Vintage Touring in West-Norway
Eksingedalen in spring, road 344
Here is a selection of "great views - no traffic" roads near
Bergen, eminently suitable for vintage-iron touring, both on 2 & 4 wheels. The road
standard varies from very good to quite bumpy. Each road has lots of beautiful places to
stop and rest while enjoying the scenery. Some of these routes are former main roads that
where left vacant as new roads and tunnels emerged. They will give you a memorable
impression of nature, combined with a very enjoyable ride. Some routes are close to Bergen
and suitable for short but rewarding trips, and the longer ones might be chosen on the way
to or from other parts of West Norway. There are lot of other places to visit north &
south of this map. This page is meant to give visitors a selection of good roads that will
be overlooked if travelling on the main roads.
Click for large map
1: Bjørndalen, road 235
"The Bear Valley"
Up & up, to a stunningly beautiful valley.
2: Rødland, road 237
Nice short stroll trough farmland.
3: Fanafjell, Lysefjorden, Lysekloster & Os, road 163, 161 & 158
Mountains, valleys, sea & countryside.
4: Fjell, road 210 & 208
Sea-views & countryside. Try the small side-roads.
5: Sund, road 198, 555, 152, 199, 200, 201 & 202
Sea-side charm & countryside. Try the small side-roads.
6: Bontveit, road 165 & 164
Mountain & forest.
7: Samnangerfjorden, road 137
Fjord and countryside. Very nice roads.
8: Kvamskogen, road 7
9: Bergsdalen, the old main road from Dale to Voss
Don't miss it! Amazing scenery.
10. Voss-Granvin, road 13
11: Granvin-Ulvik, road 572
Fantastic winding roads from the fjord to mountains and forests.
12: Fusa, road 48 & 49
Great scenery, countryside, seaside & fjords
13: Sørfjorden, the old main road Garnes-Trengereid, road 276
14: Hardangerfjorden, road 7
The former main road to Oslo
3 pictures from early spring, click for large version
15: Eksingedalen - Stamnes, road 313 & 344
First class itinery. Mountains, waterfalls, rivers, forest, fjordlike seaside.
Be sure to have brakes & lights in decent shape, and there may be some distance between petrol stations. The GSM mobile is working most places. There are no tunnels to speak off on the "red" roads, but there are some long ones on the main road E16 from Bergen to Dale, (+ some antique tunnels along the fjord on road 344) and a 8 km one from\to the ferry Bruravik-Granvin, road 13. For details of the routes, accommodation etc, consult your road map and contact the local tourist offices. For Bergen visit
Have a nice holiday!
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