I cannot believe the difficulty I am having finding the fasteners for this bike. Now I am not talking the easy ones, but things like the engine case studs and what-not. Everywhere you look, they are listed in a catalog- but when you order you are lucky to get any at all.
I just placed a big order with British Only, and Trevor was good enough to send what he had- but there is nowhere near all the stuff I need. I have looked at lightening, SRM, domi, etc. etc. and can find very little. Oh, most is listed somewhere- but its also not been in stock for years and years and was never removed!
Does anyone know of a small shop that makes these special fasteners? If not, I can see a money making venture. What a boon it would be to click on e-bay and find every nut, stud, and washer for say the engine, or gearbox, or frame....all in a neat package. Especially if it was all high quality stuff- I know I would pay the price and leave with a smile.....
I imagine I am now down to buying the right bolt, cutting the heads off and threading that side to whatever. I can find some stuff in stainless, but again I am just not big on it for high stress fasteners, not to mention the risk of galling everything.