The BSA A7-A10 Forum

Technical (Descriptive Topic Titles - Stay on Topic) => A7 1946-1950 => Topic started by: Johannes on 18.02. 2016 19:18

Title: A7 long stroke engine parts
Post by: Johannes on 18.02. 2016 19:18
I introduced myself already in 2013. I am from Germany and I have got BSA singles (B33, M20).

End of last year I bought a BSA A7 long stroke from 1950. I intend to bring it back on the road as soon as possible. The engine was partly disassembled. I decided to bring the engine to a known workshop for inspection. A worn big end shell was found and the pistons have a clearance of 0.16mm. The specialist mentioned that the big end shell of a A65 can suit and he was afraid that there are no pistons on the market.
Now, I would like to take care for the parts in advance. I’m looking for new pistons (+0.040) and big end shell. I would appreciate if somebody has a recommendation’s or comments.

Best regards
Title: Re: A7 long stroke engine parts
Post by: trevinoz on 18.02. 2016 20:03
A65 shells will not fit. Small journal A7/A10 will.
Title: Re: A7 long stroke engine parts
Post by: Tomcat on 19.02. 2016 05:52
Draganfly sell new Longstroke parts, they have a parts ordering website. 8/10 score Cheers Tomcat
Title: Re: A7 long stroke engine parts
Post by: Drew Back on 21.02. 2016 22:21
British only in Austria is where I got my long stroke pistons Don't know how to send link though...
Title: Re: A7 long stroke engine parts
Post by: Craig on 26.07. 2016 08:23
I just bought a set of new Gandini Pistons +40 from SRM Classic in UK
They also have valves, valve seats and springs.