern parts so ill thought out? Turns out that the knurled adjuster knob and knurled lock nut wouldn't go past the torque arm retaining nut on the brake plate. Of course, the old one had a small locking nut which was fine, but this one...... Anyhow, ended up having to grind down the adjuster knob and locking nut so they would clear the nut. What should have been a 10 minute job turned into about an hour or more. *angry* *problem* *work* *razz* *razz* *rant*
So, what's left to do - top up the gearbox oil, fill the oil tank, pump the tyres up, check wheel alignment (I did measure the adjusters with a working vernier to see if they're the same length which they were, not sure if this translates into correct alignment though?). Last check of all nuts an bolts and go for a ride. *woo*
Oh, and I've given up trying to make it oil tight - just ain't working for me. *spider* *spider*
worty where is it leaking oil and as for wheel alignment get a scaffolding plank *bright idea*
G'day Worty.
Don't trust the adjusters. Have a look here
I took my new GS to my dealers workshop today for an engine management software update. Many of the new BSA's have been been having the occasional random flame-out, hence the update.
G'day Gb.
Most makes have teething problems with new models. The new Mahindra BSA will be the same. Good for them to get on to it quickly.
I don't like to buy the first model of anything for that reason. Doh, I did buy the first CB750FZ to come into the country in "81 but it was in the States for a few years (we had the 900, they didn't). Oh and the first XL500S in "78.
worty where is it leaking oil and as for wheel alignment get a scaffolding plank *bright idea*
It's not from anywhere that you rebuilt Bergs *good3* Primary cover and gearbox are the main culprits, along with a bit from the oil tank feed and return pipes (at the union with the tank itself), although I may have cured the sump plate leak with my completely genius stud work. *whistle* *grins*
my a7ss is now oil tight, copper rocker box gaskets fixed that one as it was impossible with normal gaskets, permex copper spray for a sealing compound sprayed onto the other gaskets, carbon fibre head gasket, no oil in the primary dive as it has a belt drive conversion by bob newby , works well. done about 1500 miles since rebuild and starting to push it a bit now, it will cruise at 70mph on the dual carriageway without problems.
took urma yonda out yesterday because betsy has no gearbox oil yet!!! cheers AZTEC!! i might play them that song . i had a run to Matlock where there is normally a few bikes to look at but only one bike there, mine! so i went further afield to high peak and met a nice geezer from stoke who was out for a run on his nutter space rocket ninja. Musky the 750fz was based on the 900 that some country's had and others didn't. i must change one of the sprockets on urma this winter because at the moment i keep going for a sixth gear *pull hair out*. i know these engines are more than capable of revving high but it does my head in. maybe a scania 12 speed will fit *bright idea*
Nice Bergs. Used to go to Stoke quite a bit when I lived in Stafford, there was a really good bike shop there called Foley Motorcycles (Fenton) which I spent a lot of time at. Think it's changed hands now as it was the best part of 40 years ago.
I do like your references to Yapanese space rocket ninjas, just sums them up perfectly - mad, crazy-fast things.🚀🚀
As I said, I should come down on the Beeza for a cup 'o char visit when she's fettled up and settled in a bit. Will give her a couple of runs and check primary chain tension and clutch operation before venturing out. It'll be the first time you'll have heard her fired up since the rebuild (1000m and counting).🤞🤞👌😎
Itching to get back on the road, but I need to be patient as I've spent four days straight in the garage and Sue's wanting a door painted!! *roll* *roll*
Keep your bikes locked up ready for Storm Agnes.
WHAAAAT!!!! sue wants a door painting, give her the paint and a brush *whistle* *fight* joking mate you know
WHAAAAT!!!! sue wants a door painting, give her the paint and a brush *whistle* *fight* joking mate you know
I know *ex* Even after explaining I'd been scraping around the floor in the garage, covered in oil, skinned knuckles, tired and hungry etc, etc, she still gave me 'that look' *????* *????* I was just about to hand her the brush when she picked up a knife - guess I chickened out at that point :o :o :o *help*
Why are women so odd *????* *????* *roll* *dunno* *whistle* *dunno2* *warn* *warn* *pull hair out* *conf2* *conf2* *conf2*
My dear old dads take on that Worty was that they came from Venus and that they should be kept in gages and only brought out when needed however this was just after he'd had a bit of a disagreement with mum and I never heard him mention it around my Mum either probably why they were happily married til he died !
My dear old dads take on that Worty was that they came from Venus and that they should be kept in gages and only brought out when needed however this was just after he'd had a bit of a disagreement with mum and I never heard him mention it around my Mum either probably why they were happily married til he died !
When I mentioned to Sue about women kept in cages and only being brought out when they're needed, she gave me a curious look and banned me from contacting Bergs ever again🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why are women so odd *????* *????* *roll* *dunno* *whistle* *dunno2* *warn* *warn* *pull hair out* *conf2* *conf2* *conf2*
'Why can't a woman, be more like a man?'
G'day Fellas.
I thought I'd replace the 72 year old knee grip rubbers on the plunger.
New Indian ones arrived yesterday. Bugga *pull hair out* wrong shape. The ebay blurb said suits many BSA's including 1951 plunger. I should have studied the pictures more closely (or looked at the originals before licking "buy now" *bash*
Can anyone tell me what the new ones DO fit?
Musky the new ones will fit the dustbin or turn out to be echo friendly and self destruct when they see the sun, rain, and frost *wave*
G'day Fellas.
I thought I'd replace the 72 year old knee grip rubbers on the plunger.
New Indian ones arrived yesterday. Bugga *pull hair out* wrong shape. The ebay blurb said suits many BSA's including 1951 plunger. I should have studied the pictures more closely (or looked at the originals before licking "buy now" *bash*
Can anyone tell me what the new ones DO fit?
Which are the new ones Musky *????*
Hopefully, they don't turn out to be the c**p I bought which, as Bergs said, don't fit properly and crack the moment you push the bike out the shed. *angry* *angry*
Can anyone tell me what the new ones DO fit?
The bottom one in that pic fits early rigids, eg my '49 M21 and '49 B31.
G'day RD.
You would be right as my bike has the smaller rigid type tool box. Good old BSA using up the old stock *ex* The bottom one is the 72 rear old.
Now to work out what the new top one fits and hope someone on the Forum can use them.
Top one is the same as the ones on my '59 GF (swing arm)
Just watched my Empire Star disappear down the road with its new owner, quite a lump in my throat!
Had some fun on that bike all over Europe.
Did the last few jobs on the GF, filled her up with oil and fired her up - first kick. First thing was that the oil wasn't returning, and still wasn't returning after about a minute or so. Got a bit worried about oil to the rockers, so turned her off and waited a few minutes thinking that oil needed to filter through to the sump (tank oil level was going down though, and I knew the pump was turning). On firing her up again, got an instant return in spits followed by quite a steady stream?
Sounds good and revs properly. Going through the gears first and third can be a little clunky at times, but clutch action is light. Bit of vibration as the revs increase on the stand, but that's always been the case.
Wheel alignment using the string method was good, needed a bit of adjustment. I use axle stands to tie the string to at the rear. The odd thing is, when I checked it by eye, it did seem a little left-hand sided? Also, what was a bugger, was the 'creep' on the right hand side as I tried to tighten the spindle nut. Also, like the primary chain, the final drive chain is fine when the nuts are loose, but tightens when they are tightened. The answer, make sure the chains are looser than you want them to be so they'll tighten correctly when everything is belted up. The alignment on the Kwaka was spot on with the string and by eye - I use the marks on the swingarm and the vernier to measure the length of the adjusters.
Next thing is a decent road test, then a visit to Bergs to show him the fruits of his labours.
next thing is a visit to bergs so bergs can take it through it's rev limit *whistle* *grins* *lol* *lol* *lol*
G'day Fellas.
Nothing with the BSA's.
Been over a year since I last rode the XT/SR 500 and the rhonda 1100 due to waiting for a new hip. So today I took them both for a lap (50 miles). The XT/SR is badly in need of tyres so took it easy. The rHonda is flying as it should, a bit sideways around a few corners up Scenic Hill *eek*
On the XT/SR I thought the back roads to Rydal pub, bugga it's closed. OK Hampton was next on the list. Bugga it's closed on Mondays even with a long public holiday weekend *ex* Home to the pub that never shuts, my place.
Checked tyre pressure and oil in the rHonda and off to Karajong pub for one before hitting the Bell Line Of Road. 200+ on a few bits but slowed for the cop haunts. Double points this weekend.
Marvelous what a good shot of adrenaline will do. Feel 25 again *whistle*
G'day Fellas.
Nothing with the BSA's.
Been over a year since I last rode the XT/SR 500 and the rhonda 1100 due to waiting for a new hip. So today I took them both for a lap (50 miles). The XT/SR is badly in need of tyres so took it easy. The rHonda is flying as it should, a bit sideways around a few corners up Scenic Hill *eek*
On the XT/SR I thought the back roads to Rydal pub, bugga it's closed. OK Hampton was next on the list. Bugga it's closed on Mondays even with a long public holiday weekend *ex* Home to the pub that never shuts, my place.
Checked tyre pressure and oil in the rHonda and off to Karajong pub for one before hitting the Bell Line Of Road. 200+ on a few bits but slowed for the cop haunts. Double points this weekend.
Marvelous what a good shot of adrenaline will do. Feel 25 again *whistle*
Nice Musky. I reckon you get a 'feel' for where cops and cameras might be, although they can catch you out occasionally (still no speeding points in 42 years though). Sue was in Wales this weekend with the new 20mph limit in force. She was cautious, but there is a section of main road that is 20mph where I reckon the Welsh govt will be raking in the cash from the revenue it creates nicking people. Just waiting for the crashes it will probably create from people slamming on the anchors and being shunted - let's see if that offsets the 'reasons' for bringing it in in the first place.
Curiously, in our little town, there is a 20mph zone, but you just can't go any faster than that anyway (except one bit that's good for about 35 briefly). *wink2* *wink2*
Musky the last time i took urma the yonda out , last week , she dipped into two corners and felt like the swinging arm was falling out, went back home and pumped the tyre up *bash*
G'day Bergs.
Lucky I checked. There was only 8Lb in the front. Quite warm today so the front got 34 and the rear got 36. Recon 1 or 2 Lb less would have been perfect.
I'll have to check the throttle cables. She was hanging at 3 grand when I got home.
Gave the old girl a much overdue wash and polish. Well worth it as I found two loose fasteners. There is a Concourse event on 22nd October so want her looking her best. Not concourse but don't want to shame her.
GB - I double-checked the front brake angle.
Gave the old girl a much overdue wash and polish. Well worth it as I found two loose fasteners. There is a Concourse event on 22nd October so want her looking her best. Not concourse but don't want to shame her.
GB - I double-checked the front brake angle.
Looking very nice Col!
G'day Col.
Looks mint mate. When can I book mine in *smile*
Thanks Worty and Muskrat. Sorry Musky I used the last of the polish. *lol*
Thanks Worty and Muskrat. Sorry Musky I used the last of the polish. *lol*
Just bought a 750ml (£23.00) tin of Autosol for future polishing, works out at £2.30 per tube *ex* If you buy the individual 75ml tubes, you can pay around £6 for one, maybe more. Mind you, my original 100ml has lasted me quite a few years, so this tub could well see me out *eek* *eek* *beer* *beer*
today i hung betsy, i used one of the open end spanners that GB gave me on the top fork nuts. [ cheers GB it was a lot better than using my big adjustable *good3* ] i checked and adjusted her old type cup steering races, had a look how the front brake shoes were doing and let her wee out of her forks *whistle* she is going to hang over night then get new fork wee tomorrow while i have a slurp on the job *beer*
Heh, Bergs, the left fork of the GF is very clever, it wees as it goes over potholes *eek* :o *doh*
This picture threw me for moment; it looks so much like the early Land Rover handbrake that is attached to the rear of the gearbox 🤔
GB it's an RRT2 brake or it was, it's back in betsy's wheel now de glazed --- for a bit. new fork oil and jobs a good en betsy's back on her wheels again ready to go and maybe not stop *eek*
G'day Fellas.
After a ride around the block on the rHonda the other week, when I got home she was idling at 3000rpm *eek*. The new throttle cables arrived today.
After two hours I've got the carbs out and the new cables in the twist grip. Tomorrow will put it all back together, another two/three hours.
Makes working on the BSA's a dream.
G'day Fellas.
rHonda all back together and purring like a saber toothed tiger. you think doing the rocker box on a A7/0 is a PITA. Try doing the carbs on a DOHC Honda. After the air box is pushed back 1/2" you need 1" to get'em out or in. Bergs would know!
Tomorrow is the A7 plungers turn for some attention. Rego inspection in a few weeks.
Finally organized the new garage and put the A7 inside with it's friends.
Could I ask what sort of range you get on a tank full on the CL350 please?
Just bought one, lovely bike but 100 miles max on a tank.
Had enough of waiting for some sunshine, so went off to the garage to have a poke about. Kwaka silencers are a bit tatty and the downpipe on one side was a bit loose in the head, so off they came (carefully as I didn't want a sheared stud in the head to deal with). *eek* Discovered that some idjut had reused the gasket a few times, so it came to pieces as I removed the finned flange and collets (more on order). This may also go some way to explaining why one of the domed nuts had lost it's dome (possibly by tightening beyond its depth?). Anyhow, 10 gaskets = £13 and 4 dome nuts = £3.79 - originals had a flange but a washer will be fine. Next, I'm going to clean up the pipes and cases with a dremel type attachment, and clean up the places I can't usually get to with the pipes on.
Question - what are the opinions on 'silencer' types. Many say as long as they're not marked 'not for road use' or 'not for speed testing', they're ok. Mine have something mentioning 1985, which is a key date for some kind of legislation, and they're like a medium length megaphone type. You can't see straight through them, so have some kind of noise dampening arrangement. I'm not too bothered, I think plod have better things to do and, if the HDs can get away with their racket, I don't think I'll have too many issues. *whistle* *roll* *wink2*
worty haha these pipes in the pics have been on for years , when you hear some of the hardly tractors and scoobie doos who cares. just put a warning on the bike *beer*
worty haha these pipes in the pics have been on for years , when you hear some of the hardly tractors and scoobie doos who cares. just put a warning on the bike *beer*
Brilliant Bergs - on the Kwaka, mine say for pre 1985 only - just passed its MoT. *dunno* Not quite as bold as yours, but I was looking at very similar items to replace my megas when the time comes. Spent most of the day cleaning the bike and wire brushing/polishing up the exhausts, etc, look pretty good now but will have to clean every time I get caught in the rain. *doh*
I think my main issue in life is that I love taking things apart and putting them back together again - good job really, owning British iron. *eek* *eek* *wink2* *warn* *beer* *beer* *beer*
worty you love taking things apart and putting them back together, yeah man come and work on van *bash* *pull hair out*
worty you love taking things apart and putting them back together, yeah man come and work on van *bash* *pull hair out*
You must be b****y joking, my friend, there's taking stuff apart then there's insanity :o :o :o
*lol* *lol* *lol* *roll* *whistle*
Hmm, I guess I verge on the insanity side of things. I have often (read as pretty much all the time) completed a job only to turn around and dismantle again so I can "improve" some assembly or appearance.
I get to experience all of this anew as I am back in my shop today after 5-6 months of medical intervention, First thing is starting my A7, poor baby needs some attention, and the RE Bullet for some settling and heating after a top-end rebuild in February.
Hmm, I guess I verge on the insanity side of things. I have often (read as pretty much all the time) completed a job only to turn around and dismantle again so I can "improve" some assembly or appearance.
I get to experience all of this anew as I am back in my shop today after 5-6 months of medical intervention, First thing is starting my A7, poor baby needs some attention, and the RE Bullet for some settling and heating after a top-end rebuild in February.
I have a gnawing dissatisfaction when I've done a job and I know it's a balls-up, even though it may work. If it does work, I try to ignore it until I come back to it again, then do it properly. If it doesn't work, I curse a lot, drink beer, calm down, then come back to it when my head's in the right place (not immediately after drinking beer, I might add *warn* *warn*) *beer* *beer* *beer*
worty haha these pipes in the pics have been on for years , when you hear some of the hardly tractors and scoobie doos who cares. just put a warning on the bike *beer*
Not for....
People with sensitive ears?
Use in a silent order of monks?
Outside a hospital?
GB -- not for road use -- unless your name is berger and make em have it
decided to take urma the yonda for a Derbyshire tour to look at some damage after Chesterfield drowned in 4 feet of water. she took a bit of starting but eventually kicked in on two then three then all four and off we went. it was not cold but the sun was a bit of a blinder, i came across a few of the road closed signs due to land slips but of course me and urma love a challenge and if we can squeeze through we do and did.
G'day Fellas.
The old A7 was due for rego Sunday so on Saturday I took her down to Campbelltown for inspection. I had planed to ride but with the DVRII having a hissy fit I had to trailer. Killed two birds with the one stone, Club meeting (I'm Public Officer and Medic), meat raffle at Bradbury Pub and a few beers with the bro's.
Put the polished up pipes back on the Kwaka with new header gaskets - nice and solid now with no 'wobble'. Drained the rest of the oil out of the GF sump, pumped tyres up, now to wait on the next riding day (suspended whilst I bolt the Octy's driveshaft back on) *angry* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Managed to get the driveshaft off this evening before dark, just one sheared bolt in the gearbox connection and will have to grind off the bent bolt on the driveshaft. The grease gasket has completely disappeared, so may just do without (not critical if bolted up tightly). Tomorrow will be more car work in between the showers *razz* *razz* *razz* *razz*
Went out for a short blast which turned into a long one. At my usual coffee stop there were 3 classic scooters parked up, who got the nod, but chose to park a bit away from them? Whilst waiting for my drink I couldn’t help thinking of Quadrephenia and singing to myself “we are the mods, we are the mods” etc. Good old days came to mind when they would turn up on mass in Torquay and me and my mates would pretend to go out “mod bashing”. Truth is one of our group got bashed lightly, happy memories though.
Sorry to ramble, had a great ride not too many leaves yet and dodged the showers. Had been fiddling with the carb and pleased with that. Looking forward to dry, leaf free roads of winter when less traffic and the engine gets to suck in that cold moist air that it loves!
*good3* *good3* *beer*
Got a mag problem with the Star Twin. Won't run when the ignition is retarded. The newly refurbished mag was sent back under guarantee for a fix but the problem has re-appeared. So took the mags off the Star Twin and the A10 to do a swap to confirm that the problem is either the mag or the bike. The mag produces a great spark when just flicking it over whether on full advance or full retard. Puzzled.
the one thing i haven't done for years is take betsy out on cold damp and wet diesel covered road days, but today i jumped on her---- kickstart while at a loose end in the garage and thought sod it we are OUT OUT. i only went about 15miles round trip but by eck was it good , BROOM BROOM betsy loved it apart from running into more of the lets dig traffic lights with absolutely nothing happening on the part of the road that was blocked off!!! the best part by far was seeing the plod in the middle of the jam and betsy doing a Christine with a mind of her own and giving plod full megas in first gear as she made her way to the front. the girlfriend heard me coming home and had the cup of tea ready and waiting *yeah*
Oh yes the sound is doubly fabulous when it bounces off a Plod's helmet eh?
Today, because a photographer is coming to take pictures of the house and surroundings for the estate agents I have stashed stuff all around my motorbike. We've got a lot of 'stuff'. Mind you, the weather is 'orrible so I was not going to be riding anyway.
GB i thought i had " stuff" in my house but when i came to yours , you do have LOTS of stuff, good luck with packing all that away safely *pull hair out*
Set the ignition timing on the A10 and A7. First try on the A10, second on the A7. Not bad. The misfiring on the recon mag fitted to the A7 might just be down to the points being at 1.5 thou rather than 15 thou. Will need to keep an eye on them. Both got oil changes too. Next the rest of the servicing plus a good clean. Then as much riding before the gritters are out as possible.
During the last couple of days, I made a floating bowl extension on my little lathe. But the weather is now too bad to test…
During the last couple of days, I made a floating bowl extension on my little lathe. But the weather is now too bad to test…
Forgive my ignorance Tinu, but what does it do?
Spent the afternoon doing a bush conversion on the swinging arm of the Road Rocket project.
Musky, fancy putting my carbs back on after i'v changed the main jets for the correct ones? NOOO i thought so *bash* i look like plugging the heat gun in when they go back on. well urma is not going out anymore this winter so i decided to drain the tank and take the carbs off because she has the wrong main jets for her set up [ too big ] and i had to leave the air filter end cover off so she would go like a nutter bike instead of bogging down at 5000rpm *problem*, my mistake because i didn't realise this JDM bike was jetted differently to all the others with only having access to haynes and clymer manuals that don't touch the JDM bikes set up, also when i set the air screws i set them a tad more open than they should be and it's been a little swine to start in the cold when it's been stood. so there's a couple of things to correct and if i get the chance to nip out again it will be on betsy . *yeah*
During the last couple of days, I made a floating bowl extension on my little lathe. But the weather is now too bad to test…
Forgive my ignorance Tinu, but what does it do?
i don't know if my carburettor has enough flow to provide enough fuel when going uphill. Uphill means steep climbs on top of passes, as we have it here in Switzerland...
But I'm not sure if it really helps *smile*
I've always wondered what it does!
According to the AMAL site, it "increases the available fuel capacity". But at around £50 here in the UK, it also diminishes your available short term finances.
I reckon that is a good example of time well spent, and full justification for the Euro's spent on those lathe tools. Well done.
aaannnd the're off , a bit of birthday present heat gun to soften the boots and the job was a good en, now to put the correct main jets in the carbs, pub tomorrow *beer*
G'day Bergs.
Have you ever changed the air cut off diaphragms? Why not give them a full resto.
Good idea with the heat gun, never thought of that.
musky they had the full works a couple of years ago but wrong mains fitted because i only had haynes and clymor books that didn't cover the japanese market bike for jet sizes and when i saw 102's in the books they went in but they are having the 75's back in and the air filter side cover back on *beer*
G'day Fellas.
Rode the HD up to Grey Gum Cafe Saturday to a memorial for a fallen brother. His son Thomas wasn't a year old when Ruley passed, now walking and up to all sorts of mischief (just like dad).
Had a great night with good friends.
Sunday weather looked great so came home the long way via Bylong Valley Way. Only two beer stops along the way. The bike knows her way home *whistle*
Looks a good ride mate, about 100m I reckon! *beer* *beer* *good3* *good3*
G'day Worty.
317 miles all up. Have to watch the speed limits on the Putty Rd, the coppers luv it but didn't see any. The Bylong rarely see's a copper so the speed is a lot higher where conditions allow *whistle*
Heh, trying to work it out on Google one way, but obviously your trip was a bit more 'circuitious'.
"The Bronze.....take our pride." (Toecutter, beach scene. Mad Max (1979)). There were some lovely bikes in that film. *dribble* *dribble* *dribble* *dribble* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Do you know where the scenes were filmed?
G'day Worty.
100miles up, 200 miles home the long way so I call it the big long block! I fell into the tent at 4am, up at 6am, on the road by 9am.
If you mean Stone (1974) was filmed around Sydney. Gore Hill Cemetery, Middle Head, the new Sydney to Newcastle freeway, Pitwater.
Spent the afternoon doing a bush conversion on the swinging arm of the Road Rocket project.
Hi CB, Did you replace the rubber/metalastic ones with the later (Triumph?) plain bush and bobbin type? I've done this on my current A65 Spitfire project (sorry guys!). There are still short comings I think, the worst of which is the lack of any proper seals and the fact you need to completely fill the swing arm pivot tube with grease...In the end I turned up a big plastic spacer just to reduce the amount of grease in there and fitted sections of push bike inner tube over the ends to keep the rain out. Mine had about .010" end float when I was done but no measurable play in the bearings which is the main thing I think.
If you mean Stone (1974) was filmed around Sydney. Gore Hill Cemetery, Middle Head, the new Sydney to Newcastle freeway, Pitwater.
Never heard of Stone, but just seen a bit of it on YouTube. Was Mad Max shot in Oz? I was assuming so from the number of Aussie actors. *dunno* *dunno*
If you mean Stone (1974) was filmed around Sydney. Gore Hill Cemetery, Middle Head, the new Sydney to Newcastle freeway, Pitwater.
Never heard of Stone, but just seen a bit of it on YouTube. Was Mad Max shot in Oz? I was assuming so from the number of Aussie actors. *dunno* *dunno*
G'day Worty.
Yes MM was as well but a lot later.
I watched that movie so many times in the 80's when I was living in Sydney... they were those very chilled 'hire a video' nights ;). We all lived in a house out west (all of us were military) & there were 11 bikes in the shed. Sad to see Hugh Keays-Byrne (the toe-cutter) died a few years back. I loved his character in Stone & Mad Max.... "Kundalini wants his hand back" best line ever
Interesting, I've never seen Stone but will look for it now. Loved MM when it came out being an impressionable 17 year old at the time, I can still see the Toe Cutter's mad staring eyes just before the truck hits him *eek*,film%20by%20company%20Hedon%20Productions.&text=Police%20officer%20Stone%20goes%20undercover,their%20members%2C%20one%20by%20one.
i don't know how i do it on a small budget, i decided to change urma the yondas left fork leg seal and the damper in the bottom decided to spin in conjunction with the allen bolt that holds it in. i could feel it turning with a long brass rod i put down the fork leg *problem* oh dear what do i do? *bright idea* *bright idea* i get a piece of central heating copper pipe and lightly tap it down into the fork leg damper, then put the mole grips on the copper pipe and warn up the allen bolt, wahey damper stops turning and bolt comes out with no damage done, i am now in the process of patenting this idea *whistle*
i don't know how i do it on a small budget, i decided to change urma the yondas left fork leg seal and the damper in the bottom decided to spin in conjunction with the allen bolt that holds it in. i could feel it turning with a long brass rod i put down the fork leg *problem* oh dear what do i do? *bright idea* *bright idea* i get a piece of central heating copper pipe and lightly tap it down into the fork leg damper, then put the mole grips on the copper pipe and warn up the allen bolt, wahey damper stops turning and bolt comes out with no damage done, i am now in the process of patenting this idea *whistle*
Genius Bergs, but how does the pipe jam the damper?? Is it that it's a close fit, and is it 15mm or 22mm? Just wondered 'cause I like troubleshooting probs myself.
I was faced with a similar hex socket down at the bottom of a fork tube, Yamaha XS 650. Found a hex bolt to fit, tack welded it to to a length of steel tube...old style conduit. Now the bolt head is the business end of a long allen key, then welded on a cross T handle, out it came. Easy Peasey.
worty the bolt goes through the fork leg bottom and into the damper tube that was turning with the bolt, the tube is hollow and the piece of 15mm copper pipe just slightly shrunk into the damper, you can see where it was tarnished and where it went in has cleaned it up.
C'mon Berger, there's room for at least 2 more 'bikes in there...
Joolstacho well i do need room to lie down and think when things don't go to plan. there is a third of course the berglar build with bits and pieces stored in the house and garage------ somewhere ,,,,,, now where did i put the forks, i remember upstairs in the bedroom. i can't miss the engine it's on the workbench in the kitchen *yeah*
Yes Bergs... Correct... keep your beloved in the bedroom and the kitchen *woo*
Yes Bergs... Correct... keep your beloved in the bedroom and the kitchen *woo*
I haven't been out for a week or so. Older brother and motorcycle nut visited yesterday from Melbourne ( a 12-hr road drive). I started the BSA and Ohh what a note!!. Brother got quite excited. He has been in a wheelchair now for 2 years so first visit since, but the light in his eyes has not abated one bit.
Great for the Bruv’… well done Col.
point is, they do all sound SO good eh?
urma the yonda is now back on two wheels and in the storage garage now i have put a new fork seal on her leg. the seal that leaked because of wear and very slight pitting was 48mm od 35mm id and 11mm thick. my idea was to fit a 34mm id to help it out with a tiny bit more grip' the only seal i could get with the od and id that i wanted was only 7mm thick so the lathering tool made a 4mm ring in ally as a spacer to fit under the retaining circlip. i know why they made lathering tools now---------------------- they were designed to press in fork seals *bright idea* so a steel collar was at hand along with a bit of flat and in went the seal. now i have hoovered the Axminster carpet and taken the berglar build slimline out of the house and into the living room garage so she can talk to betsy beezer, it won't be long before maggy may is in my hands and the engine timed up on the kitchen workbench then into the frame and on i go. the building a berger project has been going on far too long but such is life [ what is life without a wife , what a bstd with one *pull hair out* ] thankyou for listening have a nice day .. ps i did NOT go to the pub i did sheddy and bikey things *yeah* *work* and if this new seal leaks after a few miles it looks like a re chromed forks job *sad* after all it is over 40 years old and this leg was full of water when i bought the bike having been left on it's side stand for years.. second and 3rd pic is my engineer puddy making sure i don't mess things up AGAIN!!
Nowt on the bike today - fighting off a stinker of a cold *angry* *angry* *angry* *razz* *razz* *razz*
G'day Fellas.
Sat took the old girl for a blat around the block to test the sparkles. All good so Sun took her up to the Bathurst car & bike show. Only about 50 bikes and 150 tin tops.
Came home the back way with three pub stops. May have had two too many at the last but only a few miles to home.
Squeezing between the Ranger and shed I misjudges and went down trapping my left foot under the footpeg and head between bike and post. My cries for help were heard by Deb and a passer by. Took a bit to get me untangled but no damage to bike or me.
Grounded for a week *whistle*
Is Debs going to punish you severely *????* *eek* *eek* *wink2* ::hh:: ::hh::
Squeezing between the Ranger and shed I misjudges and went down trapping my left foot under the footpeg and head between bike and post.
Jesus H Christ, that could have been terrible. Take care buddy 🙏
G'day Fellas.
Sat took the old girl for a blat around the block to test the sparkles. All good so Sun took her up to the Bathurst car & bike show. Only about 50 bikes and 150 tin tops.
Came home the back way with three pub stops. May have had two too many at the last but only a few miles to home.
Squeezing between the Ranger and shed I misjudges and went down trapping my left foot under the footpeg and head between bike and post. My cries for help were heard by Deb and a passer by. Took a bit to get me untangled but no damage to bike or me.
Grounded for a week *whistle*
Grounded???. Don't even think about it Muskrat.! An apalling thought. *eek*
Sounds like good material for a Don't Drink and Drive advert.
Rode a BSA for the very first time after 42 yrs riding & 38 bikes. Bought it a month ago yet it needed a few things sorted before I brought it home to join the Red Twin Gang. Actually very impressed with it, particularly the handling as I expected differently. My Guzzi is reversed in the gear box so im used to reverse pattern yet opposite sides threw me a bit at the start
G'day Fellas.
Sat took the old girl for a blat around the block to test the sparkles. All good so Sun took her up to the Bathurst car & bike show. Only about 50 bikes and 150 tin tops.
Came home the back way with three pub stops. May have had two too many at the last but only a few miles to home.
Squeezing between the Ranger and shed I misjudges and went down trapping my left foot under the footpeg and head between bike and post. My cries for help were heard by Deb and a passer by. Took a bit to get me untangled but no damage to bike or me.
Grounded for a week *whistle*
Sell the Ranger!
Rode a BSA for the very first time after 42 yrs riding & 38 bikes. Bought it a month ago yet it needed a few things sorted before I brought it home to join the Red Twin Gang. Actually very impressed with it, particularly the handling as I expected differently. My Guzzi is reversed in the gear box so im used to reverse pattern yet opposite sides threw me a bit at the start
Wow, you have a red bike for every occasion!
I'm happy that your riding experience on the Beeza was a happy one 👍
G'day Macbeth.
Wow what a great looking BSA.
Yes getting the brakes/gearchange right can be "fun", even my two A's are different. 1 up 3 down and 1 down 3 up on the right. Then there's the other three with 1 down 4 up on the left. Even after an hour in the saddle I still muff up!
A stunning Collection MacBeth. And welcome to the Forum. The BSA looks fantastic. Enny-Meeny-Minee-Mo - What shall I ride today.?
A stunning Collection MacBeth. And welcome to the Forum. The BSA looks fantastic. Enny-Meeny-Minee-Mo - What shall I ride today.?
Ta mate. I never have to worry if I find a flat battery …I just take another. The Honda is my daily as it’s crazy easy to live with. I do need a nice 50’s outfit though but it’s got to be red however I’ll accept a single 🤣
I left the Rocket outside last night (not the brightest idea considering there’s no key) & to my amazement it fired on the very first kick this morning, very impressed ! 1 kick & off it went. Looks like it’s going to be a nice bike
G'day Fellas.
Started making new intake manifolds for the Cafe. A few years ago I removed the flange off the PWK carbs and the flange off the manifolds to use rubber tubes instead. Never could get them to seal. I'll have to make new flanges for the carbs as well.
I can't find my centre head for my combination square (probably got burnt) to mark out for the carb flanges. A good excuse for a ride to Bathurst (bigger Bunnings).
Nice work Musky, it must be new manifold season.
G'day Beeza.
Nice carbs M8. What size are they?
I tried a few different rubber spigot manifolds without success.
Just got back from Bathurst with the required tool. Why is it when we go to a tool shop we come out with more than we went in for???
34mm, might be over enthusiastic, now we have to find all the available space for porting to the 39mm valves.
Agree about the rubber spigots not lasting, but this bike won’t be doing any touring LOL.
Just a coincidence, I too couldn’t find my centre square attachment when making the manifolds , had to borrow one.
G'day Beeza.
Yes might be a tad over carbed.
Be very careful when porting not to break into the rockerbox stud holes.
I had 32m Amal concentrics on the racer A7ss on methanol. Now it's the A10 Cafe I've got 30mm PWK's (SR valves in A7SS head matched to A10 bores, 357cam).
Used the "tool" to mark the manifolds for drilling and shaping this arvo.
Now I need to find some 3/8" alloy plate to make the carb flanges.
G'day Fellas.
Job done, manifolds on.
The PWK flanges that were on the carbs up until a few years ago were lost in the fire and new ones are not available *sad2*
So the Cafe will be sitting for a while yet till I get my hands on some alloy plate.
Musky also why is it when doing a job you end up with 4 times the tools that you thought the job needed.
Why is it when we go to a tool shop we come out with more than we went in for???
Gotta say, a tool shop is probably the only place where I enjoy shopping 😊
Wow, you have a red bike for every occasion!
I'm happy that your riding experience on the Beeza was a happy one 👍
Well I’m officially a BSA owner now. Oil drops on the concrete for the first time in years & I was walking up & down the street in the dark this morning looking for my gear lever 👍 Love it !!!
I was walking up & down the street in the dark this morning looking for my gear lever 👍 Love it !!!
Did you find it? 😁
Yep brings back memories as a kid doing stuff like that as a kid on my old bikes. Bought a new one though as the old one was just flogged out.
G'day Macbeth.
A 14mm ring spanner is a nice tap on gear lever. DAMHIK one got me 200Km home.
I safety wire it on now.
i got the berger build engine onto the sack barrow and into the garage, then it was wrapped up nicely to have a rest and wait for me to get the frame paint sorted i messed up. i then brought betsy round from the garage and down the pavement next to the main road then in through the front door and parked up in the kitchen. the girlfriend is now happy and has plans for tinsel and lights *clap*
i got the berger build engine onto the sack barrow and into the garage, then it was wrapped up nicely to have a rest and wait for me to get the frame paint sorted i messed up. i then brought betsy round from the garage and down the pavement next to the main road then in through the front door and parked up in the kitchen. the girlfriend is now happy and has plans for tinsel and lights *clap*
It's also the stash of beer for your B&Ts hidden behind the front wheel that interests me mate *beer* *beer* *beer*
G'day Macbeth.
A 14mm ring spanner is a nice tap on gear lever. DAMHIK one got me 200Km home.
I safety wire it on now.
That’s a tip to keep. I’ve plenty of metric. Just scored about $600 worth of all Whitworth Sidchrome open,ring & sockets from an old bloke selling his house …$40 the lot ! I haven’t used Whitworth since the farm
After the umpteenth grovel through ditches and verges, this is my fix on the Burman box of my most-used daily rider. It's a fine spline - it would be too easy to overtighten and break the alloy lever at the clamp bolt.
Cover off, shaft out, drilled and tapped up the middle, small setscrew and washer, say 1/4 BSC or M6 - and no way it can disappear again. Others use a bit 'o wire and a small drilling through the lever in a not-visible place to keep the lever with the bike if it comes off.
(It could, of course, be done prettily for a prettier shinier machine.)
I was searching Freecycle a few years back when some guy put a load of really old spanners up free on collection. There were all sorts; AF, Whit, etc. I sometimes find that a rusty old, 100 year old, spanner will fit a bolt/nut that nothing else will, for some reason *ex*
Not much on the BSA lately, just love running my hands over it occasionally. It has been too B--- hot lately to enjoy riding, but I will take it out for a spin tomorrow morning early. 38 C again today, 41 yesterday. El Nino is here again.
Been fettling the 1966 500cc Lilac Magnum flat twin to get it running again after a 20 year lay-up. Found the carbs all over the place which explained its poor performance way back then. Any body lay their hands on a Mikuni Manual for my carbs?? They are Mikuni Shoko VM22 from 1964-65. Col
Not quite as 'desirable' as Col's project, but today I need to get onto fitting the new condenser for Mary's Suzi TS100.
I did it once, but the new condenser supplied was wrong,-just 1mm too long, -but enough to cause the elec' connectors on top of it to short out on the inside of the flywheel rotor.
Not a pretty bike, but a really useful small trail bike from the early 70's. And it's dead original and complete.
G'day Fellas.
The 10mm alloy plate arrived yesterday for the carb flanges.
Bought a 76mm hole saw to cut out two discs, mounted in lathe to bore a thou smaller than the carb mouth then drilled the holes for the studs & nuts.
Bugga, with the studs in the manifold and the flange on the carb there's no room for nuts.
The holes in the flange will take helicoils and the studs in the manifold removed and drilled so allen head bolts will hold it all together.
But now I'm off to the work Xmas party. Do not disturb tomorrow morning!
Have fun Musky, and don't take the bike mate *wink2*
G'day Worty.
My head hurts this morning. The boss drove us to and from so I got stuck into the Hillbilly Cider.
I'll fiddle with the flanges/manifolds for a couple of hours then up to a mates to help him get the forks & primary on his HD.
Well done mate! On some antibiotics for a chest infection, but will be out on the bikes as soon as I'm fit enough.
Hate the Winter, roll on Spring! *razz* *razz* *razz*
I did take the Flash out for a short spin this morning. *grins* Started and ran well.
I did observe that the oil return was solid for about 15 seconds after hitting the start button. Out of interest I wondered if I could use this information to calculate the oil wetsumped since I last rode it exactly 5 weeks ago.
I calculated that at just above idle - guessed 1150 rpm, and 20-60W oil cold, feed was about 0.84 l/min and scavenge was about 1.41 l/min. The difference was 0.57 l/min. I did spend days working these figures out a couple of years ago. For a guessed 15 seconds to clear the excess oil in sump, it calculated to 101 mls wetsumped since last ride, or 20 mls / week. Fairly consistent with my previous sump plug draining measurements.
I know many would dream of such little wetsumping, but I did put in the work to bed the anti-drain ball well and I have a new SRM oil pump and PRV.
Next ride, I will record more accurately the time to clear and the rpm at start (I have a cheapo electronic tacho fitted).
Perhaps that may be useful for those who don't have a major wetsumping issue (requiring sump draining every ride) and want to monitor it easily?
Did I just open a can of worms?? >:D
Fitted the recon mag to the Dominator this time using a BSA extended nut for the bottom stud. So much easier - why didn't Norton do this in the first place?
Col not a can of worms more like a can of oil, all you have to do with a wet sumping bike is take the oil cap off look inside and if the level has dropped to the point that you need a telescope to see it you know it's in the sump. if you start it the oil will most probably be thrown out all over the floor and in my case many years ago forced through the mag seal and dripping out of the mag *bash* *pull hair out* i would say rule of thumb to drain the sump is 1 inch below your normal tank level.
Surely, (don't call me Shirley) if you start the engine and let it tick-over it will pump the jollop back up into the tank. That was what I always did with mine.
Surely, (don't call me Shirley) if you start the engine and let it tick-over it will pump the jollop back up into the tank. That was what I always did with mine.
But if all your oil has drained into the sump, I was told you could break a ring and/or have oil pumping out the breather like an oil well blowout.
GB the pressure under the pistons shoves the dollop out of the breather and anywhere else it wants to go if there's enough of it in the crankcases , as i found out many many moons ago, by the way when moon come over mountain----white man die!
by the way when moon come over mountain----white man die!
'ow many B&Ts 'ave yer 'ad mate?
worty none today, i went to a mates funeral and it was a sombre affair , also there were too many people in a line dieing to get in the crem
worty none today, i went to a mates funeral and it was a sombre affair , also there were too many people in a line dieing to get in the crem
Sorry to hear that mate, was he a close mate, into bikes....??
he was an ex asbestos stripper and loved his horse racing/ greyhounds and every thing else you could bet on , not into bikes at all
he was an ex asbestos stripper and loved his horse racing/ greyhounds and every thing else you could bet on , not into bikes at all
Asbestos - b****y hell!
A big gambler then!
haha yes big gambler his words stick in my mind from nearly 40 years ago, i asked him for a horse to back and he said don't back what i back i never win. he didn't do badly though he used to work for a bookie and phone punters bets through from the pub so i think he did well out of that job
Yeah, I was having a double entendre re the asbestos too!
Quick question fellas, anyone know the o/d and i/d of the oil tank breather pipe (the one at the top under the seat). Cheers
Quick question fellas, anyone know the o/d and i/d of the oil tank breather pipe (the one at the top under the seat). Cheers
Worty, did you mean to put this question here?
Quick question fellas, anyone know the o/d and i/d of the oil tank breather pipe (the one at the top under the seat). Cheers
Worty, did you mean to put this question here?
Yes mate, it was just a quick question related to what I'm going to do with the bike, it's not a new topic.
Started the brood. The A7's new starting procedure WITH the choke worked 2nd kick. The Norton third kick. The AJS About 5 or 6. The A10 stopped at 10, checked the oil tank damik she had done it again. Got a jug and undid the sump plug, just under a litre poured out. Put sump plug and oil back. started 2nd kick and a quick oil return.
I had run the triumph a couple of days ago, but I was so pleased to have it running again I thought I would fire it up. Nothing doing all those strange things again like every so often feeling like the clutch was slipping. Put choke on and gave it a really good tickle and a couple of slow kick to prime it. Hard kick very loud bang ( my sister ran away), huge flame out of the carb bell mouth, but did not run. Decided Triumphs hate me, found fire extinguisher and fire blanket ready for next time, sometime in the new year when I wont be disturbing the fire brigades xmas dinner.
Fascinating innit?
Today I've / we've been firing up my dear ol' '64 Velocette Venom Clubman for my kid. Going through the 1960s Pommy sportsbike single starting procedure. To transfer the 'knowledge' to the son. (Ain't easy but!). The kid knows that he will be the next keeper, so it's good that I can go through the processes that are second nature to us who've done it for many years, But... All that stuff - draining the wet sump, adjusting the chains, flushing crappy old petrol. All that stuff and more. Difficult 'cos the guy has been a very good rider for many years, but on modern bikes and of course he thinks he knows it all... but mate it ain't a bloody KTM!!! It's all different.
Anyway she ran, and the light in his eyes when he heard the Velo Fishtail fire up was well worth seeing! Haha!
Replaced all the oils in the Lilac Magnum today. Such an oddball bike - almost no literature to go on. Now searching for a battery then check the wiring. With luck it will be running in the not-too-distant future - Don't you just love the lack of certainty of the date?
Santa dropped off a new petrol tank from India
Lots of gurning from me
Dry fitting shows tweaks will be required but overall I’m happy with it 😃
Santa dropped off a new petrol tank from India
Lots of gurning from me
Dry fitting shows tweaks will be required but overall I’m happy with it 😃
Looking shiny and gorgeous Scotty *good3*
Spent 3 hours trawling the web trying to find the oil flinger washer that fits behind the little sprocket on the dynamo. Never even found a part number. It must be specific to A7/10 but its not listed as a BSA part that I can find.
Gave up and retreated to the shed and brazed the old one back together. Came out better than expected. Usual problem, some complete **** had tried to lever the sprocket off, bent it then it had cracked. Does anyone know, is there a felt washer behind it? There was a trace of something.
G'day Rob.
No "oil flinger" in there as there is no oil just grease.
There is a cork "oil seal" behind the large sprocket.
Also a cork between the dynamo and inner cover.
Fair point, I was struggling to name it which didn't help with the search. Its a top hat thing that goes on the dynamo shaft under the special nut. I'm sure its a flinger but its not on the dynamo or BSA parts that I can find. Annoyingly the special nut is easy to get but this bit isn't.
Replaced all the oils in the Lilac Magnum today. Such an oddball bike - almost no literature to go on. Now searching for a battery then check the wiring. With luck it will be running in the not-too-distant future - Don't you just love the lack of certainty of the date?
Limey, there was originally a square section rubber washer which fitted in the groove on the offset plate. I have never fitted one and have had no problems.
That explains the bits that disappeared into the dirt on the floor *smile*. Well its done up and tab washer locked so I'm relieved to know its OK without it.
G'day Fellas, Happy New Year.
For the first time in a while I made it to midnight *ex*
I've had to take the new manifolds off the Cafe as there is an air leak. Not real bad but I'm not happy with any air leak.
Seems like two, one where the flange goes onto the spigot of the carb and where the flange meets the manifold.
The flange was made from 10mm alloy plate and must have distorted with all the grinding into shape. All fool me for not checking *bash*. Got it flat on glass & wet & dry paper. It's a light press fit onto the carb but I'll put an O ring in there and groove the flange to take an O ring there (like the one's used on concentrics). All the O rings in my kits are too thick so ebay to the rescue. A mob in Sydney has what I need but is closed for the holidays. Bugga, two weeks wait. Bah Humbug.
Ho hum, that gives me time to see why the plungers kicker is a little stiff.
Happy New Year, we are still waiting on a wet and windy night.
Spent best part of a day trying to work out what a previous owner / builder had done. Bike is an A10 with an 8" TLS front brake in what I now know are '68 A65 fork sliders (no circlip). My issue has been that the hub nut holding the brake plate on only has one thread of engagement and its not enough. Found loads of material on the web on spindle lengths but none of it solved my problem. In the end I took it all apart, and hey presto - a home made 3/16 spaced behind the bearing to push the hub over and engage the brake plate stop. *problem*
So now I know what has to be done, get the brake plate built up with some weld and fix the issue properly.
I'm sure you know this Musky, but my carb has an interference fit to the flange plate, with a couple of small socket head grubscrews holding it together.
(And well, NYE...small group... made it to midnight, but nobody was walking in straight lines!)
G'day Jools.
Yes I made mine with a press fit and two 3mm grub screws each. The originals also had a epoxy sealant, I used RTV silicon.
Today I cut the O ring grooves. I have one concentric O ring that fits perfect with 0.5mm crush. Now to wait for the new ones to arrive.
i have been looking at betsy today, just looking and then noticed not one drop of oil on the drip tray, betsy only drips from the build up of oil mist coming from the breather after a good THRASHING. i also brought inside the featherybed frame for the berglar build so i can touch up the paint i messed up a few weeks ago *bash* nice and cosy in the house not so in the garage *pull hair out* happy new year peeps , i am now going to have a beers or 9 *beer* black&tans of course *good3*
Mine's oil tight too, apart from the drips under the l/h front fork, primary cover, gearbox and sump cover. *pull hair out* *pull hair out* Having said that, the sump isn't leaking at present as there's no oil in the tank. *good3* Bergs, you are either a lucky fella or a complete genius *wink2* *wink2*
..... or both *ex* *ex*
whoooopsadaisy i seem to have painted my washing machine and other things black. never mind it will soon wear off the ancient tiled floor and the carpet bits are for paddling muck on anyway *lol* *lol* *lol*, got to have a beer now i have managed to get it orf the washer. good job i have a very good girly or i would be in trouble, i will correct that remark , good job she's as mad as a box of frogs like me or i would be in the garage or shed or spare room- or pub tonight :-:. *beer*
Yup, those are the places I live, apart from the beer-induced alternative realities that I frequently occupy. *beer* *beer* *beer*
Just a quicky as it’s been a while since making any comment. Have been on my knees for about 6 hrs this evening playing with the front end of my A10. Not what I had planned to be doing when I ventured into the garage but hey ho it was good fun. Will be going abroad tomorrow (Wales) for coffee in morning as it’s been a while and it appears to have stopped raining! All my recent rides have been local. Was thinking whilst playing earlier how it’s another winter with no serious restoration work to bike. I’m still at the dry build stage and ironing out all the wrinkles, mind I have been doing that since ‘89.
*pull hair out* *beer* *computer* *wave* *good3*
The Post Office finally delivered all the parts I ordered over the past 2 weeks. They've been saving them up somewhere. Anyway it means I can swap the wheel bearings over to sealed units, rebuild the forks and get the centre stand back on. The fork tool arrived which will get used once or twice at most, I know this becuse I bought one 30 years ago and used it once or twice at most, then got rid of it as "I'll never need one of those again" *conf*. I'll put this one in my will.
I got this bike about 2 months ago as a loosely assembled bike described as a "cafe racer". Its a bitza but some bits are nice - alloy head, 9:1 pistons, big journal crank, 8" TLS brake and who ever did the original build knew what they were doing. Since then its been very badly rebuilt so I'm having to take it all apart and put it back together properly.
It will never be a restoration or rebuild but a recommissioning. Plan is to be on the road in another month or so. It was kept in a damp shed at some stage and there is just too much corrosion on the chrome for it to ever be immaculate without a huge parts bill. What it will be is nice and shiny as it goes by *smile*
TS bush has arrived and so have the -20 shells so now its time to get the crank ground. TS bush is blank and crank is about -12 so plan is to get the TS grind and bush machined for -15. I need to get the camp stove out and get the bush and roller bearing in the cases.
Fired the A10 up since it's last run in September 23. Took a bit of coaxing but way hey. *smile*
Hi Catz, You didn't go out in the snow did you?? :o
No way, though we have had a bit down here. Cheshire is between Scotland and the South.
Fired up the BSAs and the Norton to clear the sumps. Found that the Norton rev counter is on the blink. Sending it off for repair later today.
Hey show us the Norton BS (-we know what a beezer looks like)
G'day Fellas.
I finally got around to fitting the manifolds and carbs on the Cafe. Will wait till tomorrow night to see if it's all sealed up. I machined the grooves on the carbs to accept O rings and glued the flanges on with JBWeld. O ring between flange and manifold, 1/8" tufnol and silastic between manifold and head. I'll take pics tomorrow. If it still sucks the shooting star you see going up is my camera *ex*
I shifted the BSA sideways to make room for my 1969 Honda CB450 K2 (the last with drum brakes). Interestingly, I purchased this bike for A$200 in 1992 with bent front fork stantions. I straightened the forks, put new fork seals and tyres, and rode it for 3 years. The front brake had been relined for PO by Ross Hannan, a prominent rider in the 1960's. It has deteriorated in that 32 years, so I think I will just clean it up, replace the front forks, new tyres and ride it. It has large exhaust valves and pulled very well two-up on nice hills. I don't think it is worth the expense of a full restoration. Ohh - and the Lilac is ready to kick start next week. So the BSA will be getting scant attention for a month or three. I am feeling the pressure to get my larger bikes all running whilst I still can. The tiddlers can wait.!
Working on the Velocette today. My '64 Clubman owned since 1973. As I'm passing it on to it's new keeper, my son, I'm going through the whole thing to set it up nicely for him. Good to be inside my Velo again... you forget what a class piece of machinery they are. The timing gears etc are a work of art!
Got the GF and W650 out today. W650 was tyres pumped up, quick carb prime, and fired on the button after a couple of attempts (4 month layoff).
The GF, however, was a different matter. I thought I'd try a suggestion to stop wet sumping by attaching a pipe to the tank breather and clamping a drill bit in the end. After a few hours, the level had dropped a bit, so I tried using the vacuum gun from my brake bleeding kit on it to create a bit of a vacuum in the tank - no go, I assume the return pipe doesn't allow for a vacuum to be created??
So, in taking the seat off, the front bracket that attaches to the seat pan sheared off (probably a cheap Indian replica). *pull hair out* *pull hair out* I found a large penny washer, put a 10mm bolt on the underside and worked it under the torn pan. Couldn't get to tighten the nyloc nut properly on the other end, but managed it enough to hold it in place. *dunno2*
After all that was finished, I put a bit of air in the tyres and went for a fire up. Seemed a bit tight initially, then spat at me viciously (always start with choke fully OFF), then she fired up with decent oil return - sounds good. *good3* *good3*
First gear was a bit clunky, so I thought I'd check the gearbox oil and clutch adjustment. The adjustment nut had loosened and the adjuster had backed off quite a way. Adjusted so that the lever was not quite in contact with the pushrod then tried again - much better.
The l/h fork seal seams to be leaking less now, with a drop of oil coming from the drain screw. *dunno2* *dunno2*
Apart from the continuing dodgy earth I have somewhere, and slight oil leaks from gearbox, oil tank unions, primary and sump covers, I'm all set for Summer *ex*
Installed the T-S bush and D-S race in the cases. Been putting this off but it wouldn't do itself. Cases in oven, bearings in freezer. D-S race dropped in beautifully, T-S bush took a tap to get started then a light press in. Re-seated anti-sump valve, must not forget to install that when I get it back from the machine shop. Leaving it out for now so I can clean the oil-ways after the bush is machined. Crank is about -12 so I'm going to get them to grind to -15 and bore the bush to suit. Well that's the plan.
i have not been to the pub but i have slurped a few black&tans in the house whilst cleaning one side of betsy a bit, BUT i have not touched a dirty filthy fag for 14 days now *yeah* .. Worty why do i get hesitant to read through your posts when i see it includes the A10 and oil or starting *countdown*. anyway i thought i would give betsy a little polish today because she gets very mucky [ dusty ] with the open fire muck and this house is also so dusty anyway being on the main road and 120 years old, i asked the neighbours about theirs and they said the same , very dusty. i slowly pulled betsy's drip tray out expecting a blob or 5 of oil and there is NOTHING on it while she has been parked up for weeks keeping warm and safe and sound in the house, i do know if she had been left on the side stand a bit of oil would have found it's way down the mainshaft even though it has the seal nut and the sprocket seal is sealed up itself with goo next to the output bearing , i don't think a bit of a drip from this area can be fully stopped when left on the side stand for a long time depending on the oil level and angle of lean *bash* [ i had a load of cheesy mash with dinner a few days ago and had a nightmare that she had been stolen and these big 4x4 trucks had hidden her at a big garage where my mate works and this helped the thieves to take her, luckily my cat walked up the stairs like a human and woke me up --- that was scary in itself *help* . anyway me and cat went down stairs and betsty was still in the kitchen - *woo* PHEW!!!!. then i fed pussy and went back to blip, it was 5 in the morning *eek* the next job is turning betsy round and cleaning the other side. thankyou for listening have a nice day , my glass needs a refill ------worty stop freaking me out *beer* *beer*
Bergs, first of all, is the baccy all you were smoking with dreams like that - might be safer to go back to it *????* *whistle* *grins* *wink2* *wink2* Second, soz for freakin' you out mate *ex* I have done 1100m since the rebuild and it's not gone bang yet - but it'd never be down to you even if it did. With my riding and the state of the motor and welded up crank, I know you and your brother did the best possible job you could have done - it wouldn't have been touched by anyone else *ex* I'm not a shallow, petulant prat who'd throw a hissy fit and point a finger if I blew it up. I would, however, be thankful for you and MWAS rescuing the motor after it was buggered up by RM, and I'd probably never had the chance to meet up and put all the idiots in this world to rights. *respect*
Rest easy mate, me and that motor are still on a journey in both senses, and I'm enjoying all of them.
Hi guys,
It was a bit fiddley but the cord rings were put on, and the barrel put back on.
Had a mate around to help as it turned out to be a two handed job.
The problems really began when I went to put the cam pinion gear back.
Spent about an hour searching for the wodruff key, after I dropped it , had a magnet on a stick and dustpan and brush
How could such a small thing bounce 3 foot under a work unit.
Glass of wine now while watching the rugby, . ;)
Was very angry with myself after dropping a rocker inspection cover washer down the pushrod tunnel. Was tempted to leave it there in a fit of rage, but was convinced by others that this wasn't a good idea. Head off and a hooky thingy to get it out (which was simple). What has never been simple for me is getting the pushrods back into the rocker cups, until Colsbeeza came up with the idea of clamping the comb in place - made it A LOT easier.
You're right about things bouncing. Reckon half the bike's been under my workbench at some point. *eek*
G'day Steve.
Yes gravity is like a magnet to small parts and surprising how far they bounce.
How far into the bottom end did you go?
Here's the link to my plunger rebuild.
Steve's is an early model, and as such does not have the cast in oilway that runs up from the PRV to the cam trough that came in 1952/53. It will also not have an oileal on the crank drive side. This is an easy way to tell the types apart in poorly described ebay listings or on the hoof at a jumble. Good picture, not often seen for comparison.
Lucky fella, working with nice clean internals that look to have had some TLC. Camshaft key is a swine, sometimes displaces as the gear is pushed on, making a nice gouge in the face of the cam bush. Cam will have a little bit of endfloat at this stage of assembly, the breather cork chosen (or flatted down) needs to be thick enough to be compressed slightly with the cover on, but not so thick that the breather sleeve is under a great load against the timing cover. Yup, guilty as charged, inexperience of youth. Needs to be a good airtight seal between breather and cam gear for the system to work properly, so thickness of the cork is important.
All assembled, you should have a cam that turns easily, with no endloat.
I had bush, bearing, regrind. Polished con rods, sludge trap cleaned with new hex end caps.
New cam with bushes.
I also had the cases vapour blasted by a local chap before sending it to SRM.
Now you've mentioned it it was a real pig to get the cam gear on, with regards to that woodruff key. And yes I did slightly damage the end of the bush , but managed with a tiny file to fix it..
Also big ends , small ends and a new seal where the gear box shaft comes through
The oil passage was introduced prior to 1952. My 1951 cases have it, two sets.
I have re-built a 1950 engine and it didn't have it.
It is on service sheet 201 - the modification was added after engine ZA7 4712.
Thanks Trev, serves me right for not checking with Roy Bacon. I lumped the two mods together, error on my part there folks, sorry.
First ride for six months, since I got cautious clearance from the eye consultant.
Just a gentle 10 miles around the lanes on the trusty A7SS.
Nervous at first but great to be back on two wheels
First ride for six months, since I got cautious clearance from the eye consultant.
Just a gentle 10 miles around the lanes on the trusty A7SS.
Nervous at first but great to be back on two wheels
Great to hear Sav, that first ride can be daunting!
I was shuffling the bikes around the garage and noticed a streak of petrol under the silver A10. Obviously fuel was running out of the bike from somewhere underneath. Seems I'd left the fuel tap switched on and fuel and leaked down into the crankcase. So I removed the sump plate to release about two litres of petrol! Lucky I hadn't tried to start it!
I was shuffling the bikes around the garage and noticed a streak of petrol under the silver A10. Obviously fuel was running out of the bike from somewhere underneath. Seems I'd left the fuel tap switched on and fuel and leaked down into the crankcase. So I removed the sump plate to release about two litres of petrol! Lucky I hadn't tried to start it!
This is it CB, fuel tap on, crankcase full of petrol, oil tap off, crankcase full of nothing, both engine wreckers *ex*
Decided to appease the vengeful rain gods and put the badger nose screen on the Star Twin. The sun came out and it was hot, dry and sunny yesterday. That screen is staying on - not tempting fate any further.
(http://)I split up with my rather expensive 360 cam & mount 🤣
So... Macbeth... what does that actually mean?
So... Macbeth... what does that actually mean?
My camera fell off my bike
G'day Mac.
And it filmed it's own escape *sad*
G'day Mac.
And it filmed it's own escape *sad*
Should see the Vid ! Pretty violent *smiley4* I managed to resuscitate it 100% though. You can get lenses on Ebay but its now Frankenstein
Oh he who's name must ne're be uttered...."Frankenstein"? I must be the only one who doesn't get it.
(It's ALIVE!... It's ALIVE!)
But has it forgiven you yet? >:D
Found that bargain inner primary chaincase (S/A) has a nice big twist where someone had neglected the spacer to the frame. Lug also broken off, which explains it all. Anyone experienced with bending alloy die castings preferably with a barbecue, 4 lengths of lumber and 4 G Clamps? Cost me peanuts, so no big loss but annoying all the same.
What spacer?
Bloody hell another bit I Got wrong on my GF project
Still I am working on it at the moment and I looked this up on the forum and can use washers, or maybe some SSteel tube.
Just another job!
Thanks for this comment they do help me.
I rode my modern BSA to the nearest dealership yesterday for its 3k service. My local place have closed their shop so I had to ride 40 miles to Stourport-on-Severn. We've had almost constant rain this spring but yesterday was beautifully sunny albeit chilly; I needed to put my silk undergloves on. There's a 5 mile section of dual carriagway on the route so I was able to give the bike some beans. I love my new Gold Star!
Swarfy, I know the gap is usually about 1-2 mm, so that is the aim when bending it back. I pack with a few thin washers after tightening up the front 3 screws until they stay there before putting the bolt through. I found my inner bent the same, as someone had put the inner on the outside of the frame instead of the inside (me many years ago when I had no brains or experience *doh*). I laid the inner down (exterior down) cold on a flat bit of 3/4 inch chipboard and whacked it in appropriate places with a large rubber mallet. mostly at the rear of the sprocket/cush hole. I was amazed how it bent back to shape with no cracks. I assume a bit of heat would help.
Col... There must be a good few out there, all bitter and twisted, just like their owners who struggle to seal that Primary Case. I won't say BSA frames were made with today's laser precision and after all this time engine mounts, frames and crankcases can all have a degree of flexibility when it come to final assembly. This inner case is one area where a small difference at the front makes a big difference at the back and you can bet the average Joe, when faced with that gap between frame and case simply bolted it on nice and tight...under tension and ready to let go.
Any component installed with any element of strain is a top candidate for structural failure, hence broken mudguard stays, headlamp brackets etc. Always make the parts fit without strain and save hassle later.
I'll warm it up and see if it will flex back with a bit of a tweak before wasting time on the lug repair. Good to know a few smacks can do it when I lose my rag after being too gentle.
Sealing that bloody primary case *problem* *problem* *angry* *angry* *angry* *razz* *razz* *razz*
Swarfy is pretty right here IMHO. When I built mine (many years ago!) I could see that the PCC would be slightly distorted if I just bolted it up at that rear mount, so I shimmed behind that rear bolt to eliminate distortion. (Not that I'm any fabulous engineer,) but my PCC has never leaked.
worty happiness is a sheet of cork 1 to 2mm thick and hey presto no leaky. i made one for betsy and this is for the berger build , treat it like an old car pressed tin valve gear cover gasket and all is good.
worty happiness is a sheet of cork 1 to 2mm thick and hey presto no leaky. i made one for betsy and this is for the berger build , treat it like an old car pressed tin valve gear cover gasket and all is good.
Aha, nice one Bergs! Going shopping for cork sheet right now. I did find a nitrile one for the timing side, not fitted yet as a standard gasket works well, but going for a thicker medium looks like a very good idea (providing it's not on a face where small clearances are important)! Any tips in cutting it out??
any tips on cutting it out ? yes don't use blunt scissors . apart from that if you haven't got hole punches fasten your outer case down with clamps solidly to the sheet on a flat board and make sure it is not going to move, then use a 5mm drill to put the holes in and a 7mm for the 3 5/16ths holes, draw round the case and cut out . be careful cutting the inner out.. when fitting be gentle on the screws and leave for a day then you will find they will nip up a bit more , don't over tighten and split it. ps make sure when drilling the holes it is clamped tighter than your wallet *lol* *lol* *whistle* *beer*
any tips on cutting it out ? yes don't use blunt scissors . apart from that if you haven't got hole punches fasten your outer case down with clamps solidly to the sheet on a flat board and make sure it is not going to move, then use a 5mm drill to put the holes in and a 7mm for the 3 5/16ths holes, draw round the case and cut out . be careful cutting the inner out.. when fitting be gentle on the screws and leave for a day then you will find they will nip up a bit more , don't over tighten and split it. ps make sure when drilling the holes it is clamped tighter than your wallet *lol* *lol* *whistle* *beer*
Just found some oil resistent nitrile sheet (2mm) for about a tenner - what do you reckon?
yes and if your cush nut comes undone it has further to travel than with a paper gasket.
yes and if your cush nut comes undone it has further to travel than with a paper gasket.
Best make it 5mm then eh *wink2* *bright idea* *beer* *beer*
i finally gave my head a shake at about 4 oclock this afternoon after my 12 hour sesh yesterday *countdown* the T piece on urma yondas carbs had decided to let petrol flow out from the o ring seals. reading about separating these 4 carbs scared me but i thought if i just take the end one off i can put new o rings in and hope the rest of the carbs don't leak. so i attacked it. you have to file the splayed ends off the screws that hold the chokes on and get the screws out then carefully pull away the end carb, anyway touch wood or whatever they now don't leak and can go back on urma so i can have playtime *yeah*
Had a tootle around on the Kwaka a few days ago (around 100m) on the lovely roads near Bergs - east side of the Peaks. When I got back, there was a bit of brake fluid at the bottom of the caliper (thought I'd fixed that with cleaned up pistons and new seals). *razz* It's better than it was as previously you could see a thin spurt of brake fluid on application of the brake and no fluid in the reservoir. *pull hair out* I even replaced the master cylinder seals whilst I was at it.
Anyway, I bought a very good s/h caliper off a W800 that had only done 10k miles some time ago as a spare (£35), so I'll fit that and see what happens. I thought, I'll give the other caliper a good service with some nice, shiny new stainless pistons and new seals (again) to see if I can cure the leakage issues (original pistons weren't great). Anyhow, picked a seller on Ebay who was selling the 30mm diameter pistons for a good price, but he advised that the actual diameter was 29.96-20.98mm actual diameter and would probably leak. As it turns out, 30mm is the same diameter as the seals, so I looked further. In actual fact, the piston diameter is 30.2mm, and not 30mm at all, it's just listed as 30mm to confuse people like me who like accuracy. *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *razz* *razz* *razz* *problem* *problem* *beer* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Whipped the old caliper off the Kwaka and chucked the 'new' one on. Looks very good, bled out fine (nice, firm lever), and appears not to leak. Popped out the pistons on the old caliper and measured them - given the over-read on one micrometer and under-read on the other - 30.2mm is correct. Cleaned out the seal grooves on the old caliper with the small wire brush on the 'dremel', ready to accept the s/s items. Pistons don't seem too bad on inspection, but will replace anyway. Was expecting the pistons to be a bit tighter in the caliper against the seals - not surprised they leaked but the seals were new???
worty brake fluid is wicked man! the slightest scratch or bit of muck and it will find it's way out. it's a bit like me tomorrow i will be finding my way out to the pub again because i have had a good day on the berglar build and urma yonda things *beer*
worty brake fluid is wicked man! the slightest scratch or bit of muck and it will find it's way out. it's a bit like me tomorrow i will be finding my way out to the pub again because i have had a good day on the berglar build and urma yonda things *beer*
Livin' the dream Bergs *ex* *ex* *whistle* *wink2* *beer* *beer* *beer*
I thought I would take the A10 to the touring week in Weymouth. So did some prep, checked gearbox, primary and fork oil levels and both chain tensions. Adjusted rear brake. She had done 120 miles on Thursday and a couple of miles that morning. Anyway I started her and she did her dump of engine oil out of the breather trick. She has done it before (see earlier posts), 4 times in total in the seven years I have owned her and I have never found the cause. I cleaned up the oil and gathered tools to have another look, started her up to see flow from breather and she had stopped doing it. Now do I take her or not *conf*
I thought I would take the A10 to the touring week in Weymouth. So did some prep, checked gearbox, primary and fork oil levels and both chain tensions. Adjusted rear brake. She had done 120 miles on Thursday and a couple of miles that morning. Anyway I started her and she did her dump of engine oil out of the breather trick. She has done it before (see earlier posts), 4 times in total in the seven years I have owned her and I have never found the cause. I cleaned up the oil and gathered tools to have another look, started her up to see flow from breather and she had stopped doing it. Now do I take her or not *conf*
Go for it Angus - just make sure your breakdown cover is up to date (including older, non-MoT vehicles), and you have a few litres of oil strapped to the pillion. *eek* *good3* *beer*
Depression I mentioned in the thread about electronic sparks is lifting gradually. So a couple of pix of 'what I am doing with my bikes'.
Split oil pipe caused the inevitable on my favourite 650 AJS. A first for me as haven't ever had that happen before, but there we go.
Damage limited to crank really, with some scuffing and very light scoring on piston thrust faces below the rings. Will clean and reuse as rings and lands unsmeared and bores not marked at all luckily and an easy 'replace' later if there's any smoke. Rod will clean up I hope - at the price of Thunders. But I have a spare new pair, worst case. Also have a spare brand new crank, but don't want to use that on this engine as it would need dynamically balancing etc to be as smooth as the one in the pic. Idea was to build a spare, but haven't got the right 650 dynamo-version crankcases to do that at the mo.
Oil pumps clean and no damage, very little debris anywhere, but crank oilways full of cooled-down molten, as you'd expect.
Got away lightly really, and should be running again in a couple of months or so, after getting the crank over to T&L in Beds when I can.
Will also take the opportunity to have slight damage to drive side case repaired, where a broken chain flailed during a Good Thrashing and took out a cast boss which retains the inner primary; and will also replace the ex valves, which have a light case of Black Spot like broad beans which won't come out without too severe a grind, although the seats and guides are immaculate.
Bloody irritating though, as was all booked up to go to Spain this month with that machine for a few days with the MC Pistons guys in Cantabria. Shall have to take my Norton instead . . . not such a trial, but the AMC is more comfortable and goes just as well - even if it doesn't stop too brilliantly compared to the TLS on the Notrun.
Life, huh!
You got away very lightly. That could have been a rod though the case. You must have been very quick on the clutch!
BUGGA *ex* *ex*
What a bugga Bill - big dollars??. I patted the BSA today as I passed. Taking it on the DGR on 19th May. I did clean back and spray paint (at least I undercoated it) the battery box of my Lilac. The old one had been cut down somewhat so I got a used one. I have to get it fitted before I can put the rear wheel back in.
Using a Dremel to remove a pocket lip around the valve seats. Been putting this off for ages for fear of screwing it up. They did some web searches and someone who done it said -"don't forget to put an old valve in to protect the seats" DOH, should have thought of that, thankyou web. So with an old valve in I could use that as a rest / guide and go around and just chamfer the step a bit.
Bike is not going to be used hard so its not really necessary but it was annoying me.
Clean up and valve springs next.
Rewired it over last week, forgot how much I hate wiring, it must have taken 15-20 hours. I made up my own LED 6v indicators and I've got them fitted and working but that added hours and hours. So called "LED" flasher unit will only flash with LEDs if there's one filament bulb in circuit (working that out wasted a good hour or two) so I put an warning light in and 2 diodes, sorted. At the moment its in the steering lock hole while I think of a better place.
At the moment its in the steering lock hole while I think of a better place.
Does anyone ever use the steering lock. I find it really difficult to turn the key anyway, and it's so stiff I keep thinking I'll break the key - now where IS that key *doh* *doubt* *dunno2*
I 've never used one when it had the lock in. Its either too stiff so there's a risk of the key breaking off when its locked and stranding you. Or some so-and-so sits on the bike and heaves on the steering and jams it locked.
i use mine a few times a year, you have to move the steering very slightly and feel the resistance on the key easing.
BUGGA *ex* *ex*
Rather what I said worty! Thanks for reminding me in colour to match!
However, as Rob said and I did too, could have been horribly worse. Managed to grab the clutch pdq as the motor changed pitch and slowed, which was something. Very glad not to have thrown a rod as the cases have suffered that once in their (PO's) life already and it was £$£$€€ to fix after I acquired the bike.
The other journals both mike up to spec all round and across and are virtually unmarked even under a magnifying glass, with shells that are just starting to show what would have happened next.
Not sure of the virtues / wisdom of grinding one journal down a size and just polishing t'others if they're pronounced fit . . . Never done it before, anyway - has anyone else I wonder? Probably no huge deal in the overall context of a crank that is very heavy . . . but it had been dynamically balanced at some expense so not looking for short cuts.
I don't think it's a mega bucks thing Col, no.
Depends partly on whether that rod passes muster - true, not oval, no cracks etc - but I've seen worse that have been OK, and that's a quality item. I've already got it clean and shiny with the run bearing material off the sides. Small end, which runs direct on gudgeon pin, is good still. I'll use a new spare or pair if I have to. A regrind isn't going to break the bank too much and there aren't many bits needed except the obvious consumables. I have b/end and main bearing shells for most sizes for these motors in boxes because for a while they were hard to get, so I snaffled what I could. The roller mains are chunky items, and look good so far, camshafts and bushes are perfect, followers ditto, so it'll be a handful of hundreds I think at this stage, bit more if I get a spare set of pistons just in case I decide I do need them after all. As they've done 11 years at about 3K per annum I'd prefer to get to the next rebore on them though, which typically would be somewhere between 40-50K miles. Ring gaps are obviously larger than when new, but still pretty OK and there are no ridges on the cylinders. One exhaust pushrod - they're tubular alloy with press-on ball and socket ends - has a loose cup at the rocker end, but this is common with these and likely nowt to do with the rest of it. The tubes are relatively thick-walled, and I've usually found a light knurl to provide a better key, with some loctite, works wonders. They can't go anywhere even if the fit is loose. The rocker shafts and bushes are all fine.
Oh well, all good practice I suppose, and I've been lucky, mostly, for a long time with my toys.
Bill, the only good thing in all of this is that you know what you're doing. If it were me, I'd need a Bergs and a lot of alcohol. *eek* *beer*
How can refitting valves turn into a £120 bill? Quite easily as I've just discovered:
Road Rocket ally head, new valves springs and guides. Struggling to get the collets in, not going well then one does a springfuckit and goes missing. 2 hours of sweeping and crawling about with a magnet, no sign. Go to buy one and discover they are out of stock everywhere.
Look at the pictures and realize that the reason I'm having trouble is the top caps are the std ones not ally head ones. Annoying as they were fitted when i got it.
Get parts book out and with the help of google images I have the wrong bottom collars too.
So that's a set of top collars with collets (modified because the original ones are not available) plus 4 bottom collars. An expensive morning.
I would like to get my hands on the person who built this engine. 20 thou end-float, mismatched cases, iron head valve caps on an ally head and a new 926 Concentric (26!!).
I've got decent cases, new shells and bearings, a 930 carb and now the valve parts but this "cheap recommissioning" is not cheap anymore *sad2*
maybe worty's mate rivet man has had his hands on it *lol*
Am I right in thinking Mr G's motor is the one with a plain shell bearing in the centre of the crank, and has in effect a split flywheel?
The other journals have survived, so I hope the cause is found in the crank, otherwise I reckon a new oil pump can be added to the bill.
I'm sure there was an urban myth about Japanese Engines having different size shells, all journals being ground to a finished size which removed the least amount of material.
On the bright side, Rob has enough bits to build up a spare Iron Head and a carb to sell. At this stage I'd check the threads in the block, and make sure the head bolts are the right ones for an alloy head.....Shades of RM?
maybe worty's mate rivet man has had his hands on it *lol*
To see whether RM has had his hands on it Rob, check the following:
Crankshaft oil seal on the wrong way round; no discernable shimming of the crank; ball bearings stuffed into oilways; no line boring of the timing side bush; no alignment of the chainwheel with the engine sprocket. If you are still unsure, then please go to 'Worty's A10 Engine Rebuild' thread or message Bergs - he will be happy to regale you with tales of woe about my motor. *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *pull hair out*
Sadly nothing for a few days since my better half was attacked by a herd of cows and calf’s. She is out of hospital but a bleed on the brain and broken collarbone will mean I will be busy running around for the next month or so.
How can refitting valves turn into a £120 bill? Quite easily as I've just discovered:
Road Rocket ally head, new valves springs and guides. Struggling to get the collets in, not going well then one does a springfuckit and goes missing. 2 hours of sweeping and crawling about with a magnet, no sign. Go to buy one and discover they are out of stock everywhere.
Look at the pictures and realize that the reason I'm having trouble is the top caps are the std ones not ally head ones. Annoying as they were fitted when i got it.
Get parts book out and with the help of google images I have the wrong bottom collars too.
So that's a set of top collars with collets (modified because the original ones are not available) plus 4 bottom collars. An expensive morning.
I would like to get my hands on the person who built this engine. 20 thou end-float, mismatched cases, iron head valve caps on an ally head and a new 926 Concentric (26!!).
I've got decent cases, new shells and bearings, a 930 carb and now the valve parts but this "cheap recommissioning" is not cheap anymore *sad2*
G'day Rob.
Heaven help the next owner of my Cafe! I've done similar to her head. Put SR valves into a SS head required a mix of SS springs, SS top collars machined to take SR collets.
Note to self = list all mods so next PO doesn't shite on my grave.
Sadly nothing for a few days since my better half was attacked by a herd of cows and calf’s. She is out of hospital but a bleed on the brain and broken collarbone will mean I will be busy running around for the next month or so.
Jeez. Always thought this was a really rare occurence, but seems a bit more common than expected. Hope she's ok and recovers fully!
Took the RGS replica out the other night. Annoyingly, it wouldn't start in the pub car park after standing about 45 minutes. Won't start when hot? Bound to be the magneto I hear you say. That would be really embarrassing! Yesterday I had exactly the same problem with red, single seater, A10 after a 65 mile run. I parked it across the road whilst I opened the garage door, walked back to start her up...nope....nothing! I'd been messing about with the red A10's petrol tank, trying to work out fuel range and capacity of reserve and stuff like that. During the process I'd used the RGS rep's tank as a place to put my surplus fuel from the red one, then tipped it back into the red one's tank. It would appear there has been some contaminant in the RGS rep's tank which has transferred to the red one. I've been using some stuff called VP Madditive which I suspect has gone off and coated my plugs. I cleaned the fuel out of all the affected bikes , then I went out on the red one this morning, did 25 miles. No problems on restart back at home so I'm assuming I've diagnosed correctly. Anybody else know about VP Madditive? Does it go stale after a few weeks / months? Anyway, I'm relieved it wasn't both mags failing.... would have had to fall on my sword!. So that 's the third thing that causes a bike not to start when hot. Quiz question... the first thing is failed condensor, the second thing is contaminated fuel coating the plugs, the third thing is....?
Sadly nothing for a few days since my better half was attacked by a herd of cows and calf’s. She is out of hospital but a bleed on the brain and broken collarbone will mean I will be busy running around for the next month or so.
Wondering where my fathers cattle turned up, they carried prison shives & wore thick hold chains (lot of dingos where I grew up)
Did she just cross an open paddock ?
Sincerely hope recovery goes well mate
Never heard of VP Madditive. The only 'fail to starts' I've had apart from maggie and fuel is timing - usually caused by stripped teeth on the ATD or points issue.
Got my last 2 parts invoices for my engine. $550aud for a crank grind & $600 for the rods😳
Am I right in thinking Mr G's motor is the one with a plain shell bearing in the centre of the crank, and has in effect a split flywheel?
The other journals have survived, so I hope the cause is found in the crank, otherwise I reckon a new oil pump can be added to the bill.
I'm sure there was an urban myth about Japanese Engines having different size shells, all journals being ground to a finished size which removed the least amount of material.
That's broadly right, yup. Narrower than the b/ends but (almost) same diameter. Original cranks had round 'flywheeels'. This one was designed by Markus Graef who was a regular poster here (MG), and made by Zanardi in Italy in a batch of 100 (thanks to funding from the Owners' Club) in 2 versions, dynamo and alternator, and has wedge-shaped. The one here was the first prototype, which I was asked to fit and run with before the production run was made available to those who had pre-ordered. A few new ones are still available. The cast iron recipe is the same as was used on TVR car engine cranks, from memory. They are VERY hard, tooling-killers when it comes to grinding and removing metal for balancing, which created a lot of hassle and delay when machining up the blanks. The first engineering company engaged to do the finishing work (in Austria) simply couldn't do it, so we had to move to a Plan B. A not untypical tale of limited production run engineering - but worth it in the end because the result is a top draw item which filled a critical gap in the Unobtainium range. (I remember talking about a similar project for large journal A cranks - but we didn't have the money so it was just a pipedream really.)
The oil arrives from the feed side filter chamber to the middle, then splits for the ends. Had the motor run a few more seconds, the other b/end would have gone, followed probably by the main, which obvs has a much lighter load. Reason was a split oil feed pipe from the tank - ouch. Oil pumps - there are two gear jobs driven off the camshafts - are undamaged. Which is as well, as they're one of the 'hard' parts although luckily I have a few spare pairs.
Interesting about the urban myth on japanese cranks - I'll discuss with T&L Engineering to see what the options are. Obviously the less metal off the better - but these can go down to -60 no problem and Markus designed the angled oil passages from main bearing to the ends a tad deeper than on the originals to provide an extra safety margin after regrinds. In the old days, folk went down to -80 if BMC A series b/end shells were used and a suitable notch cut into the rods (because the locating tabs aren't on the same sides) but I always thought that was stretching things a bit!
(End float is dealt with by car-type thrust washers adjacent the centre main, available after a l o n g interval in two thicknesses, which allow the use of chunky rollers which last a lifetime both sides.)
Did she just cross an open paddock ?
Sincerely hope recovery goes well mate
Thanks for your best wishes. My wife walking on a public right of way with a dog on lead. I would warn anyone walking with a dog where cattle and calves are grazing to plan an escape route, wall, fence or gate before entering the field.
My wife is home now. Sleeping mainly.
The hospital wa fantastic but when I called an ambulance I was told to wait for 2 to 3 hours. Bloody awful for someone with a head injury falling in and out of consciousness.
Life goes on, for a while anyway
Cows kill 4 to 5 people per year on average, they are a herd animal and retain their strong instinct to protect their young. Cows are a serious enough risk that the HSE provide guidance on how to investigate cattle related deaths. I was at one time an HSE Inspector (for oil rigs) and would chat with colleagues in other sectors. The Agricultural Inspectors took the risk of cows very seriously, along with unguarded PTOs and children, but that's another story.
Your wife did well to survive, my best wishes for her recovery. Many years ago I crashed a bike in the middle of nowhere and had a 4 hour wait with a broken leg. It stayed with me and I now always think - how would I get help here?
Sadly nothing for a few days since my better half was attacked by a herd of cows and calf’s. She is out of hospital but a bleed on the brain and broken collarbone will mean I will be busy running around for the next month or so.
Jeez mate, that's horrible. I hope your wife fully recovers. My wife and I often walk with our dog in the countryside. Wifey is very nervous of cows and horses in fields. I understand that if cattle are getting excited around walkers with a dog on a lead it is best to let the dog loose.
Mac, $550.00 for a crank grind? I think that they saw you coming.
Mac, $550.00 for a crank grind? I think that they saw you coming.
Not a lot I can do mate. It was the only shop that would do the rebuild. We have long lost the real bike shops here. If you want a $1400 helmet with 2024 race colours or 400 bits of stick on fake carbon fibre... you will be fine
My wife walking on a public right of way with a dog on lead. I would warn anyone walking with a dog where cattle and calves are grazing to plan an escape route, wall, fence or gate before entering the field.
That's a very terrible thing to happen John and I join everyone else in hoping the memsahib recovers quickly.
Dogs . . . we have always had at least one, and hereabouts every other field and accessible public area has cows on it for about 8 months of the year. They can be very frisky when they are put out to grass after a winter under cover.
I never have the dogs on leads if cows are present, and I try to skirt them by a good couple of hundred yards and have an escape route in mind. I've had to vault a hedge or fence before now to stay safe when they've looked like stirring. Dairy animals are perhaps a bit less inclined to get excited - unless with calves - but some of the beef animals whose human contact is more limited, Charolais very especially, are to be avoided always.
Two of my friends / neighbours who are farmers have been badly injured in recent years. Both by their own animals, which were just individual beasts from their bog-standard milking herds. In one case, it was weeks in hospital owing to major intestinal injuries caused by a horn. The other person had to retire early owing to shoulder and back damage. In the latter case the animal wasn't really being belligerent, but they are so large and strong that any contact can be very painful.
In lighter vein, I remember about 60 years ago a friend of my Dad had his car destroyed by a bull that leapt over a fence alongside one of those sunken Devon lanes and landed on the bonnet . . . he was lucky it was the bonnet! The bull lived . . . the car died.
Bluddy'ell, and people think motorbikes are dangerous!
Bluddy'ell, and people think motorbikes are dangerous!
Too right! But I'd rather have been in a car than on a bike when that bull did its leaping *eek* *eek* *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *sick* *countdown* *sick*
My wife walking on a public right of way with a dog on lead. I would warn anyone walking with a dog where cattle and calves are grazing to plan an escape route, wall, fence or gate before entering the field.
Two of my friends / neighbours who are farmers have been badly injured in recent years. Both by their own animals, which were just individual beasts from their bog-standard milking herds.
We had 4 bulls. I had a bit over a 1 mile walk from the farm house to the where the school bus stopped. I walked 1 foot off the fence the whole way..never on the road. Spent more time looking for the bulls or the stallion than for snakes.
Yesterday evening I took my new BSA on a modern bike ride-out. A group of ten bikes, all modern, mostly pointy plastic crotch rockets and one modern Bonneville. I really felt that I'd made a mistake joining them but my bike, with probably half the power of the other super whizz-bangs kept up very well. Since I'm 74 and wiser than I was at 20 my leans were not as radical as the younger/more crazy riders so I took bends more carefully. After the ride, I got told I'd done really well.
'Pointy, plastic, crotch rockets' - *loveit* *loveit* Just trying to remember Berg's description which made me smile. I do recall someone referring to a 'Moriwaki Woomera' (back in the eighties, I think). Personally, I don't do fairings/screens these days. I did have a full body screen and handlebar mitts in the despatch riding days (XS750), but full fairings are for tracks IMO. Always found the mitts pushed the brake and clutch on at speed, so attached dirt bike lever protectors on first (rigid) and slid the mitts over the top *bright idea* - worked a treat and my fingers survived the frostbite. *smile*
I may have mentioned this before. I also was a despatch rider, for 6 months, over winter, 1000 miles a week on average. I rode a Honda 500 4 supplied by the company. A job that I thought was going to be fun but turned out to be pretty tough.
Fitted a new headlight with H4 bulb. Thank you Andrew at Priory Magnetos. *good3*
I too was a despatch rider for 13 years in and around London. Rode various bikes including the obligatory CX500, it's replacement the VT500 and various other shaft driven bikes which included the Kwak GT550, Yams XJ750 and 900, Suz 850G and finally 2 non shafties a la FJ1100 and 1200. The good old days before the internet and email killed it off.
Quiz question... the first thing is failed condensor, the second thing is contaminated fuel coating the plugs, the third thing is....?
Operator error. :-:
I too thought it'd be fun GB - anything but. By the time fuel and running costs were taken out, there wasn't enough left to live on. London is a bit different as multidrops were the order of the day - I was in Birmingham. Worst day was an 18 hour grind in which I covered around 500m - all in the pouring rain - not happy!!
i love it GB first pic general waste *lol*, about right that. booomin placky space rockets..... today i got the primary on the berger build with a new chain and the other assorted bits. .....more to come tomorrow , can't be arsed to explain the megger balls up i had so i will explain it with piccies tomorrow , fed up me and on the black&tans , i might start on the mothers ruin [ gin for those who don't know ] sooner than later because this build is doing my head in"!!!!!!! episode 2 to come. so long as i wake up tomorrow, ps best wishes after the cow attack i have never been attacked by them but my mum was forcing me to work during the miners strike and i was more scared of the blooming cows coming round me in the field between our back garden and the road than the pickets *pull hair out*. by the way the cows weren't going to let me go and climb over the fence to the road to face the pickets so that was my excuse to my time served wraf whatever they called in ww2 stuck in her ways mother who as a child made me walk with my head and shoulders back swinging my arms , she wouldn't let me look for money dropped on the floor like my slouching mates parents would. no wonder i ended up like i am!...... thankyou for listening have a nice day . still hate thatcher !!!!!!!!!!
i love it GB first pic general waste *lol*, about right that. booomin placky space rockets..... today i got the primary on the berger build with a new chain and the other assorted bits. .....more to come tomorrow , can't be arsed to explain the megger balls up i had so i will explain it with piccies tomorrow , fed up me and on the black&tans , i might start on the mothers ruin [ gin for those who don't know ] sooner than later because this build is doing my head in"!!!!!!! episode 2 to come. so long as i wake up tomorrow, ps best wishes after the cow attack i have never been attacked by them but my mum was forcing me to work during the miners strike and i was more scared of the blooming cows coming round me in the field between our back garden and the road than the pickets *pull hair out*. by the way the cows weren't going to let me go and climb over the fence to the road to face the pickets so that was my excuse to my time served wraf whatever they called in ww2 stuck in her ways mother who as a child made me walk with my head and shoulders back swinging my arms , she wouldn't let me look for money dropped on the floor like my slouching mates parents would. no wonder i ended up like i am!...... thankyou for listening have a nice day . still hate thatcher !!!!!!!!!! ease up on that gin, my friend............. *eek* *beer* *beer*
.... thankyou for listening have a nice day . still hate thatcher !!!!!!!!!!
I am soo glad you are here Bergs 😊
Loaded up the A10 for the Weymouth touring week. Yes I am going in a van, I could ride (250 miles) but if it rains, and it is currently forecast for the return trip, its NO fun. Plus the van is setup to be a 'day' van so ill sleep in that rather then a tiny weeny tent. She will probably do around 500 miles down there and that's plenty for me *smile*
Looked at it *sad2* *cry* and here it's 20 C and sunny.
Wheeled it into the sun and fitted the exhaust and seat. Every job takes ages, holes to be elongated, brackets bent, threads re tapped. " hours on getting teh choke and throttle cable to fit.
Filled the oil tank, next is fit the tank, taps and hoses.
Will try to start to tomorrow, its never been assembled since I bought it so this will be a first.
Went to un-solder cable end to shorten the chock cable and it melted *pull hair out*. What happened to the little brass ends you could move and re-solder?
Got a bit of brake copper pipe, drilled it and made a new end, hence the 2 hours of frustration.
Oh pity me... Sold my beautiful '77 Suzuki GT500 smoker today.
Such a handsome bike, with great performance characteristics.
Spent so much sweat ' n tears on it to get it superb, but in the end my one-lung can't do kickstarting!
Well the buyer will get a dead original fully sorted smoker. Lucky him. Space in the workshop - won't be filled though.
Still have the 2 Velos and my SR.
Oh pity me... Sold my beautiful '77 Suzuki GT500 smoker today.
Such a handsome bike, with great performance characteristics.
Spent so much sweat ' n tears on it to get it superb, but in the end my one-lung can't do kickstarting!
Well the buyer will get a dead original fully sorted smoker. Lucky him. Space in the workshop - won't be filled though.
Still have the 2 Velos and my SR.
NICE! Would haved struggled to see that go mate! *sad*
Fabulous day yesterday so took the Kwaka for a giant ride around the Howardian Hills (N Yorks). Decided not to plan a route but just follow as many turns to tiny places as I came across. Boy are there some gorgeous little roads and places - friendly people who wave as you're tootling through. Even came across a gated road due to it being a sheep-grazing field. Managed to do 200m in total. Got back and whipped the oil out and filter off. The Motul oil still seemed relatively clean after around 3,500m and around 14 months, still had its 'reddish' colour which means the motor is still in good nick I reckon. Only problem so far is I can't see the oil level through the little glass inspection cover because the oil is 'oil coloured' (now I see the benefits of the Motul). One other good thing, my brake caliper isn't leaking any more. *woo* *woo* *woo* *beer* *beer*
Finally got the A10 all together, its mechanically nice but has been stored in a damp shed and so has lots of corrosion on the chrome so it will never be concours.
Primed oil, getting ready to put some petrol in, one last tweek on a loose tap.
Its not loose, its sheared off *pull hair out*
Those damn 1/4 / 3/8 BSP adapters that are paper thin. Replacement on order. I'd just soldered up a lovely new filter too.
Oh well, its a nice day so I'll start sorting all the left over parts.
Oh pity me... Sold my beautiful '77 Suzuki GT500 smoker today.
A very handsome motorcycle 👌
Oh pity me... Sold my beautiful '77 Suzuki GT500 smoker today.
Such a handsome bike, with great performance characteristics.
Spent so much sweat ' n tears on it to get it superb, but in the end my one-lung can't do kickstarting!
Well the buyer will get a dead original fully sorted smoker. Lucky him. Space in the workshop - won't be filled though.
Still have the 2 Velos and my SR.
G'day Jools.
I had it's little sister GT250. In the 80's while rebuilding the rHonda whore I needed a bike to get to work on. Went to the local bike shop and asked for the cheapest bike with a bit of rego on it. A dirty, rusty GT250 for $200 wobbled me home. Just about every bearing (headstock, swingarm, wheels) was shot. It ran on one cylinder till it got to about 5 grand then the other cylinder cut in. Like a power band. It did it's job and when I left Sydney it topped the bonfire at the going away party!
Took the a10 out for a blast earlier and whilst filling up saw another one pass the petrol station. That’s me over excited dashing across the forecourt and off at speed in hot pursuit! Caught up in a ‘flash’ and had the briefest of chats at some lights. 20 year ownership apparently and the bike looked in fine fettle, putting my rusty oily wreck to shame.
Had a superb ride to foreign parts and dodged the storms that had been threatened. And here is my guilty confession. I tried to pootle along at a steady rate with my new riding partner but was unable to hold back for long. Although we were apparently going in the same direction my inner hooligan/lunatic likes to twist the throttle and over take dawdling cars. So the shared experience was rather brief. Thinking on this and chatting to a fellow biker at my coffee stop I came to the conclusion that my attitude is in part caused by the bike’s characteristics, underpowered in comparison with my bmw. So I tend to ride it like an overweight,badly handling 125 of yesteryear in my youth and rag the thing like I did back then.
Of course when it goes bang I shall get short shrift here, quite rightly. *bright idea* *doubt* *computer* *beer* *wave*
You're doing the right thing mate, I ride the same way, give it some gyp!!
both of you jim and worty when it goes bang don't even think about it i will be in the pub *beer* *wave*
wow careful with that loctite it works well. i put new 3mm screws through urma yondas choke butterfly because this had to be done after separating a carb to repair the fuel rail leek and instead of slicing the ends and opening them up a bit to stop them coming out i used loctite. i left the carbs lent up on the bench length ways up and soldered some bits of the brass fittings for the berger build *yeah*. then i gave urmas petrol tank a swill out ready to go back on, oh this was after blasting the dust off it because it had been resting on a high shelf in the kitchen and the solid fuel fire don't half make some crud. i then got urma out of the top garage and pushed her into the workshop garage where my bees have blocked up two holes, maybe they have gone to tenerifffyyy *dunno* this was hard work because i have somehow killed the base of my back left shoulder and right buttock and all three are kin agony depending on how i move. i put the throttle open and shut cables on the carbs then the choke cable, only to find out the choke butterflys were not shutting when the lever was pulled. thank wotsit i hadn't put them all in the rubber boots!!!!. i took the cables off and after half an hour of studying the mechanism i thought one of the two springs had gone weak or something worse had happened. i soon realised one pair wanted to work independent of the other two *pull hair out*. after muchos messing i found out some loctite had found it's way down the spindle that opens and shuts the butterflys and settled in the carb body where the spindle/ shaft works them. after much brake clean fluid , electrical contact cleaner and wd 40 and loosening the carb screws that hold the carb in place and wiggling the carb i got the choke to work at last *countdown*. tomorrow i will see if they still work and put them on. right now i am having a black&tan because ---yes you guessed it i HAVE NOT been to the pub. if everything goes to plan tomorrow the urma machine will be up and running before i GO to the pub to see spurs get thrashed by man city, i might even scrounge a roll up. anyway be careful with that loctite eugenie , there's a pink floyd song in there somewhere *whistle* *beer* *beer* thankyou for listening have a nice day . i am now three quarter ply, but not marine....... :-:
G'day Bergs.
I feel your pain. Those rHonda carbs are a real PITA.
I have to remove the oil tank on my 1988 FXST Harley to replace the ignition module. 2 hours last night and it's still not out! *pull hair out*
I'd rather do 10 rHonda carb rebuilds or 20 BSA A10 rockerbox's.
'Careful With That Axe, Eugene' Ummagumma - I'm a massive Floyd fan *ex* You into footy Bergs, or is it passing entertainment as you get the B&Ts down you?
213m on the Beeza today, again all down the back roads of East and North Yorks. Beautiful day, superb roads, bike never missed a beat and sounded perfect - doesn't get much better. *grins* Only fly in the ointment was some young tosser in a BMW mini who decided to accelerate as I overtook - matching my speed. *angry* *angry* *angry* I decided to cut in front of him forcing him to brake, with a hefty two-fingered salute to emphasise the moment (gambled that he'd rather not hit me than be faced with a charge of death by dangerous driving). *bash* *bash* *bash* He followed closely until we got to a roundabout where a copper had just pulled up - then he backed off. Absolute f****** twat. *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *bash* *bash* *bash* >:D >:D *evil*
Nod again to Bergs - the bike is the best it's been since I acquired it (thats *bought* by the way Bergs) 11 years ago.
worty *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* it gives me great pleasure knowing you are once again enjoying your bike. betsy is still in the kitchen and once urma is up and running betsy will be coming out to play. erm yes i remember now ummmmmagummmaaa *eek* *beer*
Only fly in the ointment was some young tosser in a BMW mini who decided to accelerate as I overtook - matching my speed. *angry* *angry* *angry* I decided to cut in front of him forcing him to brake, with a hefty two-fingered salute to emphasise the moment (gambled that he'd rather not hit me than be faced with a charge of death by dangerous driving). *bash* *bash* *bash* He followed closely until we got to a roundabout where a copper had just pulled up - then he backed off. Absolute f****** twat. *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *bash* *bash* *bash* >:D >:D *evil*
There are some right A-holes on the road. I urge you to keep away from them, especially on a classic motorbike. Electric cars can accelerate as fast as you on a motorcycle. I've noticed drivers tailgating me away from traffic lights, probably because they can. I was recently passing a queue of stationary traffic in town. I was just over the central white lines. Traffic coming towards me had plenty of room and yet, some pillock came right over to squeeze me. I really thought he was going to clip my bars.
*sad* *pull hair out* *problem* i tried the yonda carb chokes and had to help them so the carb has to come off and things cleaned of loctite residue, i will try the super soldering iron direct onto the loctited screws to help free them because that loctite has done it's job *bash* .
Muskrat, when you say "worse that 20 A10 rocker boxes" which is pretty bad, do you mean including catching an exhaust push rod on the lip of the rocker 3 times then trying to turn the engine over and hitting the valve? just saying....
Muskrat, when you say "worse that 20 A10 rocker boxes" which is pretty bad, do you mean including catching an exhaust push rod on the lip of the rocker 3 times then trying to turn the engine over and hitting the valve? just saying....
Moral of the story - don't get a Milwaukee tractor or a Japanese rocket ship with more than two carbs *whistle* *whistle* *grins* *wink2* *beer* *beer* *beer*
urma is done urma is done ey ie addio urma is done. touched the starter and she was straight in *yeah* i tried soldering irons on the screws but no go - 3 of electric didn't work on the loctite so i got a nice controlled flame and zapped the screws , cleaned everything up and bingo jobs a fish. she loves having her original main jets back in and the air filter side panel screwed on , the way she started --- as she should !!!! will not give me the same problems i had before i read the books i have and putting the wrong main jets in and having the air screws to far out . i couldn't get a japanese domestic market 750 or 900 book only yank / steak - canadian and euro,. haynes , clymer etc,,, but it's been emotional ;) and i live and learn again. i am now a japanese 4 carb specialist but still not a real welder or latherer but don't want a job doing japanese carbs in a bank of 4... black&tan time sod spurs and city at the pub i'm staying innnnnnnnn *beer* just got to get betsy out of the kitchen and finnish the berglar build now, o yes and the things with THAT!!!!! VAN!! *pull hair out*
G'day Fellas.
Bl@@dy Harley's, every little job takes ages. Two hours to get the oil tank loose the find I have to take the rear exhaust pipe off. I'd only renewed the seals last week *rant*
Right beside the HD under a cover I can hear the A7 snickering *roll*
G'day Fellas.
Bl@@dy Harley's, every little job takes ages. Two hours to get the oil tank loose the find I have to take the rear exhaust pipe off. I'd only renewed the seals last week *rant*
Right beside the HD under a cover I can hear the A7 snickering *roll*
Are you in competition with Berg's van Musky? *whistle* ;D *wink2* *beer*
Well it fired up, rough but it ran. So far as I can tell its been in bits since 2006. Started on the kick start, I'd like to say first kick but reality was several attempts of 5 mins spread over an hour with various adjustments in between. Carb is replacement and so settings are way off, only reasonable certainty was timing.
Was so busy watching oil return when it did fire I didn't see the rapidly expanding pool of oil underneath - that nut on the oil return for the rocker feed was thread bound and oil was pouring out. Got down to look at that and melted my fleece on the exhaust *angry* so the fleece has a hole and the exhaust has a melted plastic stain. *angry* *angry*.
But it runs and its all up from here. spark is weak on anything above about 2 deg retarded so I need to look into that. I converted the mag from auto to manual and now I'm wondering if I should tweek the little eccentric stud and see if I can squeeze a bit more out of it. I'm thinking the manual cover did not come off this mag so it could be off. No rumbles from the bottom end and plenty of compression. Enough for one day.
Rode out to the VMCC meeting - once again, plenty of cars but only two bikes there. Signs of an ageing population.
Took the Flash for a short run today. Beautiful weather, sunny and cool. Second ride since New Year (at this rate it will take 50 years to wear it out). I checked all fluids and pleased to note that leakage losses have been minimal. 15 mls from the chaincase and 25 mls from the gearbox. And Oil return with air bubbles within the time it took to unscrew the oil tank cap, so next-to-none wetsumping. It started on the button smartly. Now ready for the DGR on Sunday 19th May. Also got the heads off the Lilac R92 for a cleanup and valve grind. It's been sitting for 21 years, so deserves a birthday. It is amazing how many small issues you find that you don't remember seeing 21 years ago. *conf2*
G'day BS.
Bike looks great considering the look of the weather. Been wet down here for a fortnight. Never been a fan of those fairings.
G'day Col.
Finally got some sunshine yesterday. Bugga working from dawn to dusk. Hope it holds out till weekend.
Finally got the ignition module off the HD. Yep she's cooked.
Limey, did you fit a manual cam ring to the magneto or just cut a slot in the autp one?
You have to be very careful if you modify the auto ring.
I got a manual end with its cam ring. Stupidly I bought a cable housing forgetting they come with the cable doh. But I'm thinking the eccentric pin / stop my be set to optimse for an auto AR whereas for a manual it could be a little more advanced. Clutching at straws but why not? I don't want the hassle of stripping the mag for a re-magnetizing but its not a huge deal. I got a timing case with a hole so I can separate the mag gear with the case on. New plugs on order - another straw *smile*.
I drilled and tapped the mag case to fit the slack wire manual housing and with the end cap it must have cost £60 to do the conversion, may have been better to wait for a whole mag to come along.
Scored a great little filter head today (2nd hand) for $50. Takes the same filter as my Honda
Scored a great little filter head today (2nd hand) for $50. Takes the same filter as my Honda
I'm sure someone else will check this thought but I believe you need to take care that there is not too much resistance to oil flow in modern filter heads. Modern oil pumps are likely to have much more oomph than our simple BSA pumps.
On Friday I rode my modern BSA 250 miles to my daughters house in Cornwall. Most of the route was on roads with 70mph limits. Sitting upright, 70+, (allowing for speedo inaccuracy) is about as fast as I wanted to go. The problem in Britain with the 70mph maximum speed is you have to keep pulling out to pass slow moving vehicles and then you are too slow for vehicles wanting to go at stupid mph. At 70+ I was regularly getting tailgated. Flippin scary, I can tell you. After passing a group of slow vehicles I pull back into the slow lane, continuing at 70+ until I have to pull out again. Then you find some twerp hogging the middle lane at 70,or less!
I got the train back to home. This trip was to save the cost of having the bike transported when we move house. The train cost almost £100 but it saved me about another £100.
Until we move house I am bike less 🤔
I am going out on the Dubya for a good ride round Lincolnshire in the glorious sunshine *smile* *smile* before fitting a new shower when it's cooler and raining :! :!
On Friday I rode my modern BSA 250 miles to my daughters house in Cornwall. Most of the route was on roads with 70mph limits. Sitting upright, 70+, (allowing for speedo inaccuracy) is about as fast as I wanted to go. The problem in Britain with the 70mph maximum speed is you have to keep pulling out to pass slow moving vehicles and then you are too slow for vehicles wanting to go at stupid mph. At 70+ I was regularly getting tailgated. Flippin scary, I can tell you. After passing a group of slow vehicles I pull back into the slow lane, continuing at 70+ until I have pull out again. Then you find some twerp hogging the middle lane at 70,or less!
Sounds like a good trip, but I wouldn't do it on main roads or motorways unless I really had too. The beauty of bikes, the summer, and this country is how fantastic those smaller roads are. Sure a 4 hour ride might turn into an all-dayer, even a two-dayer but, for me, this is what biking is all about.
G'day Fellas.
Today I took the HD for a test run around the block. It's only taken me 3 months to sort the problem! A new $600 Ultima programmable single fire ignition & coil got her going. She sounds different to the old duel fire and has a few more pony's.
Wonder If I could adapt one into the Cafe *bash*
Scored a great little filter head today (2nd hand) for $50. Takes the same filter as my Honda
I'm sure someone else will check this thought but I believe you need to take care that there is not too much resistance to oil flow in modern filter heads. Modern oil pumps are likely to have much more oomph than our simple BSA pumps.
Few things left to check yet it’s a new pump & once I put the spin on filter on that mount & blow though it, it’s a very surprisingly low pressure to get valve to open & allow air flow
On Friday I rode my modern BSA 250 miles to my daughters house in Cornwall. Most of the route was on roads with 70mph limits.
Sounds like a good trip, but I wouldn't do it on main roads or motorways unless I really had too.
Including lunch and fuel stops and the inevitable traffic delays, the trip took the best part of the day. If I'm out for pleasure I do not go on multi-lane roads. This was not a pleasure ride.
Took the Dubya for a 340 km trip and it went beautifully around Lincolnshire and the Peaks (not far from Bergs again, went through Clay Cross!!
Although the trip was faultless, and the bike was excellent, I noticed that as the bike got hotter, I could hear clinking noises from the right hand side of the engine. I've done a search, but no joy really. One suggestion was that it could be clutch chatter, or something rattling around the clutch basket, or clutch plates rattling for some reason. I think I've had it before but not as loud (can hear it clearly through the helment). Clutch operation is generally fine, very, very occasional brief slip, but this has only happened twice before. Noise is worse at acceleration in gears 1-3 but not 4 and 5. Could hear it if I was in gear with the clutch in and revving the motor. When I stopped and revved it out of gear, couldn't hear anything.
I did think it could be pinking, but I've tried a mix of leaded and super unleaded with no change. Bike was reshimmed a few thousand miles ago. Sound does seem to be more clutch area than top end.
Any suggestions guys???
G'day Worty.
1st to 3rd gears are putting more load on the drive train as your accelerating a lot more in those gears.
Could here it if I was in gear with the clutch in and revving the motor. When I stopped and revved it out of gear, couldn't here anything.
Tells me gear box or primary.
Ear plugs when riding solve so many problems *whistle*.
worty Clay Cross !!!!!!!!never speak to me again :-: *bash* i've been in garage all day doing berglar build *sad* *sad*
worty Clay Cross !!!!!!!!never speak to me again :-: *bash* i've been in garage all day doing berglar build *sad* *sad*
Will 'soz' cover it Bergs *whistle* ;D *yeah* *beer* *beer*
Musky - earplugs it is then. If I get really daring, I may whip the clutch cover off and inspect the plates. It's such a simple process - case is easy to take off, gasket is reusable, clutch is arranged like the Beeza EXCEPT that you just belt the nuts up against the springs until they stop rather than having to do the plate spinning adjustment with the GF.
Quick update. Changed the clutch plates and springs on Kwaka (springs were a bit firmer). All went together well with reused gasket and no leaks - clutch operation seems fine going through the gears on the centre stand. What I do like is that, in neutral, the rear wheel barely moves, whereas on the GF it spins round at quite a pace. In gear, the wheel moves round, but can be stopped pretty easily.
I do think the 'noise' was the exhaust as the bracket had come loose on the silencer (megaphones) and was squeaking like a mouse on acid. All has been adjusted and tightened, so will see if that's cured the problem. Hopefully, no more clutch slippage when giving it a bit of a handful!
Almost finished it, tacho cable needs fitting (it arrived in today's post) but it pretty much road worthy. I got it last Nov as a basket case and its needed an engine rebuild, rewire and complete strip down to the bare frame and reassembly. A lot of the previous work was very poor and I soon realized I could trust nothing. A low point was discovering that the front brake plate fitted because of a home made spacer deep inside the hub.
I would describe it as the "rescue dog" of motorcycles. Its been abused, parentage is unknown, left outside in a damp shed and unloved, then thrown on to e-bay for re-homing with a cursory note.
But it is nice, its got a decent personality, starts and runs well but will never be a show bike, most every bit of chrome is pitted and its not economic to re-do it all. At some point someone did care and it has a big bearing crank, nice ally head, 8" TLS brake, 8.5:1 pistons and a 4 spring clutch so it should ride nicely. It not insured yet so no road tests. There are some annoying quirks; the tacho rotates the opposite way so its got a cheapy Indian one while I work out what to do.
Re-sizing the pics for the web has very nicely removed all the pits in the chrome *smile*
Nice one mate, looks very tidy *good3*
very good rob *good3*
Thanks, I certainly recommend resizing the photos, its done wonders for the chrome *smile*.
I despair of previous owners: it came with a "rebuilt" engine that had no crank shims, a compression plate, DIY push-rods and cases that were odd halves. But in the box of bits were the matching number cases for the frame, a barrel with 7:1 pistons and a big bearing crank. It makes no sense.
Engine has loads of compression and starts first kick so I'll get insurance sorted this week.
It began life as a '59 Golden Flash but someone converted it to a cafe racer, then someone else tried to make it into an RGS clone. It last ran around 20 years ago. I've aimed for the cafe racer look but with std bars, my back won't do clip-ons *sad2*. I'd like to dyno it and see what its making, its 356 cam 30mm carb, 8 1/2:1 and 2 into 1 exhaust, I'd like to see anything over 40hp given its 65 years old now.
Might have been put together originally by the infamous RM (Worty's A10 Engine Rebuild) *eek*
My initials are RM *whistle*
My initials are RM *whistle*
😱😱🤦♂️😁 *doh* *doh* If you can rivet an ATD correctly, you can put crank seals on the right way round, you don't put the wrong gudgeon pin circlip in (and in the wrong place), and you don't fill the crankcases with ball bearings (blocking the oilways), then you're a very different RM to the one I'm referring to *good3*
On the other hand, if you lived in East Yorks at some point and changed your name to Rob, I may wish to 'pick your brains' at some point *angry* *angry* *angry* *razz*
G'day Rob.
Beautiful mate, job well done. She is now in your signature.
G'day Fellas.
Yesterday was WET so I couldn't take the HD for a shake down ride. So I spent the day in the shed trying to sort out the carbs on the Cafe. Got'em close but not close enough. More petrol sniffing today.
Been taking part in the VMCC Men of Kent Section Sittingbourne weekend.
Main event was today, 95 miles mostly down the lanes on the A10SR via route sheets, but a nightmare of a run, two closed roads from emergency works and one lane completely blocked by inconsiderate fly tipping. Very difficult to recover the route from closures.
Took the Kwaka for a 200m run and ................ no noises (so it was the exhaust making a racket) AND no clutch slip. *woo* *woo* Bike went like a dream. Only slight 'fly in the ointment' was that the reused gasket has a tiny weep - literally a few drops over the entire ride out. *dunno2* A gasket is around £16 so, I can either put a bit of of sealant round the old un, make one from my nitrile cork sheet, or put my hand in my pocket (ouch). *doubt* *doubt*
Been taking part in the VMCC Men of Kent Section Sittingbourne weekend.
Main event was today, 95 miles mostly down the lanes on the A10SR via route sheets, but a nightmare of a run, two closed roads from emergency works and one lane completely blocked by inconsiderate fly tipping. Very difficult to recover the route from closures.
Grrrr! 😬
Been taking part in the VMCC Men of Kent Section Sittingbourne weekend.
Main event was today, 95 miles mostly down the lanes on the A10SR via route sheets, but a nightmare of a run, two closed roads from emergency works and one lane completely blocked by inconsiderate fly tipping. Very difficult to recover the route from closures.
Sav, fly-tipping is always inconsiderate - perps need their do-dahs cut off *eek* *eek*
"fly tipping"? ... is that Like Oz doing fish tickling?
"fly tipping"? ... is that Like Oz doing fish tickling?
In case your question was serious:
Y'see, looking at that photo makes my blood boil. For perps, the following should apply:
1. Vehicle confiscated (scrapped or sold).
2. Proceeds of crime legislation to pay for entire clean up and associated costs (to include sequestration of any assets, bank accounts and property).
3. 3 months' jail for first offences, rising to 5 years for repeaters.
4. A ban from working with any company/organisation/business, etc, that produces or processes waste, including self-employed.
Some of the worst culprits are members of certain communities well known for shoddy work practices and total disregard for anything or anybody outside of those communities. They need a proper sorting out *angry* *angry* *angry* *angry*
Yes the picture fits the state of the lane. I was first there and took about half an hour trying to clear a path around it but there was too much glass to ride through it safely
Completely ruined the day for many riders on the run as you are lost once off the route sheet of junctions.
Bring back the birch and stocks for such vandalism against the community.
Hi All
On the subject of illegal dumping
There is a steep more or less S bend in the road between my house and the farmhouse where I grew up.
On Friday I came across my older brother trying to remove a load of fresh concrete that had spilled from a mixer truck that must have stopped on the bend. I went and got some gear to help him..
We scraped and shovelled more than 6 wheel barrow loads from the road.
There was a deep gulley that the winters rain had cut away nearby, so we tipped the barrows in there to effect a repair to the deepest sections.
Jeez! My back hurt for a day or two afterwards *sad2*
There is /was no point in trying to phone the council as the concrete would have set by the time any one arrived
*woo* i got betsy out from the kitchen through the front room and onto the front garden, she has been resting in the kitchen since november and hasn't wet her sump. i put a little bit of petrol in the tank that was mixed with my tetraboost and she fired up first kick *yeah* . she will now live with urma yonda in a garage at the back of the house while the berger build has a garage to herself so i can easily work on it. betsy's on the road again and i can have a dance round the floor space in the kitchen *beer*
*woo* i got betsy out from the kitchen through the front room and onto the front garden, she has been resting in the kitchen since november and hasn't wet her sump. i put a little bit of petrol in the tank that was mixed with my tetraboost and she fired up first kick *yeah* . she will now live with urma yonda in a garage at the back of the house while the berger build has a garage to herself so i can easily work on it. betsy's on the road again and i can have a dance round the floor space in the kitchen *beer*
I'd store her in the front room mate, and take her in and out via the front door rather than across the Himalayas which is your access road *eek* *eek* *pull hair out*
G'day Fellas.
The sun came out yesterday but just a bit chilly. I took the HD out for a short shakedown ride after spending a few months sorting out a inlet air leak and installing a new programmable Ultima ignition. Wow what a difference between single fire and dual fire. The Boyer runs dual fire where both plugs fire at the same time, single fire only fires the cylinder that needs it. Now wondering if I could make one fit in place of the Boyer on the Cafe *work*
Today back to tuning the Cafe and hope the sun stays out for a quick blast on her.
Dismantled the heads and cylinders of the Lilac today for a cleanup. Some light scoring on LH cylinder, but a light hone sorted it good enough.
G'day Fellas.
I was reminded last night that the Winter Rally trophies are due next weekend. Bugga. Mostly done, just gotta attach the bits to the timbers. Then I'll get back to the Cafe.
G'day Fellas.
I was reminded last night that the Winter Rally trophies are due next weekend. Bugga. Mostly done, just gotta attach the bits to the timbers. Then I'll get back to the Cafe.
Looks like the leftovers from my engine rebuild :!
Hello Forum,
I thought that I wanted to think of wanting to start planning the paint job for the tank - but decided better to ride and postpone the planning of the painting job to the cold season at the end of the year. Indeed, I am not familiar in painting over a chromed surface, but I might have a good plan now: search the always very helpful a7a10 forum about this topic.
At this point I like to say: thanks to all of you for always being patient with the newcomers asking again and again the same questions, the oldies have been answering many times before. You are all great.
BR, Manfred
Note: as long the tank is being unpainted, I can use the top surface for important hints ;)
Yes, well the paint needs a 'tooth' to stick to the tank. Some might use etch primer, but I trust my eyes more, and mask off the areas to remain chrome finish, and then rub down the paint areas with about 800 wet 'n dry. You just need an all over thorough matte finish for the paint to stick to. Don't rub too much off or rub too heavily, chrome plating is very thin.
Quick question, does anyone grease or oil new gaskets??
I'm putting a new clutch cover gasket on the Kwaka. Faces are really clean and smooth, maybe a couple of tiny scratch marks but nothing dramatic. The gasket seems to be something between paper and nitrile, not really sure. It's thicker than normal paper gaskets though.
What are your thoughts?
I just use High melting point grease - NO jointing compound. - they also separate easy next time.
If i think its one to stay (ie I'm hopelessly optimistic) I use Hylomar on both surfaces. If I think it may have to come apart I use Hylomar on one side and oil on the other, if I think it'll be off next week again i use oil on both sides, well that's the plan anyway. what ever happened to red Hermetite running down the cases *smile*
rob red herm was brill back int day i had a big tin out of the stores and used it a lot but when i wanted it again after about 10 years it had gone solid, green herm for steam joints was very good but still went hard after a number of years, what gets me fed up is hylomar that lasts for one year and super glue that lasts for i hour , years ago hylomar would last as long as hermy and super glue at least a month *bash*
Cheers lads - light grease I reckon. Gasket is new, faces are smooth and clean, don't reckon Kawasaki greased the gaskets from new but the old one stuck to the faces quite badly. TBH, it's only weeping a tiny bit of oil but, I do want one of the bikes to be free from leaks *eek* *eek*
Grease smeared on thinly.
One other thing gents, I bought a pair of Dunstall type silencers for the Kwaka from Evilbay for £38 inc postage which were listed as hardly used. Well, they may have been 'hardly used' but the chromium plating on one has peeled and is not particularly good. The other is quite a lot better (neither have dents in them) - apparently they're £200 for the pair brand new.
The megas which came with the bike are a bit bashed and dented, again with rust on the sides facing the wheel, so thinking of replacing them.
Question is what is the most economical way of smartening up the 'new' items. Thinking of paint, nickel plating, galvanising, etc, etc, but chrome will be too pricey I reckon.
As always, your input is always welcome.
I have this problem with my A10, its been stored in a damp shed. Its very frustrating. Some of the chrome has cleaned up with wire wool, I've also wiped it with rust treatment to slow down the rust under the chrome. On the bad parts I used a wire brush to remove the lifted edges and clean the steel then wire wool then wiped it with oil to protect the bare metal while i come up with a better idea. A couple of areas I've painted silver, its OK for now.
There's no point re-chroming as too much metal has to be removed to get a decent surface so it's run as it is or replace.
Good old Stove Enamel would be a good choice, but sadly this process has gone from a common industrial finish, more often "enamellers" are now Powder Coaters. Silver Powder Coating works well on sports car wire wheels, but of course exhaust pipes get hot, silencers not so much. Whether the coating could stand the ferocious furnace temperatures the way you ride..... Back then Silver Hammerite kept the rust at bay, and looked good from afar, far from good close up. Stove and Barbecue paint, high temperature but restricted to black. Silver Exhaust Paint looks a cheap and cheerful fix. Galvanising prevents rust, but I doubt the finish and internals would be to your liking after a bath in molten zinc. Any Chromer of repute would load the price to scare you away rather than put your unknown bits in any of the baths.
I'd give them a dose of WD after each ride to keep the rust at bay and look for something better.....then sell them to another like minded enthusiast. Any professional finishing will cost more than they are worth, unless it can be done by the informal arrangements common in most industrial settings. Bergs will know what I mean, a fine example to us all.
Additional. Hylomar used Cellulose Thinners as a solvent, so old castings can be cleaned off if you have some to hand. "Belco from Halfords" No chance these days. Red Hermetite used alcohol as solvent, good old fashioned meths back in the day was the cleaner up of choice. Don't see it now.
'Furnace temperatures the way you ride', I don't know what you mean *whistle* *whistle* *whistle*
Meths is harder to get hold of I reckon - bulk bought some a while back but running short again now (also more expensive than it should be).
As for the exhausts, maybe I'll just run as is and clean them up. Trouble is, quite a lot of the chrome is bubbling (wish I'd seen that clearer on the pictures). The 'hardly used' description may be right, but that'd mean sitting in a damp shed for a couple of years rather than getting toasty.
Only other thing is paint, some people have had good results sanding the whole lot down to a dull finish and spraying furnace paint onto them - black being the colour of no choice.
Still, better than paying £200 for something I don't like or is too noisy, or going for a Far Eastern product that's made of tin foil (actually, I think the existing megas are cheapos as even the side stand has dented them).
You could try aluminium high temp paint. Its cheap enough but you probably need to re-coat it every few months.
wrap them in ally foil but before you set off put the bacon in . *sarcastic* *grins*
At Motoblot, Chicago, IL, right now. Red A10 siiting in front of a diesel Royal Enfield.
Richard L.
At Motoblot, Chicago, IL, right now. Red A10 siiting in front of a diesel Royal Enfield.
Richard L.
Diesel *????* *????*
G'day Fellas.
Yesterday I took the HD for a shakedown ride after manifold & ignition work to the Casper Rally at Abercrombie. 5C when I left home but got below 0C over Shooters hill. Bike performed faultlessly.
A BSA I saw at last years Winter Rally was there. 1950 A10 with big fin barrels and lots of patina. I have a question for him in the frame section. I suggested for Dave to join the Forum. Hope to see him again in two weeks at this years Winter Rally.
At Motoblot, Chicago, IL, right now. Red A10 siiting in front of a diesel Royal Enfield.
Richard L.
A big surprise to me at Motoblot, yesterday, because I didn’t know they had the category of “Best Restoration.” I hope it was deserved, considering so many other great bikes. Nevertheless, nice to be appreciated.
Richar L.
On the 39-mile ride home from Motoblot, the “Best Restoration” had a sudden power drop at a very awkward spot on the interstate. Kept running after pulling to the shoulder. Regular power soon returned. Partial seizure might be assumed, but my pistons are about as loose in the bores as only a marginally reasonable amateur mechanic would trust. After a bit down the road, I noticed battery charging had ceased. Now, my assumption was that the dynamo belt had broken and jammed between the large pulley and the cover, resulting in engine braking. Opened the cover when I got home to find an intact, but very loose, belt. Still scratching head.
Richard L.
Partial, temporary fuel blockage?
Dynamo belt may have been slipping due to it being loose (do those have teeth?).
These old bikes love to test us, may just have been one of those 'BSA moments'. *eek*
The usual suspects: fuel starvation - tank and carb gauze, plugs breaking down, mag getting hot and not sparking. But as its a loss of power my bet is fuel too.
Worty and Rob,
Agree, fuel should be considered. I was trying to imagine other causes because I’ve done the mod on the 930 carb that brings fuel to the float bowl faster. Maybe still not fast enough.
About to boroscope the cylinders to see if there’re signs of seizing. Going for the process-of-elimination approach, which sometimes leads to, “just forget about it and ride.”
Richard L.
If it was seizing up I'd expect a very weak mixture, how do the plugs look? I've had so much trouble with the gauze in the tank (on the tap) or in the banjo filling up. They seem to be able to do that no matter how many times the tank is cleaned.
If it was seizing up I'd expect a very weak mixture, how do the plugs look? I've had so much trouble with the gauze in the tank (on the tap) or in the banjo filling up. They seem to be able to do that no matter how many times the tank is cleaned.
I'm lucky Rob, the fuel leaks past the gauze and (unfortunately) the main tap pipe. This means I've twice run out of fuel as it leaves no fuel left when switching to reserve. The simple answer, just fill up again after around 180m or so. *eek* *eek*
May need to move to a tech topic, but I’ll keep going as long as we’re in the discussion stream.
You’re probably onto it, and may be confirming what I was thinking after removing plugs for the boroscope (which isn’t working yet). I’ve been used to seeing sooty, rich mixture, plugs. Now, they’re clean as a whistle, so, must be running much leaner. Now I’ll be looking for melt spots in piston crowns, as well as for bore scoring. In my recent work, the main thing I did was repair the mag and re-time. Starting hot or cold has gotten much easier, with no kickback.
Richard L.
Richard L.
my old sea dogs mate who i have known since we were 6 years old came round on his 1200 BMW . i got betsy out because he sold me betsy when we were teenagers and he loves her sound and he ended up helping me to test to see if betsy was charging at just under 2000rpm like she used to. at 2000rpm i had a nice bit needle movement to the plus on the ammeter but on the last run out i noticed the ammeter not reading as it used to, the indicators being a bit slow as well .. so as he revved betsy up to 2000rpm i only got 12.4volts and at 3000rpm 12. 8 so i might have to do some dynamo general looking at because i haven't touched it for years. ..........this is leading on to i have killed 900 robins *bash* *bash*, as we set of i lost the left footrest because the bolt i had in it decided to break off when i stood up on the pegs, looking at where it had broke i remembered i had put that bolt in the right side footrest for years and the footrest kept dropping down when i was i kicking her up and bending the bolt which has been cold straightened a few times so that is my fault. instead of messing and putting things right i got urma yonda out and we had a great ride out. betsy's foot rest is now mended and my bar is open *beer* *beer*thankyou for listening have a nice day
Big Beeza ride out tomorrow, all being well, followed by big Kwaka ride out on Wed/Thurs if my back has recovered. *smile* *smile*
Aye, all went to plan with a 190m ride out on the Beeza. All went swimmingly, never missed a beat, and even had a Harley fella complimenting me on the bike whilst filling up. *good3*
Notable occurrences include whizzing round a corner to find a skittish horse all over the road. *eek* *eek* Turned the motor off and pushed it past a good distance before firing up again. Also, some farmer had his high pressure watering hose pointing at the road, so got a bit of a soaking *angry* - dried up quickly in the heat. Other than that some fabulous views, on a fabulous bike, in fabulous weather - perfect. *woo* *woo* *woo*
As for the bike - the battery has now packed up (it was about 8 years old and had been knocking about the garage for ages). Also, anyone know how to stop the feed and return pipes weeping oil at the tank end - my right hand pillion peg is now coated in oil. I'll ask the question on how to prepare my spare gearbox outer casing to stop it leaking oil out of the speedo drive at another time. *roll*
190M - wow!
Feed and return, Feed is just a union so check its done up. Same for the return union, but my bet is the banjo for the rocker is not pinched up by the large nut, or its pinched up too much and deformed. I seem to recall the fibre washers are a bit of an odd size.
Try Dowty washers? Not dead sure but I seem to remember using them to stop my leaks around there.
Cheers Rob and Jools!
Union is done up nice 'n' tight, but will check the banjo and washer - the latter does look a little tired from what I can see.
Do either of you know the size of Dowty washer I'd need offhand (for the speedo drive)?
My favourite runs are across to the Yorks Moors, where there always seems to be somewhere I've not been before. Ended up in farmyards and allsorts on my travels in the past. Never really interested in riding 50m then spending 3 hours chatting at some biker haunt, I like to ride. That 190m trip cost me around 7 hours of riding, a knackered battery, £25-ish in fuel, a sore backside, a shower, four beers, aching body, and a good nights sleep - more than worth it!
Have to say it again, hats off to Bergs for the motor rebuild, even the Harley guy said it sounded sweet (mind you, anything would if you ride a Harley) *fight* *fight* *fight* *fight* *wink2* *beer* *beer*
Guys, get out in this weather as much as you can, our Summers are very short and wet *eek* *grins*
If you have the later drive 65-3396 then its just the o ring 65-3397. The earlier drive 65-3390 looks like it doesn't have a groove for an o ring so if you have access to a lathe you could add one. Or put the drive bush in with some thread sealer?
I reckon it must be the later drive as it's a '61 Flash. I'll check the spare for an O-ring groove though.
I do have a split in the speedo cable plastic cover, could the oil be working its way down the inside of the cable and leaking out where the split is. I know oil gets into the inside of the cable as it can work its way up to the speedo using the Archimedean screw effect.
The design is flawed, there is no seal on the rotating shaft, just a spiral groove (Archimedes Screw) to hold back the tide. Oil will work its way down into the cable, and a good sound outer cable and sealed retaining nut is the best you can hope for. Never known one that didn't drip.
Early spindle carrier is brass, later versions are pot metal mazac, which have the O ring seal to the bore of the outer cover and a weak fixing thread to the cable nut which is a failure ready to happen with crossed threads from aftermarket crappo cables a certainty. Look closely at this thread when making an online purchase of a used item. It is fine and easily damaged.
I've thought a breather hole may assist in stopping gearbox leaks, could done as experiment by cutting a narrow gap in the top run of a couple of clutch lever inspection cover gaskets, rather than drilling castings.
Can you slide some heat shrink over the split in the cable sleeve? The cheap e-bay stuff is thin which means it may just slip under the nut.
Cheers Swarfy. The spindle carrier looks brass rather than mazac, but I'll check it. I like Rob's idea of shrink fit, worth having a look and fiddle about.
i fitted the brass bit in mine with some sealer and a fibre washer and some more sealer up to the case with the nut, this stopped that leak but as you said worty it then finds it's way out of the cable even if the outer isn't damaged it creeps out of the crap crimping on the new cables . i manged to heat shrink mine and up to now haven't had a problem , but i have the heat shrink up the cable above the gearbox oil level because my first attempt with a few inches of heat shrink failed after a few weeks.
190M - wow!
Yeh, but he means metres🙄
Jeez...Give the fella some kudos. Almost 200 miles on the best MWAS and the assembly acumen of another esteemed member deserves an accolade of the highest order.
Jeez...Give the fella some kudos. Almost 200 miles on the best MWAS and the assembly acumen of another esteemed member deserves an accolade of the highest order.
Cheers Swarfy, I'm sure GB was pulling my leg. What I can tell you though, is I feel I can ride out that distance with faith in the bike. When I was having my problems, it was always a relief to be on the home leg - now I only turn back when my bum goes numb and I can't feel my fingers (VWF).
One thing that puzzles me a bit is the bike has never smoked, not even when RM's 'build' was causing the motor to self destruct. I think Bergs even found a broken piston ring, but not a whisper from the exhausts.
One nice moment on the ride was going through a small village with a couple of tight corners, as I opened her up between the buildings in third, there was a very satisfying 'crackle' from the pipes - a bit like smacking a large side of beef with a spade - lovely *wink2* *wink2* *good3* *good3* *beer* *beer*
I cheated today … the guilt is insufferable but it was homeless
Still have the A10 but I’m not sure she is talking to me
Is it a R69, or slightly later model? I had a '59 R60/1 - lovely bike!
Is it a R69, or slightly later model? I had a '59 R60/1 - lovely bike!
1969 R60/2. I’m putting my Steib chair on it. I was looking at a few R69’s yet of course dearer & the BM boffins reckon the /2 is prob a better chair hauler. It rides like a cloud. I sold my ‘76 90/6 a few years ago & always regretted it so here we are again 🤣
Those Earles forks were excellent, just wandered over bumps without a care in the world. That 'upward' movement when you brake is so weird, but very reassuring too. Wondered whether that system was adopted to accommodate sidecar use?? Very nice bike mate, mines on the Forum somewhere with me age 18.
Yep def designed for outfits. It’s my first Earles Fork bike & def very different. Crazy turning circle also, it turns way past standard. It’s not passing the BSA in acceleration though yet the flywheel weight is noticeably strong
The flywheel is huge, once it got going the odd squirt on the throttle kept it purring along nicely. Yes, designed for outfits and touring. As I remember, very low comp at around 6.9:1 or something like that. I only sold it (early '90s) because I owed my ol' dad some money - been trying to locate it with a view to buying it back ever since (Reg 566 RE). I only did around 20,000 miles on it in about 5 years, as I had other bikes and was a despatch rider for a while.
The only real issue I had was losing a cover on both carbs (main jet?) - still managed to run though. Unfortunately, when I sold it, it was starting to smoke a bit. The reason, some inept mechanic set the valve clearances too tight which let to a bent pushrod and some valve damage (I don't have much luck with the 'professionals'). *angry* Other than that, faultless.
One of the purchase worries is the Oil Slinger (aka sludge trap) & there no way to retro fit an oil filter so you def need some providence on them before buying re oil slinger maintenance. This one is spot on. People go putting detergent oils in them if they are older & ‘that’s all she wrote’ on the crank
But yeah that flywheel is just beautiful & you can really feel it
G'day Fellas.
I've never been 100% happy with the Cafe since the blow up ( ). Just seemed to be a little lacking on the left side, it was the right side that blew!
I've been playing with the carbs to no avail. I never did a cc of the head after repair so "off with the head". Besides there is a rockerbox leak.
I made a plate out of a nylon cutting board and bolted it to the head. Rigged up a few bits of timber to hold the head with the spark plug vertical. With a syringe I measured how much water to come up to the spark plug hole then did the other side. Both identical at 41cc so I gaver her a valve lap (didn't really need it) and now I'll look elsewhere for the problem.
Thankfully I have a 70,000 btu diesel heater to keep me warm. Minus 2C when I came in.
We always think Australia is universally hot.
this is a photo of the oil creep down the speedo spindle in the gearbox and then it gets out wherever it can
G'day GB.
Not in sunny Lithgow *lol* Minus 5 here at 4am, hoping it gets to zero before I go back out to the shed.
G'day Bergs.
"Ah, they all do that Sir" The Cafe also from the tacho drive.
We've moved into our house in Cornwall. Yesterday evening I got the chance to ride my bike. I haven't been able to ride it for a month. I rode down to St Ives via back roads. I stopped by the harbour for a while and then explored this quant old seaside town followed by a blast back to my daughters house for a hot Cornish Pasty. Life does not get much better than this.
I am doing the VMCC Cornwall touring week in September based in Newquay, may see you out and about :)
I am doing the VMCC Cornwall touring week in September based in Newquay, may see you out and about :)
I will try to meet you. Please stay in touch to remind me. *smile*
Cornwall County Council feature the County Motto "One And All" on almost every official sign. It should be "We Charge One And All" especially in those places where the roads are lined with yellow and the only option to park is their money making enterprise.
Back roads can be hazardous, locals drive older cars with battle scars. The narrow lanes are increasing having to cope with 4 x4's from the second home owners, Amazon delivery vans and the likes of online grocery deliveries to holiday lets. It ain't all cream teas and pasties, there is a huge social divide if you dig a little. And a lot of rain.
Cornwall County Council feature the County Motto "One And All" on almost every official sign. It should be "We Charge One And All" especially in those places where the roads are lined with yellow and the only option to park is their money making enterprise.
Back roads can be hazardous, locals drive older cars with battle scars. The narrow lanes are increasing having to cope with 4 x4's from the second home owners, Amazon delivery vans and the likes of online grocery deliveries to holiday lets. It ain't all cream teas and pasties, there is a huge social divide if you dig a little. And a lot of rain.
But apart from that......😉
Seriously though, I've just moved from 8 miles south of Coventry; this has to be an improvement in many ways.
If the council are making money from the visitors, well that is not surprising. With the current charlatans in charge councils must make money where they can.
G'day Fellas.
Follow up from reply #3043 on 27/06.
After the fire I was gifted an old fashioned drill stand, the type you attach a hand pistol drill. I had modified it to become a valve spring compressor.
Putting the head back together the cast iron clamp snapped. Bugga, straight onto evilbay and bought a new one for $48. It arrived and with a little modification was ready. Well chinesium strikes again, it barely had enough strength to compress the inner spring let alone both. Put it aside and wondered how I was going to get the job done.
Ah, the proper drill press. 10 minutes latter it was ready to go. Job done.
Gasket annealed and coated with copper gasket spray, head on and torqued to 30Lb. Tonight the dreaded rockerbox!
Had a go at a pair of neglected fork legs, reckon these are a bit bowed but OK for a push around. Just thought I'd have a play. Got the seal holders off with the official tool and heat gun. No strap or chain wrenches were harmed.
Found the top bush shims above the circlip...WRONG. Threatened the circlips with hardened steel picks, came out easily, drained off grey water in oil emulsion. pulled out the legs.
Set up an old lower yoke, clamped a leg and used my best vintage open ender on the lower nuts. No chance, they are both defiant, so on the lookout to scrounge a good fitting socket.
But I did have success with a Briggs and Stratton 450e mower engine that won't run....these have a plastic carb, renowned for blocking the main jet, easy fix, full of crystallised something.
Then it was Beer O'Clock, so happy ending...
Having battled with those fork end "nuts" they are cunningly designed with no corners for a socket to get a grip. Either the best fitting open ended spanner or put the nut in the vice and turn the stanchion. Try some heat and you could try using the bottom yoke as a spanner to turn the stanchion.
Off for another VMCC touring week, the Brecklands week near Whittington in Norfolk with the A10 again as the Notrun is playing up *smile*
G'day Fellas.
Rode the HD down to the Winter Rally at Nerriga on Friday, back Sunday. She didn't miss a beat.
New forum member Dave was there on his 1950 A10. He came away with a few trophies, Oldest bike & rider, Slow race and hard luck award (had a slight nip up on the way, a bird strike and a flat tyre).
The bonfire kept everyone warm and the Iron guts made a few sick!
Back to work today to recover! Cheers
There's some salty looking dudes there mate .................... but the selfie stick?????????????
G'day Worty.
Selfie stick for close ups and checking for cheating.
Not many there without grey hair/beards. The younguns stay home with their mummy!
I missed Sunday breakfast as I was cooking 300 bacon & egg rolls.
I'm in the market for heated gloves, the only bit that froze were my fingers.
When I rode in all weathers ( just after the dinosaurs..) I used a set of handlebar muffs. They really work and bearing in mind I would have been on a A10 or B31 there wasn't even a milliamp to spare.
I'm sure there's someone in the outback who can fashion a set from some old wellies.... *smile*
I'm in the market for heated gloves, the only bit that froze were my fingers.
My expensive heated gloves burnt a 2" hole in the back of my right hand the other day. Surprising how much power there is in a small lithium battery dead-shorted through the on/off low/med/hi switch. Very painful, and very fast acting. It can't have taken me more than half a minute to stop and rip the darn thing off, but the burn was well-advanced. So, so much for very expensive battery-powered ones, not going there again.
Therefore, back to my universal fail-safe dry & warmish system . . . which is easier than fitting muffs to different bikes with different cables and 'bars etc . . .A big laccy band can help if wind lifts the flap to expose the back of the fingers . . .
My mates laugh . . . but I *smile* *smile* can operate a clutch and brake while they're frost-bitten practically on wet winter days.
What I did with my bike today was wheel it out of the garage at our new place so I could make a start on painting the walls and floor. This is important because we need to empty the storage unit we've been renting for all my garage equipment. Once the garage has all my stuff in it I will not be able to do the painting.
Gave it a good wash. We went to a Grasstrack meeting yesterday and my bike looked like it had been taking part!
Groily - I like that solution, if there were a forum prize for "Red-neck Engineering" you'd be a strong contender.
Re lithium - I recently had one explode while on charge, left it on a "smart" charger but went to to make a cuppa. SWMBO said "there's a lot of smoke in your shed!!" Hell there was, and a fire. Went up in seconds.
G'day Fellas.
re-heated gloves. I've done a little research and a riding buddy has endorsed my choice. He's been using for 5 years and loves them. They won't be hard wired to the bike/s but I'll wire in a usb to charge them while I stop for a beer or three.
I must be getting soft in my older age!
Lithium batteries can be deadly. Ive seen a small one shorted out, and it was unstoppable.
Good luck Musky - they look pretty decent. Mine are RST 'Paragon' (and are still quite decent gloves when not switched on!) (and £200 GBP)
Had them about 4 years, mostly not 'on'. 200 battery charge/discharge cycle life they say - probably used 'on' fewer than 50 times. Failure in switch or adjacent wiring on back of hand rather than battery itself . . .
Was impressed initially, but less so now! Suppose I ought to send them back with a whinge letter, but probably farting against thunder given their age.
Got it pretty much sussed for winter. Fit the badger nose screen which is remarkably effective and that, together with the heated handlebar grips keeps me snug and cosy. The dynamo is 12 volt and the lights are LED so plenty of wiggly amps to keep my fingers warm.
when I used to commute in all weathers I fitted a Badger nose, someone was chucking it out. I had always laughed at them but my hands were getting so cold I thought "why not?". As you say, they really work.
Wheel alignment, quite pleased with how it went. Used an ally 8ft straight edge propped up to touch the tyres and a couple of clamps to hold it to the rear tyre. Slight correction for tyre width difference and done.
G'day Rob.
Something that should be done every time we adjust our chains.
I use string lines usually but can do a quick check by eye.
There was a thread years back about using lasers and
Yes, and I now always do up the wheel spindle then tighten the adjusters up to the spindle one last bit so there's a bit of pre-load against the chain. Not an issue on the drive side but I have had spindles pull forward on the drive side when the adjuster is not quite tight.
Yes, and I now always do up the wheel spindle then tighten the adjusters up to the spindle one last bit so there's a bit of pre-load against the chain. Not an issue on the drive side but I have had spindles pull forward on the drive side when the adjuster is not quite tight.
Issues on 'timing side'?? I do the same!
Well, not today, but this weekend. Finished top-end inspection reassembly after a partial seize-up on the highway. Nothing serious, thank goodness. Got back from three-mile test ride early Saturday evening and discovered my right leg covered in oil and my oil cap missing. Living in a suburban neighborhood, all the streets are curbed. Suggested to my wife that we take a Sunday morning walk with the casual intension to find the cap. We both decided this would be a nice way to start-off our 40th anniversary (also yesterday). Anyway, after tracking gutters on the righr-hand side of the street for about a mile, there it was, peacefully lying in the gutter. We both had a sense of accomplishment and amazement that this was a success. Also, it was a kind and inexpensive reminder to check oil flow after every startup, or, at least, the first startup of every day.
One more thing about this, not so straightforward if you drive on the left side of the street.
Congratulations on your 40th anniversary (and finding the cap!!). Got mine coming up soon (a bit behind at 26). Thought it'd be game over a few years back when Sue had her 'midlife', but I must have convinced her that it was worth staying *eek* *eek* *????* *????*
If anyone can explain women to me, and how to reach 40 years of married life, I'm all ears *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *countdown* *countdown* *shh*
On the bikes, plenty of miles on the Kwaka recently (about 500), Beeza will be out soon enjoying a day without rain *ex* Finished fabricating my Kwaka exhaust, just need to test fit and paint matt black. It's not perfect, but neither me nor the bike is either.
New rear tyres for both bikes to be fitted soon. GF's AM26 did about 6000m, the Kwaka Battlax, about 7-8000m-ish.
Forgiveness Worty.
(seriously... Never let a disagreement go overnight.
Wipe the slate clean each morning).
not much happening at the berger abode, a few days ago i fitted some freeby building site draught excluder to the frame on the up and over garage door . this has reduced the sand storm of desert variety entering that garage by maybe 90% , the bikes used to get covered even with covers on them. yesterday i took betsy on a blast about and ended up at brothers allotments , hes doing well with my fruit and veg , well i haven't told him it's mine yet but i am sure i will get some. he hasn't mended the berger build tank yet but he's a busy geezer. well that's about it but betsy is running very well and so is urma the yonda. OH one super winge for now!!!. i phoned a firm to make me a custom sized speedo cable for the berger build and told them lengths of inner and outer and difference between chrono and magnetic, i thought all this was understood anyway as they have been making them for years, first off they had written my post code down wrong even after i gave it them in policy speak and when i chased it up and finally received it the speedo end was WRONG!!!, maybe the geeza who took the order couldn't wait to get the payment in the bank and then back to his smart phone because nowadays those blooming phones are the most important thing in too many peoples lives, thankyou for listening have a nice day.
If anyone can explain women to me, and how to reach 40 years of married life, I'm all ears *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *countdown* *countdown* *shh*
That is a topic that even this illustrious forum cannot help you with.
Janet and I have been married for 54 years on August 1st. I have been trying to keep my head above water for most of that time.😟
Congratulations *eek*on your 40th anniversary .
If anyone can explain women to me, and how to reach 40 years of married life, I'm all ears *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *countdown* *countdown* *shh*
Thanks for the congrats. I’ll pass your commiserations on to SWMBO.
I guess the standard (and safest) answer is “One day at a time.” *smile*
If anyone can explain women to me, and how to reach 40 years of married life, I'm all ears *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *countdown* *countdown* *shh*
That is a topic that even this illustrious forum cannot help you with.
Janet and I have been married for 54 years on August 1st. I have been trying to keep my head above water for most of that time.😟
Didn’t know they allowed you to get married at 12 years old in the UK. ;)
Richard L.
If anyone can explain women to me, and how to reach 40 years of married life, I'm all ears *pull hair out* *pull hair out* *countdown* *countdown* *shh*
That is a topic that even this illustrious forum cannot help you with.
Janet and I have been married for 54 years on August 1st. I have been trying to keep my head above water for most of that time.😟
Ours is the same date, just 28 years later *eek* *eek* *eek*
Forgiveness Worty.
(seriously... Never let a disagreement go overnight.
Wipe the slate clean each morning).
Exactly Jools, but can you explain that to my wife *eek* *????* *pull hair out* *beer*
Janet and I have been married for 54 years on August 1st.
Didn’t know they allowed you to get married at 12 years old in the UK. ;)
*loveit* I love you man!
Just fitted a NOVA, 5-speed, high ratio gearbox to my RGS replica. What a transformation to the ride. Love it!
Taxed it. Had to wait for the insurance to be updated. I think it was last taxed around 2009.
Its historic so its free, its rare to get a nice warm feeling when dealing with any Govt Dept. I did try to opt for 6 months so I could enjoy the free tax twice a year but they block that option.
OOh Cheezer that must have cost a fortune yes?!
OOh Cheezer that must have cost a fortune yes?!
I hear he now has only one kidney 🤔
OOh Cheezer that must have cost a fortune yes?!
I'm still shaking - credit card cut up and in the bin *ex*
I reckon he needs an Electric start now, ... I mean... 'In fer a penny in fer a pound eh Cheezyman?!
Just fitted a NOVA, 5-speed, high ratio gearbox to my RGS replica. What a transformation to the ride. Love it!
G'day CB.
It didn't happen without pictures LOL
Just fitted a NOVA, 5-speed, high ratio gearbox to my RGS replica. What a transformation to the ride. Love it!
G'day CB.
It didn't happen without pictures LOL
I reckon he needs an Electric start now, ... I mean... 'In fer a penny in fer a pound eh Cheezyman?!
Not my cup of tea! I might change my mind when my knee is totally knackered!
OOh Cheezer that must have cost a fortune yes?!
I hear he now has only one kidney 🤔
Magneto jobs not quite as cheap as they used to be!
Heh, nice one CB! That gearbox is now on my wallpaper *smile*
Jeez it looks a bit sexy!
CB - was this 5 speed fitted with the g/box in situ ?
CB - was this 5 speed fitted with the g/box in situ ?
No, that can't be done. It has to be built complete before fitting.
Jeez it looks a bit sexy!
Absolutely!.... but the engraving doesn't come as standard.
If anyone deserves it, it's you.
G'day Fellas.
Not having started the Rhonda for a few months I found the battery had died and also had a dead fuse. I usually go for AGM batteries but the shop I work at only had wet ones and the terminals were opposite. No worries I just made longer cables and fitted. I noticed the 4 wires going into the starter relay were looking a bit tatty and could short hence the fuse. Fitted new fittings to the wires and plugged them in. What a difference, all electrics are quicker and brighter. Must've been bad for a while. I only have to look at the start button she roars into life (Yamaha R6 starter clutch).
Took her for a run around the block (50Km) and put her back to bed. It was then I noticed the front tyre is past it's use by date, bugga.
If it's got wheels or tits it'll give you trouble or cost you money!
My Land Rover came with a battery isolator which I just assumed was OK. It got harder and harder to start and wasn't charging properly. So I got a new battery and changed the alternator, slight improvement but not a fix. Then I junked the isolator and cleaned the battery terminals. Amazing improvement. I now think I junked a perfectly good battery and alternator just because of poor connections. Live and learn.
My Land Rover came with a battery isolator which I just assumed was OK. It got harder and harder to start and wasn't charging properly. So I got a new battery and changed the alternator, slight improvement but not a fix. Then I junked the isolator and cleaned the battery terminals. Amazing improvement. I now think I junked a perfectly good battery and alternator just because of poor connections. Live and learn.
I experienced the exact same problem with my Landy after I thought fitting a battery isolator would be a good idea. It was not.
Changed the rear tyres on both the GF and Kwaka - both worn down to less than half a mm of their lives. The Kwaka gets a Kenda Challenger K657 which is a slightly larger radius than the original (130/90 18 rather than a 130/80 18) - looks big, fat and impressive, just like me. *eek* Got both front and rear K657s for £134 inc delivery, which is why I went with the larger size rather than standard.
The GF gets a Kenda K761 which was £67 and free delivery. Will be interesting to see how they both perform as the GF tyre is a combo tyre for road/off road (60/40 split). It is also mountable front or rear. Spent a tenner each to get them put on as I didn't fancy the Kwaka tyre even with my 'big levers'.💪💪
The custom exhaust on the Kwaka is giving me a headache still, may just buy some cheapo tulips or megas and be done with it. I do like the Dunstall replica, but they are loud. Bike seems to run better without the 'restrictive' baffling, but the exhaust note is a bit like the GF at 'big handful' mode. *eek*
Resting after Monday's 200m ride around my favourite haunts on the Kwaka. Next out is the GF to see if the new battery I put on will stand the rigours of a good blast.
This week's weather looks dry and hot - enjoy it while it's here. *woo* *woo* *wink2* *wink2*
Too right, for once its hot here. Took advantage of the outdoor heat to soften Black Woolworth Oil Based Paint Daub enough to start a scrape off on a spare Plunger frame, revealing original Polychromatic Beige. At least the front part is beige...hope it continues to the rear section. Plungistas will know what two different colours mean.....
Plungistas will know what two different colours mean.....
G'day Fellas.
Today I'll prep the old girl for a ride with the Tourers (mostly HD's from Campbelltown) on the w/end to Rylstone. I'll meet them at Oberon for lunch. About 400 Km, the longest ride since rebuild so she'll get a full service today after a run around the block (50 Km).
Rode through part of that when I didn't come to visit, stayed in Portland and took a more direct line to Sofala and onto Hillend, you've got some nice riding country close by
G'day Kickaha.
Pitty you didn't call in. I could have shown you the best back roads.
All good with the service today. Greased all the nipples, did the tyre pressures, tightened the chain, tweaked the steering head, then warmed her up with a ride. Sucked all the oil out of the tank (I use a sucker to get any sediment and no mess! Dropped the sump (no particles) and filter. Took the plugs out and kicked 50 times to get the last of the old oil out then installed the new filter. Add 1/2 tank of oil and a short ride through town. Back home I mixed a cup of oil with 100ml of PRO-MA MBL8 ( added to and topped up the tank. Another ride through town and back to the shed. I had to back off the idle by 1/2 turn!!! It's won me.
Still hot dropped the g/box oil and changed to Penrite 20/60 with a bit more MBL8. Changed the primary oil (no MBL8) and checked the chain. OK.
Tomorrow I'll flog her around the block. If all good I'll show them HD's up on the w/end!
ps: while dropping the oil I heard a BANG on my corner. Two cars collided big time. Used my medic title to help the two girls (one is an epileptic ,taken to hospital). Looking at the damage lucky not more serious.
Medic title???
... while dropping the oil I heard a BANG on my corner. Two cars collided big time. Used my medic title to help the two girls (one is an epileptic ,taken to hospital). Looking at the damage lucky not more serious.
Are you able to tell us who was at fault? I see one car has a red P. Does that signify provisional driver? Damage on modern cars always looks bad because they are built to absorb shock. It was not very long ago that cars had a solid steering column going from the front axle to within a few inches of the drivers chest.😬
Medic title???
Musky is a Gynacogist. Like pizza delivery boys, he can smell it but no licking😝
G'day Fellas.
The blue car at fault but the grey car should have seen it coming. My street has a very wide median strip which makes it look like two streets. The blue car was crossing from the side street (past my side gate) through a give way sign. The grey car was traveling down on the far side of my street and T boned the blue car.
I'm the bike clubs medic (Senior First Aid Cert).
The bike felt so good I'll take her for another ride (read pub crawl) today.
Nice day, 196 miles on the GF today, all around my favourite Yorkshire haunts. Bike never missed a beat, and I didn't miss a gearchange this time (sometimes get confused with the Kwaka and end up with the wrong gear). I did tweak the clutch nuts up one and a half turns as I just felt it needed it. Gearchange has improved as a result (maybe accidentally improved the run out a little). Also, the new rear Kenda is excellent. Even new it grips beautifully round the tightest bends. Just something 'better' about the beastie today - crackling and roaring, pulling like a dream, even got it to around 70mph (maybe because the new tyre makes it a bit taller). Only thing I broke was the zip on my bike jeans and a bit of the tank wadding popped out.
As for the Kwaka, waiting for the 'new' rear mudguard to fit. Also discovered the rear number plate was cracked, so making a mounting for it out of an old metal pizza tray. Word to the wise, if you're going to use 40 year old cellulose enamel, don't expect great results. Had to strip it all back using brake cleaner and a lot of scrubbing - new spray enamel next time. Exhausts have now been sealed - the Dunstall replicas sound almost as loud as the GF.
Lots of fun today guys!
Worty sweet music to my ears, i panic every time the GF is mentioned, glad it's doing what it should do and didn't end up in the scrap. *beer*
Worty sweet music to my ears, i panic every time the GF is mentioned, glad it's doing what it should do and didn't end up in the scrap. *beer*
TBH Bergs, I reckon you should just not worry any more. I've done the best part of 2000m since the rebuild, so it's way past its 'warranty' (read 'Berger worry time') period *whistle* *grins* *wink2* I accepted that there were no guarantees mate, and I've still got a sweet, working motor after 2000 miles of 'Worty riding' - that's enough to test any bike *eek* *eek*
Incidentally, someone else recently mentioned the Gandini rings you put on mine - seems he's happy with them too. Funny thing about my motor is, although the crank was on its own bouncy castle, it's never, ever smoked????? *dunno* *dunno* *dunno*
Still need to come down for a quick visit sometime, and maybe to show MWAS that whatever you and he did with the motor, it's worked (provided that I keep remembering to turn the oil tap on, eh) *eek* *eek* *eek*
Carb back on after cleaning , plugs cleaned and there bare sparks from both sump plug back in but yet to be tightened . Sadly other jobs stopped me trying to start her but tomorrow may be the day ,
Bit of a mega ride yesterday across the Forest of Bowland (WOW). Roads were a bit lumpy and bumpy, and had a hairy moment when I hit a dip at speed and was very briefly airborne *eek* *eek* *eek* Superb day and surroundings, plenty of bikes out. Got as far west as Morecambe Bay - 218m - knackered today!!
Only possible niggle was an unannounced fixed speed camera in an unfamiliar area. It was facing toward me on approach, so no way of identifying me (roughly 35-36 in a 30) *eek* This led me to think about whether they were 'constantly filming' cameras, where they don't flash (like Gatsos), but more like the Truvelos which are on day and night. If that's the case, and the cameras are close together, I wondered if they could catch a bike forward facing then identify it with a rear facing?? Before I got to the rear facing, I was being a good boy *whistle* *whistle* *roll* Anyhow, not entirely concerned, 42 years of 'interpreting' road rules has only got me one ticket (and never for 'exceeding the posted limit'). Speeding suggests the speed is unsafe for the road conditions rather than going over an arbitrarily decided limit which has vitually no bearing on actual safety. *rant* Don't think it'll come to anything as I'm not even sure such a marginal transgression would register on the automated units (ambush cameras have a slightly different enforcement criteria, so I understand). I may have even slowed enough before getting picked up??
Anyhow, even if the worst happens, one just puts it down to the cost of motoring (a sort of stealth tax in my opinion). Just don't like authority (especially when they've got their hands in my pockets).
Ride safe whilst the weather's good - winter is approaching.
G'day Fellas.
Went down to Canberra and back on Sat to pick up my "Best Man's" HD for it's 60,000 mile service and stator & reg replacement. Took all day Sunday to do the stator & reg. The whole primary, tank, seat and side cover has to come off. Took an hour to get through the birds nest for the reg wire!!! Rang him to say start saving pennies as the next service will need rear belt ($500) and disc & pads ($300) and about 2 days work.
Gee I love my BSA's.
Something worthy (or Worty) of note, I reckon. I've now finished the modded Dunstall silencers for the Kwaka, but couldn't find a decent paint to use over the poor chrome. I abraded it enough for a key, but my first attempt with old, brush on enamel was not good. I bought some stove paint, but it was too dull, picked up fingerprints, and dissolved when I got petrol on it (before it was cured). In one final attempt, I tried some Granville Satin Black Cylinder Paint which is brushed on. Results - superb. It brushed on without brush marks forming a lovely smooth finish. After a 200m blast, it still looks like I've just painted it, and wipes clean easily with a dry cloth. So, tried touching up the cylinders which had taken a battering with the elements over the years. More satin than the original, but a lovely finish. Again, the 200m blast yielded no flaking, even with the cylinders being unprepared (cures fully with heat).
This product looks genuinely good, and I really don't say that often. If you've got a crappy exhaust chrome, or are touching up black exhausts, engine casings or cylinders, I'd recommend giving this stuff a go. It's self priming and only one coat is recommended to avoid too thick a coat which could crack under heat. The beauty of this is that if you do scratch the paint by bailing it into a tree, it can be readily touched up. I got 250ml which is enough for the Titanic's funnels, so 100ml would suffice for a bike a couple or three times over.
Oh, and it looks like I didn't get nicked by the camera (see above) *woo* *woo*
Ran a hand over the Beeza and checked the battery charger. Been away to Western Australia for past two months, got home yesterday - seen many motorcycle museums etc. (Does that count??)
i pulled erma yonda and betsy beezer out of the garage and chose betsy to go out on and have a blast about. when i got back i put betsy in the same garage as the berger build so they could have a chat about there honda kickstart levers, betsy's is roll pinned and the berger build has splines on the shaft thanks to MWAS, now having a black&tan as i do *beer*
G'day Col.
Welcome home. We didn't really have much of a winter while you were away, haven't had a minus for two weeks.
I finally got to do some work on the bike. checked oil gapped new plugs and fitted {thanks Andrew ) new fuel in and flooded carb and kicked bloody hell the compression is good ! after 5 mins and nothing I took the plugs out and no sign of petrol . tried enm for a spark and while they did spark it seemed abit hit and miss ,I then pulled a plug connector of the maggy and found oil . it had been running down fom the rocker box , I pulled the bottom one of as well and cleaned the maggy pick up ring more than a bit shitty, just then with usual lack of care I saw a fibre washer drop off the pickup and can I find it no where to be seen !!!!! That curtailed things until saturday when I'll take the carb of again and clean it out hopefully that will see her going again watc`h this space `
G'day Fellas.
It's the A7's turn to take me to work the long way. It's been a month since she last came out so last night I did all the checks. Charged the battery and checked the oil tank. She hadn't wet sumped a drop, I love the SRM pump. Turned fuel on, a quick tickle of the carb, one prime kick, ignition on and she fired into life 1st kick. Warmed her up and put her back to bed. Ready for today's lap of the block before work (50Km).
Not quite today but last weekend finally got the B back on the road with refurbished gear box, so took it to a BSA outing. The box is the older round hole type (1949-ish) that was full of false neutrals and not shifting well. I’d replaced various bushes, both bearings, gearshift ratchet mechanism (thanks RR), both dogs, various missing flingers/spacers and spent a while setting it up right shimming the shafts for position and end float. It worked on the bench but first go it wouldn’t find 3rd or 4th. After adjusting the control rod it now finds all gears fairly smoothly, maybe hesitates a bit into first, but no false neutral and predictable changes. I also put in new surflex clutch plates as the ones in there – only 6 month old – would stick together at the least provocation which is not good on those boxes.
So, not quite race changes but for these slow old boxes I’m very happy. Especially as it’s my first go at a box which at first looked like… a random bunch of gears in a box. Amazing what an old BSA can teach you.
G'day Fellas.
The old girl performed faultlessly. I parked her out the side at work amongst the mowers for sale. About lunchtime the pay lady said I had to move her. A fella rang and asked how much$. He was very disappointed when she said it was a workers bike and not for sale. I said not for sale at ANY price.
Tomorrow is rHondas turn.
Friday is Yamies turn.
Could smell oil on my ride today, quick look and evidence around top of cylinder head, swipe away and returned home. Suspect copper oil feed banjo seal, but upon removing the copper feed pipe had fractured where it enters, lucky no damage, going to try alloy billet version and flexible hose. The original arrangement has lasted 60yrs so why change, just think it's another more practical improvement.
I cut down a new feed pipe and put on a oil/fuel flexi pipe after mine fractured - worked great.
today betsy took me out over the hills and far away, we had a lovely time seeing lots of riders and a few were interested in betsy. i only did about 60 miles so not too far away, i am now tired out and thinking, only thinking about changing the bars. out of hundreds of bikes parked up at matlock i only saw one old brit bike , a man on a B31 riding towards me. i am now falling into my black&tan , jobs a good en. *beer*
Back on page 217 of this thread I showed what I'd done to a crank and rod on one of mine after an oil line fractured. As Worty said 'BUGGA' Well, got the crank reground at T&L Engineering and got it home Friday morning. One grind on all three journals. (No question of 'just' doing the affected one - there was some scuffing on the others and there's no way one should just do one big end even if the other was perfect I was very firmly told (ref Q earlier in thread).
Wasn't as straightforward as I'd hoped though. The left hand Thunder rod had taken a hammering - woe - and was 4 thou out of round. So had to be rectified, which meant the other one had to be made to match. It turned out that that had also taken a hit, but much less of one - so 'well worth it' and supports my long-standing belief that rods need checking all ways to Sunday in the event of a serious bottom-end issue. The centre main bearing has thrust washers as per typical car design to locate the crank - and they had picked up bearing material that was embedded and had to be replaced. The oil ways in the crank were blocked with solidified molten muck. A minor weld to a lug that takes a stud to hold the chaincases was also seen to - result of a breaking rear chain some years back.
Not a freebie by a long chalk, but worth every single cent.
Interesting to learn that the difference in weight between the new shells and the old was up near 20 gr - but not sure what weight of steel was removed in the grind to compensate. But the side-to-side balance is the same or near enough, so didn't spend an extra wedge on having the thing balanced dynamically again. In any event, the pistons etc will be replaced at some point as they're on 25K miles, or about 'half-way' probably, so balancing again with what's there wouldn't have made sense even if I'd supplied the pistons, rings, pins and circlips over.
A long day in the shed yesterday got me to 'nearly back together' and hope to be running again in a day or two.
It still stuns me how clever you guys are - I'm pretty stupid in comparison to your knowledge of engineering and rebuilding engines. In another life, I may well have trained as an engineer, as I really like fixing, fabricating and problem solving, etc. Hats off to you all! *respect* *respect*
Wasn't as straightforward as I'd hoped though.
In other words, "Business as usual."
Richard L.
Wasn't as straightforward as I'd hoped though.
In other words, "Business as usual."
Richard L.
As you say Richard. But up and running again now, 2nd prod, so quite pleased with the weekend's efforts.
Was able to put 30 mins on the bike last Sunday as not fuel getting threw and suggested clean out of the pilot jet etc . So carb off and ready to do the jet I noticed something missing ,the needle ! searched high and low not a trace picked up the carb body of the bench and theres the bloody thing sitting in the needle jet ! Being 15 yrs or so since last done and being much more flexible then I didn't relish this job especially after a couple of tries resulted in the air turning a deep shade of blue in the garage (not gas just bad language ) I gave up got washed and did a Berger we went the pub.
Well yesterday got another chance to sort this carb out. Not looking forward to fiddling withat bloody spring crouched down I decided to take the twist grip and choke control off cut the ties and take the whole sihbang into the hse . A cuppa was made and I laid everything down on the table (suitably covered but still with Sues scream ringing in my ears to the effect that a scratch would result in a new table cost to me ) anyway removed the cable from the twistgrip slacked all adjusters and found it quite easy to fir the cable in the airslide after dropping in the needle and clip put the twistgrip together readjusted every thing and all done .I had to pinch myself .Ihad been dreading the job as it was 15 yrs at least since last time .Well no scratches and ready to replace on the bike job for tomorrow and hopefully another step closer to hearing her run and then taking her out .
"Not looking forward to fiddling withat bloody spring crouched down"
There's a man who needs a motorcycle lift bench! (And earplugs!)
It still stuns me how clever you guys are - I'm pretty stupid in comparison to your knowledge of engineering and rebuilding engines. In another life, I may well have trained as an engineer, as I really like fixing, fabricating and problem solving, etc. Hats off to you all! *respect* *respect*
Been pondering your comment there Worty.
My knowledge of 'engineering' is pretty patchy. I make no claims at all to any serious knowledge, but I have had a lot of practice over half a century owing to our perverse habit of liking older machinery. My 'real' working life was spent in the publishing industry, my private life in various sheds, pubs and beds. Like a good few of us here, I'm just an 'auto-didact' as they say, who had the invaluable benefit of an oily-fingered dad and uncles and a handful of good mates who are proper engineers. Plus I'm curious, plus I'm mean and don't like having to get other people to do things if I can do them myself.
However, for the 'proper engineering' (ie precision machining) bits of these jobs, it's essential to find, use - and pay! - competent professional people, otherwise things can end up costing a lot more and a lot of riding time gets wasted in the back of recovery vans and then having to revisit balls-ups.
You're definitely not stupid at all, comparatively or otherwise. You can do loads of stuff. In fact you're very wise, because you got the berger on side with his bro' with special skills to retrieve a pretty tricky situation with your A.
It's horses for courses, it needs practice and patience, it needs facilities (space and tools above all) - and some of us are lucky to have them. Best thing I ever did was take the risk over 20 years ago of moving somewhere where affordable space isn't at a premium, where I can do what I want without upsetting my not-too-close-neighbours and where the roads are perfect for old bikes. Just as well I'm happy, because it was a one-way street: if I wanted to come 'home' I might get a small terraced house and maybe a small garden shed somewhere inexpensive in exchange for this old farmhouse, barns and 4 acres.
Thanks Bill, much appreciated. Looks like you're living in a place I'd love to live - out in the country with loads of space. I have to make do with a normal garage and a couple of average sheds, but I do have a decent selection of tools. I'll have a go at pretty much anything, but putting engines together with such fine margins for error is a bit scary for me, especially when it comes to knowledge of engineering principles like line boring (Bergs/MWAS) which I'd never heard of before! *eek*
Having said that, nobody can be an expert at everything. My working life was mixed, but primarily in managing non-profit making organisations in some of the dodgiest areas of West Yorkshire (the Projects, as Musky would call them). Never got bikes out of my system, thankfully, I was hooked at 14.
As for knowing how things worked, I always took my toys apart when I was a nipper just to see how they worked. This extended to trying to cut a golf ball up and spraying the ceiling with 'something'. That was at about 4 and I got a wallop for it. Later it was taking a differential apart as I couldn't envisage how it worked with the sun/moon gears, etc. I even took an old FSI-E engine apart and put it back to working condition.
There's just something so satisfying in building and fixing stuff. Can't explain it but it's been with me all my life.
Nice to be with like minded people who also suffer from the same condition *wink2* *wink2* *beer* *beer* *beer*
Oh, and it's my birthday today - special prize for working out which one based on previous posts *whistle* *good3* *beer* *beer* Birthday treat from Sue is a French trimmed rack of lamb and crispy chips *dribble* *dribble*
worty happy birthday to you *beer* now if you like taking things apart get down here and dismantle all the front end on Christine the possessed then try and get the exhaust manifold off JUST to get the turbo off or access to the waste gate. bare in mind the subframe has to be dropped once AGAIN to get the rad out *pull hair out* *bash* it's ok mate this time it is going to the garage where they have lifts etc and spanner modern cars every day. i will be dropping Christine off and going to the pub, have a nice day *beer*
More *beer* *beer* *beer* and Happy (big?) Birthday Worty. No cakes with candles on the emoji list here as far as I can see . . . would send you one!
Just can't beat a chunk of lamb. My #1 fave - that girl spoils you!
I'll think of you as I gag on the skin of a herring and a stale crust later . . . . *cry*
Bergs - I would gladly do it, but it's my birthday (for the next 12 months at least) *whistle* *whistle* *whistle*
Cheers Bill - at least I get spoiled once a year *roll* *whistle* I think I'm a bit of a whippersnapper regarding my age, but I'm not far off a reasonably significant round figure (bit like me really). *beer* *beer*
Love the herring 'gag' (geddit)🤣🤣
Worty Happy birthday to you . Groilys meal was french "haute cuisine " so wonder if he will be having a bowl of gruel as well to round it off *smile* *smile*
It IS "my bike" but ain't a beezer.
My Velocette Clubman needed new fibre inserts in the clutch chainwheel. When you look at it, a prick of a job because they have to be inserted so they are equally protruding from each side of the chainwheel. Easier said than done. After losing a bit of sleep on it I sorted it. Made two 6m polycarbonate plates and routed 1mm deep depressions over the fibre insert positions (they're about 1/2" square). Then I made a sandwich of plate, chainwheel, plate, all aligned, then clamped them together with a G-Clamp, which pressed them in nice and level. Jeez aren't I a clever clogs! *pull hair out*
Loaded the A7 into the van ready to go to the VMCC Cornwall touring week *smile*. The below if what we will be up to *yeah*. The weather forecast keeps changing *dunno*.
Got the silver single-seater out ready for tomorrow's run to see The Warrington lads. Wired up most of the electrics on the Road Rocket project. Oh how I hate those switch panels on the Goldie type headlights! Why do people who design anything electrical have an obsession with having to make things small and cramped?
Fitted instruments, dynamo, wiring loom and headlight to RR project. Had quite a productive day (for a change!).
G'day Fellas.
Another Touring Club ride in two weeks so as the HD rear brake had been a bit iffy the last two rides (fresh dot 5 a month ago) I've ordered the kits for master & caliper. Last night I removed the caliper, the two bolts took a bit to remove and pushing the piston back was a real chore. Once the caliper was out getting the piston was the next task. Compressed air was a waist of time so I made a tool, a 3/8" UNF bolt, hole up the guts and a 1/4" UNF thread in end to take a grease nipple. Pumped it up and the piston gave up, no damage to it. The kit should be here today so tonight is the masters turn. Lucky I picked now to do the job. One pad had just started to rub on the disc and the other was fag paper thin.
Fitted instruments, dynamo, wiring loom and headlight to RR project. Had quite a productive day (for a change!).
...and today's job, fitted the horn...parp!parp! I reckon if I do one job a day I'll have it running by Christmas!
Took the Beeza for a quick blast around the farms nearby. Haven't ridden it since 26 June. Went beautifully as expected. Idles within about one minute after a cold start with a nice low beat. It wouldn't start on the electric button, so a litttle issue to resolve. The good thing is that the right knee replacement is near perfect, so much greater confidence in kick starting. *grins*
Glad to hear Col, nice to have the electric as well start ?
Fitted the SRM oil pump and kicked the bike a few times and to my joy oil started coming out of the PRV housing. Chuffed. *clap*
Hi All,
I haven't been brave enough to try kickstarting a bike with my replacement knee *eek*.
I am able to start the single cylinder bikes with my left leg, but rely on the electric starter on the SR
TD, Yes the electric start is very nice - when it works!! *evil* I'll look into it next week. I suspect the battery charger is not up to it - A cheap ALDI one.
John, How is the knee going?. Mine took a year to get right, and at 18 months all swelling disappeared so 99% now.
I too have at least one bad knee and had not kick started a bike for some years. When I got the Matchless 350 single last year I tried kicking it and it really hurt. The engine was very stiff from a rebuild. I got a roller starter and that enabled me to get it running and its freed up. In the meanwhile I practiced kick starting for 5 mins every day. I used to kick start a Goldie and a 10.5:1 A65 many years ago so I thought I had the technique but no, I had to re-learn it. Now I can kick the Matchless and the 9:1 RR no problem but I still do a few kicks every day to build the right muscles. The difference 6 months made is astonishing, I've gone from being pretty fed up thinking I would never be able to kick the bikes to being able to start both easily. There really is no substitute for practice!
I need a knee replacement on my left knee so i kickstart the A10 with my right foot. I went to see the consultant a couple of years ago but decided against the procedure and now it's coming back to haunt me. I'll see how much pain i can take before i really need the op.
Back on track i've fitted the PRV today and tightened up as many of the engine mounting bolts as i could, including the head-steady again, and next it's exhausts on and give it a kick, with my right foot of course.
Today I'm riding my modern BSA from Cornwall to the Isle of Wight to attend a BSA club meet and ride-out tomorrow. Today's journey is about 250 miles. This bike never disappoints👌
Today I'm riding my modern BSA from Cornwall to the Isle of Wight to attend a BSA club meet and ride-out tomorrow. Today's journey is about 250 miles. This bike never disappoints👌
GB, do you go back roads or main/motorways?
Catz, Its my left knee that's bad, I've only ever been able to kick start using my right foot. You should be OK.
Catz, Its my left knee that's bad, I've only ever been able to kick start using my right foot. You should be OK.
I hope so, i'm only 62 but it's all downhill from here *eek*
On a lighter note, as i've stated in the SRM oil pump thread, just fired the old A10 up and reckon it's the way to go as the return back to the oil tank is like a stream instead of a bit of a trickle. Glory be. *bright idea*
GB, do you go back roads or main/motorways?
On the Plungie I preferred back roads and a cruising speed of 50 or 60 mph. Motorways were horrible at those speeds. The modern bike is happy to hold 70 mph all day long, (80 in Belgium) so fast roads are going to get me there quicker.
Ah, I only really do back roads, so the most I can manage in a day is around 220m (takes about 7 hours). Motorways and most trunk roads are busy and boring, but you can do more miles per day. Don't really think of biking as being much fun if it's just sitting on a wide straight road - give me the countryside and windy, tricky roads anytime. *good3*
Today I will be riding around the Isle of Wight; pretty scenery 😁. The weather is being very kind🤞
You'll almost go past the Sammy Miller museum. Its well worth a visit.
heeeee----- haaarrr , went out on betsy and when she was warm , she said give it me so i did full chat up the bypass , playing a sound better than sex --------- maybe. then split some logs ready for the cold . thankyou for listening have a nice day *beer* i am can you tell? sshhhhhh
G'day Fellas.
I needed some DOT5 brake fluid for the HD rear brake job. 3 local car parts and 1 bike shop didn't have any or even know of the stuff. It was a 3 hour drive (there & back) to Penrith Motorcycle Supermarket to get the only bottle they had at a cost of $65 for 350ml *ex*. Seems the only shops that stock it are HD shops. I thought most modern cars/bikes used the DOT5, am I mistaken *????*
G'day Fellas.
I needed some DOT5 brake fluid for the HD rear brake job. 3 local car parts and 1 bike shop didn't have any or even know of the stuff. It was a 3 hour drive (there & back) to Penrith Motorcycle Supermarket to get the only bottle they had at a cost of $65 for 350ml *ex*. Seems the only shops that stock it are HD shops. I thought most modern cars/bikes used the DOT5, am I mistaken *????*
DOT5 is only for vehicles that already use DOT5 and isn't interchangeable with DOT3/4 (DOT5.1 is though). I would have thought that DOT4 in a totally dry system should be ok, and is cheap as chips.
heeeee----- haaarrr , went out on betsy and when she was warm , she said give it me so i did full chat up the bypass , playing a sound better than sex --------- maybe. then split some logs ready for the cold . thankyou for listening have a nice day *beer* i am can you tell? sshhhhhh
Went out for a 111m spin around York and environs. Lovely ride only spoiled by the presence of two road Nazis in mobile camera ambush vans. >:D >:D The first on a quiet, straight back road - if it was a 60mph zone I should be fine, if it was 40 I could be screwed (think it was 60 though). *dunno2* Interestingly, I passed a couple of bikers stopped around 50mtrs short of the b*****ds looking at their number plates??? *doubt* The other t**t van was trying to catch vehicles coming out of a 30mph who may be a bit impatient waiting for the derestriction signs. *evil* I was following a 4x4 doing about 25mph and was just pulling out to blast past him when I clocked the danger and pulled back in. *warn* Fortunately, I ride the Beeza a bit slower than the Kwaka, and I think the speedo overreads a bit, so here's hoping no 3 points and £100 (not been done for speed in 43 years of motoring). *good3*
Bike was fab again, no complaints, always good to open her up with all the sound and fury that brings. *grins* *grins* *beer* *beer* *beer*
G'day Fellas.
I needed some DOT5 brake fluid for the HD rear brake job. 3 local car parts and 1 bike shop didn't have any or even know of the stuff. It was a 3 hour drive (there & back) to Penrith Motorcycle Supermarket to get the only bottle they had at a cost of $65 for 350ml *ex*. Seems the only shops that stock it are HD shops. I thought most modern cars/bikes used the DOT5, am I mistaken *????*
DOT5 is only for vehicles that already use DOT5 and isn't interchangeable with DOT3/4 (DOT5.1 is though). I would have thought that DOT4 in a totally dry system should be ok, and is cheap as chips.
G'day Worty.
DOT 3,4&5.1 are compatible but DOT5 is silicon based and can't be mixed with any other fluid. DOT5 has a much higher boiling point and doesn't absorb water like the others. I think most HD's up to 2015 used it. I remember years ago I put DOT4 in a HD and the rubbers only lasted a year at most.
Oil change and a short hop to Dover Transport Museum Classic Bike Day on the A10SR today.
DOT 3,4&5.1 are compatible but DOT5 is silicon based and can't be mixed with any other fluid. DOT5 has a much higher boiling point and doesn't absorb water like the others. I think most HD's up to 2015 used it. I remember years ago I put DOT4 in a HD and the rubbers only lasted a year at most.
'They' (quite sensible-seeming 'theys') say that DOT 5 has to be avoided with ABS owing to its different characteristics, which I'd have thought must have reduced its use in modern vehicles, for brakes anyway. For all that, it seems to be easily available in auto-shops at not silly cost hereabouts, along with the glycol-based 4 and 5.1.
Dunno if the seals need to be of a different spec for silicon-based - probably, from what you say Musky!
'They' also say that glycol-based oil has to be carefully stored and has a very finite shelf-life owing to its absorption of moisture. But I have been using the same well-sealed half-litre container of DOT 4 for a few years for the brakes and clutch of my Yamahaha without any obvious hassles.
Sav, I have a 1963 125cc Benly C92 for when I cannot handle the BSA any more - and a 1957 Royal Enfield Ensign 2, and --
I do think there's a lot of scaremongering and paranoia about when it comes to brake fluid. As Bill says, I also use a well sealed bottle of DOT4, and never had any problems with it. The fluid in the Octy and Citigo are around 10 years' old, and the brakes are absolutely fine, passing MoTs every year with no deterioration in brake performance.
Of course, if you do get moisture in the fluid, why not loosen the cap and do some fast circuits somewhere to make it boil (and evaporate) *whistle* *whistle* :-:
Sav, I have a 1963 125cc Benly C92 for when I cannot handle the BSA any more - and a 1957 Royal Enfield Ensign 2, and --
My little one is a CD200T, a bit gutless but has been a revelation after the difficulties I now experience in getting the Beezers over the threshold of the shed, kickstarting etc. at the age of 77. Rode it all over Manxland last summer. The 'perfect' CL350 I bought for longer runs has been a bag of nails, but I hope to have it running properly shortly, after a year of trials and tribulations.
The Beezers are getting ridden less and less and the little Benly gets comments every where I ride it from the next generation down from me who know nothing about British bikes.
G'day Fellas.
Rode the rHonda around the block with a mate on his HD. Only 200Km (3 pubs) and performed quite well. Only trouble was a buzzing sound that varied with engine revs. I suspect the tacho cable and also noticed that 1/2 the needle has broken off! This run was to make sure she is ship shape for next w/ends Tourer ride in case the HD isn't finished. Looks like the Plunger may get a decent run.
Ordered a set of GPM T120 +40 rings for the Cafe.
took betsy out for another blast with my mate who sold me betsy many moons ago when we were teenagers , i put a drop of R in the petrol and he was following me on his modern trumpet triple loving the smell, he sold his 1200 bmw and bought the trumpet on saturday. he lost count of how many bikes he's owned at 75 bikes. he doesn't keep them long *eek*. tomorrow we change his air filter and then go for another blast. we talked about all the pubs we used to call in at in the late 70's and early eighties on our rides out and most of them have now gone . only one left out of a dozen on a 10 mile route we used to go on and went on again today. *sad* but plenty of lets dig with traffic lights but no digging, the jobs f-----t .
G'day Fellas.
BUGGA just got an ebay notification re the GPM rings. Vendor is out of stock and refunded the $$$. The hunt continues.
It's not just pattern parts for our BSA's that are a bit iffy *pull hair out*. Master cylinder kit arrived and installed last night. Just looking at it I could see differences but put it in anyway. It works but I can see it won't be long before it starts to leak. *rant*
Hi everyone,
My A10's nearside petrol tap has been seeping a little, only enough to stain a piece of rolled up kitchen tissue wedged under it and leaving it there, so I decided to bite the bullet and renew the cork. I used the split cork method by soaking the new cork in hot water for about 5 minutes to soften it and with a sharp scalpel cut the cork diagonally down its length.
Then came the tricky bit of opening up the split to fit it in place without destroying it. It was very tight to push in but I managed it in the end with a smear of water based lubricant *smile*. Then I dunked the whole tap in water, pushing the plunger in and out to remove any lubricant from the cork. Dried it in the sun and refitted the tap. Worked perfectly and happily with no leaks.
my mate Andy came round to change the air filter on his 1200 triple trumpet, well blow me down it took him 2 and a half hours to do this job. this reminded me of working on Christine the possessed , lots of things to move with secret fixings on the sides of the tank, i found out you have to take a screw out pull the pippit thing out and then slide the part backwards , there was wire connectors and rubber pipes that didn't want to play nice because there isn't any room for big hands *pull hair out*. the tank had to be drained and we ended up with a surprise flow of petrol from another pipe once the main pipe was pulled off, after this horrible job just for an air filter we went out on a 4 hour ride over the Derbyshire hills and stopped for fish &chips that he paid for at Ashbourne. i gave betsy a rest and went on urma the yonda . there was loads of bikers out and even a BSA bantong parked up at a pub where lots of bikers were. myself and Andy have known each other since we were 5 or 6 years old and always tried to keep in touch , sometimes we didn't see each other for 4 or 5 years. Yesterday he filled betsys tank up and today he filled urmas . i will drink to that *beer* there could be another ride out tomorrow *yeah*
ITS DONE IT AGAIN *problem*. Prepping the A10 for the North of Spain and Colombres rallies, change the oil rode her around the block (Not Musky's block just 10 miles here in the UK) all fine. Today gave her a clean up and started her to dry her out. Oil all over the place out of the breather, 5th time this has happened in nine years of ownership. Never find a root cause. So drained sump 1.5 Litres in there, put it back into the tank. put sump plug back in started up waited for return soon came back and no more oil out of the breather. Did the block again, stopped and started her 4 times all seams fine. SHE IS BLOODY GOING *fight*
weather has been good to us so i went out on betsy again with andy on his trumpet, we had afternoon cup a tea at buxton and did another 4 hour ride, we don't count the miles we just turn off roads and find little old places out in the hills, but we did have one fast blast on an A road and it was brill , betsy loved it and andy loved betsys meggas on full chat and the over run laughing at him
G'day Fellas.
BUGGA just got an ebay notification re the GPM rings. Vendor is out of stock and refunded the $$$. The hunt continues.
It's not just pattern parts for our BSA's that are a bit iffy *pull hair out*. Master cylinder kit arrived and installed last night. Just looking at it I could see differences but put it in anyway. It works but I can see it won't be long before it starts to leak. *rant*
Well it worked for a mile or so. Seems the master cylinder wasn't letting fluid back so every time I used the brake it was dragging to the point the disc got that hot it warped.
Note to self "if it ain't right it ain't going on"
Bugga Musky. A new disc needed?
Tried to find out why the beeza leccy starter won't work. Not the battery, so looking further.
Assembled the LHS cylinder of the Lilac Magnum (like a BMW R50 series). Had to remember that the piston goes in upsidedown. RHS on today.
I had Musky's problem years ago on a Yamaha XS 650. Front brake working fine, then started to bind more after each use. Realised what was happening, so saved the disc. Roadside fix was to slack off the feed pipe, sacrifice a few dribbles of fluid and pull the caliper against the disc to retract the caliper piston. Re tighten the feed, ride carefully and avoid using that bad brake unless you have to.
Simple cause, in this case alloy crap blocking a fluid return hole in master cylinder, so master piston staying in the "on" position. Bet Musky's is similar, even a manufacturing fault, or a coincidental failure of a rubber hose playing the one way valve trick.
PS. Nice one Bergs, Fine Dining in Buxton. Ferodo Factory not far away.....just out of interest.
G'day Swarfy.
Yep, pretty much what happened. Got the disc off last night and it's dished about 12mm *eek*
Turned my attention to the rHonda. The front tyre is almost a slick (no rain forecast). A new fuse fixed the blinkers and disconnected the tacho cable. The whirring sound is in the tacho itself. Bugga, I use the tacho more than the speedo. Found a good s/hand one on fleabay but for $1400 I'll send mine away for repair. This w/ends ride is about 800Km so I'll take the rHonda as all the others will be on big HD's.
I promised the plunger it's her turn next.
betsy's clip ons have set off my carpal tunnel again and it is very painful at times so today we went out again and i was on urma the yonda much better on the wrist. we had cup a tea and cake at tideswell after riding down into hope valley and over the hills to buxton. my phone i use for photos said 68% battery but it lies and died when i tried to take piccies, so Andy sent me these from his phone. now it's black&tan time *beer*
Nice piccies Bergs, love the Hope Valley and environs, one of my favourite places to ride. *beer* *beer* *beer*
fed up today because i planned to go out on betsy with my mate andy on his trumpet but betsy's battery was dead dead, i fired her up and kept her running a few minutes but i knew it was going to be a long ride to get some juice into the battery. so with no brake light and other lights except for a bit of flashing of the led bulbs i decided urma yonda had to have a play today. previously i had noted the amp meter on betsy showing a bit more charge going in than it used to . maybe the old battery has had it's day investigation needed next week. we had a good ride out and called into chesterfield motorcycles at clay cross , in the showroom were bikes built like tanks i never knew they were so big and ugly , one bmw had a seat as wide as a house *conf2* . we then went for fuel and andy filled urma up again *yeah* we then dropped into Matlock bath and the lines of bikes were all modernish space rockets . urma was the oldest japanese bike there and no old brit bikes at all, how very disappointing . photo of bikes behind Matlock pavilion .
Ain't it good to have a son that seems to know better than you, (he reckons *dunno*) and a couple of enormous darlin' grandsons who can't do enough for you.
Been rebuilding the Velocette clutch (what else, haha!) but the hydraulic pump on my 'bike lift bench has been playing up. The bleed valve is stuffed.
So I couldn't lower it to get the Velo off (It was fully up, about hip height). But the lads pretty well just lifted it off. So now I can begin the (weird) adjustment routine (don't ask!)
betsy's no lights syndrome turned out to be a piece of chinesium wire on the fuse holder, tried tinning it to repair it and no chance, anyway electrics now sorted. *yeah* *yeah*
I've a cheap chineseium starter battery tester which, while looking like heavy copper cables, were in fact copper plated aluminium multi strands. Not successful as the cable just fell apart when touched due I think to reaction between the dissimilar metals.
I got caught with those leads on something else. Looked the right size but insulator was 3/4 of the total dia and the core was copper coated ally. Wasted time trying to re-solder before realizing and it all went in the bin. They are just sending us complete cr*p.
Just been to look at progress on the painting of my tinware for the Road Rocket, and to apply the transfers. The guy doing the painting said 'No way am I going to try and fit that big transfer on the tank!'. Patience required! The secret is to make sure the transfer has completely lifted off the backing paper before applying then gently soak up the excess moisture with tissues after applying. It looks absolutely great, now, and I'm looking forward to collecting it all on Thursday after lacquering.
Finally took the Matchless 350 out for a spin. Only 10-15 miles but its the first run since I've built it and probably the first since the 1980's. Nice to be back on a bike, I'll get the A10 out next, that too has not yet had a run.
The Matchless is geared for about 60 but acceleration is quite good. Now check the plug and go over the nuts and bolts.
Nice one Rob..hope you enjoy - and good to see a pic 'in the other forum'.
Got the painting back....some examples in photos.
Took the A10 out for its first run. The paperwork it came with suggests it was last on the road in 2009. Since I re-built the engine, fitted new brakes, re-wired it and generally fettled everything I was expecting a few teething troubles. Did about 25 miles with no problems at all. Not even a misfire which is amazing considering I upped the carb size and re-built the mag.
Engine pulls really strongly. A few drips from the chain case and sump plate. Only real problem is gauges are useless. The Chronometric speedo is at least 5 mph slow and takes so long to catch up it useless and the India copy re counter won't go above 2000 rpm (but it was £19 inc post so you get what you pay for). Since it also has the wrong rotation tacho drive this is potentially a £5-600 fix on a £3000 bike so I'll wait until something comes along.
Main thing its a nice ride, handles well and feels up to some longer runs. Well chuffed.
Nice one Limey.
Well i've been trying to get to the cause of the vibrations on my A10. So out for another quick blast and got the vibes in second and third gear up to 40mph then in fourth it clears up and good between 40 and 50mph, whereas before it was from 30 to 40. It's then crap from 50 to 60 but after that clears up again. It is an overall improvement.
Ran it today without the front mudguard and with the steering damper loosened as much as possible. I've also fitted brand new fork stanchions this week as well as new oil seals, seal holders and brand new progressive fork springs which are 11 inches long and experimenting with the volume of fork oil, started off at 100mil then slowly upped to 150 and now up to 175. Whether the bushes are in the oil is another matter but seems ok. I'm paranoid about getting another fork seal leakage but so far so good. Done away with the Eddie Dow damper rods which were doing eff all because the other mods had not been carried out by the old bloke i bought the bike off.
So i'm getting there, slowly.
Having done a lot of miles on A and B BSAs (same forks) they always leaked. I look on it as evidence they have oil in *smile*. The killer for these forks is water sitting in the seal holder then getting in the bottom of the forks and corroding the slider. Its worth opening the drain screw every now and then to check and drain any water. I don't know how the water gets in but it does *sad2*.
I don't know how the water gets in but it does *sad2*.
G'day Rob.
Riding in the rain or washing the bike water goes up over the seal holder and sits on the seal. I don't do either. Gets a wash once a year whether she needs it or not *whistle*
Curiously, on my GF, the left hand seal leaked frequently so I changed it frequently. I then gave up and thought I'd just top the oil up every now and then. Now, it has stopped leaking and the level stays the same. Maybe the oil seal has 'worn in'???
G'day Fellas.
New Michelin Pilot Active (not made anymore, the local shop had a NOS only 2 years old) on the front of the rHonda and ordered a Michelin Road Classic for the rear.
BSAs are all in good running order so dragged out the Yamaha Diversion that has been siting for years and took the carbs off for an ultrasonic clean.
Today I rode 35 miles to the nearest BSA dealers. Because there have been various teething issues with the new Gold Star BSA UK have extended the bikes guarantee to four years and all the bikes are invited/recalled for what they are calling a health check. The clutch main nut gets relocked, (mine came loose) the ECU gets a software update. The dipstick gets changed for a slightly longer one,(some owners were overfilling the tank it seems).The headlamp gets a gasket, (some lenses cracked). Oil change. There may be other stuff. All this is done free and a goody bag containing cleaning solution, a neck snood, some WD40 type stuff and wheel cleaning brush are handed to the owner.
Today I rode 35 miles to the nearest BSA dealers. Because there have been various teething issues with the new Gold Star BSA UK have extended the bikes guarantee to four years and all the bikes are invited/recalled for what they are calling a health check. The clutch main nut gets relocked, (mine came loose) the ECE gets a software update. The dipstick gets changed for a slightly longer one,(some owners were overfilling the tank it seems).The headlamp gets a gasket, (some lenses cracked). Oil change. There may be other stuff. All this is done free and a goody bag containing cleaning solution, a neck snood, some WD40 type stuff and wheel brush are handed to the owner.
Good to see traditional BSA values are being upheld GB *whistle* *wink2* *beer* *beer* :-:
Its certainly a bit different to the service I recall at Sir Morams, Lewis Bros or Commerfords *smile*.
I keep getting emails telling me that this thread has been updated but I only see the message from limeyrob on the 11th October as the latest post *dunno*
I keep getting emails telling me that this thread has been updated but I only see the message from limeyrob on the 11th October as the latest post *dunno*
Maybe it's that pesky Caretaker on the razz all the time *whistle* *wink2* *grins* *beer* *beer* *beer*
I have had the A7 back for 12 years and she has done 30K+ miles since her rebuild by Roger Sharman of Cake Street Classics. She has been great and I have done very little apart from regular servicing. She has had an oil ‘head leak’ for about 5 years, and this year it got worse. Every winter I have promised that I would fix it. Well this week I finally started. I now don’t think it was a head leak. I think the rocker box was leaking at the front of the inlet section, out of sight and the oil was gathering in the middle of the head, then leaking down to the fins and get blown back so it looks like a head leak at the rear making a mess of everything behind it. The plugs are a nice chocolate brown and there is some carbon but not loads, still really pleased with the job done *smile*
I put the A10 on the stand today for a study. Last Saturday on a ride to the Paterson Club Concourse and Hub Run, it started on 6th kick ( a usual first or second kick starter) there were a couple of "clunks" from inside somewhere once on the road. Ran perfectly and quietly but pipes were a distinct purple at end of run, not unusual for a Triumph but unusual for the Flash. another 6 kicks required on the return trip. I'll be looking at the auto advance, which I had cobbled to run a much wider advance range including welding up a missing weight-stop post, and also inspect the electric starter gearing for anything fallen off whilst I have the chaincase off, and a good look at the plugs and carb needle position. I ordered a ultrasonic cleaner last week for the Lilac carbs which are black with varnish so might give the BSA carb a birthday as well. I will use the time to get to the bottom of the electric leg non-functioning - (suspected solenoid).
Getting quite a list of things I have done to it since my dad gave me it a month or so ago. Brakes, oil, battery, cables, fixed headlight, fixed oil leak (only to find another, acceptance is key), ridden it a LOT, love it. Bits of fettling here and there but mostly riding and improving her.
Today, I have soaked my new fuel tap plunger thingies in petrol ready to swap tomorrow and will drain and clean tank, swap throttle cable and another bar end mirror while i am at it.
For reference, the old man had done 200 miles in 2 years on her, I have done about 500 in about 7 weeks, my KTM1290 SAS has been ridden once for about 200 miles and the 640 Duke hasn't turned a wheel! Wondering what i can buy if i sell the Duke, I have caught the bug!
The bug that never goes away!
Took theA10 out after a 6 week layoff. Peeped in the oil tank out of curiosity and it was well over half full so cab to drain the sump. Many many kicks later the beast fires up and off I sail if somewhat sweaty. Great ride as always but quite a few extra oily drips at the watering hole. Not to worry and keep the revs up I say and a most enjoyable ride followed. Upon my exultant return to base I come across a quite large puddle on the driveway. Gosh, the breather works then I mutter as I try to soak it up with rags.
Drawing a positive light I reckon the rings must be bedded in nicely as I saw no smoke on start up!
Happy days and must remember to keep the van parked over the evidence!
*countdown* *beer* *bright idea* *good3* :-:
Replaced the new(ish) kill switch. A month or so ago I fitted a toggle switch behind the tool box to act as a kill / security switch. Ever since its been hard to start, today it wouldn't start. No spark, I'm about to start pulling bits of the mag when I remember the "what did you do last before the trouble started?" rule. Sure enough, duff switch but i came very close to going down a very deep rabbit hole.
Still working on the Road Rocket. Fitted the primary transmission - I've used the standard, post '59, 4-spring, whereas originally the RR would have had the rather grotty 6-spring. I've fitted the tool box, DVR2 and oil tank and oil lines. All the electrics are wired up and work statically. I've also just fitted the head steady. I'm in the process of sorting out a carburettor. I'll probably use a relatively new Burlen / Surrey Cycles Amal monobloc initially. I do have the original 10TT9 but I'm told they're a bit of a pig to set up so I'll see if I can get it going with a monobloc and maybe swap to the TT later. Whoever designed the oil tank fittings needs a slap! It's well known that this is a bit of a codge and every time I build a bike I think, "I'm going to design my own next time", but I don't, partly because I'm lazy and partly because I like to use original stuff if I can. My next project is a non-standard thing so I really will design my own next time! I'll dry-build before sending everything for painting.
I think the problem with the TT is not so much that they are hard to set up but that they are optimised for wide throttle with very little obstruction to the airflow. The downside is less depression through the venturi and virtually no idle so they are hard work on the road. I seem to recall there is no idle stop. I've got a Concentric on my RR and agonized over the size as it came with a 26mm(!). I've put a 30mm on for now and smoothed the inlet to match, looking at the metal around the studs it looks like be 32mm is a sensible limit?
hi rob my A7ss head on the berger growler build has been ported for a 32mm , just for now i have my old cafe racer mono 376 on it.
"Whoever designed the oil tank fittings needs a slap!" HE probably went on the design the Norton featherbed oil tank fitting. Carefully designed to break the top mounting off.
Got a 1 1/8" monobloc on our alloy head A10. Works a treat. 300 main jet.
"Whoever designed the oil tank fittings needs a slap!" HE probably went on the design the Norton featherbed oil tank fitting. Carefully designed to break the top mounting off.
Got a 1 1/8" monobloc on our alloy head A10. Works a treat. 300 main jet.
I'm using a 1 5/32 just because I've got one and it seems to match the inlet tract. I'm jetting it quite rich to start with. That should help me get the bike going initially and I'll fine tune it from there. I understand best practice is to start rich then fine tune. If you start too weak you'll get overheating problems, blueing the exhaust etc.
I started on a 400 many years ago and got sooty black plugs. As you say, start rich and gradually go weaker - the story of my life (except the starting rich bit).
The 300 was decided on after full throttle testing on a long motorway hill. Should we still be doing this to these old bikes?
After a long time hibernating (20+ years), cleaned the commutator, points, carbon brushes and carb, RR started 2nd kick. Think carb is past its best so ordered a 28mm Concentric.
Now to attack the registration paperwork.
More to come.
tried out my new balaclava and gloves once i had got urma the yonda to start , the balaclava does keep my ears and head nice and toastie but at 120mph er i mean 50mph it was far too cold for my bones, the gloves i had on had been resting in the bedroom drawer for years , my old gloves are dropping to pieces but are ok for summer use and the new ones are much more padded and will take a bit of getting used to, i did about 10 miles and returned home drained the carbs and now i think that is the last run out on urma yonda unless we get a warmer few days. urma is a nutter bike once wound up to 5000rpm she hits 9000 rpm in milliseconds , good fun on a clear road but once i had my fun i was tootling down a road on the over run at no more than 20mph and of course a pillock pulled out from behind a parked car across the road in front of me saying sorry just as urma pulled up to an abrupt halt, betsy in this same position would have to have been thrown over to the left to avoid said pillock!!! . the berger build has now got the leak mended and a bit of touch up paint put on , luckily i got the remnants of paint from when my mate sprayed it. i am now on the balack&tans , *beer* it would be rude not to. thankyou for listening have a nice day. o and spurs won for once *yeah*
Hmm, never drained the Kwaka's carbs over winter, with no problems (not sure how to do it but there must be a drain plug somewhere). Usually run the GF out to clear the carb, I'm guessing that'd be ok. I know about varnish deposits, but I've never drained a CV carb before??
Funnily enough, my 10 year old gloves have just developed a hole. Got a nice pair on Fleabay for a good price - full leather short gloves with a bit of fleece inside. Don't like the big gauntlet type - maybe I'd wear them if I'd got a lance in my hand??
Well done for getting out Bergs - I usually get to January before I get the itch to get on the road again. *beer* *beer* *beer*
..........not a Chesterfield fan then Bergs *????* *whistle* *wink2* *pull hair out* *beer* *beer* :-:
worty tarn and tott me, i drained the carbs because IF they did varnish over winter sorting 4 carbs out is a big and painful job, i might even drop some paraffin or some diesel petrol mix in them [ my mate gave me the mix after he filled his bmw with diesel , haha i did that with betsy a few years ago ] i've had the carbs off twice and it's a pita. i'm still thinking of selling urma next year she is big and i am small , plus the fact three bikes to keep sorted is one to many, i always think those who have many bikes in our climate must have a job on keeping the bikes and battery's in good order .
Continuing with the Road Rocket project. Fitted the carburettor, twistgrip and choke controls. Put some oil in the bores, fitted the kickstart, kicked it over and squirted oil over the garage including the ceiling. Maybe put a bit too much oil in the bores and should have screwed the plugs in! Cable tied the cables and wiring loom to the frame. Did a 'first-fit' with the petrol tank. It sits a bit low at the front so I'll have to put some extra rubber under it, otherwise OK. Fitted the rocker oil pipes. Tomorrow, footrests and rear brake, if I have a good day.
.........o and spurs won for once *yeah*
Twice this week actually!
Having fixed the wring problem and set the valve clearances I fitted the freshly repainted and lined petrol tank and fired up the bike just to confirm all the electrics are working as they should.
Now the rest of the bike is looking a bit shabby.
.........o and spurs won for once *yeah*
Twice this week actually!
Very 'unSpursy' of them (cackle, guffaw, et al *grins* *whistle* *wink2* *beer*)
The weather was so lovely today, I can't believe it's November, I took off on my BSA Gold Star modern and rode to Falmouth which is a 45 minute ride for me. I've never been there before. I love boats, so this was a great place for me to visit. The bike was perfect, as usual. I had a moment on fallen leaves that made my heart miss a beat but otherwise perfection.
Glad you had this enjoyable time. Thanks for the great travelogue photos. I, too, love boats, but not to the point of buying one. Back in ‘72 I thought I might try to build a 40’ ferro-cement yawl, but reality set in for the under-financed 25-year-old.
Glad you had this enjoyable time. Thanks for the great travelogue photos. I, too, love boats, but not to the point of buying one. Back in ‘72 I thought I might try to build a 40’ ferro-cement yawl, but reality set in for the under-financed 25-year-old.
Presumably you are near the Great Lakes, so a good place for boat spotting. 👌
Took the A10 for a run round Windsor, petrol fill up and about 25 miles. Still staying close to home in case of teething troubles but its running really well. Mixture is now close - just a tad rich - dark straw but OK for now. Pulls really strongly and cruises very easily at 50 or 60 but since the speedo is way off and the tacho only reads up to 2000 revs its hard to know *smile*. One thing I'm watching is the 2 - 1 exhaust, I've lock wired the collars together across in front of the head and so far the pipes are staying in place.
Drained the Kwaka carbs ready for the winter layup.
Having said that, I may be ferrying Sue to work on it as we're have a spot of bother with the car. Had a clutch fitted 2 years, 8 months ago and have done around 28,000m since (warranty is 3 years and 30,000m!!). In gears 4 and 5, under fairly rapid acceleration, there's a bit of clutch slip. It could be oil contamination I guess but, other than that, the car drives perfectly, no probs with gear changes, no smells or burning and the car stalls from a standstill when starting off in third.
The only other thing to do is wait until it gets worse then put my hand back in my pocket to the tune of £500. *angry* *angry* *angry* *razz* *razz* *razz* *problem* *problem* *problem* Original clutch lasted 137,000m *ex* *ex*
Hello Forum,
yesterday was a bit cold at around 4°C but the sun gave me such a good feeling for taking the GF for a short ride in the countryside near my home. Perfect day, perfect ride.
Although it has not been finished yet, I prefer to ride it instead of letting it standing around in the workshop. ;) Motorbikes have been build for being ridden, Radco (the author) wrote some time ago - I agree.
Best regards, Manfred
Too true, and nice to hear from you. Like the look of that countryside too.
As for me, will be finding out how much the clutch repairs will be costing me tomorrow. *angry* *razz*
Hello Forum,
some days ago I had to visit the TÜV to get the official 2 years roadworthy certificate but the friendly test person mentioned, that my GF`s front wheel being too wide and the gap btw. the side wall and the embossments of the front mudguard in the area of the fork stanchions seems to be too small. In his point of view the remaining distance should be at least 7mm or the diameter of a ball point pen. Grrr.
So, I have to organise a smaller front tyre 3.25-19 instead of the good looking 3.50-19. First, I was a bit angry somehow. But in the end it seems he was right. The inner surface of the embossments of the mudguard show some very small abrasion in the respective area, i.e. the paint is dull and the primer starts to shine through
Two good aspects of the story:
The tyre can be used later as a replacement for the rear (also a Dunlop K70 3.50-19) and as I mentioned the guy has been friendly: he said, listen, I did not see and check your bike, so this advise does not cost you anything while winking towards me - normally once already having started the check, he should charge me the whole cost.
Next week I will receive the new 3.25-19 and then, the GF will be sent to the "winter sleep" (hibernation?).
Good night.
Fitted the 23 Teeth engine sprocket in place of the 21 Tooth. Its already clear that its a bit under geared so this should correct that and it s cheap and simple solution. Bit of luck as the primary was just long enough with the box fully forward as was the rear chain. The 23 T is aftermarket (MCA I believe) and has a slightly more raised land but by another bit of good fortune mine has shims in to line the chain up so with those out it was perfect. I've no doubt I'll pay for this good fortune but for now I'm happy.
Noticed a slight weep from the rocker box and found it was finger tight,, I'm pretty sure I did it up so that's the gasket settling, checked everything else and got 1/6 or a turn on the cylinder base nuts which was a surprise.
Hi Rob,
Those tightenings will have closed up the valve clearances, so you had better re check them *ex*
I spent the afternoon finishing off some bits on my 24 BSA, I am hoping to take it off the bench tomorrow while my son is here to help and see will it start *????*
There is some more to do to the bike so it will be going back on the bench again *work*
Yes I was thinking about the tappets and left the bike up on the stand, put that off 'till tomorrow. I'll see how things have bedded in now its done about an hour's running. The dynamo comes up on charge noticeably quicker so the residual magnetism is building back up.
Good call on the tappets, I was expecting that they may have closed by a thou or two but they were all pretty much completely closed up. Could have ended badly if I run the engine for any time.
Lifted the seat on the A7 to see what battery was fitted (it's got a 12V conversion and Dad had adapted the battery box to accomodate an appropriate battery). Had to blow the dust of the "Brit Bike" toolbox to get the imperial spanners out.
Have also spent some time sat on the sofa planning the most painless way of resolving the wetsumping, so have got a shopping list and hopefully will get her running in the spring. Need to concentrate any garage time before then on the 250LC so I can sell her when the weather picks up.
Reassembled the carbs and fitted to the Lilac. I need a rest from the Beeza, so will tackle that next week. I have the T/S cover off and the Autoadvance is fine.
While the old girl is all in pieces and I'm waiting for parts, have been doing a few tidying up jobs including finding the flexible feed pipe between the oil tank and the rocker shaft banjo to be split. I thought the general oily film over everything around the oil tank connections had been getting a bit worse...The issue seems to be made worse by the outlet pipe feeding oil from the return is about 3/16" O/dia and the banjo inlet is 1/4" so the pipe is being oversqueezed on the smaller one. Not sure if this is correct but pretty sure this had something to do with the failure. Either way a new bit of pipe is required.
On the same subject I decided to fit Dowty washers to the banjo connection when it all goes back together and the rocker box needed a bit of a tidy up beforehand. Who knows what evils have befallen this part over the last 60 years or so but the sealing surfaces were like a ploughed field. I set the box up on an angle plate in the mill and gave the old indexing boring head a bit of exercise. These really are a nice bit of kit enabling not only very accurate parallel holes to be bored but this one also has the ability to outfeed so you can cut a face across the top of a hole (like a counter bore) or with the right tool you can create internal features in the bore such as a circlip groove. For this job I needed to slightly increase the diameter of the sealing area to let the washer sit down fully on the face and also clean up the face to improve sealing etc. In all it only needed about 0.4 off the surface to clean up each side. Looks a bit better now. (see pics)
Next job, make a vibration damping head steady as per John CL's excellent design, thanks John.
Please post pictures of your version of my head steady?
I cannot imagine having to work on bikes without having a lathe and milling machine, welding gear and so on *ex*.
I have a boring and facing head that came in a lined hardwood case with all its accessories thatt i won on Ebay for £80 i think, probably 20 years ago now.
If I had to go and buy every bit and piece that's needed to rebuild a bike it would "A" cost a mint, "B" drive me demented with brexit delays / customs charges and probably dissatisfied with the quality of the repro parts anyway *problem*..
John, I don't have a lathe, milling machine or welder, and wouldn't be able to operate any of them well. Having said that, that is why I'm thankful for chaps like you who have the skills to do the job for me (like MWAS). *respect*
At one time I considered making a head-steady similar to the excellent 'sprung' Norton Commando one.
Put Belleville washers under the bolts? Could work as its would combine friction with a bit of flex.
Please post pictures of your version of my head steady?
I cannot imagine having to work on bikes without having a lathe and milling machine, welding gear and so on *ex*.
I have a boring and facing head that came in a lined hardwood case with all its accessories thatt i won on Ebay for £80 i think, probably 20 years ago now.
If I had to go and buy every bit and piece that's needed to rebuild a bike it would "A" cost a mint, "B" drive me demented with brexit delays / customs charges and probably dissatisfied with the quality of the repro parts anyway *problem*..
Ah good things come in wooden boxes! Not much made today in China does though...This came in a plastic box but at least it's Taiwanese and pretty good quality.
Like most of us I guess, slowly accumulating useful things only to have them sold for peanuts or given away when we've gone! I've been fortunate to be in and around manufacturing all my working life so opportunities have arisen as they say but one of my best wins was from a neighbour a few years ago who's father had been a toolmaker and had a huge collection of various engineering tools and cutters sitting in his shed going rusty. He'd been retired for 20 years and hadn't touched any of it since. I offered a reasonable amount but they wouldn't let me pay for any of it so I got the lot for a carton of beer. I bought the mill from a business who had it sitting in the corner untouched for many years, they were asking about the right money but during negotiations he started pulling out all the associated tooling and clearly didn't know what half of it was for: parallels, vice, angle plate, dividing head, a big set of collets, and this boring head, that sealed the deal for me as to buy the tooling separately would have been half the cost of the machine.
So now I'm retired its any excuse to get the toys out and make some swarf, it all adds enjoyment to the hobby for me! *work*
As regards the steady, I found your post, John, just the other day and I reckon you've got it about right, should resist low frequency big amplitude stuff while taking the sting out of the high frequency movement to some degree, either way I don't envisage it doing any harm. I will certainly show my one when its done ...the pressure's on now!
Put Belleville washers under the bolts? Could work as its would combine friction with a bit of flex.
The trouble with this I would think is the belleville washers are effectively springs. If you do the nuts and bolts up tight they must compress completely flat to achieve a good joint which defeats the object really. If you only squeezed them then they would allow some movement but I think things would loosen, you'd have movement, rusting, wear etc. You could get creative with extra washers, distance tubes to limit compression etc. but it all starts getting a bit cumbersome I think. By all means have a go though Rob. *smiley4*
G'day Fellas.
To day I serviced the old girl. First one since rebuild. Tappets were not far (0.001") out but re-torqued the barrels and r/box so reset them. Three hole oil change. Plugs looked great, carb didn't need touching, timing spot on. All good after her flogging the other day. Mate on a HD had a hard time keeping up and said not a whiff of smoke.
Jeez I live the old girl.
Re head steady - I'm always slightly puzzled about what a head steady does on an A10. Its only stiff in a fore and aft direction. Vertically its really just a hinged link and transverse its a bendy link. I've never known one crack so there can't be a huge vibration problem (unlike say, oil tank mounts). The Commando is isolastic so its a whole different game.
On my OIF A65 I had a big problem with fuel tanks cracking. They cracked at the top without the under tank stay and at the bottom with one. What fixed it was very stiff rubber bushes between the tank and the strap. That's why I'm thinking Belleville washers at the frame connection could be just the right amount of flex.
My question would be "what is the problem?" Do we collectively think the head steady reduces vibration?
My concern with the A10 set up is that the head steady is on the frame at one end and the rocker box at the other so the forces go though the rocker box / head joint by friction as there are no dowels. This must work as the gaskets are not being worn away but it feels wrong.
You may remember me complaining about the LHS exhaust being purple recently on the Flash. So a few checks required. The recently overhauled magneto had a new cam and new points with fibre follower about 500 miles ago. Points gap was only about 9 thou. Since I had the timing at 31.5 Deg BTDC, the closed gap would have reduced it to about 28 Deg BTDC. This only after about 500 miles, so fairly quick wear on the fibre follower/rider/whatchamaycallit. The plugs were a little black and sooty, with the left side slightly drier. My best guess is that the reduced points gap retarded the timing too much and this was the cause of purple exhaust on the Left side. I reset the gap to a loose 12 thou, and the timing measured 31.5 Deg BTDC again, so nothing else had slipped. Now to relube the rear chain and fix the starter solenoid.
Rob many years ago before my mate sold me betsy he came to my house on her and she didn't have a head steady, he was moaning about how the ride was and you could see the engine shaking so he got a head steady. take your head steady off and ride it for a few hours and see how it rides and maybe what it loosens.
I think without the head steady connected the other engine mounting points would be having a much tougher time. Not just in reacting the fore and aft vibrations but also resisting the torque as the engine cases try to rotate in the opposite direction to the crankshaft. The steady is a lot further away from the crank centre than the other mounts and as such sees reduced loads so it does not surprise me that the original parts are quite lightly built, it really doesn't need to be all that beefy to do its job and there aren't a lot of side to side forces to worry about either.
Good point about the torque and I think you may have nailed it. Its the right design for torque and I can see the cases rubbing in the plates without it. I certainly would go without it but that's not the same as being sure why its there. But I like the torque idea so its coffee time!
My take on the theory and practice of eliminating vibration is that the moving parts should be a much smaller mass in comparison to the rest of the machine. So by adding a steady, in effect you take full advantage of the top frame tube etc and all the other bits to make the frame and crankcases a larger single entity compared to the crank, pistons etc. Anything that dampens out the fore 'n' aft movement of the cylinder barrel has got to be of benefit, and a rubber bush mod is fine by me.
Hi All,
As the discussion has been talking about head stradies here is a link to my original post
G'day Fellas.
My take on the head steady. As the barrels are only connected to the crankcase at the base and the amount of material above the flange is very thin it's to help keep the barrels in one piece.
My A7SS racer lifted two sets of barrels (OK she was a fire breather). That led me to develop the through bolt system. Raced for another few years with no problem.
The mates T120R I worked on a month ago had a cracked barrel, the head steady was lose.
Success drilling out a sheared rear spindle adjuster bolt on a Plunger Suspension forged lug. No, it was a cheat, not on the bike, but a cheapo ebay purchase. Untouched for years, these 1/4" bolts seize and like sump plate studs shear off just by looking at them. Mounted under the pillar drill, nice sharp drill bit for an accurate pilot, then increasing size to leave a spiral of old thread just enough to catch, collapse inwards and drive out with a needle punch. Proud of that effort, original thread retained. Rare occurrence, I usually bugger them up completely.
Also took this early frame to Stewart the Welder for consultation. It is in bad shape, looks to have been stored under water and under a pile of scrap. Stewart reckons it can be done, so I'll clean it up looking for cracks and weakness. One front downtube is nicely bowed, but headstock and top tube align OK so worth saving. Has a sidecar lug and curious rusty something bolted thro' the rear brake pedal pivot mount..... The downtube engine steady lug is a welded on solid block, later frames have a couple of back to back pressings brazed on, so I don't know if this is original. Anyone got an early frame to have a looky? The inward bow starts under this lug.
I don't know if this is any help Swarfy but I have a couple of old plunger frames and the older one very scabby and bent like your one, maybe worse *eek* 49 A7 (ZA7.S.221) has a solid head steady mounting welded in as you described while the later 53 frame (BA7.S.6318) has the 2 pressings back to back tack welded and brazed I would think.
Certainly helps.....mine is a 18** series number so quite close and just slightly later, the steady mount is identical to the one pictured, as contemporary as you could get. Reckon that BSA experimented with welded lugs before settling for brazed on lugs as shown on the later frame. Nice to know this mount is original, not some backyard codge. Those pictures show the difference to good effect.
My frame has the left downtube pushed towards the frame centre by about 1/2" but there is no evidence of misalignment of the headstock or bow to the top tube....reckon your example has hit something big time.
Thanks for the looky. If and when I'll post pictures in the frame section of any progress we make. Strictly a cheapskate effort, function over form. It is the latter that costs the money, bugger that! Bondo and Granville Smooth paint daub will do for now. As for scabbiness, reckon mine is a winner.
Yees, you'll need to find someone who really enjoys sand blasting!
Cleaned and regreased two of my A10 drive chains today. Been putting it off for a year. First time I have used Putoline. It must have a sharp melting point as the chain dropped to the bottom of the tin in seconds. Much like the old beef dripping I used in the 1960s. Has anyone used it and have an opinion on Putoline?
*pull hair out* *fight* *bash* *angry* *problem* *rant*
I know I know, loads on here about ‘easy’ ways of doing it, but if I can get a time machine I am going back and telling the designer exactly what I think of him. Rocker box 2 hours, countless attempts, tried with & without comb, with & without elastic bands, with bits of thin wire with ‘hooks’ on the end. Even more annoying I had it first time but whilst checking it the box lifted a band sprang off and I heard the tingk of a rod dropping out *problem* *problem*
Current status I think all the rods are in their cups, I have not put any bolts in the lightly tighten to check, will leave it till tomorrow so I don’t get any crosser *whistle* *doubt*
Worst job ever *sad2*
I used Colsbeeza's comb clamping method and it worked well for me - hats off to that fella. *respect* *respect*
Trust me, if I can do it, you'd be able to do it with your eyes shut. *eek*
B^&%$£d of a job - I think it took me around the same amount of time. *angry* *razz* *problem* Tested it before belting everything up by turning the rear wheel in gear VERY slowly to see if all the arms rocked. *eek*
G'day Fellas.
Lately I've noticed a small oil weep from the oil filter on the A7 plunger (mounted below & behind the battery). Thinking it was the rubber gasket on the filter I replaced it. Took her out for a ride yesterday, about 60 miles. Got home to find it still weeping. Removed the battery to be able to remove the filter head. Found the return hose clamp on the filter head a bit loose, hadn't been touched since the rebuild last year. Tightened it and re-assembled. Took her out again for another lap and left her overnight with a tray under. This morning not a drop.
Now to tackle the speedo drive out of the g/box. There is an O ring fix for this so I'll have a go.
I hate marking my spot on friends driveways.
Musky, can you share pictures of the 'O' ring fix? *smiley4*
G'day Worty.
It's on the forum somewhere, I'll try to find it.
Update on rocker box, left it till I had really calmed down and was not too apprehensive of checking it. Finally worked up the courage on Wednesday to check it so lightly tighten the four main bolts and turned it over, that horrible noise again as a pushrod pops out. Went indoor and screamed with lots of unrepeatable word. Thought about it overnight and its always been the same pushrod exhaust primary side AND it was always that rod that I had just coming onto the cam so slightly higher then the others. Thursday new plan took it all off again and checked the pushrods for any damage, none. Put them back in and turn the engine until the inlet on the timing side was just coming onto the cam. Left it as dam cold out there. Friday pop on rocker box with comb and bands on rockers. All pushrods go in except the timing inlet, hook that with a bit of bent wire and in it pops. Lightly tighten the four main bolts and check and check and check Waaaahooo. The pushrods had better be on properly as I then put on all the other fixings on and tightened everything down. She spins over nicely so I am fairly confident that it is done.
ps any secret method for getting the front two nuts on the studs (from the rocker box into the alloy head), nearly had to walk away again as that too took many attempts.
for the front two nuts i use a steel 6inch rule with the nut on it then feed it up to the stud and with clean threads it spins on, sometimes help it stay in place with a small ended telescopic magnet.
Me too, but that rocker cover is an abomination
Beat me to a reply on front nuts, steel ruler and a blob of grease to hold nuts, then spin on with finger, also have shorten wrench to make tightening nuts easier.
i use the bsa spanner to tighten the nuts .......------
now to have a slurp of cognac with my black&tan cos i'm a pig *beer* ps i will not be a *** ed when feeby shines , can't wait!! hurry up before my belly turns into a beer barrel , talking of beer barrels my mates wife shouted down to him from the bedroom at 2 in the morning and said "dave what you doing and he said trying to get this barrel of beer upstairs and she said what barrel of beer and he said this one in my belly *beer* *wave* *lol*
After the test ride all was well with noticeably less oil leakage from the top end ...which only made it easier to track down the remaining leaks!
I'd noticed the pipe to the rockers was split and after cleaning the oil tank connections there was fresh oil there again so I decided to remove the tank, give it a flush out and see what was what - well...the 1/4" hose to the rockers was attached to a 1/8" pipette into the banjo, I think this is why the old pipe had split so I turned up a new 1/4" hose barb in brass and soft soldered this to the 1/8th pipe to give the flexible pipe something to get hold of.
Then I pulled the feed and return hoses off and couldn't believe it but I should be used to these surprises by now. *eek* The feed pipe was cut so short there was no straight length at all for the hose to clamp to, the return was OK but looks a bit untidy. I stripped and rebuilt the banjo rocker feed take off with new fibre washers, a Dowty washer and some Loctite anaerobic sealer. Then I made me a new pipe out of 8mm brake line steel bundy tube, bent the 90 degree and flared the end to help keep the flexible pipe on. Turned up a new brass male 1/4 BSP fitting and soft soldered these together, reusing the old nut.
Pretty happy with this, the old fitting was ovalised and probably the main reason it was leaking. Happy with the way this has gone so I might make another tomorrow to replace the scruffy looking return side pipe. The straight connections at the engine are OK and don't leak so they can stay for now.
The steel bundy brake line is ideal for this, fully annealed so it bends easily without flattening, has a zinc external anti corrosion finish which solders very readily once you clean the oxidation off and has a copper inner lining so should last forever. My new hoses are 5/16 (8mm) auto transmission lines, cheap, made to handle high temp and pressure and readily available. The rocker supply is quality fuel hose which is more than adequate for this job. The whole job should be done for about $30 (or 15 quid) *smile*
G'day Fellas.
With the new job a 120Km round trip I've been riding the bikes. Twice now on the rHonda and HD so yesterday I took the A7. Now I've had her on the road for 43 years and can count on one hand the amount of times she let me down. About 1/2 way to work I noticed the amp gauge rattling then about 10Km from work it disappeared into the headlight. Motor stopped, electrickal ignition. The contacts must have shortened out. Cable ties to the rescue and a fuse. The rim of the cheap plastic chinesium gauge came off. Was only 15 minutes late for work.
Now looking for a proper one.
hehe musky now looking for a magneto *beer* *wave*
G'day Bergs.
Yep, I knew that was coming *smile*
My apologies for mentioning a non-BSA. I got the Lilac running last week, and yesterday I have it idling and purring like a kitten. The spare heads are getting overhauled at the moment and will fit those soon.
That's GREAT Col ! Getting a 'new' bike going again is such a nice achievement, especially a rare one like a Lilac.
Congrats mate *yeah*
Nice one Col. That motor looks exactly like my old BMW R60/1. What's the history of Lilac?
Hi Worty,
More than you will ever want to know is on this website.
In their hayday, Lilac was the fifth largest Japanese manufacturer after the big 4, producing over 55,000 bikes. They changed their name from Marusho to Lilac over the years.
I have attached the article on the Flat Twins from this website. I have a Japanese market model 1966 Magnum privately imported ( not by me) back then. Only 180 Magnums were made in total. Most were destined for the USA as Marushos. They rightly suspected that Yank riders would not want to be seen dead on a "Lilac". I believe about 25 were sold to the Japanese market as Lilacs. I also have two of the 1967 Electra, one of 4 Lilac Electras to come to Australia, and one US Marusho which I imported in 1998.
All the Lilacs were so low in numbers that almost all castings are sand-cast.
The engines are basically copied from the BMW R50S and perform like one. I use many BMW gaskets, seals, pushrod seals etc from R51/3, R25 etc. Internally there was just enough differences that BMW decided not to sue them for copying.
Next to the BSA, I have always thought that they look magnificent.
After the long winter lay up, the bikes were wheeled out of the garage for their pre riding season prep. Tyres pumped up, oil levels checked, tappets checked (I go for an easy .009 inlet and .015 exhaust on Berg's advice as the top of the valves have a bit of damage). Points gap all good, drop of oil on the cam plate (no wick on mine for some reason?). Plugs a tad rich, but with a bit of tan in there, so fine with me (B6HS). All the electrics are fine (for a change) - seems like most of my issues are with duff batteries. Bit of replacement padding round the tank and a good spit and polish (oh, and a couple of nuts tightened on the front mudguard) - all ready to go *woo* *woo* *dribble*
Oil changes are due all round in the next few hundred miles or so - need to get her out for a blat to get everything red hot. *smile*
Oh, and the Kwaka - pumped tyres up and turned fuel on - so boring, eh! ;D
On Monday I took my bike out for the first ride of 2025. I rode 112 miles from home to Exeter to meet up with other owners of the modern BSA Gold Star. The morning was flippin cold but sunny. The ride home when the sun had been out for a while was a lot warmer. The Gold Star is happy to cruise at legal maximum speeds, (and more 😜). I would not have been happy thrashing my old Plungie like that. I still love my Goldie 👍
Fitted the overhauled heads to the Lilac a few days ago. Spent the last two days adjusting carbs etc and is now running sweetly. The BSA is taking a back seat until April.
Hello together,
today was a perfect day. First I did some bronce casting myself and then I heard a deep moaning from the garage next to my workshop - both were waiting for the first spring ride - hm, yes, but I always have to make sure to take both for a ride just to make sure, none of the two gets jealous ;)
The A10 needed some sump draining first - OK after 3 months waiting and astonishly needed several kicks but then went nice as always. The Zündapp started without any preparation with the first kick. So, I wish all of you an always safe and nice motorcycle year
Best regards, Manfred
Spent some time on my recently purchased 1953 A7...Been sat a couple of years so drained the petrol,cleaned the tank and filled with fresh petrol. While the tank was off i checked valve clearences which were all a little tight. All good now. Checked all lights and put some air in the tyres. Think its now ready for my first ride...Looking forward to that but have to get used to the gear lever on the right as ive only ever ridded japanese bikes upto now...Should be interesting...
Spent some time on my recently purchased 1953 A7...Been sat a couple of years so drained the petrol,cleaned the tank and filled with fresh petrol. While the tank was off i checked valve clearences which were all a little tight. All good now. Checked all lights and put some air in the tyres. Think its now ready for my first ride...Looking forward to that but have to get used to the gear lever on the right as ive only ever ridded japanese bikes upto now...Should be interesting...
*lol* *lol* I still mess up now and then after 43 years of riding the A7 *ex* The A10 Cafe is reversed (one down three up) then there's the rHonda, Yamahahaha and Highly Dangerous. The first corner is interesting and sometimes an hour or more into a ride *pull hair out*
I'd go with that. A10, one up, three down on the right. Kwaka, one down, four up on the left.
Always made more sense with Japanese bikes - clutch on same side as gear lever, both brakes on same side and, after 1st, you go 'up' the gears. The A10, completely opposite. *dunno* *dunno*
Don'tcha just love the thinking of BSA engineers. *razz* *angry* *problem* *clap*
I too have had the 'oh shit' moments on both bikes. *eek*
Moving the A7 around the garden today i thought it was down on power...I had selecter 2nd instead of first *conf*....Think i`ll find a quiet car park somewhere. ;)
Went out on the 'Season opener' with my mates from the Cheshire Branch of the BSAOC. My bike currently has a temporary petrol tank due to the original springing a leak which I'm finding difficult to fix.
Started my first day's run for many months due to illness and injury. Thought I had prepped the A7SS well enough but got half a mile up the road and stopped with a blocked jet. Flooded and got home with my tail between my legs and cleaned the rather grubby carb.
I suppose it's this modern ethanol fuel crap. that can block a jet after standing quite a while despite filters.
Have to get used to the gear lever on the right as ive only ever ridded japanese bikes upto now...Should be interesting...
After two years of only riding my modern BSA I still find my right foot trying to change gear and my left foot trying to brake. 🤪
in the seventies i used to jump off the beeza onto the kwacker and have no problem with this gear thing, nowadays i jump off the yonda and onto the beeza and still have no problem, but then again i'm crap at everything else except drinking black&tans ,, thankyou for listening have a nice day *beer*
I have no problem jumping from the Honda to the Triumph but the upside down shift on the Beeza does my head in.
Today I bit the bullet in the warm weather and lined the G’flash tank with POR 15. If it all works out I will put a post up.