After much help from fellow members and a search for the correct part, which finally got me a used one, I have managed to replace my destroyed layshaft speedo gear. In the process of searching for the correct part, I bought two of the wrong type with the larger diameter, as mentioned by Trev. I installed the first one and managed to ding it up a bit getting it out of the layshaft. When I received the second one I was diasppointed to see it was the same part number. What surprised me was the limited knowledge on the part of the dealers as to which gear worked with which gearbox, or that there was even a difference.
For future generations of our ilk, I have attached photos of the two gears. The larger diameter part is 42-3033 and the smaller, 67-3088. The difference in diameter is obvious on inspection, with 42-3033 being 0.550" D. (6 teeth) and 67-3088 being 0.468" (6 teeth), as noted by the General. Less obvious is the difference in distance between the back end of the gear and start of the pin hole. For 42-3033 it's approximately 0.300" with 67-3088 being 0.330". It's a bit difficult getting this measurement exactly, but the difference is enough to know it's not accidental. Furthermore. I had to do a bit of grinding on the back end of the gear to be sure the holes lined up.
All that said. exactly which gearbox gets which gear is still not clear to me. Mine is an Sc T2, so, let's say, Sc T2= 67-3088. According to Trev and the stock list at Len Haggis, RRT2 = 42-3033. According to Trev, Std2 = 42-3033. After these, I would just be guessing. For instance, I assume my parts book thinks my gearbox is an Std, so I would guess Std = 67-3088. For fear of leading anyone astray. that's it for my guessing. If someone has complete knowldge of which goes where, it would make a better list than my specultion here. Also, I am real curious why they are different at all.
Sorry about this being such a tedious read, if you've read this far and are disappointed with the ending. After the waiting, sweat, and money that went into this little part, not to mention your reading time, I thought a little more story and some findings would be worthwhile.
Richard L.